Games that attempt to replicate a feeling you'll never experience in real life?
Games that attempt to replicate a feeling you'll never experience in real life?
Other urls found in this thread:
please stop user
There's a scene just like this in The Darkness.
>A girl never cuddle you
>Never got a kiss from the girl you like
> Never had sex with another person
>You will always be alone
>inb4 300+ goseling incels
dangit im alone and aroused
I might be an incel but at least I appreciate man. No matter what color, race or ugly they are...
t. A very lonely person without friends
I'm a volcel
Not dating any toasty roasties with subhuman values
>first gf was a 10/10 gamer. smart, beautiful, kind, easy to talk to, funny, interesting, the whole fucking shebang.
>fuck it up like a complete retard thinking "eh's she's just one girl, i'm sure there are better girls out there
>7 years later, every girl that i have met down to the last one has been inferior to that girl
>kick myself nightly
it's a webm
>tfw no gook gf to snuggle with
Does it count as vocel if a paranoia episode happens when you are talking to a girl then you feel so ashamed that you don't want to talk to her?
also this unironically happened to me
>I appreciate man
lmao faggot
heh,that's not possible fag
>tfw a girl likes you
Her has a nice penis
if it doesn't have boobs what's the point
Still who is filming it?
I can see both of the guy's hands and her arms wouldnt be able to reach
>Implying this thread wasn't made for the sole purpose of being /r9k/ shit
You could have this but you dont try. Also youre really picky for somone so ugly
Inb4 No motherfucker my wife is a solid 9
>but not in that way
>i'm sure there are better girls out there
Nice female thinking there, lad.
Turning 29 in three months. How the fuck do I get a woman
video games
just be yourself
i was trying to be alpha but ended up being beta in the long run. now i only have misaki to comfort me
Is he wearing a GoPro?
If I've never experienced it, how do I know it's real?
>khhv incel
>only able to cope with 2d in my day dreams
it's working and my fantasy world is going pretty good desu
how do you think the australian filmed himself killing 50 terrorists?
30 here. You don't.
WHOA!!! you find people with a cute personality ATTRACTIVE? SHOCKING!! and you don't like people with a shitty personality! WHOAAAA
try trying
He was a huge hero
threads like this remind me i am very fortunate to be a homosexual
chin up lads, there's plenty of nice girls out there for you.
What's it like to go down on a girl Yea Forums?
Place love and connection above "better".
It's for the best. She's happy now. She wouldn't have been with you.
asians are so damn ugly, why the fuck yall like them so much? damn tea stained teeth and fish breath.
are you being stupid on purpose?
did she died?
Kill me, Pete.
is it me or do these graphs not make sense?
and I'll never find them because I don't know where to look reeee
I had fun posting goslings with you guys for a while, but I'm with a cute asian girl now so I'm leaving you all behind. At least, for now. I'll be back one day.
I don't think driving a 96' Chevrolet is something I want to do anyway.
How'd you fuck it up, retard?
/r9k/ isn't for /r9k/, anymore. Hasn't been for a while. It's only natural that it spreads back out.
Get Hiro to clean it up and kick out the normals and it can go back to being a containment board.
Kys faggot, Yea Forums is a Christian board, full of lolicobs and weeks.
it's true. you're a beta fag for kicking someone when they're down, but regardless i would rather her be happy than have to deal with my shit as i grew up and "matured." obviously connection and love are above everything else, i was just young and retarded. it takes getting burned hardcore and floundering around in the shitty dating pool to realize that, at least for me it did
>Getting elliot son
>is it me
what is it dear?
you just dont understand the female mind
ehehehehe gaaaaaaaaaaaayyyy
>op makes me recoil in disgust
>doggo makes me daaawww uncontrollably
is this an problem
Reported for rape
try apps. even though for me they're like exclusively for sex i'm pretty sure straight apps are more dating oriented.
Metro: Exodus is basically qt loving gf simulator
>posting koreans
You just KNOW
It seems to be an almost genetic thing like some men are wired to love them and others find them repulsive. I'm personally super attracted to them but sometimes when i get really drunk i fall out of the fetish and it feels like they look like mutants to me.
But most of the time they look like the height of what a woman should be to me. That said my current girlfriend is Hispanic with the same almond eyes asian women have which is an aright compromise for me.
I'll get to do this with my boyfriend soon. I swear it's such a dopamine release just to think about him.
>first girl I ever somewhat seriously dated was a few years younger than me but perfect in every way
>has a kid with some creepy ass pathetic stalker
>decide to let her go because fuck that and fuck taking care of someone other dudes kid
>few years later and have not met any one like her
>wish I could be with her, but she has all that baggage
This is true suffering
Plastic gooks don't count
i don't think i have a proper goseling image that can help properly portray my anguish, and that's saying alot.
The fact that you saved me shows me how pathetic you are. Also makes me glad no one is ever going to love you.
Die alone loser
>not wanting a cute flat male chest
Imagine being this wrong
>Game for this feel
>when i get really drunk i fall out of the fetish and it feels like they look like mutants to me.
hey same here
Shut your hole, faggot.
trolled her too hard and i was going to sleep with some blonde girl with bigger boobs, although the blonde girl would have never allowed it. it's just true that you're more attractive if you have a gf.
i was a huge asshole of a boyfriend, i would always be negging her or teasing her because i was insecure about being really close to someone. not that we weren't extremely close: i have never felt closer to someone. I just wish i had treated that connection with the same veneration that i do now
dick don't care
>tfw will never be able to dance around with giant jiggling titties
why are we still here?
Basically it shows men rate women on an almost perfect curve, meaning men are at least very honest about women, and their internal scale is well calibrated for what they find attractive visually. Women on the other hand vastly under rate men visually at least. Then the second one shows people who score high on looks score high on personality as well.
