Did people lose faith in Sony?
How come no one is hyped for this?
Other urls found in this thread:
because there wont be ape escape 4
It's probably just gonna be some boring naughty dog bullshit but I hope they show ghost of sushi.
They had so little faith in PSX and E3 that they bailed on them completely.
And yet they want me to have faith in whatever the fuck State of Play is meant to be? That thing that was revealed out of nowhere, in between the aforementioned cancelled events.
I'll watch it sure, but my expectations are rock bottom.
>being hyped for SNOY
We'll see in a few hours.
It will never be or beat Nintendo direct.
no thanks i'm not into walky talky games
Also who is going to host it? Nobody likes, cares or recognizes Sony people.
Because we have no previous examples to base our expectations on?
What are they going to talk about? How shitty days gone is? How shitty psn still is? How shitty backwards compatibility is?
All these tendies having a mental break down over a jpg.
Can't wait for more banjo guy and sweaty kike dykes.
Sony can't into video games.
GT Sport
MLB 19 Final Reel
Name Change Update
MediEvil release date
NISA project
Everybody's Golf VR
Astrobot Co-op
Nioh 2 update
It's not so much no one has faith as it is no one knows the damn thing is even happening. Sony has done a completely shit job at getting the word out that this event is even happening.
What time is the shit on?
Because 99% of the people who would watch it are going to be at school or work during that time.
I already know what they'll show anyway
>DLC for GT Sport
>Preview for Days Gone aka Not The Last of Us
>Some dumb PSVR shit nobody cares about
>Possible MediEvil tease
Case in point: I just came into this thread and have no fucking idea what the hell is this. Is this a Nintendo Direct kinda of deal but for Sony? Is it a Playstation Experience but with another name since they skipped last year? Will they show the games or what?
>Preview for Days Gone aka Not The Last of Us
Days Gone actually has gameplay. Granted the gameplay doesn't look great, but I would sooner play DG than fag of us.
Yeah it'll be a lot of jizzing over TLoU2 no doubt.
>Nobody likes, cares or recognizes Sony people.
Believe it or not, yes, a lot of Playstation fans care about and like very much Sony people, just like Nintendo fans and Xbox fans care about the heads of those respective businesses. If I had to wager a guess it's going to be hosed by Shawn Layden.
Next FROM Sony exclusive will be announced
cap this
While Days Gone looks more involved, it still comes off as yet another generic zombie game. I'm fucking sick of all these zombie games.
Already better than Inside Xbox
It's not the first time.
>the stream is actually called the state of playstation
>Awful E3
>Cancelled their usual Dec event
>Cancelled their E3 event for the same "We have nothing to show"
>TLoU2 and Days Gone in endless development
And while this one isn't even a thing when it comes to the general mainstream
>Constant censorship even on Japan-only games
Meanwhile MS is becoming BFF's with Nintendo.
From is third party now. No more sony deals to keep then afloat. More likely they sold out to Google than Sony
Fucking sonibrony you make me puke.
>every single sony related conference has been terrible
>this one will be different
o i am laffin
>TLoU2 and Days Gone in endless development
Doesnt says gone come out in like a week?
>the absolute state of playstation
they released a PS4 exclusive game codeveloped with Japan Studio just last year
few weeks, April 26, 2019
you mean that shitty VR game?
They are really asking for it, jesus christ
>the state of playstation
they know
I want to see Ghost of Tsushima, JapanStudio, maybe a Demon's Souls remaster, but will probably just get a circle jerk of Days Gone and The Last of Us.
>keeping anything afloat
Are you fucking demented? FROM was never owned by Sony. FROM belongs to Kadokawa. Demon's Souls and Bloodborne are just Sony funded IPs that they hold the trademark for. Same way how Dark Souls is a Bamco funded IP.
Good Lord why are Sonyggers always literal fucking retards?
Last one was great. The translator spilling spaghetti all over the trailer for Judge Eyes was better than anything in the nintendo directs since iwata karked it
Hyped for what? The Last Lesbian? Another confusing trailer of Kojima's shitfest?
Call me if they announce something related to Wild Arms, Dark Cloud, Soul Sacrifice, Resistance, Freedom Wars, Gravity Rush or Knack. I'm interested in videogames, not 3D visual novels.
Yeah, but who even cares after the last 3 years?
>guy playing banjo
>last lesbians
>stream shuts down
>guy playing flute
>ghost of walking simulator
Has more gameplay than God of War, The Last of Us and Detroit together.
