Classic bros where we at?

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Other urls found in this thread:

bros,I'm so hyped

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Checking in. Still hyped. Release date/beta when?

>can't decide between priest and druid
I wanna be strong enough for endgame raid healing, but I also want some fun offspecs for pvp and leveling. And I'm worried that mind flay spam won't be interesting enough, but that druid will be too weak to have fun with.
>t. tbc baby

Ready and willing. Still can't decide which class to play tho.

I'm hyped for the game. Orc hunter and then Undead Warlock

But I enjoy all these seething cucks coming in here and telling us we won't like it. Have there ever been so many people that are mad because someone is going to enjoy a game?

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soon, at PAX

This is going to be my first time playing classic wow, after consuming as many videos about class choice as I could I have come to the choice between rogue and mage. If it matters in legion I tended to enjoy ranged casters more than melee dps.

Can any rogue or mage bros list some fun stories or intangibles playing each class brings?

I'm glad they're bringing vanilla back, but I'd rather just keep playing on chink's hope. Unless official release is free from subscription, I'm not gonna pay monthly for something I can get for free.
If it was a one time buy, I'd do it.

i used to spend whole weekends ganking lowbies in stv using my tier 2 rogue. best part is when they call their friends or get on their mains and still die

Anyone else playing the same class they did back in Vanilla? I just like being a useful priest that can find immediate groups.

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My two vanilla characters were that, Rogue and Mage. If you enjoy world PVP go Rogue, as he is good ganking but he also is useful in bg and raiding. If you are not into that, maybe go Mage. Useful buff for raid, good damage and good at PVP. You can play a 3-minute-mage, that's always hella fun.

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Tier 2 placeholder graphics were better than the AQ patch graphics. Feel free to debate me but you know you're wrong.

Unless you're a Paladin, then feel free to carry on.

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3 minute mage?
Tbh when I played retail I was into arena but I never tried world pvp for obvious reasons. Do you think maybe leveling mage first then going rogue would be fine? Or should I level rogue first for maximum time available to gank newbies and slow boomer levelers

Paladin bros where you at

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I'll only play if they change the talents. Fix them, they were broken. Fuck you nostalgia, they were fundamentally broken.

that priest set

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unfortunately here. if they dont fix ret/prot, fuck it im not playing.

My light infused brethren. Gonna try prot to 60. I enjoy tanking 5 mans.

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Don’t you people see that it’s not going to be the same? You’re not thinking clearly and are relying on memories deluded by your childhood minds. The truth is the game is going to be way, way more fun than before because you’re going to appreciate and value every second of it because you know how specia it is.


but it is fun even on laggy servers constantly getting spammed by chink gold sellers

3 minute mage is a Fire spec that oneshots any character in bg with all his cd's once every 3 minutes. There's compilations on youtube for sure

Kill 10 tigers

>If blizzard doesn’t change THIS about my favorite class, I’m not playing!

read it again user

what was the trinket again?

is there going to be a pve server? I might level a prot warrior 1-60 again. Otherwise, fuck it, we armsbois.

TBCbabby here. How was lock in vanilla?

ok how about all classes. Talents were fucked in vanilla. There was a reason why they changed them.

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The only change I would accept is dual spec, or lower changing cost

Depends. Decent dps with some good utility in pve, pvp can be really good if you know how to play the class.

you gave out candy, summoned, and health buffed the tanks.

oh, and tanked in naxx and AQ40.

Og Shaman, Druid, Hunter and Rogue look great. Even Paladin, actually.

*tanks your 5 man*

You're welcome

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You're literally me. Or something.
I really wanted a warrior buddy that I could heal while we level, I don't mind helping people. NONE OF THAT HEALSLUT NONSENSE THOUGH.

was debating going pally to try alliance since i was a hordefag on retail, but looking into old videos they seem super boring to play. not sure how enjoyable they'll be at 60 if healing is their only viable spec.

were pvp shockadins a thing in vanilla or was that a TBC meme?

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>takes 2 hours longer to tank your 5 man

How would you organize/design the OSRS treatment for WoW Classic?

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It was a TBC meme. Paladin in vanilla has so few skills they actually use there was a meme about alt tabbing to watch porn during fights.

Ret/Prot are viable for pre-60 content but guilds will not take non-holy paldins unless its an RP guild.

>old priest and warlock

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>Defias Mage ranked in the top 5 for Vanilla mobs that killed the most players


>if you know how to play
you mean dot and fear over and over?

farming tubers 20 hours a day we are having fun yet?

