Is this the most cringey and edgy game out there?
Is this the most cringey and edgy game out there?
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Why doesn't anyone make any games like this about Islam?
It's far more vile than Christianity. Especially in modern times.
Take a wild guess why
We have this thread every day
Can anyone check how many times was this image posted?
Just curious, i have seen this exact same image with the exact same text for over 4 months
Ed mcmuffin is just mad that his mom mad him go to church on sundays until he was 16 and this was his way of venting. Theres no need to get this upset over a LITERAL fat neckbeard's game user
they're both just as bad and we should probably just go back to sun worship or some shit
you're life is the most cringey and edgy game out there.
You are a fucking idiot and also a faggot.
This but unironically
Yeah the story sucks but the game is fun
>shoots you with 0.03 seconds to react
I dunno. Game devs don't have any cultural link to islam where they probably grew up in a christian based setting?
N-no it definitely isnt that!
But in the end NOTHING was real.
This game is trash. A flash ripoff of LOZ1, with a shitty story, shitty gameplay, and made by a fucking tool. Who the fuck cares about the religion shit?
What the hell even is this game
If I get Curse of the Blind on the second floor and fuck up an easy Devil Deal ONE MORE FUCKING TIME I'm modding this shitty fucking curse out of the game.
It's bad enough when it happens in Boss Rush but I've had enough.
ITT: People who know nothing about religion discuss religion.
>Doesn't skip the intro
>Offended by stick figures acting out an autist's 7th grade English-level story
>No faith in his deity to smite those who offend him with plagues
but that's true?
Not even close to the worst enemy in rebirth
ok mcwindmill
Rather have them than those fucking Things that cover the floor in creep, especially the ones that show up in small rooms where they take up the whole pathway.
how many times did you jerk off to kiddie porn today, Christian 'Jebbediah New Testament' McChrist?
Seething Ulster cuck
>literally a parody of the story of Isaac from the Bible
I'm down for some polytheistic shit to come back, one god is boring and flares up the autism a bit too much in its believers
Will the sequel feature Islam?
This game is a proof that only gameplay matters
Underage bait
but the common factor in all of these things along with other incidents are men though? haha :)
>the Bible one-hit KOs the final boss at least the first few
Depends on the region.
If you're mexican get ready to get dragged into an altar to literally have your heart extracted, without any form of painkillers.
There are plenty of games featuring islamic terrorists you have to kill.
you know the answer. Plus most westerners don't know literally anything about the contents of the q'uran TO parody. I mean, you can't really parody or use something for symbolism if your audience doesn't know what the hell you're referencing for source material. Well, you COULD, but it wouldn't work
Welcome to 4channel
Apparently Eddy boy's bipolar wife just murdered their toddler pretty recently. Reap what you sow I reckon, lol.
>can one-shot the final boss with the Bible
at least the first few
You can always learn, but when the muslims realize what you're up to get ready to have ISIS from all over the globe coming after your ass. Not joking.
Yes it is
That's an excellent way to get your entire development staff executed.
Religion is for pedophiles
Nothing personal
The bible kills you against Satan but has no effect on mega Satan
When's Repentance, bros?
Show me anyone who actually read the bible and not just had a priest read some highlights out for them in church.
Edmund said by the end of the year, so that means we’ll get it in 2021 at the earliest.
The classic contrarian
The devs family were the crazy type of christians.
what is charlie hebdo
I can't tell if this is just classic bait or copy pasta at this point, but for people legitimately who don't know, the game is not anti-religion or Christianity.
Dude, I'm atheist and I didn't get that vibe from the game. She would be just as batshit insane if she was an atheist or Hindu or whatever.
>t. seething christcuck
You don't?
it was heavily implied that it was her utter obsession/faith with christianity that drove her over the edge.
Is OP the biggest fag out there?
That's not quite the same thing though, is it champ?
He asked about games that openly criticise the beliefs of islamists, not just ones wherein you can shoot them.
Game's about /perception/ of christianity, though. It's about how people turn religion into something dirty and perverse, based on early life experiences which may or may not be actually related to faith at all.
Gee, I wonder what religion OP is?
Yeah, obsession. That's the root of her motive you stupid fuck. The particular religion doesn't make a difference
>2000+19 in the year of our lord
>no bible action game with combos and style meter set in revelation
Reminder that Protetstants are not Christians but created by northern european Kings and German Imprerial Princes for financial gain while the Catholic and Orthodox church have been found by St. Petrus as commanded by Christ himself.
I’m an islamaboo, know most of the qur’an by heart.
Only thing is I’m afraid that I’d be tracked down and murdered by a dune coon if I ever put any of this knowledge to use.
Darksiders is more or less what you're looking for
Shooting Islamic extremists for your nation is an implicit statement that Islamic terrorism is bad. In the binding of Issac, the mother trying to kill her son is an implicit statement of extremist Christianity to be bad.
>this troll thread again after getting completely and totally told last time it was posted that the game has nothing to do with any of that
Stop replying to idiots, Yea Forums.
Worst enemies in no particular order. No afterbirth+ because I don't own it
>brimstone creeps
>blind creeps
>drowned hive
>hosts and walking hosts
>mask + heart
>kamikaze leech
Is this accurate?
>Being a seething christcuck in 2019 CE
t. Atheist/Pagan still seething 1700 years after Constantine
Most of us are atheists. No one's "seething" because the Romans made Christianity acceptable in the year 3-fucking-13.
The only one who cares is you.
>zoomer with irreligious millenial parents doesnt get it
t. theistcuck mad nietzsche was right the whole time
What the other anons said, but I think there's also something to be said about growing up in a predominantly Christian society. It makes it much easier for you to research Christian lore when you want to make edgy stuff like this, and you also have a better feel for the colloquial definitions and imagery associated with everything so you can make a more organic end product. A game like this about another religion, made by the same guy, would probably be more like an interactive book report.
