Why do people expect Stadia to success when OnLive brutally flopped almost a decade ago?
Why do people expect Stadia to success when OnLive brutally flopped almost a decade ago?
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Because that's what liberals do, they do the same exact thing over and ovre and over, despite how much it fails. Libs never learn.
Why do you faggots always have to drag politics into everything?
Because that was a decade ago and technology evolved drastically since then
Because it was a decade ago. Netflix was sending movies through the mail a decade ago.
It's google
Still I don't think people will suddenly dump their PCs for this.
it's the world we live in unfortunately
Yea Forums was less shit a decade ago. Fuck the entire internet was less shit a decade ago
Because everything is related to politics, there's no dragging involved.
Because no other company has the infrastructure google has, if anyone can pull this off is them
That being said fuck streaming, i won't be replacing my computer
google has infinite funding for buying exclusives and marketing and they'll probably make it cheaper than similar subscription services.
>Yea Forums was less shit a decade ago
No, no it wasn't. Stop getting your jimmies rustled you little shit.
Smartphones hadn’t really taken off yet. They ruined the internet.
it's the socialism of gaming
they want to dictate what games you can and cannot play
Go away, Google employee. That's not how networking works.
The only infrastructure that matters is the transmission pathways. Google owns none of that.
because it's google. literally who was onlive before it released? google is basically one of the kings of tech and internet, so the amount of skilled people working on this project is reason enough to expect something decent.
The PC audience is enthusists and third worlders. Enthusists aren't going to go for streaming because of the compression, input lag and loss of control over their games. Third worlders aren't going to go for it because you're going to need to pay a monthly subscription for it. The only people that stadia would appeal to are console-only type people who just want a box that plays games.
latency existed back then and still exists now
tell me what is political about streaming video games
>Third worlders aren't going to go for it because you're going to need to pay a monthly subscription for it
they'll roll out the same pricing system that blizzard uses for koreans and chinese players. you pay by the hour, instead of being locked into a flat monthly cost.
Fuck OnLive, this shit’s been live for around 5 years now and WHO THE FUCK USES IT?
It’s got PlayStation’s name on it, it should have more brand recognition than fucking Stadia.
That it's being pushed only in highly socialist cities that already have connection to big google networks.
if it was still a glaring issue, both google, microsoft and apple wouldn't bother through their reputation and cash behind it. i'm not saying it's completely fixed, but they clearly know something we don't.
The speed and latency of the internet has improved greatly in the last 10 years. At least excluding the last mile. But if even 30% of the population has quality internet it will succeed. Another 20% won't be able to tell the difference between 20ms ping and 120ms ping + input lag.
Especially when they took Vita games off of it. Would've been the only reason to seriously use it.
Tried onlive years ago because got free games for it from somewhere. It worked but I don't remember how well.
Didn't sony buy onlive anyway and turn it into ps now?
>people living in the middle of nowhere don't get the same fun shit as us coastal denizens
>trickles down your economy for the 12th time
this time it'll be different, I-I swear guise
People living outside of those liberal cities won't even get any chance at using anything related to it as it takes literal millions of brainwashed sheep to support those companies and they damn well know no one from the middle of the US is going to fall for that bait.
why do /pol/ shitters keep using the word liberal with absolutely no concept of what differentiates liberal and fascist politics
real NPC behavior is wanting to get cucked and told what to think by tribalistic dictators
>Trickle down
Way to show those boomer conservatives, user. Reagan eternally btfo.
>we're big bad google and we say that only communists get to play our video games
this never happened
After successes like the Ouya and the Phantom, how could anyone think otherwise?
>It's google
Yes, and? Google cannot magic people's internet better.
yeah sorry if im attacking core conservative values.. there's not much else to poke holes in, given that nu (R)epublicant ideals are TAKE THAT LIBTARD, and SJW BAD.
can't shoot down economic policies that don't exist
>and they damn well know no one from the middle of the US has the money to pay for their services because we're too busy smoking meth and blaming niggers, jews and spics for why we can't get ahead in life
>the Phantom
literally who?
