Find a legitimate flaw.
Find a legitimate flaw
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Terrible models, even for it's time.
Punch-Out Wii had better character models and that came before, no excuses.
It's on the Wii.
>no excuses
Different companies and they spent most of their time building all the environments which is the best part of the whole game.
it's fundamentally a game about jogging, which a lot of people will understandably never like
Character movement is really slow, even with the gems that increase the speed.
the gameplay
The part where you have to save juju in the ether mines was super corny and killed the momentum the story had built up with its opening. It did get good again after that though.
Spike mechanic.
FUCK spike mechanic. Getting punished for trying to hit the enemy at all? Fuck that.
Xenoblade had to render a huge open world with foliage on a glorified GameCube. Punch Out had to render a boxing ring
The sidequests suck ass
Spike damage
Tedious fetch sidequests
Uniques take a million years to kill
Still one of my favorite RPGs though
Really really bad MMO tier sidequests.
somebody post the webm
>no excuses.
how about the fucking massive world running on the wii
>spike damage still exists 2 games later
It has no definitive version (Dolphin with the HD pack comes close but it still lacks the 3DS port's AI improvements). It needs a Switch version so it can have the better AI, not-240p portability and just generally a more official clean-up/HD conversion.
constant switching of quick step gems
XC2 and XCX at least let you invalidate it with one Augment/Aux Core, having to waste gem slots on spike resist or spamming Monado Purge was really fucking tedious
No alternate ending for Shulk to choose Melia. Affiliation with your party in general does not affect story in any major way
no switch remaster
it lead to the development of xenoblade 2
>not keeping some benchwarmer character fully loaded with Quick Step V+ and switching characters instead of gems
so what you're saying is that xbc made us look at rex.
they spend a decent amount of time going on about how fiora's mechon body isn't going last long, then just suddenly give her a homs body in the ending to fix it
what was even the point of that drama in the first place
also everything about the love triangle (if you can even call it that) sucked
you're still menu hopping constantly, that's the problem
>constantly going in and out of the menu to switch characters for fighting/movement
sounds fucking terrible
it lead to the development of another good game huh, nice
not much porn
Ai is fucking shit
A vision!
*replaces your battle music*
Not really.
Still nowhere as bad as constantly rebinding Blades for field shit.
Shit man are you switching out every time you have to move six steps between fights or what? Most movement should either be a slow crawl with your party looking for fights or just ignoring enemies and bee-lining to where you need to be. Or hell, just take your time once in a while, it's a beautiful game with a great soundtrack.
If you rushed through Satorl you deserve your self-inflicted frustration.
Affection grinding for heart to hearts was needlessly painful and ends up totally breaking the flow of the game when you have to go back to scour for H2Hs you found hours ago but were arbitrarily locked out of.
it's the same shit. Menu hopping sucks in these games
>Dumb shitposter can't even get the game right.
Visions are useless
>Get an animation that cuts down all momentum and replace the music with a terrible shit one
>when, basically, future visions are just what other jRPGs already do : announcing an attack
It's a useless gimmick that already existed for years and implemented in the shittiest possible way.
here you are
you can just not do it, the movement speed gems don't make that much difference and neither does giving up a couple gem slots
>second playthrough
>finally get some shit done in Makna
>last thing to do is fill out the map so I don't have those ugly blank spots
>sigh as I head for the great falls, this part was such a bitch to fill out last time
>fucking 45 minutes of just swimming
>open up map to see how much I'll have to cover
>it's 100% complete
And that's how I learned that my autistic need to completely fill out the maps was as easy as just finding all landmarks and areas. 80 hours in.
I have no one to blame but myself but I'm still fucking mad.
yeah, xenoblade x
My only real complain is the pacing and leveling is kinda messed up. I mean in each big city you are encouraged to do as much sidequest as you can to level up faster, but by doing this you will overlevel to the next dungeon/boss/story moment, and yet the game difficulty scales way too much when you reach the next map forcing you to go to the next big city and repeat the same hours of grinding sidequest
You couldn't choose to be with Melia at the end.
>Oh no this character would be inconvenient to be alive
>They die to self-sacrifice/stupid bullshit
2 does it as well but not as stupidly blatantly as metal face.
>Xeno game
>almost no worldbuilding
Shallow battle system that only allows for flexible character builds at the very endgame when you start grinding for gems to slot into your shit.
this is the laziest shit
if you're going to have the heroes spare the villain, at least have the guts to have them deal with the consequences of their choice instead of conveniently offing the villain in some other way immediately afterwards
Legit this. Melia is so much better.
Melia is a douchette
>Legit this
Stupid zoomer.
The word is legitimately.
What's best party and why is it Melia / Shulk / Riki?
>A flaw
The only flaw with Sharla is she has little to no art online.
Shimomura's work on XB1's soundtrack was pretty mediocre overall.
I'm glad we seem to be past the days where people were crediting her for the entire soundtrack and ignoring the other composers.