Christian fundamentalism has a more relevant negative impact on western society than islamic fundamentalism and that's why people make statements about it. The allahu ackbars are mostly contained to the middle east, and the people moving here from there are generally the quiet type who hated the barbarians enough to pick up their families and cross a hemisphere. Meanwhile we have the screaming, entitled bibblefolk who deny their children a proper childhood because they think all non-religious music is a sin and fantasy books are the devil's propaganda.
I swear I haven't seen this copypasted thread in some time.
But again, fuck off.
There are fucking tons of games that let you shoot muslims you dumb nigger
>generally the quiet type who hated the barbarians
Try living in europe or britain
I see this bait a couple times per month and retard tourists fall for it every fucking time
Yeah, but back in the day, the terrorists had to put in the effort to kill people who insulted their religion, now our governments will just do it for them for insulting a 'minority group'.
How can you speak to this as an american?
That’s not even remotely true. The Muslims in the west have openly stated “we want shariah law here” which a fuck ton worse to some soccer mom bitching about your Metallica shirt
>getting upset enough to run to the internet defending Christianity
And rapists. Not even nuns are safe:
we had this exact thread yesterday
HEY GUYS, POOP XDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>“we want shariah law here
Not in my fucking country, shitskins need to be satisfied with their freedom to practice religion and not force their garbage on other people unless they want more nut job incidents.
Ah yes, the homogenous group know as "The Muslims"
Thanks for the hot take, /pol/tato
Nero didn't go far enough.
if thats what you got from the story, you are not smart
And there are Christian fundamentalist casually suggesting Christan Sharia law, except those people are also actual law makers and actually taken seriously.
>Implying synagogue shootings are bad
>Rip on Christianity
Maybe annoy a few Bible belt boomers
>Rip on Islam
End up on bestgore
it's most likely that if you do make a game that criticizes islam at all you'd be allahu'd before the game was even sold
How's life like on 2006 era internet, m8?
This. Even for making a freaking COMIC about islam, journalists had their place of work bombed.
this is correct
And the Christians in America want the Old Testament enforced by the federal government - only there are so many they actually win elections and actually pass those laws.
>think how I want to make an islam parody game
>realize I actually would be shot and killed even in my sleepy canadian suburb
This realization just hit me and it honestly scares me quite a bit. How the hell did we get to this point.
And for simply going to a church that wasn't a christian church, 50 people got shot in New Zealand by a christian maniac.
>please pay no attention while we legislate Christian values into law
Religoutards need to be purged in their entirety.
It's funny how Islam's no tolerance approach to criticism is effective enough at blocking criticism to the point where tons of morons think Christianity is worse than Islam, despite it only being criticized because they're more tolerant.
I'm not, so...
>The muslims in the west
Are not a hivemind, and of course the worst are going to be the most vocal.
Better than it was after your kind embedded into it.
Letting Leftists change Immigration policy. We were doomed to collapse, both North America and Europe as soon as we ever let leftists have any control over immigration policy.
>Better than it was after your kind embedded into it.
Forgive him. We grew up under Bush, and so we became counter culture liberals. These kids grew up under Obama, so they are counter-culture conservatives.
>game literally has angels give you free shit
>"hurr the game is anti-Christian and not just about a fucking crazy person"
>We became counter culture liberals
Proto-npc John Stewart era, wew.
Yes child, you are so very intelligent because you were raised by comedians on youtube.
Go back to ytmnd Gramps, I heard syncan posted a new fad
Yes but your desert religion is also trash?
Why do Christ fags always use this excuse?
this isn't surprising. religions are at their core a mental virus and designed to control people.
Institutions designed to control people are inherently designed around repression of individuals and therefore RELY on force and threat of retaliation to thrive.
Ergo, the lapsing of force against those who speak out against them are a death sentence for the religion while those who maintain an almost fascistic stance will thrive.
This is a pattern that can be traced to most all such organizations-- the USSR fell not because it was too strict but because it became too LAX. When they tried to ease up on the populace it didn't make them more compliant it caused them to finally get the backbone to rise up. same deal with christianity in the west. Contrast north korea (or islam) where, no matter HOW terrible the situation gets or how terrible the economies and stability, so long as you threaten to murder the hell out of anyone and their entire family for stepping out of line, power will be maintained (both for NK and Islam as a force)
Why do people hate Christianity so much that they'd allow Islam in their borders?
>when the game notoriously has issues involving replayability due to heavily favoring rng rather than skill or effort, while also having the most barebones minimalistic gameplay possible, being based on LoZ, while also lengthening the game in the most artificial and tedious way possible by stretching out the same five hours with "endless combinations of fun™"
Ain't that the truth...
You're not helping your case.
>Christian fundamentalism has a more relevant negative impact on western society than islamic fundamentalism
It has more relevant positive impact than you'd ever allow yourself to comprehend too
Not the fundamentalism. That's the distinction I was making.
You know, at least conceptually the game could parody the culture that tends to develop around churches, even though instead it does none of this and simply takes none of the specific characteristics of christianity and just parodies the most basic brain-dead qualities that literally any religion on earth has.
All Abrahamic religions are pretty trash really. It's just people don't seem to get that the god-fearing everyman republican basically signs away everyone's personal rights and robs them of their future while fucking up the environment for future generations all in the name of corporate kickbacks but that's all okay because the bible doesn't condemn corporate lobbying so he still gets to go to heaven anyway. It's a little more sublte than some durka blowing himself up over his insane idea of god.
>wahhhh wahhhhh mommy people are making fun of our retarded cult again
Learn how to laugh at yourself, triggered christfags
why are christcucks so easily offended? i thought they were supposed to turn the other cheek?
Have you been awake the last 20 years? It's atheist liberals signing away everyone's rights and futures in the name of inclusivity now.
Sounds to me like youre just shit at the game cause i can win consistently even when the rng is against me.
Maybe you should do a little thing some people would call "Getting Good".