Was the Onlive controller even good
>having a problem with twitter hoes
I agree with everything else, tho
>look at homicide rates in the US
>60+% more done by minorities than racist white folks
>despite the population difference
Wow go figure.
A total shitfest
>The only people that stadia would appeal to are console-only type people who just want a box that plays games
So basically everyone but Yea Forums.
It promotes disgusting male degeneracy.
But neither phantom or ouya were streaming services though
The lag will suck. Stadia will just be another supplement. I need a pc to play videogames anyway. Why not just do it locally and avoid a crappy experience?
they were also streaming movies a decade ago
>lag will suck
>I need a pc to play
the gimmick being that it'll work on most devices, regardless of how shitty it is(e-machine from 04 could run it, or just buy some chromebook for $150)
>do it locally
because they're hoping to tap into that poverty market of players that don't want to spend $600 to play 4k/60fps FIFA. it's not aimed at people like you and me that can afford a decent to highend rig.
Anyone remember that phantom console that seemed to never come out? Correct me if I am wrong but wasn't Onlive confirmed to have been that console? Getting this feeling none of you will know what I am talking about.
The people who would use it don't like video games in the first place. It's just another disposable time waster for them. If it didn't exist they wouldn't even care.
Swimsuit Succubus is one of the biggest "what the fuck" revelations for me. Her shit is so fucking boring because it's not tame or hardcore enough to hit fetish levels on either side. And on top of that she's got this awful elitist attitude about every single little thing.
She doesn't even do swimsuits anymore. Just change your name to "Slutwear Succubus" and call it a day.
Because they will just keep shoving technology in our ass holes until someone selling a new gadget that shoves it down our throats. Then they can just spitroast gang bang your brains out with virtual reality until people start getting married to an artificial intelligent female avatar and worshiping her as God and doing everything she says just for solylent green braps.
I'm like 99% sure the Phantom was going to be Chinese knockoff shit, but I might be thinking of a different Phantom.
OnLive was legitimately amazing back in the day. Dumb flyovers with shit Internet can eat shit for holding things back.
Why would you shill for a dead company? They're not paying you, and you can't be so mentally ill that you have rose-tinted glasses for a product that never left the testing phase.
Singapore, Ireland, Lichtenstein, Rwanda. The list goes on and 9n faggot.
Because they wrongfully assume that the problem was people's internet speeds and not the fact that the concept itself is fucking stupid.
I agree that she's an awful person that's getting gassed off her orbiters, but i'm still following for when she eventually realizes she'll need to go hardcore to continue getting her monthly checks. same with that bitch yoonie, can't wait for that slut to spread it raw.
It guarantees (you)s
Well it was always this weird shit shrouded in mystery every time I ever saw it brought up. Nobody ever seemed to know what it was going to be like or even what company was behind it. It was bizarre as hell but I'm glad that stupid crap isn't brought up anymore so whatever it was it must have died long ago.
Yes, it's aimed at the people who can afford above average Internet speeds. The poverty market, as you said.
Mmm no.
It won't appeal to Asians, who are big into online competitive PC gaming, it won't appeal to enthusiasts, who prefer the no-compromises nature of PC, it won't appeal to anyone who isn't just a casual consolefag, which means it will kill console gaming, which is a good thing.
enjoy not owning your games
>people talking about OnLive which is unknown for the majority of the World
>Google actually has money, tech and resources to make it global and not only for US of A
Here is a pic of it from 2004.
2004....fuck that makes me feel old just thinking about it
nigga, 150mbps is common in most cities, and only cost around $45 a month. that's more than good enough for stadia service.
>they clearly know something we don't.
Yes, user. It's called "how to market things to people."
Average internet speeds are much faster and Google has the infrastracture to pull this off.
