>people who cheesed through all the dark souls by grinding stats now crying on Yea Forums about sekiro
not so good without your shield and infinite stamina now huh faggots
>people who cheesed through all the dark souls by grinding stats now crying on Yea Forums about sekiro
not so good without your shield and infinite stamina now huh faggots
Other urls found in this thread:
The biggest difficulty difference thing is probably the lack of summons
there's that drunkard where you can use an npc to distract him while you whale on his fat ass
Assuming he doesn't just die to the regular baddies. He's only really significant for distracting them for about 20 seconds
>cant be a sunbro
you lost a sale, weebs
Praise the sun! am I right?
How about you praise my dick?
except the game has literal infinite stamina lmfao
every boss has some trivial cheese, it being jump spam it, strafe spam at it, use a specific tool that was designed to be spammed at it, or literally run around endlessly because the game doesnt punish you for it
>newfriends think praise the sun is a reddit meme
oh no
Except that it is easy as fuck to grind points for the skills trees
Why would you do that? You can kill all the NPCs before fighting the drunkard. Just go through the left building, then backstab the nearest guy (shield user) and run over to the archer and kill him. You can kill pretty much everyone else easily, then lose drunkard's aggro. Once everything is dead and you've lost drunkard's aggro, just backstab drunkard, run over and summon the NPC. Easiest thing ever still took me 8 damn tries tho
You can grind stats for the final boss who is the only one difficult enough to warrant it anyways.
Once you assemble all 3 dragon mask pieces you can trade skill points for even more damage increases.
You can grind consumables to increase posture regeneration too which massively helps
You can firecracker stun the final boss too which is just as bullshit as using magic to do the same in souls
it is at this point
It has never been praised and it's too small.
>played through souls games as pure 2hstrfag
>minimal blocking
>majority dodge and parrying
Can I face my enemies in hot-blooded battle; or do I have to turtle like a little bitch for most of the game?
You need to Royal Guard enemies constantly. If that bothers you don't play.
True. Its 4 inches. A girl from college laughed when I slept with her.
Now she's probably a BBC whore. So sad being a cumskin.
but sekiro has infinite stamina and it lets you be more mobile
theyve made bosses a qte fights otherwise it would be too easy
No her boyfriend is white. I've met him. She slept with me when she was dating him.
I'm enjoying the game but you're delusional if you think Sekiro can't be cheesed. You can run circles around every enemy and can easily grapple away from most encounters. Fireworks give you free openings and stealth backstabs allow you to say "fuck that" to properly dueling any elite mob.
Fuck the Seven Spears
Also if you play sekiro like you would play DS which means waiting for an opening on the boss to hit you will barely die compared to the average sekirofag who tries to parry everything and fucks up because red attack or swipe/grab
t. 3 tries on Isshin by running around
Killed him in one go with this strat
Shinobi Hunter killed me 15 times
In a good game you should not be grinding
Shinobi hunter is easy as fuck once you learn Mikiri counter.
Its is incredibly forgiving even.
You just wait for the red thrust and press b as the animation of the enemy starts.
Killed the hunter in my first try.
Can we all agree the Yea Forums is butt blasted by this game. Don't know if that makes it a bad game. but still.
Its gets progreslvily slower to grind skills.
And even then most skills are situational none of them just give you outright stat boosts.
Not until lat-game when you unlock new skill treas thou.
In fact skill points get so slow lat-game that's its legit a good idea to acualy plan out builds.
I timed counters really poorly. It was by sheer dumb luck that I managed to kill him. I was one hit away from death and mashing the counter, triggering his deathblow.
I was talking about the special B/O button counter same button you use to doge.
So was I. I couldn't gauge when to counter his thrusts so I winged it and mashed the button altogether. Worked out in the end.
Grinding is still possible in Sekiro, though.
In fact it's easier because you can just grind for levels and don't have to spend them until you want.
Stuck on him too. Guess ill have to learn the mikiri counter.
where can you even grind for sen late game? 5000 for the dragon mask part seems like so much
Sekiro can be cheesed sometimes too.
can we all take a moment to laugh at shitters who get pleb filtered by the ogre and then complain on Yea Forums about how it's "not their fault" and that the enemy MUST be broken?
gun fort
Hate to break it to you user but he's immune to it.
I want to fuck Japanese Big Boss!
Imagine my surprise when he just immediately attacks afterwards. I nearly smashed ny controller in anger.
he's not immune. if you don't break someone's guard with the mikiri counter then you just do guard damage to them instead. if the counter fills up his gauge then you can deathblow as normal with a flashy unique animation
The game isn't even hard why even make this thread. The implication that you can't cheese the game is flat out wrong. Cheese is the name of the game for Sekiro.
Nah I just zipline out of combat when things get rough
fuck Solaire and his autistic fans
>Had to fight seven spears
>Realized there's no feasible way of getting to him
That's when I decided it wasn't worth wading through enemies and then getting wailed on by a fat retard, so I cheesed him by hanging on a ledge and pressing click.
>Noticed 2 OP as fuck skills in the samurai tree
>Did some grinding until I got Ichimonji and death blows heal
>Game became easy as fuck
Keep up dat elitism bro.
Should I fight the Butterfly Lady first or the Horse Guy ???
>there's no feasible way of getting to him
are you retarded? go left at the idol, jump to tree, jump up wall, kill pots n pans guy
it's literally the tutorial level how the fuck do you not remember the path lmfao
Horse guy is far easier unless you cheese butterfly with R1, R1, dash, repeat
What do about purple fucker in the dungeon, he has so much health
But every time I did that I would have to kill the fat baby men walking around whenever I finally got to Seven Spears, or else they would walk up behind me and I'd be fighting 2 powerful enemies at the same time.
It wasn't worth it
Pressing click?
It's not that hard.
Most basic enemies and the enviroment overall are laughably easy compared to Souls.
Only some bosses and minibosses are really hard.
no, they don't. they don't aggro to you when you're with seven spears. you are the only person to say this has happened.
Ok, I will do Horse Guy first.
For your help I will disclose the location of a FREE Prayer Bead...
After killing The Drunkard and entering the Dojo make a left and you will see a Poster on the wall, put your back to it and you will reveal a Secret Room that has a openable Chest containing your FREE Prayer Bead.
I always wondered there the other 6 spears were.
Thought he was in a group called Seven Spears and he was one of the seven.
They did for me even if I took the far right/left route. I always got detected in the middle of the fight.
the day all the underaged retards who shill these shitty tedious artificial difficulty simulators die in Iraq will be a day for celebration because we'll never have to see a garbage fromsoft "game" on this board again
I don't get it, the game's not even that hard.
What gives?
>Be shield-baby in Dark Souls
>Play this
>Still doing just fine because my brain is perfectly capable of perfectly parrying just about any attack easily
>But I'm fucking horrible at timing my rolls in Dark Souls
Win some you lose some. Haven't take more than 4 goes to kill anything so far and I'm in Mibu/Boddivista and have killed every not-plot boss I could find.
This game is literally easier than Dark Souls or BB for me.
But I have infinite stamina in Seikiro, and I'm doing way, way better because of it.
i was never dumb enough to lure seven spears into the middle of the arena though so that's probably it
just fight him to the side of the stairs. not hard
Horse guy was actually one of my favourite fights in the game. Later fights looked cooler but felt more like a memory test than a game.
>How many attacks does he do when he opens with that attack? Remember wrong and you lose 90% of your health!
>Oops, he actually had a 5th hit to that one he'd never used before! Better luck next time!
Uhh wow thanks, what a totally unknown secret.
