>dudebros play Call of Duty
>neckbeards play Destiny
>literal retards play Battlefield
>patricians play Splatoon
Why is this?
>dudebros play Call of Duty
>neckbeards play Destiny
>literal retards play Battlefield
>patricians play Splatoon
Why is this?
Other urls found in this thread:
What about Overwatch?
*pedophiles play Splatoon
*pedophiles my bad, autocorrect got me
Same thing
At this point the game is probably less popular than TF2.
>paid p2p multiplayer with no region filtering whatsoever
That's a yikes from me.
Why are you so self-loathing?
>It's a Nintendo tries to stay relevant episode
Literally the only good thing to come out of that series is the character designs and the accompanying porn.
Gameplay-centred game
Is the game worth $47?
no self respecting neckbeard would ever touch Destiny
That's lewd user
If the singleplayer DLC is included go for it. That's important
Have you tried the demo?
please don't sexualize the woomy
It's worth more
Yeah and loved it but I'm torn between that and Smash for $60. I can only get one for now
This. But do sexualize the veemos and weyos
Smash is a meme, get splatoon
I'd say wait on Smash until the full fighter pass drops if you don't already have it.
Fuck woomies
i feel how stage 2 woomy looks
Pedophiles are patricians.
Delet this!! my daughter wouldn't have such a dirty mouth!
Inkling boy is pretty funny haha
>gigachads play Squad and ArmA
You cannot refute this
You should at least get to experience Splatfest before it ends so I would say Splatoon first but I'm biase
What if I've played all?
Radical centrist
They don't need any help to put it that way
actually fucking retards play splatoon
The DLC is a must-have.
A shame it got announced too late I would've loved a deep sea metro based stage + octolings in smash. none of the music in Octo Expansion made it too.
Got announced literally minutes before smash, I think their focus was on the default inklings and the splat1 aesthetic
Get Splat
Smash will have more single-player content and is better for local multiplayer. Splatoon has more stable online multiplayer.
Patricians play Siege and babies play Splatoon.
Discord tranny boogiemen
from a famitsu interview.
Never played Siege. How is it?
W-wait does this mean we were killing baby Octolings in the single player all along?
Alright you convinced me. I'm excited
Man I could see Octoling as an echo so easily. I have a feeling we'll probably get some kind of free or 1 2 dollar, Echo pack in the middle of the fighter's pass. It would only make sense to capitalize on the idea
Have fun dude. Ranked and Salmon run are extremely fun
Make sure it has the Octo expansion!
Because it has interesting mechanics
I'm not sure about your groupings for all the other games though, particularly battlefield. I'm pretty sure they're all played by similar demographics.
it do be like that
any good porn?
Good desicion, it's a core switch experience, and actually something fresh and unique as opposed to smash
Be sure to pick up the octo expansion once you have the opportunity
It's probably a scrapped concept since this 10 years old octoling looks nothing like that picture.
What about Overwatch?
JTveemo desu
it takes like 9 hours of the shitty turf war stuff to unlock all of the good modes though
post webms
Sashimori is the best band.
You can only play Splatoon online. The single player experience is complete garbage. I couldn't even sit through it to get to the Octo Expansion. That's how bad it was. Get it only for online multiplayer. Smash however has a decent offline experience and loads of things to do. And it has a decent playable woomy selection, so if you want Splatoon only for the Squid lolis, Smash also has them.
Sadly but everyone has to deal with it
>You can throw the hammer
at last now I truly see
No one plays that
You couldn't be more wrong tbqh
Smash is only fun with friends, splatoon has a good single player, multiplayer and co-op
the book was better
Octo Expansion has the best single-player experience so far
make sure to get it too.
Use motion controls. You'll thank me later.
Agent 8 needs some playful teasing such as tickling!