>because they're hoping to tap into that poverty market of players that don't want to spend $600 to play 4k/60fps FIFA.
You are aware that gigabit internet speeds here in the US cost upwards of $100 a month, correct?
*I* have gigabit speeds, but I also have a beefy gaming PC because I'm not poor.
And don't give me that "b-but you only need 25 Mbps" shit because that's absolute bullshit, especially for streaming at 4k60.
Even using Steam's in-home streaming you'll need at LEAST 150+ Mbps for a consistent 4k60 experience.
The people who think this shit will be anything but shit are delusional.
Even PSNow and Geforce Now are absolute dogshit on my connection (mainly due to the awful macroblocking, color banding, and input latency).
because people who push for cloud gaming are absolute NPCs
I can't stream locally without micro stutters, can't imagine it over the internet
>Not even 20 Mbps
That's fucking pathetic.
I've had 150+ Mbps since like 2012 (though nowadays I have gigabit).
There is no such thing as good Stafia service, when the service is bad for gaming in the first place.
>it's google
The list of failed Google projects is huge, they're big enough to give it a go without it hurting them if it doesn't go well.
It will be a massive success. You are thinking of this all wrong - you are thinking how this applies to you, a gaming enthusist, when they are clearly targeting the casual crowd. They simply want to be the netflix of gaming by throwing fuck you money at it.
Pricing will be cheap. Netflix is partially successful due to its cheap monthly pricing. If google tries a $10 subscription model per month it will be a massive success. For instance, it is no secret how much money playstation plus and xbox live makes.
Casuals do not care about latency, much like how netflix users do not care about visual quality. They simply want a cheap option to play AAA games. Why was PS4 more successful than XBone when they were released? A major reason was due to the pricing of the consoles.
Google entering the fray will change gaming, simply due to being a giant with endless resources.
>latency evolved
holy shit is it gonna fight Godzilla this time
Then you woke up and realized that you are lying about both.
>chasing brand loyalty from an audience that traditionally buys anything considered a fag
where do you live that 150+ is not available for cheap? also, they made the claim of only needing around 50 or so for their 4k/60 experience, so it's up to google to prove it whether or not it's possible.
it's fine to expect it to be shit because other companies failed. i'm sure they'll throw out a free trial once they go live, so all of Yea Forums can try it and decide for themselves.
Are you all just mentally fucking retarded?
OnLive isn't even remotely in the same league as fucking GOOGLE
Jesus christ, you must be American to be this much of a corporate drone.
>Corporations never make mistakes, clearly they just have knowledge that we don't!
My god.
Because they're crossboarding fucking faggots that should've be ran out of Yea Forums 4 years ago. Can't fix it now.
y do people think handheld hyhbrid game consoles wil suceed?
the nokmad failed in 1994 and sega was the best ocmpany in excistence
everytime a company trie sthe same idea they fail autokmatically no company ever can suceed where another fails
check and mate businesses
OnLive flopped hard but it was actually one of the funnest times of my life. I remember playing Homefront and Conviction on my crappy laptop with great framerate. It was the best of times, and it was all for free, granted I got logged out because of the time limit.
I pay the same amount of money for a 150Mb fibre I did for a 2Mb copper in 2009.
hello mister cynic, why do you even care about this if you're already convinced it will be shit.
CDNs were not nearly as common and widespread back then than they are now. Nearly all multimedia content is delivered globally at low latency nowadays. Is it low enough for interactive technology? You can argue that, but you can't argue it's miles better than what it was 10 years ago.
Slit your throat you grasping retard.
>y do people think handheld hyhbrid game consoles wil suceed?
because one already has.
Becasue they think that google can bend the laws of physics by throwing money at it.
Way to COMPLETELY miss the fucking point of that post, moron.
What this price doesn't include is
>Equipment rental (and good luck getting the actual rated speeds if you're not using your ISP's proprietary equipment, they'll just throttle you if you don't)
>"Additional fees"
Unlike you I'm not a fucking child and actually pay bills, so I understand that whatever price they list online is obvious bullshit.
