>Master, the batteries in your Wiimote are nearly depleted
Master, the batteries in your Wiimote are nearly depleted
Other urls found in this thread:
still better than navi
>Master my batteries are nearly depleted, you'll have to refill them
you don't need arms to do blowjobs
Fi is funny.
Skyward Sword is thoroughly flawed, but Fi is not one of those flaws.
>tfw once found my old wiimote had corroded over due to a leaky battery
Perhaps I should have listen to Fi.
>King of Red Lions
What's your list Yea Forums?
>God tier
Phantom Zelda
King of Red Lions
Delete this
Fetish artists fucking suck. They draw Link like fucking Nigel Thornberry and expect people to fap to it?
Fi is absolutely one of those flaws
>Master Link, I am calculating an 80% chance that you are feeling sexually frustrated. As this may reduce your combat effectiveness, please allow me to relieve you of your sexual tension--as the hero's guide appointed by the goddess, I am fully equipped to do so.
>You may touch me anywhere you would like, as well as provide me with instructions. Please be as explicit as you desire.
I'll never understand the pre-reddit meme that is Navi hate. She doesn't really do much.
Fi was awful. Easily the most intrusive companion. And the "emotional" moment when you say goodbye to her falls completely flat because it wasn't earned. An artificial intelligence gaining emotions is kinda cheesy, but also a good way to get an audience to feel for them, and there's never a point in the game that indicates that she feels anything for Link like she says she does at the end.
Even Navi was better.
I don't know why fetish artists, particularly fat fetish artists, like to inject comedy into their works so much but I don't mind, I'm only in it for the fatties
Do people really like this or is it a gigantic joke?
If there was an edit without link there, I would post it. jaykuma is very hot or miss imo
If you flip Navi and Fi, this is correct
I guess for the same reason that one guy posted about smelling Yoshi's eggs and every other word was haha.
They're ashamed of their fetishes so they disguise it as just a joke.
The same reason people like feet, futa, BBC, and furshit. It’s a fetish
Hey I know this artist
This guy draws pretty good humanized pone
She cute
she's enjoyable maybe 35% of the time she's on screen
reminder don't dick the sword
not too bad
Friendly reminder not to tickle Fi, because she is helpless to defend against it.
Why does Nintendo want us to fuck swords?
WW babbies don't get to discuss Zelda kiddo sorry
>ezlo that low
grumpy old man is classic buddy trope and he is god tier and i dont count anyone who doesnt go in dungeons as a partner
>god tier
>outright bad
Guy, I started all the way back with Zelda 2, not that I liked it.
Ezlo at the very top. I loved that mean old man.
Oh damn check out this Zelda BADASS his first Zelda was 2 he must be HARDCORE
Imagine burying your face in that ass.
Imagine the smell
he probably never finished MC
>Calls him a WWbaby
>Gets buttblasted when he says that wasn't his first game
animefag at it with being retarded again
Anime posters, everyone
first play through of BOTW and its really lonely with out a companion I think it would be nice to have someone randomly say things or point out stuff
just get a friend to sit on the couch next to you while you play and have him give you tips
you DO have friends, don't you?
>tfw Zelda wasn't your companion
actually I only play when my sister, who has beat the game, can watch and give hints
Because the best wife is one who will protect your life.
Fi didn't deserve to be stuck in such a mediocre game
I feel like Jap vida companies make me want to fuck the weirdest things. Atlus made me want to fuck a toaster and now swords from Nintendo
Abe really wants Japan to make babies.
>>tfw Zelda wasn't your companion
This a good thing tho, Zelda was awful in BotW.
Zelda is awful in all Zeldas
Pretty sword spirit.
She was wonderful in SS.
If you think about it Fi has skull fucked Ganon multiple times. How does this rapist get away with it.
>King of Red Lions
Haven't played Minish Cap yet
>She was wonderful in ST.
Ftfy, she'd a jobber in SS and makes the series worse because of it.
She is god tier companion in Spirit Tracks
My Taiwanese scriptures make me want to fuck eldritch abominations, mothers, and Christmas cakes that play Minecraft
Fi is one of SS' biggest flaws.