Wrong. They definitely do. One of the nearby samurai dudes will too if you get too close to the stairs.
no he's not, genius. the purpose of the mikiri counter is to deal posture damage to thrust attacks and that's exactly what it does to every thrust attack. that miniboss just throws you off quickly
You have infinite stamina in sekiro
I just cleared divine dragon and nothing so far has given me too much trouble outside classic fromsoft artificial difficulty like multiple adds during boss encounters and even since you have free stamina it isnt too bad
Nothing like the wall ive encountered back when des came out with firelurker
What a stupid game, most games get harder the more you advance into the game (stronger foes, new mechanics, etc)
Sekiro does the opposite and throws you into a blender where you die and die.
But after you kill the first boss (Lady Butterfly) everything becomes an absolute joke.
Get fucked OP I just beat Corrupted Monk by baiting an attack, getting one hit in, then running away. Not a single parry in the fight.
Rinse and repeat, same as every Souls boss.
No one can stop me from laming this shit out.
Honestly, this is not just for you but for everyone not playing Sekiro.
The biggest reason why so many people tap out, or just too afraid to even start playing is that this game, for the first time in a long while, make you feel like a real loser. Most of us play game to escape reality. Loser in some way in real life and we can just avoid those things. Not here. You suck? You can try to get good. But if you fall and don´t try again, the biggest shit feeling in the world actually sets in. And from a fucking video game? Yea it sucks. This game is really a fucking Rocky lesson. Those that can go at it again and win will feel like winners while those that give up are mentally fucked in the process. And Yea Forums? They will add insult. So the best way is really to avoid it if you are weak mentally and can not take a beating.
Is a 9/10 game for me.
Anyone know a good place to grind some coin?
>game has a dodge
>it doesn't fucking work
Ah, the legendary katana running R1 spammer. Based.
Depends where you are in the game. I found the village of midgets pretty good, the non stop deathblows make you almost untouchable and there's dozens of the little fuckers to mash through without having to pay any attention.
Ah I see you a fellow Video Gamer (tm) such as myself. The cake is a lie am I right?
Hirata estate, the shrine with the flames around.
Pop a Mi gold balloon, and rush clear the first area and then the boss area. You get scraps iron, black powder, and loads of gold. Teleport with Owl statue back and repeat after rest.
If you got the Tengu book skill, use it on the axes, if not a stab (charge attack) works on everything. Axe the shields and then you can finish with instant, easy.
From actually did it. They made an impossible enemy...
>Dodge grabs
>Dodge stabs
>Dodge projectiles
>Dodge around to the back
>Dodge back from sweeps
Damn you are a shitter.
Hey DSP.
How far through the game are you? I had trouble with him but I'm thinking of going back and trying him again now that I've got some more health and strength upgrades.
I had much more trouble with Bloodborne. I don't get why people find this way more difficult
Oh you guys are in for some fun in the last couple of hours. Get your practise in now. Fuck up a stealth kill later on and you can easily have 5 of those on your ass and they can follow you across grapple points.
mikiri counter is literally built for him you dingus
Welp best hope I start getting better
wow weird how playing 5 other similar games makes the 6th seem not as tough as the 1st
>the first boss (Lady Butterfly)
user you weren't supposed to fight her until much later
y'know, when the game hands you assloads of the item used exclusively in her fight
You can run around for 10 sec and the summons are gone, items are not needed, you can dodge left attack and repeat. She got three attack patterns only.
I'm aware, but the point still stands that she's meant for that point in the game.
Man Sunbros used to be so much fun until memeing retards decided to spout it forever and From had to put it in every Souls game because of memers.
Fuck you. You literally sound like someone saying "i took an arrow in the knee" or "the cake is a lie".
>game actually punishes you permanently for being a faggot that can't beat a boss on at least his second try
Thank God.
It is now. Shit like trollface came from here too and look where it is now.
How do I get past Ornstein and Smaugh bros?
I'm like lvl 150 and have a lvl 10 sword. Straight swordsman.
Im confused about dragonrot, does it happen when you die or happen when you use revives?
The game's combat is fundamentally shitty by being entirely based around weak unsatisfying parries. In DS and BB when you get a parry it feels fucking amazing, they instantly stagger and you can riposte. In Sekiro, you can parry an enemy over and over and yet you still have to hold the fucking endless followups. What is the point of a parry if it doesn't make it my turn?
Go back to 2011 and use summons
stealth deathblow to get him down then call in the npc if you cant handle it
>She slept with me when she was dating him.
Even though she laughed at your 4 inch wiener?
Pretty sure when you die
Parrying in ds or bb is fundamentally flawed because it has to be useless on bosses. Any boss that can be parried is easy as fuck.
Anyone else getting tired of the game? I'm almost finished (I'm at the second appearance of corrupted monk) and I think I might just quit.
The last several boss fights weren't fun anymore, they were just tedious. No new mechanics have been added in forever, prosthetics seem to be as useless (except for niche cases) as the special combat moves. I've mostly been playing to get it over with for the past hours, might as well just save myself the hassle.
Anyone in the same boat? Is it worth pushing through?
its ok to be bad user
I didn't even write anything about the difficulty.
You sound burnt out. Give it a break and finish it up in about a week's time.
Why the fuck does the Dragonrot system exist?
shit really, i been trying out so many skill just see how it works
because the B-team loves to ape good things like world tendency but do them poorly
how hard are you depending on a 30% chance for unseen aid that it actually matters?
it's not just shield babies, overleveled babies, it's also summon babies who "beat" every boss on without a sweat
I decided to come down from my porch, stroll across my front lawn and ask say, "I sure do hope you faggots meant SomethingAwful."
If it doesn't matter then why is it there?
>NPCs will die off
Is this true?
sekiro isnt a souls game, moot point
You can cheese this game as well.
You can still grind exp especially in certain areas with stealth, and you'll likely be grinding anyways to get the material needed to craft the prosthetic upgrades. So long as you didn't get shit like the pointless subweapon ammo plus should be fine.
The aid is completely pointless, it's percentage is too low for it to matter and you lose very money/exp on death anyways.
>never used summons
>strength and dex builds
>rarely use shield except for pvp
>light or no armor
sekiro is not that bad. You can cheese in it too.
Based and red pilled as FUCK
>tfw sekiro has boring combat but you can't criticize it because it's also hard and hard games are immune from criticism
Just fucking stealth kill one of his life by going around the house and just git gud
Best from combat yet
That still means their record for combat is mediocre.
>drag miniboss away from where he is
>mobs in another chunk of map attack you
oh nooooooo
weird how the people who don't use the tools don't find the game fun
almost as if...
it still controls virtually the same you pedantic pleb
>it still controls virtually the same
no, not at all actually
I just stared the game and I'm at the Ogre. Does the game eventually get good at some point?
I don't really see the appeal so far. It seems like a dumbed down Dark Souls with a boring world and lore. I was expecting a badass ninja game like Ninja Gaiden or Shinobi. The combat is "neat" but it doesn't seem to evolve much over the course of the game? From what I can tell the game is just autistically memorizing enemy patterns after dying multiple times in order to progress. I don't think I'll be continuing this one bros.
whatever you need to believe to excuse your skills, my man
>streamers stuck on a boss for like 2-4 hours
Anyone know this feeling? I've maybe spent an hour on any single boss in these games but fucking 3-4 hours seems insane.
>From what I can tell the game is just autistically memorizing enemy patterns after dying multiple times in order to progress.
ever played a Souls game before?
A lot easier if you use firecrackers
I've played them all. Unironically, they all have soul and the world sucks me in. This one is just soulless and bland.
Does this game have alternate outfits? I want a swimsuit outfit.