I'm just here to shit on retards such as yourself.
You're clearly just a child.
The average person doesn't have a suitable connection for St*dia. Neither can Google do anything about this or fix the inherent lag issue, so you are in fact lying about both of those statements.
>laws of physics
Low latency internet isn't "Bending laws of physics" you fucking brainlet.
your kind makes me sick
You clearly don't know what the word "latency" means or what it measures so there's no point in having this conversation.
>oh noes, $70 a month is too expensive
you must be midwestern
>I'm here to shit on retards
child-like mind, user. you'll eventually need to grow up and stop pretending like you pay bills, when it's clear you're a teen that copied mommy's billing page
Money is money, and google (or any corporation) does not care where it comes from.
The reality is that when this releases, and if it is a cheap subscription, people will pay for the convenience. It will be a success for the casual audience, as everyone will play on their phones.
There have been plenty of instances of resistance in the past of new developments in gaming (achievements, paid online, the emergence of dlc, free-to-play mobile gaming, etc) that people shat on when they were initially released. Now they forced to accept them. This will be no different due to the massive resources google has.
improved infrastructure and a company like sony could definitely pull it off with playstation tv hybrid
the problem right now is companies expect to stream shit to your tv while the heavy lifting is done elsewhere which could in result more than 50 ms of lag for single player and trash online
What gets in its way is server congestion, i.e. lots of requests and pings and lots of "Traffic jams." Google and other internet architecture providers can clear up these traffic jams and processing of congestion, so that connections are much more seamless and instant.
Ergo, in 20, 30, or 40 years, you can hit a button and connect to any central processing hub on the planet in 1ms and get a response back in 1ms. Or faster. Instantaneously, if the server is powerful enough.
>Google owns none of the transmission pathways literally called Google Fiber
They also own 8.5% of the worlds submarine cable.
>Ergo, in 20, 30, or 40 years, you can hit a button and connect to any central processing hub on the planet in 1ms and get a response back in 1ms
Your kind is already sick from the lack of vaccinations. Not like you'll be here long enough to make a difference.
I live in New England actually.
And it's more like $120 a month thanks to the rental and additional charges if you actually want to get the speeds you're supposed to be getting.
But yea, long story short, I have much more experience with these streaming services than you do, and literally all of them are shit.
Google can throw as much money at them as they want but it's not going to make streaming any less shit unless they somehow found a way to transfer a packet of data faster than the speed of light.
Latency means internet connection delay.
What do you fucking morons think it means?
>almost a decade ago?
It's almost like a decade has passed.
>Ergo, in 20, 30, or 40 years, you can hit a button and connect to any central processing hub on the planet in 1ms and get a response back in 1ms.
Is this advanced trolling or some shit?
What the fuck is latency vs ping?
That's what consoles already do though. Want to sell your xbox or ps4 game? It has to be approved by microsoft or sony first.
>massive success
Despite people here thinking casuals will buy anything just because, google isn't probably expecting too many sales of this. Look at what happened to google glass just because something seems like it could work because it's [the current year] most people won't bother with it unless it's been confirmed to work for a long time (I give it over a year at least)
Google has tons of services that people don't know about because they don't need to or because they aren't good enough, despite being famous for being jews like everyone else they do a lot of experimental shit just to see if it sticks, this likely one of them. This is just them testing out gaming as a new area for possible products/services in the future.
since when? I had no problem selling some of my ps4 games
>The average person doesn't have a suitable connection for St*dia.
True, I never said anything else. Just that on average people have higher internet speeds, therefore more people have suitable connections then in 2009. Even if they are still a minority, they are a much bigger one than in 2009.
> Neither can Google do anything about this or fix the inherent lag issue
Never said that they could, just that Google has the servers for such a service to be as hiccup free as it is possible with the current tech, something that cannot be said about onlive in 2009.