I've had more fun playing Smash alone by myself offline than I've had in the entirety of my Splatoon 2 experience. I can't stand Splatoon's platform puzzles, they're too straight forward and what little exploration they let you have is just for collectathons. I wish the singleplayer was more open like their multiplayer maps. In fact I wish it was more like Odyssey wear at least the platforming/puzzles are masked by an explorable map. And the scheduled co-op for Spla2n was the worst idea, forcing you to make time for the game. There aren't even any free-play modes in Splatoon to fuck around in with other players like Overwatch or Halo. You just go in, play your game, then get kicked back to the lobby. I didn't care for all the clothing pieces you had to buy and upgrade either. Just feels like work. It's really too bad because I love everythign else about the game. The art style, characters, what lore we do have, and the level design for the multiplayer maps. The single player experience is so trash though, it's not even worth beating and I ended up just selling it after I got to the 5th or 6th world, it's just a slog. But I can mess around in and play Smash for hours. In fact you can even set the AI to fight each other and watch them while you eat breakfast or lunch. There's just so many more modes you can mess around in. Way more replay-ability imo.
8 has adorable little veemo feet
Boyos of Soyo or trannoids
Oh, and porn obsessed waifufaggots.
Me with Pearl in my lap
What's the difference?
always booyah back
Sorry, I only see people spam "nice" for no reason.
Then what are the classic fps players?
I've been let down too many times to booyah at the start anymore.
Neckbeards who play old DOOM wads and weep over the death of skulltag.
And occasionally shit like splatoon if they're anything like me.
That's literally me.
And what are the half life players?
I love Paruko!
>it's a "kill one Flyfish and two more spawn in its place" episode
sniffing the spaces between woomy's toes!!!
All gave themselves the rope when HL3 story was leaked and it was confirmed to never happen.
jap copy detected
I love Bibi!
Literally the worst way to go about feet, desu.
Tickling and massaging are where it's at.
this happened in GF of some tournament on friday
Woomies and food, the best combination.
And what (again) are the fortnite players?
Literal 14 year olds. Who cares
That's some fine taste.
I'm just trying to make questions to stop this thread into becoming a splatoon one
Splatoon Manga
Oh. Well fuck off then
Make a thread about a game you like instead of trying to autistically shit on a thread about a game you don't.
But i need autism to live
Anyone else feel like they're starting to lose interest in the game?
Imagine taking splatoon seriously, joining a game that's half 30 year old pedophiles and half 10 year old children
Nintendo has a weird as fuck age gap with its fanbase and its extremely creepy
I love non-slutty shota/lolis. It's a shame splatoon's fanbase has got so autistic that most people don't come here for that anymore. They are just desperate to show how much they love pearl/marina (ugly tumblrbait characters) or try to be as degenerate as possible for attention.
>ywn play vidya with Marina
I wish I could play online splatoon 2 but I'm in a south east asia hellhole with a type-D NAT and it doesn't let me play an online matches
I love that Betta
playing it? yes. talking about it? no. Just give a Splatoon Anime already, Nintendo!
I wanna play vidya with Callie
>betta fish being aggressive as fuck
Well at least it's true to life
But we did get a Splatoon anime
I wanna lick that veemo's feet so bad
m-more of this specific cinnamon woomy please
Why do artist take characters that don't have tits, and give them tits, and then anons post that art as if to say "lol look how sexy this character is" as if the art makes them look sexier when they already looked sexy before the artist came and DRAW THEM WITH FUCKUJGN TITS
JT just keeps drawing his veemos and woomies with bigger and bigger tits and ass, just compare his early Agent 8 stuff to what he draws now
that's just how it is.
Why does everything in life become ruined?
It's not even possible to resist
I'm just so tired
Would you fuck ALL of these squids?
Pedophiles are the scum of the internet. No single fetish is more vile, not feet not even furry. No one cares if a pedo gets killed
Blame twitter warriors
Considering he's complained about people bitching at him for sexualizing "children" despite him clearly drawing the characters older with big fat tits, he's probably been making them bigger and bigger in part to shut those fags up
You've been successfully brainwashed by media in order to keep pedophilia an extreme taboo, which creates a scapegoat for the population to be distracted by and unite against while also making cp extremely illegal, scarce and rare, so that people at the top can make maximum profit from their child sex slave trafficking. While you're going hysterical at someone finding a child cute, actual sexual abuse and torture is happening behind closed doors. While your society fears naked children because you're so scared of the label "pedophile", other societies are stealing children off the street and torturing them, and you'll just pretend that doesn't exist because you know literally nothing about protecting children. The Romans and the Greeks, the greatest empires in history, took boy love as a part of their society and part of growing up. Remember, if someone would harm a child, they obviously do not love children, they cannot be a pedophile by definition. If someone would rape a child it's not because they are a pedophile but because they are a rapist. If someone would abuse a child, it's not because they are a pedophile, it's because they are a child abuser. Think what you want, but children are suffering in this world because you'd rather remain ignorant and obsessed over what the media dangles in front of your eyes than actually caring about your society.