I mean if you're smart you'll just cheese it with the axe or flame tube for a good while
After that you cheese it with the umbrella and persimmons.
you're in the literal first area
either put in the time to get to the first boss or fuck off and play something else you ADHD spastic
Move the goalposts all you like but you're wrong. I even had the ogre wander up once when I was fighting him all the way at the back of the house.
You're like 45 minutes into it you retard.
She only slept with me twice. She liked my personality
You just need the Miriki counter, but he still took me like 14 tries.
7 to learn that i needed that counter and 7 to actually do it at the right time to not get fucking gored and instakilled.
im not the guy were complaining to lol just seems like it's a non-issue
problem: you pull the miniboss away from where you're meant to fight him and get ganked
solution: don't do that
>r9 fury
>55 fps
Is this game shit optimized or your gpu is bad?
No shit retard, I was responding to his assertion that no one will aggro while you fight seven spears.
>not so good without your shield and infinite stamina now huh faggots
>infinite stamina
sir are you by any chance retarded?
>no dude you're wrong if you play like a fucking moron bad things will happen
why even bother arguing if your point revolves around playing like you have brain damage?
Optimization is definitely worse than DaS 3, but visually it also looks better.
You either need to learn how replying on Yea Forums works or learn how to read. Probably both.
>wanted a ninja game
>got a samurai game
Isshin final deathblow on the last bossfight was pure SEKINO
seems like you're wasting your time but ok retard whatever fills your day :)
How do i get to the corrupted monk boss fight from the trailer, not the shitty ghost one in the cave?
I don't care about spoilers but i can't find it anywhere online, just videos of the boss itself
Fuck off moron.
what do to the purple fucker with the ghosts in the dungeon
are you upset? might be time to take a Yea Forums break :) come back when you've cooled off
Where do I go now that I beat lady butterfly I feel that I've exhausted the map
you will eventually become the dickass thief, don't worry
I actually found DaS harder unironically.
Aesthetically yeah, but technically it feels lacking. Understandable given the budget but still disappointing.
this unironically i just realized how much i just tanked enemies by maxing everything i could
>get btfo
>pretend it's all part of your master ruse to le make me upset
Yea this is truly uncharted territory.
>i'm like 5 minutes into the game, it doesn't seem to evolve much
you're retarded. There's loads of unlockable moves as well as modifications and upgrades to your prosthetic tools.
the combat isn't boring, it constantly engages the player and requires them to think in new ways
also calling a game boring is hardly a criticism
Continue in Ashina
Bloodborne's is better.
Ranged parries make parries meaningful, regain makes aggression meaningful, strong dodges make mobility fun.
Dark Souls is also great in its own way for being slow and weighty.
Sekiro feels awesome at times and then something happens that breaks the illusion.
>get btfo
you started lashing out at me because I questioned why you were wasting your time arguing with some other user :)
sure you don't want to take that break? too much stress is bad for your cortisol levels!
>lashing out
Sounds like you're the one who needs to harden up.
>Bloodborne's is better
>ranged parry
>iframe dodge over and over and over
>and requires them to think in new ways
no it doesn't
every single combat encounter in the game is the exact same, except sometimes you have to use that shiny new gimmick you literally just got like it's a fucking mega man game
i'm fine thank you :)
are you having fun 'winning' arguments on the Yea Forums video game board?
>>ranged parry
>>iframe dodge over and over and over
Yeah, and the game is designed around it. It has plenty of challenging encounters.
Hang yourself you dumb asshole fucknugget
Bloodborne is honestly my favorite among their games but holy shit does it throw itself into the bottom of the barrel with that fucking framerate
>watching DSP rage quit Lady Butterfly (literal tutorial boss)
>"holy shit, this is like an end game Dark Souls boss"
Hahahahaha, no wonder Yea Forums is hating on this game, can't grind levels and summon for help anymore you casual faggots
It was fun, and if you weren't amazing at it then Defiled Chalices would fuck you since you couldn't just rely on tanking hits.
I feel like Bloodborne had room for more depth but Sekiro is way too overtuned.
not really
you can go at scenarios in different ways and prosthetic of your choosing
i like the game but i don't see any flaws in the combat
the thing that bothers me is that every time you pick up an item it tells you what it is
also repeats bosses are kind of lazy
like 3 of multiple bosses spread across the game
how to fix this game's combat:
>make parries tighter but more meaningful, a parry actually fucking stops your enemy from attacking
>scrap the useless nonsensical revive system
>some sort of rally system, ripostes give you health back or something
>(literal tutorial boss)
DSP is shit but she's meant for much later in the game.
They could have made a pro patch for the game at least, but being from the bad frame timing and stuttering is probably down to a deeply flawed code
When you die.
Also you should start over if you die.
lady butterfly isn't a tutorial boss lol
she's not even the first boss you should be fighting or even the easiest
really makes you think that the drones who shitpost all day about casuals haven't even played the game
>tfw figured her shit out quickly
>Made that dried cunt eat shit when I kept the pressure on her so she couldn't summon her spooks
Fuck you, you old bag. Fuck Genichiro too. I'll fucking find wherever he ran off to and stomp on his faggot sword again and stab him in the heart.
it's the easiest soulsborne to do a no hit run in, i wouldn't exactly call it challenging when you learn the mechanics, of which there are 5: dodge, visceral, attack, transform, shoot gun
5 might be pushing it because visceral and parry are pretty much two peas in a pod
don't get me wrong, very fun game, but I typically prefer a dex build in DaS games because those end up being more challenging for me
then again, im an autist who does SL1 / BL4 runs because i have no irl friends to distract me
Are you high? I killed her even before the horsefucker. You can literally beat her by dodging to her left - > R1 repeat. If she flies up you knock her down with shuriken.
I'm near the end of the game ( i think) I'm fighting my father on top of the castle, is there really no save points/sculptors nearby? i have to do this run every single fucking time?
the run takes like 10 seconds, where the fuck are you starting
shut up noob
You can easily take her on even before chained ogre
>mfw I can feel my skills improving
>mfw it feels almost like playing DaS for the first time because the mechanics are altered just enough
You're getting a lot of hate for this but it's fun as fuck to help shitters with tough bosses. One of my favorite memories from the series is helping user after user with Pontiff in DaS3 shortly after launch. So fucking fun.
>it's the easiest soulsborne to do a no hit run in
Because the game was designed around it and gives you ranged parries. Sekiro at times feel like it gives you mechanics and then ignores them.
80% of the game is just slashing at enemies with no thought or timing.
I found one at the castle entrance, I was running from the dungeon, is there one in the rooftop areas?
You faggots are actually trolling if you think she's not meant to be the first boss, what the fuck. She's unbelievably easy.
I beat her on my 2nd try just by spamming side dodge + attack (which the game LITERALLY tells you to spam on her before the fight starts, lmao). Shit, you get the fire prosthetic at the Harata Estate which is then meant to be used on the chained Ogre which confirms that you are meant to fight Lady Butterfly BEFORE the fucking Chained Ogre, lmfao. I was absolutely astounded when I finally got to her and pushed her shit in considering the fact that so many faggots were crying about how hard she was.
Sekiro really opened my eyes about Yea Forums, you guys are just DSP tier bad. This game really is a gift that keeps on giving
>I feel like Bloodborne had room for more depth
Well yeah, it removed a lot of the depth DeS, DS1 and DS2 had in their character-building.
>Sekiro at times feel like it gives you mechanics and then ignores them.
>80% of the game is just slashing at enemies with no thought or timing.
you're gonna have a lot of fun when you get past the castle, i can already tell.
There is a skill for giving you health back on successful deathblows.
Have any of you crybabies played past the tutorial?
Keeping those dudes alive in the tougher bossfights is sometimes more of a challenge than actually fighting the boss.
