Loved 5 so convinced myself to play through the whole series, including this, pretty cringe but far from unplayable
Loved 5 so convinced myself to play through the whole series, including this, pretty cringe but far from unplayable
Why did they remove the fedora from Vorgil?
Why do you think they did it?
There are a few things I like from DE.
Hardcore Mode, Gods Must Die, Must Style, and a few moves that Donte has.
>They remove dumb shit from the definitive version for a chance for a sequel
That's my guess.
I got it for $5 before DMC5 came out. It’s a lot better than the original release.
If they wanted to remove dumb shit, they should’ve rewritten the story.
Worth a playthrough for just some of the level design alone.
DmC was not a bad game.
There was just so much goddamn shit around its development and PR.
Shut up, tripfag. The original release was atrocious.
The one thing I wish DMC5 had that DmC:DMC:DE had was the "Must Style" mode where you only do damage when you have an S rank or above in style. Its such a perfect fit for DMC.
It's far better than DMC2.
That's about it.
Yeah, I kinda liked that too. Feels bad it’ll die because Ninja Theory was this incompetent.
Have you gotten to fetus deletus yet?
>level design
How is the level design any special? It's just corridors leading to fight rooms, and you occasionally have to grapple shit.
>Conman's shitty western bastardization of DMC was so shitty it almost made Itsuno leave.
vanilla DmC is pure shit, the color-coded enemies staggering you if you hit the wrong one was such a bafflingly stupid and clunky system
>pretty cringe
One day, maybe, you'll understand, that it's 5, that is actually cringe.
I can’t believe he shaved his head over all the bullying.
Fornicate thou, Tam Tam.
Alice:Madness Return is also a game where it has pretty interesting and cool visuals/levels. That doesn't excuse it from being quite a mediocre game, or that the levels are great just because they have a unique design.
They copied Alice's hysteria mode for Donte's DT
It's alright. It has shit story and characters but everything else ranges from adequate to good.
Would've been much better if it remained a fuck you fest instead of trying to be serious.
No it wasn't. Definitive made it better though.
I can see the similarities, but Alice’s Hysteria Mode and Donte’s Devil Trigger have a few differences. Donte’s hair turns white, his jacket turns red, and his veins pop out on face, while the enemies pop up in the air and the game gets a red white and black filter turned on. Alice’s also had similar filter, but she only started bleeding from her new black eyes, and her hands and weapon get covered in blood.
you mean art design? the levels are all pretty linear and nothing special, and even the art gets kind of old.
it's just a lot of floating shit in the air and a ton of bloom and orange/blue
Then you’re delusional. Original release was awful.
You said that already.
And you’re still using a trip code on an anonymous website. Funny, isn’t it?
>Capcom asked those dumb fucks to change this series completely
>Even they knew it was a bad idea but told them they hired them specifically because of that
>They get utterly shat on, rightfully so because of their pathetic attitude, while Capcom can get back people's graces so easily
Ninja Theory really are the poster child of cucks.
>they got bought up by fucking Microsoft and will release a bunch of mediocre flops before eventually getting shut down
>DMChads got a great new game and a bright future ahead of them
>vorgilsaurus leak is not real
Why, it could have been kino
And Tameme got bought by Microsoft. He had to watch the reveal of DMC 5 while Matt called it the true sequel to DMC 4.
Would have had to make a new game if they went down that road.
Because that would mean they would have to stop taking their shitty story seriously, and they’d have to think about something original for once.
>Definitive Edition
I think you should know that the DE massively improved on the base game by giving it lock-on(yes, base game didn't have lock-on), made it 60FPS instead of 30, and made the colored enemies not make the wrong weapons bounce off of them which interrupted your flow really hard. It also made SSS rank not purely damage based(used to be you could instantly get an SSS rating with a single attack form the axe), as well as added in a Stylish difficulty where you can only damage enemies if your style meter is at S or above.
You gotta have played the original back when it came out to really appreciate how much better the Definitive Edition is.
They already rewrote the game several times. It can’t be that hard.
Don’t forget about how easy it was to get SSS in the results screen.
I think he means art direction.
Still a bit mad that PC even with mods cant get all the stuff Definitive Edition had.
Not OP but what the fuck is hardcore mode? I thought hardcore mode made the style rankings harder to get, is the DE with hardcore mode off the way it was in the original or was it even easier than that?
But we have the El Donte mod.
It’s harder to rank up your style, and keep it. You gain trigger power faster and it decays faster, also adjusted to be more like the original DMC by not launching enemies. Enemies are revamped to be 5% harder, parry windows are adjusted, penalties on the style rank gain for repeating the same move multiple times is increased, no auto-parry from prop/shredder, only the first strike of a move can perform a parry, Dreamrunners can parry arbiter flush 3x, frost/hell knights can take damage from any weapon but its decreased. Those would be the main highlights of HCM.
Never played definitive edition what's better about it?
And fuck anyone who says DmC is worse than DMC2.
DMC2 is a genuinely awful game and the only people who defend it have never played it.
That and the "Classic Dante would get laughed out of a bar" remark really expose how much of an insecure child he is. He cares way too much about what other people think. He's far too desperate to be cool to ever be cool. And that's why Donte always comes off as a shitty poser.
DMC 2 gave us the best Dante design. DmC gave us nothing good.
It also gave us Lucia, her Devil Trigger, playable Trish, and Bloody Palace.
>DmC gave us nothing good
It gave us some laughs and memes.
Playable Trish in DMC2 cursed her forever to just use Sparda's hand-me-downs for every appearance.
>Classic Dante would get laughed out of a bar
Unless it’s Poland.
OK, I played it on Nephilim/HC at a friend's house and it was pretty good. Not DMC tier of course, but outside of the retarded story it was a solid action game. That explains why I had trouble getting parries despite seeing footage of people getting parries non-stop. And holy shit, the Arbiter had moves that were partially unblockable? That thing is one of the most OP weapons I've ever seen in a game like this.
Yeah, Arbiter was broken upon release. Even more so with the Demon Dodge damage boost.
I think that's still missing the point. Dante wouldn't give a fuck.
We've all seen a variation on this scene. A guy walks into a bar, or saloon, wearing something ridiculous. A silly hat, or a fancy tux. He sits down and orders a glass of milk or juice. Some smartass makes a joke and a group of tough guys wander over menacingly. A fight starts, and this dude wipes the floor with everyone, then calmly sits down and finishes his drink.
That scenario is one of the easiest ways to establish a character as a cool badass, and it's been used in countless stories. And it's easy to imagine Dante in that scene. Donte would just have a drink and nobody would look twice at him. Tameem displays a fundamental misunderstanding of what "cool" is. A guy who stand out as weird, but is confident and tough enough that he doesn't have to care is cool. A guy who doesn't stand out isn't cool at all. Tameem isn't wrong, he just has a completely fucking backwards interpretation of what makes a character cool.
what kind of a fag plays the last game on a story connected series before playing the earlier games? i had a friend that played MGSV and just watched plot summaries on youtube and he considered himself a fan
I know. I just liked that picture.
