Were early 00s a comfier setting compared to the planned late 10s or is it just nostalgia?
VTMB 2 Vampire The Masquerade
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early 2000's were definitely comfier.
VTMB2 is gonna be about trans, gays, blacks, cis whites, and other retarded political shit
VTMB isn't meant to be comfy, it's horrible and degenerate.
Nostalgia. You long to return to your childhood as your adulthood is an unending experience of misery and pain.
Well for one they didnt have phone cameras back then.
It's weird seeing zoomers now posting childhood nostalgia on social media for the LATE 00s-early 10s. Just a few years ago, that was widely considered the downfall shit era.
The world legitimately is far more annoying now than it was in 2005.
Everyone remembers their childhood fondly, no matter where or when you were. People in Russia who are old enough to remember still talk about how great the Soviet Union was.
Why are you posting this again?
This, the only comfy areas were your safe houses, LA is a shithole even back in 2004
>People in Russia who are old enough to remember still talk about how great the Soviet Union was.
Complete lie, everyone I know who was an ex-Soviet citizen admits it was shit.
Smartphones ruin most of these supernatural stories.
do i preorder or what? help me decide.
This. Hopefully it doesn't cram it in your face, but it really seems like it's going to.
There's a tendency for people to try to look wise by claiming that everyone wishes for their younger years and that it's just nostalgia and fear of getting older. They're wrong though. Things are legitimately shittier now. Everything is shittier now. Every cell in your body knows this.
Doesn’t smiling jack reference cameras and camera phones in the beginning of the game? Nothing really changed, break the masquerade and you get caught.
Literally all of that was in the first game.
i just reinstalled with clan quest mod, is the sabbath path worth doing, or is it badly written?
Setting is less believable in 2019. Just look how every UFO, yeti and lake monster disappeared when the smartphones were common.
Yeti's just improved their technology along with us. We don't see them anymore because of their advanced cloaking devices.
You’re wrong. 2019 is the perfect time. People fake shit all the time including big media companies, average citizens don’t even believe the news media. Nobody knows what is true and what is not unless they see it for themselves.
It was better.
I think the biggest issue is how everyone and everything now is so pretentious, so serious, so full of themselves even though everything is so fucking hollow.
Games before were so fucking chill, didn't take shit seriously. VTMB, Deus Ex, Postal, Serious Sam, Alpha Protocol... you can't get any less serious than that. The irony is, many realize it, but just because they realize it, they think it doesn't concern them, and that they could mock it. Imagine a pretentious game trying to mock pretentious games, and that's about 90% of games these days.
It's nostalgiabait with extra AIDS
Yeah, that makes sense for the Yeti, these fuckers are really smart, but Ayy LMAOS barely have anything better than anal probes and FTL travel and the Loch Ness monster is a retarded inbreed (he's Scotch after all).
Again, that would fool discord trannies and /pol/tards, but most vampire hunters have at least 2 points on INT.
late 10's has comfy potential
this could be the main problem, but you could do it from an "Alex Jones tells crazy underground stories" kind of approach for maximum comfiness
80's or 90's would have been even comfier.
For those lore nerds out there
These are the "old" ones, right?
I don't actually remember. I saved it in 2015 and completely forgot about it until i checked today. But probably, yes.
What do you mean? There's way, way more videos of all of those things than there ever was. You can go to Google and find hundreds of videos of every supernatural thing from ghosts to vampires to aliens.
It's the perfect cover.
They should have set it in the future to compete with Cyberpunk.
You need help. Sitting on Yea Forums spamming this image every hour after the announcement isn't healthy.
You don't understand user, there are people working on the game who aren't white nationalist KKK members! This is really bad! We can't let this happen to our game!
not him, but your cope is showing
hope youre ready for SRS side quests
There are a lot of shitposters in these threads now but she does seem like a dumbass hypocrite sometimes, it's a genuine concern. Just hope that the other team members keep anything like that she might try to put into the game in check.
So I'm planning on going a Venture using guns for my next run, is there any specific stats that are completely useless to use? Any tips on how I should build him?
I've done a lot of runs as Ventrue/Tremere/Malk, and I dont see how you could fuck up any character with any goal desu
Don't invest in the haggle bullshit, don't get more than a few points for seduction at most, dont go beyond 6 research (or at all if you arent going to minmax with books). Intimidate will be useless as a Ventrue, as it is in general, but persuasion up to ~4-6 comes in handy occasionally even with domination
>Any tips on how I should build him?
I'd get level 3 Dominate and then put more points in Fortitude. It might work well to use SMGs and shotguns with Fortitude since you can be in close rank and tank damage.
About to start my first playthrough of this, trying to go in as blind as possible.
Is pic related a decent enough build? Or are there any red flags? Race is Brujah btw with "Cam Girl" history.
I thought she was mainly handling side quest, which could still end up horrible, but Mitsoda has final say on the main story.
What the fuck is a SRS?
Kek, you've obviously never played the first one.
/pol/ shills aren't even trying anymore these days. Sad!
Only big ol dweebs listen to goth or black metal anymore. Not sure what culture this one can latch on.
If you're playing brujah I would put more points into melee combat.
Got it, I'm going take the 1 Security point away and add it to Melee instead. Thanks user
I am 99% this is going to be either shit or vaporware. I loved VTMB but I just feel it in my bones. I've been following the vidya industry for decades and all my instincts are telling me this is a huge red flag. Not sure why.
it's not developer's fault zoomers are turned out to be degenerates.
cry more, /pol/incel faggot
>But unlike the original title, players won't begin as a part of their respective faction. Instead, the newly fledged vampires will begin their journey as a "thin blood," an inexperienced creature with little respect among others of their kin. In order to survive the dangers that dwell within the city of Seattle, players will adapt and evolve their vampire powers
Lack of build/chara creation has me worried.
Sounds like Skyrim...
yep just like hitman absolution, nu-thief and and most wanted 2012. big disappointment
On the other hand, Tides of Numenara wasn't so bad.
Actually I'd argue it's meant to have them both be an aspect of its world, and is done extremely well.
It's going to be lame because the '10s are a real pain in the ass, and a setting set on that will be nothing but cringe.
What was the last good era here?
I don't know, the big difference here is this seems like a passion project for Hardsuit. Similiar to CD Projekt RED and Witcher 1.
there's really no point in splitting points at start, since the more points you go into an attribute the more exp it requires to raise it. May as well go all in per skill at the start for the most efficiency
2008 is when the decline started
things started to get shit when smartphones became mainstream.
Actually 2005 when the zoomer era began
I bought the GoG version on Yea Forumss recommendation. So far its pretty cool.
But why the fuck does my screenshot key not do anything?
>Yea Forumss recommendation
Yea Forums (which is only one person, me) always tell you to pirate it instead of giving money to the people that killed the devs.
2000/99 is the comfiest desu
I just hope they don't fuck it up.
Okay. How do I save screenshots on the identical pirated version?
Badly written but worth doing for the nostalgia.
>dlc pack
>probably p2w items for multiplayer
Yup its already ruined.
I don't think there is a multiplayer, is there?
In this day and age since when does games do not have multiplayer?
They haven't said anything yet. The original didn't have and they have adamant on reminding everyone that this is, indeed, a single player rpg.
I'd be surprised if it doesn't include a Battle Royale mode.
Plenty of games in this day and age don't have multiplayer... are you retarded?
No you wouldn't