>There is a skill for giving you health back on successful deathblows.
ok, it should be a default mechanic
Yep. I'm a fraud. I've been exposed. I'm just going to stop playing until I get the balls to jump back in in a few months. I never bothered learning to parry ever in any of the souls games so I guess this is what I get.
Not those guys but I killed the horseman first and haven't even found that butterfly lady and if she's even easier than horseman then she's a pushover.
it's a mandatory boss fight don't worry
Definitely, the shit some people would pull actually made me miss the GFWL days when you could message them. Absolute madmen.
Good luck with that past the first few areas. I can already tell you haven't played much.
When do I fight a good boss? All have fought have been gimmicky push overs
Just cleared divine dragon btw
The game expects you to flip flop between the past and present. Before the ogre, the merchant tells you about the fire prosthetic, which would lead you to go find it and comeback.
The Horseman isn't even a boss, it's a miniboss. She's an actual boss
A sick NPC cannot progress their storyline.
According to who? They both drop memories.
Nigga, I never parried in my entire life throughout the entire Souls series and I just beat the cunt that cut your arm off. The parrying window is very generous. Just practice at it and keep going. I felt like I was complete shit and almost gave up at the fucking drunk of all bosses, but here I am getting this far.
Jump back into the water, climb up, he'll de-aggro and you can sneak and backstab him.
Really? I got some stat boosting memory out of him and assumed that makes him a big boss.
>barely halfway through the game
>this far
Name your armfus Yea Forums
I'm not speaking to her difficulty. The game makes a point of having an item exclusively meant for her fight and you don't get more until much later.
Hey, for a shitter like me it's something. Gotta remember some of us are complete trash at games.
>trying to get into ashina castle and getting ambushed by 10 ninjas, one of whom just fucking explodes
this has been the best part of the game so far
This game is just as easy to cheese though with the amount of free desthblows you can get
>That nigga drops form the sky and goes
Honestly the biggest adrenaline rush I've had in a a while taking on those feather ninjas. The exploding one caught me off guard and actually made me use my only revive.
that flyer terrified me, as well
He's saying that to sound like a badass
funniest shit in the game
got KO'd and couldn't stop laughing
What, Snapseeds? They dont even fucking do anything to her to make it worth using.
but we do have infinite stamina and no posture is not stamina those are two very different things.
Honestly one of the least fun games I've ever played in my life.
It's not mechanically complex or difficult, but it is incredibly tedious and punishing if you mess up.
ogre shitter spotted
where are the other six spears though
Again, I'm not speaking about the fight itself or its difficulty. I'm going purely off the way the game is structured.
Whatever makes you feel better dude
I don't care, already refunded, moved on.
Whats the Sekiro of darksouls?
I like the artstyle of the game and the parry stuff, but whenever you get an actual hit on the enemies it doesn't feel satisfying for some reason
Currently at the fountain lake, just defeated the Monk
For me the biggest issue in the game is that enemies do too much damage, and in a game where you have to learn enemy attack patterns a single fuck up and it's over, then bam, second phase boss with barely any heals left and you have to learn new patterns
Also fuck the monk and those unblockable attacks that don't warn you
This game looks a little too difficult for me so I'm not getting it. I've got a platinum in all 5 other souls games (playing offline exclusively on 3 and bloodborne, fuck paying sony for online) I played the games for the combat but Sekiro just looks "difficult for the sake of being difficult" and that kinda turns me off.
Imagine getting this jaded over a vidya meme
>This thing used to be fun until everyone started enjoying it.
You're such a fucking hipster holy shit get over yourself.
you're literally 5 minutes into the game, 2 minutes if you speedrun it
>The combat is "neat" but it doesn't seem to evolve much over the course of the game?
jesus christ Yea Forums
Is the demon ball sculptor idol supposed to be a short cut to the armor knight? Because I cant figure out how to get to him from that idol.
I imagine that the only thing people are """crying""" about is that half the bosses two shot you in NG and almost all the bosses two shot you in NG+ with some bosses being capable of one shotting you.
Great Ape in NG++ will just kill me with a grab if I'm stupid enough to have that happen.
While I like the encounter design the damage is kind of silly and the fact that the MC falls all over himself if he's so much as grazed is kind of annoying. As is the fact that every single enemy in the game has healing reactions.
>While I like the encounter design the damage is kind of silly and the fact that the MC falls all over himself if he's so much as grazed is kind of annoying
Yeah this really frustrates me.
>mfw lady butterfly fight
all of the game mechanics just fucking clicked. this is the kinoest of the soulsborne games
still fuck blazing bull
Playing this game with the music off is atmospheric.
>mfw just beat Mitsubishi of the seven dicks
Fuck shinobi hunter, that purple asshole at the top of the mountain tore me a new one.
Honestly I agree. Getting the beads almost feels pointless because everything kills you in about two hits anyway and trying to parry any of the bigger bosses in the game is retarded and pointless
>it's the easiest soulsborne to do a no hit run in
DeS is still easier tbqh. BB has the snake brothers and Rom who loves to sneak in an ass poke unless you don't burn him and the spires away or spend time removing them. While DeS essentially has nothing that can ever touch you unless you somehow get somebody summoned during the monk.
Unless I'm forgetting something. It HAS been years since I've played DeS.
I cheesed Sekiro with firecrackers
There's plenty of cheese and, honestly, the beginning of the game is kind shit until you actually get some stats
I just killed the folded monkeys and now that I'm at 13 vigor and 5 damage it feels actually balanced
I have like 10 unlocked and still only use the shuriken/firecracker/umbrella and sometimes spear
Shuriken is actually legit
Get used to that while it lasts because NG+ is just you getting two shot by every boss that's not butterfly and horseman
So i only have 5 of the items balloons left and i have no idea how to get more and i need 5 more lapus as well, i know those eletric guards in the last area drop them but i have no idea of a decent farm route
any tips?
holy shit bois, i had THE moment, i entered the zone when fighting Genichiro at the top of Ashina Castle i was getting my ass kicked and dying a million times, and then all of sudden i realised how to play the game properly, i parried every hit and managed to beat him down, not by hp but by posture. Holy shit i feel like a god right now.
the "stealth" in this game is so fucking tacked-on and bad
I just ran past them, in fact I ran past every area where there's too many ennemy to have a clean fight
On who I can only assume is the final boss. Fucking nightmare. And yet if this game has taught me anything... it’s that after enough battles, I will eventually get their movesets down. Every true boss in this game has been fun as hell to overcome, I don’t plan to give up just yet.
It's not ta-
>stand after stealth kill
>stand after climb up
>stand after item use
>Even under the effects of sugar everything can hear your backstab
>takedown animation takes fucking forever
getting twoshot is par for the course all throughout NG so I don't see how that's a big deal
people that think you cant cheese sekiro are retards
you also forgot the part where patrolling enemies will just walk over one of their fucking mates' corpses and just keep on whistling along
What happens if you give the great carp the non-poisoned bait?
He's at the part of the game where he can take 3 or 4. You go back to 2 to 1 in NG+. I mentioned that because it's annoying.
back stab, pop blue defence boost sugar
attack, attack, axe swing. repeat
stunlocks him to death
>find snake underground
what do, this cave is shitty i want to do whatever i need to and get the fuck out
you can some scales, which i think you need if you want to be able to buy every items you can with them
>yfw Orangutang was the original Asura
So do I help Kuro, or do I protect him?
Puppeteer the monkey
Tbf i think most enemies are suffering from spiritual defeat like wolf was when he was in the well
Just a justification though, stealth does feel a little half assed
so does giving kuros charm back in ng+ just make it that you take chip damage when blocking?