>goalposts: moved
e3 was pretty fun last year
so it was that shitty VR game then
Its a Damage-Limitation exercise from Sony. Everyone knows that Sony are fucking extinct. Gaming is going cloud.
Microsoft have been laying the groundwork for years and they're already in 95% of the world's households. Google are the are the feel-good happy-face of the internet for most normies. Nintendo have recently declared they won't always make consoles and people would flock to their streaming service for their exclusives alone.
Sony have fuck all to offer. They're fucked and they know it. Its PANIC TIME.
>Did people lose faith in Sony?
Yes. They're welcomed to try and win it back but it'll take a lot.
Is God of War actually a movie game like TLoU or is it just a meme? I want to try it but not if it's a walking simulator.
they better announce everything they're going to censor for 2019 at least
Why is that dog licking that dudes cock
>The Last Lesbian
It's actually a good game, especially on hard mode
It would have been better as a movie game. Instead you get unskippable walking sequences where the characters talk to each other in lieu of cutscenes.
Good for the first playthrough but you're fucked if you want to go through the game again
It's a decent action game buried in cinematic bullshit.
So they're ripping off nintendo directs now?
Seriously, watching tendies getting assblasted how badly Sony's e3 presentation curbstomped Nintendo's was amazing. Smug fuckers always deserve to get kicked down a few pegs.
Its gameplay segments, while serviceable, are interspersed between longer sections of walking, dialogue, and setpieces. So in that respect I think it is very much like TLoU.
Your opinion may vary.
MediEvil release date or bust, I don't care about anything else they could reasonably talk about short of a Gravity Rush 3, and the odds of that are just short of nonexistent.
Would you recommend it to someone who hated Uncharted and TLoU, and likes games like DMC?
Did anyone ever had faith in sony? they have no games now wtf
>Wild Arms
>Dark Cloud
>Soul Sacrifice
>Freedom Wars
>Gravity Rush
not gonna happen unless mobile
all in one package for ps4 highly unlikely, though
Knack is back!!!!! in VR
Is not worth it honestly if you could mod away all the cutscenes yes.
Yes, I hate uncharted and TLOU and I enjoyed God of War, but the walking sequences are a chore.
KH developers said we're getting a critical mode+balancing some gameplay as DLC "very" soon, so probably announcing & releasing that tomorrow
Demon Souls Remake is heavily hinted to be happening
I wouldn't have recommended it at full price but it's probably in the bargain bin by now since it's a first party sony game so definitely pick it up
It's not like DMC though it's more like a souls game with less depth
>Death Stranding gameplay
>Medi release date
>FFIV:R gameplay
>Shenmue 3 gameplay/ 1&2 remake
>Days Gone launch trailer
Seems to be pretty good desu
Neo-Commiefornia $ony can LITERALLY eat AIDS infested lgbtpq shit and die
t. ex-Sonyfag who has been with playstation since PS1 days
About fucking time, I haven't played KH III but I read it was too easy, even easier than the prequels.
This user is not wrong.
sony's TGS was good, surprising considering TGS has been shit for many years prior
Cause its just gonna be movie games. Who cares what the pS4 is getting.
>1&2 remake
>Freedom Wars
>Soul Sacrifice
I see you too are a man that has suffered a great deal in recent years.
I might check it out if it's cheap enough, thanks.
I think we're gonna see
>Days Gone launch trailer
>Dreams beta
>Concrete Genie release date
>Medievil release date and new trailer
>KH III critical mode, maybe even DLC?
>Ghost of Tsushima and Last of Us part II new trailer
>WiLD re-reveal
>Shenmue III
>Some new game announcement
>Demon's Souls remaster
Schreier from Kotaku hinted at it
Yeah, I've played most KH games but when I got my PS4 and KH3, I figured my first playthrough should just be on "standard" since I hadn't played a KH game in a few years. But holy fuck, I mean you can literally close your eyes and just keep smashing X (not that vanilla KH1/2 or any other of the games weren't already pretty simple). I didn't die once and unlocked the secret movie without even trying
>here's your direct bro
KH games are meant to be easy even on standard difficulty, Hard mode is where the fun comes.
That's not saying much.
>Schreier from Kotaku
I like Kaz, but let's be real Kaz Hirai, Shawn Layden, and Andrew House don't have the charisma of Phil Spencer or Reggie Fils Aime. Especially Andrew House, I can't stand his nasally voice.