>either Shulk or Melia on AI
you've already fucked up if you have melia or shulk on the AI
The sidequests, while usually having decent or at least fun writing, have very tedious grindy actual gameplay. Running laps through Makna Forest grinding collectable orbs, or worse doing it in the Bionis Interior for Black Liver Beans was absolutely miserable.
Other than that the game is fucking incredible, with most flaws being minor nitpicks.
Fandom throws a fit if you don't spoiler tag anything Xenoblade. They don't care the game's 8 years old, or how more people are aware of certain aspects like Robo Fiora. To them, a spoiler should remain spoiler tagged indefinitely because new people are born into the world everyday.
Not on PC
>Melia and Shulk in the same party
Monolith even programmed the AI to discourage the player from wanting Melia to be near Shulk during gameplay
if you're an idiot it's not
Spoiler that spoiler you fucking tard
I had the same issue in that area with all the water and you teleport between islands in the sky. I swam through the entire first area with the main town and that took a good hour and then at this later part in the game I was swimming for half of it and then noticed that unlocking the landmarks un-shaded the areas lol.
Riki lead, Shulk/Dunban AI
Spam the everloving shit out of your DoT arts, generate tons of Party Gauge through Happy Happy, heal the party with You Can Do It. Use your accumulated Party Gauge to request Monado Arts from AI Shulk whenever you need them (actually much easier to do things this way than playing Shulk yourself and needing to fill the Talent Gauge at all times). Just remember to delete Battle Soul from his arts selection so the AI doesn't kill itself. Dunban does Dunban things.
>Find a legitimate flaw.
way too much talking in battle and theres no subs that overlap eachother in a hilarious waBORN IN A WORLD OF STRIFE
I use Shulk as the main and dump gems into his back-stab damage and chance for a double attack, but I'm not sure if double attack works unless it is a regular attack, not a special?
Secondary members would be the muscly guy WHAT A BUNCH OF JOKAHS and I think I had Riki. It's been about 6 months since I played and I'm at the valley of the swords I think.
It made the 2 shitfests known as Xenoblade X and 2 exist which ruined the legacy that Gears and Saga built.
double attack only works on auto. Still worth it since monado arts are really good and double attack builds your talent art faster
>the legacy that Gears and Saga built.
Lorithia boss fight
Neck yourself.
I was worried about this. I mostly use his skills and not his auto attack. Maybe I should remove some of the double attack gems and change them to Attack Power or something?
Besides the Agility, Backstab, Double attack gems are there any other good gems to use? They all seem so specific and worthless in regular combat. Why would I want to take less damage from falls when i can just take the damage and then stand still for a second to recover?
Shulk/Riki/Dunban is my personal favorite.
for me, it's Melia/Dunban/Riki
just stick with the basics like ether damage up, strength damage up, physical def up, etc. Pro tip agility is the most broken stat in XC1, it's like endurance in dark souls 1. It had to have its attributes split up in future games
cringe and bluepilled
Something like 350+ fucking sidequests, with only a tiny handful being engaging or at all interesting.
Obtaining them all more or less *requires* a guide due to how spread they are, with many being available in obscure locations at specific times of day only.
Doing them results in you overlevelling the main game content so horrendously that nothing can even pose a threat even to the most braindead player.
Almost everything about the sidequest system is just horrible.
Other than that the game is actually quite good. XBC2 dissapointed me greatly.
Game shoulda ended after Egil though
Fuck that fight. I kept accidentally drawing aggro as Melia and it was a nightmare.
99% of the sidequests are absolute garbage with absolute ass NPC schedules, especially in Frontier Village and Alcamoth, the textures are garbage (then again, it is a Wii game), you have to remove all sharp objects and put a football helmet on AI!Shulk so he doesn't cut himself to death and Melia's AI is vegetable-tier, affinity gain is so slow you'll miss out on 90% of H2H the first time you come across them and then binge them all post-game, AI in general are dumb enough to kill themselves on spiked enemies and easily avoidable poison puddles, Shulk stops Dunban from killing Mumkhar only for him to die a Disney Villain Death two seconds later anyway, Mechonis is copy-pasted boring ass elevator activation simulator all the way to the top, story felt neutered because of Takahashi being too afraid to make it an actual Xeno game (thankfully 2 retrospectively fixed this), the great "the best armor looks like ass so do I want style or stats?" conundrum (thankfully X fixed that with fashion slots).
Xenoblade 1 is a great game, but saying it's literally flawless is just wrong
It's boring repetitive grindy gameplay
It killed Xeno.
It's a Jrpg, but with MMO mechanics, and it's single player.
>thankfully 2 retrospectively fixed this
not really
what 2 did was interesting, but it hardly affected 1's plot or did anything to improve it aside from giving klaus a little more depth.
this a thousand times. one of the worst side quest systems out there.
-hard to find where your supposed to go even with the map or who to turn the quest into depending on the time of day
-very unsatisfying and repetitive, >durrh go here to this hard to reach cliff side and grab this
-very little rewards overall making it better to avoid all of them altogether.
Xenoblade 2 retroactively made a lot of Xenoblade 1's plot holes or vaguely explained things make more sense, particularly how Alvis revived Shulk after the revelation that he's Ontos
xenogears fans would be the type of people to try to scientifically measure narrative quality in a spreadsheet
It's not as good as FFVI.