The crusades were initiated because muslims were invading byzantium
violent niggers had to be put down.
Its because Christianity has been for the longest time the dominant "white" religion of the west, while islam has been a very tiny spec for the longest time.
Its not always true, but in order to simplify things when trying to pursuade people to their side, bad leftists (Not saying the left is bad, but that there are many LAZY leftist who are, themselves, specifically bad) have tried to just overly catagorize their enemies into "Majority/white bad, Minorities good!".
This means that when presented with a situation with minorities or a non-christian religion acting bad, those on the left who've been so lazy they've adopted this simplified world view will go into a blue screen, unable to admit a minority or non-christian religion could EVER be a threat or something to fight against.
This isn't dissimiliar from how the black community will find it difficult to condemn one of their own, because theyve adopted a "Us against them, no matter what!" mentality, so they fear that if they "turn" on each other they'll be divided and torn to shreds (See the R kelly debacle, or the OJ simpson trial).
Extremist Christians ARE horrible and have been, for the longest time, the biggest threat facing western civilizations freedoms, and need to be fought against. However, Islam is rapidly becoming almost just as much of a threat to the west due to the degeneration of arab culture and the middle east and the radicalization of the middle east due to their conversion by the sword methodology destroying any tolerant sect of muslims (and the fact that Africa is a breeding ground for massive numbers of easily misled and recruited young men due to the massive amount of population growth there coupled with its economic issues and cultural clashes).
The left isn't wrong to attack christianity, but they have a hard time accepting other threats as well.
The first crusade started after 400 years of muslim conquest in spain you retard. It took 4 centuries of slaughtering Christians for them to respond
She does.
How do you explain the fact that the Old Testament is not currently enforced by the Federal government, considering the percentage of the population who were sincere Christians was much higher in the past?
Progressivism has gone from victory to victory over the past 100 years with essentially zero setbacks, yet its adherents still believe they they're constantly under mortal threat from their (essentially impotent) political opposition.
What did muslims invading Byzantium have to do with a bunch of crusaders sacking the Catholic city of Zara?
i disavowed athiesm after I saw Bill Nye the Science Guy's netflix bullshit
you think your shit doesn't stink? think again
I wish it was but unfortunately they're just bread and games to distract you from the fact that the Koch Brothers are already making their move on abolishing the US consitituion altogether. Get ready for TPP 2: Electric Boogaloo motherfucker because this shit is gonna hit you from from left field and you won't even see it coming.
really? REALLY?
>they became the violent niggers that were invading the byzantium in the end
>every country is in the world is USA
actually kys. You go to jail for saying words on the internet now in my country and it was not right wing christians who made it this way. Right wing christians get their children taken away by the government for disagreeing with mandatory government transgender classes on religious grounds.
Huh? I'm just asking how muslims killing fuckers justifies the sacking of Zara by the Crusaders.
Pretty sure there's even more but fireden is fucking garbage
>How do you explain the fact that the Old Testament is not currently enforced by the Federal government, considering the percentage of the population who were sincere Christians was much higher in the past?
The supreme court keeps slapping them down over and over. That doesn't stop states from passing unconstitutional abortion laws every week. Thank god (iroinically) the founding fathers were deists and knew exactly how dangerous Christians would be to the country, and made the very first amendment about preventing them from taking over.
Hey how's that Mama's Boy Achievement coming along? Be a shame if you got hit from below randomly...
>rather than entertain the idea that God is greater than we ever imagined and that our destiny lies beyond, fundamentalists would rather keep their belief tiny and earth-centric
It's not even a science thing. You would think that a group of people so focused on spreading the word of the lord to every reach of existence would be the highest contributors to space programs. This is some bullshit
But that’s Christianity
Why does this bait work every fucking time? The game has nothing to do with Christianity outside of Eggmund's family becoming born again Christians, being based on a bible parable and some satans and angels.
Asscreed. To this day I still think it's the worst game I've ever played with a shitty edgelord plot and incredibly shitty gameplay. The sequel is edgy fedora tier but at least it was kind of fun and one of the biggest improvements from a sequel I've ever seen.
>christians are so cucked they don't do anything when people say shit about their religion
Now turn your other ass cheek because my boner is ENRAGED
>Best friend loans me 10 dollars for lunch.
>Later steals my car
>He loaned you ten dollars, why are you calling him an asshole?
according to this article some churches in the US already have private police forces. It's not exactly to do with legislation but it's still scary how powerful some of these groups are. I mean look at Scientology, they managed to blackmail the fucking DIRECTOR OF THE FBI into making them an official religion. Shit's whack.
Isaac's mother is attempting to kill Isaac because God told her to. Your task as Isaac is to kill her, thereby defying the will of God.
>The supreme court keeps slapping them down over and over. That doesn't stop states from passing unconstitutional abortion laws every week.
Isn't it amazing that in 1972 the Supreme Court managed to find a clause in the constitution permitting abortion that had remained hidden for 200 years? The Founding Fathers, being the clever logicians they were, snuck it into the Right to Privacy, and managed to mislead earlier jurists by making the wording totally unrelated.
cause real scripture christianity is right
But there's no evidence that she's actually hearing God's voice. Far more likely she's just bonkers
Same here, I would probably be an atheist if they weren't corrupted by the insanity of the left. After seeing what atheism does to societies (modern leftism, and every communist society) I realized that atheism is much worse than Christianity at creating a decent society to live in, so I would rather try to believe in a God I wouldn't believe in otherwise if it means there's a better chance we could return to a Christian society.
binding of isaac is one of the best games of the decade
You could be anonymous and just use Patreon
it needs to be done. The bible is the most gruesome book there is. Half the book is about jews killing other half jews, and the ending has the world literally blow up and God one by one r8s /10 every human that ever lived.