I think the writers might have a little bit of a misunderstanding on what’s cool.
why no definitive on peesee?
Because FUCK YOU!
Good, now do it with Megaman.
Including licensed games like pic related.
>got it from humble capcom bundle
>actually liked it for the most part
angelic weapons were cool, what did the definitive edition fix?
ehhhhhhhhhhhhh oooooo ehehehehehe oooohhhhhh ahhhhhhhhh uhhh nonononono oooooooo ahhhhhhhhh hehehe
Yo DMCguys Is it a good idea to jump right into DMC 3 without playing 1-2? I heard 3 is way better than them, but I’m afraid I won’t understand anything.
I thought Itsuno had to step in and help them make the game?
Lots of things. Read the thread.
it added 60fps (the console versions never had it) and the classic costume dlc included and the colored enemy thing is gone.
He did. Remember the arm blades? He said that was retarded in the nicest way possible. He even had to teach them how to stinger properly. Again.
DmC is better than DMC4
I love DmC's gameplay, it's very fluid and simple. It's not as challenging or rewarding as the mainline series but it's still very entertaining.
Hardcore Mode.
Because RE6 already did it.
DE is decent since it fixes most of the mechanical problems the game had, and it has it's own good ideas
too bad you can't fix the story but just skip everything and think it's Dante having a weird dream
DMC1 is just a different experience from DMC3. When you play it you need to understand it's a Resident Evil game and that it's inventing the hack 'n' slash genre.
You can skip DMC2 and just watch a story summary on youtube because there isn't much dialogue to begin with in DMC2. It's actually worse in terms of combat and mechanics, but does introduce some new concepts to the series that would be expanded upon in later titles.
DMC/MGS or any game really should be played in release order to actually enjoy the games.
>questions his humanity
>few missions ago he was directly told he's not human
Incredible writing
Huh. I'm sorry, I didn't really follow DmC's controversy too closely after reading bits and pieces of what Tameem was doing to it. I didn't even know Itsuno stepped in until recently. Is there anywhere I can go to catch up on this?
He also jobs to the police.
IIRC all the enemies had special execution cutscenes when they kill you, like Resident Evil, and that DMC1 was an outgrowth of the RE4 project (or was it RE3?). Which also explains why it was set in a creepy gothic mansion with fixed camera angles and lots of ambush monsters.
Can’t find the articles anymore. Anytime I look them up, I get bombarded with articles that are too recent.
It's true, sorry. 4 was a bad game. DmC was mediocre.
>tfw the game was so bad tameme had to shave his head and change his name
good times
>name is literally Tameme
>name is literally "To Meme"
name one facet of DmC that is better than DMC4
the only one I can think of is that the levels look prettier, but I'd still put Fortuna City above any area in DmC.
He didn’t change his name, they got his name wrong on accident.
since its a DMC thread
Does anyone have that comic of dante being called cute by a bunch of woman then getting genuinely embarassed when they want him to have sex with him? or at least the artist name, please
Ah well. Thanks anyway.
>on accident
That's the joke buttmunch
Regardless of what the fans say, as of the definitive edition, DmC is easily one of the best overall games in the series. Devil My Cry is a messy series with the original game being barebones in terms of a narrative because it was a reworked Resident evil game, the second game being a total mess, the third turning out great, and the fourth being a rushed mess. DmC at least has a coherent narrative, accesible gamplay of the same style found in 3&4, gameplay balance issues were ironed out with the definitive edition, and the game had some definite improvements in the gameplay in the base version. So much so that they are present in dmc4se and dmc5.
A lot of the criticisms of DmC are about subjective crap like Vergil's fedora, and Dante supposedly being poorly written because he uses crude language.
The series has cliches and cringe in itself, since the first game in the series, with the contrived death power-up and stuff like that.
Aside from that though, DmC DE is cringe but it's at least a decent Devil May Cry game. A good one in my opinion.
It suffers from having such a nice moveset but no good enemies to use it on
>DmC at least has a coherent narrative
Are you serious? DmC's narrative is fucking garbage
Speaking only gameplay wise? it beats 1 and 2 obviously, and i would say it's equal to 4 when compared to something like Nero. Mechanically speaking 4dante feels more rewarding to play as just to pull off decent stunts, even if you hit like a wet noodle
>coherent narrative
>referenced as explicitly being alive
>not even a single line explaining why they're not trying to rescue him
Were the writers retarded?
I'd say it's better than 2, that's it. It did have some great ideas, most of which were made way better in 5, but the basic problems of having easily spammable moves dealing a shitload of damage, free air time, everything about the story/setting/characters being trash, and various other problems like enemies going totally inactive when off-camera put it at least a tier lower than 1/3/4/5.
It's better than 2 but that's not saying much. Hell, even 2 had 60fps at launch. DmC DE is a good action game and I hope now that 5 is out people will be more objective towards it. The biggest problem is that it has to be compared to one of the best action game series.
>Oh, dad's alive? He's probably busy with his own shit, let's not bother him
There is a line explaining why they won’t rescue him. Vorgil said it’s impossible, and Donte doesn’t even try to argue with him and accepts his word as fact.
I fucking love that the only character trait that got carried over from the real Dante is the desire to bang women that resemble his mother.
They defeat what is essentially The Devil and rescuing some guy from cock and ball torture is impossible?
The game was rewritten so many times to the point where the final product feels like a bunch of different games stitched together.
Yes. CBT is too much.
Well, do you want to go to the cock and ball torture dimension? Didn't think so
>no matter what you change, incest subtext MUST remain
But no red hair.
Am I insane or does it feel like Donte was originally supposed to kill the baby? His confrontation with Mundus only really makes sense if that was the case. I mean I know he's supposed to be lying to Mundus, but it doesn't feel like he's lying. It feels like they wrote that scene with Donte actually having killed the baby, then made Vorgil kill the baby to set him up as the final boss and didn't bother rewriting the confrontation scene with Mundus.
>devs complain that the women from the original games were all plastic barbie sex dolls
>donte is literally holding a naked prostitute stripper near his cock at gunpoint
What did they actually mean by this?
It felt more like he needed to get Mundus angry so he switched to talking about the baby when his earlier taunts didn't do anything.
And holding guns to their heads?
I still don't even understand where the fuck they were going with the baby plot. Why did Mundus need an heir? Why does he even care about his offspring? He's a fucking demon
In the original release, Donte had one of his shitty looking guns jammed into Lilith’s gut when they were in the car, and they changed it in DE so that it was only resting on his lap, so you might have a point.
>Kat barely does anything besides make portals and talk about squirrel semen
>Gets "get back in the kitchen" by Vorgil
>this is somehow better than Trish and Lady
Because even a devil may cry when he loses a loved one.