God of War is easily one of the best games ever, great banter between Kratos, son and head, gorgeous graphics, amazing music and great metroidvania design
He has inside sources
not sure if delusional or baiting, probably the latter
It's gotten a permanent price drop to $40 I believe, and it's regularly on sale. The PS Store sale has it for like 30 right now, but if you hold out til like Black Friday or around then I'm sure you'll find it for around $15.
Also seen the digital version on Gameflip for about $25 every once in a while
Woah, myh corporate businessman isn't a walking meme like Reggie my body is ready Woah
Kojima is going to be a no-go. Surprising nobody, but fat cucks like Jim Sterling and Yongyea will still insist Konami was the bad guy.
Even during the PS3's rough start days I was a sonyfag
Not anymore.
>Kill the Vita
>Kill their best first party studios
>Kill PS+ by making it mandatory
>Push horrible cinematic "games"
>Push VRmeme
>Console "refresh" still can't do 60fps or 4K
>Terrible console built, the PS4Pro is literally a joke
>Lose the exclusivity of every single AA dev studios, which were a huge part of Sony's consoles appeal
>Give the middle finger to their hardcore gamer fans:
No good exclusives, no good support, no good PSN or PS+, the games that were Playstation's strength are all on PC, even fucking Yakuza, lose the graphic tech race, no games and sjws ruining the entire things
Who the fuck would still support Sony after all this?
>Dreams beta
Another one?
I agree that the forced memes are embarrassing coming from a company CEO and other suits, but the guy's got charisma - there's no denying that. He's memorable and people quote various things he said (even though most of those 'speeches' these people say would've been written in a board meeting with a team of marketers). In short, he's a marketing man and memes do work as marketing, as proven by their prominence in the industry.
By contrast, ever since the time they had Kevin Butler presenting thing in the PS3 era, Sony doesn't have a strong marketing figurehead right now, at least with presence on the internet
>state of play
I gave up with playstation with the PS3, the main thing playstation has going for it is the branding by this point. They don't have the best hardware anymore, even the PS3 had major technical issues that contributed to people having personal data stolen (something people seem to have forgotten by now), and the library sucks.
PS4 was a huge improvement from the PS3 in terms of hardware spec no longer being pants-on-head retarded, and the infrastructure being significantly better (I still remember the god-awful PS store for launch PS3), but the games are sorely lacking and they cater to a demographic that I don't care for at all. Also, it feels like Sony lately are throwing things at a wall to see what sticks, and (silently) pulling the plug if it doesn't - like with the Vita, PSVR, PS Now, apparently their E3 presentations as well.
What happened to the PS2? what happened to having a fairly open platform for developers to just experiment with? what happened to a focus on the games first, with all other features being secondary at most? Most of the major AAA releases on PS4 feel far too similar in terms of gameplay; where's the originality?
Don't even get me started on the community, it's the absolute worst out of all platforms
Games take longer to make and development is more expensive and difficult. That's why games are more standarized today. It affects the whole industry, not just Sony.
Are Snoys still in denial of how much they copy from Nintendo?
we need more AA games then, more experimental and slightly quirky games, something like tearaway but actually good
I hope it's good I have no idea what they're gonna show that we don't already know about. I think we either know what all their first party studios are working on or they just finished a game and couldn't possibly have a new one ready. We're probably just gonna be looking at a third party show with a last of us trailer. Not expecting anything of note.
Also this.
Filling your planning with AA games is what Microsoft tired to do with stuff like ReCore, Sunset Overdrive, State of Decay and Crackdown 3, and they are basically the laughing stock of Yea Forums
The purpose of a first-party publisher is to make games that will attract people to your platform. You don't attract people with AA games.
Also Tearaway is pretty good
>Gaming is going cloud
That's when I'll be pulling out of gaming. Not owning your game copies is a complete dealbreaker for me and even beyond the ownership issue playing action games with input lag is complete dogshit. Fuck the cloudkikes.
Schreier only said ''yes'' to a trannyera thread where some fag was asking if people THINK a DeS Remaster is going to be happening. Not that I'm even interested in DeS Remaster that much, if it comes you'll see why I keep saying it's overrated as hell.
Zoomed in to check for bulge. Disappointed.
spoiler this hog
They said that there will be several State of Plays this year so it's clear they won't reveal all they have this Monday
I'm more concerned about the presentation itself, I hope it's more like Nintendo Direct (straightforward and brief) than Inside Xbox (dragging on and fille dwith unnecessary stuff)
These threads are impossible to have because 3/4 platform owners are always seething at the other 1/4.
