Mfw pirating games I don't intend to ever play, just to harm their developers

>mfw pirating games I don't intend to ever play, just to harm their developers

Attached: smug mya-nee.jpg (437x471, 56K)

Other urls found in this thread:

it doesn't harm the developers if you weren't ever going to purchase or play them to begin with. It's not a lost sale.


>go to McDonalds
>order 15 cheeseburgers
>walk out without paying
>"it's ok, i never buy shitty fast food anyway, so you didn't lose a sale"

are you retarded?

While I agree with moral fags that if you pirate the game and play it, it is a lost sale your comment right there is fucking dumb.

post the gif

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piracy creates a copy, so the store in this case hasn't lost any stock. They haven't lost a sale since you weren't going to get it anyway. They lose nothing.

You guys are retarded. If he was never going to purchase it, that money was guaranteed never going into the devs' pockets no matter what choice he made.

Based food analogy poster

Shut up you god damn pedophile

Except in your shitty analogy, it would just be copying 15 other burgers already made before.

ebin troll bread

What if I live in Zimbabwe and pirate a game, what then?

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>pirating doesn't impact sales idiots!
Also pirates:
>we're not going to crack Yakuza yet because we want this game to sell!

based and CUNNYpilled

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I'd do things to this little gal

>go into McDonalds kitchen
>cook myself 20 burgers from buns and patties laying around
>"chill guys, i didn't steal any burgers, i just made myself some new ones"


>go to hidden dark alley
>order 20 McDonalds cheeseburgers from shady dude
>he gives me them out of his coat pocket
>bring them home and put them in my fridge
>never eat them
Heh, take that McDonalds.

Are you?

>kids continuing to demonstrate that they don't know the difference in copying something intangible and stealing something tangible
Something you should have learned when you were a toddler, kids. I guess Yea Forums has the mentality of a toddler. No surprise.

>ham dealer selling hams at ridiculous price of $60 a ham during a time of economic downturn and high unemployment
>excuse me sir, i'm very hungry and need to eat, can i buy a ham?
>that'll be $60
>i don't have $60, but i do have this ham copier. with this ham copier i can make an exact copy of the ham and there will be no damage to your original ham
>well i don't see why not, you'll get a ham that you couldn't afford and i get to keep my hams to sell to people who can afford them. everybody wins!

Care to explain what the fuck your problem is Yea Forums?

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Mya Nee is 110% perfect wife material

God, all of wataten's porn has been glorious so far.

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>Wasting your bandwidth to maintain games you're never going to play.
But why, though?

You don't need 5 years of labor from a 100 man team every time a new version of ham comes out.

>spin up 100gbps VPS
>leech from public trackers
>delete the download afterwards
>never seed
psssh... nothin personnel.... kid

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What part of copying do you not understand?

>anime posters
>pirate poorfags

I want sumata from Mya-nee!

First off, food is a necessity and video games are not so you can never really compare them properly.
Secondly, if people could make copies of hams there would be literally no reason to ever pay for ham. But I don't think that the ham copier is at fault in that scenario because if you live in world were ham can be easily copied and spread then building a business on selling hams is a bad idea.

NEET virgin fags what did you expect

Hana a shit, a SHIT
Noa a cute, a CUTE

>if you live in world were ham can be easily copied and spread then building a business on selling hams is a bad idea

>tfw signing up for closed betas that I will never play

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Almost like making an entire business based off digital media is a bad idea.

goro goro

>Care to explain what the fuck your problem is Yea Forums?
I'm sorry I just really fucking love little girls.

Noa has a cleft lip and a horrible sense of fashion! She's UGLY!

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Attached: wwwwakari.png (545x795, 236K)

Wait a minute... that's not Mya-nee!

Please source that gif


Myanee getting fucking pounded by an offscreen Hana

That's no a cleft lip! Noa has kitten mouth and cat starts with C and so does CUTE and CUNNY and so does Case closed

>looks up recipe online
>make mcdonald borgar

>mfw mcdonald borgar

Attached: enthusiastic mya-nee.jpg (687x646, 52K)

dont tell that to the losers who think that steam suck because they have to be competitive and think that epic will accept their average indie games

Guys can we stop sexualizing Mya-nee
and start sexualizing Noa-chan?

