Where should the confirm/cancel buttons be on a controller?
Where should the confirm/cancel buttons be on a controller?
Wherever the game puts them.
Japs have it as 1. We people in civilizations where God pays attention, we have it as 2.
3. Any other answer is wrong.
that's the way it was supposed to be, even on PS. O = Confirm, X = Deny
Inverted 3.
>not inverted 1
This, the only patrician answer.
Isn't that what old PC controllers did?
either 1 or 2 is fine, depending on what fits the game more. Anything else feels odd.
that's on there as option 2 already
Enter and ESC. Fuck your baby controllers.
all 4fags literally need to be executed
4 for that PS1 feel
1 is correct for people who actually play video games
As long as the cancel button is either on the bottom or right, I'm happy.
1. tradition
2. contrarian
3. logic
4. chaos
>not mappable controls
That was the joke. Thanks, jerk.
1, zoomers will say 2, but they are wrong
Why is left confirm/bottom deny never a thing
Works with the natural thumb placement and is closer to the stick allowing faster reaction
>not including Triangle to confirm and Square to cancel
>not pressing left stick to confirm and right stick to cancel
I'm smelling casual in this thread
2 is the correct answer.
>number 4
What the fuck was Basedny's smoking when they thought of this?
maybe they wanted the colors to match N64
2 is the best option desu
>start button for confirm
>power button for deny
Choose wisely
Blue = Confirm, Red = Deny
checkmate slanteyes
red = hot = good
blue = cold = bad
Take a shower meleefag
Nintendo or Xbox style. Nothing else
we need to go back
Blue => Sky = Heaven; Water = Life => Good
Red => Fire = Hell; Blood = Death => Bad
um try again
What game even uses 4
Either 1 or inverted 3
PSX games.
1 and 2 are both fine
Depends on the lettering/symbols on the buttons, but either way, cancel needs to be left from confirm as left to right is the common process order of everything, at least on the west.
1 for Nintendo games and 2 for everything else. I have no idea why, but the controller in your hand makes a difference even though they all near enough have the same layouts. When I'm playing a Playstation game, it feels natural for X to be positive and circle to be negative. Whereas I'm playing a Nintendo game, it feels natural for A to be positive and B to be negative. Even though I poured dozens of hours into Dark Souls on the PS3, when I got Dark Souls on the Switch, it felt really jarring to me that B was confirm and A was roll, even though that's what I should be conditioned for from the Playstation version.
Back in the day on PS1, triangle was cancel for just about every game.
Nintendo has always done it that way, so I'm used to it.
1 is the correct choice.
Red confirms, Green cancels of course.
>Red confirms, Green cancels of course.
Why not both?
Thanks, Doc.
Precisely because of "faster reaction". It is better to place confirmation buttons out of the way of the user's natural resting place so that mistakes are harder to make. If a popup box has options (ie Confirm / Cancel) that are selected with directional buttons, always start on Cancel.
Yeah, just like traffic signals.
2 > 4 > 3 >>>>>>> 1
Why does Japan have to be backwards in everything?