>ITT: peak moments in Yea Forums history
ITT: peak moments in Yea Forums history
Other urls found in this thread:
The pressing and naive
TJ Henry Yoshi
TJ Henry Yoshi is depressing and naive cause everytime I post a half a press video TJ Henry's home will update to where the scuttlebug was when TJ builds up speed for 12 hours
One of Yea Forums's best moments.
was also one of Yea Forums's last good moments.
Holding something down also counts as pressing, therefore its one A press.
That time people protested outside of Valve HQ and gave Gaben a lootbox. Haha!
Seriously, I don't think the board has ever come together in unison to enjoy something like it did with Haze's Wacky Adventure.
The mistake was having "pressed" being a piece of the definition of "a press".
I'll never forget this shit, it came out of nowhere and started raping everyone.
You can do it Pooh Bear
Explain to a newfag
>only 8 days left until April fool's day
I wonder if the mods are gonna turn us all gay again
GAME ON Yea Forums
You would have to be an actual child to not be aware of the half-an-A-press meme.
Im probably older than most of this board I just never played Mario or consoles for that matter
Just watch it. It's actually fascinating even beyond the meme.
This shit was on easter
Imagine how fucking disappointed Jesus Christ would be if He were still here
>Everything is posted from the 2010s
>Nothing from the 2000s
Man I'm too old for this place
Reminder that mini won for they lewd the most.
Sissyposting was the best thing about that event
>still ended up winning
It has literally nothing to do with actually playing Mario, you literal child.
Have you ever heard of this crazy new site called youtube? You should check it out now that you've opened internet explorer for the first time.
Here's one from '09, user.
Fucking this.
I remember I was spending time at my Grandparents place up in Maine and didn't have anything but my shitty laptop with me.
Spent the evenings playing this and posting about it with Yea Forums. Glad I didn't miss out on it.
I'm gonna go ahead and say that Yea Forums memes before 2010 were kinda shit. Oh boy, another game of pretend thread, I sure do love video games.
Well, TJ """Henry""" Yoshi , you need to update your home to the death barrier.
Those threads were good though
>tfw moved to a small town and now I can't find a femboy fucktoy
Why would I ever watch a Mario video if I never played that game you fucking tool
never 4get
Go back to facebook faggot.
The colossal baby temper tantrum that was "8.8"
>Japan times leading up to SSBB
>every TF2 class update
>Chris Chan's "vagina"
>Chris Chan in general (including the time someone here bought the totem and posted it)
>2D Metroid guy getting BTFO
>Party Van TF2 server
>All Yea Forums game servers before generals got booted to /vg/
>Seething cremefags trying to defame PBChads
RIP AND TEAR PB with chocolate as the respectful rival forever.
press and release are 2 different things
press =/= press + release
if you press the button it's a full press even if you don't release
There was a dino easter egg in that one golden eye looking map
>not screencapping his head back
Literally the worst April Fools. Better step it up this year.
This image is wrong because it implies Mini fought seriously at any point.
Sandraker scum don't know bout my SHAZBOT
How many years has it been now?
Anonymous Agony was TGT-tier magic.
There was something extremely satisfying about being on the Halo Online threads back in the summer of 2015 or whenever it was, slowly but surely making it playable. So exciting.
Unfortunately it doesn’t have the same importance now with MCC coming out
>That chaos engine one
Such a good time.
25th of august 2013 according to my image data
There's a logic to what Panen was trying to explain, however his problem was calling what he was referring to as an "A press" when half of the action is "pressing" and the other half is something else. He should've just called it a half input or something.
>tfw your name is on this list
>hasn't made a commentated video in years
At least it was something, it's way better than just slapping a fucking png onto your page and calling it a day.
>tfw he patched out the hell engine i think that was the name we gave it, right?
Could've just said holding or press and holding. Everyone knows what that means
He hates the meme audience that video gave him and honestly I don't blame him.
don't disturb the fagotron
>implying that we even fought
Stu killing the child of Muk and Sanic
This year we're going to start seeing Halo multiplayer rise again, with mods and tournaments out the ass. It's a good time, and I'm looking forward to it.
3 will be the best when it comes out though
I don't have any images, but there was that one day where every thread and every post was literally just people photoshopping the crysis fist onto everything
>it's 4am in the morning, Stu!
Based minibros. How'd we luck out so good?
There’s a comment of him explaining that he has a falling out with his family and locked himself in his room for 11 days working on the video 24/7, as some sort of a Sisyphean punishment.
When he finally got it done he was burnt out forever.
CHAOS ENGINE, you philistine.