By having a test realm with new content. Possibly always keeping no-changes and new content on separate servers.


yeah basically

As a mage, it's always nice to make your own food/water, and teleport around to any of your faction's capitals whenever you like. But those are well known perks of the class. Likewise I think most people already know that mages are really good at aoe farming (there's no denying that it's pretty fun to take out 20 mobs at once).

But there are some more minor things that I enjoy too. You basically never have to worry about fall damage, as you have 3 different ways to avoid it completely (slow fall, blink, and ice block). If there's water near you, you can escape from players that are way higher level, because they can't mount in water but you can still blink (a druid or another mage will probably still catch you though). You also have a pretty amazing griefing tool in polymorph, which can be used to heal any mob that another player is fighting.

I was thinking the same, or at least from 50 onwards for dungeons and aoe grinding. May the light guide you.

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How much of a time commitment is it to run my own casual raiding guild in vanilla? Not going to be super serious, just run a raid once or twice a week and do BGs and hang out.

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>rogue and mage

Someone's listening to the minmaxers too much.

Yeah, I know what you mean. I got big into healing back in the golden days of MMOs, where it was the most valuable role. Haven't done it in years since now it's the extra role that really doesn't do anything except fill up team slots in your moba or what have you. Just play melee assassins and make kids cry. I wanna get back to my comfy roots, though. That feeling when your DPS is retarded and keeps pulling aggro and your doesn't know what a defensive is, but you still keep them all alive.

I can't wait to chill in one of the empty houses in Ironforge.

>run a raid once or twice a week
if you expect to make any sort of progress it's a surprising amount of work. the best you can hope for is to recruit some excellent officers who manage a lot of it for you.

>it's still over 100 days until we go home

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A lot. Good luck wrangling 39 """casuals""" to get the raid started on time.

Ahem, ahem:

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Haha yeah totally

So what happens when we hit Phase 6? Think they'll move onto doing a BC Server?

kill yourself nuhealer

Like how much work? What do I have to do? I already plan on playing for hours every day, so managing some people on the side shouldn't be too bad.

Keep telling yourself that

same but with my penis

I fucking pray we get it before May. I need to do some shit this summer but I need a date to go after..

Skilled and based.

managing the egos of 39 other people, trying to temper their expectations, deliver loot fairly, running the raid itself is an ordeal that's hard to describe: you *really* need good officers to manage the different roles, assign healing, assign dps roles, assign tanking, kiting, etc. making sure people know the fights, have the mats or supplies they need, pots, etc. making sure buffs are up, making sure people dont stand in fire, making sure people don't pull what they aren't supposed to, yelling at people about threat management, etc.

there is a metric fuckton of management that goes into it that most don't appreciate.

This healslut bullshit is entirely a product of MOBAs and their 99% useless support role. Not only was such bullshit nonexistent before, anyone who tried such shit would be instantly kicked for being incompetent. I'm just glad I won't see any of you underage retards at 60.

>started playing in TBC
>have mained arms warrior the entire time (except for Mists, where arms was shockingly bad and it skipped the whole expansion because of it)
>never played vanilla aside from private servers
>arms warriors were supposedly terrible
What do I do? 2 hander enhancement? I've ret paladins are also trash.
I despise fury so that isn't an option.

rolling dorf hunter cant wait, its gonna be fun soling dm north

whats my counter class for pvp though, what are they weak to?

druid won't be too weak, shadow priest was just broken. you'll prob have more fun as a druid, but be more desired as a healing priest desu

I'll probably check it out to see how much wall walking I can do. that's like the only thing I miss about wow anymore.

>tfw remembering about showing my friends how to wall-walk to Ironforge Airfield and the summit of the mountain and that frost troll cave in the backside
>how to clip through the wall to Old Ironforge
>tfw remembering going to check out Newman's Landing
>blinking through the DM portal to that Outland test site
>checking out Caverns of Time and Mount Hyjal
>wall-walking to Shatterspear village
Fuck time, bros, why can't I just go back

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Yeah I think classic BC is the way they will go post-Naxx. Blizzard providing new vanilla content post-Naxx is just wishful thinking from the community and won't happen.

Yeah totally dude, have fun doing that.

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>If you enjoy world PVP go Rogue, as he is good ganking but he also is useful in bg and raiding
mage is good at all of those though and is more desired in raids and maybe bgs too. only edge rogue really has is stealth for wpvp

I see, thanks.

arms was fine, man. quit worrying what people think about you and play what you want. even ret paladins had a role.

you know you can play vanilla wow for free, right now, right?

arms warrior was pvp spec, then fury for raiding and prot for tanking, all 3 specs were viable

how do hunters play? i always had trouble fighting them as a warrior, apparently they have the highest skill ceiling

Fury and Arms aren't all that different in Vanilla.
Also, what kind of fucking brainlet can play Arms Warrior for 12 years and not off himself? I played it for a tier back in Legion and will never do it again.

only set that is completely trash with the updated graphics is warrior, with mage a close second

Tell me when they make a TBC server.