Hmm yes I like this idea

based, fuck EA, Activision, and Ubisoft



>>order 15 cheeseburgers
>>walk out without paying
what's the problem with this? you never obtained anything


McDonalds still has to make the burgers wasting time and resources

knowing them they were probably already made
I appreciate your innocence though

Let's get this shit started
>Food Analogy

maybe those retarded hamfags should have thought better of going into the ham industry if they were going to spend millions on making their ham (and it came out either over or undercooked anyway so what was the point) release it into the digital world, and then complain when people do whatever they want with the ham instead of buying it. maybe these hamtards should try adapting to the new, and still evolving world of digital ham distribution instead of being stuck in the middle ages ways of peddling your ham in the town center.



>Show with 5 (FIVE) lolis
>Let's make porn of the smelly semi-NEET
Japan is over





Is there a full vid someone made or just this?


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>But I don't think that the ham copier is at fault in that scenario because if you live in world were ham can be easily copied and spread then building a business on selling hams is a bad idea
Is this was having absolutely Z E R O self awareness is like? Holy fuck, dude. Just stop posting your retarded opinions about anything anywhere for the next five years.

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It's just this

There is more than enough porn of the lolis you faggot, so the smelly big tiddy neet having one gif is fine


>pirate game that might be just ok
>install and play for 20 minutes before uninstalling because its not good
If it's an rpg it's rehash garbage, if it's an action game it's auto attack garbage, if it's an fps it has nocontent and is poorly designed garbage. Exceptions to the rule sometimes like nu-doom but it's all so tiresome.

She gon do it she gon say the m word how do you stop her Yea Forums

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>still evolving world of digital ham distribution

These food analogies keep getting better.

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Should I watch this show if I'm a lolicon?

>pirate game thrice so they lose 3 sales
heh, nothing personnel corporations

Poor bait.

I rape her cunny

I mean you can buy food on amazon so digital ham distribution is a real thing.


We used to put those out to customers who ordered cheeseburgers or salvage the meat and reuse it

>Should i watch this show about a female lolicon that has serval cute lolis in it??

Jesus christ lolicons are pathetic.

Holy shit, this actually got a full-blown anime release? NGL, never thought this manga would get that treatment

Is there anything better than female lolicons?

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stay upset tranny

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Have sex

I do this too, except I also force myself to play it, because otherwise it doesn't work.

mega slowpoke my friend, final episode is tomorrow

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It's the only context in which I find lolicons acceptable.

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Imagine being attracted to men.

I don't tend to check out the anime seasons much anymore, and I've been pretty busy with vidya since the new year. But yeah, I am a bit slow here. I usually keep more up to date with yuri anime
...Any other good yuri shows lately?

Agegap yuri is the patrician choice, so no. Nothing is better than a female lolicon

old fat male lolicons

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Yuri is fucking trash and is ruining the anime industry. Take your SJW shit elsewhere.

Me off-screen to the right.


Futa shotacons

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begone, sub human

No. doga is back to making hetshit after this one.

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Mya nee is NOT a pedo she's just really passionate about creating clothing for children and dressing them up and sometimes watching them change

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Good. Hetshit is the only good shit.
Yuritards need to fuck off already. Take your LGBT garbage elsewhere.

>tfw pirate every game, even indies, never pay even if I love the game
>don't try to justify it remotely, just do it and enjoy it

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You seem awfully bitter user, who hurt you?

>mcdicks makes you pay right after the order is placed.
>implying that walking out immediately after ordering wouldn't just mean the order is cancelled.
Fucking retard

female lolicons interacting with giant lolis

This sounds absurd

I like it


>food analogies

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all these retards itt falling for obvious bait

>gamer fuel threads get deleted
>anime pedo threads are still up
fuck you

surely I'm not the only one here who's on the left

Mya-nee really gets me going for some reason.

nice bait idiots actually fell for it

do you really need another reason to kill yourself animefag?

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>he's not excited for summer weightlifting

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>Linking to Pixiv
Don't do this.

>Tfw body looks almost exactly like hers minus the boobs

Why are pirates this retarded? The "I just copied so no physical good was lost" argument is so fucking stupid
Its like when people compare iPhones with other phones and claim "wow they use plastic so they should charge $100 instead of $1000" ignoring all the engineering hours, patents and workforce to create both the software and the hardware

We're all little girls here, user

Why does she have one inverted and one normal nipple in the top one?

