Rimworld/dorf fort alternatives?
I played the shit out of both already and DF coming to steam with a 20 bucks price tag made me mad at it
Are those two the only options?
Rimworld/dorf fort alternatives?
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Try Stronghold, you even get to kill mudslimes and crusade.
Kenshi, I guess.
i dont remember mozzies being in stronghold?
>7k per month
>it's not enough money!!!
holy shit lmao
toady sold out hard
They need medical care pls understand
Expansion, Stronghold: Crusader.
that's almost 100k per year,
notch said that he offered them money.
they declined.
>DF coming to steam with a 20 bucks price tag
50k between two people so 3500 per person if it were even, who knows how much his brother's meds actually cost.
FREE money, with no strings at all but they turned it down, and now they're begging. Stupidity does not pay off.
it's 84k per year, which i think is safely outside "almost 100k" range. and isn't that money for both Today and his brother? 42k per person is livable, but that kind of budget would be heavily impacted by medical expenses.
How is selling a product begging?
>DF coming to steam with a 20 bucks price tag
For a version of DF with built in graphics and steam support, which many people have been asking for for literally over a decade. Plus the money is to help the devs not die of cancer or something. If you don't like it you can just keep using the free version so I don't know why you're being a faggot about it, Rimworld is even more expensive
I don't know the context but when I was on /pol/ the other day, notch started shitposting on twitter about kill all commies and other normal stuff, someone posted a link to his twitter and I went there.
I was digging in on the fresh shitposting, when some guy blamed him for not helping the Adams with money for their medical bills... and he has an obligation to do it because DF was the seed that started Minecraft.
Notch replied with something similar to "ask them if I offered them money"
It seemed as if he was saying that he offered them money and they said no.
if 'merica is too expensive for all those obvious services, then they should go somewhere else, where $5k or $7k a month have more value.
You can still get the free version so why even fucking care?
Its like getting upset that he has a donate button button on his website.
>steam support
I bought Rust a year ago, and now their client doesn't even work on linux.
Rust is not even sold now as Linux compatible.
people get upset because they relied on the community for money.
the community gave them a steady income and now they are selling a more polished version of the game.
Also, the community around DF might eventually get alienated.
what if the publisher asks to make "changes" to the game in order to break texture pack in order to "boost sales"?
the funny thing is that normies are going to think
>great, time to help tarn with the bills
listen up.
$20 for a steam game means
>a cut for valve
>a cut for the publisher
>what's left, goes to the adams brothers
a $20 tip via PayPal means
>2.6% for PayPal
>97.4% for the adams brothers
they are not going to make money, they are going to make valve and the publisher richer.
I hope their patreon sinks and they only get the few sales 60% gaben let them take
Whats the difference between the paid and free version ?
>he doesn't know
>On linux
I gotta say your expectations are a bit too high for those platforms, both linux and steam.
there are games that work flawlessly across all platforms, but rust developers chose to add roflcopters and wind generators instead of fixing their game.
same shit applies to windows users too. There's a shitload of angry comments for breaking stuff on windows too.
The free version will also have all the same features as the steam version, there will still only ever be 1 version of Dwarf Fortress.
You're just paying $20 for an "official" graphics and sound package.
Also this
also, since we are on a DF thread
>one programmer
>supporting Windows, Linux, Mac
>from the maker of garry's mod
>"we drop support for linux because you compile your own drivers and use very old software"
this is the power of a company that got over $1m only from linux sales
Yeah Gnomoria is actually pretty decent. It's a shallow clone of DF, but manages to do it quite well. I've had an equal amount of fun in both. Mechanism research and automatons are a nice touch. Great soundrack too
Is RimWorld finally finished? Are the mods finally finished? Does it have a 1.13 equivalent?
>devs not die of cancer or something
Or something. Toady's brother beat cancer, but it made Toady himself realize that if it happens to him he'd have no way to pay for it, because he doesn't have any kind of health package. So he's using the sales to build a nest egg in case something happens.
RimWorld is considered finished by the devs and officially released in October. Most the popular mods have updated by now.
Space Station 13
That perspective on the grass looks retarded. What were they thinking?
Nice, thanks. I couldn't keep up with the mods and releases because I always wanted to install like 500 mods, so it was really annoying to make everything work together, by the time I did it, a new version was released so I eventually gave up.
Wait, is that fort inside a mountain? Somehow it looks like the fort is in a big black pit.
I wouldn't be surprised if notch was being sincere there - he is a fucking autistic manchild after all - but if his aim really was to help those fuckers, he would have just given it to them anonymously on patreon. Just bump up the monthly with your sweet minecraft dosh until it reaches the level needed, surely that's not hard. When you go around announcing stuff like this it starts to look too much like a publicity stunt.
You're seeing the ramps the other way.
>woman comes into toady's life
>df suddenly gets sold ad a product
Don't have to worry about that anymore. Any future updates won't be as major as before.
Summertime saga dev that does fucking nothing gets 50k
>FREE money, with no strings at all but they turned it down, and now they're begging. Stupidity does not pay off.
They're making a game you drooling retard, it's a difference between selling a product and accepting charity you bottom of the nutsack barrel fucktard
Those ramps are fucking my eyes up.
The stream release is good. The the dev might finally give us a good UI instead of garbage.
For real?
Alright so his whole post is a lie crafted by his wife or drive for one lul
Mechavillian or whatever its called.
Oxeygen not included.
A lot of people refuse gifts that are really expensive
>sound package anywhere as good as the main theme
>underage child who doesn't understand how expensive ongoing medical treatment and life is
When you're not living off your parents credit card you'll understand what taxes and costs are.
>he never listened to simon swerwer
>tax man takes 13k
>half on living expenses (housing, fuel, food, basic necessities, repairs, work related)
>savings/retirement half
>17k left for everything else you buy in life, including all the medical expenses
In other words you're a child who has never had to budget before
Dude with that kind of money per YEAR you can move to any second world country and live a good life. He has 12 times as much...
The fuck do Americans even spend all that money on?
Releasing the game on Steam is a huge advertising program for them and will attract people to donate and give them money through other means as well as buying the game for the official tiles.
Also while steam takes 30%, we dont know what the publisher will take, it would be tiny.
84k a year is the average income for an American family, it is not special or substantial at all.
>second world country
No one wants to live in a shithole where you will get robbed or killed. And while the US is a shithole its still better than whatever hole you came from.
>spoonfeed me!
>what is cost of living
Fuck you
any more alternatives?
Towns I guess
>No one wants to live in a shithole where you will get robbed or killed.
Why do you live in the US then?
>And while the US is a shithole its still better than whatever hole you came from.
In what way specifically? Education is terrible, apparently you need 10 times more money to live, you don't get free healthcare, you have to paint your house the exact same way everyone else in the neighborhood does, you lose your job if you say a no-no word on the internet, what's the upside?
they could've done the same but without the publisher
release the game on steam with one of those tilesets that the community made
release it as free to play
gain attention
get more money via tips.
wesnoth did it like that and succeeded... although they didn't ask for donations and i don't think that they accept donations.
anyhow, tarn is a bad businessman, he kept the game closed source in fear of losing it.
he thought that keeping the game closed, would make him money. he didn't have any plan outside of paypal tips and invoices.
he fucked up and now, in the middle of a midlife health crisis (no, his brother is ok, but he is afraid that he might get sick too) he did the worse move ever, to give rights of his game, to a company.
he should've self publish it.
karl, aka thinmatrix did the same thing too with equillinox.
with the crowd that adams has beside him, he could've done also a crowdfunding to hire musicians, artists and hookers and keep the game corporate free.