>play metro exodus
>that handholding scene where anna rests her head artyom's lap
>no wife to rub your belly
Don't worry, eventually after being alone for so long you get used to it. It won't bother you anymore, you'll grow to accept your lot and life and just drift along for the rest of your life. But at least it won't hurt so much anymore wishing for something you'll never get.
Zing-zang zozzle
they do and they're actually pretty good at it
sims 4
>implying I'm white
My son will be a weirdo, but not of that variety
Yeah you deserve to be alone you piece of shit.
Fuck off normies
bitch you might
You don't want to be a third wheel for the rest of your lives together.
This shit is always biased because they use dating sites and most people don't actually ever get on one. The women who DO use dating sites are peppered with complements from thirsty guys and get a huge fucking ego and think they deserve more or are more attractive then they actually are.
She has NO fucking idea what made the original mannerisms good
Is this one an actual girl or is it another tranny?
Bros, there comes a time in all of our lives when you simply have to see wholesome shit and go, "Yeah, I'm fine with this". It doesn't come with age, it doesn't come with nofap, it only comes with endless introspection. The only way to get out of your current state of mind is to accept your fate. Don't be upset, don't be angry, simply accept your fate and from there on, attempt to improve.
If you don't want to improve, that's fine, there's nothing wrong with being alone. Indeed, that's the only solution. Enjoy your own company, ignore the thoughts of Stacy getting dicked by Chad because in the end, why should you care? They're two different people with different outlooks, personalities and thoughts to yours. Forget them and move on.
Go outside, sit down in the wild if you're near a forest, get away from your house, work, whatever for even maybe just an hour and think. Do so regularly, and eventually, frens, you'll achieve it, tranquillity.
This is now a wholesome thread damn you.
As for you , improve on yourself, work out, get a job. Make something of your life and do so ASAP. Come on user, I believe in you user, you can do it.
that's right!
Only asians worth fucking are the ones caked if make up and shit like some idol tier chick, good luck to anyone who can actually find one of those and even more luck to you if you wake up next to it
I would but I despise every form of social media
Night & day I feel empty and lonely
You get me out of this
Give me one kiss
Night & day I am living so sadly
I stand on my kisses
Give me one please
At least I have my Eurobeats...
who cares?
>soulless is just a meme
Real women are not worth the trouble.
Yea Forums is for bitching and making fun of people,not legitimate advice
I don't even want a whore, I just want somebody to LOVEEEEEEE.
Asians are rat people so this webm has no effect on me.
>no games for this feel
They're hot but it's not representative of asians since they get so much surgery
if liking boobs is wrong I don't want to be right
Too bad mate all women are whores.
>"why can't i get a girlfriend"
>here's how you can get a girlfriend
>"no i don't want to have to put in any effort i don't like apps"
you don't fucking get to complain then retard. apps are such an easy way of meeting people.
i'm not fucking talking about twitter, snap, insta, whatever, i mean dating apps. just fucking try tinder what do you honestly have to lose
but pictures and videos aren't soft and warm
Cheer up boys, 28 y.o. wizard reporting in. It's ain't that bad unless you are 60 y.o. with no childrens to take care of you. There is no one to take care of you. abandoned, dying in the streets
I'm not going to make it, lads...
Pretty sure that'd only make things even worse though.
>implying a retarded neet who "despises" social media will have any luck on dating sites
> i am very fortunate to be a homosexual
You missed the point on the second one: The point is that looks and personality correlate directly.
In other words, Pretty people are rated with higher personality scores and ugly people with lower ones.
I would do anything to be with you
Wish you were here getting closer
All I can say listen baby
That's the way I like
I need a
Sex crime
I want you in my room I wanna boom boom
Just like a doggy doggy need a
Sex crime
You make me wanna kill you wanna rock tonight tonight
I put a spell on you
Sex Crime
Honestly this. My mid 20s was all about banging bitches and after like 40 some chicks I came to realize that a good one is 1 in a million. You can spend your whole life and not find that special someone. It's better to just live for you and maybe one day she'll fall into your lap somewhere down the road. I feel so much happier just doing my job, coming home to my place that is just the way I like it, and just chilling out doing what I want.
You're not a wizard yet. And a 60 year old guy doesn't need anyone to take care of him.
>28 yo wizard
Nigga you don't turn into a wizzard till you're 30
Fuck off
i don't think surgery hampers the ability to count
True question. If I start going to the gym and get a decent body can I get a gf?
I wasn't in the mental state right now to see this, goddamn man
someone help me please
Shieeeeet that's high quality.
Why would I want to associate myself with a woman who uses a fucking dating application or website. What an awful thing. I don't want to go into something knowing it won't last.
>brown mutt
>disgusting insect face
>black soulless eyes
This is fucking creepy and disgusting. Excuse me while I throw up.
Neither are real women for the most part
if 6 we all get big tiddy goth gfs by the end of year
only if you reply to this post
Stop roleplaying as nobility.
>living till 60
there's literally no healthcare where I live, If I just get tuberculosis I'll die
why do you guys do this i have shit bad enough irl why do i have to come here to be depressed as well
The game is only over if you give up.
i hate social media too but i still get around
it's not a fucking requirement to enter the dating scene. if anything people who spend too much time on social media are a turnoff for me
the fact that i never have to interact with women outside of work and some social situations is a genuine blessing.
>Had a 10/10 girlfriend from the ages of 15-18, and both of our parents were 100% cool with sleepovers and giving us privacy the entire time
>I'm 25 now and I haven't had a girlfriend since
Thailandian """girl"""
I appreciate your seriousness but most of the people who you replied to are probably either making a sort of "woe is me" type joke or just venting
Many women our age have tried tinder maybe or once twice. Maybe they didn't try it seriously, maybe they didn't make an account but A LOT of them have taken a look at it.