>A guy who stand out as weird, but is confident and tough enough that he doesn't have to care is cool.
That, actually, is a perfect description of
Dante, however, as any other 3-5 character, is a walking collection of "acting cool in Itsuno's personal opinion" cliches, plagiatries from anywhere whatsoever (including, by the way, DmC in 5's case), without an ounce of integrity or consistency to them.
Partial self-insert or not, Capcom's meddling or not, Donte IS genuine, and would be a much more likely leader of an actual gang, company or movement IRL, than any of the fake clowns in DMC3-5.
See, thing is, coolness is about borrowing the moves. And it is always a much better idea to borrow something (if at all) from a real deal, than to borrow from a person who borrowed it from someone else. Because the real deal knows why he is doing such and such thing under such and such conditions. He imparts very concrete meaning on that thing under those conditions. His reasoning can be understood to an extent, if you observe that person or simply ask him about it. Moreover, knowing, when and why to do it, he also knows when and why do something else insted. In other words, when that cool thing would actually be inadequate.
While the poseur does it because he considers it looking cool, and, generally, simply doesn't know what the fuck he is doing (as long as he tries to "act cool").
Point in case, DMC5, which borrowed DmC's "moves" without an ounce of understanding of the meaning they had in DmC, which was, ridiculing that very practice of borrowing the "moves" instead of taking an effort of coming up with your own.
I think they were trying to show that whatever you are, demon, angel, halfbreed, or human, having family and being loved is what matters. Which is what Devil May Cry is really about. That said, DmC went about it like retards.
it just made me feel bad for Mundus
>kill his baby
>laugh about it in his face
>wet chunks
I love that part. She just hides behind a trash can. Almost like they were implying that’s where she belongs.
Whats crazy is journalists STILL defend DmC as being more progressive and feminist than the regular series.
A game in which the only two named female characters are almost literal sex objects who have no free will or agency, one of which receives a sniper abortion, and the other is just a damsel.
Vs. a series with scantily clad but actually action packed women who blow shit up and two of which are fought in full fledged boss fights, having almost as much, if not just as much agency and determination as Dante and Nero and Vergil, with the exception being Kyrie and Eva, who were still coragious enough to defend other people with their lives (eva for her kids, kyrie for literally some random person in the street at the start of 4)
I mean shit, even Nico is doing car kung-fu.
No but DmC is still more femniist..
>the only devil that cried was lilith after vorgil shot her baby and let her realize what just happened before killing her
Donte didn’t want to do that, but it was apart of the plan. He had to make Muhndas angry.
Don’t forget, Kat is strong because she got raped by her demon foster dad, and Vorgil rescued her.
>leader of an actual gang
I also love how you go on a "Dante would" tangent, and recite a cliche scene from some schlock movies made by the book. See, I think, even you partly understand, that such "Dante", if he was a person, would not be particularly a particularly free person. He would be in a self-constructed prison of "looking cool enough" tricks and guidelines, afraid to let his guard down for even a second, not to start looking TRULY (not seemingly) lame (not realizing, that caring over looking cool non-stop is, in fact, incredibly lame). Donte is abrasive, in part, PRECISELY because he acts completely whatever, then deals with the consequences. He is, even if self-insert, a self-insert by a person, who realizes and values his freedom, and doesn't allow himself to become a puppet of whims, ithinks and ilikes of those around them.
People are not equal.
Some go on their merry or not so merry way regardless of whether alone or in company.
And some follow someone else around.
You don't seem to understand the difference.
Keep seething, kek.
Donte doesn't have any genuine reason behind his actions. He doesn't care about humanity, except now he does for some reason. He would never be an effective leader because he doesn't stand for anything. When Mundus says that he's acting in humanity's best interests, Donte has no response. He has no beliefs to fight for. No plan to rebuild the world, or wisdom to share. He learns nothing during the game. He's a complete waste of a character.
>See blue thing, use blue thing.
>See red thing, use red thing.
The only cool missions in the entire game are the circus and the news station one.
The circus one gets points knocked off, though, because the protagonist lives there, banging hookers in his trailer. (Because this is what The West thinks is cool vs owning your own demon hunting business.)
Also remember that the only reason Kat has powers is because she was a victim of horrible abuse, and Lilith's only value beyond being a sex object and baby carrier is running a club filled with sex objects.
And Kat was dating Vorgil in the prequel comic.
Nice blog
I can’t believe people still defend this game.
The ending of DmC was the only good part of the game. In fact, it was shockingly good. Not the twist in and of itself, which was pretty obvious, but the execution. Vergil states his intent to rule over humanity, and implies that he assumed Dante felt the same way. He's actually as shocked that Dante doesn't as Dante is about Vergil's proposal. After a moment of shock, the two realize that they have diametrically opposed goals and that they'll have to settle it, right now. They aren't psyched about it and they're not filled with rage, they don't swear at all or make any cringey jokes, they just get down to the fight, not in some overblown set piece, but on a single balcony. The music swells as they assume fighting stances and distance themselves from their mutual friend, erupting at once visually and audibly into combat. As the fight progresses, they repeatedly affirm their resolve to enforce their will on the other, but in a way that retains respect, and even sadness. When Dante pushes Vergil to his limit, Vergil activates his Devil Trigger, forcing Dante to use his own and deal the finishing blow. The music gives way to ambient noise; Vergil drops his sword and stares in near disbelief, and Dante, consumed by the fight, skewers his brother to the ground with an audible thud. Kat begs Dante not to finish him, a request he initially ignores, but gives way when she asks him to do it for her, which we know is a lie: she asks for the sake of vergil's life and Dante's soul. Dante relents, and vergil leaves, having acknowledged that his "might makes right" attitude meant that his loss was as much an ideological one as a physical one, leaving Dante with a word of warning that he would never be human or accepted as such, and Dante, having nearly executed his own brother in rage, can't help but agree. It's a genuinely emotional and genuine stretch of gameplay and I have no fucking idea what it's doing in a game that's otherwise tone deaf and horrible written.
I never finished it. Somewhat enjoyed it (played the definitive edition on ps4) but couldn't beat Vergil no matter how hard I tried. Wasn't even a matter of GIT GUD because apparently you need to trigger something but I ran out of ideas and was shooting him for 15 minutes before finally ejecting the disc and starting some other game.
What the actual fuck is wrong with him? Why is he pointing a loaded gun at a defenseless woman that looks like she’s begging for her life?
Fuck, I forgot that Donte grabs her ass at the end.
The thing is, the story COULD have worked. Dante being a deadbeat punk, fighting the demonic authority at first simply to chase some girl he met, but then later out of genuine investment, it a decent enough framework for a story. The issue is that the qualities which Donte has which are negative are not CONSIDERED negative by the authors. To the addled mind of one steeped in punk culture, to not care about anything is an acceptable default, to show pointless irreverence towards even your own friends a pleasant standard.