I would never want to use this service, I just understand the reason why they are trying again. If it fails, someone will try again in 2030.
Yeah, true. By 2050 ping will remain 50ms like it is in 2019.
It's still an issue with PsNow
Dunno what the fuck is going on with the morons who think latency can't be lowered. Latency is just total time from input to output.
or from communication point a to b and then back to a
there's a lot of processing too, video alone typically needs to be encoded before transmitting.
and when its sent through the network infrastructure at any point, there are delays from switches and routers as the packets are handled and processed
and even fiber optic cables arent really at the speed of light iirc
idk. I'm not sure what the breakdown is for that latency but I'm pretty sure Google can give us the lowest latency of any corporation on the planet if they actually want to.
If the subscription is cheap enough, casuals will buy into it. Look how many people have playstation plus or xbox live, and that is the gaming enthusiast market. Casuals can dump their consoles to play fifa or madden or gta for $10 a month in a heartbeat.
OP asked why people think this shit will succeed when Onlive failed.
>Google has a lot of money so they can easily break the laws of physics
Good lord, the coping poorfags do is just precious.
that shit came out years ago and sony bailed on it. it's no longer available on the vita, which means they keep it around but have no confidence in it.
>1 millisecond end-to-end round trip delay (latency)
not sure if this is fakenews but seems like blackmagic
>and that is the gaming enthusiast market.
My fucking sides.
That is not the enthusiast market, especially the consolefags paying $60 a year to play online (which usually means AAAshit and sports games).
You know that more bandwidth doesn't mean a lower latency connection, right?
Because it's Google
I mean come on, how many of Google's ideas have flopped?
>sony's name carries more weight than google
This image is hilarious since it doesn't take into account anything like congestion or network traffic or any of the issues that are already present with gigabit speeds.
But to retards who don't have gigabit it just looks like black magic.
How is lowering latency breaking the laws of physics though?
>can't shoot down economic policies that don't exist
socialist have been dodgine criticism for decades with that tactic, don't expect conservatives to help you attack them.
I don't see it mattering, not all games are counter strike.
Stupidity and viral marketing.
Because they can't feasibly lower latency any more than they have without physically reducing the distance between the client and the server.
>someone will try again in 2030.
Not if VR takes over before then. Then it's game over for streaming.
Conservatives are in the same boat.
If they are clever with pricing it won't totally fail.
If they manage to get some big name casual game series like fifa on there, it's gonna be somewhat successful.
On live was a smaller company, the Micro Console came out so late it was almost a joke in itself, speed has improved since but Stadia is also going to consume a great deal more internet to stream those higher res games so it's a moot point unless you have Unlimited with your provider or mooch off of someone.
No one but retarded Google investors thinks Stadia will succeed
>Because they can't feasibly lower latency any more than they have without physically reducing the distance between the client and the server.
That ... Is completely fucking wrong.
You should definitely not try for a degree in physics, you have no idea what you're talking about.
The reason longer distances result in higher latency is because of the number of switches, routers, and connections that the signal travels through and trades off.
If you for instance had a seamless connection to a satellite with no congestion and no other requests, you could get super low latency and signals that would arrive in several MS instead of 150-250 over land like speedtest.net shows you and your "physics" degree.
It's nothing to do with distance. Just the communication medium.
You're a mongoloid, though.
>Alexa play Hunie Pop
Uninterrupted Fiber has incredibly low latency, regardless of distance.
It's painfully obvious that the people over at Google don't play video games themselves. It's nothing more than a Jewish money-making scheme they are HOPING is successful.
Nevermind the shitty wireless adapters present in phones and laptops and such.
I can get pic related speeds over wifi and I have a $60 wireless card in my PC, meanwhile my cousin's $1200 iPhone XR can't even get 200 Mbps on our 5 GHz band thanks to the awful wireless adapters used in modern phones (and also the interference present).
They are going to implement this shit wirelessly over 5G eventually.
