Who won Yea Forums?

Who won Yea Forums?

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Why can't you like both


The game that has 98% less cutscenes.

on what merits? both games cater to different tastes


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Loved DMC5. Sekiro feels great and I'm glad From is finally making new IPs that aren't Souls games anymore. I did love Souls but one has to know when to stop.

They're both completely different games.

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They're both different things faggith.
Both good.

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Gamers are the true winners.

won what retard? they're both different games

>considers he "won" because the two games he bought $60 are actually good
gamers really are the best consumers

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fuck wrong file

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>Two GoaTs come out back to back
>Autistically spergout over which is better.

For what purpose?

i guess sekiro technically wins due to sales, but the dark souls community is ALOT bigger than the dmc community, so its not a big suprise really

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DMC5 didn't really hold my interest. Was too linear for my taste. I got to around mission 10 where you play as V the second time and never bothered playing any more.

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please tell me you atleast played dante

this user gets it

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I think I'll end up liking Sekiro more but who the fuck cares lol they're both some of the very best games this entire generation so I guess I won.

Bought DMC V Pirated Sekiro master race, I might buy it but I just played it for a level and went back to DMC until I S rank at least SOS

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Lazy cucks like him aren't allowed to have fun with crazy uncle pizza man

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we did it bros

i get to enjoy the result of multiple years of hard work from talented and passionate people in an age of nothing but profit driven adhd skinner boxes in 2 amazing games for less than 100 bucks, so yeah it is i win

I'm a soulsfag but I enjoyed more DMC5 than sekiro and DS3

Sekiro seems to have won to me. DMC5 at least revived the franchise from the dead but its still not quite exactly what many of us had hoped for. Mainly has to do with the art direction. Would have liked to have seen another pseudo anime look that 3 and 4 had with gothic architecture.


>ask what game won
>brings up a movie
The state of this board.

DMC is more fun

DMCV is great, but I get bored with this kind of game rather quickly and I don't care much about combos and shit. But it is still pretty fun, I think it is the only game of this kind I actually finished (I liked Bayonetta too, but I stopped playing for a week for some reason and never got back into it).
Sekiro is great, I've been playing it non-stop for two days. But I really prefer games with more exploration and I like combat systems that are based on more fundamental stuff, like positioning and knowing when to attack or defend, instead of complex combos.
Both are pretty good, it really depends on which type of stuff you're more into.

I was really excited to play as Dante but then it slapped me back into V. Fuck he's so boring to play as.

I'm sad that Sekiro get a lot more love than DMC5 who is a great game

How many missions are for DMC5+

but did you actually get to dante? because that last V mission is just some random enemies and no boss at all.
once you beat that mission you play dante for the next 5 or 6 missions


Nope! I haven't dropped the game completely yet so I'll get around to playing more of it after I'm done Sekiro maybe.

Almost beat it then Im on Mission 16

well if it makes you feel any better, dante is ALOT better than Nero and obviously V.

hes the reason why the game is good lmao, although i still like Nero

Just refunded Sekiro, so I would be surprised if DMCV is worse somehow.
How does it compare to the other games?

Stop creating artificial rivalries where there are none, faggot.

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>I buy an apple
>mmmmhhhh apple is good I WIN I WIN!!1!

no you don't win, you pay a price for a game that is supposed to be fun, game is fun, that should be the normal situation.


I just finished DMC 5 right now. The best single player game ive played in a LONG time.

DMC5 is fuckin great, haven't played Sekiro but im just gonna say it, it looks pretty good.

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Gamers won, Barry

DMC scenarios are boring af. Sekiro takes it only because of that.

Story is worse than 3 but it's really hard to top that. Gameplay is solid.

I gave V a chance but he's really the biggest problem with this game. I'm on SoS playthrough and stopped at mission 14 and have went back to practice boss fights and get S ranks because I just can't be fucked playing as him. Why they didn't make all his missions playable as Nero/Dante in NG+ I don't know.

DMCucks lost hard and that's the important thing.

sekiro is better

barry here

when I'm not playing sekiro all I'm thinking about is sekiro

when I'm not playing dmc5 I don't even think about it

i dont get all the hype for sekiro it looks just like a demon souls / dark souls rip off. but with a ching chong flavor.

People just really like souls games

its made by darksouls devs

Unironically best post. I personally only got Sekiro but I'm glad DMC5 turned out to be a good game and beloved by the fans of it's own series as well.

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Just got done seeing Us, it fucking sucked.

Anyway, Sekiro wins.


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This is based on completing Devil hunter counting as """"beating"""" the game. Sekiro is a hard passed/failed quiz, DMC5 is a project assignement. Sekiro is harder to pass, but you can't tell who did well beyond passing or not. The DMC5 assignment is easier to pass, but that achiever kid absolutely flexes on everyone else with his project, which makes him a clear cut above everyone else and gets him good grades.

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DMC 5 is fun.
Sekiro is tedious, but gives you a rush of dopamine when you beat a hard opponent.

Both are superb games and I own both. I think DMC5 has better value though, being considerably longer and having a deeper combo system.

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bad bait