>almost 4 months since KahGay and season 4 was released and still no announcement of a new character
You guys think SFV will reach the end of its competitive lifespan after this years Capcomcup? I'd hope not because i'm one of the few that actually enjoy playing SFV even with all its faults and warts, but I wouldn't be against a new SF or maybe a revival of one of their lesser known fighters like Darkstalkers or Rival Schools.
Almost 4 months since KahGay and season 4 was released and still no announcement of a new character
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Imagine waiting for almost half a year and we get fucking Honda or Deejay or something.
Why did Chun-li got even bigger breasts?
Why did Cammy went from a short breasted cutie into a titty monster?
Every one of those except for Cammy is an improvement. SFV Ibuki's outfit is better, but her skin tone is off
As long as Makoto gets in I don't care who else does. Some people have been speculating that they dropped the season pass this year for a big final update with multiple characters, 2nd v-skills, and other QoL changes the game is still missing.
To me the SFIV one are better except Ryu, Cammy and Boxer.
The faces are the real problem, like the bodies are just as, or more exaggerated in SFV yet all the faces are all smaller, less expressive and more realistic. SFV Guile's face is disturbing in a way I can feel in my very core.
SF5 needs to die down so Capcom's next fighting game can take the spotlight.
Darkstalkers are not dead
Darkstalkers is dead as shit and you will likely see Rival Schools get a new game before it.
It fucking hurts, I've been wanting DS4 for more than a decade.
>SFV Guile's face is disturbing in a way I can feel in my very core.
The mans been cutting down terrorists and shadowloo soldiers with sonic booms for thirty something years now. That kinda shit changes a man user. Also might feel that way because he has no eyebrows.
Can people just let SFV die? It has bad foundation mechanics and Capcom hasn't overhauled it to even try to save it. Just leave it.
SFV will stick around for a while longer but not get much more new real content. SF6 is going to be a launch title on next-gen.
>Darkstalkers 4 on next gen consoles made in the RE engine
I fucking need it. Just don't make Morrigan and Felicia ugly like they did Trish and Claire.
Stop polishing this turd and make darkstalkers or rival schools.
People shit on the graphics but I think that's the only redeemable aspect, its the only fighter with 3d graphics (sans GG) that isn't full of lifeless plastic dolls.
I just hope SFVI carries over a bit more V characters than SFIV->V. I feel like they really came up with some good/fun ones for V.
Hell I'd take it looking exactly like SFV or even a budget game at this point. As long as it is creative and fun to play.
Also people asking for fighting games using the RE engine have shit taste. The worst thing about modern capcom is its mediocre realistic art direction, All re engine games are among the most boring looking capcom games.
I can see Menat and Rashid having pretty high chances of coming back in VI since they're both well received characters by hardcores and casuals and both have unique playstyles.
Why are their hand and feet so large. You don't see this in Tekken, 3d KOF, Soul Caliber, D.O.A, or Virtual Fighter.
>Still assblasted over something you should've gotten over with by now
Gee what kind of person OP is that made this thread? Cause no one gives a shit about Street Fighter Furfag Otherkin Edition nor Highschool edition
>Darkstalkers is dead as shit and you will likely see Rival Schools get a new game before it.
Why the hell do people think this? Even a cursory glance should tell you that Darkstalkers has more fans than Rival Schools. Let alone actually researching how well each series sold.
It's called being crazy and jaded after Resurrection and that Darkstalkers Are not Dead trailer. It doesn't help that it seems like Ono was the only person there that seemed to care about the series still and he is leaving or whatever.
Morrigan and Felicia waifufags are not real Darkstalkers fans.
I thought there wasn't a Season 4?
There are still far more "real" Darkstalkers fans than anyone interested in Rival Schools in any capacity.
itsuno is the big dick at capcom now and rival schools is his baby
They're still not going to revive an obscure and unsuccessful series when they have another, more well-known and more successful one they could revive instead.
It’s gonna be a new street fighter with all this shit plus 2 more cause player base needs a jolt
Fuck off
Triss and Claire looks fine
Need to fix their netcode
>Darkstalkers is dead as shit and you will likely see Rival Schools get a new game before it.