She's actually being told these things by The Lost
Lad, you sound as much a nutter as any of the rest
To change your mind about the worlds shallow view of the religion, I suggest you take a look into the king james bible, and stick to it--That version is the most reliable account for the faith.
Both sides have terrible arguments. I'm a christian and come on guys you can do better than this. It's like a bunch of 12 year olds arguing.
>Yea Forums
The dev came from some nutty televangelist, which are wolves in sheeps clothing.
based protestant retard
I attributed The Binding of Isaac to Moral Orel
You don't make a game like that without having an intimate knowledge of the religion, and the reality of it is, it is pretty fucked up as far as religions go
For all the hate Islam and Judaism gets, it's a small wonder Christianity doesn't get the same reception
I mean, the game is called, 'The Binding of Isaac'--pretty sure OP isn't familiar with the basis of the story
a society that promotes healthy ingroup morals, exculdes unhealthy morals is good for itself. moral equivalency ceases to exist once they are put into practice
a society that believes there's 31 flavors of genders is not a society worth investing in. it's a leper colony. the castro district during the AIDS epidemic.
Ok cool, but why the fuck do you believe it?
You seriously believe in a talking snake? Do you seriously believe that Jesus could walk on water? The Bible is a good collection of stories, but they're just that: stories. They're parables about the nature of humanity and by extension the world. They weren't meant to be taken as, well, gospel. To say any version of the Bible is the "most reliable" is fucking retarded, because the Bible is FICTION. The very idea of a sola scriptura begs the question.
if you can be made to believe that Trump is colluding with Russia, you can be made to believe in talking snakes.
putting the pre-brain back into Presbyterian
Wait, what? Who the fuck of a fuck said anything about Trump? Do you have Asperger's syndrome?
Eh, Christians are a bit more subtle
You just disappear while the town collectively looks the other way
Yeah woohoo go us reddit atheists. Except in the Parable when Abraham goes to kill Issac an angel comes down and tells him to kill a lamb instead. and in lore this is all the dying thoughts of a dead child who suffocated in a box and his mother had to buried his body
Sumerian tablets tell that a giant of a man fought runescape giants. There are a lot of accounts of history and science that seem off. It wasnt widely accepted in schools until theories like gravity were implemented. I cant physically see gravity itself but people claim its there. That argument for Godd existence applies today.
don't respond to protestant posters. Don't engage protestant thinking.
What the fuck is wrong with g*rmans?
>people keep falling for the bait thread despite every instance of it having people point out the game is not anti-religion at all
>it's repeatedly pointed out that the opening story is false and made up by Isaac
>it's repeatedly pointed out that's Isaac who takes the bible and the concept of 'unforgivable sin' way too literally
they do but they are taken down
For all the denial anons:
Here's a list of all the verses that you need to study to get to Heaven and get a qt gf.
Yes, that's the anti-Semitic piece of shit who opened up a whole can of religious worms that would cause great suffering to many by creating yet another sect of Christianity.
As if Catholicism didn't do enough damage.
Face it, for all the good things that religion has contributed, the concept is destined to cause strife between people.
These are good things though?
Forgot the link
>Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Korea, Vietnam
>being because people were Christians
Do you eat cat shit?
its not anti religion, its just a retelling of the genesis story in a modern setting where the switch is isaac's dad abraham is instead his mom.
The sad thing is, growing up Christian, I can relate to how everything gets demonized.
My parents believed that the people that made Nintendo games actually prayed for demons to go into them to tempt children with disobedience waves or some craziness.
Anime about magical girls or people seeking seven magic balls? No way.
Paddling, slapping, screaming and raging, then expecting instant calmness from the kid you just beat? Of course! With a healthy helping of "Oh, hey, let's watch this documentary about people who say they've been to hell and what they saw right before bedtime, because that's great dream fuel for eight-year olds!"
I would write stories about cyborgs (because NO MAGIC OR SUPERNATURAL ELEMENTS EVER EVER EVER) and they would find them and ask, "But how does this glorify God?"
Then I played MTG when forced to go on a week-long boy scout trip from hell, and demons failed to pop out and attack me. Satan didn't march out of the woods to offer me a contract.
And that's when I began to realize just how much I'd been lied to.
the most brainlet way to think of the game
The Crusades were primarily an economic scheme. Saving the Holy Land was just a good recruiting tactic.
That's a good point--what IS the story anyways?
>Religious zealot mom is about to kill you
>Jump into your house's bottomless dungeon
>Eventually kill your own mother
>Reveals Isaac made the whole thing up
>Subsequent playthroughs have you invading her womb
>(I think) you eventually kill your unborn, evil, mutant fetus
Admittedly, I'm terrible at the game, so I don't know if there's more, or if I even have the latter bit correct
Wow, Protestants are really dumb
Ladies and gentlemen, the religion of peace.
>Face it, for all the good things that religion has contributed, the concept is destined to cause strife between people.
There is no society without religion. Every human society that has ever formed in any isolated corner of any continent has developed a religion. It's part of the human race. Trying to change this has historically lead to atrocities worse than anything done in the name of religion. You don't have to be religious but to think it's something that should be pried away from humanity like atheists like to jerk off to can be called ignorant only by the most generous, because it's more often pure evil.
>uses kjv
>anti religion
woah there
So yeah, I loved TBoI. Played the fuck out of it. I can relate to Isaac.
You're locked in a nightmarish world where screaming demons hit you for "rebellion" or "delayed obedience", and they get crazier and crazier, making you go to 12 am Holy Spirit revival meetings on a fucking school night when you need to be up by 5 am, and every good thing that's fun and makes the pain a little more tolerable is declared "DEMUNZ" and taken away...
...and all you have left is tears.
Fuck that shit
What games let you kill demons and / or ally yourself heaven and / or play an an angel?