I understand that is the assertion, I wanted to state the data with as much neutrality as I could manage. Anyone looking I'm sure would draw their own conclusions.
You literally see the light from the camera reflect in her eyes when she looks up user.
I paid for sex with a whore, and by far the best part was the 20 seconds she spent in my arms hugging me at the end of the alotted hour.
The pain only grows, bros.
If you have half a decent personality
Like, you aren't unironically pol or misogynistic, care about your looks and actually try to talk to people, yeah, you might have a chance.
you can get a slut to fuck, maybe even an attractive one, but a long term girlfriend depends on more than just your physique.
doesn't fucking matter when she leaves you and gives you no reasons (yes user that happens), or for whatever reasons that you have no control over , if ya get ghosted by a chick you don't know wtf to improve on or do better in your next relationship
but its better to have loved and lost than to have never loved bull shit, it still fucking sucks. Ok im done. Good advice for the Yea Forumstards tho
the best kind
man watching netflix with your gf feels great
it's like heaven
oh so you're just a shitposter
well then nevermind, good luck finding anyone if you never want to expand your horizons
>no 6
That's okay, a dfc goth gf by the end of the year will do as well.
You son of a bitch
No six. Forever alone. I'd laugh if it weren't so pathetic!
slit your throat normalfag
So you fucked for 59 minutes and 40 secs?
>dude you're never going to find good food if you don't consider dumpster diving behind the restaurant
You've doomed us all.
if my post ends with 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 or 9 we all get a gf
Nigga dating sites are mostly for just fucking, any site that has any hope of finding someone who is looking for something more you have to pay for and there is still no guarantee that anyone will match with you because chances are if you are using a dating app there is something wrong with you
/r 30s fap version
>food analogies
>tfw my first time experiencing this exact thing with a girl when I was 12
i remember how the sweetness of emotion i felt was so overwhelming that it felt like my tiny body couldnt contain it. sucks to be you guys.
I fucking love Asians now user! Thank you!
Can't take this anymore lads
GTA V probably.
Or another recent open world game, Watch Dogs 2? Don't know.
2D will always love you, user.
It doesn't come with requirements.
We can always replace woman with pets
if you don't reply this post your mother will die
Yare yare...
You son of a bitch
GOD PLEASe, smite me, BUT i'm too much of a coward to do it myself
I've come to just assume that all girls that I would consider even half decent my age have a boyfriend. Most of them probably jump from one relationship into another without much downtime in between. I'm 26.
childhood friend gf WHERE
We don't want you here.
GAY apps yes, i use grindr and scruff exclusively for sex. i was under the impression that straight apps are much less sex focused but i guess not
i cant hug 2D
>Dude just become a completely different, fake person bro! Lol it's ok that the chick won't actually love you for you!
Normalfags make me sick.
What's it like to cuddle with a girl you love? Interlinked.
Can you not read the graph?
>finally get around to watching blade runner 2049
>can't take it seriously
Thanks a lot guys.
Fuck off.
She looks like Bobby Lee doing the robot dance. In fact, let me get that.
take the yellowpill
>t. isolated burger in his own little world that can only understand 1 language and will never experience the universality of man (except niggers)
>The point is that looks and personality correlate directly.
Yes, because people are far more shallow than they'd like to admit, and if someone is average looking then they don't get as much of a chance.
Going to the gym and talking to new people makes you fake?
Nigger are you dumb?
But how? I'm the only person in my apartment.
This thread... My Goling Collection™ has never grown this big before.
tinder is 100% used for fucking, never heard one person who actually found a romantic relationship from it
Woman here. You guys are a bunch of losers lol
how's is it fake if you actually improve yourself?
>street interviews
>don't want a gf
>when asked if I want a gf I say I don't need one, to many girl's surprise
>tfw just want to fly a sick fighter plane and make history
she looks like she _____ _____ ____
why would you do this
I remembered hug,handholding and kiss a friend, she love me and me to her but ... I remember several day before oh I like her :(
but he's not wrong, you literally said make going to the gym and running your new hobbies. Who's to say he'll enjoy it?
I would take it
I know two people (in college) who found proper gfs through Tinder.
never had a gf but i cant even imagine getting to a point where i post some gosling reaction maymay. Yea Forums made me realize mommy issues in men is worse than daddy issues in women.
this site made me appreciate my mom more, thanks
the unfortunate fact is that all women are chronic normalfaggots and you have to become a normalfaggot to date one
so that's a no-go. i like myself how i am
me except gay
i dont want to date a guy who would use a dating app
but because of this, i cant find any guys
reddit spacing
that's what you get for being late to the party.
Fucks white men, yes.
>visit relatives
>"user why don't you have a gf?/Why aren't you married?"
>i think i can still communicate well with my body or hand gestures
I bet she can.
Thanks for the virus
>there are actually men in this world over the age of 25 that have never held a cute girl around their arm as she laid her head on their chest and slept
jesus christ talk about miserable
At least your mom is alive
>It's not fair. I've been nice to every girl I've ever met and still I'm a virgin. I shouldn't be denied a girlfriend just because my diet consists of Mountain Dew and pizza rolls and my hobbies include jacking off to anime girls and bitching on /pol/ and Yea Forums.
The absolute state of virgins.
Fuck off faggot you don't speak for me
What is this nogf movie everyone keeps posting about?
fuck you
You're not even close to baseline
Why do ordinary people like to pretend that romance has to do with anything besides looks?
It went over a bit, tho probly a little less than that with the chitchat and setting down the bases. She put out for a solid 50 minutes, from oral, to straight solid fucking in various positions.