Fair point.
got you bro
Oh man thats right
>all those threads with people slowly but surely gaining control of the forces the CHAOS ENGINE brought with it
It's still in development after the second kickstarter.
Past two april fool’s in a row have been based. Can’t wait for this years.
Speaking of Besiege, whatever happened to it?
>Slow updates just adding more keybinds and shit once in a while, months apart
>The last new Level for the 3rd island was April last year
Jesus Christ.
>2D Metroid guy getting BTFO
I could actually confirm if that's true, no fucking joke
my friend is dating (and has been dating) his sister for years now
his last name is Buchanan?
To this day, the Tribes Youtube playlist with all the gotta go fast songs is the only playlist I have.
No idea, it was on one of his YT vids
>Brazil isn't even there
Mama mia!
With love
This shit was gay as fuck, waifucucks are complete niggers.
>let's talk about parallel universes
A masterpiece, no less.
why is this a meme. i saw the video and still don't get it. is the guy wrong? he seems like he knows a lot why is that bad
part 2 when
my exoskeloteen remains unchecked
>Anthony Burch was never found
quite the time in the pb trenches
everyone gave up hope but we triumphed
>yfw parts 0 and 1 are being uploaded to Steam very soon and part 2 is just missing voice acting work
>tfw to this day people post your images
I fucking miss it.
That cock ring is a nice touch. I need an artist.
is that spazkid? that animation style is familiar.
Will the second part come out? The kickstarter was funded. I'm legitimately hyped.
Never mind, found it. Artist is Roy Arashi.
>patched out the chaos engine
you best be shitting me nigger
>He leveled up
I wish they had made them all tie like they intended to originally.
worst APs in recent years
2017's was the best
god i wish that were me (either)
That reminds me, anyone has that Hail Hydra compilation like this?
The only ones I find are shit and I can't find that Yea Forums version.
He has a lot of interesting videos. Hell, the total legend already reduced the A press count to 20 for 120 stars.
not him but youre taking this pannenkoek shit too seriously man lol, calm down
>check twitter
>apparently might be opening commissions soon
come on please be fucking affordable to us mortal men holy shit
Fucking anders
still can't believe this and
>Why haven't you got a girlfriend Yea Forums?
memes got into battlefield 3. it's actually insane
jannies arent going to do shit. Hiro is too much of a bitch to try anything interesting or fun. screencap this.
>go to sleep being a loser
>wake up in a world where i'm a winner
Peanut made history that day
TJ "Deepthroat" Yoshi
someone download this
'member dubs on Yea Forums?
I 'member
>just looked at Pannenkoek's channel for the first time in months
>madman is doing no joystick videos
Hey, man, I drew that Giygastopher Robin. I was glad to see someone add to it and give the scene bit more character, so thanks user.
The hell are you talking about, he's made these events for the past 3 years
No problem, and thank you for drawing the original Giygastopher! The idea kinda hit me that just having it like that could have had even more going for it, give it a more of a proper feel for the hell we were all stuck in.
If I recall, in response to the Prime 4 teaser, someone went off the handle about how Nintendo will never pay attention to 2D Metroid fans. He posted that pretty much immediately after the Prime 4 teaser, and then later on in the exact same direct, they revealed Samus Returns.
I hadn't had that much fun in years on this site.
Team Creme for life. youtu.be
>tfw you can't find the BLOBLO EXPANSIONS thread in the archives
that's me
>mfw koopa the quick
This poor fucking turtle.
The THI4F streams were probably the best thing to happen to Yea Forums in 2014
He puts out 1-2 per day.
Dododo do
Forget the gloom! If I catch the foundrymans droop...
Someone post the .gif
I had a huge chest infection while those streams were happening and laughing was pure pain but I couldn't help laughing my ass of at them.
>6 years ago
Hey what the fuck
Press space bar to swoop! so immersive! eh eh eh eh eh eh eh
If 6 years went by so fast, imagine the next 12. They're just gonna swwoooop on by hahaha just because the days start melding together doesn't mean it slows down. It should still be September right now.
To make it all the worst, my 70 yo grandmother and I somewhat recently discussed this kind of existentialism and the passing of time. From her perspective, she still feels like she should be in her mid-30s.
This reminds me, did anyone got to be Anthony Burch on whatever april fools event that was??
And the real winner in the end was Mini.
Your grandma sounds like a lame desu
Quick rundown?
I only want Yea Forums space threads to do a comeback, holy fuck, I learned so much on those.
>if I press a once on the computer I just get one a
>if I hold down aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
brought Yea Forums and Yea Forums together for a rare moment of win.
user created an abomination in Spore that it's only purpose was to consume everything on its path.