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Me too with this zone in mind mostly, I'd imagine it be fun as a druid to travel the river but I don't really know if thats a thing. It's a pretty comfy zone nonetheless.

>Can't find my old wow screenshots

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yeah play with a bunch of non english speaking bots and get your shit wiped in 3 months

why are the sets so fucking kino compared to current retail ones

>Classic bros where we at?
In the grave, hopefully.

>There was a reason why they changed them
because the trees were getting too deep for them to design after wrath which is why they simplified them in cata

Here. Gonna reckbomb the fuck out of the Horde. Shit is so fun.

>wanting to play the expansion that caused all the problems to snowball out of fucking control
Top kek, faggot.

>apparently they have the highest skill ceiling
druid's higher

Reminder that Elysium FRESH is launching in less that a week.
Great opportunity to practice your speed levelling strat and try out various classes to help you decide on your Classic main.

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>This healslut bullshit is entirely a product of MOBAs
I wish I could be this confident while being this wrong

yeah that's my main problem. I wonder whether starting with druid, which has less gear, but less competition, or priest, which has more, but more competition, would be better. I'll probably end up rolling both at some point.

I'm only in favor of class changes to something that previously existed in vanilla or wow's beta. So pallies can have Crusader Strike back and warriors can charge in combat again.

why are you losers shilling for this known cheating server
they fucked everything they first time all the drama leaked and no one will play on it so FUCK OFF

Post some fucking evidence, then. I've healed in everything from WoW to Guild Wars to SWTOR. This bullshit did not exist. I play assassins in MOBAs, for reference.

play mage

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I play other classes, but my warrior is my main, and I never enjoyed prot tanking or fury dps. And FYI, arms was stupidly good in Wrath and Cata. Dropped off a huge amount in Mists and Warlords, before climbing back up to acceptable levels in Legion and BFA.

I enjoy playing monk the most. I just have no interest grinding all my reputations out again, hence why my warrior still hangs around as my main.

Or the Ret is the GM

What the actual fuck. Well, at least we will get a new episode of World of Classic.


which faction? if alliance i'd go druid and if horde i'd go priest, but that's just me

You mean on a server where owners starts drama which might end up splitting the server in two or simply shutting down? GM's selling gold or gear behind the scene to earn money? At least 50% of the server being non-english speaking idiots?

I mean the list goes on and on. I might play on a fresh server to refresh my memory, but as soon as classic comes out unofficial drama cheating servers is a thing in the past.

I dunno. I love the original sets, but aside from tier 2.5 and tier 3, all the sets were just "this is what the class would wear" rather than "this is armor you'd find in this raid"

I prefer the style they went with 2.5 onwards where the armor tier sets suited the raid they'd drop from. BFA system can go fuck itself though. A druid tier set should not look identical to a rogue tier set.

so you want people to join the worst server among all the private servers
Fuck you nigger shill eat a 9mm

Sure, if you're cool with people paying off devs for gear/gold

Who's excited to go back to old zones? I'm looking forward to enjoy old Stonetalon Mountains again, that zone was peak comfy

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I never saw the healslut shit until moba's took off. All the healers I knew in mmo's before that were either really chill or bitter souls that would let you die if they think you fucked up.

Haven't played hunter in a long time but I remember aggressive mages would give me the most trouble. I suppose druids are good against them as well. Can't kite the unkitable.

But cata was the xpac where everyone gave up on arms because every fucking ability required its own macro.

I'm looking forward to grinding runecloth at the hidden dancing troll village.


UD or Tauren. First char I made in BC was an undead priest. Never liked trolls.

The stuff introduced in BC didn't become problems until Wrath. I will admit that it opened the door to let the rats in.

>it's a "don't know a thing about Classic but still give anecdotes" thread
Fuck Yea Forums.

Same here, which is why faggots like piss me off, just disrespectful to a lot of great guys I knew and still know.

Just a bunch of BC babies desu


I loved how the path went up behind the village. I remember my younger self finding that really neat for some reason.

This is a good summary.
You could tell the rot had set in when the scourge invasion event saw hordes of fucking faggots whine on the forums about their dailies being interrupted.