Was thinking it was money decently spent, until the hug and whisper wishing me a good night. That's when the regret truly set in. Should've just paid for cuddling.
At least I didn't catch an STD.
Is it a non-white thing to constantly be pestered by relatives about not being engaged?
I've never had this issue.
>tfw you get to the point where you say yes so they can stop asking
Dog's don't have good enough eyesight to fly fighter planes. I don't think they can handle the g-forces, either.
>she doesn't give him a handjob
Shit webm
chair clattering
Blade Runner 2000something
Lars and the Real Girl 2049
Gym, coffee shop, bars, stores, work etc... you can start off with anyone does not have to be women eventually youll be good enough to talk to cute babes.
Reporting in.
And I don't find it miserable. I don't see the appeal of getting a girlfriend. I know I'm good-looking and can fake being a normie enough to get one, but it seems like a lot of work for very little reward when porn is free.
You must be Asian or spic because white families don't usually give a shit if you have a gf or not unless youre like 35
What pornhub video is this, user?
Pretty much any game really.
It's not like you gonna shoot people or jump on goombas in real life. Although that's more likely than you getting a gf.
I'm the oldest virgin on Yea Forums at 33
Gosbro, no!
>Parents comment about how I don't have any friends, gf or go out to parties
>user it's okay to be gay
The fuck is wrong with this people, I am just depressive because of my migraines.
The life of a stoic is awful sometimes
I regret one girl told me to had sex because I was too depressed.
What's the over under on a growing class of asian femcels?
If you arent happy with your life now, you wont be much happier with a gf.
I'll give you 5 bucks to cuddle with me for an hour.
pretend you like me well enough and I'll share half my baloney sandwich with you.
I remember growing up as a kid and hearing nothing but women are less shallow and superficial than men and really care about personality, I honestly believed it for a while.
Then I grew up, are kids these days still taught that same BS?
We've had for the first time a look into women's character thanks to the online age, not BS surveys where people self describe their preferences making themselves look as pleasant as possible but straightforward actions not words.
White women:
>Cakes face in makeup.
>Dyes hair.
>Puts in fake eyelashes.
>Uses colored contacts.
>Injects muscle freezing chemicals in her face.
>Injects lip fillers.
>Buys fake, stiff boobs.
>Gets liposuction.
>Does a billion squats.
>Still only looks "ok".
Korean Woman:
>Shaves jaw.
>Puts on eyeliner.
>Becomes the perfect model of youth and beauty.
>recently turned into "when are you going to have kids?"
why do they even bother? I'm already a 30 year old virgin.
step 0: stop masturbating everyday because it lowers your testosterone, wires your brain to only get hard to artificial stimuli, causes social anxiety, hatred of everybody, depression, low motivation/energy etc.
>get along with a qt at work
>feel like we like each other well enough
>try to ask her out
>she says she has other plans that day
>ask when she will have the time
>no response since this friday
Welp, there's that, only 4 more years for wizard ascension.
I just wanted to be alone with my hobby, but they even took that.
Why can't they be content? If their lives are better, why do they invade mine?
he does.
Can someone explain the point of your brain sabotaging yourself because you can't get pussy? Why can't it just leave us alone, stop producing depression hormones you fucking asshole.
Us on the right
Guess I should watch it then. The original didn't have any waifu stuff if I remember correctly.
It's funny how when it finally clicks you get women left and right, because it's that easy.
Usually you need 2 dates to get a gf and have sex, some people manage to do it on the first date but that comes with experience.
If it did not click for you yet it means you're just not mature enough. simple
well, if rules apply to replies at least we're getting btggf
28 still no gf only fucked a slut
what do?
It's not even that hard to experience this type of thing. Maybe it's not as easy to get a cute Japanese girl to cuddle but if you want to cuddle a cute girl all you need is to not be a total fucking loser, shower often and show at least a shred of interest in maintaining your physical fitness.
Do people actually talk to strangers in the gym?
Feels like it'd be awkward with another guy, let alone a woman
Why do people cuddle with dogs? They smell pretty bad.
I think ya'll need to go outside more and socialize. I realize I'm going to sound exceptionally normie here but you just need to get out there and fucking be yourself.
I also am self-aware enough to realize we're all prone to the stereotype of the neckbeard fatdude with bad acne and wire frame glasses but I'd be willing to bet 90% of the dudes in this thread probably just look like average guys in their late teens to twenties.
You guys can do it, and don't ever give a girl a reason to turn you down. Let her figure that shit out on her own. So long as she says yes keep trying to move forward, and if you do get a no? Move on. Also tip. It helps to ask the girl out BEFORE you fall in love with her.
Like actual conversations? I bet they don't even play videogames.
ugly pets
it doesnt HAVE to be miserable. the dalai lama is a 70 year old virgin and he's happy all the time.
because you can and they want you to
>start a new job
>everything going smooth first few weeks
>suddenly they start talking about there wives
>going around in a circle
>spotlight falls on me
i just wanna exist without dating/marriage/having kids pressure
why is this so hard
Pretty sure the same lies are fed to kids today as well. Redpilling young men would mean they'd stop giving women free shit after all.
Volcel's are the only one that exist. Incel is a goddamn oxymoron
normalfags arent as happy as you think
>be yourself.
>and don't ever give a girl a reason to turn you down.
I know it's you ballsuckler
>ask when will she have the time
You cemented yourself right there bud. Should've just said alright see ya
Kids are still taught that. It's a shit test. The men who figure it out early (because they were lucky enough to be good-looking and she the truth first hand) get a headstart and are the ones women want.
Basic fitness should be part of every humans routine to stay healthy. It does not change who you are as a person or make you any less of a dork its just basic health.
