Games where you can watch movies with a girl like The Darkness?
Games where you can watch movies with a girl like The Darkness?
Other urls found in this thread:
remember to just be yourself ok?
>that one girl who actually liked you
>be urself
doesn't work
I want a gf (female) from Yea Forums
>from Yea Forums
Pick one.
In my dreams
Why are women so fucked in the head?
why women think its ok to be blacked
I was asking myself the same thing yesterday actually
and then it hit me
= mx + b
how does that feel like?
>tfw I never met a girl that was cute and interesting enough to want to date her
how do I lower my standards boys
We are not going to make it brehs... How can we compete with the hundreds of men all girls have available on their phones?
Disguised incel thread huh
Men are also fucked in the head.
we have no room to complain, but we do anyway.
>tfw you really like a girl and you cant stop thinking about her
>she doesnt like you back
>in fact, she has a boyfriend and you die inside a little bit every time she starts talking about him
>you cant even move on and forget about her because you two work together
What do, bros?
>women are thought to have high standards
>while men must settle for a post wall whore
wow is water wet?
You don't compete for those women retard
Stop liking her.
I'll pick two
Incel threads have no place on nu-/r9k/
I dislike the way women are becoming a "protected class" shielded from all criticism and any discussion of their shallow, shitty behavior makes you persona non grata
that jpg quality though
>My step dad married my mom who had 3 sons from 3 different fathers
How do you respect someone like that
Yeah, right.
Well they definitely have no place on Yea Forums
ok incel
For some reason I hadn't really considered that aspect. All women are inundated with attention from so many sources at all times... what the fuck would I even be? Nothing.
That's ALL women.
There's an /r9k/ sleeper cell on every board, user. You can't stop it.
Allow me to remind you, roasties, that what everyone likes you for? It goes away in just a few years.
You're only on top for a very short while. 2D is forever.
If you were attractive you'd be out fucking random people too. Don't act like you're any better just because you're ugly.
Blacked is fake meme, very few date with black males.
Persona 5.
Anyone have recommendations for a body pillow?
I thought I could be an epic emotionless stoic forever but it's getting so much harder the older I get to go without intimacy.
>friends suddenly started getting into relationships in their mid twenties
>Women loss and now need marry a looser or be ladycats
>age 14 is the best
>yfw age of consent in your country is 16
>If you were attractive you'd be out fucking random people too.
That is *literally* not true. If the sexes' positions were reversed I had women falling over themselves to get with me, I'd select the one I'm compatible with any marry her. Sex with random people is not satisfying, it's just masturbation with a person as the toy.
What's his name?
Have sex.
"How does that feel?" or "What does that feel like?"
The former is connecting to a verb, the latter is connecting to what becomes a noun.
bruh pornstars fuck fat old dudes with a smile on their face
Who are you quoting?
>11 year olds are as attractive as 29 year olds
roasties on suicide watch
sure, bend over faggot
I just masturbated, I don't give a shit about this fuckery.
>those many girls that liked you
I'm sure.
with your mom
I meant the part about this
>while men must settle for a post wall whore
I love my mom - but how do you have 3 sons from 3 different fathers?
man this game was so good, and we'll never get another one like it
You literally have to be a completely different person to please women, I don't know if I even want to get good with women anymore. Seems like you have to cut out a part of your soul to be succesful
There have been a few that showed signs but none that outright stated it and I'm too pussy to show that I like someone so we'll never know if I've ever been loved.
>tfw got a 10/10 hot as fuck chinese gf after graduating college having never even kissed a girl
we just had our one year anniversary. still can't believe I made it
>wanting to fuck a axe wound
Fuck (you)
I was just trying to make you aware of your misuse of greentext
>All men are paedophiles
A hole is a hole, user
Why do trannies have to ruin themselves with that axe wound surgery?
Gonna have lots of kids man,a big family HUGE!
women are fucked in the head
what it could have been
>rating women 10/10
she is most likely a 4/10
>tfw had a gf at one point but decided to end it when I found out she basically didn't care about me and basically wanted me as a source of physical contact
It was a weird turning point for me, kind of made me realize that I wanted more than just the physical aspect of a relationship.
Haven't had a gf since that point. Lord knows I've tried, but the number of people that I have an interest in dwindles as time goes on. Oh well.