Demon's and Bloodborne were co-developed with Japan Studio
They basically did fuck all. Seeing the credits roll it's 99% FROM's baby.
And that's besides the point anyway.
I'd be hyped if they were going to offer an explanation for all the bullshit they've been pulling on Japanese devs recently, and vow to do some internal restructuring (again) to avoid any further problems. But I know that sort of thing doesn't happen in the video game industry until it's too late, so I'm going to pass on watching this. Overreactions to whatever boring shit they show will be all over Yea Forums tomorrow, as people lose their minds over mundane shit to meme at each other with in the usual console war threads, and I'll get the gist of it that way.
The fact that they're going to censor this make me seeth
They won't, look at catherine FB and stop shitposting.
Sony can tell From to develop a game and they are gonna do
Also, are people seriously bringing Stadia to this thread just to shitpost? Like really?
at least 2 of those games were AAA, not AA releases - they flopped because, well, they're not very good games. Tearaway is just okay, could've been a lot better.
Thing is, publishers feel the best way to market a game is based on its presentation, rather than based on its gameplay and what it does differently from a gameplay or interactive standpoint. Now, I can't speak for every demographic, and I'm sure a lot of funding goes into market research by these major publishers on what kind of games will sell, but I can't help but feel that a lot of gaming in the past couple generations has gotten stale. Fewer games stand out from one another, and many genres of games barely exist anymore as the major publishers continue making similar games or straight up sequels to long-running franchises over and over. I think this is why indie games are so prominent in the industry in recent years: to fill the gap in the market for experimentation.
They will and catherine isn't out here yet, beside catherine is surprisingly tame and even feature adult characters exclusively, P5 is something else entirely.
You fucking sheep.
Tearaway was just a small Vita game that got ported to PS4
I feel like it will unfortunately be closer to Inside Xbox and have plenty of filler interviews that don't really give a lot of new information. Every now and then you'll get a new trailer. But rarely if ever is any substantial news broken at Inside Xbox and I feel State of Play will be the same. Everyone wants to copy the Direct format but nobody's got the Direct content. I only say this because Sony doesn't do AA games anymore. I think Gravity Rush 2 was their last one. AA games are important to fill out the year between your AAA releases but Sony just relies on third parties for that now. It might bite them if the tables ever turn and they usually do. Nonetheless, I'm hoping for a look at KH3 critical mode or DMC5 bloody palace even though both of those seemed to have had their marketing aligned with Xbox.
I know, that's not really relevant to my point though
>I only say this because Sony doesn't do AA games anymore. I think Gravity Rush 2 was their last one. AA games
Medievil is basically a AA game, Concrete Genie also looks like a AA game. They are keep doing AA games.
>this fucking ESL
Sony isn't this almighty god commander you zealous, deluded moron. They don't fucking own FROM, why is this so hard for you to comprehend? They can only offer them contracts just like they offered Insomniac and other third party devs. And I didn't mention Stadia, what the fuck.
Because it's stupid to make thread after thread of baseless speculations.
>inb4 but nintendo directs do it
Those are fucking garbage too and while I'm a pretty big nintendo fan, directs are fucking awful to actually be on Yea Forums for.
Why are you sperging? I am just saying that if Sony wants another game from FromSoftware, they are gonna be more than happy to create one for them
Also, there are rumors that there's a Sony exclusive from them in development.
You have no proof, and catherine is by far their most risque game.
You fucking cuck.
PS1 and PS2 were definitely the best two, but the PS4 is at least better than the PS3. That thing had barely any games. The PS4 has a few too many movies but at least has games like Bloodborne. The community is pretty bad, but the PC 'community is worse than PlayStation, Xbox and Nintendo's combined.
Yeah, this will be the test to see if these vids are worth watching in future. If its just gameplay and a voice over that might be good. If its 20 minutes of some nobody dev Ive never heard of talking into the camera and then a 30 second trailer.....no thanks.
N Directs always leave me with at least some new info, or a new game Im interested in. Even the Nindies vid last week had 4 or 5 new, not seen before games Im interested in. Thats what I want from these State of Plays: to come away from it with "hrm , that game looks good, might pick it up"
Though majority will probably be Days Gone as its the next "big" Sony game coming.
Also, i am expecting that Sony's Direct thread to not get stickied, only Nintendo Directs get sticky
People are hyped on the rest of the internet but this board hates Sony.
Who the fuck wants to play Ghost now
>they are gonna be more than happy
Why are you personalizing corporations? Do you even know anybody at FROM let alone what they collective think?