Wasn’t he dragged away from working on Dragons Dogma so that DmC wouldn’t be a conplete disaster?
>deadbeat punk fighting at first simply to chase some girl he met, but then later out of genuine investment
That sounds vaguely familiar.
>Just REified Deviljho.
Yeah, he was. It probably sucked.
Not level design, environmental design. That's definitely the strongest part of the game, along with the sound design. I love the soundtrack and shit like the demon narration and the little "aaaaaa" that plays at the end of a fight.
Holy shit you're seething.
In the opening of DMC3 Dante loses his pizza, gets his cool moment ruined when the jukebox refuses to play, and has his cool pose ruined by a sneeze. He never gets laid. He's a total failure as a businessman. He gets his ass kicked so often that him getting impaled with his own sword is a running gag. He's not cool 100% of the time, and that's what makes him likable and relatable.
The fact that Donte stands for absolutely nothing and just lets shit happen doesn't make him cool. Freedom doesn't mean you just fuck around and follow your whims, it means you're able to take a stand on what matters to you. Donte lives in a shitty trailer, are supposed to think that's cool? He loses his guns before the game even starts. Is that cool? One minute he swears to fight for the good of humanity, the next he's knocking out some random human bouncer that's just doing his job. There's no rhyme or reason to anything that he does, and he doesn't care. He doesn't even have a good reason to not care since he forgot the most traumatic event to happen to him. He's a contrarian, which is just the same as being a mindless follower. Either way you're influenced by what's popular instead of finding your own values.
It would have at least been something if Donte was a real anarchist. But he's not, or at least he never really argues for anarchy. He just operates on random feelings.
read this and mexican music started playing in my head
>knocking out some random human bouncer that's just doing his job
Ok, how would you have handled it?
What was the point of Angels if they are never a real factor in the game at all?
Hotel California and Theme of Love from MGS4?
What exactly was Vorgil's plan there? Mundus needed years of careful planning to gain influence over the most powerful people in the world and make humanity docile. What the fuck was Vorgil going to do? Just walk up to the White House and judgement cut the President? Even if he could defeat the world's militaries how the fuck does that make him the ruler of anything?
I remember reading that you need to DT to kill him in that fight but I beat him while out of DT so I have no idea.
It's fucking Naruto's ending. Only more retardedly done.
Makes sense. Tonally, the scene is almost reminiscent of the climax of a western.
And why make Donte half Angel if he only has a Devil Trigger? Shouldn’t he also have an Angel Trigger? That could’ve made things interesting.
You completely misunderstand DmC as an artistic work.
First of all, up until the exchange scene, Donte is strongly framed as an unreliable narrator, with all the zany shit happening where there are no human witnesses around (except for Kat, she shares the delusion). In other words, during the events of the game, things happen, results are achieved, but, quite possibly, not necessarily the way they are presented to the player. This culminates in the specops attack mission with its' jumping between real and not-so-real back-and-forth-and-back-and-forth.
You know the precise moment, when the question of to what extent zany shit was real, is finally, positively resolved. When, at the aforementioned exchange scene, Donte shields Kat from several bullets, which hit his back. THIS is the moment, when it finally gets established, that yes, everything supernatural in the game was real in the context of the game.
What happens immediately before that? Vorgil shoots the baby (thus, by the way, mortally endangering Kat) - and DONTE, TURNING TO VORGIL, VOICELESSLY EXPRESSES "WHAT THE FUCK?!". This moment of clear-cut, un-mendable disagreement is basically what the whole game was all about. It makes it dead clear what was meant by what preceded (unreliable narrator framing) and what followed (shielding that closes the theme of unreliable narration for good). Morality. This is the precise moment Donte starts to stand strictly by his individual moral system, his own conscience, regardless of however skewed or ridiculous it might seem to anyone else, and regardless of however much a fool or an obnoxious asshole anyone might consider him due to acting in accordance with it.
Donte might act in an infantile manner, but he acts morally due to which he can be reasoned with. Vorgil acts "like an adult", but is immoral, and cannot be reasoned with.
Have him sigh, or say 'sorry about this, man' beforehand? Or what would be way better is for him to call up a couple of the girls inside, and have them let him in. Just... you know, show a single shred of empathy or intelligence.
Well DMC DMC came out two full years before naruto ended, and unlike in naruto, Dante merely spared his brother, rather than naruto, who let thousands of people stay dead rather than give up his boyfriend.
Yeah, you had to be in DT to beat him.
Everything Ninja Theory wanted Donte to be Travis already did better.
Yeah... sorry.
I guess maybe he figured he would have tried to expand his stupid hacker network thing into a genuine political power? I don't know, like I said, the game is shit and poorly written, I just liked the execution of that scene.
He was only there for Lilith and the baby. Everyone else was just in the way.
Second. Donte starts caring for Kat, who is absolutely part of the humanity. Moreover, since Kat cares for humanity and Donte can be reasoned with, it's is quite natural that Kat influences Donte's beliefs with her own where she is capable of justifying them.
Also, what Mundus states is Mundus' personal opinion Donte has no obligation to agree to.
*charges up hulk hands*
The same hacker network that got obliterated by S.W.A.T.?
Oh yeah. Well, I got nothing then. Probably neither did the authors.
God, I fucking hat Eryx.
DMC3 Dante is trying hard not to look like a tryhard (that is, DMC1 Dante), thus, ironically being a tryhard.
And yes, as I explained above, Donte DOES take a stand. The whole game IS about him eventually taking a stand.
maybe in vanilla, but not after some of the patches
Goddamnit. I can’t even type right now.
OK then, what are Kat's beliefs? Why does Dante care so much about her?
>Donte can be reasoned with
>"Hey man wanna save the world?"
>"I don't give a shit."
>"Sorry dude you're not allowed in."
>"Everything evil I've done has been for the good of humanity."
Man, JC revealing himself as the mastermind really threw me for a loop.
That could have worked, except that nothing in the game suggests that his initial behavior was bad or unacceptable. The marketing material even glorifies his devil may care attitude, ironically enough.
>I posted in the wrong thread
Even Neku from TWEWY is better at being Donte than Donte.
DMC 3 is the first chronologically
>Definitive edition
You're doing it work. Play the original release.
What the fuck were they thinking with Eryx? The only weapon I liked in the game was Osiris for the op crowd control. Dr. Faust definitely borrows from it a bit.
That’s because Suda knows that Travis is a goofy fuck trying to be cool, but he comes off as a try hard. It’s that self awareness of your character’s attitude and personality that makes the difference.
Cool bait
Flock off, feather face.
Fuck I'm tired
Fuck I meant Aquila. I get the actual names for these weapons confused.
Aside from my typo how was it bait? OP didn't see what was wrong with DmC cause he's playing the fixed version.