It consumed everything on the ground, and then user gave it wings, so the nightmares could fly.
The best thing about that was that James absolutely did not give a shit about the autists screaming at him to the point where he didn't even know there were autists screaming at him
These are the type of dudes who work at places like NASA and write algorithms to land space craft on asteroids. Gotta be, right? It's making my brain ache.
the best aprils fools was when they merged boards, i remmember fit+lit, pol+mlp, but id ont rememmber what happened to v, was it merged with a?
I got you
Meant the one on youtube but that also works, thanks.
The only good thing to come out of that shitshow.
>everyone got flags
>every single shitposter was exposed as Canadian
Can we ever go back before the age of moral elitism and virtue signaling? Most western devs only seem to care about pc points and reddit upvotes.
Not only that, but most of the reset era posters came from Canada as well.
>Board merging back literally never
God I came like four times that day.
I was so happy
this was well before ResetEra was Yea Forums's favorite boogeyman
ResetEra is literally just a new incarnation of NeoFAG
Have you forgotten?
That's what he gets for being an autistic virgin who does nothing but play sm64
So I'm playing Secret of Mana with my friend Senate over ZSNES. We just got to The Empire (more than halfway through the game), and he's still wearing his fucking power wrist. It has 4 defense, as opposed to the ~20 defense from the armor avialable to us right now (this makes a lot of difference in the world of mana), but he keeps it anyways because it has +5 STR which he is convinced is more important than any amount of defense (it's not).
So while we were in the shop at The Empire, he gave up control of his character for a moment to go AFK, so I popped into his inventory and unequipped his power wrist so I could sell it and buy a Golem Ring instead. He noticed soon after he returned that his power wrist was missing, and became irate.
So now we're on our way to "potatos" (he means Potos Village) to buy back his power wrist. What he doesn't know is that he can buy it at the shop we just left in The Empire.
I CANT GET THE CAP OFF was good for Yea Forums movie nights
Yea Forums vs Reddit Tribes Ascend tournament
ResetEra is literally the nth incarnation of Gaiafag, you electionfag
I've always felt the Fire Emblem and XCOM playthroughs bring everyone together. I'm not even sure why they're so fun, but they are.
haven't seen that one in a long time
>I was the fucker who put those images together
Time sure flies
>/vint/ never became a fun unlisted board like everyone expected it to when it stayed up for a bit after april fools
No fun allowed, not ever.
I was the guy that got the Jack Frost name. so I at least have that legacy to look forward to.
I wonder if anyone on this board still remembers pic related? It was such a flavor of the month thing years ago that I can't imagine many other people do.
This site has become too cynical and ironic to let anything cool happen anymore
That got a basic flash game prototype made of it, right?
Ancient meme is ancient.
I remember downloading a build of this. It was a flat plane and you could swap between the colors and some text appeared but that was it. Kinda funny, I guess.
Stradiaposting just started two days ago
Wait what?
Yeah, a super basic one.
There were two separate teams trying to actually make the game for real though, and I think both of them petered out after a while.
Yea Forums coming together to try and beat one of the most difficult games ever made.
How Nickelodeon thought this is a kids game still stuns me.
>every team was filled with gay buttsluts
And cancer posters ran that into the ground by making shitty edits of it and spamming threads of their edits.
Reminder that it was an inside job, the sequel to the game referenced the threads.
Remember me?
A bit late to the party there user
Yes because the pooh game was posted 3 hours ago in this thread.
TJ was right
There's so such thing as half an A press
The word press would indicate that it's pressed down. Pannen's half press has the button completely pressed down. The process of pushing a button doesn't include the part where you let go, the process is the pressing of the button down.
Oh man, is this /ksg/?
The only states an n64 recognizes is pressed, and released.
>Or I can eat you out w/e
>tfw you will never go fast again
>try it
>spend 10 min on the first two hills
If there are 2 states, then they can still be bisected.
This shit has me in tears
I forgot how cute ms puff is until now, thanks user
this site sure is a strange place
All faggotry aside, that mentally ill european girl from team mini who started posting nudes on Yea Forums was hot as fuck. What a body.
Highlight of the say to be honest. All the ironic faggotry stopped tohave some genuine heterosexual fap minute.
Feels bad, man.
I think because the normies doesn't understand what is he talking about, things like "defacto speed" sounds funny to them. They are retarded.
I read through this once. It was definitely some shit.
>that mentally ill european girl from team mini who started posting nudes on Yea Forums
Link pls
Chaos engine in that Beseige game.