[Battle Party] in Skill Tree I'm assuming means they need to be in the active party?
Friendly reminder that the conduit/zohar was going to show up with Alvis at the end of Xenoblade 1 but it was cut because the guy proof-reading Xenoblade 1's plot never played a previous Xeno game before and told Takahashi to remove it.
It's too big for a single player game, as in, it takes too long to get from one place to another. A large world is impressive, but it starts to become grating when needing to backtrack for side quests. If not for the fact that I emulated it and ran the game on a constant 1.5-1.75x speed every time I wasn't in a cutscene, I don't think I would have been able to beat it.
>most sidequests are awful fetchquests
>ether mines kills all momentum the game gains in the first few hours
>storywise the game goes completely off the rails at the mechanis core
>egil is a shitty villain
>bionis interior is just a huge pain to get through
>almost half of the main cast have no effect on the main plot and are just kind of along for the ride
>gem system has no depth and eventually you get stuck with so many materials you have to spend several minutes discarding a bunch of them from your inventory
>movement speed is unacceptably slow
>you spend all your time during battles looking and shuffling through the arts bar instead of feeling like you're engaged in an actual fight
>affinity grinding is a huge chore
>the collectable system where you run into the light crystals makes collecting everything in the collectopedia and finishing sidequests that require certain items a huge grind considering how rare some of the materials are
>Best girl Melia got cucked
Still a great game though
It's Japanese
It's a bit repetitive, but still a god tier game, great music too.
Xenoblade X was mediocre shit.
I'm thinking about replaying it.
>this autism again
Two games later and the AI still doesn't know how to stay out of damaging enviroments
>tfw entered the marsh for the first time at night
I've always wondered what it would have been like to go in with no idea what you were in for and see the dingy swamp turn into a silent frozen fireworks display around you.
I can't find my old classic controller so I have to use the wii mote.
melia doesn't win
almost forgot
>graphically it's on par with FF12, a PS2 game that came out four years before it
>many of the games mechanics are never properly explained, particularly the vision system, chain attacks, and skill links
The second Jade Face fight made me want to ragequit, that was some massive bullshit.
Fuck this series
Still hasn't figured out how to not kill itself with HP-halving arts, either.
the sequel
>try to play as Addam or Hugo in Torna
>Lora immediately commits sudoku
They come from the Cuckia universe.
huge empty world full of meaningless tasks, awful story, terrible characters, terrible NPCs, and a combat system that is convoluted without being fun. the perfect game for the autist too cool for minecraft.
It's too damn long.
This. Where's the fucking switch port, monsoft?
>Punch-Out Wii had better character models and that came before, no excuses.
this would like comparing Melee models to REmake ones
based xc2 fix it
The story gets way less interesting after Metal-face falls off into infinity and Shulk loses his murder boner for killing robots.
so this is the monado's power... not bad..
>dem hips and dimples
It's indirectly responsible for XC2.
Honestly her white mage healing abilities are kinda useless in Xenoblade. Health items are dished out like candy and you are better off with Riki's buffs and debuffs.
>Health items are dished out like candy
>health items
In battle health pickups,
Too much exp from quests.
>Health items are dished out like candy
Nigger what? There IS no health items in Xenoblade. The reason Sharla's useless is that finishing fights quickly with more DPS is more often than not a better way of surviving than stalemating fights longer with heals until you get slowly wittled down, and because, when she doesn't straight up miss on them because of her retarded cooldown mechanic, Sharla is STILL fucking useless at building damage multipliers in a Chain Attack. Riki's healing art and Shulk's Light Heal are more often than not all the healing you'll ever need
those aren't in XC1 bro...
I think you're getting XB1 and XB2 mixed up, user. 1 doesn't have health pickups.
... which never existed before Xenoblade 2.
So again, what the fuck are you talking about?
I actually loved building Colony 6.
I love those kinds of quests, too. Tarry Town in BotW was amazing.
I liked it too until
>Black Liver Beans
I was fine with with it until it asked for two (2) black liver beans and I spend like an hour to find it
She composed the title theme, right? It's easily the second best track in the game
Based ACE+
I tried playing it on Wii and I couldn’t fucking read what the game was telling me. The fucking text is too small and X has the same problem. I didn’t drop X but I did drop XBC because of it.
Is Xenoblade X kino or shit?
It's hard to point out a flaw when every second was a fucking mistake.
how to play Melia efficiently? do you keep some element orbs on you for buff?
Follow this.
Incredibly flawed, but loved by many.
Can I go back to this game after playing both X and 2?
I started this one but never finished it.
It's sequel
Yeah, it holds up pretty damn well.
Great world, gameplay and sidequests. Main story is very bare-bones and ends in a cliffhanger.
Sidequests are pure kino, main story is kinda undercooked
it's never going to be better than fortnite.
Gameplaywise it's significantly different from 2 that it will be okay, and X might be an improvement but only from a playable character perspective as your ai are just there to soak up a bit of damage or make 1% dps