Only you will make yourself happy, and woman will ever love you more than Jesus Christ our Lord, sent by God to die in the crucifix and with His blood pay for the wages of our sins.
Reject the world's temptations and doctrine and follow Him.
Short relation high sex relationships then men just get away.
I know like 3 women than had 3 childrens from 3 different fathers.
I unironically would transition just for sex and attention if I could. I'm all old and gross now though.
It's not worth it, friend.
Go your own way.
2D will ALWAYS be there for you.
It doesn't matter how much money you have, how attractive you are, how tall you are. Nothing matters.
2D will always be there.
There is no pressure anymore. You don't have to live life constantly whittling away parts of your personality, to shape yourself into a being more compatible with women's whims.
You just live. That alone. Peace.
Is that the same person? Don't fuck with me
>girl at work constantly flirts with me
>she’s underaged
Its more like 'strive to be the man you want to be'. No effort, no confidence, no money, no women.
>"Hey user, what are you doing on your phone? Texting your girlfriend?"
>That's ALL women.
You don't compete for those.
Ugh - just another statistic
No, roastie.
no one talks like this in real life, who the fuck is this fantasy for, a psycho?
>tfw girls always rejected me at middle school and went to a boys only high school
kill me
the son looks fucking asian and the daughter looks like an alien
what a family
>that one girl who pretended to like you to make fun of you
I thought this stuff only happened in movies.
whatever you need to tell yourself dude
based and redpilled
>have a 7x6 inch dick
>have these bumps around the edge of the head
maybe in the next life ill be better off
Anime dialogue in real life
>she's underage
How underage are we talking about?
Who /asked out one girl in entire life, was rejected, never bothered again/ here?
Forgot this was even v
what type of technology do we need to finally replace women ? VR doesn't seem the answer because of haptics
>Had abusive girlfriend
>Has now been 5 years since I've been in a relationship
Never even asked anyone masterrace here.
just gonna dump these here from the old thread to make all of you feel like shit before i hit the deck
This happened to me - she gave me her MSN at school, pretended to be my girlfriend and then said "HAHAHA YOU BELIEVED ME" and then removed me
you realize it's translated?
how long until she won't be, user?
those are penile papules and they're common as fuck and no sane girl in the history of forever has given a fuck or will give a fuck about them
So how many of you guys consoled yourself in middle school, high school, college, etc, that you were just a slow learner and that by high school, by college, etc, everything would work out only to be disappointed?
>tried dating this girl I met some years ago
>she turns me down and claims to be asexual
>keep talking to her because at least I get someone to go out with
>ff some months, meet another girl, get straight to 4th base
>now the first girl is mad at me and said being asexual was a joke
>basically invite her over when the gf is home and third wheel her while we watch movies
>pretty sure she's a cuckquean at this point
>always tell her to leave when the gf get's horny
>she knows we're bout to fuck and leaves without saying a word
>time and time again
I'm okay with being alone right now.
I still have misguided hope that a girl who understands and loves me unconditionally will appear.
When I get old and it's no longer feasible for that to happen I'll probably kill myself though.
milkies come and go,but bros are forever
His chest isn't impressive in either picture.
She’s still in high school, I think a junior. I have no idea why she does it, and it’s only with me. I wanna believe it means nothing, and I don’t wanna do weird stuff with kids.
Post the girl in gym shorts
No, that's literally you if you don't see the problem.
I was too much of a pussy to do it in middle school or high school and nothing’s changed since then.
Hell, I don’t even really like talking to other people that much.
I imagine this is what notch would post if he still posts here
Fordyce spots are perfectly normal
Real life
Stop reposting this retarded shit.
Can someone explain the gym meme? Do you go there to get swol and then approach girls in the wild or do approach girls in the gym itself? No one ever fucking explains it.
>implying most girls are not oral having sodomites
you need to go back 60 years in the past
>I remember at Michael's house
>In the living room when you kissed my neck
>And I almost touched your blouse
Looks just like when my gf and I hang out. user, why are you taking hidden camera vids of my gf and I?
>girl tried to do this to me in school, were having P.E.
>tell her bitch ass that I saw her do the same thing to other 2 dudes already in the same day
>turn around and score a 3 hoop
Unironically would help. Disregard all caps guys because this is a start to help and the hardest part is beginning a change.