Is there an ending to the dungeon experiment questline? I'm at the end of the game right now and the nigga is still crying like a bitch in his room after being told he was going to be the next experiment.
yeah, you just fight the samurai or monk and the surgeon at the same time, but dont get any neat rewards from doing so. Kind of lame, maybe I fucked up though.
Correct. You take chip damage. It'll motivate you to get good at perfect blocking but it actually doesn't matter a whole lot for half of your fights since you'll just get one shot anyways.
>accidentally hit him
what happens if you talk to him?
most dont bother because getting good is usually a lot more fun than cheesing though
kinda faggy too but whatevs
His third phase was so fucking easy I was disappointed, I actually kinda wanted him to have a second bar considering that reflecting lightning does like 3/4ths posture
I'm just gonna say it took me a lot longer to figure out that there was a fourth monkey than I care to admit
played the game all day today. Just killed Seven Spears. Honestly I'm a bit disappointed with how health works in this game. I feel like the only time the HP bar matters is against the scrub mobs I kill in 2 hits. So far the most fun fight I've had was the dude on the horse in the battlefield. The raging bull just felt lame as hell. I constantly feel like I;m not playing the game correctly whenever I die to a random ogre or something. I don't really like holding the parry button to regain stamina, but I feel like I'm usually punished for not doing so. I like the game's aesthetic and some of the gameplay, but so far I just feel like this is a gimmick gone too far. I dont care about the lack of stats, or the lack of online, or the lack of customization. I think I just straight up don't like the combat very much and feel like they watered down bloodborne's combat.
Fine, cool face.
>at the end of the game
>missing prayer beads
How the fuck? I'm pretty sure I've bought all from the shopowners and found most that were out in the world and killed every minoboss.
>Three stealth skills out of like two dozen skills
>All three are useless and should only picked up to be able to progress in the skill tree
Where do you go to fight them?
Oil and flame vent. Pocket sand rinse and repeat
wait you can talk to him? fucj
Made it to Owl and the fight seems pretty easy although I died, how far am I in? Losing interest due to boredom
he literally says "I want to fight the wolf" then if you talk again he fights you
a few are in the world and sold by merchants
No, it's incredibly one dimensional and isn't nearly as nuanced as people want to make it seem. It's alright but it's definitely not their best
How the fuck do I get over there?
I'm having no trouble with anything in the game but terror based enemies. These ghost are so fucking annoying.
>Gosh I wonder where that shinobi is at
>Oh there you are let's fight
Literally fucking pointless.
>watered down BB's combat
Theres more to Sekiro's combat than just dodge+R1 spam so this is objectively false
Is there suppose to be somewhere to go when you read the message on the wall that says "yo, you can't kill ghosts and shit, don't proceed any further"?
It's just a dead end?
They appear in the spot where the three guards normall are right after the dungeon idol. Basically just keep returning to the surgeon to continue the quest
How many are you missing? Some are hidden a fair bit, such as the one that's right before the butterfly idol.
sometimes they go on alarm and sometimes they dont im honestly confused as to how this was implemented
they clearly meant for it to put them on alarm but save for a few instances it just doesn't happen
>game wants you to parry everything
>Running around and talking pot shots is actually way more effective against bosses
Great game
>without a shield and infinite stamina
>Sekiro main strat is to parry everything, and you literally never run out of stamina
1/10, have a (You)
>first miyazaki rips of berserk
>then he rips of blade of the immortal
remind me why anybody likes this hack fraud
it's definitely not more effective
After the ogre? Turn left instead of right and go down there
I wish his first phase only had 1 health bar and his second phase had 2. The visuals in the second phase are just so fucking great but the fight is over in like 10 seconds if you play well.
Miriki counter m8. Keep in mind you need to be stationary when you dodge for it to work.
You can lose aggro and backstab that one, but there's a mini boss later with the same moveset.
you can only get 10 upgrades in total so just go to NG+ and kill the first couple minibosses
Hey, it's the one other guy on the internet who actually read that fucking thing. Manji skin DLC when?
I'd bet my middle nut that Miyazaki is a fan of BotI at least.
Does Lady Butterfly not have perilous thrust attacks?
Just 4 I think? I assume there are 40 total
there's 2 directions, drop off the cliff next to the bridge for progression or drop off behind that sign for a secret area
just look around nigga
bull is scared of firecrackers
you can block his attacks without much damage to posture... keep circling to his behind to get hits in
>he couldnt protect samurai bro
the two of us tag teamed the shit out of beverly hills ninja. jolly cooperation
that item is also used to dispell illusions in two other boss fights at least. corrupt monk when it summons shadows for like 40 seconds, can end it early.
some of this is actual kaizo mario bullshit though
imagine beating lady friede's 3 phases in DaS3 just for the game to be like "haha that was just the beginning of the fight"
also the punishment for dying this time around is fucking retarded, i was fine with taking personal losses but this is fucking gay
>not so good without your shield
Kinda yeah
I want games to have an appropriate challenge but I don't play games for their large amount of difficulty. I personally like the slower combat of the old Souls games.
If the game is only testing my reaction time I'm out. I didn't buy Sekiro for this reason. Unless I'm wrong and there is more to the combat than that? Outside of the combat the game looks pretty cool.
She definitely does for your virgin butthole.
literally just mash grapple lmao
Yeah but now you can just cheese everything by de-aggroing enemies and going for backstabs. From took away feeling more powerful because you've killed a bunch of enemies to feeling weak because you're supposed to just cheese enemies using either stealth or running away until they lose interest and backstabbing. It's shooting forty arrows at the Drake's tail to get the Drake Sword except pushed through the entire game.
Ranged parries make the game into a fucking cakewalk. Theres no risk to it and the windows are so hilariously wide that you don't even have to time it. BB is good but compared to Sekiro its combat is mediocre as shit. Also BB's enemy design is fucking garbage. 90% of the enemies are slow pieces of shit that can barely touch you and can easily be R1 stunlocked into oblivion. The ones that can't can be easily parried. Sekiros enemies actually fight back and compliment its faster combat speed to fighting them is a lot more fun. BB's enemies didn't get good until the DLC. Sekiro is just BB's combat but actually good.
>getting sick of the cautious approach and slow progress, decide to eat any deaths like a man
>fear of losing merchants to Dragonrot cause beads
Capillary bursting anger.
It's still essentially a Souls game dude, enemies still have massive wind-up they're just way better at sticking to you when you try to run like a bitch.
beat him first try. it was close tho
>Fountainhead Palace
Fun fight, it's the first time in the game I think where your miriki counter doesn't give a mandatory opening, he shrugs you off and does a big swing. Deflect it and he stumbles hard it's pure sex.
Dragonrot isnt a big deal, you're being melodramatic. Having to kill mooks to get your ressurection back is kinda annoying though.
>its incredibly one dimensional
Compared to fucking Dark Souls or Bloodborne? Get real.
When grinding for money, I cheat and give myself infinite SE.
I accidentally pressed "accept" when I thought it would skip through his dialogue and end on "refuse"
How do you kill him? Mortal draw won't work.
Dragonrot is such a pointless and retarded mechanic. Why? I’d understand if it was to counteract the overusage of reviving, maybe. But that’s not how it even works.
>kill him
you're a fucking retard
I also want to mention that the game drastically improves after doing this, but ninjutsu makes it completely broken.
you dont kill him, you need a certain tool, if you already have them read their descriptions maybe one will spirt him away
fuckin great movie
How do you get the umbrella?
I mean, you're not wrong. I don't know what he wants
There's a shinobi tool you get later
>all these people cheesing their way through with stun locks and firecrackers
>absolute scum
probably should've read the dialogue, DSP.