I think that initially the game was going to have the player fight angels as well as demons. Demons represented malevolent evil, angels representing authoritarian overreach. It would be implied that Vergil takes after his mother while Dante takes after his father, manifesting both as differences in fighting style as well as their personalities and attitudes. But probably the retards at the head of Ninja Theory went "NO, THINGS WE DON'T LIKE = DEMONS", and so that shit was scraped and dante and vergil are half angels for no reason.
It’s okay, user. And yeah, the Angel Arms were better.
>fixed version
It's the same game with an update, the final product and should be judged as such. Same with Fallout 76 or No mans Sky
>level design
>tedious platforming sections
I'm sure you meant the art direction
Yeah, nah.
The "Drive" move for Rebellion must be a joke or a troll by the devs. Convince me this move is actually useful in fights.
There were, if the concept art is anything to go by, Angel enemies in the game at one point. The Onyx from the concept art looks like an Angel trapped in a demonic shell, and powering it from the inside.
On Kat's beliefs, I don't remember all that much. But Donte caring about Kat in a way that doesn't involve pussy (since it's established that Donte can score just fine), with Kat being part of humanity and pretty much the core reason of the ultimate disagreement between Donte and Vorgil, is, in itself, enough to shatter, in principle, former Donte's nihilism.
On your quotes. In the first case, Donte honestly and directly expresses his current priorities and beliefs. In the second case, there is simply no time to argue with a tool, working for the wrong master, shit needs to be done. FUCK YOU was somewhat excessive though, but could be seen as a message to Mundus. Third case, is Donte being on a mission, taking a credit for double murder he didn't commit and actively finds despicable, and being on a mission, he might just as well do his job good. That having been said, this scene constitutes the second strike in regard to Donte-Vorgil relationships (first strike is double murder and endangering Kat, third strike is Vorgil saying Kat was strictly expendable all along).
It wasn't bad or unacceptable. It was confused. Confusion clears off.
Absolutely nowhere Donte acts a tool however. And his devil may care attitude is simply a realization of the fact, that whatever whatsoever he does, SOMEONE, SOMEWHERE will look at it hard enough and get HORRIBLY OFFENDED - so he might just as well be his current self.
>It wasn't bad or unacceptable
Yes it was. Donte was a lazy, irreverent shithead and we didn't like him. If the authors understood that they had written a shithead, they could have made it work, but they didn't, because they're as dumb as you are.
In DmC? It's one of the best moves in the game. Fully upgraded, it does incredible damage, and can hit things from across the room after only a moment to charge. It's incredibly broken. Not as busted as the Arbiter attacks, but the range more than makes up for it.
It got nerfed in the DE but is still really strong for how fast it charges.
No for DMC3
The virgin, whoring trailer trash vs the chad responsible, "no thots" businessman.
Being lazy is having someone do your shit only you are about, which you are perfectly capable of doing yourself, for you. At no point of the game Donte is being lazy.
What are his priorities and beliefs? What does he care about? Getting laid and eating pizza in his filthy trailer?
DmC automatically is better gameplay-wise than DMC5 because of one thing: a dodge button. I fucking hate how Capcom refuses to do this shit because "oh the old games were like this so we're going to not put in a dodge button like every other action game because fuck you". Did they not see the success of Bayonetta and its godly dodge system?
For me, Bayonetta > DmC >>>> DMC
These were two of the designs that got scrapped for being too close to the original DMC series.
It still could have been great, if the authors had even an ounce of self awareness and had the story be about a whiny, lazy teenager becoming a responsible demon hunting adult.
It's okay, good to charge while you're doing shit in gunslinger. Main problem is that Beowulf makes it obselete.
Pretty much, yeah. And it implies he killed demons when he was still a kid.
>tfw my right bumper couldn't handle the cuhrayzee
Literally git gud.
I actually like Donte's final design pretty well, and the idea of him starting with black hair that gains a white lock when he gets his devil trigger, with the hair becoming more white as he relies more and more on that power, is a fantastic idea. Too bad the director and marketers were fucking retards and didn't understand their own product.
You want me to speculate? I don't know. The game doesn't show that. It is simply focused upon other things.
You unironically had to be there to understand why everyone hates DmC:DMC so much. It could have just been DMC2:2, a bad spinoff that failed and no one cares about anymore, if it weren't the the ridiculously full of shit developers and antagonistic PR.
>a dodge button
>what is jump
>what is roll
>what is Gerbera
>what is Trickster
>what is Gambit
Donte spent his entire life up to the start of the game running away from his problems and relying on his superpowers to simply allow him to laze around and not do anything. He only starts working against the demons because he wants to impress some girl. Which is FINE, if the game is self aware, but it's not.
Well, Donte can hunt all the demons he wants now. After all, he’s the one who merged Limbo and the human world together.
Donte's solution to the mass's indoctrination into bland, soulless consumerism is to let them stew in that mindset with no guiding light back to a life of meaning. Vergil's solution is the ACTUAL one, of taking control of the reigns of the media/government to guide the people back to how they should be.
Donte's future will be that of walking around on the street like a retard, telling people to think for themselves and not to trust "the man".
With Vergil as shadow king, things would actually change.
It's actually kind of a blessing that the game was such a total shitshow, otherwise they would never have gone back to the real DMC.
Oh yeah, I forgot how fucking dumb the game's plot is, Dante and Vergil ruin the entire planet and act like they've made a positive difference, and literally recreated "We did it Patrick! We saved the city!", except it's not a joke.
It was always an idea that his hair would turn more white throughout the game. Even in the reveal trailer design. The only problem with that, is that Vorgil’s hair was white even when he was a kid. Does that mean that he had a DT back then? If so, why do they say that he’s weaker than Donte?
@NinjaTam #WEHAVEAWOKEN #DmC #gaycowboy #fedora
Dante's solution to the people being silently influenced by demons is to pry open a big ass portal to hell and let demons roam the earth in broad daylight, no doubt resulting in near extinction of humans.
>If so, why do they say that he’s weaker than Donte?
Good question. Dante overcoming Vergil would have also been more meaningful if Vergil had been stronger when they were kids.
I kind of wish they kept that reveal design that was just Tameem in Dante cosplay. Everyone shat on it because it looked so much like him but I kind of like it better than the dante we got that just looks like a 14 year old
>We did it Patrick! We saved the city!
This with Spongebob and Patrick as Donte and Vorgil when?
TWEWY in general did DmC better than DmC
>there exists an alternate plane of existence parellel to the human world that contains a multitude of supernatural entities who’s actions can directly influence the human world yet are unable to be normally seen
>main protag is an anti-social jerkwad who initially cares about no one but himself until his interactions with others cause him to grow and become a better person
>main female lead is the one that jumpstarts his change and constantly tries to appeal to his better nature and inner humanity with limited success at first only to finally make progress as the main protag opens up to her
>one of the main characters initially presents himself as an ally to the protag that wants to overthrow the current supernatural system but is soon revealed to be a villain and confronts the main character in a showdown to determine the fate of society
>urban fantasy with tons of graffiti inspired punk and street attitude that is influenced by the modern culture, with the music and visuals heavily reflecting that
>angels are established to exist within the setting tho they don’t make an appearance in the game itself
>social commentary focusing on trends, commercialism, and modern society
The difference here is that TWEWY actually pulls off all this stuff and comes across as more heartfelt and sincere whereas DmC doesn’t.
