What happened to this series?
What happened to this series?
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Made itself less distinguished from every other shooter to appease to a wider audience, which backfired horribly
I heard horrible stories about Battlefield V, yet how come Battlefield 4 and 1 are still played religiously?
fucking niggers, kikes and """""women""""" ruined it
V is better than 1 and Hardline
It went from exciting to boring to SJW.
BF4 was the last decent battlefield, even though it's a step down from some older entries, its still good.
BF1 on the other hand has a really big following of kids who haven't played earlier battlefields, but like that one in favor of CoD. Not a horrible game by any means, though. Just not a good battlefield game.
>yet how come Battlefield 4
Shit release, was fixed two years later when a secondary DICE team took over and decided to actually work on the game, it also helped that they released almost all of the DLC for free.
Who knows, I never touched it and won't play another Battlefield game again.
BF BC2 was the last pure exciting game
BF 3 was half exciting half boring
BF 4 went almost full boring
BF Hardline is peak boring
BF1 is a little bit of everything + half SJW
BF5 went full SJW
BF4 after all its fixes is a really decent game
I try not to sound like some boomer faggot about it, but the older games are fucking fantastic, and BC's were a lot of fun.
i like both battlefield 4 and battlefield 1
i think they're both the best battlefields ever created
with battlefield 1 being casualized shit everyone can play and battlefield 4 being the real deal for autistic neckbeards
before those two came out, bad company 2 and bf2142 were the kings
debate me
you will lose
I can respect those titles,Hardline and V on the other hand...
I don't have to debate you, you obviously didn't play the originals
hardline is barely mentioned anymore
battlefield vagina is nothing, pretend it didn't exist and we're still waiting for BF5
sorry user, i've played those too and BF2 just paled in comparison of the magnificence that was BF2142
bad company was godtier too before BC2 came out
bad company 3 never ever
>BF1 on the other hand has a really big following of kids who haven't played earlier battlefields,
Completely disagree
I've never felt more immersed in a BF game than I ever have playing Operations in BF1, for me that was the peak of the series
2142 is amazing though. BF1 being the one of the best in the series though, I can't behind that in the slightest
i think people were too harsh on battlefield 1
sure it has a ton of retarded gimmicks, but the core gameplay is really solid, and the immersion\atmosphere is thick as fuck
i think people who enjoy a more balanced and "professional" experience will greatly enjoy battlefield 4 over any other nu-battlefield title, while casualfags who just want to frag shit and pop a nigga while 63 other retards slaughter themselves with bayonets charges and assorted shit will really, really love battlefield 1
battlefield V on the other hand is an absolute fuckfest of inhuman proportions
it's actually amazing how many things they managed to fuck up with that game
BFV is absolutely undefendable in any form or shape, including the new battleroyale mode that is easily the worst BR game\mode ever created
BFV is fun, but it only really works if your squad is playing a separate role, haven't seen as much bullshit when facing enemy squads entirely comprised of snipers
I'm glad they toned down the crazy soldiers with prosthetic limbs like what was shown in the early trailers
Battlefield 4 is totally dead now. Don't know about 1.
Liberals. Every fucking time.
EA increased their shares on the company.
>Battlefield 4 is totally dead now
>pic related
>V is better than 1 and Hardline
that's not an accomplishment
unironically this
This isn't the case in game, you can make yourself a nig or chink, even a woman but it's rare you'll see this
It's also funny when you kill a woman from a distance, you'll know by the death scream if you can't already see them
same shit since 3
swedes gonna swede