What kind of job are you working where a high school junior is working with you
I've worked most of my life in big cities, also spent my uni years sumberged in fellow students' company and while I met a lot of fucking people and a lot of hot girls too, I've never met an actual wife material that wouldn't be slightly off one way or another, except for one time when I decided to go to my friend's birthday party where I met one of her friends, a kind beautiful girl. That night I knew she was a top tier one in a lifetime woman and four years later, we got married.
This shit really is down to luck and unless you have one like me, not even spending all your waking existence on the search of the one promises to bear the fruits. I feel for all of you Anons out there without anyone to hold at night, it literally is fucking bliss. The sex with a loved one is something else as well.
>beautiful people are desirable
why are there so many esl niggers now
when I was 10 I thought that I'd have several gfs by 15 and I'd be married by 18 when I leave the house so I'd never have to be alone
Probably the worst possible expectation I could have set for myself at that age
I've never even kissed a girl
I feel so broken, I must be repulsive
I was molested a little once and that gave me some intimacy issues too, I'm doomed
Darkness 3
Where? Where is my miku gf?
uhh.. i see it in public all the fucking time. maybe you should go outside more in populated areas.
If this is true, unironically based af.
glad i gave up on any type of relationship already, as i've tried several times, ended up figuring out it's more trouble than it's worth, currently trying to find inner happiness
being a genetic reject dicklet isn't so bad after all, took me a few years to realize this but I'm sure i'll make it.
too bad platonic love is literally impossible to find, otherwise i'd have kept on trying, maybe
It is
My mental state plummeted after college realizing I never did shit and am now about 8 years behind my peers
go there to get swole. my gf initially only went out on a first date with me because she liked my chest
girl likes you but is too shy to tell you and you just cant notice the signs she throws at you fuck my life I wish I could go back:(
One girl suck my dick then I had 9 y.o
>There's no more hugging in the kitchen,
>No more pats on the back in the hall.
>No more chest on breasty chest behind the curtain.
>No more lip on nape of neck in shower stall.
>No more cosy gardens or craving curvy hips on my belly.
1 & 3 are genuinely good life advice, everything else you posted is junk and none of it will help you get into an intimate relationship if you are already struggling
Thread theme:
But will always be there for 2D?
This one always gets me.
>tfw girl at our table tells me
>She starts laughing
>Another girl asks for hot sauce
>Get up and speed the fuck out of there for the sauce because I was nervous and didn't know what to do
I really beat myself up over it for years after I realized how badly I fucked up.
This was nice user. Thanks
>tfw being able to laugh at these threads because ive experienced all this shit years ago already
sucks to be you faggots
Well data say Asian women and White men must skyrocked.
That's because you're looking for it.
I'm allegedly attractive and I've never so much as held hands with a girl. Looks are only part of the equation. If you're fucked up and different from other people you can't be with girls. They want regular, ordinary, easy people.
Does that gap between the strap and the chest have a name?
lord have mercy, makeup done right is a godsend
Fuck off, majority of the posters have some type of major problem that isn't going to be fixed this easily.
Damn, I almost forgot about that game.
i see that a lot too, although that may be because i live in canada.
insecure retard detected
if you don't want to talk to 3 new people every day at least try to talk to strangers (groceries, work, etc)
don't ask anything retarded, just something normal
Grocery store job.
When I said repulsive i was on about the whole package not just looks
>My future VR GF won't stop asking me why I'm crying
How angry do you think women will be when it's feasible for men to go into VR and have sex with an AI that loves them unconditionally?
Will there be femcel riots?
It's not fucking rocket science retard.
if the girl likes what she sees she will be more inclined to tolerate your lame attempt at coercion, and if you look good enough, they might approach you themselves.
yes, most girls are superficial creatures, but so are we.
Joke's on you asshole, I'm only here for the pictures of QTs and Ryan Gosling.
>14 years old
>friend has a LAN party for his birthday
>one girl there
>we go outside to horse around
>other friend who is like 6'3 and 200lbs lays my ass out (I was like 5'8 and 120 pounds back then)
>hit my head, hard
>feel disoriented the rest of the night
>looking back I probably had a mild concussion
>girl spends almost the entire time she's there sitting next to me and trying to talk to me
>flat out ignore her because I'm barely cognizant of my surroundings
Oh Sorry, Canada, Yes a lot black muslim inmigrants.