It seemed pretty clear to me that Donte subconsciously wanted Kat because Kat was Vergil's, and Donte wanted to take her away from him.
But his first conversation with Kat is fairly memorable, I would say.
The whole attitude. Yes, it is my fucking trailer. Yes, I feel perfectly okay, standing naked in my own trailer with my penis hanging out in the open. No, I don't remember ever inviting you to my trailer, and "rules of hospitality", however I might currently imaging such "rules of hospitality" don't apply to you in the slightest, regardless of whether you choose to act offended or not. Now, did you have something you wanted to say to me, or are you simply wasting my personal time with you gawking?
it's not as good as fortnite die
Jesus Christ. How did I forget about that? How did anyone think this was a good idea?
>what is trickster
>what is gerbera
>what is jumping
>what is sidestepping
>what is blocking with Royal Guard instead of dodging like a fag
>Vorgil is gonna rule and the world and probably kill more people to achieve that.
>Donte says "no way fag" and defeat him (even trying to kill)
>Vergil (again) kills millions of people
>It's ok bro. Let's fight one and go to hell where we can find demons for eternity and butt fuck each other
Really makes you think
I like the part where he holds her up at gun point and threatens to shoot her.
>haha I know what he's talking about but I'm going to pretend I don't understand and give a bunch of non-answers because I'm a fucking child
it would be funny if it wasn't so pathetic
Dante knowns his brother for years and Donte knowns his brother for like a week.
Yeah I actually liked that scene. It was a good character introduction. He comes off as an asshole, but not mean-spirited or cruel. And then it's ruined when he starts waving his guns in her face and threatening to shoot her while she's cowering and begging him not to.
Throw back to 2000 era movie posters my lord.
Tool wants someone to think for said tool.
The only way to possibly un-tool the tool is to stop trying to think for the tool.
Vorgil's solution is no solution at all, it's simply a reskin with Vorgil taking Mundus' seat. With it, everything Donte did during the course of the game, would literally be completely wasted for nothing.
>Twitter post of a Dreamrunner awkwardly standing on the sidewalk.
One of the most unintentionally funny things I’ve ever seen.
I'm guessing that if Vergil gets out of line again Dante would go straight into trying to kill him mode again (like he was before Nero showed up)
Those are real answers, user. All of those options allow you to avoid taking damage.
A character has an entire style dedicated to dodging, and every character has a generic dodge that gives I-frames, as well as other dodging options. And that's not enough?
How much more of a casual could you be?
Rebellion was supposed to change throughout the game originally.
would've been better than getting angel weapons from demons
...Okay? So you proved me wrong. Are you proud of yourselfs or something? Jesus Christ.
Hm, I must admit, that particular I don't remember. Might've been his way to shoo off an obviously loopy broad talking nonsense, so that she wouldn't become a problem later.
it's unplayable compared to devil may cry 3. fans hated it for a good reason
That's not how it works, user. The society has already been programmed towards mindless consumption, with deep or romantic endeavors being mocked. If you remove the influence of the programmer, the society will still perpetuate what it NOW believes to be "the way", with romanticism and intellectualism being things of "the past". To reignite those things, society has to be reprogrammed towards those ends.
He literally says, “What would happen if I shoot you?”
You're welcome. Enjoy the game.
retarded zoomers will never understand
Top left and bottom right guy would've been cool "mentor" type characters for Donte. They should've gone totally balls to the wall different instead of the wishy washy in between they did or the game.
>Demon news anchor gives angel throwing stars.
It would have made slightly more sense if they had been guarding a weapon like 4. But instead Donte absorbs the angelic aura off of a demons body.
DE is leagues better than the original.
But Inafune and Capcom said it was too close to the original DMC.
>Dude, there are entire styles and weapons revolving around defense and evasive maneuvers
>They’re actual options
Not even those anons, but you sound like a huge faggot.
We can't judge that because we didn't see the entire version of that game.
Question is: is he being sincere at this moment, or does he consciously mislead her into believing he just might kill her on a whim, so that to chase her away for good?
Question: Are you actually defending threatening someone with a gun to try to get them to stop bothering you?
He absolutely should have had a mentor. I'm picturing Whistler from Blade. Just some old 'get off my lawn yeh damn demons' asshole with a shotgun. Constantly telling Donte to watch his mouth.
I had a feeling that they wanted to do a mentor character with Phineas, but they just completely forgot about him.
It's a hypothetical, since I live in a country with general population not having access to firearms, and I realize I might just be talking to a person who lives in a country in which, well, general population does have access to firearms. As of now, I don't have strong opinions on finer aspects of handling firearms, so I think, I'll just avoid answering this question altogether.
It might, I _think_, in some pressing enough situations be borderline acceptable, if you threaten with it in a way, that clearly shows whoever you are talking to, that safety is on.
First rule of Gun Etiquette is "Do not point a gun at someone unless you are ready to shoot them".
You never, ever, treat it as a game or a joke. Ever. Even when everyone in the room knows that the gun is empty, you don't point it at someone.
>It might, I _think_, in some pressing enough situations be borderline acceptable, if you threaten with it in a way, that clearly shows whoever you are talking to, that safety is on.
Actually, I retract that. I have no idea what I am talking about, and I might accidentally influence someone into doing something stupid. I'll try minding, what I type, better from now on.
that was the opening to the Devil May Cry anime right down to Dante ordering a strawberry sundae before slaughtering the demons
Vorgin's fault for not writing his name on her.
It's one thing for him to nearly shoot her because she startled him while he was being hunted by demons. It's quite another to keep aiming at her while she's near crying with her hands in the air. Especially dumb considering how she's in a similar position when the cops arrest her and Donte gets so upset over it.
Faggot bait
Git gud
>Donte finally gets Kat undressed
>there's a big fucking V tattoo above her pussy like the Vorgilmobile
How do you know he didn’t?
Is this one of those examples where people in hind sight say it's a good game, but not a good X game?
I still can’t believe that they did that.
Thank you for telling me that.
On a sidenote, Ninja Theory is a British company. It might've been simply a case of ignorance on their part.
this you get to see Vorgil in a fedora
Donte also has terrible trigger discipline.
Jesus Christ, Denton.
The artists for this game actually did an amazing job, it's the writing team that sucked.
These weapons all look great, and most of the artwork looks really unique.
What were they thinking? Fedora, trench coat, katana, sniper rifle, and hacker combo?
I've played worse. If you skip the cutscenes it's alright.