This is peak Yea Forums and nothing will ever top this. Anyone who says otherwise was not there and should be banned on sight.
what's UTV
Sorry, I don't have any links.
Does Yea Forums have a archive?
You could search it. You know the day. She was really hot and pretty much showed everything, even her asshole.
Imagine being so stupid that you still don't get it even after he spends nearly four minutes explaining it.
Even Henry gets it.
Has this been posted yet? Because it's my favorite thing to ever come out of Yea Forums.
Post chinman
>This was 10 years ago
Sounds like a namefag or tripfag or something.
adorable female human
this guy should dedicate more of his time discovering time travel or something jesus christ.
there was an Antonio Burch, don't have a screencap though
why was this made
>There's so such thing as half an A press
Correct, you can only go down to two thirds of an A press.
this guy was caught abusing his little sister wasn't he?
I hope I get lucky tonight after my shift...
>Persona 3
>Gun pointing at self
>"The enemy is weak to fire!"
fucking LOL
Love the fancy way he wrote “Mario!”
Pic related except Ridley reveal
No screencap, but anybody remember the late night unboxing thread that turned out to be a bootleg Kung-fu panda movie and OP streamed that shit? That was 3 years ago
Second for Youtube link. I can tell this webm is supposed to be built like Strangle, so the music being missing is taking away from it.
any archive of it? shit sounds cash
call me a newfag if you want.
I still can't believe Yea Forums didn't get the reference even after all these years so I'll spoonfeed
Nah, it really was the peak of the last 2-3 years in terms of genuine hype, excitement and happiness
Nine months of nonstop hype.
Nine months of nonstop threads.
Jannies tried to stop it.
Shitposters tried to stop it.
We persevered.
Oh god I remember her, she took the picture with the slipper. She was crazy hot. Jesus Christ. I thought she was from Latin America though.
I wouldn't call reacting to a trailer "Yea Forums history"
I'm gunna destroy you.
I don't have any images of it anymore but the Tortanic was pretty fun times.
Splash tits was a fun time.
Operation Crazy's success wasn't a reaction to a trailer.
>Stu's VA died a couple years ago
Fighting for and succeeding at Operation Crazy wasn't just a trailer thing, shitposter.
I remember when we used to have flavor-of-the-month games we would all play together. Like Ace of Spades, Wurm Online, Tribes Ascend, Realm of the Mad God, etc. I still see stuff like that occasionally, but they don't seem as populated.
Reminder that /mlpol/ was deleted earlier than other merged boards because they bonded and mods were freaking out
Yea Forums buying a couple dozen copies of 4se isn't noteworthy
Blame that on servers dying in favor of gay shit like matchmaking
I remember going into a nostalgia scatman thread and someone posted the video, and everyone went insane.
last one I remember didn't end so well
Now you're just being a newfag
Sure thing mr newfag, whatever you say.
>Realm of the Mad God
/litfit/ was also pretty based
Only newfags call people newfags
SCP Secret Lab was great though. Unfortunately everybody nowadays just plays to win instead of to shitpost because all shitposting was done with after the first few weeks.
seconding this
It was just fun shitposting and no literal gay shit like the pb fags who got tricked by a thot
Didn’t the horsefuckers and nazis actually work together?
I remember it went something like:
>kickoff thread with horse porn n shit
>scare fags n niggers away
>have legitimate political discussion underneath the horse porn disguised threads
They were trully redpilled and saw the whole thing for what it was, a joke
that time with the stickied porn 2 years ago
only time i've seen a sticky fuck up
>when /d/ spent the entire day making giantess and vore porn of the princesses
A man of CULTURE
/mo/ was my favorite. Everyone bonded over a love of machines, and some guy streamed Redline. It was chill as fuck.
videogames is metaphysics. Simple as
Came here to post this
>when kind drawfags on Yea Forums drew fat versions of the princesses
muh dick
>2 years
>URL is now dead
At least a quick google search brought me to an archive of the entire thing. It'll be something to read when I'm getting drunk.
link em?
w-who keeps track anyway
old Yea Forums Tripfag
Yep. Super autism.
some guy made a 4-part comic in 3AB's style. He went really slowly, posting like one part every few days. He had posted the first three parts when an imposter made that comic you see there.
Does anyone have Mini girl?
Okay that makes it pretty funny
>12 years ago
The threads built it up for fucking months, the threads celebrated for even longer. Really the funniest piece of internet culture in recent memory
>mine isn't
phew, never associated with you spergs.