>P3 had a fuckable/datable eldritch abomination and toaster/robotgirl
Weird game.
The fact that he hasn't yet made a lewd of the Ro-500 disappoints me.
Like galvanized steel?
The fact that he barely does any robots at all disappoints me
like salty steel coins
>not that I liked it
Faggot with shit taste detected.
He pretty much only draws Hex and the frog girl when he isn't doing commissions.
She was a generic moeblob you retarded shitter
She was fine in the first one.
>She was a generic moeblob
We're not talking about Smash Zelda.
oh lordy my penis
It's what he needs
Indeed. We are talking about spirit tracks zelda you deluded waifu faggot
>MFW When Zedrin does more Robot lewds than Robutts
Do it.
It's pure kino.
Sad thing was he started out by drawing robotgirls lewd mostly Aigis, got some fame off of drawing her and switched to humans
Zelda actually had some development in that title and was more then just moeshit waifu, retard.
How much mushrooms does it have, relative to previous Zelda games?
I'll add it to the list of GBA games to get when I get an OG DS then
Navi would be hot if they zoomed in.
Her interface is not the sword itself.
It's very informative.
>Elder God tier
Phantom Zelda
>God tier
King of Red Lions
wtf? really? my thoughts when this happened.
How do I play this game on Dolphin?
What does this even mean?
Describe what a /realistic/ perfect Zelda would be. Something that Nintendo would actually put in their game that you would consider good?
Who is Fi's favorite master out of all the Links?
I think that's where the hate comes from, along with the 'hey listen' thing.
>over two fucking decades later people are still forcing the navi bad meme
The perfect Zelda is TP Zelda because she's dead half of the game
What companion trope has not been in a Zelda game yet that you would or wouldn't like to see?
She was legitimately worse than Navi, Fi blurted out the solutions to puzzles without even being asked
childhood is thinking Navi is an awful addition to the series
adulthood is realizing she's the least intrusive partner and therefore the best
Navi had no personality whatsoever. Every companion afterwards was given more character because of this.
I know right
Sure she's a little annoying but she's helpful a majority of the time when you need her
I honestly felt helpless without her during the first Ganondorf fight
Starting with that bitchy one in majora's mask.
Would you classify Spirit Tracks Zelda as Genki?
She didn't feel Genki to me and it's my favorite personality.
Tatl was like Midna done wrong
Yeah they went the other extreme because, as I said, they probably realized that Navi had no personality.
>tfw watching that one Master Sword tribute video on youtube
Made me like Fi a lot more.
Also she is pretty cool in Hyrule Warriors.
Factually wrong
Midna was Tatl done wrong
Only zoomers like Midna because she's shitty waifu bait
Where did the name "TOON link" come from?
The first time I've ever heard him referred to as that was in Brawl. Why aren't the other links described by their appearance?
>Only zoomers like Midna because she's shitty waifu bait
Shit bait, Midna is a companion done right.
>t. thirsty virgin zoomer
Isn't Phym adopted though?
Maybe it was just Majora's mask in general.
Fucker needs to get on Twitter already
>literal no u
Guess I'm right.
Disagree, Midna had an arc where she started out bitchy but gradually became more humble, Tatl was a bitch for no reason with very little resembling an arc and basically stayed the same the entire time.
I don't even want to fuck Midna
He's only referred to as such for the same reason Young Link got that name in Smash, it's just to distinguish him from regular Link.
What do you mean?
Majora's mask is a downer.
the lion king is least intrusive
>gradually became more humble
She was humble because her personality did a literal 180 after saving her dumb ass from dying that's not even taking into account that Zelda was influencing her
Midna is a supporting partner done wrong right down to her backstory and she doesn't even function as a proper guide apart from controlled wolf segments
>He only does ponyshit nowadays
Why is this world so fucking gay
Oh yeah, I agree. And with how most of the residents of Termina acted Tatl didn't feel out of place. However I personally think that the easiest fix is to switch the fairies, Tael being Link's companion and learning to be more courageous would have been far more effective, and he would have the same motivation she did
As well as Irene from ALBW, she only said anything when you warped
>did a literal 180 after saving her dumb ass from dying
Retard who didn't play the game.
