>Win by creating an infinite loop in game logic
Is this the intended solution? I can't remember the last time a puzzle game made me feel this clever.
>Win by creating an infinite loop in game logic
Is this the intended solution? I can't remember the last time a puzzle game made me feel this clever.
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Yes actually.
Sometimes, I feel like I am trying to find a solution the hard way when there is a simpler one.
Is this how programmers feel?
Just tell me if this thought process is right.
>I need to get either Text or a Pillar to the far left
>I need to have a Pillar on the entrance to the Flag room so I can get in and back out
Guys I turned a level into baba and now can't access it on the world map.
Two questions:
Is the WALL level in ABC broken? I checked, and the separate letters aren't counted as WALL after I use the last three letters for ALL.
How I make LEVEL IS BABA in Turn the Corner? I can't seem to do it without giving up BABA IS YOU.
>Do what I just rationalized in text
>It works
Jesus Christ, I feel stupid.
Jam the Baba in a spot next to a level or dashed line segment where it can't move and then you can just hop on.
Or just align the Baba and Cursor on a track piece.
kill yourself shill
Yeah, that's used to access new maps in the overworld and meta levels. Now you need to make Level is Flag elsewhere.
Post screenshots as I can't remember the levels off the top of my head and am not at my home computer.
yes, go play factorio
Question. How can whatever this game is detect an infinite loop in spite of the fact that we know the halting problem is undeciadable?
I'm playing on Switch, and too lazy to move the pictures over.
Level editor when?
>163 levels done, remainder is spread across 4 Map zones, ???, Depths, and all of Meta
Because of the way the game's logic is set up, it reads Wall as both Wall AND All when used at the front of a rule. The game's working fine.
What do you mean? The logic runs only when a key is pressed, ie it's not an *actual* infinite loop, only as far as the game rules are concerned.
>How I make LEVEL IS BABA in Turn the Corner?
Tiny Isle
How do the letters work in meta? Am I supposed to spell something?
Already exists. You just have to enable it in the game files. It's buggy as all fuck though. The full version will be patched in later.
How much time did it take you? I'm 6 hours in and I've done like 50 levels and I feel like a complete brainlet
To get that far took me 29 hours and change.
The common way is to either run for x states and then assume it's infinite, or to mark each state and assume it's infinite if it returns to the same state.
I don't know how it's done in the game but probably neither of those. Likely there is some logic to recognize contradictions since that's the only way to create an "infinite loop"? (in the game)