Why is being a villain always so cool in video games but not really in real life?
It's always cool when you can play as the antagonist, but most of us are perfectly straight laced citizens other than occasionally torrenting software or using drugs, Why isn't being evil a viable option in real life?
I guess if it was real life he would have been executed for his crimes instead of having a family and living a normal life.
Brody Ward
Being lawfully evil is the surest way to success.
Henry Hall
Like it or not civilization is based on cooperation. If you're not in a position to manipulate or coerce people you have to learn to work together with them. If Sasuke had played nice and bided his time a couple of years, then he could uh fuck I forget what it is he wants. Revenge? Couldn't he just shit in the headmaster's tea or something?
Josiah Brown
Sasuke was the absolute worst part of Naruto, even worse than the shitty war at the end. How fucking dumb do you have to be to finally learn the truth about your brother and go completely against his wishes.
Elijah Diaz
Because real evil is retarded.
James Howard
Sasuke was entertaining enough. The worst part about Naruto will always be that it existed.
The difference is that unlike in video games and anime you can't "train" until you become so powerful nobody can stop you.
Sasuke/Sephiroth/etc would just be shot the instant they tried to do anything cool in real life. Imagine if someone robbed a bank but had such supreme martial arts ability they defeated the entire local police force before escaping, but then also somehow magically had somewhere to go. It's just too hard to get ahead by being evil in real life.
Chase Williams
This was the exact moment I dropped Naruto. I picked it up around the Pain stuff, but the ending to that was fucking terrible. No idea how people stuck around with that.