>tfw levelling a prot warrior on nostalrius
>every. single. player that engaged you could kill me, regardless of their skill
>it got to the point where if I got aggroed, I just stopped and sat down, waiting to die

yeh kil yourself

No one said it applied to everyone

Can't wait to go home bros

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>I'd imagine it be fun as a druid to travel the river
Yes it was as a shaman always was jealous of druids and their water form and we had the wolf form can't imagine the level of seething for other classes

I cheesed it big time in Cata. Specced into bleed and cleave focus, and then chose Blood and Thunder from the prot tree to help spread for bleed effects. My damage was absurdly high in aoe fights.

You can do it in BFA with high mastery, as mastery increases bleed damage. So I just warbreaker, bladestorm and watch as everything dies in 2 seconds to stacked strength from spinning and bleeding to death.

It's gonna be my first time playing "classic" WoW since I missed the WoW train.
Gonna roll a Troll Shaman.

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I really, really dislike dragonstalker. warrior's is a little silly but fine.

Stop making me sad or you're getting clapped, nigga

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i'd rather be an undead than a tauren. too big and i just can't play animal races

t.chinese farmer

>leveling as prot
>leveling by yourself before level 30
>not getting WW wep at 30
>not having Tactical Mastery maxed by 30
>not having Cruelty maxed at 14
>not having Parry maxed for swing timer reset
I hate you so fucking much, holy shit.


Oh yeah, there was a secret tailoring master in that path


where is that?

We both know you'll use it for the saber and dragon quests, then hope to everything holy that you never have to touch it again

Classic is going to be TBC minus the new zones, races and level scap. Items have rating rather than flat percentages, and the options interface has already been confirmed to be the one added in TBC.

>levelling a prot warrior on nostalrius
Imagine leveling as prot specced, kek'd.

the magenta is a little too much but looks like it could be an actual outfit whereas the can opener suit is just dog shit

Why prot? Are you chaining instances?

I never said it was a good idea. I didn't even make a better tank than other warriors while levelling.

winterspring is comfy as fuck

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Looks like Maraudon to me.

They already confirmed percentages are in.

nope. I just wanted to level prot since I've levelled a prot warrior in every xpac I played in retail until I quit I started in the tail end of TBC and quit at the end of mists

>chaining instances

Can't wait to come home and enjoy my dwarf priest. Crunch Squad unite!

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rip belvis

>then fury for raiding
That was only with the release of AQ because there was a change in fury damage scaling in that patch. Fury should be viable for all of classic tho.

I'm a man with the IRON LOINS

I still think everyone who is hyping themselves up for classic is setting themselves up for disappointment.

Any spec can kill prot, what kind of dellusional stupid meme is that?

why do you feel the need to give your input especially when private servers prove you wrong?


Why post when you say something that's literally wrong?

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I didn't know they changed this. I'll see myself out.

Something I always liked about Vanilla is that you never fought the top dogs.
It was always the flunkies like Rag, vastly inferior substitutes like Nefarion or weakened entities like C'Thun. Even defeating Kel'Thuzad made it clear you were only fighting round 1 (which made the recycling of Naxx a real kick to the balls).
It made you feel like a hero, but not a spotlight stealing asshole gatecrashing the setting.

Why don't you guys just play one of the many unofficial servers? You enjoy paying for that monthly membership?

I thought it was because prior to AQ, Bloodthirst wasn't an instant attack.

Very nice, my main was a lock but haven't decided between recreating him or making a feral Tauren druid. I don't really care that much about raiding, the journey to 60, world pvp and dungeon runs are the most fun part of classic anyway.

Chinks, corrupt GMs, Chinks, petty drama fucking up the servers, Chinks, Risk of being shut down, Chinks Eastern Europeans and Chinks.

because they're shit quality wife, unstable, ran by incompetent and greedy buffoons and have a chink infestation problem

>want to play
>want to roll a Tauren Shaman
>don't have the time to commit anymore
what do bros

This was the first red flag I had with TBC. I still enjoyed the hell out of it but it introduced a lot of things that started killing the experience for me, and the fact that it marked the beginning of "killing" major lore characters was definitely one of them. TBC was the first step of the player going from an adventurer to the chosen one.

Yeah, prior to 1.6 it was "on next hit" making it fucking worthless compared to HS

I'm starting to think that these posts are the real shills. Private server owners who are about to see their gold selling circuit fucking vanish.

I'll play in your honour, user.

I played Shaman in classic, would really like to branch out but also, I want to play shaman

Garithos was right about Kael all along.

stupid britbong

No need to get all sulphurous on him.

oh jesus did it really look that bad? My nostalgia goggles made it look so much better from memory

you can do it. maybe not go to raids, but go at your own pace to play the game... your game

Don't you mean Sulfuras?

Even prior to legion people thought Illidan did nothing wrong in Outland and it was all Kael's fault

>tfw hang out in Winterspring still
Its such a good fucking zone holy shit

No, that's for the Paladins.