>nu-Yea Forums can't even beat a mentally ill tranny at a children's party game
>tfw in the screencap
the night of FUCK THE OSCARS was the hardest i have ever laughed in my life
i seriously thought i was going to die
Does anyone remember Yea Forumsidya Academy?
You naughty boy
meme aside,
Honestly if you can avoid getting hit power wrist is better than armor.
Why do we hate James again?
>on it
How many of you faggots even browse Yea Forums anymore? That's seven years ago, and judging by the post quality on nu-Yea Forums, most users have been here for a month max and the average age is now 14.
Some people felt he was cucked by his movie, though I've also seem some people saying he was uncucked by his Ghostbusters non-review.
That's the real 3AB, this is fanart inspired by 3AB
I don't get it
After the 12 hour remark video just get better and better it just keep on giving.
does this have sound? i need to know pls
I hope he never become a super rich villain we will fucked in an instant.
>there will never EVER be another tribes
>EYE, AoS, etc. get almost no attention, no servers
>thanks to the no oversight policy from valve beloved games like TF2, L4D, and you know the one get ignored because they're not hip or jewish enough, and the only retards left care more about VR memes, assfaggots, CSGO BR, and fucking ARTIFACT instead of making vidya out of passion
>Bethesda finally screwed the pooch too hard with 76 and ruined all good will left, will probably take all the wrong lessons from it and dumb down TES VI even further finally killing both franchises
>cynical jews in most companies honestly, how few franchises haven't been either forgotten or had their corpse raped with mtx?
>election refugees shat up the site so broadly general humor is worse than ever
>Great threads like travis vs. vore dragon, TGT, besiege webms, never happen/get banned/get drowned out by epic wojack edits, even sticky threads are joyless shit by default
>mod team is made up of the worst faggots they've ever had, hiroshimoot is a chink jew who couldn't care less about the site as long as he can shoehorn more ads in so they're here to stay, any and all fun no longer allowed
>SCP vidya got raped before it could take off by pewdiepie kiddies flooding in (back when he was a screaming let's player and not a commentary shitposter) while SCP itself got raped by ledditors sneaking into the moderation, last fun game was a buggy shitpost devolving into pizza parties and school shooter nerds
>not even decent idea threads happen anymore
>people don't even get ANGRY anymore, Yea Forums's too burned out to give more than a little shit and move on because there's so much shit mass effect 3's ending and tortanic combined wouldn't even register nowadays
I just don't know anymore, there's bright spots here and there sure, but it's just not enough anymore and it keeps getting worse somehow
tl;dr shitty newfag userbase diluted any good left, vidya is dying, I want to die
Who Doodle or Die here?
Has there been one of Killer7?
Holy shit I remember when that thread was active.
It's not a purely Yea Forums thing but I'd say it encapsulates Yea Forums's heart .
Can't believe Yea Forums is still able to shit gold of this quality.
Are you talking about Team mini queen?
You had to be there.
Dumb wojakposter.
the artist who drew this still posts here
I've been wondering for a while, do the boards overlap with /tg/, or does /tg/ overlap with other boards? Because those fuckers seem to be everywhere.
The mid 2010s murdered this site.
Fa/tg/uys overlap everywhere. They're like the OG basement dwellers after all.
It was fine right up until the gayest of gates and the fappening. The 2016 election only made it worse.
/tg/, at least in it's golden age, was famed as "the only board you needed." There was very little moderation past blatantly illegal shit getting purged, and you'd get wildly off-topic threads that somehow ended up becoming tabletop games and completely-on-topic threads that veered off into the strangest of places. You also had the genuinely weird but hilarious random shit like Dr. Assmarbles.
Then nazimod came along and fucked everything up, and the questfag tide and subsequent purge cleaned out what little remained of the assorted drawfags and writefags.
/tg/ here
I was originally a Yea Forums-tard and Yea Forumsmrade.
/jp/ could probably kick any boards ass
I've seen a couple of posters on there end their lives for the sake of Touhou, they don't fuck around
>space dandy
>king ghidora
>jet jaguar
>elf san yasararenai
>rubber nen
>koichi's op pose
>fucking longcat
>fuckton more
it's unironically kinda heartwarming to see all the new and old all come together for such beautiful shitposting, like there's some soul left in this husk of a community
/jp/ is the last board with any remaining semblance of old Yea Forums culture, despite the mods' repeated attempts to kill it and generally using it as a trash dump for generals they don't want to look at anymore
merely a coincidence mom porn blew up right after.
Yea Forums draws ain't dead yet lad.
>that waifu cityscape
Holy fuck.
I'll always consider them poseurs so long as they allow English posts.