And then, there’s this.
don't forget the anonymous mask and nazi armband
And whatever the fuck this is.
He's the hacker known as Yea Forums.
Cavaliere version of the Vergilmobile when?
I never understood why he suddenly looked like that. He got his amulet, which gave him doppleganger back, but he didn't get any new powers or anything. So what the fuck is the meaning behind this shit, and why is he acting like he's suddenly stronger than he was when he fought Donte?
>Donte became good because was a troubled youth on the streets
>Vergin gets money and a proper life but still becomes a Power Hungry sociopath by the end, even more irredeemable than his original counterpart.
Now Yuo See...
He blew up his black heart.
How else are you suppose to know that he is now evil?
A lot of it was certainly unique with effort put into it. But sometimes there was some really silly shit. My favorite is still this one.
>Hueco Fageto and THE HEART
Every time.
I have to post it.
Every fucking time
Here’s Vorgil
That's not why he almost left you retard.
He was going to leave because Capcom took his series away from him, the quality of their final product is irrelevant.
Jesus fuck
>I actually like Donte's final design pretty well,
I actually do too, but my main problem with it is that the design says "shiftless bum who lives in a trailer" when the actual character is "sickdark BADASS demonhunter who bangs all the strippers and lives in a trailer".
Everyone makes fun of the nonsensical height measurement, but I feel people are ignoring the fact that he's got a lean right arm and an incredibly muscular/demonic left, he looks like that one enemy type in L4D2. Or they were trying to rip off Angelo Credo but missed everything cool about that design.
literally just Annie Lennox
oh god you’re right
Literally walk forward and jump to next platform. There is nothing special about the level design and aesthetically speaking it's fucking hideous
Yeah, I didn't specify what I found so silly about it because so much of it is silly to me. It's so good for the wrong reasons.
Looks like the person who designed it has made some wrong decisions along the way, doesn't it?
Don't you find this somewhat meta? Stuff I was writing about above, acting in accordance with your current conscience, however potentially screwed or inadequate in might be? Don't you think that the entire game is designed partly in a way that reflects that very attitude?
why was dante able to summon rebellion from his back tattoo yet vergil doesn't for yamato?
Fuck you.
Self-righteous, that's what, I think, that's called.
>the Vergilmobile has a V on the dashboard AND a giant metal V on the grill
I have no idea how they expected people to take this seriously.
>Vergils fucking car matches his jacket
>mostly black with some blue tints
This shit is comical.
Fuck you!
Are there seriously people saying DmC has a good story? Donte's literally what you get when you ask an angsty twelve year old what cool is.
>He's a contrarian, which is just the same as being a mindless follower.
Donte is the embodiment of Yea Forums
DMC5 actually fucking continued this plot thread.
The idea of that DLC was Vergil, embarrased by his defeat, killed his humanity and goes full demon.
Goddamnit. I didn’t even notice. What were they thinking?
Vergil has a brand to protect.
>he’s literally doing the dmc 3 pose
Unfortunately, yes.
How can anyone think this when they stole the entire plot to They Live? And the Slurm episode of Futurama?
>Wallet chain that droops like the letter "V"
Guess that's one of the references.
Sounds like the journos and people that praise DmC's story are still in their teenaged mindset.
>DMC3 Dante is trying hard not to look like a tryhard
What are you talking about? The only reason he's dressed the way he is is because he literally just got out of the shower and didn't have a chance to find a shirt.
When will it end?
I just remembered that I briefly got really into combichrist after this game
I wonder how they feel about fans coming from this game
It never ends
>fun lighthearted delights
He didn’t play it.
I can smell the soi just from reading his words.
Could you fucking imagine having Must Style in 5?
>Have to get an S to damage Furies
Definitive edition ironed out a lot of problems gameplay wise.
The base game on release was trash tier.
I still disagree with them removing Vergin's fedora and the cutscene changes in the re-release.
>sniper rifle abortion
>Training room and Try-Before-You-Buy
Your taste is absolutely suspect here. DmC brought dick all to the series. The story was atrocious, and failed in all regards. A shitty reboot in that each previous installment brought more to the table and executed it better. DMC2 was a turd overall, but still had glimmers of excellence (the first incarnation of style switching, for example). The initial release of DmC was a garbage fire that devs refused to reevaluate due to their bloated egos. The "Shakespearean" story that they raved on about had plot holes big enough to ride a Vergilsaurus through (example: Sparda is alive in DmC, but each character just skims over this). The only hope for this teain wreck is to try to draw parallels between it and the weakest installment in the franchise proper, and even then, you are arguing against a game that came out a decade earlier and had already seen several sequels of superior quality. You're just plain wrong here, testicle-san.
>the bosses are phenomenal
>level design
Imagine celebrating DmC during DMC week.
ok i dont want it anymore
Nah, you’re gonna get it now.
Remember the flood of autists on the DMC forums trying to defend DmC as high art back in the day?
Yes. It was priceless.
Please don’t disrespect Akira like this. He’s actually a good boy. Ryo a shit, though.
>Combat is immensely satisfying
It's even more so in 3, 4, and 5. Hell, even 1 had its moments of euphoria in its combat.
People put a lot of the fault of DmC's story on the edgy tone, but I don't think that's specifically the problem. That sort of self-assured, confrontational "fuck you Dad" tone can work in certain contexts, usually when it's balanced by likable characters or the sort of energy that comes with a rebellious attitude. DmC's problem is that it has neither of those.
Really I think the game mainly falls apart because it fails to supply any meaningful context for anything that happens. The game spends almost no time on how Mundus is actually affecting ordinary humans, so it's unclear what there is to gain or lose by defeating him. The game doesn't say or imply what Dante did with his life before Kat came knocking besides bang strippers, so it's unclear why he's helping with the rebellion besides "just because". By the same token it's not clear why Vergil needs Dante's help or what his not-Anonymous hacker friends are doing in that mansion. The game gives no indication why Mundus wants to control the world, how exactly he started, or what will happen if he's left unchecked. The game lacks likable characters to balance the "fuck you dad" tone because the characters have no identifiable motivations, and it doesn't have the rebellious energy to balance the "fuck you dad" tone because there's no indication of what anybody's supposed to be rebelling against.
For god's sake, in a story that's allegedly about demons lurking behind the curtain of everyday life's problems, there are exactly three human characters with speaking lines: two chicks Dante bangs, and a bouncer he beats up.
The only good thing about DmC were the morphing set pieces.
>play as Nero
>do revs and max act almost all the time and being cool
>use Dante
>holy shit i suck
>play as Dante
>switching styles constantly and mopping the enemies easily
>play as Nero
>holy shit i feel slow, revs dont come out feel weak as fuck damage wise
wtf is going on with me
I know, I just found them and decided to post them here. Apparently, someone thought that DmC was really similar to Devilman. Akira is still a good boy who tried his best, and Ryo is shit tier.