>Darkstalkers 1: #4 game of 1994
>Night Warriors: #3 game of 1995
>Vampire Savior: #5 game of 1997
>Rival Schools: #15 game of 1998
I don't want to see V skills go away. When six comes around I would like to see them be like 2nd supers or something. They feel like way more useful and versions of Dark Force from Vampire Savior. My only problem is that characters like Ryu just can't seem to get a good one.
Sf6 is going to be a reskinned sf5
Why can't they just do SFII without the retro jank?
If it had a little less guessing games, better netplay, kept fight money, Laura, and launched better than V I'd be totally fine with that. That sounds like a tall order from Capcom though. They'll have to botch SFVI up for laughs because they seem to be pleasing everyone with RE2 and DMCV.
It's itsuno's only chance
>he still thinks SFV is going to get more content
Capcom might be making tons of money off DMC, RE and MH, but that doesn't mean SFV isn't garbage or the earnings from those games should be used to fund SFV DLC.
It's time to cut out the gristle and accept the fact that SFV is the worst Street Figher ever made.
smash bros is the only relevant fighting game that will live forever don't @ me i'm just speaking the truth
>the worst Street Figher ever made
>the worst Street Figher ever made.
because capcom knows where the money is
the game feels like it came out last year since it was so broken on release. if sfVI was announced next year it'd be way too early.
fucking based but fucking true
V skill is literal cancer killing SFV. The character’s uniqueness and viability are locked behind their v skill
Locked behind V trigger, not V skill. Stop being retarded.
if you have trouble building up your V gauge, you are bad at the game. I'm not saying its a great system, but don't act like its hard to get a V trigger. FADC was a much worse mechanic, anyway
Both are based. I just don't want more waifushit no one good will play unless they are braindead or broken ala Karin.
Wrong. The problem with SFV is that you're playing the system rather than the opponents character.
It's nearly as sterile as Tekken.
I think V trigger is an interesting mechanic but I hope Capcom changes it up again for SF6.
I like how each game in the series feels distinct.
I really like Street Fighter V but MAN do I wish they did stuff with it. It's basically been the same game the entire time, you can't even say, "but bro the base version of every Street Fighter game is bad!" because it's literally been 3 years at this point.
I just want people to stop complaining about the game and enjoy it, but Capcom hasn't done ANYTHING with it.
Here's to praying Street Fighter 6 doesn't have fucking auto combos.
Which SF game is your favorite?
Mine is SFxT, I like the combos, mixups and speed
??? Hardcores hate Menat for being braindead in neutral. People were only excited because she allowed for some execution during launch
>Here's to praying Street Fighter 6 doesn't have fucking auto combos
SFV has auto combos? Besides almost every game has auto combos these days.
SF6 should have more target combos for every character
>Here's to praying Street Fighter 6 doesn't have fucking auto combos.
I hope SFVI has ez pz combos so autistic double-niggers can't gatekeep against 27-year-old boomers who don't have 8 hours a day to memorize repetitive and tedious controller movements. How about people just enjoy the game and be happy?
Not him but i fucking LOVE 3rd strike. Parries, 3 supers per character, multiple super/EX bars per match and the beautiful sprites put it well above all the other SF games for me, and above almost all other fighting games in general.
I like SF5 the most but that's also the one I got into first. I think it has some good ideas but the launch was rough and it never really recovered from it. 3S is also a lot of fun to play.
I haven't really given SF4 or SFxT much time but they seem pretty cool.
I wish I could have gotten into fighting games earlier. I missed out on so much.
>SFVI is fully sprite-based, with beautiful 20XX-tier sprites
>not having to make 3D graphics means they have the time and budget to add way more characters
>half the roster is Darkstalkers characters
how big would your erection be, Yea Forums?
I think I'm tied with ST and SFV. Alpha 2 is a little behind.