It's funny how people aren't satisfied until everything is ugly
Have any of you actually read this? I have no idea what it's about or if it's even good but the artwork is cute
Where my slosher chads at and afro octoling chads
It's nothing to write home about
Do you guys actually fap to Squids or Octos? I just think they're cute.
Not really, I just look up wholesome art. I prefer wholesome art over lewds in general
I've been reading a bit here and there. I just like the artstyle and simple premise.
Only the idols.
It’s made for children so it’s nothing of value
Though some of the character designs like and are neat.
Cute and lewd can go hand in hand, and with lewds, honestly that's as good as it gets.
I'd make love to a woomy, but I'd also cuddle her forever afterward and make her a delicious breakfast the next day.
It's a genuinely good and unique game in a genre that's flooded with generic shit that just tries to catch the latest bandwagon, people just push it off as waifufags/pedos because A. they want to virtue signal about how woke they are because they think anything that's small is a child and B. they've never played the game and have to think of some reason to hate it despite there being few core gameplay flaws.
Post more wholesome art.
>that pic
Do you feel the same way about yebbies?
jt veemo is a fucking god
I wouldn't make love to a yebby because I'm not gay.
But I'd get him something to chow down on too. Maybe buy him some new guns.
>splatfests are just the 2nd worst mode over and over again
I guess it's up to me to provide love for yebbies then
What's the worst?
Ranked modes are shit, also the clout system made it a million times better.
Also Turf war is the only mode where a team that is objectively inferior in skill can still win if they play smart.
What weaponfags do you hate the instant you see that they're on the enemy team?
I want to restore her smile
we do
Anyone with the bloblobber
i love callie! hope im not late to the party calliefriends!
I'm not sorry
smoke frodo
Clam blitz
>only 3 more splatfests left
I wonder if the final splatfest will be another waifu war
Just get one yourself
Callie a cute
I want an eight feet tall veemo...
Welcome aboard to Callie Express
I refuse to stoop that low
Not even dualie squelchers are this scummy
she's so cute friends, my heart can't take it
I'm glad I got to play most of the splatfests while the online was free.
Enjoy the ones left, payfags.
It’ll the only shooter I have a 1000 hours in since COD: MW on 360
They like women with tits. Boobies are nice.
I want to eat her ass
ya fucked up
Do it faggot
jesus those veemo cheeks
So Muhreena gets a free pass when she wins like 5 times in a row but they change the full fucking way of how splatfests work when Pearl does?
How do we call this?
Tits are fucking gross
get out of your echo chamber
Didn't know manchildren has a new synonym
i hitched a ride on someones family plan so it's still free for me
I don't think you know what that means
I could have easily paid for it, but I didn't out of principle. Paying to use the internet you already paid for is dumb.
So I hacked my Switch, since getting banned won't mather anyway.
I don't know if I should get this, I mean it's a team shooter without communication
I have never met someone so incredibly gay before. Like there's gay and then there's (you). Even gay guys still like titties. It's why shemales are a thing.
>patricians play Splatoon
I do.
You hang around like-minded people and hear only similar opinions to your own, chatting it up on IRC or discord about how much you agree with each other out of fear and or loathing of dissenting opinion, completely unable to handle any dissonance with your own worldviews.. Tumblr and /pol/ do it with politics. You and several other posters in this thread do the same, but with how much you retch at the idea of a female showing signs of development past age 12.
And let me clarify: for the record, I think woomies are cute I'm not here to judge anyone's fetishes or tastes. Just the way they parade them around so self-righteously.
That's as much oxygen as I plan on wasting on this discussion.
U gay
i absolutely could have paid for it myself, but i didn't want to give nintendo my money, so i just hopped on some friends plan since he had an extra slot open. If he didn't, i probably would be in the same boat as you.
Pearl is criminally underrated.
I love when this happens.
What the fuck
I'm not even that gay. You wouldn't think I was at all if you met me. Nobody knows irl. I just HATE tits.
