>be blizzard >spend millions of dollars each year to maintain Diablo even though its bleeding money >spend hundreds of hours on developing patches for Diablo 3 >decide to a create a new Diablo game and try to revive the genre >spends million of dollars and hundreds of hours and manpower to develop Diablo Immortal >announce Diablo Immortal at BlizCon >some random bald Moby-wanabee wants to ask a question >"yea lol dis April fool jokes or what??"
Wtf is wrong with gamers? Why was this nigger so rude??
>decide to a create a new Diablo game and try to revive the genre
I hope you feel silly saying that out loud because it is. It is not a Diablo game, it is a grindy ass china made microtransaction infested cash cow of a mobile-MMO with a Diablo skin on top. Presenting that as a "Diablo game", as you do, as they did on fucking Blizzcon of all places, they deserved every bit of ridicule they got and then some.
Chase Howard
But they aren't spending any money on patches nor did they develop immortal. They outsourced it to the Koreans
Henry Clark
No wonder that video game companies dont give a fuck about gamers anymore. Gamers are entitled brats that will never appreciate the amount of money and time that is invested in the development of games. Hope Stradia takes off.
Mason Torres
>It is not a Diablo game, it is a grindy ass china made microtransaction infested cash cow of a mobile-MMO with a Diablo skin on top
just google "endless of god", it's made by the same company that's ""helping"" Blizzard for Diablo Immortal :^)
Jack Lewis
just google crusaders of light. same developer, same layout, same everything. except diablo icons slapped on top of it
Gabriel Nguyen
>fans want sequel to game for years >give them a shit mobile game instead after teasing a big new reveal for the series >fans upset >"why fans bad" I know it's a troll thread but fuck
Easton Cook
on top of it even chinks hate the developer. i remember i saw some kind of interview with some chink who said that
Easton Adams
>decide to a create a new Diablo game and try to revive the genre
There are already a ton of mobile Diablo clones that exist in app stores, each one is just a micro transaction cash grab. The only difference with Immortal is that Blizzard's name is on it.
Brody Reyes
>increasingly ramp up anti-consumer practices >actively disregard your vocal community at every turn >company management goes so far astray each founder and legacy employee jump ship one by one yes, it's the gamers who are to blame
Gavin Flores
They targeted corporations. Corporations.
Elijah Evans
>spend hundreds of hours on developing patches for Diablo 3 What patches?
Jaxon Reyes
That was b8 you replied to and everyone thinks your dumb for replying to it.
Lucas Ross
>spend hundreds of hours on developing patches for Diablo 3 >spends million of dollars and hundreds of hours and manpower to develop Diablo Immortal
OP you know he was referencing the joke that blizzard made years ago (2014) about making diablo mobile right? an April fools joke. it was pretty justified if you know the history.
I swear, they sit there on stage and are like "MOBILE DIABLO AREN'T YOU EXCITED" when they WELL fucking knew nobody asked for it. You could have asked a hundred people at that blizzcon before hand, or at any vaguely gaming related event, wherever you expect your target demographic to be at, ask a hundred people "hey would you think of a mobile diablo game" and 80/100 would have said "fuck off" and the other 20 would have went "maaaaybe, if they don't fuck it up". It's not a thing to be excited about for anyone. And they can not possibly NOT know that, like I would have to assume them to be pretty damn fucking stupid to be THIS unaware of what the players are looking for.
They aren't that stupid. They are just greedy fucks who thought, eh, the scummy chinese cash cow devs are proposing a potentially lucrative offer so let's just go for it. This isn't their "grand vision for the next chapter of diablo", or whatever their marketing mumbo jumbo was. This is an experiment, and the initial reception was about as bad as they could have hoped for. Can't come as a HUGE surprise either though.
Adrian Fisher
No, they targeted the Chinese. The entire point is China, they just need Westerners to know about it so they can say >IT'S BIG IN AMERICA!
Gabriel Morris
>to develop Diablo Immortal They developed jackshit and reskinned a fucking chink game
Even the chinks who programmed it fucking hate Blizzard
Elijah Peterson
actiblizz is in control now. blizzard has no long-term plan. titan was cut short, OW has no shelf life and no future to expand into. it's clear activision doesn't trust them to deliver on a larger vision.
Levi Reyes
corporations are not your friends, user. Also, you can or not buy their shit, it's a free market.