SFxT was pretty cool but chain combos in SF games kinda weird me out. Love it in Darkstalkers or anime games, but put it in SF and I feel weird about it.
on another note, why the fuck has capcom never done special intro's for fights since this game? why are they so fucking lazy about everything that isn't slutty DLC outfits?
i'd preorder the deluxe edition right now, even if it meant coming up short on rent this month. alas, we will probably never see another beautiful sprite based game from a major company again. i hope someone proves me wrong, but i doubt anyone ever will
SFV does not have auto combos, but I fucking HATE auto combos. Even when I was a massive casual I fucking hated them. I also hate target combos or the way that combos work in Tekken and Mortal Kombat. Literally removes control from the player for no reason.
Well, by making "ez pz combos" you are preventing people who enjoy higher execution from "just enjoy[ing] the game and be[ing] happy". So, no. I do not mind there being easy to do combos and difficult, slightly more rewarding to do combos, but I do not approve of fucking auto combos. They suck so fucking hard.
>not having to make 3D graphics means they have the time and budget to add way more characters
This is the exact OPPOSITE of how this shit works. It's WAY fucking harder to draw and animate HUNDREDS of individual sprites per character than it is to put all of your work into one 3D model, rig it to do all kinds of animations and just be done with it. There are plenty of reused animations in Street Fighter V and Ibuki's character model was literally commissioned by some random online to save money.
People still play SFV?
I really am hoping for a fresh start with SF6 at this point, that or some dormant fighter IP seeing a revival. As someone who loved SF4 to bits, I never boarded the SF5 hate train but I didn't personally have any fun with it either. Maybe Itsuno-san could be the savior we all need.
>not having to make 3D graphics means they have the time and budget to add way more characters
That's not how it works. 3D is cheaper.
if it was easier why didn't they do 3d graphics for 3rd Strike? it even has "3" already in the name.
You don't know what you're talking about. Sprites are more expensive than 3D models and is one of the reasons why old SNK died. It takes literally at least a million to make one sprite character.
>Literally removes control from the player for no reason
Target combos, when done right usually have a choice like
move 1 > move 2 > move A or move B or move C
move 1 would be relatively quick, move 2 is there have timing, for example: making it easier to react to how the opponent guards
move A would be a high that's relatively safe but less damage if it lands
move B would be a low that's unsafe, but knocks down
move C would be a mid that's highly unsafe but sets up combos
You really always have control, except for games where target combos are only combo options and nothing more
>He can't do combos
It's SF and Capcom still supports it so it survives even by being garbage. Tekken has passed it as the FGC's golden child along time ago though.
Besides everyone pointing out you misunderstanding sprites and 3D work, I think this game would be a headache to plan out and balance. It'd probably be fun though.
The next SF should go for fully stylized graphics, and also the clothing should be keyframed for moves to create effects similar to 2d animation
Yeah I dropped SFV for tekken (also GG and melee). From what I've seen SFV is fairly dead at the local level and only really thrives at larger tournaments.
Parrying is fun, removes the skill ceiling, and should be a staple of street fighter.
Too bad basically no game does this. You have to just hit 1,2,3 as quick as possible before you've seen any of the moves come out. At least in Mortal Kombat's case
Street Fighter EX literally DID come out a year before Street Fighter 3 and that used 3D graphics. Street Fighter III: New Generation came out in 1997. I am sure back then it was a lot cheaper to have an arcade cabinet chipset that supported 2D sprites than it was to have 3D graphics, and it was probably a lot cheaper back then to make sprites instead of 3D graphics. Now though, it is WAY easier to make 3D models and use 3D graphics. Just facts. Skullgirls uses 2D animation.
Oh, and also it's impossible to sell cosmetics if you use 2D sprites because you'd have to reanimate the entire thing to change their outfits. So, there's another reason.
Only if parrying projectiles pushes the opponent backwards
Dan or Abel please. He already has some sort of model from the story mode right? wheel kick is fun
No, parrying blows. Yes, we all saw "ebo moment number 37 where deigo parry da big supar and won de game"
But there's a reason it literally has never come back, because at the high level it fucking blows. It makes jumping into a 50/50 and actually removes more options from the game than it adds.
I hate that only a few people have parries in 5 and they're either V skills or locked behind their triggers. I didnt like FADC, but it was some kind of functional replacement for parries, so it was almost justifiable.