And the plus side it runs like 200 fps on modern PCs now

Because people want something official that will stay around for years to come?
But enjoy playing with chinks and poor eastern europeans that can't afford the monthly fee. I'm sure you'll enjoy it.

Someones clearly never seen what that thing can do with WF

>warlock going from zero to one of the best looking set in game
Wish nu-blizz would remember how to make these

>killing major lore characters
Unless you are Cairne Bloodhoof, noone dies in WoW.

>vashj is still rotting in zangarmarsh
tragic, Illidan and Arthas had the best side leaders
for how accurate and pinnacle garithos was I'm surprised how little he's mentioned in WoW. and kael's story will never not be stupid
>gee vashj, smoking demon shit on Mars doesn't sound so good, but my people are in a pickle so I don't have a choice
>fuck illidan I'm buddying up with the dude who MADE THE SCOURGE

>Finally get to experience Vanilla raiding in a non-slideshow format
I hadn't considered that.

Tanks are always in high demand. Be the hero everyone needs, user

The whole trio was made completely irredeemably evil in TBC for no real reason.

You're just jealous of our superior intellect


I remember at one point they released data for the deadliest mob in the game and it was the Defias Pillager

My nigga

For shock value raid content. For all of WoW's casualization and design flaws over the years, its willingness to sacrifice or corrupt beloved characters was always the game's greatest sin in my opinion.

Is it even worth it, whilst leveling, to craft your own gear? How useful are professions while leveling, beyond just making money?
I plan on using mining/blacksmithing for my paladin, since that seems the most synonymous.

How are fire mages in Vanilla?

They were just in the top 10

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Illidan I can get. Nigga got shanked by Frostmourne and knew he was number 1 on Kil'Jaeden's personal shit list, so it's understandable he goes nuts.
Lady Vashj was always a literal who, and Naga were dicks anyway.

Kael really got the shit end of the stick, though. He should have been the defector, with a different elf or demon taking his place.

>no reason

Nice for leveling, but you'll need to switch to frost for raiding until the non fire resistance raids come out.

Good in PvP but severely handicapped in PvE by the launch raids being fire themed (and thus having appropriate resistances). They get better in AQ and Naxx for that same reason.

what kinda facial hair should i get for my mullet main?

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You think they gonna nerf Defias chads?

based Drek'Thar stoping these shitty allys

Absolutely. But I would considering tailoring for a paladin personally. You need that spirit gear for mana regen fueled flash of light spam.

I meant to ask if it's still really fun in vanilla

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>4 STR

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This is what I played in retail. Undead warlocks are pure cringe

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Cata-zoomer here. I'm thinking of playing an Orc Hunter, but I was just wondering if Hunter is really as complicated as these youtube guides make it out to be? If so I'll probably just play Undead Mage.

No. They've said they don't want to mess with balance at all, so I expect most mobs to be as tough or even tougher than their private server counterparts since Blizz has the real data.


Where did the cadavers/plague ghoul in that top 8 come from?

"Hybrid tax"
>Warriors are a hybrid
>only tank, 2 specs to tank in
>best dps for 4.5/6 raids
>best melee dps
>Not affected by hybrid tax

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Those are my favorite memories of WoW. I don't know what it was, but something about exploring shit that you weren't supposed to have access to was incredible, it's a feeling that no game has ever been able to replicate.

>windows xp
>armory thingie
>that patch downloader
fuck man

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kinda surprised stitches isn't up there

Pink hair and mustache only

Hunters were quite possibly the single easiest class in the game. They got a reputation for being brain dead retards for that reason.


I've spent the past year stopping myself playing pservers yet I find myself levelling away anyway.

Can't wait for classic and for the hordes of shitters to quit before level 20. If there was ever a great a filter for today's generation of crying faggots and trannies its wow classic levelling.

I'm not too familiar with the spec, but I know a lot of people love that one pyroblast build. I think it's "one minute mage" but I might be wrong. Fire is basically if you like big dick damage while frost is for CC and arcane is for special snowflake shenanigans.

Some will make it to level 60 then wonder where the raid queue system is

>wanted to roll warrior and prepared/researched a bunch
>realise how fucked i'd be in various ways endgame
>think about rolling a warlock to be more independent
>ask myself 'ok but why a warlock and not a mage'
>unironically cant think of a reason

shall i just roll a fucking mage like every chinkgoldsellernpc#21314

You gonna sit in undead areas like plaguelands grinding quest mobs with all the other pallies and classes. All so you get to 60 and realise that protadins can't hold single threat for shit and no one will group with you.