I'm somewhat of a Utilitarian, so I'm more interested in what's most practical for society. While my current views on Religion would be closer to agnosticism, I would fully promote Christianity if it meant a better functioning society. Religion does serve the role of a way of controlling society very effectively, and societies with Christianity tend to be the most tolerable to live in since they promote pretty reasonable morals. A society without Religious control just devolves into a chaotic mess, and always loses to the societies with Religious control. It's basic survival of the fittest, where societies are like individual organisms battling it out for survival.
Sounds like a very modern theory that doesn’t take into account what the people of the day actually believed and how they conceptualized the world.
big brain'd Yea Forums tonight
People are allowed to believe whatever they want. If believing in God helps you get through life, if believing that there's life after death makes you feel better about life, go ahead. I encourage people to live life in ways that make them happy. The problem is the evangelists who force it onto other people, and both Christianity and Islam have terrible histories with that. The Spanish Inquisition was simply a natural result of organized religion. You can believe in a higher power without an auto-da-fe.
Utilitarianism is more retarded than any religion m8
Why do Christians have such a huge victim complex? Also, just because Christian imagery is used doesn't necessarily mean it isn't trying to be critical of other religions, especially Abrahamic ones, too.
one of Louis C.K.'s latest comedy specials he rails hard on Christianity because they "won" so that makes it okay to hate
Inevitably, religion is wishful thinking for the ultimate question--what's beyond the veil of death?
Even 'peaceful' religions like Buddhism require strict obedience, less you get re-incarnated as a fly
Or worse--as a (spoiler)OP(/spoiler)
Probably the reason why actual peaceful religions like Taoism are more philosophies than actual religions
The bible says that angels dont have wings and are near identical to humans.
Im guessing every smt mc is some kind of angel fallen or not cause you kill all idols in that game which is part of Gods will apperantly.
Mainline SMT.
because people raised as hardcore muslims dont make video games because they're in some shithole in the middle east without a computer
>not knowing they were a response to hundreds of years of Islamic barbarsim on coastal cities
fucking pleb
Osama Bin Laden was a gamer
And why is that?
>The Spanish Inquisition was simply a natural result of organized religion.
Perfect example. The Spanish inquisition killed less in its decades than atheist communists killed during the spanish civil war when they were trying to purge religion from the country. Even if we don't do excuse a single crime Christianity has ever commited it still is nowhere near as bad as any competitor even by sheer metrics.
These threads are supposed to be stealth Isaac threads but all they do is draw out fedora tippers that wanna laugh at the 2 actual religious people on Yea Forums.
>and all you have left is tears.
but how does that glorify God?
Decades?! Try centuries! The Spanish Inquisition only truly ended in the 1800s! There was also a more short-lived Portuguese Inquisition! And you know how the Spanish Civil War ended? I'll give you a hint. Mussolini would have been very happy had he lived till 1975.
>Meanwhile we have the screaming, entitled bibblefolk who deny their children a proper childhood because they think all non-religious music is a sin and fantasy books are the devil's propaganda.
If we are being truthful, media and books featuring degenerate actions DO have a negative influence on the youth and should generally be avoided. Modern society has put a veil over your eyes and told you these things are good when they are not.
And the amount of people who actually would restrict such things from their children are so few and far between that it is surprising you would even attempt to make such a weak argument in the first place.
He better make one for Islam soon
And still small in comparison to how many the atheist communists genocided. If you want to use historical crimes as an argument than atheism is so much worse there isn't even a debate.
Have a good Annunciation Orthobros and Christ be with everyone.
Isaac's mother and alcoholic father had a divorce which left his mother devastated and she turned to religious TV programming to take her mind off her situation. Isaac was a 4 year old who was surprisingly well read and had a dangerously overactive imagination plus due to being an extremely young child he took things at face value. He blamed himself for his mother's depression and anger issues (whether she ever actually abused him is unknown but a high possibility) and withdrew into himself and due to reading the bible got the impression that everything was entirely his fault and he was full of sin and deserved death for ruining his family. He locks himself in his toychest and imagines everything that happens in the game. He eventually starts running out of air and his mind throws up Hush to attempt to get him to snap out of it but he kills that urge literally. Eventually his mind breaks down near death which is symbolized by the Void and Delirium boss fights as his life flashing before his eyes.
Because if your aim was actually to “maximize happiness for the greatest number of people” then your aim should just be to have state sponsored opium handouts or whatever other happy pills you can think of. It boils down to mass hedonism.
Wasn't that game based off some shit called manichaeism or some shit?
The real answer is because christians are pussies who do nothing and muslims actually bomb people for their blasphemy.
Sun worship always made the most sense to me. It’s something everyone can see but not look at directly and it makes crops grow and makes things warmer.
The inquisition was unironically justified and did nothing wrong.
>getting triggered over a videogame
Frankly, atheists are just as bad
Something-something hate is just another form of love? Well Atheism--rejecting god, is just another religion
General agnosticism--or just not giving a fuck, is the true anti-religion
Not to get too weab, but the Japanese and modern day Shintoism is ideal
>Enough religion to give you culture
>Integrate it into your life as much as you like
>Or completely ignore it
>Less likely to have burning crosses on your front lawn
I thought the whole "boohoo they're mocking my side" thing was supposed to be the Left's shtick?
Yes, because the communists killed people for religious reasons, not ideological, such as a hatred for the kulaks, insane beliefs in bourgeois oppression, and unrealistic obsessions with economic inequality. PS: That was very bad sarcasm
The religion of peace, everyone! Put your hands together! I'm sure you'd change your tune real fast if you were put through an auto-da-fe.
Modern estimates are between 3000 and 5000 executed during the spanish inquisition. Relatively speaking that's NOTHING compared to even minor conflicts in human history and this is the be-all-end-all boogieman that reddit taught you to bring up.
Largely because the crusades were not officially organized and consisted of many different parties. It's not like one group of knights was the exact same as a group of individuals who initially set out to aid but had their goals change.
Far from the truth when you read into the origins of the crusade and how they were initially put together.