SFV tournaments would be so much more fucking hype to watch if everyone could parry at all times
SFV has twice as many characters and half as many viable OP ones for a significantly more noticeable balance disparity.
I don't see how special move shortcuts/buffer leniency makes for a bad game? No one has trouble doing a DP input anyway. I've never once been like, "Dammit, I did the move wrong," once I learned how to do it thousands of hours ago.
How does having an input shortcut for dp make it worse than SF1?
Honda and DeeJay are amazing, shut your mouth. DeeJay isn't essential, but the eight world warriors should be in every game.
The super turbo guy i would want is fei long.
it is DEEPLY upsetting that i can't turn of the babby execution modes. i didnt even realize it was a thing for a long time, and when i found out about it, it made a lot more sense why i was fucking up combo's all the time.
also, webm related is the real reason SFV is fucking garbage - its damn near unplayable online, even with a strong, wired connection.
Virtua Fighter does it, and so does SFxT and DoA.
MK has a weird input buffer where you input the moves before they actually come out, which forces decisions to be made by the aggressor. Tekken is slower too in terms of buffer.
In VF, DoA, and SFxT, it's more like a dance of high low when guarding/pressuring, as it should be. Especially in VF.
Oh please Yang, Yun, Chun Li, Ken dominated Third Strike. The only place where you'll see different is Japan and that's place where some people exclusively play Third Strike. SFV has a better viable roster even if the game is dogshit.
SFIV newcomers are incredibly unpopular barring Juri. V has a much more palatable and overall quality bunch of new characters. Don't expect them to port over FANG or Abigail or G though, just like how IV's weirdos like Rufus, Fuerte, Seth, and Hakan are never coming back.
I'll say now that they'll bring back Rashid, Menat, and Laura for sure. Ed and Kolin are possible as well. I can see Zeku being dropped for Guy to return.
The biggest problem with SF input leniency isn't the directional inputs.
Its the goddamn motherfucking negative edge
Jesus christ how the fuck is that happening? I feel like Capcom and like the manufacturers or something should feel embarrassed.
Because Itsuno is pushing for a new Rival Schools something fierce.
Holy shit how is the arcade cab this much of a disaster
V has been ok but I think with Capcom on the streak they have going lately, they are gonna move to inject some better quality into their next big fighter
They either need to commit to a League or Killer Instinct style F2P model for SF or make sure the next major release comes with a full set of features straight out of the box, because lets be real, the state 5 launched in was pretty bad sans the gameplay
Why didnt anyone gave MK 11 shit when they literally copied the Crush Counter system(even the name is similar) and SF footsie based fighting?.
It's beta testing. The same shit happened to Tekken 7 when it first came out in arcades in Japan 4 years ago but nobody would give a shit since it doesn't support their bias. I hate SFV but people act like SFV is the only game to have flaws.
Ultra IV, then Third Strike, then a power gap, then either Alpha 2 or SFVAE. SFxT gets an HM for being fun to lab combos in despite being really hastily made; I fucking loved some of the conversions of the Tekken cast to 2D, particularly Steve, King, and Yoshimitsu.
Forgot pic.
he actually did the quarter circle
>Zeku being dropped for Guy
I hope not. I think he's a cool character and he doesn't rely on the V-System so it would be easy to put him into a new game without changing his tools up.
SFV has Karin.
You're a retard.
The gap of Karin to the other characters isn't as wide as the top tiers in 3S to the mid
You had to choose one of the few things that SFV actually has on Third Strike, number of viable characters, for your example.
Nobody plays mk11 for good competitive gameplay.
I want G would come back as a big story character for VI. Dude is fun to play and just damn interesting story wise.
I do like your other choices for V returns. Wish Falke hadn't come out and fell on her face so fast.
I don't think that's going to happen. Capcom even said themselves they decided to limit the budget and time given to their projects to save money and the only reason the devs have been able to keep up is because the RE Engine makes making assets easy even if it looks bland due to looking realistic. It's why you don't get a good B scenario or your level design sucking in DMC5. These are budget products posing as triple A so Capcom doesn't have to worry about a ridiculous sales goal they tell their investors.