>It's nothing to do with distance.
Are you retarded?
Distance is the major factor when determining communication speeds over the internet, the fuck are you talking about?
>Google don't play video games themselves
but billions of people buy asscreed every year and complain
this. Near the end of onlive's life(2013 or 2014-2016), onlive became a decent service as games had less buffering, people got better internet and less latency. But it was too late for onlive by then
Not really, even wireless fiber doesn't have latency or speeds anywhere near as low as a wired connection.
Which is unsurprising.
It's not just the adapters, believe it or not, downloading at high speeds actually takes a decent bit of processing power.
And when I say high speeds I'm not talking about some shitty 50 Mbps connection from 2010, I mean a modern gigabit connection.
Did you just read what I said? At all?
Careful don't "break the laws of physics" lmao.
I think that dude should educate Jensen Huang a bit on this issue. He seems smart.
>“The reason for that is because there’s one problem we haven’t figured out how to solve, and that’s the speed of light. When you’re playing esports, you need the response in a few milliseconds, not a few hundred milliseconds. It’s a fundamental problem. It’s just the laws of physics.”
You fucking mongoloid.
>Not really
You don't understand. They are still going to do it, because the inherent nature of streaming is that it has compromises and that the audience that falls for it is stupid.
So you've been mindlessly parroting some Nvidia guy and have no idea what he's talking about?
Computers don't process at the speed of light. Nor do we need to come anywhere near "the speed of light" to solve latency. This CEO is a fucking idiot.
You can beam your signal to a satelltie and have a laser emission fired to china now in a few milliseconds. IF you had the hardware.
I guess he didn't read about that.
But what about THE LASER LATENCY?
Holy shit we broke the laws of physics guys
>Recent manifestations of apparently faster-than-light effects confirmed our predictions that the group velocity in transparent optical
media can exceed c. Special relativity is not violated by these phenomena. Moreover, in the electronic domain, the causality principle
does not forbid negative group delays of analytic signals in electronic
circuits, in which the peak of an output pulse leaves the exit port of a
circuit before the peak of the input pulse enters the input port.
Quick alert Nvidia!
>I know more than the CEO of Nvidia
Oof and yikes, just admit that you're wrong m8, nothing wrong with that.
Streaming isn't shit because no one has thrown as much money at it as Google has, it's shit because it's inherently shit.
He's literally bullshitting, dude. we are figuring out shit as we speak that obliterates latency, and you somehow think in 2050 we'll be sitting on the same latency?
Laser communications /today/ are instantaneous.
Why do you assume nothing will advance technology wise when it comes to networking in 30 or 40 years?
When it comes to videogames, it does. If Ford came up with a brand new cereal I bet you wouldn't buy it instead of a Kellog's brand one.
Never seen any “elitism” and I’ve followed since she started. You just sound mad she wont do porn or something.
She has a sold out figurine and the thing was like $300 a pop, a visual novel game that made like 12k in 2 weeks on the public fundraiser and a hentai comic on Fakku. She’ll never do hardcore.
Yoonie probaly will since she was never anywhere close to as popular as succubus and ruined her body with those bad implants. It’s sad because I used to find yoonie really hot.
The solution to streaming is more data centers, more spread out, and better last mile infrastructure.
You need low latency for everyone. Not just a few lucky people in the right major cities.
Dem tachyons baby.
convenience always wins
well nvidia would be doing themselves harm to say that "eventually PCs will die". wouldn't really make investors happy. thats why they're diversifying into cloud gaming.
whya re you using the quote of a god damn computer hardware businessman
Yep, which gives power to our arguments that gaming is superior locally.
You do realize that Nvidia is also heavily-invested in datacenters, correct?
Most datacenters are running Nvidia GPUs.