Look at Mr. Pure Christian here.
>Asian women or white women? no i prefer Japanese twinks how could you tell?
what bothers me more is that I don't have any friends. I have several mental issues, most notably agoraphobia and chronic depression, but lack the motivation to do anything (including just killing myself). It's an abstract feel.
yeah their major problem is being a skinny fat weak looking fuck
>born short,ugly with a small dick
im almost 30 lads i think its time i just wanna ask
if there is a god what grand lesson is he trying to tell me is it really just all rng
>Create more Elliot Rodgers
ribbed for her pleasure bro
based chad, if men didn't look like shit after 30 I'd sure as hell settle down with one
have sex incel
Small dick doesn't really matter for a serious relationship, honestly. Hookups is another thing entirely though
t. dicklet
This. Im glad my friends took me back after being blinded by love like an idiot for 2 years. Next time, if I ever get another gf, I will be more selfish and stand my ground and if she don't like it that I spend time with friends instead of her she's out.
>MachineGames was founded in 2009 by Jens Matthies, Jerk Gustafsson, Fredrik Ljungdahl, Jim Kjellin, Kjell Emanuelsson, Michael Wynne and Magnus Högdahl, all of which were formerly key members of Starbreeze Studios, with Högdahl also being its founder.[1] The entire team previously worked on The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay (2004) and The Darkness (2007).
This is what happened
Well if you see yourself being there for a couple more years there's your chance.
For there to be winners, there must be losers, and for all it's worth, I thank you for your sacrifice. You will not be forgotten, martyr user.
>this is what incels actually fantasize about
see >more mutts
>femcel riots
Femcel(women without children over 35 yo) will destroy society, these women will tried young women don't had childrens and natality just collapse.
Put a wig on him and you have an average Jap woman anyway. Pleb.
yuck those soles
men are already dropping out of society the women who caused it are all ready paying for it because no man is going to take care of their bastard kids
that's not how you make friends you fucking retard
Holy moly
Prepare to fight for what you believe in
Based chad, try to get a threesome
>want friends
>lmao just have sex
nigger what, did you even read the post?
I swear to god almost this exact scenario happened to me once. I was playing one of those games where you try to tackle and steal the ball from whoever has it, and I got hit hard by somebody way bigger. I was laying around waiting for the pain to subside and some random girl I didn't even know came over and started rubbing my head and made me stop playing.
Maybe the reason we're all alone is because we didn't recognize the people who loved us. We didn't realize we could be loved.
>ugly feet
0/10 hard pass
watching movies with gf?
Right beside you
The short thing sucks. Honestly, I got no tips for you there. I know it's possible for short guys to get gfs, since my coworker is like 5'5" and he's got one.
For the small dick thing, honestly, just fuck asian girls. I'm like 5 inches hard and never had trouble making them cum.
There was one who was quite clearly into me but dear god she was a literal 3/10 I still should've at least tried dating her.
nah its pretty common as for as interracial couples go
blame the jews.
i'm thinking the same but probably because i'm ugly and now I just want to have somebody to love. if I was born chad I'd be fucking people left and right
Dick size does not matter. It's what you do with it.
Full stop.
>entire thread is people talking about dating instead of topic
you bunch of faggots, you had one job
>She was 80 pounds overweight
damn. this image fucking rules
she's so cute
bros don't care 'bout that
what would you give up in your life to have a gf?
Giving women rights has already done that.
>plan to hang with friend and my crush
>friend can't come
>tell crush that he isn't coming
>"ok, we'll hang next time"
what did you expect Yea Forums is normalfag central
What an abhorrent photo kek
Literal shit for brains retard detected
Takimg to strangers everyday won't do shit to fix your problems finding a relationship. At best it will brush up your social skills to a baseline acceptable state, but that's assuming you're not severally socially inept to begin with.
Stop spewing self bullshit you read out of a book and acting like it's helping anyone you armchair faggot
You go to gym = you take care of your health and body = girls like men who take care of themselves. Same shit why you should wear clothes that shows your ass because girls like asses and clothes that are fitting. I had a lot of fun with a qt working at a men's clothes store. She would from time to time squeal like a little girl when she saw me try out the clothes she picked out for me. Have a girl help you pick out clothes and you will get more attention from girls almost immediately.