You gotta buy it from a midget merchant above the reservoir
Final boss is def the hardest boss in the game. Awesome fucking fight though
Domo arigatou
Story reasons
Motivating you to git gud
>owl on ng+
What in the fuck? Dude was a pushover in the base game. Now i can barely get to phase 2.
it still goes over my mind that everything in this game can be blocked/deflected. will try later, was worried about my laptop's gpu frying from playing 8 hours straight
>fine son hearing his mother coughing and wheezing as he's dying 10 feet away
>Why won't these legs of mine move?
>not a big deal
Fuck you.
does the game actually becomes easier after geniggero or I just finally got gud? Demolishing mini bosses left and right
Protip: Literally EVERYTHING can be blocked/deflected unless it has a symbol. Everything. People need to learn this before they start saying how the combat is trash. You NEED to deflect the shit out of every enemy you fight.
I got this from grinding a boss earlier
I just didn't see the point. There needs to be more exploration and lore. I don't care about this story I've been given like no details/meat on, so there's nothing beyond the boss I'm particularly excited to see. Why waste my time?
Every boss is just a matter of time before you have their moveset memorized. There's nothing clever to "figure out," it's just kind of a memory game so you can get to the next boss. it's not even really a puzzle, just repitition, with nothing beyond it.
I don't get it, and I might shelf it. We'll see what I feel like tomorrow.
Sneak one of his health bars, oil+fire and make good use of the stairs by the pagoda. He's not too bad if you have patience.
You could also just cheese it by using the same stars and hanging from the ledge while he's above you just keep slashing his legs.
I'll save you the trouble and tell you the trick. Dodge his attacks and win by hp. That's it. That's the gimmick that you aren't doing.
Cure them and get good
I like the feels, personally
fujos need to perish.
Japs are tiny, user.
It doesn't reach the ass-rape level of difficulty of Orphan of Kos, but it's def the overall hardest of all of them
If you really decided that killing everyone one at a time by leaving the area repeatedly was the best way to proceed then you're fucking terrible at games. The mobs are fun to fight and a bit challenging but nothing most 11 year olds can't pull off without going through all the bs you described.
What if I don't want to and find it boring?
In previous souls games there are lots of different combat options if you find one type too tedious.
its obviously just a larger one
so as soon as i got the bell from the old lady i went ahead and killed juuzou and butterfly lady and i have now upgraded my attack power (whatever that means), was i supposed to do that area much later in the game?
>Furi did this game better
Orphan of Kos is hard because of his sick ass combinations. Sekiro is "hard" because your character loses control when hit and two hits is generally almost always death.
Then this isn't for you, idk what to say. This game is purely focused on reaction time and parrying, not roll spam. It's not a souls game, it's its own beast
lol okay retard
Orphan of kos is a fucking chump though even on ng++
I beat the game and I can't really think of any time where my character was actually stunlocked like that. You pretty much always have enough time to pull of a split second parry on another attack in an enemies string, or get up from the ground and counter parry if you're fast enough
what? Did I offend you in some way?
He's probably not an actual manlet, everything, like in Dark Souls, just seems like it was built for giants.
>doing that part
>pasty the first fucker right out of his dive and kill him
>fuck up get seen and there's like 3 nightjars on my ass
>no problem, just one m- fucker EXPLODES and takes us all out
Couldn't even be mad.
having the beat all the adds if you fail was the worst part.
Also I kept trying to punish after landing a Mikiri but you don't get frame advantage to attack. Pretty much have to always backstep.
There's summonable NPCs?
I just realized that PCfags never played Bloodborne so they never learned to play aggressively. No wonder they're having problems with this game.
I found Sekiro's final boss to be harder honestly. Also Orphan is easy as fuck when you learn you can parry spam him. I don't think Sekiro's final boss has any obvious cheesing strat.
Nah hes just a guy hanging out
Really its more like siegward/meyer
also not used to how much you can deflect
>muh structure
Shut the fuck up! The beauty of sequence breaking is what makes exploring worthwhile.
The absolute HARDEST part in the entire game isn't a boss, it's the fucking Seven Spears dude and the Samurai dude that you can fight right before the final boss. HOLY SHIT. They do half your health in a single attack and they're both attacking you at once. Although you can make it really easy by just backstabbing the little dude first, but fighting them 2 on 1 is a living nightmare.
>sequence breaking
Wait you guys are telling me the butterfly bitch isn't the first real boss I'm supposed to fight? I've died like 15 times to that whore already and lost everything.
You can kinda just run around everywhere, poke a tiny bit, and repeat. Just constantly running. I've seen people doing it who couldn't fight him legit cuz of how difficult he can be
I just ran away and the retard with the sword walked right off a cliff lol
Pop a stealth candy and pupeteer the other guy,
You can't pull off another attack unless we're talking about mooks or mini-bosses but you can dodge or parry. You can't survive attacks from two sources at all though because of how this games stagger works unless you've already got your feather selected.
Anyways I've missed important punctuation. Two hits wasn't meant to be read in support of control loss. It's meant to be read as another factor.
I'll be starting my third run through this and I'm pretty sure enemies will just flat out start one shotting me. And that's not all that fun of a prospect to look forward to with how much chip damage you can eat through block on a mistake.
>only 5 necklaces
where the fuck do people get 9? I know I can get a sixth from the Headless (pretty sure they drop beads) but where are there TWELVE other mini-bosses? I'm about to fight O'rin, that's one of 12 missing.
>the spectral enemies that appear at nighttime
Is there any point in fighting these guys? Its weird that they bothered to include them in pretty much every area. Like in Mibu village theres a section where they added like 5 tengus. Is there a reward if you find and kill all of these enemies or do they serve any purpose at all?
How am I supposed to tell when I successfully parry something versus regularly block it?
based brendan fraser enjoying sekino
Oh shit, close enough. Where is he?
Bigger CHING
look at the size of the white people in the game tho
your stamina i mean stance bar
If you parry, you can deathblow.
You have to stop teasing those faggots, that's why they hate the game.
Hidden room with prayer beads before granny btw
how do you know it's night time? I noticed the tengus didn't appear for me this time around.
There's only one white guy and he's obviously going to be depicted as huge in comparison to everyone else. Everyone else in the game is Japanese, and Owl is big too. Same for Isshin.
>how do you know it's night time?
What do you mean? I assume thats when they appeared. I've been going through every area before the last boss to see if I missed anything and all of those extra enemies started showing up.
>I don't think Sekiro's final boss has any obvious cheesing strat.
You game the "first" boss by item use to bait to thrusts. It's actually silly. The first phase of the real boss you just trade the first hit with his first guard and do that constantly until you break his posture.
His second phase has to be fought like an actual boss but you can reaction parry all of his shit. The final phase is a literal gimmick phase and you just force him into a string back making him parry and then redirecting the lightning at him.
He's pretty easy.
Anyone got a good spot to farm fat wax?
chained ogre is clearly just a white guy
where do you need to eavesdrop for the merchant on what the ashina samurais want?
Parrying is way more responsive in sekiro and makes bosses that also use katanas feel very exciting and great to play. However certain enemies ( the fucking ogre) can spam grabs which really turns the combat into a slog. If you like the souls games you will probably like this one too.
You can jump away from the grabs and he becomes ezmode
Hes standing by a rock across the pond from the drunkard
I dont know how you could've missed him desu, hes pretty tall and wearing blue
>took me 7 hours to beat the final boss
That feeling of the kill
Headless dont drop beads, they drop the boosts that the candies give you. Theres 5 total
Stealth's only purpose in this game is to let you choose how to start your engagements.
you know that parrying takes stance, retard? even fucking genichiro (pretty early boss) will outstance you without proper skills and playstyle and you'll keep about even if you have all the needed upgrades and dont take too much hits. or abuse one specific move, but even then you will risk getting broken here and there. you quickly notice that your stance exists while trying to honorabru dueru some tough miniboss.