No, little assuming user, I do not hang around anyone like that. I don't even know anyone else who hates tits. It seems the entire world revolves around tits, but I don't care, because characters without tits exist. And yet, that's not good enough. Artists come along and they draw characters that don't normally have tits with tits. Just so EVERYTHING has tits. Because that's how they want to live. In their minds, the Earth is one big tit that we all live on. Yes I do respect that people like different things. But I don't think the people who draw tits on everything and post tits everywhere respect that. Never assume anything about me again.
i'd have to agree user
Out fucking skilled
Why does that woomy only have one nipple?
I know user lol. I don't really care that you hate titties. really
Only one that's visible. Artist likes to tease.
They don't have that many good doujins
no she's turned slightly towards the camera so both nips should be visible but it looks like the artist forgot to draw her left boob & nipple
The enemy having a brain fart and a bit of luck.
I had even quicker game, but it, uh, doesn't look so good from my perspective.
>9 out of every 10 doujins are brutal rape degradation ugly bastard shit
Fuck this, man.
I can't even drum up the energy to be mad anymore. I'm just tired at this point.
He's blurred it a bit towards the edge of the tank top, but you can see a hint of pink.
My nigga. No slosher main, but I do love my afro. Wish more people used it.
and that last 1 out of every 10 is either nice vanilla doujins, or snuff doujins
Based tomboybro
I can count the number of sweet and loving splatoon doujins I've encountered a on a single hand, and one of them only barely counts because it's borderline ugly bastard: it's main redeeming factor being that both participants show genuine affection towards each other and both are doing everything in their power to make sure their partner feels good and cared for (it was between Pearl and an inkling man).
i think genuinely ive only seen like two sweet splatoon doujins that haven't been fucked in one way or another, one of those surprisingly coming from infinitychan's splatoon thread. All the rest has been absolutely fucked don't even get me started on the spyke one
>People only buy games that are sexually stimulating
Yeah no, don't
Fucking hell, what causes all this? Yeah, I get it, attractive younger characters will lead to degens coming in, but for fuck's sake, there's still a shit-ton of people who like the cute aspect and want to see more of it. What, are the degens the only ones with money? Are they the only ones who draw? What the fuck even gives?
i think the people who genuinely like cute stuff just draw cute sfw stuff and move on, while the degens pump out shit after shit after shit, and that's what we're left with
It's the only good male hairstyle in the game. Before it I just played default male inkling.
how about lolicon pred vore? Object transformation? how about the blessed /d/orse?
A good chunk of commissioners seem to be those who like fucked up art because that's how they can get their ideas into reality also media with cute stuff tends to get the most weird art from what I have seen.
Military squid shooter when?
Makes sense, I guess.
Doesn't make it any less of a shitty situation though.
forgot a word
>final splatfest is Marina vs Pearl
>they're rooting for one another
i know, it sucks. i just want a genuinely good and cute splatoon doujin every once in a while, instead of the shit we get
Thanks, doc.
Might as well go bottomless
Teasing is hotter than full on nudity
At least we got that one good futa one.
Cuckolid detected
You're right but damn
Maybe someone can drum up enough cash to get something going
Dude, come the fuck on.
I couldn't agree more. I found salmon rush to be a fun concept that I think could generally work pretty well for the a blueprint of a single player campaign along with some structural redesigns. I also think that maybe an open map instead of levels might be more fun, especially considering how how much time I found myself spending in the hub world ttying to find the damn scrolls and salmonella or whatever. I haven't wanted to buy a dlc less, especially considering that I'm never going to be able to have everything I want in the game anyways seeing as how much content they're now locking behind splatfests and scheduled play that I just don't have the time for anymore.
>tfw when you find Splatoon gore.
>He doesn't like futa
The less guys in my porn, the better.
>one good futa one
the only good one i found from infinitychan was between annie and an octoling soldier, it was actually pretty cute
if i ever get the money, i might try to, but getting enough while being a wageslave is tough
No he's not, cocktease always let's people to get away with less and camwhores can get away with never fully committing.
It's a disgrace.
God idk what it is but i love their feet so much. They get me so fucking horny
t. Monster girl fag
Begone footfag
I'm just not attracted to hermaphrodites.
That and I'm just so goddamned sick of seeing it literally everywhere. It's never cute or wholesome and it's just hideous. The only good splatoon futa I've seen was made by eromame and I was still flaccid looking at it.