Because no one is expecting anything out of SFV, that's why.
Fuck off. Karin isn't even the best character in the game. The fact that somebody can play Zeku and manage to keep on getting top places is a miracle. Rashid is the best in SFV btw, especially after they gave him more Oki in the recent patch
omega mode sfv
Are you implying that SFV Karin is in the levels of 3rd strike Chun,Yun and Ken?
The last Season cpt standing had 3 Karins out of 48 players.
SFV doesn't have oki so its clear you don't know the fuck you're talking about.
Maybe, but I guess time will tell.
I would hope they at least give their next fighter some good TLC
It sucks to have V be kind of underwhelming and Marvel now be shit
You have to not even played a single game of either 3rd strike or SFV to think that those characters are even in the same universe of broken.
Every character is sean compared to Karin.
Every single fighting that has a knockdown mechanic has oki by definition retard.
>american does well with a character and beats notable japanese players
>people immediately say that said character is far better than everyone else
Why are some people unable to accept that their beloved Japanese players can't win every time?
Karin is definitely strong but Punk is also a very good player. There are other strong characters too. This is probably the most balanced the game has ever been.
SFV has invincible EX wakeup reversals. Pressure barely even exists in SFV just from neutral, much less oki. Frame disadvantage means nothing. Shit is more retarded than Dead or Alive.
meanwhile 3rd strike has 3 non chun/yun/ken players total.
Say what you will about SFV,but it is the most balanced street fighter game
I want them them to make significant tweaks and release Ultra already.
Yea it’s a slap in the face of the people who are keeping the lights on, but so is damn near everything else. At least up the player base and make it more even or “accessible” across the board. The game is plenty fun casually, after Evo I say fuck the competitive scene release the full game. Give anyone who bought previous editions a shit ton of fight money and exclusive “We’re sorry” skins that you can charge for a couple months later.
You're talking out of your ass. Oki is hitting somebody while they're trying to stand up. It's called a meaty in the west. OTG is what you're talking about, which is hitting somebody while they're laying on the ground.
stfu nigger
>Pressure barely even exists in SFV just from neutral
>Frame disadvantage means nothing
It's actually the opposite. The entire game has been reduced to frame counting which is why it's so sterile. All mixups are based on frame count, not high lows or movement. The game even promotes this by allowing counter hits to net big damage and build V-meter
Nigger every other street fighter has invicible wake up reversals,except in older games they dont even cost bar.
Oki by definition is just any type of pressure after a knockdown,how fucking dumb are you?
And Ono was pushing for a new Darkstalkers something fierce. Didn't do any good.
Yes, which is why the game sucks so much ass. Its built entirely atound 1 thing being frametraps, but then it doesn't even do it right cause EX reversals are a thing.
V Skill is part of the V trigger system in general. V skill itself is cancer as 90% are just one press anti-fire ball button.
V trigger is part of the problem that SFV feels so systematic and formulaic. V trigger set the pace of the match. V trigger is made for those “epic comeback” so every character design and mechanic is plain and neutered until their v-trigger is activated. The activation itself is too easy, safe and always basically allow a character to get in for free and do their v trigger thing.
Menat is cool for being a top tier character that is not another unga rush in character but instead a zoning character while also have hard execution and many unique and fancy set up and play style which allow players to express themselves. However, we can’t ignore the fact that her viability is also helped by having one of the most broken v-trigger in the game.
You're really dumb huh. Stop acting like you know your shit when you obviously don't know anything. Daigo had built a reputation of using wake up dp even before SFV was a thing.
SFxT was his chance to take a risk.
It flopped so no more risks.
SFV isn't doing well enough to allow him to take another risk
Yep. Barely any potential for creative play outside of like two characters
I know that netherealms games are meme tier, i just find it amusing that the fgc still cries to this day about crush counters while at the same time creaming their pants about MK11.
The umehara shoryu is a predictive shoryuken counter hit. Its not about wakeup.