If all you do is play video games then its hard to invite someone to do stuff with you. If you invite a woman to something you do daily that you can teach her about or just something you can do together its gets so much more fun and easier to get close.
No one is teling you to get ripped but you gotta admit something like riding a bike together is alot more fun then just going to eat or watching a movie.
it's bullshit
but I want to believe it
barring the existence of a massive local male depopulation event like a war femcels don't exist
asian women in the west are fine because they get to double dip
I was the one falling asleep on her lap haha
me top left
implying he doesn't have a harem of tight Asian cuties he secretly fucks on the side
gonna need sauce boss
>the dalai lama is a 70 year old virgin and he's happy all the time.
Tibet monks are rapist even has sexual slaves.
>fucking be yourself.
I've been being myself my whole life.
Because we can never be happy
Fuck more until you get bored of sex then you will no longer care about women
what this means is that anybody can notice when you're faking a personality and trying too hard to be somebody you're not instead of just being natural and relaxed within yourself, no matter how different and weird you are.
No, they don't. No-one does. I've been to a gym many times. Normals do not just approach and talk to strangers.
Normals don't do any of the things they tell you that you have to do.
Explain why I should participate in this game?
The 'reward' is not worth it at all. Women are absolute pieces of shit, really awful people. Why would I jump through so many hoops just to get slightly better orgasms?
Newfag redditor out.
>I think ya'll need to go outside
The dude who got killed by the dnepropetrovsk maniacs was just taking a bike ride through the park.You should NEVER open your guard to people, stay frosty.
what the fuck are they doing
these threads always go fast. I wonder why
>have crush on girl
>tell my girl friends about it
>look shocked and think i can do better
what do i do. she has red hair and dresses like this but shes into vidya and is small and cute
>gf left me because I pointed out that I felt left out and neglected by her
>Week after break up
>She's thirsting over a hot guy at her gym on social media
>By the sounds of it, she was talking about this guy to her friends for a while (i.e. when we were still together)
This is why I have trust issues.
>tfw found out the cute tomboy who used to chase me around and hug me grew up to have massive tits
23 year old with a v-card, only not kissless because the 18 year old girl from work kissed me after we both got super drunk and we both treat it as a joke.
Do women REALLY want you to play hard to get like that?
If a chick tried any hard to get tactics I'd stop talking to her in an instant.
Yeah. If anyone could get a gf just by showering and getting a haircut, as is said, then incels don't exist.
>family out at dinner celebrating my birthday
>get asked if I'm dating any girls
>say I'm not interested in dating girls
>family gets really excited and just assume I'm coming out
>before I can explain I didn't mean it in that way, my mother stands up and announces to the restaurant "My son is doing a very brave thing today..."
>whole restaurant is applauding and cheering and the staff gives me dessert for free
>gay waiter starts hitting on me and asks for my number
>family starts cheering for me
>I get mad and yell, Are you even fucking listening to me? I'm not gay!
>gay waiter gets mad and gives me a speech about "internalized homophobia" and being myself
>he has tears in his eyes and runs off into the back room
>parents say we need to leave early
>they say nothing for the whole ride home
Any of you have webms/pics of Ryan laying down in the snow?
If you don't have sex with a woman and have a baby then you failed in your biological imperative. Your bloodline dies with you. Is that what you want?
these guys dont have gfs
Fuck i don't think i ever exhausted my gosling folder so fast.
I'm still anguished, you niggers said it would help
>reading sensationalist news articles based on false rumors manufactured out of self-interest and subversion
who tells you to have to retard? im tired of these threads so much. no one ever tells you to have a gf, you just want self-pity
I fucking hate /pol/fags and masturbate to furry fox tits thank you very much. Now fuck off.
>Stopped playing AC7 when I found out I couldn't get those cool drone planes
I don't care if it doesn't make sense, I wanted to use them.
They're intimidated by your taste for beautiful petite childlike women
Pretty sure these days you can tell people you're asexual
I broke up with my last one about a year ago. If 6 I'll get another this year and it will work out this time
Every one of these self-indulgent "motivational" posts I see is another year I intentionally put off getting a GF out of spite.
>at job for a while
>suddenly they start talking about their wives/fiances/boyfriends
>spotlight never falls on me because they know I'll never have anything to say on the subject at this point
If it's chest day, a good guy gym chad might offer to spot you and share some advice and encouragement.
Other than that. No. Especially not from women.
>who tells you to have to retard?
Have you and I been living on the same planet?
ebin pasta
Just shrug and say you don't hate yourself enough yet to you will take on a wife, all married old guys will tell you it isn't worth it
i like fat girls, user. i just think she's cute
you cant just post this and not give us the sauce
Women have broken up with you at least 2 months before you know about it.
Manlets on suicide watch
Choose another place then there are so many
Just start with basic small talk about anything the conversation does not even last long youll get better as you keep going. This is literally how i got my most recent girl.
This, I don't even care about the sex, I just want a cute girl who's not a piece of shit to take care of
Yes, some women also like when men do the first step always.
I feel you though, I dislike when someone plays hard to get.
it's not too bad anymore
>and fucking be yourself
my god people still say this
This is a completely worthless post. I think one of the saddest things in the world is people's inability to understand that sometimes other people just aren't seen as dating material. It doesn't seem to have anything to do with age, race or body type. Maybe we're just weird.
have sex
>Women are absolute pieces of shit, really awful people
because they aren't,not all of them
Why should I give a fuck about my bloodline? I didn't ask to exist, all I want is a nice comfy life filled with good food and good vidya. Why the fuck should I risk all the evil shit that comes with modern women just for the chance of having a kid.
It's not, that was my first post in the thread.