So what you’re saying is that DmC needed to be more like Jet Set Radio and/or TWEWY. Because I would actually be down with that.
Imagine walking into a room full of western edgelords bastardizing your baby.
He must have the patience of a saint.
And the usual suspects were trash-tier fanfic writers and tryhards. It was amusing.
According to Donte, all he did was kill demons and and fuck strippers.
Hey, it’s happened before.
Come to think of it, how are Dante, Nero and Lady? I never actually bothered to check if they practice proper trigger discipline or not. It's probably not worth looking through the normal gameplay, since they only ever deal with demons and they have every single intention to kill those.
Dante and the others always shoot to kill. Demons don’t hesitate to kill them, so why should they? It’s worth noting that Dante didn’t attack or threaten Kyrie at all during the first mission of DMC4 too.
I was thinking along the lines of something more classically "punk", but that works too. My point is that the tone and premise of the game matter much less than the execution.
At least then they weren't calling his characters gay.
Can't believe they can say that unironically given the things the devs were into.
>far from unplayable
That's because they spend tons of time staling from mods for the PC version and implementing them as features.
Hell, they even removed Vergil's fedora completely from cutscenes.
The original game was much worse.
Yeah. I still don’t know how Dante is supposed to be a gay cowboy, but this is supposed to be taken seriously.
is this legit? cause if so the game just got 100 times better.
Can anyone link me the scene of Dante's bloody palace ending in 5? Where it zooms in on him slicking his hair back.
Hey, we probably wouldn’t have gotten Dr. Faust without them calling Dante a gay cowboy.
holy fuck kek
Don’t you remember the El Donte mod?
You can wat Foxcade's videos on the controversy, they are fairly in depth.
Calm down, Dash. It is pretty great though.
You can now enjoy the original El Donte in its full spanish glory.
Using TexMod, simply load Moustache Dante.tpf by in the Package Mode window.
Change the ingame language to Spanish like so:
-Go in Binaries\Win32 in your DmC folder
-Open steam_rld.ini using Notepad
-Replace “english” by “spanish” at the bottom
The long lost mod is from this video:
The features in this mods are:
-Dante, Vergil and Kat have a mustache.
-The HUD features Dante wearing a sombrero.
-Dante grows two mustaches when he’s using Devil Trigger.
-Dante has a Sugar-Skull lady on his shirt and a Mariachi guitar on his back.
-The ending result screen’s SSS score is replaced with “Señor Sombrero Salsero”.
-And many more silly stuff.
To fully enjoy this mod, I suggest you to listen to the Gypsy Kings while playing.
Anyone who legitimately thinks this is a bad game hasn`t played an actual bad game. One that wastes your time completely and your money. Like Gone Home or Big Rigs.
You can still find some enjoyment in Big Rigs.
Its an okay game but the game itself didn't do much to stand out.
The controversies are the topics people remembered most.
this game canon?
i got 1-5 but this game
He never had humanity. He's half angel, half demon. Neither Donte nor Vorgil are biologically human at all.
No. It’s a reboot that takes place in a separate continuity.
No, the reboot has Dante being half angel half demon, not half human half demon.
Then that completely shits on the message that humans have something that demons don’t we got in DMC.
What about when he aimed his guns at Nero, who he clearly didn't have any intention of killing? I don't quite recall where his fingers were on his guns in that scene and don't feel like checking.
good to know
The message I got in DmC is: Humans are weak and powerless, demons are colossal, unrepetent assholes and angels are pointless.
He was playing around with Nero.
>Dante would be laughed out of a bar.
Isnt that exactly the first scene of the anime?
>The characters are fun, lighthearted delights
He obviously didn’t play it. He didn’t read the replies either.
DmC week when?
He said that? what did he think would happen to a person walking in a room with that scuffed mohawk Donte had lmao. Shit looked like a dead skunk on his head.
How about a DmC mockery week instead?
The idea was for it to be RE4, then decided against it because it became too much action.
I'm out.
he has body dysphoria from looking like a human baka
what? so this 5mb mod i just for moustaches or does it have all that other shit in it aswell?
This is one of the first pieces of art they did for Donte.
It’s basically a Mexican Donte skin with a complete Spanish dub for all the characters too.
>someone saved my doodle
Thats a weird feeling.
Speaking of Mexican Donte
>thicc spanish neven
I’m sold.
I know, but thats the intention.
Blame the shit writing.
What about the one where it talks about Vorgil talking in Japanese and Donte not understanding a single thing he’s saying?
Gotcha covered
Why would you rescue your weak bdsm loving father?
a lot of good artists and i'd dare say game designers worked on this game
but it got fucked over by writing and marketing
it seemed like a drawing board idea that never got developed
"hey you know what would be cool? angel stuff."
leading towards the end
"so why do we have angels again? i guess the weapons look cool"
the thing about that is that demons were also an authoritarian power
>borrowed moves
Donte is shittier Nero, end of. Tried to steal his personality, stole his combat mechanics, stole his grapple. Stole his background. But see Nero was too much of a sensible character. He was an orphan but also in the holy knights, protecting people from demons. See this was too good for NT. So instead they made Donte even edgier, barfights, strippers, alcohol, you know all the try hard shit.
This made me draw an El Donte.
I know you drew this as a joke and all that, but it's still a better design that shitstorm that they came up with.
Thanks, user. He’s perfect.
Holy shit I haven't seen that video in forever. The original was taken down due to a copyright claim.
>the flag is just stuck on his arm
I love it.
I’m glad I could help.
>enemies going totally inactive when off-camera put it at least a tier lower than 1/3/4/5.
They turn inactive in all the games. And just about every single action adventure game does this.
Are those supposed to be red eyes or round shades?
Because I kinda want them to be shades.
>They turn inactive in all the games.
Wrong. They don't ATTACK you off-camera, but they will do their best to move back into view, so the game can OK them to go on the offense.
The music choices honestly make the fight so much better.
It's what the game should have been all along.
I agree. Hotel California and Theme of Love were my personal favorites.
They are now.
Also Donte throwing a razor sumbrero.
Fucking nice
Sombrero Aquila is perfect.
he needs maracas as his Cerberus lite
I’m more partial to this version of Aquila.
i've played alot of DmC. I really dont think they go completely in active. They try to move into view like every other game. Or else fighting dreamrunners would never work.
What was the point of Kat, again?
To be deep and interesting character that can stand up for herself. Not a dumb prostitute with a big gun.
STRONGweak[/spoiler ]FEMALEplot device CHARACTERobject
>hides behind a trash can at the end
What did Tameem mean by this?
goodlike brah
>bosses are phenomenal
>boring hp sponges with repetitive hit the weakspot moments padded with mindless
chores before you get to hit the weakspot
yes, the apex of boss fights
Be Vergil's cum dumpster
People always talk about the level art, but I've never been particularly impressed. That part in the night club with the moving music bars is kind of cool though.