Good thing I don't watch camwhores
I don't, so I've all but given up on these threads along with Shantae and Hat in Time which are just lewd shit.
>dudebros play Call of Duty
>neckbeards play Destiny
>literal retards play Battlefield
>Retarded casuals play Splatoon
>Patricians play tf2 doom and quake
>Why is this?
Woomy feet is cute.
Wish I was an artfag so I could make lewds for my fellow Yea Forumsirgins.
Tried posting on the draw thread?
There have been Shantae threads on Yea Forums that are almost entirely filled with cute art. Sometimes it's better to discuss stuff on other boards then the one it is intended to be in
but what if i play splatoon, doom, and tf2?
i've made a couple requests, they've all been ignored though
>Using 3DPD
That's where you fucked up. Even then, it's a matter of how it's done like you said. Also, it's not everyone's cup of team. I prefer to see fucking that doesn't have a guy. You do, or some other means. You are allowed to have an opinion. Even if it's wrong, and god help you if you're one of those faggots that think balls is good.
Then you are a Patrician retard casual
I wish I had known this years ago, damn. Thanks for telling me.
Sauce on the artist?
The lewd requests get done a lot more, sadly. Try to think of a request that's interesting but not too complicated
See this:
>no tan lines
The Splatoon fan is immunized against any criticism, one might call it molester, groomer, monster, it all with slip like water on a duck's back. But if you mention their countless sexual offenses, their numerous sexual assault charges, they will shiver in fear, recoil in impotence showing a face denoting: "I have been found out".
>tfw also a patrician retard casual
feels good
ichi27ichi on twitter
it's not bluepilled if you fuck her though
Nice proof that everyone who plays Splatoon is a criminal.
i've tried for lewd as well, also ignored, so i kinda gave up on that idea of drawthreads
i see, thanks anons
you sometimes have to post in multiple draw threads to get it done. You get lucky and it's done in maybe 1 drawthread or 3 but other times it will take 20 tries.
Which one was that again user
For my friend
My friend named my penis
>tfw no attractive non-human humanoid gf
yeah i guess if i really want it drawn, im gonna need to be a bit more active in pursuing it, instead of giving up after a few failed attempts
If Inklings were real I would put my dick between one’s thighs and wear her like a harness
>dudebros play Call of Duty
>neckbeards play Destiny
>literal retards play Battlefield
>manchildren play Splatoon
>patricians play Doom
Why? You can't just respect them as another race of intelligent beings?
If Octos were real I would adopt one.
I respect them enough to consider them more sexually attractive than my own
Citation needed. Bitch where.
>Hating pedos means you support the sex slave business
Jesus christ
How dumb can you be
I want my own Pearl
Octolings != Octarians
you know the fucked up thing is usually when you ask like this, you get what you want
>left two Midnas in
You fucked up user
Doom is for posers.
while based, you fucked up
Twitch “gamers” trying to stay relevant, even when they’re far behind on the latest fads
sex sells you retard
Get that shit out of my face in a Splatoon thread.
>spyke one
Basically snuff vore and rape
Two bombs were not enough
You don't want an explanation
inkling who feeds spyke lunch every day has her kindness rewarded by being raped in the rain and left to melt and die alone and scared the end.
what the actual fuck, now i get what you mean by splatoon having fucked up doujins
>dudebros play battlefield
>neckbeards play counterstrike
>literal retards play cawwa
>patricians play siege
there are no other relevant multiplayer team shooters
>nothing comes up from google, yandex, iqdb, saucenao, or wait
this worries me
>"aw shit nice shot"
>brown popsicle
It was a barely-animated webseries based on the shitty corocoro gag manga.
cause pedophile rapist child abusers don't exist
why white bois be like dis?
oh, i see. That bad huh?
this is the type of shit you'd see from youtube channels "animating" the newest chapter of OPM or some shit good lord
I mean
Even the official product looks like that nowyoutu.be
fuck it hurts, i blocked that out of my memory, at least the newest chapter looks good as always
This is actually common now. General Black got buttfucked the same way.
I had seen that on YT a while ago, I thought it was fanmade.