I feel like I could get a gf, I have had girls interested in me but it went nowhere cause I'm too autistic to deal with the hurdle that is a full on relationship
Why is Blade Runner gifs used so regularly by incels/no-gf's? Ryan Gosling is the definition of a chad.
>If a chick tried any hard to get tactics I'd stop talking to her in an instant.
and then she'd be more open to you
treat women as you would treat spoiled children, walk into their game as if you didn't know what you're doing then pull your play
yes they're like that, they like seeing you angry at them and want to get beaten
That doesn't matter at all. Historically only like 30% of men had children.
>bro just hit up the gym, start working hard, get lots of muscles and money! just change your whole life focus to revolve around acquiring shallow women!
>no you'll never find a girl who loves you for who you are, but at least you'll have some random bimbo who wants your cash and muscles!
the only place where i see men giving a shit about gfs is Yea Forums
the people i know irl are either social enough so eventually they get something going or just dont even care. the entire demographics of this site is went from just nerds (which would be the the 2nd group) from people i have no idea what are, where live and why they act the way they do
>just to get slightly better orgasms?
You sure it's not the opposite?
Don't fucking listen to women about what women you should date, they all hate each other.
either you like a girl or you don't man, what the fuck
>Watch Clerks 2
>The best the shlubby white guy can do is a mixed race hoe
Honestly realistic and I knew a few guys like this from my small town
Just lower your standards, Yea Forums
Because Gosling's movies virtually all feature some theme of "man wants a girlfriend"
"Drive" was like that
"Lars and the Real Doll" was DEFINITELY like that
"Bladerunner 2049" was definitely like that
Fucking kek worthy fairytale m8
Sorry i'm going to post it.
You would rather have a gun or a hug? (this is a test)
>you will never fuck (or get fucked) by one of Incases creations
Married guy here, it's not worth it. And don't let anyone tell you otherwise, they are trying to fool you.
Friendly reminder.
Fuck it f a m, I'm doing it, I'm moving to Japan
I'm just gonna die alone, it's not even a question.
I have 4 siblings, my bloodline does not die with me. Two of them are women even, so my bloodline is on easy mode.
i need gun to protect those i hug
Shooting a gun makes me harder than getting a hug, so gun
A gug
You wouldn't have been born if it wasn't for a woman.
This. I am decently good-looking, at least a 7, fairly fit, have interesting hobbies, okay social skills, all that shit. But I don't make genuine connections with other people. I can't ever imagine trusting someone enough to have a real relationship. And I think other people sense this. They're nice, but I've never had anyone interested in me and I've found it's always best to keep a healthy distance from most of them.
What the fuck is the Universality of Man? Each race has its own distinct characteristics, philosophy, and soul.
>Ryan Gosling is the definition of a chad
That's why. You think I'm going to go around using reaction images of my own ugly mug?
for a second i thought that was a reference to plumbers don't wear ties
No joke I'd like a c96 just for collection's sake
I made Yea Forums already aware of it
Please stop posting high quality webms my phone can't play them properly
god i was that was me (the girl)
Women have no idea they are on the cusp of being replaced.
Not just in terms of companionship and sex (VR and AI will make this trivial) but also reproduction.
Most of you seem way too emotional and feminine. You fell for the meme. go visit a hooker and stop being this whiny bitch
maybe youll get a gf that way
retards from Yea Forums latching onto the latest "KINOOOOOOOO" trash fire of a film.
Tfw no tomboy gf (wife)
There's gotta be more to this right?
>Yea Forums turned based The Goose on a incel symbol/meme forever
I FUCKING HATE YOU NIGGER FUCKING GOOK m00t should bomb your shitty board till oblivion
With so many couples bickering about the pettiest simplest non-problem shit, why does everyone else think it's some kind of happy ending the moment you get a girl? Yeah it's fun for the first few weeks, but then you slowly start to piss each other off until you breakup/divorce and then you gotta pay her for the rest of your life. Does everyone think they're special and they'll somehow experience happiness for the rest of their life just because they're not single anymore? lol, at least learn from everyone elses mistakes. Never met one couple who wasn't at each other's throats for the most retarded reasons. And yet everyone tries to pressure each other to get into these situations like it's actually all unicorns and rainbows. fuck off, no thanks
do most guys do bench without a spotter
i'm thinking about getting back into the gym but don't have a workout partner anymore and i hate the idea of not being able to go all out
also don't want to ask some random dude to spot me every single time
>the kiss at the end
I miss kissing my old ex's like this. Quick but super affectionate. Should I try to meet another girl guys?
> Foot fetish
Kill yourself.
TFW I have a GF.
TFW I wanna die.
>live alone just fucking a sexbot
>can still have a child
Don't get my hopes up
>tfw I realize that a girl likes me
>last week she actually told me she loves me a lot
>she's fat
What the fuck do I do, bros?
Just try to live on forthe a while longer bros.
the future looks bright.
>t. woman
Yeah because it's true. People seem to think this means spilling your guts out and telling her your hobby is to sniff the PVC panties of your figures which is just fucking retarded. Everyone has shit they want to keep to themselves. But if you're trying to be someone you're not it's just going to come off as contrived and will turn away someone whos interested.
I'm not looking for a relationship because that's a serious investment.
I want someone I can fuck and maybe go on dates sometimes.
>Choose another place then there are so many
The point is that most of the places listed, even the most social ones like bars, aren't super easy to strike up conversations with strangers minding their own business (ie 99.9% of them).
Sure, it's not impossible, but to think people here who are hardly social butterflies are going to be able to do a cold approach at a bar is ludicrous. What people here need to do is either join some sort of structured activity such as a team sport/hobby or just go hang out with friends irl in social settings where you're able to meet their friends etc. But even these things are tricky depending on your confidence and access and nowhere near guarantee any sort of social success.