This. If my parents didn't stop taking me to church and restricted my internet use, I probably wouldn't have ended up as a tired, burnt out neet
>The bible says that angels dont have wings and are near identical to humans.
The FUCK you going on about?! You'd shit your pants if you encountered an angel, shit looks like something a retard having a nightmare shat out.
People where i live don't give a shit about Christianity. Just the part about baptizing, communion and marriage, and even then everyone knows it's bullshit. Priests are known to rape kids here and if you are poor, you eat shit while in the church's walls.
Even then the whole thing is a fluke for money and power.
Guess I was just imagining all those AAA games where you mow down Muslims that were fucking everywhere in the 2000s
>genociding all the religious people in your country because you want a country with no religious people is not motivated by religion
God is always ready for you to come back user
Yeah, morel orel is is good on handling the God vs religion thesis. Its more on faith and less on man laws.
Wtf, is that Lawlolawl?
Because most major game producers are in america or japan, europe has major studios but most of the west is permeated by christian/catholic views, judeo christian i think is the proper term, idk, been like 10 years since ive been to church sans maybe random holiday obligations
In Japan Islam is not a prevailing religion at all and its not in America either so you just don't see people making media bout it
I don't quite understand OP's pic though, I wouldn't consider myself and atheist but i'm not a firm believer in religion either. i was raised christian but mostly went along with it out of fear originally and eventually dropped the facade when i turned 18. I definitely don't know what's out there and don't have concrete answers, i just don't think christianity and organized religion are for me. maybe there's something out there and if there is then who knows if we'll discover what it is in this life time. for now i just have to hope the meager meanings ive attached myself to for why my life might be worth living keep working for me
Do they look good as bayonetta angel designs?
Also, the thing about religion is sane worship is the equivalent of common-fucking-sense
>Be a good person
>Don't be an asshole
If your environment doersn't allow that, simply be less of an asshole than the next person--no one wants to die a martyr over petty morals
Despite myself, I recommend seeing The Book of Mormon musical since it pretty much sums this up, despite being about religion
Call him old fashioned
Heh good one
>Be a good person
>Don't be an asshole
Both of these are defined by religion, either directly or de facto.
about the same, general descriptions of higher angels sound like god god drunk when he made them.
There is a class that is described as humanlike, but its a lowerclass scrub angel class.
We are talking about the Spanish inquisition here, not even talking about Russia. Modern estimates put the number between 3000 and 5000 killed from the spanish inquisiton. The red terror in Spain killed over 6000 catholic clergymen alone, and tens of thousands of people on top of that. Do you see how significant this difference is? and this is your big scary boogie man you use against Christians.
>it's common fucking sense bro!
please never every try to engage in philosophy
If higher angels looks this good, what do devils look like?
No I wouldn't, because you can't tell if you encountered an angel unless God told him to reveal themselves and or are a jew who happens to be ezekial or daniel.
>Genesis 18:1 And theLordappeared unto him in the plains of Mamre: and he sat in the tent door in the heat of the day;
>2: And he lift up his eyes and looked, and, lo, three men stood by him: and when he saw them, he ran to meet them from the tent door, and bowed himself toward the ground,
So appearantly before God smited sodom, he showed up on abrahams tent with two of his other angel pals as literal men, not winged cherubs.
>It's another no damage buff episode
>It's another no key episode
>It's another only red chests in the devil room episode
That would cause a crisis of sustainability, followed by a crisis or re-population, going against the "for the greatest number of people" condition of Utilitarianism.
When did I say anything about maximizing happiness? Also opium and other happy drugs only provide short term happiness that becomes detrimental overall. Utilitarianism is about what is most practical, and anything that leads to self-destruction would be impractical. The goal of Utilitarianism is obviously different depending on the person, and in my case I would want a society that isn't going to self-destruct, and allows people to become happy through more useful and productive means.
>an old testament law
>Both of these are defined by religion, either directly or de facto.
I think you have that confused with
>Pretend you're better than the other person because you gave your moral belief system a name
Again, common-fucking-sense has this covered. I swear, telling any Christian--outspoken or not, is a fucking crap shoot. My father hasn't been to church in years, yet he still call himself a Christian, still uses it as basis for how he judges people. THere's so many goddamn revisions, interpretations that even calling yourself 'orthodox' is ambiguous as fuck--even the concept of orthodox is hypocritical because NOT being orthodox means you don't practice your own religion entirely, so what's the fucking point.
Those are a lower rank of angels, Second sphere and lower.
Demons are just fallen angels, so probably just like normal angels, they don't do much descriptions of demon's physical appearances after they fell, apart from satan in revelations.
Quran wise how absurd does it get?
I recalled they think the universe lives on a whale and Muhammad drove off on a horse into the sky.
user I'm not trying to insult you here, but you genuinely are incapable of arguing something like this. "it's common sense" and "it's obvious" are not arguments. When it comes to justifying morality you have to make actual philosophical arguments, and anyone with even a rudimentary knowledge of philosophy knows how impossible it is to argue something is "good" or "right" compared to bad or wrong. Have a little humility and self awareness and realize how completely beyond your scope this is to argue and stop embarrassing yourself by saying "common sense" when you're talking about something as complex as morality.
No the Angel of the Lord in that book was God himself. This happens multiple times throughout the scripture. The beings with wings you are thinking of are cherubs and seraphs which are more bizzare than whatever depictions your typical angel is.
play the game christcuck.
>I recalled they think the universe lives on a whale and Muhammad drove off on a horse into the sky.
Have you ever realized you interpret holy text the EXACT same way as the fundamentalists you insult? fundamentalists and fedora's are the only 2 groups who interpret things literally which is hilariously ironic.
Christians love to pretend like they're victims in this eternal struggle against reality and sinners.