Don't lump all of us together, boomer-kun. I'm a newfag that never played retail in any form, but after trying a private server am really looking forward to Classic. I know I'm not the only one in my generation who wishes we had a game like this growing up. Modern MMOs are garbage and you should be thankful you get to experience one of the better eras of the genre twice.

>warriors fucked in anyway endgame
user where have you been doing your research? Warrior may in fact be the best class at endgame.

Avoid paladin in vanilla like the fucking plague even if their tier sets are the best.
TBC is where protadin is at and wrath is when retadins were stupidly op

I can only assume he's making reference to respec hell.

That's why I said "prot to 60" ya nonce. I'm not too prideful to go holy for raiding.

Ret could still fuck some shit up in vanilla. I don't know how well they held up against most ranged DPS, but I know as a rogue they were one of the two classes I avoided in pvp.

Warlocks can summon people, mages can't. Warlocks get a free mount. Warlocks are better at 1v1 fights and duels. Warlocks can breathe underwater.

I'm not saying what you should pick, just listing some upsides.

My man. Here's some nostalgia.

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>where horde become men and babies reroll alliance


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Don't remind me that I am almost 40 now!
Yeah reckadins were memes against rogues. But I mean even wand levelling is better than pally levelling in vanilla. Then you get into raids and spend your entire time buffing people and getting yelled at on voice for buffs. I dunno how our pallies did it in vanilla I would have thrown my monitor out the window.

now kill 50 tigers

Magefags, explain why you go full power like warlocks?

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What if Blizzard remastered the old WoW trailer and used it when they announce the release date, would that be hype as fuck?

I was just watching this again earlier today

Barrens is a carebear zone, it lets you get all the way into the 20s without ever experiencing pvp. Ally have to deal with redridge shenanigans almost immediately.

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now kill 100 panthers

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im making reference to the fact that i have no friends playing the game with me
so i'll be fighting for raid spots with all the other warriors - be probably towards the bottom of the list as far as loot distribution goes since core members/irl friends will get priority - same story with tanking
shit ability to farm gold, shit in world pvp without a buddy etc.

i know i know, 'you make friends playing' but it's different to the p server community or vanilla - i feel like the communities are going to be far more insular and cliquish. Either way i just think endgame will be hell for me.

True but mages can make portals, food and water, have better damage, are stacked in raids more heavily, have better gold farming. I'm just trying to think as an independent player. Plus im playing Alliance. So i figure WoTF hurts me, but also not many warlocks so maybe i get better chance at raid/group spots

i really, really just dont want to level to 60 and then be fucked. I love warrior and it seems the most interesting by far, but i just cant see myself taking it very far when it requires gear so badly and has limited abilitly to make the gold to get it. Maybe a really experienced vanilla player will make it work, but that aint me

>tfw creating an infamous elite PvP guild again, known on the whole server for being the biggest assholes and best PvPers
can't wait.

I don't remember much about my troll fire mage other than I guess I had fun enough to grind 10-19 Warsong Gulch enough to make Sergeant before hitting lv20, which I thought was something to be proud of back then, I have no idea if it was such an achievement though, I was like 13 or some shit and probably retarded

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This is one of the few vanilla machinima that I think aged well. I've tried revisiting a few others for nostalgia's sake but this is the only one I still find genuinely enjoyable.


>Plus im playing Alliance
Go ahead and pick mage. You'll thank me later when 99% of your enemies are undead.

>without ever experiencing pvp
Crossroads raids? Ratchet?
It's harder for a Horde to get to Redridge than it is Alliance to get to the Barrens.

Warlock is great at 60 because pvp and pve spec is basically the same
Mage has to respec between fire, frost and pvp spec which is super annoying and lame
Also warlock is cool af

Waiting for it to actually come out, but I'm hopeful. Sadly my NEET days are coming to an end soon so I'm not sure how much I'll really be able to enjoy it.

the old WoW songs held up quite well

I forgot how slutty a lot of the armor was for females.

The "Kill X mobs" quests aren't even bad. You're happy to get quests like that. It's when you have to collect 30 gorilla tailbones or whatever the fuck, and they have like a 15% drop rate, that's when it feels like drudgery.

never said they were bad, I love the Nesingwary quests

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>go collect 4 hooves

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Mages don't have better damage than warlocks in raids
Also warlock works fine on alliance side, relying 100% on fear is a bad plan anyway
Warlock is a much more gear dependent class than mages in pvp though, so if you aren't planning to raid and get dank gear then you might be better off as mage in pvp
Also about gold, you can make gold as any class with the right professions so that shouldnt be a big factor imo

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>I enjoy tanking 5 mans.
Then you better roll a warrior, big guy. Protadins are trash.