As it should be you degenerate
made from for anime fags retard

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Are you implying that I'm against pirating?

Why are people arguing about pirating in a loli thread

you wouldn't steal a loli

keeping it video games :^)

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I would

Why are people pirating lolis in an argument thread?


I'm glad you liked it


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I will pirate everything and anything that I can pirate, fuck you

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actually upon further inspection I'm in the middle

Just enjoy it all silly

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I pirate movies and games and don't give a fuck
But I'm very torn about pirating loli doujins/manga

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Why is she so shocked?

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Because she's a normal mentally healthy adult woman who realizes girls shouldn't romantically be involved with other girls.

Recommend me some lolicon games to pirate right now!

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Her minge is in the process of creating a second suez canal

Me 2nd from the right

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Me on the left

Pls tell me ur a flat female

This. If you want to actually harm the developers, do this:

>buy game on G2A from the shadiest russian you can find, most of then buy keys with stolen cards that eventually get drawn back. The game remains with you still, other people take the fall for this
>you may pay for the game, but the developers get absolutelly no money
>now as you have the original game with all it's functions, you can use their servers but without paying for it
>give a negative review on the game as a cherry on the top

I do this with anything that isn't japanese.

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>Not SJW

Me second from the left with my GF (first left)

>pirates game you're not going to play
>you wouldn't have bought it in the first place
>dev literally loses nothing

>Doesn't know the different between soulful yuri and souless LGBT pandering
Baka tourist

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Bro I told you you can't date your own sister

user yuri is a celebration of ideal feminine beauty. It's the kind of thing SJWs make the frog noise at.

That's me in the corner

>made for male pleasure
>borderline illegal situations


based and cunnypilled

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And how does this apply to videogames, retard? There is no effort put into a pirated copy.



Post more Mya Nee lewds

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Hinata is such a fucking chad she can date her own sister and Noa.

Well, why is it a crime then, Einstein?

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Mako's Park Toucher Fantasy

t. lesbian

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>tfw you tried to sleep with Chadnata but she kicked you off it to display dominance over her territory

Fuck bros..

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>that image

Yar har dipedy dee,
Being a pirate is alright with me,
Do what you want 'cause a pirate is free,
Cpt Karen is here desu!

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>It's okay when Japan does it.
Nah. Homosexual shit is all SJW trash.

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Is this show worth watching for this girl? Don't give a shit about the lolis.

SJW are trash because they take products made for other people that they hate and ruin it
Yuri is based because it's made by people who love yuri for people who love yuri

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that's a very interesting position op
does it even damage the devs if you're not even going to play it?

are you gay or somethin’?

Noa is both a loli and very cute.

Idiot fell for it! That's a loli disguised as the older girl!
That makes you a lolicon

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>is this show about lesbian lolis worth watching for the non-loli character

So Alex Jones is an sjw now?

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Because you live in a cucked country, where the politicians lay in bed with the suited billionaires call then whatever you want. Jews, capitalists, follow your heart that own big corporations such as giant music records and movie distributors. So, your leadership makes legislation to protect the interests of their little rich friends,like any law to protect copyright, the same friends that funds campaigns exactly to force that kind of shit.

Copyright laws are the supreme proof a that a country that is runned by the rich elites.

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Onee-loli is based

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Why are lesbos so cool?

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The only type of lolicons I respect are the ones who admit they're just child fuckers and that's the end of it.

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Who cares about your respect, loser?

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I'll have you know I've never fucked a child in my life

Mya-nee is in a show with two loli goddesses and she's in love the third one that's complete trash. Show should have just been about Hinata and Noa going on dates.

But you'd like to.

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Pedophiles who try their hardest to make themselves seem respectable are the most retarded ones.
Just own up to being a child-diddler.

3DPD applies to children too.

This. Show should be Hinata and Noa holding hands for 12 episodes

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>lolis are quick to recognize lewdness

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Can I have some age-gap yuri recommendations?

Manaria Friends
Akanesasu Shoujo

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Daily reminder that anyone who says Sekiro or Dark Souls games are hard, is a casual that has never touched Chantelise.

Chantelise is, by far, the hardest action game I have ever played. Sekiro looks like a breeze close to it.