>Literally Pokemon tier action lines representing movement
It should be a fucking crime to disappoint people this hard
>Saitama starts flying because they couldnt be bothered to animate him fucking Jumping
True, literal teamwork and actual fun gunplay, shame that the content kind of lacks if you compare it to project reality
holy fuck the same thing happened to general black? ive been out of the loop on whats been happening with that series, i just remember the manga hasn't been updated in a while
fuck marina
This was inevitable, honestly. When animation studios smell money, it doesn't matter, as long as it's made. Honestly the first season was so fucking gorgeous it'd be almost unfair to expect a different company to match or surpass it. Season 1 was perfect.
They actually 'animated' the first 10 chapters.
As for the manga, blame the lazy fuck heads in charge of scanlations. At this rate, the Seven Seas translation will overtake the fan one, they're that behind and slow.
independent co.uk/news/science/intelligent-people-tend-to-be-messy-stay-awake-longer-and-swear-more-a7174256.html
not so fast, pedo
i mean just look at the atrocity that was overlord, it started out alright and became a disgusting mess
sucks to hear that about the manga, it's definitely given me a few hearty chuckles here and there
You didn't even mention the vomit, anons
The good news is it's still going strong in Japan, it's just getting some fagets to translate it in real time that's the pain in the ass.
I love the game and all but I feel that it is becoming very repetitive, what should I do!?
take a break for a bit, that's all
in that case, good to hear. Hopefully someone will translate it soon
take a break
Play another game for a while.
To all but the most stringent of autists, any game gets old after a while if it's all you've been playing, no matter how good it is.
Play Doom.
The vomit takes a backseat to rape and murder, user.
this just makes me want to know more, is there a sadpanda link?
dont you have some cp to jerk off to faggot?
Get your threats of lewd splatoon art out of my face.
Get a mic, reta-
Anonymous has left the match
Anonymous has been banned for toxic behaviour.
Actually, no. Fuck you, im doing you a favor
it's best not to know
well i had to try, i'll go looking for it myself, i've seen some fucked up stuff so i can't imagine it being worse, but my curiosity is killing me. Thanks anyways user
That's cute. Bobble woomy cute.
Woomy so cute
Woomy so sweet
I wanna tickle her soft little feet
As someone who appreciates bigger tits and asses, I don't see the downside
it's not the worst thing ever but it does make you feel bad
It's like the cherry on top
>neckbeards play Destiny
Look at 85% of the threads in this shithole
t. Too casual to enjoy Doom
second post best post
hm, it's that kind of situation huh? I took what some of the things other anons said as if it's something you'd see in shock threads
I try not to.
Knock it off with this falseflag bullshit
that's unironically the case for the vast majority of Yea Forums
I try to ignore it.
It's never about what shocks you anymore unless you're a newfag of less then three years. The thing about it for any who have been here for a decade or more is that it just so tiring. back when we were young all this gross shit made us laugh and say "ew!" as we huddled around a computer screen. Those days are long gone. At this point, we just want to see something sweet and wholesome and happy for fucking once, but that wish is so seldom fulfilled it gets depressing, and what once made us laugh and post edgy jokes has become tiring and eventually intolerable. It's not like we haven't seen nasty shit like 2 guys one hammer or shovel dog before, but at this point we're all just so goddamned tired. When you get older and see how full the world is with repulsive and horrible shit, the less you like it for its novelty and the more you realize you took the good in the world for granted.
Woomy pants
yeah, i can understand that. If that's how it is then im done looking for it. My curiosity got the best of me, but you saying that made me realize it's just more of the same shit. Genuinely, thanks user, for saving me from seeing that shit. I really do wish there could be more sweet and wholesome stuff without it getting buttfucked by all of the bad stuff
Here's hoping we can find more of what's good.
yeah, here's to hoping. This thread has already put me in a better mood today than i thought possible
Absolutely based
Then let's keep that up
How do I make these?
I'm right here though.
it never ceases to amaze me that this place one second can be a huge shit flinging contest, and the next it's actually wholesome. You'd think after such a long time i'd get used to it but I never do
Most of the shitflingers are underage, either physically or mentally.
Most others are surprisingly reasonable. See most of the smaller boards.
Nicepost the niggers away, user.
i guess i just go to the wrong boards then
i try my best! only to be called a discord tranny of course, but thats to be expected on here
Post more nice things!
Go away.