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Mage is great as a first toon to level because you are self sufficient. Mana shield, food and drink, PORTALS. DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE PORTS. They are half the reason you wanna roll mage to level. Setting a hearth at your questing area and porting about is so fucking good and a time saver. A lot of good quests with unique rewards etc (like sprite darter pet for alliance) have a lot of running around the country side for. Plus you can always make money selling ports with tips.

Warlocks will curb stomp you tho

pom pyro is 3 minute mage as you can instacast a pyro every 3 minutes
It's great in warsong gulch for taking down the flagcarrier but its a pure pvp spec

>grabs your feral/rogue gear
>tops meters
nothin personnel

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*blocks your path*

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that song is very boomercore whats its name?

I never really had a problem with this. Sure not every mob had a hoof, but you could probably get the quest done in 8-12 mob kills, which is average for most quests.

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>Wanted in PvE and can put up decent enough numbers
>SLSL in PvP is also pretty respectable

I'm ready for the million Soul Shards I'll need to farm

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im stuck between rogue or lock.
what do you boys think? I’ll probably mostly pvp so rogue seems the obvious choice but I did always like lock lore

gwen stefani what you waiting for

I'm pretty sure that specific screenshot was from one of the islands way off the coast of STV that players weren't supposed to see and was removed pretty early. It looked pretty undercooked even at the time.

Hf just don't make the mistake of speccing SL/nightfall instead of SL/shadowburn

The annoyance of the quest is that they're spread out over a large area and there's a bunch of people competing for them (usually)

I thought it was that island with the fucking naga you collected seaweed from or whatever it was

I find that the Zhevra hoof quest is something you do passively. Go around doing other quests and just kill some Zhevra if you see them for a chance at a hoof. Same with the Raptor head quest.

im conflicted on this, some people say WOtF is the worst thing ever and will rape you
some people say its not that big a deal with how much CC you have plus horrify in death coil

i'm pretty sure mages do, since warlocks dont get to use their full debuff slots, dont have any threat reduction, and dont benefit from winters chill like mages do. Maybe the 16 debuff slot will a) allow more dots and b) allow shadow priests with the shadow weakness debuff but even then its a stretch. i know they scale better late but im fairly sure mages are ahead at least until aq40
yeah but im not too worried about levelling honestly. its endgame im worried about. gearing, making gold etc.
i know someone said about using professions, but arent they largely tied to securing recipes (like flasks, blacksmithing etc) which are highly contested and again go to core raid members/irl friends


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I don't know what class to play bros, rogue or mage?

and opening up a million trade windows :^)

Can't wait to fish with my Druidbros while I wait for hearthstone cooldown.

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>blood elf

that zone sucked hard dick. for me, its scarlet monastery and winterspring

>i'm pretty sure mages do
Since we have 16 slot debuff slots from the start there will be shadow priests in raid and spot for corruption (though corruption is a very marginal damage increase), warlocks do great dps mate and are never really beaten by mages

Thousand Needles is max comfy in my memories

What addon is this that shows auto attack timers?

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If you were a guild master, would you force your DPS warriors and shamans/paladins to wear cloth and leather, or would you allow them to maintain their dignity and wear appropriate but worse armor pieces?

Depends, both raid viable, both pvp viable. Mage more fun in bg's.
Mage has an easier time levelling but rogue isn't that bad either once you can sprint away when too much is pulled.
Mages have ports, food n water on tap and best cc.

Rogues have stealth, big dick melee dps, but have to gimp themselves a bit for imp sap.
Lock pick is great in vanilla and it saves a lot of time from getting actual keys. Groups used to pay gold for a rogue to unlock UBRS.
A lot of fun things to do in vanilla for a rogue though using stealth.
Against each other a rogue needs engineering iirc to beat a non shit geared mage where as a mage just needs functioning brain cells.
Though you can 1 - 2 global a lot of poor geared mages because their base health is so low. I remember 1 shotting a lot of mages on my hunter with aimed shot crits.

We don't want to play with subhuman chinks and eastern yuropeeons

I don't think many guild masters roleplay like that lol

>im conflicted on this, some people say WOtF is the worst thing ever and will rape you
>some people say its not that big a deal with how much CC you have plus horrify in death coil
If you know you love locks and have played them in vanilla before you can say "fuck it" and play a vanilla lock and it will be fine. If you are indecisive between them and mages/another class, I would just go mage. Both classes are great but mages wont come with that additional pain in the ass, its the safer choice.

oh yeah i forgot that video was like start of wrath

Actiblizz has given you an astronomical budget to create WoW 2. You mostly have carte-blanche. Lorewise, you can choose to either set off from the current BfA state, or any past release (including turning the clock back to when the RTS games were taking place)

What do you do?