It's moments like those that make this place worth coming to. It feels like a long slow death, but death will never come.
How has /jp/ managed to do it?
>How has /jp/ managed to do it?
low board population, a focus on niche content and a high level of elitism
>Wait what?
It's on Strike at Karkand
raw unbridled authentic weeaboo autism scares off newfags who think Yea Forums isn't a jap culture site, and like their country of affection they keep their land ideologically pure and hate foreigners
I remember back in 2013 when moot said everyone should go visit /jp/ at AWA since he said it was his favorite board. Threads that existed for months, just erased.
I wish I could find it, but one piece of drawfaggotry summed it beautifully. Three /jp/ users, sitting at a table watching the stream as moot said those words, and solemnly saying "We did it guys, we won" as an endless horde is about to engulf them.
Did he die?
>1. All images and discussion should pertain to light and visual novels, figures and other otaku paraphernalia, Touhou Project, Vocaloid, doujin works and music, and diverse niche Japanese interests (kigurumi, idols, mahjong, tea).
lol when did this rule change? wasn't the board always just about japanese culture? did their autism flare up when people wanted to talk about samurai or normal topics instead of lolicon bullshit?
Hey wait a minute, going by this rule they can't have language threads. That must be hard.
Yea Forums S1
I mean anor londo is tough at first but it's not that bad once you get the timing down
4 years ago.
Just to suffer?
All these years, and I've never found this site's obsession with post numbers to not be funny.
how the fuck do i forget the name of this kill me now
Sadly this one isn't remembered much.
Got any more HG moments anons? I want to see more of these capped pics for max autistic memories.
What game was he playing?
You know those mosaic box art threads?
Well this is what happens Yea Forumsirgins come together to make a map.
Stop shilling your videos here you fucking autist.
I've seen that picture for years and never knew the context until today
Shark Tits represent.
Please don't.
I even miss the Yea Forums of only a few years ago
Why didn't he just call an ambulance?
I want to see this turned into a game.
How could anyone verify such a thing? Nobody even knows what happened to him. Sounds like a rumor to me.
This site kicked ass. It needed a time limit though
>I even miss the Yea Forums of only a few years ago
It always impresses me how things manage to get worse.
Why am I still here? I haven't enjoyed Yea Forums since 2016, and I really only enjoyed it often before 2012.
Christ I've been here too long.
I don't know about you, but I'm still here because there's nowhere else to go.
This is like the ending of Jojo part 7
we already got basically that with World of Light
>It was fun but then mods decided to kill DoD threads
>Now the Yea Forums room is fucking dead
There's this one medieval Yea Forums series of posts about Dark Souls wheel lore that I wish I had. Powerwalker Kaathe is the line I remember the most.
The early Souls community was something else.
Sadly it got too popular, causing people to become contrarian against it and inviting in tons of posers.
>LMAO the kid died
Thanks, Araki.
Remember, in a few years you'll feel nostalgic over sony wojak anal vore drawings compared to the shit 2020+ will produce
It will always get worse
Peep wojak made me choke with my own spit laughing.
I never participated in these threads since I felt they were autism incarnate. Can anyone confirm?
>that ancient website layout
>that taskbar
Christ that's comfy
I remember making a collage pic two years ago but I can't find it back, fuck.
I also had the list of happenings somewhere.
It is now, but back when it was fresh it was like a post by post Saltybet.
They were the best damn thing that happened to this board.
Through all that, based abel somehow won one for smt in the end.
its a "OG redditors from 2012 pretend to be OG oldfags" thing, its only fair, just some gay e-meetup shit
no fucking wonder spongebob can't get his boating license if this is the shit he has to deal with.
You tell 'em champ.
>Menu bar on the top
Yea Forums: Pro hackers since 2001
>the first time i heard of 4chins
Eight years in this hell
>any archive of it? shit sounds cash
stop talking like a faggot and maybe people will spoonfeed in the future
He could probably find the cure for cancer if he used that autism for the good.
i still miss /cock/
It's going to be a decade for me this October. 40% of my life spent on this site. Too painful to be a dream. Too real to be a nightmare.
that much? lol, imagine if someone spend over half of their life visiting this website, ive already spent half of my life trying to get a gf, and I just turned 28...
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.
Mini best princess. All other teams can love their own princesses though.
>Johnny Cage
Reminds me of this.
The only time one of my tributes has ever won a game.
Update your home to the death barrier.
I wasn't around for it, but I've heard the true /pol/acks were grateful for the horse pussy purging normalfags who had infested the board due to the election.
Meanwhile the nor/mlp/eople were also supposedly happy to have a red board.