We're all gonna make it, bruv.
i love these covers
never thought i'd get emotional on a splatoon thread of all things
Everything is going be a-okay
What kind of vidya does she play
Any fun competitive game
>overwatch is brought in
>seething tf2ponies roll by
everytime lul
just a thought, but i feel she'd maybe like beat 'em ups
t. seething Overpony
>ps4 controller
She an AGGRESSIVE Mario Kart player.
anons, thanks for this thread. I came into it thinking it would just be another splatoon thread with nothing new, but it actually put me in a really good mood, through all the shit that happens on this site, i want you anons to know i love you guys. You're amazing, and don't let anyone tell you any less
Glad you enjoyed
>ywn mating press a squid
I really appreciate these threads. Splat is a great game but I forget to go back to it with how busy I am with new releases. Everytime I pick it back up I'm sucked in for hours though.
>Inklings are evolved species of squid that came to be after rising sea levels sunk human civilization. Circa 2000 years before the events of Splatoon, the Inklings crawled up to what little habitable land there was left on the planet. The lack of space forced the Inklings to fight for whatever territory they could find, and the Turf War as a concept was established. The original Turf Wars were overseen by Judd, who was cryogenically frozen by his human owner before the Earth was flooded. 100 years before the events of Splatoon, the Inklings and the Octarians engaged in a Great Turf War after otherwise having good relations, but rising sea levels caused them to fight over the remaining territory. A young Cap'n Cuttlefish and the Inklings won, forcing the Octarians to retreat into Octo Valley.
What the fuck
Any time
The respawn point is an actual in-universe piece of machinery with lore behind it and everything. If you die during the final level in the Octo Expansion, your character is dying for real.
The whole game is literally a rainbow painted graveyard/ Nothing but bad ends made to look child friendly.
This is like the third time you've posted this today. Get some help mate, lower your blood pressure.
It's because of those respawners the Inklings are canonically hedonistic as FUCK. They literally have a blood(ink) sport as their main form of entertainment. I think this is also why the Inklings in general are kinda retarded. Life has no real value because they can just respawn.
That's amazon growth cycle, regular ones are proven to be similar to inklings.
i dont even play overwatch
you fucking freaks need to get a grip on reality.
It's ok user, it's not your fault the woomys have really fuckable footpussy.
Can I play as a girl squid?
They're advertised far more than the boys. I don;t know why you think it's uncertain you can play as a girl.
No, they are NPCs only
How to girl power station?
Practice your twitch sniping and just shoot them off the walls before they can even jump in.
Spawn camp them
Siege is also based and is the only other non-dumb shooter out there.
Check these tips: splatoonwiki.org
I also suggest you leave it for last. You want to finish it after you've mastered every other challenge in the game.
Make sure to memorize when and where the octoling waves appear.
Finally, practice a lot and good luck.
Switch your weapon
About a year ago I came across a shitpost with a fanart of a woomy getting creampied and it showing the impregnation x-ray. I fapped to that one image for at least a month
I have left it for last minus the last line which is the 4th thang one
>after rising sea levels sunk human civilization
And guess what caused those water levels to rise? Nuking the Antarctic
those must be some powerful nukes
Get the 4th thang first.
You can choose whether you want to challenge the last level even after you've collected them all.
Whatever you do, make sure to get all memcakes. Something very nice happens if you do.
Nah, regular nukes, just ALL OF THEM.
We also had five world wars.
The world of Splatoon is full of sin. There must be a hero to cleanse it of corruption.
Only three more to go before we get squid girls.
The biggest the US ever employed was 15 megatons (Operation Castle, Bravo shot) and it was actually an accident because they didn't account for most of lithium-7 in it reacting (Its primary fuel was lithium-6, which unexpectedly knocked neutrons off of lithium-7 and made it reactive). The biggest ever nuclear device was fielded by Russia: Tsar bomba (pic related), with a completely intentional yield of 50 megatons. It was so powerful that the plane crew dropping it was told there was a solid 50% chance this thing was gonna smoke them outright. You would have gotten third degree burns from 120 miles away from this thing
I imagine a couple of those could burn up Antarctica, but by then, you've pretty much destroyed the entire ozone.
someone actually did the calculation for that iirc. He got about 16 petatons, but that's for one bomb
woomy demands 500 posts
To five hundred posts we go!