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>That last panel
Just realized that all this time it was Yuzumori who started this relationship because she taught she looks like a lost puppy from the very beginning

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>go to Red Lobster
>order endless shrimp
>endless shrimp until your full
>such a great deal they cancelled it forever
That's piracy

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Okay, Homer

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Fucking cat pirates

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>cat pirates your wallet

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Attached: img000016.png (715x1013, 226K)

>Go on
>Look for Mother 3, a game not sold anymore and never released in the west
>Click on download
>Install toolbar
>ROM finished downloading
>Delete from desktop
>Delete from bin
>Nintendo loses a sale
>Download it again
>Nintendo loses another sale

I'm going to kill Nintendo in 2 years and you can't stop me lol

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Unless it's EA, you sir are just a major faggot.

>you sir

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If only this was true. Sadly me pirating most AAA western trash has not amounted to anything besides wasted bandwidth.

How do you function being this stupid?

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You sir, are and idiot :)

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also yuri and loli are both patrician taste, blessed thread

Lel, based and redpilled

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The problem is the ham seller is a jew. Thus he will do everything he can to keep you from not buying his ham.

Her ponytail changed sides...

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yuri a shit! SHIT!

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The JK is cuter than the JC here desu

I bet you're into traps

Spoilered because lewd smut

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I don't dislike the genre but I don't actively seek them. Vanilla's my thing mostly.

what a fag

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>Manaria Friends
Gloriphied mobage advertisements have no place being this good.

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Animator was like, fuck that

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jesus fucking christ you cant post that, this is 4channel
think of the advertisers

She then proceeded to schlick herself with that hand for 5 hours straight

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Dumb noaposter

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Whats with all the big tits anime girls having this hairstyle now?

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You underestimate her power

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yea but where's the /ll/?


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I will never not love the Lazy Town shirt

It's basically taking money directly from the developers's college fund he has set up for his children. Have you never read a headline of a new article without basis?

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is she lusting after a child?

are there any lessons I can from this?

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Its okay if your anime girl

cuz cute

>mfw reviewing games I don't intend to play for jewtube views.
It pays to be a games journalist.

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>let me tell you what you think

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well i was going to post int his thread about mcdonalds but it seems got here too late.

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Why? Are you brain-damaged or just lazy?

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Nothing is preventing you from just making the post you where going to...

Nice one SSeth

heyhey people

Is this the daily tranny thread?

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No, this is the loli thread.

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does this get lewd or is this a "legit" manga

Its fun not knowing desu

Sorry user, it's not a thin book

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Sure is

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Based, fuck video game developers.

Legit. And it ends with I'll wait 'til you're 18

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>And it ends with I'll wait 'til you're 18

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Not canon. I didn't read the last chapter so it doesn't exist.

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Holy shit you're retarded, you were supposed to take the burgers and trash them or let rot in your fridge to make the analogy hold true. And yet still only works if you are buying a physical copy and not paying digital.

>meme artist
Gotta go

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w-wait a second

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This age gap isn't big enough for my big iron

What about yuri NTR?

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you can tell he's a man of intellect by his choice of Chie. Listen to his man

Shocking Truth! The age old question!

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You're out of your jurisdiction. Also she's a minor too.


>Mcdonalds analogy

>14 year old girl has a crush on a 10 year old girl
Is this supposed to be scandalous

Gripping dialogue.

kill yourself moron

me far left

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Yeah I kinda feel like Yuzumori-san overplays the lolicon aspect a bit. It'd make a lot more sense if Mimika was like, 18-20 or so. I did remember thinking that most people would probably just assume they're good friends

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Second year of high school in Japan is 16-17.


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it's no since mimika is a lolicon gentlewoman

A high school boy with an elementary school girl would get in trouble

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What do yurifags think about when they jerk off? Do they imagine they're the ones being cucked?

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>the 2 generic black heads are together
>the special snowflake with big tiddy gets fucked
huge think


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Yuri selfcest

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I want to fix a little girls' buttons.

Shocking Truth! First encounter with FLAT

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It's great when in closet dyke lose her crush to more assertive girl, like she knew her crush will get some boyfriend eventually but with another girl it make her realize she actually had a chance and now it's gone.

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Depends, sometimes I admire yuri the way one admires a beautiful painting, and don't even fap to it.

Other times, imagine myself in that position as the girl and fap to that.

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I wish they kept pushing the "Mimika having a mental breakdown over her lolicon urges"

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Got the panda link?

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