>a-user take me home... I'm affordable... only $10.000
reminder that women are just an elaborate way for corporations to steal money from you
>Watch Clerks 2
>The best the shlubby white guy can do is a mixed race girl
Honestly realistic and I knew a few guys like this from my small town
Just lower your standards Yea Forums
my bad habits
she has a cute face but her body isn't really anything special though
It's not really true. Most women adapt to dick size, and once she gets used to nice girth and size, it's hard going back to 5-6 inches. My girl really starts acting differently when I'm close to cumming and the dick is in full iron mode (7.5 - 8 ''). Maybe if I was smaller she would adapt to that, but still. It feels like when I'm harder she enjoys it more even though I'm pretty big alredy, I can hardly imagine the sex would be the same if I had like 2 inches less.
For a gf?
For a true loving relationship?
I'd be okay with giving up my legs or something I guess
most women lose their virginity to black men in the west
Is it true that women go batshit insane if you reject them?
who the fuck cares about videogames anymore.
we grew old user.
we grew old and lonely.
we come here to be in the company of each other because we can relate and sympathize with one another and most of us simply share videogames as a common method of escapism.
it's not about the videogames.
it was never about the videogames.
What are some r9kcore games?
im honestly convinced the only way to find a good girl to be with is through sheer luck, we can only do things to increase our odds but it is never guaranteed in the end
Nier Automata
Somekind female biological switch to reduce overpopulation.
Very little, that's probably why I don't have one.
The few times I've rejected hanging out with a female friend she got pissy and was mad because she didn't get her way
fuck pajeet
Rosario Dawson is hot as hell.
Internet usage
The only way things can ever get better for men is if they collectively walk away from the deal.
Women don't want to be alone, trust me. They are so used to being coddled and automatically getting friends and admirers their whole lives. As soon as any of that goes away they panic.
If all men of the world could swear off women for a day, would change overnight.
Sadly true.
You go to the gym for the self satisfaction of feeling good about yourself and preserving and enhancing your health. Anyone telling you it will get you girls is full of shit
when is it gonna kick in india and china?
haha yeah! of course!
Don't forget women would literally not survive without men taking care of them. These days it happens through taxes though so the women don't have to do anything for you in return.
Im so fucking lonely
This, the only thing gym will give you might be confidence, muscles will do literally nothing if you're ugly anyway.
My negro
>You go to the gym for the self satisfaction of feeling good about yourself and preserving and enhancing your health.
No you don't. Weight training is actually unhealthy and will ruin your joints even with perfect form that no one has.
If you want to be healthy you do cardio. No one does cardio because it doesn't get them women. Gym rats are ALL there for women.
this has been common knowledge for a long time user.
and it's not exclusive to gfs, almost all aspects of life are RNG. you just try to influence the odds to be in your fair, but no matter what, there will always be a chance for spectacular success, and fir critical faillure.
>At best it will brush up your social skills to a baseline acceptable state
that's what's intended you massive autist
just grow a pair and try to face what is bugging you, that's what I did eons ago
hope you get fucked in the ass
Not so much, a while ago a girl I talked to for a few weeks told me she liked me and I said "thanks"
She pressed me later to give her a full answer.
So they somehow do
you could just move to a better country
Time Feminist get it on these countries
realest post
My virginity
wasn't interested in girls. then I started exercising and lifting and now I want to impregnate something, but i'm autistic as fuck.
I asked out dozens not counting online dating then gave up.
It has a time limit too. If you don't get with a girl in your teen years, you're fucked.
Any women over the age of 20 has had dozens of partners. She will compare you to all of them, neurotically, throughout the relationship. She will never be satisfied with anyone.
I mean it's true but you didn't have to say it out loud, fuck...
Nigger just do some cal and basic weight training no one is asking you to become fucking ripped.
so never
>girls like you
>you're gay
>only had one real gf
>she was mentally ill so it didn't work out
>i always think about her even though she probably doesn't give a shit about me anymore
That has absolutely nothing to do with what I said. Try exercising your reading comprehension.
Based Christbro
bitch weightlifting is safer than running or yoga
id say this would explain the huge rise in depression and lonely men since its a natural culling effect from nature but china exist
You retarded Jewish brainwashing victims deserve a bullet through the brain.
Nice greentext in first person there.
>Think about how if I didn't do x or y, I'd be happy right now with her
None since this is incel cope and men will always be obsessed with fucking real women for the ego boost.