Jack Gomez
>corps are not your friends >Yea Forumseddit defends steam for free
Matthew Davis
>this is what phoneposters actually think
Gavin Davis
>comparison that is not subject to the argument
Jaxon Sanchez
why would you not defend free shit? are you retarded? You can also, not use it, it's free.
Ian Roberts
>Months before blizzcon Blizzard tells diablo fans to get hyped. >All diablo fans are excited and eager for a sequel. >Like two or three days before Blizzcon blizzard tells them to tone down the hype. >Then they only announce a mobile game a huge dick to all diablo fans. See if blizzard didn't hype all diablo fans all of this would have been avoided. They are to blame.
Jaxon Lee
>they spent money therefore everyone has to like it How much are they paying you to shill?
Tyler Wood
455767818 >PC event >Announce mobile shit I know, you're baiting faggot, but fucking hell kys YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT!!!!!!!!
Austin Richardson
He was a bit rude though. It's not like you have to pay just to get into that convention.
Robert Turner
Jacob Smith
Who gives a fuck how much money a company choses to spend or not spend on a product? Your gratitude begins and ends with the money you chose to spend on their products. Is it an American thing where you start to empathize with a corporation and act like they're your friend?
Nicholas Hall
$2 in BlizzBucks has been added to your account, OP! Keep up the good work!!!
He was right to ask. It was a fucking joke, just like your mom not coat-hangering you.
Eli Reed
Google isn't going to send your check if you keep fucking up the name idiot.
Cameron Roberts
Nah, it's just typical fanboyism when fans treat success or failure of a corporation as their own because of how much money and time they spend on it.
Camden Myers
>*destroys your multibillion dollar company with one question*
Henry Richardson
>go like 5 years adding nothing to diablo 3 except one new class and miniscule seasonal changes like one new ring slot or double bountry rewards (yay) >announce everywhere that they have HUGE BIG NEWS for diablo fans >just before blizzcon tell everyone that its NOT diablo 4 >diablo fans, champing at the bit for new diablo anything, start speculating that we'll actually get a new story chapter for d3, or a diablo 2 remake (it is, after all, HUGE BIG NEWS for diablo) >hey guys it's an outsourced mobile game dear diary, today OP was a cataclysmic faggot yet again
>Learn how to cause massive layoffs with this one simple trick
Chase Scott
I used to have day dreams where I would stand up in a lecture hall and tell off my professors, much to the acclaim of my fellow students... This man lived the life I dreamed of.. He's the true Hiro Protagonist
Jordan Taylor
they're limiters. if he had taken them off, the entirety off blizzcon would likely have been APM'd to into oblivion
Leo Gray
they didn't though, it's a ripoff of a chinese mobage that existed before it called Endless of God
Tyler Powell
>Wtf is wrong with gamers? Why was this nigger so rude?? He's just being a typical gamer user. The only difference is he decided to do it in a real life QnA panel instead of anonymously on the internet.
Thomas Allen
Blizzard actually did announce a Diablo mobile game as an April Fools' joke one year, so maybe he was wondering if they were doing that again.
Parker Perry
Don't forget >Trashed all the future expansions before seeing how reaper of souls would do >Turns out great and the only other content they add is a class from previous games for 15$
>be blizzard >make several terrible business decisions with the worst offender being a mobile game nobody asked for >disappoint the people who buy your products >"you gamers are entitled. Don't you have phones, lol?" >fire a fuck ton of people
Wtf is wrong with big game studios? Why are those niggers so rude?
Dylan Green
>>spends million of dollars and hundreds of hours and manpower to develop Diablo Immortal PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
Robert Gonzalez
>All those years >All those millions >All ruined in a single moment by a follicular-challenged Hero of Justice
Lincoln Morgan
>Don't you see? Don't you see that Blizzard poured its blood and soul into providing a new game to us, ungrateful gamers, with all the goodness of its heart? And this is how you react? Spitting in its face! You know nothing! And deserve NOTHING!
Jackson Cruz
Why do Americans always explain everything to protect the honour of big corporations?
Wyatt Robinson
>Do the most basic shit that you were always supposed to do >Create a stinker that doesnt cater to the main fanbase/dont read the room and put emphasis on the side thing that the fanbase doesnt care about instead of the main thing and then condescendingly insult them. I feel bad for the dude because he was put between a sword and a hard place and no matter what he said he was already fucked but he went and said something that drove them downwards for no reason at all.