There's unsubstantiated rumors about literally everything hailing from trannyera threads and twitter. How is this worth bringing up?
Better than TLOU or Days Gone. I'm at least willing to buy it for being a samurai game. outside of Sekiro and Nioh, we haven't had many new ones.
I'm probably one of the more positive posters on this entire board but the past few years have just shaken my confidence in Sony's first party output.
They've increasingly moved away from the series and genres that attracted me to them in the first place and it's gotten to the point where maybe 2-3 games from them interest me at all in a year.
Unless their Japanese side kicks into overdrive and they manage to get more games from Insomniac instead of the one every three or so years they're now at, I'm probably skipping the PS5 until the end of the gen. Ghost of Tsushima and The Last of Us 2 are all I care about from them for the next two years, and I doubt we see a Spider-Man sequel this side of 2022.
People are burned out on Inside Cuckbox shit once a month and they're waiting to see if this is the same.
Imagine the Xcuck seethe if it is.
>Everyone wants an open-world samurai game
>Ubisoft keeps getting requests for a open-world AssCreed game
>One studio decides to do it
>"Who wants to play that?"
>Why are you personalizing corporations? Do you even know anybody at FROM let alone what they collective think?
Because Sony and FromSoftware have good relations and Bloodborne was a big success, it is very likely that Sony and FromSoftware has a new contract for a new exclusive game
nigga where the FUCK is Ape Escape 4
>Did people lose faith in Sony?
They cancelled two events, lost 3 exclusives in the last few days and they've said they want to focus on fewer games, so
I honestly feel mostly the same way. I used to be a hardcore supporter of Sony, but stopped after the PS3. Online subscription and the early warning signs of where they intended to go made me bow out. With all the current issues surrounding the industry, and consoles in general, I feel as if I dodged a bullet not buying a PS4. Sony seems to have little to no idea what made the PS1 and PS2 succesful.
They are, however, capable of astroturfing places such as this to lend the image that they do.
>Sony seems to have little to no idea what made the PS1 and PS2 succesful.
What made PS1 and PS2 successful ?
>but the PC 'community is worse than PlayStation, Xbox and Nintendo's combined.
if you mean steam, then yes, but there's far more pc gaming communities out there than steam.
lmao@ xbots who feel threatened by a jpeg. thanks for the laughs.
>Sony seems to have little to no idea what made the PS1 and PS2 succesful.
Considering that PS4 is gonna sell more than PS1 and it's most likely gonna sell around 120 million consoles, i think they have a clear idea
>all that bullshit censoring isn't proof enough
Delusional and dumb as shit.
Absolutely BASED and REDPILLED and LONG DICKED 6 year old average Yea Forums posting mouth breather!
Bloodborne only sold 2 millions and was left unpatched for the Pro while Demon's Souls got its servers shut down. But that's still besides the point.
Pushing cringy fanfic and rumors is retarded and annoying. Using weasel words such as "very likely" while only presenting deluded interpretations of conglomerate relations and reddit "leaks" is just outing you as an imbecile.
Catherine is resetera approved. You're an idiot if you think it's a risque. Meanwhile P5 wasn't. Like a all
>They don't have the best hardware anymore
PS1 and PS2 were like the weakest consoles of their respective gens. PS3 was the first time Sony could ever tout spec superiority, and PS4 had it at first because no one else tried for the first half of this gen.
rumor has it they gonna announce the PS5 on that event.
>Bloodborne only sold 2 millions
[citation needed]
>Pushing cringy fanfic and rumors is retarded and annoying.
So why are you doing it ?
PS2 isn't nearly as weak as people nowadays meme it out to be
I thought that was the devs choice though, not nintendos
Woah, why are you so triggered about Sony getting another exclusive game from Fromsoftware?
>Bloodborne only sold 2 million
It sold more, and it sold that in only one platform, Dark Souls III sold 2 millions in three platforms
>and was left unpatched for the Pro while Demon's Souls got its servers shut down
Demon's Souls is over 10 years old imbecile, of course the servers gonna get shutdown eventually
You are literally fucking shaking at this point lol
Like everything they copy from Nintendo, it will be mediocre. I'll be surprised if they actually show any new games.
>no sly cooper 5
>no ape escape 4
why bother
The very reason why Sony chose to not attend E3 is to delay the announcement of the PS5 and let Microsoft going first to react afterwards like they did in 2013
They ain't announcing shit this Monday especially when they said that State of Play is about "softwrae"
Are you ready for the Monster Hunter World: Iceborne trailer fellow hunters?
