are there any games about conspiracy theorists having to come to terms with reality?
Are there any games about conspiracy theorists having to come to terms with reality?
Mueller who?
never understood how lefties berate people for being conspiracy theorists while adamantly believing in shit like this
Any games about "Any games about"?
>36 people indicted
>conspiracy theory
pick one
It's pretty obvious that Russia assisted with trump getting elected, there just isn't enough legally binding evidence to convict the president because they were moderately good at covering their tracks
Indicted on things not related to russia investigation
Receiving new update:
Mueller man bad!
nice tinfoil hat
I like how Billy is trying to use the private email angle. Wasn't he on the Hillary Defense Force when she was caught doing that?
Why are left-wingers hating on Mueller now?
Why did right-wingers even hate him to begin with? His previous work was pretty clean
>garden variety espionage
>conspiracy theory
A conspiracy theory would hold that Trump and Russia directly cooperated one another rather than that they just had certain common goals.
left can't meme
As a left winger I think the whole spectacle is bogus meant to comfort liberal boomers who believe Trump is literally the worst thing that has happened in America. Idgaf about Mueller himself.
Trump isn’t guilty legally but he probably isn’t innocent. Even if he was imprisoned, he would be in the most cushy prison ever created. Money lets people have different laws.
>his previous work was pretty clean
Jesus Christ
>His previous work was pretty clean
Bro he helped get us into Iraq
>lied about wmds
Probably because 90% of the media is controlled by a dozen people and literally brainwashes them 24 hours a day seven days a week
If you want to look into anything right wing you actively have to seek it out because its been suppressed by those exact same people.
>indicted = guilty
Whoops, looks like the lying media forgot to tell you that an indictment isn't being guilty of a crime!
Don't worry I'm sure after being manipulated like the low IQ sheep you are this is totally making you reconsider your worldview right?
How many of those people were indicted for collusion with Russia?
This. He’s guilty of something fucky and it will every matrer anyways. The wealthy play by different rules, he could be the worldwide leader of child trafficking and never see a day of prison. Them’s the happs
ok i'll pick consiracy theory because the Mueller Report pretty proves it was.
Dems still won
the president was forced to spend his first two years on the defense
they were so loud with the "he's going to be impeached, n-next week i swear" shit that people believed it, and his supporters were seriously demoralized
Mueller disagrees.
They said later that the iraqis ceased producing and stockpiling WMDs bro
You don't actually believe in those conspiracy theories do you?
And now he gets to play victim with an easy talking point for 2020. Great job handing him a lifeline dipshits
Liberals really don't have a grasp on reality do they?
damn I hope they get the evil criminals who are colluding with foreign governments to interfere in US politics!
The media is controlled by liberals. Thats why everyone calls it the Liberal media.
>innocent of the crime a federal investigation accused him of
>impeded said federal investigation at every turn for two years when it might have taken six months otherwise
>inner circle indicted and several seeing prison for lying on this innocent man’s behalf
It doesn’t add up. Is he just retarded and doesn’t know any better?
Russia gave Trump the leaked DNC emails showing that the DNC undemocratically backed Hillary Clinton. This is what made him win the election. Either you're part of some organization trying to get people to realize that truth might be hard to come by or we really really really need to start getting a number of varied and talented women into politics really soon.
You know Iraq is in a better place now than it has been for almost 100 years. Yes the iraq war was justified and yes WMD were found even the Jewyork times admit that.
The iraq war was and always will be a justified war against tyranny.
Russia probably tried to get Trump elected, because of course they fucking did, countries interfere with each others' elections all the time, but I doubt there was active collusion probably because there didn't need to be
Fucking kek.
I have never been indicted without invading
No, you're just a gullible retard
I don't often say this but, YIKES
Imagine trying to explain this tattoo in a decade or two after everyone has forgotten/stopped caring about Trump, let alone the Mueler report.
burning that paper trail took quite some time please understand
loli thread.
That's gonna hurt when he removes that.
The only people indicted for crimes related to the Russian hacking were a couple Russians. Not a single person connected to Trump was indicted for anything related to Russia. It was conspiracy theory through and through.
Forget the Russians, when are they going to investigate the Israeli influence on our democracy?
nothing to do with russia m8, it was a conspiracy theory, a delusion
t. hysterical liberal.
>being a neocon unironically in 2019
You do know that they just came out of a devastating civil war that split their country right?
With one half being ruled over by one of the most brutal terrorist organizations in the world.
It only doesn't add up because you've convinced yourself of the conspiracy theory.
Sorry snowflake but we told you so.
Don't tell me you also believe in that conspiracy theory?
Make Israel Great Again!
Mueller and even Comey disagreed. Comey testified that the FBI believes Russias intentions were causing chaos in the US by fueling the divide between Dems and Republicans, not electing Trump. Because of the media printing retarded conspiracy theories with no evidence, Russia succeeded admirably.
fucking kek
>Iraq is in a better place now than it has been for almost 100 years
Why should I care?
Neocons were proven correct.
Take your pills schizo
>Dems double down for 2 years to end up with egg in their face
>pretty much assure Trump will be a 2 term president
Dems stalled for 2 years and gave him 4. Literally, "One Step Forward, Two Steps Back: the Party" .
>4 trump officials publically admited to playing patty cake with Russian nationals
>lol nothing going on here m8
Barr is full of shit
Are there any liberals in here that are willing to admit they are wrong yet? That you believed a lie you knew was wrong but helped push it to harm a president you just didn't like?
Are there any games where retarded veiled threads like this can be instantly deleted on site?
I fucking hate you people. Is it not enough to shit up your own board?
haha is this the spin?
Dems didn't win, they lost BIG. It makes them look hysterical. This is "clinton got a BJ" but times 10. Yes this will hurt them in the long run.
Mueller is the one who said that there was no evidence of collusion. He left the obstruction of justice charge to the DOJ.
China is the single biggest threat to the US (yes, including Israel)
A painful pill for /pol/tards to swallow
Mueller never spent a minute investigating Trump. His job was to clean up the sloppy job Obama's DoJ did trying to get Hillary elected. Mueller came in and hired every single one of Obama's FBI insiders so that Trump couldn't investigate Obama's DoJ. After all, anyone they would need to investigate was now working with the Mueller probe, so it would look like obstruction.
This is always what drove me insane just trying to look at this from a leftest perspective.
Even when it's brought up it's just...
>Well...uhhh....this isn't about Iraq!
>not being a neocon in the current year
We've won
Jesus christ you Incels really need to have sex already.
>4 trump officials publically admited to playing patty cake with Russian nationals
no they didn't.
>Barr is full of shit
Cope harder.
You lost. We told you so.