>ive already spent half of my life trying to get a gf,
Don't fuss about it too much until you get your life in order. If you got your shit together, you'll be date able well into your 40s.
As for me, I don't know how I'll handle it if I'm still posting here when I turn 30. I might just die of sheer melancholy or something.
holyfuck, so much detail in one image
So... like every carnivore run ever?
>if a major game dev ever did something like this on Yea Forums nowadays there would be a huge shitstorm from the kotaku/reddit/tumblr/resetera crowd for pandering to a "nazi" website
I wanna go back.
old DSG threads were comfy as fuck
so much great fanart, too
google "powerwalker kaathe"
try the second link
it's reddit but they have the image
While it was probably on /vp/, I got "Celeste Luna" in a thread in which your name was what you'd have to use in Pokemon Sun/Moon.
I thought this was a joke wtf
too much fucking nostalgia in one image
I was actually hoping someone would share some since I lost them since then
Anonymous Agony
It felt so good to be a peanut bro.
>there used to be a lolikon board
i want to go back
So you can download poorly drawn 600p pedo drawings in a board that gets 50 posts a day at best?
I was the first person to post this on Yea Forums, AMA.
>streamer still lurks Yea Forums sometimes
>rest of the series is confirmed already written and the creator is working on it again
Are you ready for the trainwreck that is part 2?
I don't get it
Is this some of the Mario autism that I see posted here sometimes?
Did you hear about the player who told the witch her house was destroyed?
How are you lately?
I remember the mystery. Shame about the product tho.
I miss Pokemon threads before /vp/ became a thing.
listening to coherent autism is actually kind of relaxing, it's one of those videos I don't mind watching the whole way through
>we'll finally get to learn what the fuck was up with The Patriots
how did you know?
Remember that time Kamiya came over?
because I remember old /h/ and figure there's no way a pedo board would have more or better content in 2005. count your blessings. if you want pedo hentai there's never been easier access.
I can't believe it's been over 7 years.
I think I mentioned Dark Souls kart, or skeleton wheel racing in a thread and that artist ran with it sometime later which was cool. I could be fucking wrong though and just misremembering things
Can't help but feel that the first guy will get the last laugh anyway.
Don't forget the guy who said there was no way they'd remake CTR literally 30 seconds before the CTR remake was announced
>on it
i know this feel
Some good things have come from console wars.
>Take aim with Kirby!
When was this? These are incredible.
Those let's plays of Persona 3, 4, and SMT: nocturne is probably one of the best things that ever happened on this board. Does anyone still have those wallpapers?
that shit was pure kino
I miss things like this. The last time I saw someone try a thread like this it got derailed and the thread deleted.
Do you mean this?
>/pol/ thought they could outlast and out degenerate /mlp/
>they were wrong
/cock/ was a ton of fun as well, man I miss those times.
holy fucking zoomer
casual friday?
Best fusion coming through
Still sad they didn't merge /x/ and /d/, mean they're damn near the same place but why not spice it up for a few laughs.
Remember the Yea Forums mansion?
There's this one tale I'm gonna try to find.
Also, E3 stories. I still remember the one about Gabe being airlifted in while Flight of the Valkyries plays and/or devouring a hot dog with his ass.
>when the artist from Rhythm Heaven drew the mini princess
It still hurts
That happened in Yea Forums as well. It's scary how the flags outed Canadians as the shitposters of Yea Forums.
It's clear the leafs were throwing shade at our aussie cunt brethren to fool everybody.
>he also drew pedobear
Found it!
I normally only slightly chuckle at the shit I read on here but that line sent me into fits of laughter that left me in tears.
Ricky Bobby will never fail to make me smile.
>played it on day 1 when Yea Forums was shilling it
>didn't pay attention to threads until I beat it
>it was the nippon version so I couldn't read the menu for shit
>didn't know you could upgrade the entire time
>beat it anyway
>things that never happened
>woah user you must be really good with computers you got the bar on top
>now forever the computer guy
Also found the Gabe story, but only in text form.