Wasn't as good as Gamecube or Xbox, though. They were all close enough to basically run all the same shit but PS2 very frequently got the short end of the stick when it came to multiplats visually and performance wise.
There is a range of different reasons to why they're leading this gen. honestly I wouldn't attribute any of them to be having a quality library.
>the absolute state of playstation
Wii U and Xbone being huge pile of shits doesn't mean that PS4 won by default
PS4 won because it is a great console and has a huge quality titles
not really, aside from RE4 I can't think of any other game that suffered as a PS2 port. However, the OG Xbox was unquestionably the powerhouse of that gen.
>So why are you doing it ?
I'm not the one doing it, you demented nigger. You're the one writing paragraphs about rumors and the voices in your head.
Microsoft fan boys are on their knees right now. They know Xbox can't compete with PlayStation in the retail space, and Microsoft cannot compete with Google in the streaming realm. It's likely over for the Xbox brand at this point.
The library is the main reason though, especially in the last two years.
You should have seen the mental breakdown of Xbox owners when God of War, Detroit and Spider-Man released back-to-back while they were stuck with Sea of Thieves
Are you ok dude?
Imagine being this mad your shitty Fisher Price console isn't selling.
Don't forget the possibility of Catherine FB getting a butchered localization with one of the VA from the localization vaguely imply that Atlus is going to change the "transphobic" ending.
Whatever you tell yourself, m8. But, at least you seem to be enjoying your PS4.
>t. Never played TLoU
That's okay though, user, I also didn't for years because I actually believed Yea Forums
This is actually censored because of the law. Not that a retarded consolewar faggot would know that.
You cannot have tits in a game rated by CERO. Period.
Yeah i do, honestly, it's the only console you need this gen, and maybe a Switch for the few Wii U ports/first party games
>even censoring dmc5
just no
I think it was the best of the gen, though Iiked all 3. The PS2 probably has the best library of any console ever.
>Dark Souls III sold 2 millions in three platforms
Are you retarded? DS3 sold 3 millions in the first month. BB needed an entire year for 2 millions.
>Demon's Souls is over 10 years old imbecile
FROM's Armored Core FA and VD are still alive for both 360 and PS3. Sony are just being niggers. Same way how they shut down Gravity Rush 2 servers a year after its release. Defend that you overcucked faggot.
GOTY 2019 release date announcement!
>Are you retarded? DS3 sold 3 millions in the first month. BB needed an entire year for 2 millions.
Those were shipped copies, but anyway, it is not unexpected considering it was sold on THREE platforms, it only sold 1 million more than Bloodborne
>Same way how they shut down Gravity Rush 2 servers a year after its release.
LOL, Gravity Rush 2 servers got extended over 6 months and they weren't even important for the main game, you only used it to share pics and unlock some few customes
I'll be playing GU.
Are you retarded? BB sold 2M in six months.
Isn't it just funny how Sony triggers Yea Forums? They trigge this shithole so hard that it's just so fun
I hope they don't circle jerk sales numbers. A nice humble brag, and keep it moving. Don't want to hear Sid talk about PSVR software numbers or nothing suit like that. I want to see high energy back to back announcements, with at least one good canned act.
Gran turismo sport is online only bullshit & I want a GT7 reveal so that I could at least have confidence in sony.
I hope it goes back to 3 style gameplay over the nu-gt games.
It'll be trailers for games that aren't coming out until 2021
give me DeS remastered and we're good
Quick summary of the state of playstation.
Fnaf VR. It's time.
Sony produces movies
Not vidya related
Whoa this is inappropriate for our new global standard! Censor that immediately user.
Yep, I'm building a PC next year.
They ruined so many japanese games lately including senran kagura, these faggots can fuck off.
How the hell is anyone supposed to know that when Sony barely acknowledges its existence?
Not all Sony games are movie games. I won't deny there are a good amount though.ll
>playing weeb trash
Only weeb games trying to emulate western games are acceptable.
Fuck off
How fat are you?
My nigga. GT Sport was such a letdown. The gameplay is fine but i want the feel and style of an actual gran turismo game
Japanese games > Western movies
>Ape Escape
>Chocobo Racing
>Crash Team Racing
>Dino Crisis
>Final Fantasy VIII
>Gran Turismo 2
>Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver
>Legend of Legaia
>Lunar Silver Star Story Complete
>Resident Evil 3: Nemesis
>Ridge Racer Part 4
>Silent Hill
>Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage
>Star Ocean: The Second Story
>Syphon Filter
>Tekken 3
>Tony Hawk's Pro Skater
>UmJammer Lammy
This is where things were twenty years ago, in 1999. Now think about where things are today. In other words:
>Did people lose faith in Sony?