>she doesn't even function as a proper guide apart from controlled wolf segments
Good, the less intrusion the better.
>t. dumb waifufag that played neither MM or TP
Midna did a 180 because Zelda risked her life to revive her, she didn't give a shit about the Light realm because she her people were banished and she only gave a shit about saving them and getting her throne back, then when she was shown kindness by Zelda and Link, she decides to return the favor by helping save both worlds
I'm not sure I understand.
Played them both and Midna is still the companion. Seethe all you want, I'm not even a waifufag for the character who clearly not meant to be the waifu. Ilia, Agitha, Ashei, Hena, Hena's big tiddie sister, Telma those are the waifus. Midna is not and doesn't see herself that way. She even tells us this early in the game
I don't really understand how she's a flaw I just played it last night and she's one of the better aspects. She only gets in your face if it takes you an absurdly long time to figure out the easy puzzles
>She even tells us this early in the game
That's called being a tsundere.
>has a legitimate reason in the form of her disfigurement by Zant's dark magic who did it to rub salt in her wounds
>nuh-uh she tsundere like in my japanese cartoons
So a dumb in joke.
>no linebeck
if midna's waifu popularity was accidental then explain the last part of this scene
>main transportation whom the entire story revolves around
>not intrusive
Link canonically fucks girls named Midna.
Zelda's essence was within Midna when she saved her
Why do you think Zelda's body was a lifeless husk afterward? Midna wasn't showing kindness to anybody, she's literally the generic spoiled rebellious princess trope. Midna has done nothing in TP that has helped anyone her incompetence lead to not only Hyrule being nearly consumed by twilight but lead to the revival of Ganondorf
All of this just because she wanted to get her greedy hands on an ancient relic of her people just to get it and job to Zant afterward now imagine if without Midna's "endearing" retardation that Link learned about the Master Sword early in the game
>in joke
Fucking newfag
Thanks for confirming.
She's cute. Imagine having a little fi to keep like virtual pet.
>She only gets in your face if it takes you an absurdly long time to figure out the easy puzzles
She spends the first 4 hours she's in the game explaining the events of cutscenes that just happened and what context clues you should obviously have picked up on based on what just happened in longest winded possible way. And continues to do so with no ability to stop her throughout the rest of the game
Also fuck her for stopping me by from using the bellows on sand piles just because I wanted to play with it, because she thought I was stupid the 4 times I ignored her about there being nothing more to find. No other companion characters actually cut game content out.
>Midna has done nothing in TP that has helped anyone her incompetence lead to not only Hyrule being nearly consumed by twilight but lead to the revival of Ganondorf
Fucking retard did you even play the game? All of this stems from the ineptness of the sages who flush Ganondorf away. Midna didn't know about Zant's pact with Ganondorf.
>Thanks for confirming.
That you're a newfag? You're welcome.
>now imagine if without Midna's "endearing" retardation that Link learned about the Master Sword early in the game
That's literally on Zelda's part for withholding information. There was no discussion of the MS until they got BTFOd by Zant.
>midna is just zelda in her body!
>which is why she started to kill zelda before ganon could possess her before finding herself not ruthless to and grimacing in pain at the realization
>Because obviously, if she was zelda, this is what her reaction would be to killing zelda and finding she couldn't be so evil/heartless
No just the in joke.
She didn't want the Fused Shadows for herself, Zant did
She even says in the game that she only needed them because Zant was trying to cover the world in Twilight, and throughout the first half even says that what they're assembling could be dangerous. You're blaming Midna on things Zant did, he came across Ganondorf on his own and tried to overthrow the Twilight Realm and then the Light Realm, she's the true ruler and only wants the best for her people
What's the joke?
>Agitha is a waifu character.
I know I personally spent an absurd amount of time trying to find those gold bugs for her, but I've never heard anyone mention her outside of Hyrule Warriors talks, and even then only in passing. How is she supposed to be a waifu character? Do people even like her? I'd say she's side character tier, if anything.