"just go chat people up at cafes, gyms, stores and bars" is basically a boomer "just put on your sunday best, ask for the manager and give them a firm handshake" tier piece of advice
at this point in my life i'm afraid of getting a girlfriend since i'll be deathly afraid of having sex, because i will underperform and get laughed at
haven't read the thread
any suicidal fags here?
kill yourselves
Chose your side, Yea Forums.This is war, all the spoils (GFs) go to the victorious.
See I just think that would get old with time. Having a gf might be fun for a few days, but I can't see how I wouldn't get sick of someone like that.
Manipulate her into losing weight and hope you don't get cucked
Personally being fat is unacceptable.
How fat is fat?
You assume a 1-1 relationship is still strong...
Please post source.
Only 40% of men have reproduced while 80% of women have reproduced. Think about that for a second. (real statistic)
Women only want the top certain % of men. If you aren't there, well, bad luck.
If you want out of this misery, you have to go your own way.
imagine ....
man im glad at least im not this autistic
There's nothing about here that doesn't exude "I am a high end prostitute" which is fucking fascinating considering I am sure OP's webm is from porn.
even in Drive he was a cuckold
Are you at all educated? Do you not follow anything on genetics?
The human race is COMPLETELY fucked atm. Nobody breeds with who they should be breeding with (Intelligent people)
They want to sleep with pretty people that we now know conclusively have bad genes, not good ones and they're just a trap genetically. Look at a list of all the world's greatest genius's and inventors. They are simply unattractive yet they are the superior seed.
help her lose weight or get more test
>it's an "Op bullies lonely anons episode"
This is not based, please stop.
They just kinda stopped asking a few years ago.
I'm just waiting to rent a sex bot now.
when they're starting to sell some of those artificial womb kits...
Deal with it.
how come jap firearms are fantastic but their pistols are absolute dogshit
come someone please explain
Any games or movies that have this? Please, I need this.
listen as long as she ain't obese we're fair game
is it chubby fat on landwhale status work out with her if its just chubby
what can go wrong
She's obese
Fuck bro did i steal your girl ?
>Long as fuck dry spell
>start going to the gym every other day cardio every day and cal the days i dont lift
>start looking decent
>Start talking to this girl i see at college
>we take the train the same way and she meets up with some guy who tells me to get home safe she gives me a hug goodbye
>We setup a time to gym together
>We hang out after and she tells me she has a bf
>I feel disappointed but fuck it
>still gym together
>start seeing each other every other day
>she comes over to my house
>flirting for weeks now she stops having sex with her bf and spends all her time with me
>after about over a month of this she dumps the guy
>they er actually together for 2 years and he got dumped despite doing nothing wrong
>pound his girl friend harder then he ever could
>she actually never orgasmed more than once with the guy
>he blows up her phone even when we fuck
>his mom fucking calls her
>I see all his sad texts
ts honestly scary and im not sure if i regret doing it or not just thinknig of how he felt makes my stomach hurt
Nop, Only one mass shooter kindergarden
>drive pic
You don't know anything. Goose has been a Yea Forums fantasy before the "incel" meme existed.
500 posts in exactly an hour
He's the new "tfw no gf".
You got the right idea. There's no point in having a quirky fun tomboy GF, you might as well just be gay and not have the female baggage.
I have tried real hard to change my ways for about a year now, it just doesnt work.
You dont get it at all dude. If she said no to you asking her out its that she's not interested; not that she wants you to "Try harder", she's not interested so take the hint and stop wasting your time on someone who doesnt want it. You're not going to somehow will someone else to like you when they dont by repeatedly asking them out or some stupid shit.
Tell her to lose weight first and then you will go out with her. But don't tell her it's because she's fat, tell her it's because it's unhealthy not to exercise and you care about her health and well-being.
>hey friends do I really like this girl? can you decide for me?
fucking retard
>you can do better!
and fuck your retarded friends
you americans are so insecure and have some autistic goals in relationships
literally just be yourself
>omg i really want a qt gf
>blow 3 loads
>don't care about girls anymore for the rest of the day
are girlfriends literally walking cumdumpsters? what to do with them after sex?
We are build a suicide squad agains SJW
>Yea Forums - ROBOT9001
Reminder to stay away from single mothers. I don't care how hot she is or how well you get on, don't date or fuck her.
>give fuck dolls AI and a personality
>they leave you too
If you're not interested say no. I'm not saying physical attraction isn't important but if her being fat is the only thing holding you back you might want to step back and analyze the situation. Weight can always change.
If she's morbidly obese it's another situation entirely.
What is the worst thing Stacies and Chads say, and why is it, "[your future partner] would be lucky to have you."
Lotta lonely gym bros, these days. I'd say most do, and it's the norm.
Trick is to find that chad, and develop some rapport with him so he's no longer a stranger and you a (total) scrawny weirdo to him.
plz no
>being born a human but still obsessing over something all lower animals do all the time
jesus christ its not looking good for humans. maybe you types should be reborn as a cockroach or a turkey instead and itll be easier for ya.
i don't ever feel lonely and depressed until these threads come up. fuck you guys
Sounded believable til you turned it into the plot to an NTR manga
Proof that the /fit/pill and sigmaxing is the only option.
i'm 5'2 so i never really cared about relationships because i'll never have one
i know that the feeling in the OP is as alien and unachievable for me as, i dunno, swimming to the moon or something like that
bottom right would make a better onizuka
why do you even want a gf?
New thread
China will do it.
damn I want her to choke slam me into a squat rack
there's nothing wrong with widows
Ok not 30% but also not even close to everyone. The following article is written like shit but at least it cites a researcher who found out about 50% of men who ever lived had reproduced.