>Crowd is asked to gather outside
>Everyone is waiting
>rumbling in the distance, helicopters
>a crescendo of orchestral music fills the city
>Four Mi-26 helicopters emerge over the horizon, all carrying an enormous object
>music picks up, flight of the Valkyries can be heard
>Gabe now clear seen under the choppers, is singing the song
>Crowd starts losing their minds
>Gabe is directly over the crowd
>Sweat is raining down on them
>A man runs quickly through the crowd
>The crowd falls silent, Gabe takes out a massive hotdog and stick it in his ass
>The crowd screams
>Gabe's ass is slowly slurping the hot dog inside him
>The man running through the crowd reveals himself, he is a Vietcong
>Fires an RPG at one of the helicopters, destroys the cable mount
>Other 3 choppers can't hold up Gabe and the hotdog,their engines start to smoke
>Three loud bangs are heard, the cables support Gabe snap
>Gabe's ass finished devouring the hot dog as he plummets towards the crowd
>There is no escape
>Gabe hits the ground with the force of a 500 kiloton nuclear warhead
>A fissure opens up in the earths crust, running completely around the planet
>The resulting stress causes the earth to fracture in half
>One half of the earth is sent into the sun
>The other is doomed to wander the cold darkness for all eternity
>Millions of years later, an alien race discovers the remains of the E3 event
>They discover the frozen remains of a very large creature
>As one exploration team enters the creatures mouth, it's jaws snap shut
>The creature begins farting violently, shaking years of ice from itself
>Slowly it begins to move
I think anons stopped writing this sort of stuff because E3 became so dull.
Lots of Yea Forums's favorite devs have also fallen from grace as well.
it did.. I one shot all of them except chris, which took forever to be fair
>I one shot
stopped reading here
ay thanks for this
This video is my favorite video of all time, i show it to anyone who hasnt seen it and its a journey every time
i fucking love the look of horror and confusion on their face every time he pauses the video and starts explaining a fucking chart about parallel universes
the best meta comedy ever made, a true blessing
fuck, meant to quote OP
Oops, forgot the last part.
An ancient obesity
>Gabe's eyes fly open
Has Awakened
>He didn't see the guy get modded for unmarked spoilers after posting that PB was gonna win in the end
I knew the script all day
I'm sorry you lack basic reading comprehension.
/fitlit/ and /mlpol/ should have stayed merged
>friend's name is on it
fuck that's why he never wanted to play
Give it back! It was ours.
>The creature begins farting violently, shaking years of ice from itself
it got me
And pepe, and a wojak doodle, he also posts in /i/.
He pretty much draws anything in a cute way.
Please spoonfeed me AND bully me
yeah sure
>those Demon's Souls launch threads
God, I miss it so much
Been a while but I think someone managed to grab an early copy of Thi4f before launch and was streaming it on some Russian stream site for all of Yea Forums to ridicule the game.
This died too quick.
what happened here?
You know I never had a piss 3 so I never got to play the og, but with rpcs3 coming along like it is I should finally take a whack at it
Surreal to think we have gen 7 emulation on the way (besides nintendo's """""gen 7"""")
Fuck i guess nobody saved it. That's what I get for being a newfag
I'd post the "Yea Forums plays Doodle or Die" picture I have saved but it has uncensored sharktits on it.
Remember when we could post uncensored tatas on blue boards like Yea Forums and Yea Forums with little to no fear of repercusions?
Is there a way to discribe the half a press without sounding autisic?
Imgur it
nothing can escape the autism that is halfA presses
Begone, shark monster!
A hold
good call
"We catalog each level of the game but we plan to do all of them sequentially. So if a level requires techniques that can only be done while holding a button, for clarity, we catalog it as a 'half A press' since the act of pressing the button can be done in an earlier level, and our goal is to press the button as few times as possible."
Ok. Threw in some Skyrim Legendary Edition Preorder Bonuses as a... well... bonus as well
>never gave a shit about DSP in my life, barely knew about him beyond the "This is how you don't play MGS2" stuff
>happened to hop onto his stream on a whim just to see what all the fuss was about
>mfw it was the day fucking THAT happened and I was immediately greeted with him jerking his dick
What an introduction.
Thanks, doc.
Remember to be the change you want to see in Yea Forums. Don't respond to shitty wojak/frogposters and outrage bait threads, and if you absolutely must for some fucking reason, use sage, it still works.
Unironically fappable
>mfw PB
I-I thought we couldn't do it bros
Never reply to low quality threads. Report and ignore.
you came at the best time
dragon dildo x dragon pussy is a good match
Quality thread. So long, "friends"
this so much
Pic unrelated I hope.
That video was nothing but pathetically embarrassing INCEL autism and one of the reasons why gaming is still considered a joke by many.
>final month of Toontown Online where membership was free for everyone with Yea Forums
>thread's over
See you niggers next time.
>Nearly any stimulus will cause 1-diazidocarbamoyl-5-azidotetrazole to detonate.[4] When an attempt was made to chart its infrared spectrum using Raman spectroscopy, it exploded.[2]
That's pretty fucking exciting/terrifying