Eat shit westacuck.
2ch leaks
>Ridge Racer 8 trailer
>Ace combat 7 dlc trailer
>Kingdom hearts 3 thank you & dlc trailer
>Final Fantasy, but not 7, new IP
>Virtua fighter
>New sonic
>Judgement trailer
>Dragonball project z trailer
Forgot about it. It will be shit because nothing video game related is exciting anymore.
How likely is a new one anons?
>ever having faith in sony
Playstation's been shit since the first one. Style over substance garbage games for nugamer children dominated it and the N64.
>playing games made for autistic teen gooks
No wonder why you fags can't get laid
funny considering GoW's combat has more depth and substance than anything nintendo's ever put out
I owned a PS4 since 2015 and I was quite happy with it for about 3 years. Ever since then sony started ramping up their anti consumer bullshit with refusing crossplay and banning tiddy games. They can suck my ass, if I didn't buy taiko, DJMax and Future Tone I would've sold my PS4 long time ago. I'm not going to buy their next system either.
even yoshi story has more dept than that piece of shit.
protip: cope
Pick up a trip. I can't wait to see you in future threads asking for ports.
You forgot the worst one.
shitting the bed hard on Playstation All Stars
It's beyond me how those gooks thought it was a good idea to shit all over their hardcore audience. The brodudes could switch to Xbox again.
Better to have a fun game than some pretentious Oscar-bait walking simulator. >you can't get laid lel
Nice deflection, but deflections aren't arguments.
No, I played it. I thought it was pretty boring stuff. Not as bad as Telltale or Quantic Dream shit, but not for me.
stay mad
That isn't an argument either. You should "stay mad" that you can't make an argument and beat me.
>Photo-realistic third-person shooter/action game with grounded themes and plot that focuses almost entirely on its narrative
>...with zombies!
Yeah I'm tired of this shit too.
It probably won't have too much to get excited for. Maybe one or two games will catch my interest.
Which if I'm being honest puts it about on par with an average Nintendo Direct.
Although I am kinda expecting P5R here since Atlus said they'd have something for us in March, and March is almost over.
You're the one who came in here butthurt that people like Japanese games. Stay mad, faggot.
>he takes internet arguments seriously
>implying I'm mad
I'm just poiting out you actually play games for japanase toddlers. Yea Forums needs more weeb shaming.
Just got a PS4. Is Playstation Now worth it?
No. It's garbage.
fuck no
all streaming services for gaming will be garbage until at least 20 years later
But you can download the games now, right?
But what if there are PS2 and 3 games that I want to play on PS4? It wouldn't be an issue if the system was backwards compatible, but it's not, and now I see why
>nintendos announcement station is named after a 6 year old plays in
I’m pretty sure the thing they had for March was the name and the next date where they’ll give a bit more info.
There are no good PS2 games on PSNow and you can't download/emulate PS3 games due to difference in architecture
>until at least 20 years later
Until the end of time more like. Streaming services are a complete cancer idea for interactive media.
Where is it playing Sony/Bros/
>all in one package for ps4 highly unlikely, though
Nope, I just ordered the collection for ps3. Snoy better not have made me waste $25USD.
Shuhei Yoshida is a fairly recognizable and well like sony representative. He also has some based tweets
>got the platinum like last year
Neat, I'll buy it for ps4 too.
What's there to even get hyped for?
This is like the 3rd "leak" for this show and it's also the 3rd that makes super safe predictions with 0 proof
Never heard of it. What is it?
Ghost also looks boring. They could've done something cool with the combat in a grounded samurai game where every blow is lethal, but it looks like AC combat
Kh games are always easy, critical is where the good shit is also according to last interview it sounds they look a little time to balance it ,hope it's good
Really shit taste user
I have. Their big exclusives aren't good enough to warrant the long gaps.
>shawn layden
>shuhei yoshida
>mike cerny
Reason doesn't matter. Censorship is censorship, and Nintendo is just as bad as Sony is with that garbage.
KH3 was an unacceptable level of easy, proud mode in other games offers a challenge while it was a joke in 3
>Kept you waiting, huh?