>devine heir can't bleed
>somehow fed sekiro his blood
Is miyazaki retarded?
>run away
>dodge grab
>grapple back in for a few hits
>rinse and repeat
i dont know how people are having trouble with this boss he literally has five moves and theyre all the same
How's the stealth? How deep is it?
Is it mgs deep, or assassin's creed origins
Unlimited stamina really just applies to you being able to attack and dodge as much as you want, but attacking too much will get your ass countered, and dodging is near useless.
Parrying is the new king and is controlled by a posture bar. If you parry too late, you block and your posture takes a big hit. If your posture fills up, you're wide open to an attack, which most bosses kill your in 1-2 hits.
I think its good enough though
there's red eyes that appear in various areas in late-game, as well as new stuff in Hirata.
>beat all the adds
There's a route to sneak by them
I got like maybe 6 or 7 beads off exploring beaten paths
>the absolute top of that one buddha statue in poison pool
>underwater held by a buddha statue in temple grounds
>undershrine valley on burial mounds
forgot the others
He's a manlet and all the bosses are normal sized people.
first off, horseman is one of the easiest fights in the game, easier than most minibosses, and easier than butterfly by a long shot.
second, bigboy before butterfly is pretty tough without damage upgrade, and he serves well as gatekeeper. too much health and stance.
is it possible to bear her first? yes. is there a reason to? no. was she meant to be the first? who the fuck knows, but probably not. hopping into estate is good to get tools and stunlock ogre. then you can progress easily and get to horseman pretty fast and beat him, get damage and make two last fights of estate way easier.
There's 6
Mist Forest
Palace Waterfall
Ashina Pond
Palace Lake
There's probably one in Senpou too that I just forgot about.
I was surprised that I didn't see anything in the pond, he wasn't very visible when I last played.
Woops that's 7 tee hee
I remember getting them off dragon enfeeble mooks and samurais in the fountainhead palace
note that i have demon bell and the 2 droprste skill active though
by the pond in Ashina
i luv how From Software themselves
exposed the casuals through their gaming
god tier game company
he fed him his cummies
>c-cant cheese sekiro
>c-cant grind sekiro
lmao you scrubs dont even know your own muhhard game huh?
literally got 10 skillpoints in 15 minutes, also about 7k of gold that i dont even need.
literally killed 2 bosses (butterfly and genichiro) by spamming one move entire fight.
stay bad, stay mad.
are they worth killing?
I met two and both had bullshit conditions
If Owl is two hitting me, should I be looking somewhere else? I'm pretty sure I've explored everywhere, and I'm just not ready to fight the fucking cave warlocks.
Also what the fuck is the point of Sunken Valley Cavern. There's no where to go past the plank of wood hanging over the serpent.
You get spirit token-based versions of the candies, an exclusive upgrade item and an item that converts HP to spirit tokens.
Just pop a divine confetti and chug from the terror gourd, though the underwater ones don't even require confetti.
You try to be be a sneaky bastard and stealk kill everything as much as possible until you get caught and then it basically turns into Revengance
lol i didn't kill anyone before me and the npc went in there and i got the npc to survive to the last hit. literally died when juzou needed one more hit to die. you should've went and immediately executed all the little guys first.
>new stuff in Hirata
new? when does that happen?
Imagine a no upgrade, SL1 uchigatana run that relies entirely on bosses entering a critical hit stage.
Just found my first bite down, whats the point?
jesus christ shieldfags were annoying until I got the axe and now they're completely trivial
>dark souls
>dodge heavy
>parry heavy
I mean the game doesn't feel any harder then a dark souls once you grasp the playstyle.
>Not so good without infinite stamina
there are no shieldfags until you get the axe though?
enemies before ogre basically tell you to get fire
an npc a bit before that sells a note that tells fire is in hirata estate
hirata estate has no shields before axe iirc
it should because you aren't just pressing circle to dodge. you have to identify what the proper counter is and pick the correct button, and needing to keep attacking constantly and not just stopping when your window is over means its easy to accidentally overextend yourself, especially on enemies with hyper armor moves.
What's the most Chad way to play a Soulsbourne game? I've always been a fan of big armor, big weapon, 2 handing.
it's entirely possible to miss the axe, same with npc selling the firecracker
it's much harder to miss the fire shot since it is directly on the path
nah it still does because compared to properly built souls character with an upgraded weapon sekiro does no damage and every boss is a sponge who is way more agressive while still twoshotting you.
Giant club all day every day.
dunno, I've only seen it in a stream and didn't get it myself. I suspect it's around the time Ashina comes under siege, right before the final sequence.
>it's entirely possible to miss the axe
you'd have to be a retard
how the fuck do I beat demon of hatred? his swipe never missed for some reason and it does 80% of my health
no, you'd just have to miss one area that is behind walls
Or you just went right instead of left on the street where the axe is
Bam, shield guy
You dont need to be a dick about it, user
the area right next to a shortcut with enemies in plain sight inside it adjacent to 3 other areas exactly like it
>doesn't think to check back before progressing
another brainlet found
Are you joking? It's even easier to cheese than the Souls games.
Just hold down run every fight you retards, there's no stamina so you can just hit and run everything to death
i always went into any enemy in a souls game expecting to roll away and learn an attack pattern Parry was never the immediate best option. In sekiro I feel like I'm almost always on the offensive in a first encounter and you can always start an encounter expecting to parry. that's not to mention t he game gives you the moon rune of justice to let you know that you can punish that enemies move to death when you unlock it
I dunno how built this dude will eventually get but i'm inclined to agree. I'm pretty far into the game (i think) and I still feel like my nip doesn't do that good of damage.
it's not in plain sight when it's behind walls, autist
What If you don't know which way is forward because youre playing the game for the first time trying to figure it out for yourself
iT's NoT iN pLaIn SiGhT wHeN iT's BeHiNd WaLlS
all of this is moot anyway when you should be immediately going up top to survey the area, BRAINLET
Can you get all prayer beads in one playthrough? I havent been looking up any guides but right now I'm three shy of getting my tenth prayer bracelet just from exploring around, but right now I cant find ANYTHING.
>What If you don't know which way is forward
is your internal compass so fucking bad that you don't realize that door behind you is the one that leads back to the idol?
don't ever go camping user
I am still cheesing, bitch.
how do you get lost in hirata estate? theres literally that giant, straight main path that you can orient yourself with.
why are you being so abrasive about this
its ok user
Does the rest of the hirata estate get changed after going back in with Emma's bell? Or is it only the last section?
only the stuff after the big boy on the bridge.
so lorewise, is this game just dark souls style "dude there was a dragon master n shiet, and dat nigger clove the sun in twain with the barrister blade to honor the wolf mother" or is it actually atmospheric like kung fu movies. this is a major factor for me because I dropped DS 2 & 3 because they have shitty atmospheres and I couldn't be fucked to care about the world/story at all
Jumping is so underrated. All these souls shitters are bitching about the game being too hard when you can just play it like Spiderman and cruise through. I think everyone forgot that stamina is gone.
you should know what you're getting yourself into after 5 games.
I remember hearing something about physics being really hard to generate on both consoles, but particle effects on the ps4 weren't as taxing on the system as sort of a tradeoff
Never said i got lost
But my friend went right instead of left and he ran into the shieldguys before the axe
>platinums DS2
>Sekiro looks way too hard for the sake of being hard
Fuck spear niggers. It's perfectly fine to do whatever it takes to put those scum into the ground.