Fool, you will not survive the journy.
how to fix /ink/
The only way to get through life as a pedophile is by becoming a higher member of society, most self-proclaimed patricians are probably pedos
nuke texas to get rid of the bitcoin shitposter
If Octos were real I would teach one to take advantage of their super launches to pull of crazy kamen rider kicks and shit.
>try the demo, have fun
>want to buy the game
>don't like digital because prefer having stuff on shelf and it takes up more disc space
>digital is wayyyy cheaper than the physical copy
This is the kind of game you play in quick bursts. Swapping carts is annoying as fuck.
if you had the chance to live in the splatoon universe as a carefree woomy or yebby, would you do it?
Yes. Someone needs to put an end to these hedonistic abominations.
Only if I get to fuck Callie bareback every night
callie is for hugging and cuddles and cheek pinching, not lewds
This. Have at least 3 streamers in each of my games some even plug after each match but those guys usually stop after a few weeks.NA West Coast dwindling pros barely play. AU servers dead. NA East dead. EU good players all on NA because of league making normal players quit. Asian servers I have no idea apparently still popular to an extent.
For the most part, yes, but what about cute lewds?
She's an adult with the same needs as anyone else. I agree she's for cute, but sex can still be very sweet. I'd argue that's when it's best. Hell, if you read the thread, I'm not the only one holding this opinion. Callie deserves love, and sometimes that love is too powerful to express with words alone.
Friendly reminder that octo daughter is the sweetest thing there is.
For protect.
Octo valley are also failed bunker attempts from humans btw
But without strength you cannot protect anything, let alone your octopus daughter.
>They may have killed everyone, but they managed to save everyone who wants to kill everyone.
Score one for the Humans!
Is emunand good yet?
I miss playing.
That's why we work out and sometimes hit up the gun range. You can never be too prepared.
I dont play any; what am i?
No him, but I fare better with classical controls. Gyro and my brain don't compute somehow.
obvious repost
Always funny when those artists draw those shit characters with normal loli bodies instead of the disfigured abombinations they really are in the game with the huge balloon hips lol
seeing that someone saved my happy squib makes me happy
>tfw did almost this the other day
>got splatted at the base of the enemy pedestal
>they won in the end
that's only because you haven't gotten used to them
gyro is literally a gamechanger for aiming on console, the closest you will get to m+kb with a controller, you will be at a massive disadvantage if you don't use them
- Come in Hard -
>Splatoon manga's actually covering Agent 8
>she's cute as fuck
I need to find me some scans now.
What are your go-to shooters anons?
Not to burst your bubble, but Agent 8 is a boy in the manga.
He's also cute as fuck, but probably not what you're going for. The female Octo, Nana is his friend who's absent for most of the Octo Expansion arc.
That would probably bother me if I actually read it. I hear the manga's so-so anyway, but regardless she's still there and still perfect for hugging.
what is with that mangaka and focusing so much on the boys. Why can't he just draw cute girls like a normal person >:[
Played BFV and BO4 up until about december, have only been playing Splatoon since
A friend of mine wants me to join siege but is it actually good or just a massive waste of time and money?
They really need to have her appear somehow in the game. Maybe in the next game she can be a host.
The entry fee for Siege is pretty cheap, especially since it goes on sale a lot. I haven't played it in a while due to fucking up my wrist and it being hard to use a kb+m for games, but the developers haven't been great at balance, so you end up with a good amount of fucked up shit. I last played it when Lion came out, and I was still having fun though
Noob here. Do painting walls count towards the total team points?
Nah, only floors count for Turf War. Painting a trail on key walls is nice for flanking, though.
nope. It's pretty much required if you're playing salmon run however. And it can help in turf too if only to position yourself or something. Other then that it won't help the score no
they don't, but it's often very practical to ink them anyways
>playing the demo for shits and giggles
>trying out no experience salmon run
This feels like a damn farce, 3-4 eggs per wave.
check out /ink/ on /vg/ for salmon run tips
No, I mean I'm used to needing around 20 eggs per wave and going back to apprentice-level is mind boggling.
oh like that
yeah I only recently got into salmon run, early apprentice is really easy compared to even just a few pay grades up
I've been playing it for a really long time. I just felt like seeing what it used to be like. The demo is a unique experience considering how long I've been playing this game. Being a woomy is certainly something else.
Fuck off Rainy