In prehistoric times it was even more extreme
>>don't care about girls anymore for the rest of the day
wait until that turns into "for the next 10 minutes"
You're all good user. Don't worry.
That's how they all are. You won't know it's happening to you until it's too late. Always be the one to move on first.
>chick is 8/10
>she wants the dick
>I'm 5/10 on a good day
I want to fuck but i'd feel self-concious
>Yea Forums virgin violence
I've considered that but I find men just as, if not more, annoying than women. Plus, I have zero sexual attraction to men.
Opposite for me. After I fap I can't help but always think how I should get a gf and fuck her instead.
Honestly its really not that hard most people don't mind random conversation if you are nice enough. I've never had someone straight up ignore or reject me for small talk.
Honestly just try it before you knock it 3 people a day is actually easy as fuck and eventually youll be doing 5 and then 5 females only. Trust me youll get numbers and have the choice to keep some of them as friends.
Sure it may seem out of character for you but if you keep doing the same shit you get the same results. Whats the worst that can happen? some stranger does not like you? not so bad.
fuck off
Remember when you were young, and you thought that love is something that would automatically happen to you when you became an adult? You thought it was just a few bad luck rolls, how girls your age kept rejecting you in favor of hypernormies?
I just want to feel
What if she has milk and you like that?
Have you even been to /r9k/ lately?
>The girl I love in HS end up with 5'2 guy ...
To alleviate my ego and feel socially accepted/superiour
New thread
Don't trust a girl who likes PunPun
That's the joke. Justin Bieber doesn't need muscles, his forward-grown face bones project enough masculinity to make girls wet.
i want someone i can have sex with that wants to have sex with me without me having to pay her for it
they might,but they have too many men in the rural regions
Reminder that none of us will ever achieve happiness :)
I'm honestly not into cucking shit it just happened user. It honestly scares me because she is my gf now and can pull the same shit on me.
You'll always be the replacement. Both the mother and her kid will know that and will always think that.
>that girl you really like who doesnt even know you exsist
>have to cope with never being with her even thou shes single and never been in a relationship like you
This is true. I think a lot of people in the thread self-project themselves on to a lot of girls and imagine that the relationship will give them happiness. When really it's probably the opposite. If you have issues, getting a girlfriend isn't gonna make that shit go away.
Hit up /fit/, go to the gym. Work shit out on your own before you try to self-sabotage another chance at a GF
>some stranger does not like you? not so bad.
It's pretty bad when your goal is to build confidence.
>I've never had someone straight up ignore or reject me for small talk.
and we have no idea who the fuck you are so what do you want us to take from that statement?
I married my big tiddy goth girl...It's the best thing I've ever done.
Weird, In theory ugly males exist because males get less selection, Now is because some ugly guys become serial rapist
because we live for one another
he must be loaded, i'm not
She's fucked like 5 guys though.
I want a companion. Unfortunately I'm not gay because it would be so much easier.
New thread
>head there one day after staying away for years
>haha post your selfie robot depressed bros fuck normies!
moot should have nuked that place before he left
Reminder that if you think you can only achieve happiness with a woman, you'll never achieve it. :)
>Asian women or white women? no i prefer Korean boys how could you tell?
What did he mean by this?
It isn't.
life is just RNG
im a beta male 167cm, but somehow i had a 8/10 gf for six months because we were both stuck in a samll town and she was bored
>having brain damage
Go out with her but help her lose weight
Once she's at an average weight level she'll become more attractive and dump you to get together with an actual Chad
>23 year old KHV
>trying to suck an anonymous dick just to have some experience before die
>not even gay
>fagfags constantly asking me for dick pics
>feels weirdly predatory
>tfw I'll never find another depressed NEET to suck off.
Doubt. She was probably 8/10 in a small town, 5/10 in a big city.
Alright, I believe you. But you know you don't deserve sympathy, considering you enabled her actions. Not blaming you for letting the dick take over, but you getting cheated on would be quite the sweet poetry.
Whether a girl has a boyfriend is irrelevant when it comes to your chances with a girl.
It's very simple, if you are better than her boyfriend she will leave him after a while when she knows she can be certain she can move on to you.
If she is not certain she will be willing to cheat on her boyfriend with you.
But all that shit can be turned around on you too, remember that, also don't ever believe the things she tells about her previous boyfriend and how you compare to him, she's working an angle on you.
Kinda based desu
dont care she was hot in my eyes and she loved anal
airi suzumura
This is wisdom.
Of course it is. Find a guy you get on well with, lust after him for a while and finally get him drunk/drugged and rape him.
That's what all the other gays do, right?
Man if you keep making excuses how do you expect shit to change?
I' not the one making you or any of you niggas lonely but i can tell you what worked for me.
I'm not hyper social I play video games all day every day. I failed so much in my life but the one thing I do know and has helped me with so much is that some times you just gotta give others a chance.
Sometimes you gotta be the one making moves putting yourself out there and ready to be hurt. If you stay in that comfort zone you wont get shit.
We are grown fucking men my dude im asking you to talk to 3 people a day not go to fucking war.
A trillion thanks to Incase for creating the puazi.
Now we just need more of the stepdaughter and dad, return of the teacher and how young teens handle it.
You will die alone.
How does that feel to know this?
New thread
>tell my girl friends about it
You already failed. No girl wants her guy friends to date. They would rather they remain single so they have options or don't end up binging competition to events.
Tinder is a hookup app you disingenuous retard. Literally everyone on there is just looking for quick sex. You have never and will never meet someone who met their SO on fucking Tinder. Because that's not what it's for.
You have a point.
OP here.
i feel bad for making this thread.
hope i didn't make anyone cry tgemselves to sleep today
I think you are misinformed.
Not dying alone is a shitty meme.
u femenine?