It makes no difference to them as they are already selling all kinds of accelerators, not just for home PCs. Jensen Huang is just telling the truth about competitive gaming.
the traditional model of network communications with gaming has essentially been up-ended by the cloud model of client -> cloudPC -> (simultaneously back to user and also to game server) and then by potentially googles proposal of co-located game servers where the final step is simplified into just being sent back to the user, because the communication to the co-located game server is practically non existant. it would be less than 1ms because its in the same building ideally, if not on the very same machine
if the cloud gaming PC is hosting 8 players, and also the game server that the players are playing on, there is no latency back to the server at all
the only latency is just purely the latency to the cloud pc and back because the cloud pc is also the server
based how can speedlets compete
Sounds bad to me. I don't even like digital downloads no way I'm go a buy a box to stream any damn thing. Not even a cable box
Jesus I'm not that low and I'm peak third world
hope you stadiots live next to a datacenter lmao
I hate /pol/ redditors so god damn much
what the fuck has OnLive, a gaming service provider, have to do with fucking liberals and politics?
Average use case for Stadia has the same input latency as Xbox 360 or PS3...
Google's setup was not a true field test.
Is this supposed to be some sort of ironic shitpost?
Because you really are just coming across as retarded at this point.
Hey, remember that time Google tried to go against facebook and twitter with google+? Yeah, me neither.
Saying they're too big to fail is an overestimation.
Because even if the STDia is complete trash, there are too many people who are so attached at the hip to Google services that they'll buy one anyway even knowing how much Google is screwing them every day.
>it’s not tame
>it’s not harcore
Retard, ever heard of pinup or gravure?people been herking off to this type of stuff for ages. Also fuck you mean she doesn’t do swimsuits? she’s always in a bikini or one piece.
>elitist attitude about every single thing
Name one nigga. Straight up sound like a faggot or jealous female.
Which is why you compare it to GeForce Now which is the same service but from Nvidia and not Google which they have been field testing the past year and has comparable benchmarks to stadia.
Because maybe, just maybe, the technology has improved and Google has better marketing behind them. Just a thought.
sad but true
>buy one
one what?
imagine if there was a google server every 200 miles from any given point
you'd effectively have 40ms ping to the server, 40ms back.
that's a round number of 80ms of input lag, which is well within norm
This is the future of stadia.
Data centers could even be 400-600 miles away and keep that ping.
The nigga can’t even comprehend that people can slap their meat to borderline nude content and that sometimes being just barely clothed can be even hotter than nude. Probably just some pissed off fembot that found their boyfriend fapping to one of her pics.
>socialism has never worked
>libs keep pushing it
>onlive and every service that has been like it has failed
>google trying to push it
See, but that 80ms becomes 80ms ON TOP of the 33ms of 30 FPS (or 16ms of 60 FPS, but let's be honest, considering they're only using Vega 56-tier hardware most games ain't gonna be running at 60 FPS unless it's at 1080p or medium settings at 1800p/4k), the 50-60ms of the wireless controller, the 20-40ms of the TV, the additional 40-60ms from Vsync, etc. etc.
Exactly. People who don’t understand the appeal of tease and gravure are either fags or mad roasties.
bruh ping is round trip....
its 400 miles to nearest Amazon EC2 instance from my current location and the RTT is 53 ms.
That's the point. If console players are paying for an online subscription, there is no reason that casual players that have a moderate interest in gaming, or people that like games want to be thrifty.
Again. You are not the audience they are going for. They are going for the casual market, the people that do care about games as much, and mobile gamers, and people that read or watch kotaku, polygon or the verge.
>local latency
>stadia's problem
Good, so console gaming can finally fuck off and die like it should have 6 years ago.
bruh, thats super fast
Because liberals as a whole the primary group retarded enough(or knob-slobby enough to chase any Sillicon Valley-ish meme service no matter how poor) to have bought into OnLive.
All of that latency is on Google's side, so it literally is Stadia's problem.
They're the ones running the game and hardware locally you fucking mongoloid.
>controller, display, vsync lag is stadia's problem
sounds like the client's shit
No it's not.