>V trigger is made for those “epic comeback” so every character design and mechanic is plain and neutered until their v-trigger is activated.
all fighting games have some sort of shitty comeback gimmick now, if not multiple like DBFZ, and i hate this shit. its the reason i didnt like having supers and ultras in SF4 - its a reward for getting hit. i dont mind the v system as much because you can build the gauge actively and offensively, but it definitely does make the game a bit more systematic and predictable in some ways, but forcing out v reversals or using them a lot yourself can make it a little more iffy
Wakeup is a part of it, dumbass. Everything is fucking predictive in fighting games, especially SF. People praise Daigo because he does it in unexpected times and is uncannily successful at it.
I don't think that there is anything inherently wrong with crush counters.
The biggest problem with them is that a lot of the buttons that crush counter seem to have that property as an afterthought, which leads to things like Bison having plus on block CC moves or Karin having a safe, long reaching st.HK that can also CC.
No, the problem is that there is so few thing you can do when you are negative on frame. You have to respect opponent so much on a frame negative in SFV and that causes the game to break down into frame counting. There’s no option to backdash, push block, or focus attack and DP is infact too fucking costly. It take EX to get invincibility and you can get punished too easily and too hard. You also can’t often jab or throw out something lighter because you expect opponent to throw out another big move because normal have shitty hitbox that have a very limited set distance where they can work with. Also, hit priority and crush counter also heavily make the risk way too high to jab out. In other games, you can’t just braindead pressure just because you are plus.
your comment makes 0 sense,its like you just threw fighting games terms together.
The whole point of the wake up DP,is risking the most punishable move in order to avoid wake up pressure a.k.a Oki,that has always been a part of every single street fighter and most other fighting games.
Its pretty clear that either you are plain retarded or never played a single fighting game on you life.
I have a feeling they'll do some Capcom only 3v3 game.
>Dante, Nero, and V are confirmed playable
SFV is extremely unpopular for good reason. No one needs you jibjabbering at them trying to gaslight them into believing otherwise.
You literally have mental problems user,the conversation wasnt even about SFV per se,but it looks like it lives rent free inside your head
and still pulls the biggest numbers in the the fgc fag
Comeback mechanic is not inherently bad in fighting game. It is there because if you have any health lead in any fighting game, you are in such a huge advantage that you fan dictate the match pace and it’s an uphill battle right away for the other player. To stop every matches to be whoever landing the first hit and get a free snowball to victory, comeback mechanic has to be there. DFBZ is actually a reasonable comeback mechanic because you have to decide between keeping your team intact early or save for higher level sparking later on. USFIV, GG from what I see have reasonable comeback system as well. SFV v trigger is too much because it allow one character to win neutral for free and potentially take 70-80% of the with a single strong v trigger mix up into stun and never allow the opponent to activate their v trigger.
Here's your SF6 bro
>titty monster
>barely c cups
Bitch are you for real?
Claire looks ok but trish looks like a fucking trans goblino
I knew a Chinese girl that was a fan of Chun Li, and hated how thicc she was.
Like it was un-Chinese.
Because SF is based on realistic body types and Ethnicity accurate? Sagat is from Thailand and motherfucker is 7'4. Did you tell her she was retarded?
>Raizo never got to be in a game where he didn't look like a giant polygon block with stubby limbs
I actually did want him back in Project Justice.
Yeah, I did
Just bought the game yesterday and decided on Sagat as my main, any one have a good tutorial/guide for him?
Oki fighter 4 had meterless invincible reversals and sfv had them too before they took them out LMAO.
Spam tiger
That and some strings are basically all I can do right now. Trying to learn his kara stuff at the moment, I can do fireballs somewhat consistently but struggle to do DPs and knees.
I feel lime she has a decent chance fortunately. Season 3's new newcomers were pretty disliked, a lot of SFV's newcomers were, and Third Strike nostalgia is there. Oro, Makoto, and a reworked Twelve are what I would like to see.
Bitch can stay gone. Never cared for her.
I want Makoto to crush my sternum!
>RS is in the same universe as SF
>season 4 is RS themed with all characters from the series
Please crapcum.