T. bible belt living american.
>troll bombs in the red chests too
Not trying to insult you, but philosophy is fucking useless
Certainly not going to get you a job or make you money
Feed the hungry or end world war
Remove the pretense of philosophy, what are you left with? Your wits
Haha, well said my fellow goy
Jews are the same way, most religions are in fact, but christians seem to be the most annoying about it. Most muslims I meet just seem happy people even seem interested in their religion instead of just calling them terrorists. Same with bahai's minus the terrorist bit.
>the entire concept of collectivism.
We're not talking about philosophy class class, We're talking about logic as a concept, we're talking about the foundations of making an argument which you've proven you cannot do. This is what just happened:
You claimed morality doesn't require religion "just be good", someone asked you what "good" is, you said "it's obvious."
The entire conversation perfectly illustrated that you're unable to argue what is good, therefore it cannot be obvious or common sense. If you had an honest mind you'd see this and reflect on your own beliefs but instead your head is so far up your own ass that you're trying to discredit the concept of logic itself
hahahah imagine being a christfat holy shit
>because they think all non-religious music is a sin
literally true, modern music corrupting youth is the greatest humanitarian crisis in history
>fantasy books are the devil's propaganda
There is literally nothing wrong with believing this.
Are you really saying you'd rather kids listen to Ariana Grande and read R.A. Salvatore than be taught not to have promiscuous sex, not to steal or kill, and to love their fellow man? You are the biggest fucking gorilla retard on earth. Your kids would be fucking mongoloids.
>wahhhh but some southern guy was mean to gays a few times so we are justified to torch all decency and spiritual discipline from society
You HAVE to know you're a basic bitch pumpkin spice latte contrarian pseudointellectual shitstain.
stirner pls go and stay go
based varg poster. Too bad Burzum was shit
>There is literally nothing wrong with believing this.
lmao I thought the "ban Harry Potter for teaching kids magic" soccer moms were a meme.
Nope. Any brimstone creep is easily avoidable. There's no reality where mullibooms are even close to bad, eye balls are easily avoid able, keepers aren't bad, hosts are fine, drowned hive isn't bad and neither are blind creeps.
>people won't criticize Islam because they fear being murdered over it
>that in itself is more reason than ever to criticize Islam
>feel free to criticize institutions which do actual good and won't murder them (yet)
>won't get the fuck out of the way and let people with less to lose, and with courage, criticize Islam
>will impede this and restrict them access to their audience
GenZyklon needs to come of age before they fall into this boomer mindset too.
t.only read v shitposts and never played the game
Name one thing wrong with limiting the media which your kids consume. If parents don't want their kids to read Harry Potter (which is a book series for onion retards) that is their perogative and they are perfectly justified.
So uh whats the meaning behind a whale universe, and the flying horse. And why 72 virgins. Are they all cute young virgins or am i fucking 72 fat neets that live in the basement
being fucking honest, my mother was fucking 100% insane for a christian
>regularly and religiously watched the passion of the christ scene where jesus gets whipped while i wanted to sleep in the other room, not even turned on by it, just religiously, so every night i had to listen to jesus getting whipped while a roman man counts
>thought putin was the anti christ
>refused to let me get vidya until i was fucking 13 cause she thought pokemon was satanic or some shit
>went on an autistic rant a few years ago when the place the mall santa was at at the mall she usually goes to was generic instead of obviously christian
>literally told me if i try and do things the way i did them (aka not putting as much effort as she wants, even though i still tried hard enough) then i'd go to hell
>threatened to put me in a mental institution because i was fucking up at one of my history classes even though the teacher there was a total fucking cunt
>thought the northern lights were a sign of god and believed that they warned hitler one time even though only a fucking christian sight claims this and it's a natural occurrence
not even atheist, but she fucked up my belief in god for a while
Why did this shit catch on?
Mysticism isn't a healthy interest for kids and we've seen that Rowling really is a wacko hag who'd probably be pissing an alley every night if the boy wizard book she'd written on the dole hadn't been published.
>me and my kid sign up for an after school variety activities club for fathers and sons
>do shit like build furniture, learn outdoor skills, etc
>become friends with the other dads, we do bbqs and shit
>find out that one of them is a christian
>we quickly disconnected him from everything, and get him banned from the activities club thanks to homophobic comments on his social media
Good riddance, I dont want no religious pedos around children. Sucks for that kid though.
Holy shit at least play the game before you shit on it with blatantly no knowledge
>So uh whats the meaning behind a whale universe, and the flying horse. And why 72 virgins
you know as well as I do that you could find countless literature on how this is officially interpreted inside Islam, but you won't go read any of it because you'd rather hear their side strawmanned for you by some quick youtube video.
>not muh christians!
He said he was Christian in his manifesto.
also she was anti gay or some shit because she believed satan wants inclusivity
she was fucking insane
we plainly says that your people are going to burn in hell user
no idea where you got tbe peace part
>I hate christianity because my bitch my grounded me
>watched passion of the christ religiously
The church is dead.
i literally said i don't doubt god, my mother was literally fucking buttfuck crazy though and made me doubt it for a while because of her batshit crazy claims
god most likely does exist, but holy shit do some people who worship him not deserve to go to heaven.
>Be Christian
>Spend your time judging others as if you ordained yourself God himself
>Die less fulfilled than the people you shit on constantly
not even the full movie, just the scene where jesus gets whipped, every fucking night. and keep in mind the walls in my house were as thin as fucking sandpaper so i could hear this shit as well as she could since she kept it at full volume with no headphones
Do religions exist for any reason than to curb the crushing existential dread are dumb ape brains developed as survival became less of a going concern? I want to believe in afterlife but I feel like I'd rather it be a mystery than spend my life in service of something I can't perceive.
>dabs on christians
>makes onions milk an item that lowers your strength to shit and makes you cry constantly
Is Edmund, dare I say it, /ourguy/?
She should've read her bible... Ah but reading sux ew... oh but movies, yes, ill rely on that instead.
>some pastor says gays burn in hell and are not allowed to go to heaven
sound familiar?