>got one of those cheap plastic phone headseats for phone VR
>just for porn
>find this one video of this cute short haired asian girl
>the video is like an hour long
>first 10 minutes is her speaking with a cute tone, followed by kissing
>next she's showing off her breasts while smiling and staring at me with loving eyes
>15 minutes in she starts giving a titjob
>in the middle of the titjob she fakes being tired then falls asleep, before waking up giggling a few seconds later.
>follows with a blowjob
>finishes the blowjob then starts stripping while speaking in a cute manner
>she starts kissing again
>start crying and throw away headseat
>i'm pulled back to reality, naked, lying down in my bathroom floor.
>Weight training is actually unhealthy and will ruin your joints even with perfect form that no one has.
Dylel manlet retard detected.
Also going the gym != Weight training and no other forms of fitness. Even if it did it still doesn't get you girls (the ones worth wasting your time with anyway) and it's not remotely unhealthy if you're not a dumbass.
it's way easier to fuck yourself up lifting weights than it is running
thumbnail looks like a busty chick on her back
Jews hate Christ. But they love Christ killers like you.
>Get drunk with a cute girl at a small party
>Start cuddling(!!!) while watching a movie
>After an hour of cuddling she says she's going to go home
>Friend asks if she needs help getting home
>She says no
>Other friend also asks
>She says no
>She looks at me
>Think 'Well she said no twice already, so she's good' and say bye to her
>Find out she started crying on the way home and had to have her roommate get her
>Realize she was waiting for me to ask her and I never did
>Next time we hang out I embarrass myself and she's not interested in me again after
I have many fuck ups in my life. That one was huge.
lmao what fantasy land do you live in, I've never even met a girl that likes black men. 9/10 say they are fucking creepy
Understandable, but needing to cling to some mystic bs to be able to move on is weaksauce.
>tfw small dick AND premature ejaculator
you tell them bro
so when are you going to get pozed?
If im black and a have an above average dick size, there is nothing wrong with taking advantage of the bbc meme.
It can be complete bullshit but as long as im not the one disproving it im fine with it lmao.
Chine lonely men just grow and grow
you almost broke me.
She asked if I was being serious.
Just stop acting like such a giant fucking pussy dude. Going to the gym is overall good for you any doctor would support that claim literally go ask yours. Don't want to weight train?fine do cal and cardio there is literally no excuse.
>muh muh joints
Jesus fucking whiny bitch ass moron lets see how much your joint hurt at 60 when your out of shape from lack of exercise in your youth and unable to do the most basic shit.
explain that to the countless mutts i see running around in Tennessee
>I embarrass myself
> she's not interested in me again after
the shit did you do lmao
lot more americans around ever since the election
That was clearly her own fault.
>PC remaster never
It hurts. It hurts bad.
don't think about breakups or relationships as anything but inevitabilities. If you were right for eachother, you definitely would have stayed together.
Think about how many shitty relationships there are. So many couples stay together long after they should have broken up. There's no way you would break up if your relationship was going to be good long-term.
it's statistically the least injury sport,it's controlled repetitive movements
Did you apologize? If she cried because of you, then you definitely had more than enough room to salvage the situation later.
i live here too, those girls are mostly druggies who a white guy would never touch.
meth and opiates are basically pussy subsidies for black guys
i actually agree with the roasties, she's cute; not beautiful
>Gym rats are ALL there for women.
Except most of them are homos. And that isn't a bad thing.
injury prone*
I doubt you would say that if you saw her IRL.
>tfw regardless of the ways I make myself more traditionally attractive/appealling it doesn't matter because childhood neglect has literally stunted 25 years of self-esteem
I won't lie and say someone having simultaneous mommy and daddy issues isn't funny though
Apologizing for her autism sounds like what a cuck would do.
I mean usually women put you in these scenarios where you can only win if you somehow read there god dam mind but this was actually pretty straight forward not sure how you missed it.She still should just said "hey wanna take me home".
only deadlift could be considered dangerous and that's only because retards don't know how to do it properly and/or powerlifters who lifts retarded weights
all injuries are not created equal. I'd rather deal with a running injury than a weight lifting injury.
Then you must live in a shithole, live in California, never in my life met a white girl that was into black guys
That was her fault for not straight up telling him and making the first step.