also what was the last game you played on Steam?
How many games do you have on Steam?
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rank me based on recent gaming Yea Forums
I have 58 games, last played was FTL
>40 hours on DMC5
did you like it?
Loved it. Still playing it, but currently I'm not in the mood to tryhard, so I'm taking it easy with DMD attempts.
Last game played is LET IT DIE. I just reached floor 20.
Kill me
>games (1989)
shiet, boi
about 50 or so. bought exactly none of them, all either gifts or giveaways
Went from buying a game a week to buying a game a year.
This. I had a shit pc for a long time so when I was able to afford a good gaming rig, I bought most of the games I missed out on. Now I'll pick up a game or two during a sale at most
388, most played game is still TF2 followed by Dawn of War. Funny how everyone on Yea Forums has around the same game count.
so far I only bought Bayonetta, ZOMBI and Vampire Bloodlines this year
I'm planning to buy MK11 and then I'm done for the year
I wish I could game like that again, working sucks balls.
how many games do you have?
these plus the 100 games on my gf's account
I see people with 2000+ games but only have more than 20 hours on like 10 of them and the rest have less than an hour or no play time at all. It's always gamer girls and people who write essays and give their life story on their steam page. Why do people do this? Why get thousands of games and barely play a single one of them? It's amazing really
What is Brian doing in this thread?
120 games in my library. It's just that autism forces me to fully immerse myself in the games I play. If I can't play for more than just a few hours per play session then I break the cycle of immersion too often and just stop playing the game after a few days.
It's the same thing as loading a save with a high level character after playing other games and you don't really remember what the character went through, your build or the reasons you wanted to build your character like that.
forgot to add KF2
killing floor was one of the first games I bought on steam. i loved it but i heard the sequeles were less fun
I don't know who that is. Also, why does it show a different number of games on my profile?
three hundred and thirty five
Voodoo Vince Remastered.
Probably like 300+ because of humble bundle bullshit. Haven't used Steam for months because it gets no new games except indieshit and ports of weeb console games now. Though I'll get remake2 when it goes on sale.
F2P games probably counted in your library.
Because 99% are asset flip garbage.
>t. 1992 games
The sequel does quite a few things better than the first, however imo it lacks the gritty charm of the first. I prefer 1 over 2 but not many people are playing 1 these days. Really hard to find some servers, especially lower difficulty ones.
last played factorio, fun game but it makes me feel like a turbo brainlet
pretty much all those games are from years and years of indie bundles from places like humble, indiegala, bundlestars, etc. only played about half so far but I'm slowly getting to everything
I only buy maybe 100 games per year these days.
I used to buy everything going but stopped once PC game prices got worse and Steam got flooded with low-quality junk.
>100 games a year
I can smell your fattiness from here, basement dweller.
Nah, I'm rake thin, like a proper nerd.
I have 1000 games on steam and you don't
How does that make you feel?
I have two types of Steam friends
The one who has 50 games and played 30-35 out of them with an average 10-15 hours of gameplay
And the one who has 400 games, never played half of it, and a good portion of played games are barely 1-1,5 hours on record
don't really play all that much on steam nowadays mostly just play dmc fnv dungeon defenders and the occasional doom/serious sam run
>A2 thighs
What the fuck?
>I only buy maybe 100 games per year these days. I used to buy everything going
how many games do you have?
In total or on Steam? 2658. Total? Probably something 5k+ across all platforms.
>How many?
Too fucking many. This is thanks to bundles, buying things only on sale, and random keydrops from a group I hang out with.
The number includes some key-based demos like Disgaea 2, some free games, SKSE, and the Sam & Max game but... 871.
>last played
it was the My Lovely Daughter demo. Last actual game was either Enderal or Hollow Knight.
>3141 games
I meant Steam
In total I have Idk around 300, maybe 350
Do you fags not see the guy with 6k games right above that?
oh shiet, really
if you leave multiple games running it counts the hours for all of them
>tfw no stalker threads
I have two accounts, one for multiplayer games one for single player, between the two I have about 200 games.
I have a problem
Fate Extella Link.
>all these steam gamelets
He's probably just idling them so he can be the guy with the most hours in them and make wacky posts.
there are a few guys who buy literally every game on steam and grind levels for whatever reason, obviously that user is just screencapping someone that does it but it's crazy that people like that even exist
I resist to believe this
there was that guy who made it his life goal to own 20k games on Steam, he's around 18k these days
>tower unite
Yes, you do.
are there even that many games on steam?
link acc, otherwise it's just a shop
at least my shop was believable
Nope, it's in the 30,000s right now.
lol get on my level
pic related
is this guy rich or something?
Hyptronic has more than 15k games
those who have hundreds and more than one thousand games - how many of those games have you played? and I by playing I mean playing more than a few hours
I'm and I try to play the games to completion, and usually do unless they're absolutely horrible to play or straight up broken like some shitty indie games are, a lot of the time the smaller games are only 30 minutes to an hour long though
I have over 400 in just my steam library. I've finished roughly 2/3 of those but some have been free codes friends have given me as they had extras, some have been shit from bundles I didn't want.