'cause I got other things to do than look at promotions for products whose quality cannot be verified let alone actually being congruent to the actual end-product that they want me to buy.
Like I understand the need for promotions but I find game things are mostly just trying to get some hype to guarantee some future sales to an excessive degree. In regards to some products it's downright purposed misrepresentation. If the swath of the supposed critic mill wasn't so woefully biased and/or over-praising of things at release time then the liberties of trailers wouldn't bother me as much, cause someone would pointed out whats-what and whats-not
Of course I'll check out what the announcements are to know what to keep an eye on in case its as good as it seems to me, but on a list with links and descriptions like a rational person so I don't have to sit around all fucking day watching trailers that don't interest me.
But that my just pocket of bits thrown out here
>there are people still excited for this
poor saps
>no thread
>people voice their concern inside thread
And OP wonders why noone cares.
I have no reason to be excited if they don't even have enough to warrant going to E3 when Nintendo even went with just BotW that one time. They literally have less than BotW and a few 3DS shovelwares in terms of quantity.
>shuhei yoshida
Go tell that to ps4g
This is several months before E3, where they will do another one just like Nintendo drops an E3 direct, so this one will be about early in the year stuff
>Days Gone stuff, maybe unboxing the more expensive version
>Dreams creator early access date and maybe a little thing MM created to show off
>hey look at all these awesome games with good sales and great reception in RE2, DMC5 and Sekiro!
and at best some Medieval footage with news of a release date later aka E3.
I doubt we see a Ghost of Tsushima date, or even TLOU2 footage. Tsushima footage isn't out of the question though
i don't understand
Because itll just be more of the stuff they revealed years ago
People stopped caring about Sony after the PS2, when it literally became a Cinematic Movie, Fifa, COD & GTA system. There's nothing else people buy Sony consoles for now.
ok, this is cope
Didn't that E3 Direct have the Mario release date trailer? Just because the only thing they had playable was Zelda doesn't mean they only had one thing to talk about.
Snoy also have been laying down groundwork for streaming future with PS NOW as well. You can literally play Bloodborne right now on your PC.
Streaming services with the exclusive content that people want to play will win
The Order deserves an honorable mention.
All I remember is the outrage BotW caused. Everything else is a blur.
Not hyped because we already know what it'll be
>last of us 2
>that shitty zombie game
Basically games they announced years ago that nobody cares about anymore. I expect nothing from this
5 rupees have been inserted into your bank account
I have a PS4 and I'm pretty fucking tired of boring 3rd person games that get good reviews because they look pretty, guessing I'm not the only one.
>nobody cares about anymore.
half of those will sell millions of copies and win GotY. Why is Yea Forums so delusional when it comes to sony?
Fuck normies that's why
and and and don't forget death stranding. also be sure to follow me and subscribe, and support me on patreon please and thank you very much YYYYYYYYYONG OUT
>oscar bait pleases journos and critics
In other news the sky is blue
every single website outside of Yea Forums likes these games, not just normies. Wonder why
Thank you, user. Have a (You).
>nobody cares
>ok almost everyone cares but I'm still right
Regardless, my point stands that the reason there is no hype behind this snoy direct is because it features games that we've been seeing for years already and probably wont feature much new content because this gen is winding down
>>mike cerny
You like him so much you can't even get his name right, you fucking idiot.
Well, the lack of hype does seem to help my argument
>Next year
You should now.
Or just hack your ps4 and play any ps2 games you want.
>What happened to the PS2? what happened to having a fairly open platform for developers to just experiment with?
That's the PS1, user.
By the time PS2 launched, Sony had already become arrogant, but everyone had no choice. It was _the_ console you need to develop for if you wanted any chance of success.
>nu-males being triggered by REAL games
I seem to remember no hype for the first Nintendo Direct as well, because nobody knew exactly how seriously Nintendo was going to be, or how much they were going to show. But they also weren't insanely deflated by the fact that Nintendo had just cancelled an event that they normally do annually due to having nothing to show, nor had they just pulled out of E3 for the same reason, leaving people to wonder why they were doing it.
Sony basically dehyped their audience themselves. I think if they had waited to announce that they weren't going to be at E3 until after this, people would probably care more. Or if they had announced at the end of this that their E3 showing was going to be more similar to whatever the hell this is going to be rather than a press conference like normal.
This thread is the reason why there are no hype threads, why the thread when it's going on, and why the board will be shit when it's done. Everyone else who doesn't own a PS4 is a seething vertaran shitposter due to brand loyalty and jealousy.