Dammit, I'm so lost now. Normally I'm not one of the people who wants to compelte everything on their first run but at this point I figure I might as well finish the bracelets since I'm so close and on the last boss. I'm pretty sure I've killed every miniboss as well.
do you speak English?
it's not a problem with the processing power but how the game calls for frames to be drawn, the order gets all fucked up.
It should be displaying frames in the sequence 1122334455, but it fucks up frequently so it's more like 1112334555 which looks like stuttering and frame drops.
>not so good
>literally most people have already beaten the game
kek, stop shilling
The story/lore is like that but honestly the level design is so good and the locations themselves look so great that I really felt the atmosphere factor was very high. It's a bit drab and boring at the start but as soon as you're exploring the areas past Ashina Castle it gets way, way more interesting.
I deadass have zero idea how people even get stuck at the Chained Ogre. I guess it's explainable if it's your first fromsoft game, but if you're one of those "hurr i beat all 3 dark souls" shitters there's literally no excuse, the ogre is a VERY souls-y boss
I only got 9 necklaces and assumed I was done since I got exactly enough before the final boss, didn't even know about the red eye guys and the hirata stuff until I saw it in a stream.
>surrendering your things just because someone else used them
Pathetic cucks
>tfw you beat a boss on the first try
I don't think there's a greater feeling than this.
Red eye guys? You mean the surgeon sidequest? Because they only drop red masses, no prayer beads.
>isshin phase 3
man it's just not a fun fight
Just beat Genichiro
Are there spoilers that explain this or is he just a dumb asshole?
>beat seven spears
>nothing behind him
thanks for the bead?
he desperately wanted Kuro's blood and Wolf wasn't going to hand him over
Deepest lore
just run like forsen
at least you get more than one weapon in those games
Not a boss but
>struggled with the boar at the start of the game
>kill the sakura boar in the palace first attempt
Oh I stumbled onto him by accident thinking there was something in Ishhin's room at the end of the game. There's also some redeye nightjar ninjas on the roof but they arent minibosses or anything
>platinum every souls game
>sekiro with no builds is too hard for lil ol me
take your (You) nigger.
- Despite all the exploration and verticality meme, there's no way around to get a Stealth Deathblow so you have to face him "honourably" despite being a literal ninja
- Annoying, pointless adds including one that basically waits to gank you. Have to kill them every time.
- Game tells you to parry things so naturally one of the first bosses has unblockable grabs.
- Players are told by the game to dodge his grab, but the grab ignores dodge. This is only the first instance of the game actively lying to the player about mechanics.
- The second is that the Ogre is weak to fire, but this is a lie. The Ogre is weak to a Prosthetic from another level that is fire-themed, it is not actually weak to any fire. To make this lie more amusing, they litter the area with torches and even an open fire, all of which do nothing
- Awful, just awful Dark Souls 2 tracking. The sort of mechanic you give enemies if you can't design them properly. Ogre tracks mid-air
- Shockwaves, teleport grabs, limbs gaining damage hitboxes before they move
- Can cancel its own comboes for no reason, a shitty idea that was overused in Dark Souls 3.
- Has a reactionary grab that can only be dodged but the boss teaches you that dodge doesn't work, creating a weird loop of demanding mechanics that actively get the player killed.
It's unironically the worst, most badly designed mini-boss in the game. No shit people have trouble.
Just hit him with his own lightning. It does big damage and stuns him long enough for a full combo.
its a dog
This. Sekiro is the best stealth game because it's not a stealth game; the stealth only exists to supplement the difficult combat. You sneak around and stealth-kill enemies to make combat encounters easier.
I agree with most of these points but the fire thing is a weak argument since there's an NPC nearby that flat out tells you how you can find a fire-based tool at the Hirata Estate near a bunch of drunk dudes using it as a bonfire. Like that's incredibly specific info.
You get multiple weapons in those games, magic and you still have all the mechanics in Sekiro but they all have their uses except Parry.
Parry is also useless in this game most of the time because if you don't have perfect timing you take hits that shave off your entire healthbar.
The NPC didn't show up until after I had killed the drunkard and every other enemy. He just sauntered in like the hero of the day, gave his speech, and then was like "Well, it looks like everyone's dead here!"
I was so mad.
- You can hit him multiple times before he breaks off
- There's 2 enemies before him and one that isn't even close enough to aggro
- You have 2 dodges nigger, and the General Naomori Kawarada fight gives you a tutorial message about perilous attacks
- The grab does not ignore dodge, you're just shit
- 90% of moves track up to a certain point. If you were capable of learning timing you wouldn't have made the 4th point
- More dishonest dribble
- See above
- See above
tl;dr you're fucking trash and people have been making low-effort low-skill weeping blogposts like yours since fucking Demon's Souls. Get bent child
>- The second is that the Ogre is weak to fire, but this is a lie. The Ogre is weak to a Prosthetic from another level that is fire-themed, it is not actually weak to any fire. To make this lie more amusing, they litter the area with torches and even an open fire, all of which do nothing
Like I agree with everything else, but come on man this is super fucking autistic to point out. The entire point of it being pointed out that it's AFRAID of fire is to let you know that you can gain an edge by using a specific shinobi tool.
this is the most blatant bait ive seen yet
>dodging grabs
that part IS true though, but unlike the Souls games, the Sekiro dodge barely even has iframes. They want you to dodge out of the way completely, not just iframe through it at the moment of impact
>bull is scared of firecrackers
Even the final boss is scared of firecrackers
>Parry is also useless in this game most of the time because if you don't have perfect timing you take hits that shave off your entire healthbar.
holy fuck you're trash, the parry window is like 3 times as big as it's ever been in a Souls game and isn't delayed unlike 2, 3 and Bloodborne. Frame 1 with like a 15 frame window.
I mean you are setting off like five dozen firecrackers in the motherfucker's face. Even if it isn't scary you're still gonna cover your eyes.
It's still unforgivable.
Anyone, any kind of playtester would have gone back to the devs and said "hey if you put flaming torches around this enemy, it will confuse new players".
To me it just shows that this game is not as polished as people pretend it is. When people say the stealth and exploration feel tacked on, that's probably exactly what they are. The early game in general is badly balanced and it suggest to me that From designed the game from the middle outwards. If you compare "first areas" then Undead Burg and Cathedral Ward feel excessively curated, whereas in Sekiro they're just rushing you to the midgame where things actually start feeling more balanced.
You clearly don't understand the context of why the Ogre sucks which is why you're being an apologist for enemy tracking in a precise action game.
>one of the first bosses has unblockable grabs
When do you want them to introduce grabs, in the midgame, 20 hours in?
>but the grab ignores dodge
I got hit by his grab like 2 times, and only because I reacted too late. Every other time I easily dodged out of the way, what are you smoking? You know you don't get i-frames with the dodge this time around right? You dodge out of the way of attacks and grabs, not through them.
>but this is a lie
It is not. There is a difference between being highly susceptible to flame and fearing it, and being turned catatonic from completely-contained fiery torches like you expect him to be. It would have been nice if he interacted with the open pit fire, although I can't think of any good way to implement it.
>You clearly don't understand the context of why the Ogre sucks
>Dodging is also useless in Souls because if you don't have perfect timing you take hits that shave off your entire healthbar
Well yeah, considering you can sneak behind him the same way you snuck in at the beginning of the game.
>You know you don't get i-frames with the dodge this time around right?
you do but it's like DaS2 levels.
But you get Snapseed from the samurai helping you with Juzou.
Does this guy know about the jump button? Everytime he tries to dodge forward through the unblockable attack I die.
yeah a whole 1
you get like 7 and an infinite supply at vendors later on.
What the hell are you talking about the fire prosthetic? Throwing fire literally makes the Ogre stop in it's tracks and stagger for like 3 seconds, allowing you to wail on it. It's a fucking god send