A radical "bigot" isn't limited to their beliefs.
A catholic, christian, muslim who claim to know what God says, but never read his word are 100% wrong.
religion came from man not God
>tfw you can't stop grabbing every single fucking passive item you see even if it'll kill you like with devil deals
send help
Religion is as old as writing itself. Religion has thousands of years of philosophy by some of humanities greatest minds. You could spend the rest of your life reading Plato's argument for the immortal soul found in Phaedo, move on to Aristotle, and then maybe get scratch the surface of what Thomas Aquinas wrote if you actually were interested in learning about the reasoning and arguments behind some established religions. Instead though your ego will probably just tell you "nah organized religion is stupid" and you won't read a word while simultaneously assuring yourself there's no good arguments out there
Which makes it inherently retarded because we can have literally no grasp of anything post death besides what we observe on earth
>AB and AB+ were so trash he had to name it that rather than Stillbirth
Which is why God himself wrote in his book that ; "my covenant with man is by faith alone," which makes life infinitely more simple.
I was tired of hearing noise come from pompous religious leaders telling me that "God is sending me to hell because I...," when I learned from his appearant book that he wrote; "you just have to believe in me to go to heaven and change your mind about yourself,"
If God claims to be perfect then his plan should be simple.
I'm not dismissing it or saying it's stupid, need for a sense purpose and comfort in death is really important. Even the brightest minds are troubled by questions we can't have answers to.
For what it's worth, I have read some philosophy on religion and find it interesting, but it doesn't sooth my terror that death is nothingness and the very notion of that terrifies us to the point we will stop at no end to formulate an explanation that satisfies us.
>religion comes from man and not God
>so this line written by man in this religions book written by man is a word for word quote from God that I can use to ignore every single other part of the religion
Protestants are pants on head retarded
Jesus also said that he came to fulfill the law not abolish it, meaning all the laws in the bible are still required.
>muh arguments
this is why philosophy is generally shit
not everyone can win an argument about a globular earth, but that doesn't change the shape of the earth
argument in the place of evidence is not evidence
>read Bible
>see contradiction of your areligious fedora argument
But what does that have to do with JK Rowling thirsting for any media attention, accomplished by retroactively adding depraved shit to her series, now that she's no longer relevant?
Look at all those faggots trying to rationalize away what you said. /pol/ isn't cancer, it's the cure
>argument in the place of evidence is not evidence
evidence is by definition, an argument. Argument encompasses evidence. If you cannot provide an argument then what you said has no logical weight, plain and simple. You're confusing philosophy with something that happens in a classroom when its refering to the laws of logic and reason themselves.
No he came to fullfill the prophecy which was the law. No christian today is being stoned for using Gods name in vain, but that doesn't mean its right to.
>john 1:17 For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ
evidence is a fact, not an argument
No, evidence is how you argue a fact. Evidence is the argument of why something is fact.
Have there been any scientific arguments for afterlife that people don't laugh off like it's the most rediculous shit ever?
Only Christians and white people are allowed to be made fun of, if you try to about any other race or religion retards will call you a racist bigot.
I don't spend any of my time thinking about JK Rowling
Why fixate on stuff that makes you angry
brown people religion = good
whipipo religion = bad
easy as that
People have become more dismissive of religion in general, it's just that for western media Christianity is the low hanging fruit and criticising Islam will get you beheaded in many parts of the world.
Why fixate on me fixating? This isn't a theocracy nor will it ever be again after the invention of the printing press.
Just live you're live lmao magic skydaddy don't even exist topgeg
you don't have to argue a fact if it is a fact
>you don't have to argue a fact if it is a fact
explain to me what exactly scientists do then
what a chad
I'm just saying, there is the "love your fellow man" part of Christianity and there's the "JK Rowling is a Satanist whore" part of Christianity and one seems like it would leave you more affirmed in your faith than the other
Well she is a single mother. Think that has more to do with it.
I dunno, why do the Japanese keep making games about their mythology but never about Christianity?
Probably because creating stuff about your own culture is more appealing.
>I see what i wanna see
Lose respect for family and tradition and you lose respect for yourself. Is it any wonder everybody is either depressed or an egomaniac?
This isn't really about "Christianity being evil"
Superior roguelike coming thru.
Honestly binding of Issac is kinda boring. I'd much rather play nuclear throne or even enter the gungeon
a lot of americans get forced to do all kinds of dumb shit like go to church when their friends are at prom and aren't allowed to have certain media because it's "satanic" so they get butthurt as kids when everybody else is playing pokemon but them and are edgy contrarians like this later in life. to be fair, maybe a few decades ago it was justify but christcuckery in the first world is basically on life support now so there's no reason to beat a dead jewish kang
Oh shit memes on deck for Jesus
You don't have to take my advice, but as someone who went through this phase with their faith, it's ultimately unfilfilling. Volunteer your time at a shelter or something and you'll stop giving a shit about children's authors and start caring more about more pressing issues
It gets boring after a while for me because rng
Show me the widespread Islamic influence on western culture
argue interpretations of facts and how they fit together
t. scientist
fuck off philosotard
I love this argument. Every time somebody suggests Islam gets the same treatment Christianity gets in the media, you'll always get somebody starting to sweat and say, "W-Well, I think EVERY religion is bad!" As though throwing everyone under the bus will keep the specter of Islamophobia off their heads.
>you don't have to take my advice, but I'm a condescending faggot about how much holier I am than thou while lecturing about judging others
>first word is argue
nice thanks for the concession
>why do the Japanese keep making games about their mythology but never about Christianity?
are you retarded?
I wasn't trying to judge you, I was giving you an honest critique of your attitude about faith. The way you lash out about this says a lot.
>stop at the first word
>ignore entire context
thanks for the concession
How many fucking animes have you watched my dude
But you literally can't wish for that though
>t. scientist
holy shit r/atheism makes you a scientist now?