Hey! Listen! You ffuck!
>How is she supposed to be a waifu character? Do people even like her? I'd say she's side character tier, if anything.
The HW devs really, really liked her and added her to the game. That's where the waifu thing started.
There was that one weird guy who would always stand outside her house and get on the defense about her if Link spoke to him
>The HW devs really, really liked her and added her to the game.
Good men.
I still don't really see it though. Being a cute, ditzy girl doesn't exactly equal waifu bait. In her game she's just an eccentric who gives side quests, and in HW she is just sort of there.
I think the fact that the reader is expecting a punchline but the characters have no sense of humor so there isn't one
>Being a cute, ditzy girl doesn't exactly equal waifu bait.
Tell that to the Japanese. They’ll figure out a loophole. They always do.
>nintendo snuck in an armless waifu
I obviously meant outside of the game, but I guess so. Screw that guy though, I called dibs.
There are plenty of cute, ditzy waifu bait characters already, but simply being attractive doesn't make something waifu bait.
Of course you can still waifu someone who isn't just bait.
>Midna(would be first or second place if I could get behind her imo design. She only looks good in true form)
the hilt is the arms.
>Probabaly would smell like a brand new videgame case being opened, new car smell, or something along those lines
She wouldn’t smell human or smelly in any way, I’m sure. you could probably eat cereal out of it and it wouldn’t come off as trifling or dirty at all
What game is that from? yeah, it's a Zelda, but what one?
Fi from Skyward Sword
based kung powster
Thank you, friend.
[laughs in horsefucker]
Taking Fi requests.
Fi burying her feet into Link's skyward pointed ass like a sword in a pedestal.
Fi wearing a thong
Fi breastfeeding adult Link
link using her as a dowsing rod.
Chibi Fi in a fairy bottle?
Link sitting on fi's shoulders chocking her with his cock
giant fi
Fi wearing a tutu.
This is my fetish
>Not giving her lots of siblings
Fi getting impregnated while calculating the risks
OoT Link. It was really overprotective of her to knock him out for 7 years, just so he could use the Master Sword properly.
They both end up feeling shitty about their arms and legs
There's a few pre-modded repacks of Dolphin floating around with gamepad support for Skyward Sword, just look up "skyward sword with gamepad emulation"
or something on youtube. It's not perfect but it's by far better than using the actual wiimote.
Draw Fi shutting the fuck up.
What position? Mating press?
Their characters are like that, so the joke is that there is no joke because they don't get them.
My brother compared me to Linebeck when he got LoZ:TPH like a million years ago and since then he's been my favorite character.
What is she >Implying?
thighsex w/ link, i'll pay you
So stop draining them and buy yourself a proper vibrator, for fuck's sake!
Are you fucking pranking me here my dude?
No idea
this but with fi
Why is it a cartoon gun barrel?
Sorry fellas, the wife woke up and she doesn't like me drawing porn for free.
>Spirit Zelda
>King of Red Lions
Does Linebeck count?
Doubt it.
I was just starting so its fine.
That's pretty hot.
Stream it you lazy fucks.
I am the 10%.
It's a comic
>user starts up Skyward Sword, grabs his wiimote, Fi says hello and how glad she is to see user again
>user plugs in the wii motion plus, Fi commends him and says she can feel every movement
>user starts putting that stupid rubber jacket on the wiimote, Fi says what a good idea that is for safety so it doesn't slip out of his hands, wiimote is partly out of frame so you can't see the bottom
>Next frame is an image of the whole wiimote, in a rubber jacket which we now see has a fleshlight attachment
>Final frame is a close up of Fi's reaction
Just draw it so it's a safe for work image. Maybe she's not on her back so she can take dick, she just slipped and fell. And spilled yogurt on herself. Link is trying to help her clean it up but he tripped, whoops!
What was it?
imagine of a version of Fia so fat and round she looks like dobson drew her, with her saying to link "There is a 90% chance this form is more attractive to you"
I'll try to stream it but I haven't tested this so reply if you see 20th century fox
It works, I suppose. Probably not gonna watch since I have the DVD, I just wanted to see if you actually did it.