Any changes?
Official Yea Forums BASED devs thread 2019
Solid list
Does Firaxis fit? Civilization and XCOM are pretty good.
i don't see why not
Add Sony to the shit list
you either die a hero or live long enough to become the villain
there are no good developers.
>tilting this hard
show me a single AAA game being developed right now without women in the team
>Yea Forums will shill this and VTMB2
stop shilling your shitty site
>share news article
Stay mad resetera discord tranny
rip black light retribution
I'm looking forward to Bloodlines 2, but I can guarantee you will never be able to discuss it here .
>maybe if i shill my gimmicky ANGERYYYY shit I can be as popular as peeved pedro!!!!
we would if the jannies actually banned the shitposting /pol/kiddies
jannie defend the tranny
>Any changes?
Put Capcom in there.
>insulting someone in chat = game removed from library
i never heard about that one. what happened, exactly?
may some higher power curse you with intelligence and the decency to realize what you are.
Something in the EULA for one of their games was along the lines of "If we get enough reports about your behavior in a certain time period, we'll pull your game." Naturally, Yea Forums took this to mean "insulting someone in chat = game removed from library", even though the CEO came out and stated that wasn't the case.
And even then, I have yet to hear of anyone actually losing access to a Tripwire game over that policy.
this isn't even good bait
with what text? res evil 7 was excellent
ah, that explains it. i knew it smelled like bullshit
Uh oh, someone didn't hear about Epic Games.
>wants valve and that fat jew gabe to have a monopoly on the pc market
fuck off
maybe now they will actually wake up and start developing games again
i really hope epic takes all the worthwhile games away from steam and pcbros are left with just their shovelware