Reminder that 30 FPS is 33ms, literally less than 2/3 of that speed.
Playable trailers pre release could be a game changer. Otherwise I don't really care about it.
onlive probably didn't have 7500 data centers
Vsync is run on the local hardware (Google's equipment).
Again, are you fucking retarded?
>focusing on one thing
Yeah I'm done with your ass. Can't wait for Google to shit milliseconds down your throat.
>Twice the latency of a local PC running at the same framerate
Jesus christ, that's fucking disgusting.
See you in a year when this is dead in the water and people wonder how retards could have fallen for this to begin with.
Just like with Geforce Now.
test was 30 fps, so 60 fps would be 33ms fasfer
Most PC games don't have impressive input latency. No one bothers to even test it most of the time.
what about a wired google controller
Because they never heard of simple terms like latency.
If you aren't breaking the laws of physics what the fuck do I give money to scientists for?
>test was 30 fps, so 60 fps would be 33ms fasfer
30 fps has a 0-33 (16 average) response time
60 fps has a 0-16 (8 average) respons time
it would be 8 ms faster, on average
I hope AAA trash gets buried in the pit of streaming forever. We don't need mega publishers making games on PC at all.
Based on the results we're seeing here running the PC version at 60fps, latency should drop by 33ms. The Xbox One X version is already bafflingly high in latency terms, to the point where Stadia can match it. Based on the PC results, running at full frame-rate would actually see the streaming version surpass the Xbox game.
but we already see that on pc locally
plus interface latency from peripherals and the OS
Most games have fine input latency, and there are entire channels dedicated to testing it.
Hell, Ass Creed Games are among the WORST when it comes to input delay and even there it's MUCH faster playing locally (obviously).
A lot of first world countries have shit internet in certain parts because a lot of their infrastructure is very old. They've built it long before 3rd worlders even heard about a telephone and the 100 year old copper wires were sufficient until last decade (they usually cap out at around 5-6Mb). They're in the process of modernising but it's not finished yet.
Good thing they at least have mouse and keyboard, which are superior on almost any game.
You're the only retard.
Once we have laser communication latency will be obliterated.
>Muh physics!!!
>Google VR in 15 years
>Put on the headset
>connect to super computer, fully immersive VR MMO
Please Google.
>Most games have fine input latency, and there are entire channels dedicated to testing it.
Type in some popular PC games you will get zero results, just the same graphs from a few titles like counter strike, overwatch, etc.
What is even the point to game streaming for guys like us? You wouldn't want to play most of the shitty games that come out anyways. Tons of games basically dedicate a ton of your time invested as well. I don't see how game streaming is a good idea unless its indie shit or retro arcadey shit and we were still in the '90s.
Would give google all my info and maybe soul for this to happen.
166ms VR. Can't wait.
watching console shooters is so fucking sad
MMOs work fine with high latency.
t. play tons of asian mmos
But yeah, input lag ... just pressing W to go forward... not so much
Not really, the latency is why playing MMOs is so fucking shit half the time.
It's the main reason I don't play PSO 2 anymore.
Where do you people come from spouting this shit?
I hope you are preparing your anus for an even worse Stadia experience™.
Thread is clearly full of shills that come from another website.
I'm not a consolefag, so I'm not worried about it.
Consolefags don't care though, they'll eat this shit up.
>MMOs works fine
No, I think they're just retarded consolefags, we have plenty of those here on Yea Forums.
Doesn't make any sense. Consoles have the most to lose from this.
>MMOs work fine with high latency
no you mean that dogshit tab targetted movies work fine with high latency, not real MMOs
You need to realize that most consolefags on Yea Forums are consolefags because they're children, they're retarded, they're poor, or some combination of the 3.
As such, they tend to fall for retarded pie-in-the-sky shit like this, and will shill it for free.
Please never post TERA again, it still hurts what they did to the game
Kill yourself Yea Forums has become a frog/wojack shitposting grounds for children.
>has become