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What are some extremely specific counters? For example, a gnome rogue with improved sprint and preparation versus a mage. Or an orc warrior with 5/5 Iron Will versus a rogue.

Can't wait to camp Barrens with my Human Male Rogue. It's all coming back to me.

I didn't click the video but Quartz is the addon I used for auto timers. Recommended for wars, pallies n huntards.

I want to play mage or rogue but since their pvp and pve specs are so different ill probably just end up playing warlock or hunter where you can pvp in pve spec instead
Honestly if they would change 1 thing from vanilla (i know they wont though) it should be respec costs

What's the best what to night elf?
>do starting area
>go to darkshore when done and quest there
>move down into ashenvale and quest around there
>after this point make the decision whether to keep going on kalimdor (does it even actually continue until desolace level?) or going to EK and questing through wetlands as I arrive and transition up to arathi
>do starting area
>fuck darkshore and immediately take the boat to EK and make the long journey through wetlands and ultimately all the way to westfall
>quest there and do the typical EK stuff until I have a reason to go back to kalimdor

>im conflicted on this, some people say WOtF is the worst thing ever and will rape you
>some people say its not that big a deal with how much CC you have plus horrify in death coil
It basically lies on the enemy player.
Some of them rely so heavily on it that they can't function when you take it away.
Others actually have brains.

>raiding is everything


Do teldrassil->darkshore->ashenvale imo
If you get bored of darkshore you can skip it and go wetlands or whatever but ashenvale is cool af

Back to humans vs. orcs
You choose human or orc
But you also get to choose from which kingdom or clan you hail
Combination of warcraft 1 and 2 with land and sea battles
All other races are NPCs

Start off from when the Lich King died and go from there.

I'd actually love to play on one of them. But what's the point spending ~2 months getting to 60 when classic will basically be right around the corner and it will all be for naught.

I get the whole "leveling is half the journey" thing, but I don't even think that's true on a private server. It will probably feel more like retail where every zone is dead besides cities because the average player that plays on one is already 60 save for the odd newer player or alt that's leveling still. It will just be literal mob grinding suffering. Compare it to classic where there will be mass numbers of players, I could stop and run any dungeon almost any time because there will be people constantly running low level stuff while they level.

darkshore is the best 10-20 zone when it comes to speed leveling, every guide focuses on it

Vanilla but with 10 new raids

>tfw your bois are getting kitted out 8/8 T2 and stylin on all the plebs in orgrimmar in ubrs blues

Eastern Ashenvale is a shitshow for Alliance, at least on Pservers.
Teldrassil->Darkshore -> Level until you reach a good level for Deadmines (18-20) -> Westfall

>questing in stv
>get ganked by level ?? rogue
>run back and wait until he might be gone
>he isn't, and could stick around for another hour who knows
what is the play here to keep leveling and not waste time since its almost certainly going to happen a lot again.
hard mode: no pve server

strat UD

There are plenty of people running around in low level zones on the popular private servers. It's free, so you can go check out Durotar/Elwynn right now and see, if you like.

You'll probably enjoy it more if you wait for classic though.

Where do i find it for vanilla?

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call for help or go to a different zone in that level range

go to the badlands and you crybaby fucktard

So who else here is playing on an old ass CRT and lowest graphics settings with a ball mouse?

You need to raid to PvP, so yes

I'll play with graphics maxed out way past the vanilla level and you won't be able to stop me.

do we already know if yuro servers are gonna be language-split like retail or everyone together like ff14?

google vanilla quartz swing timer

That sounds pretty nice then.
Still, the idea of leveling to 60 on a server I'm definitely not playing on when classic comes out just feels like a waste. And it would probably burn me out when it comes to doing it again on classic.

I kind of wish there was a server I could just start at max level and not take too seriously. Try a few dungeons with each class and see what I'm feeling for classic.

RetroWoW. You start at 60, all spells are free and you can pvp and raid I believe? great way to test out classes at max

try retrowow mate

Same start date as WoW, but structured differently
>EK is dominated by the Alliance (Stormwind Humans, Dorfs, High Elves)
>Kalimdor is dominated by the Alliance Horde (Orcs, Trolls, Tauren)
>Outland is dominated by the Alliance Illidan's Faction (Naga, Blood Elves, ugly Draenei)
>Wildcard factions (Can align with any of the three): Night Elves, Forsaken, Lordaeron/Alterac Humans or someshit, some other asspulled race on Kalimdor
>Northrend is the major endgame/PvP zone in which factions have to fight for access to the best shit

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absolutely based, that's perfect thanks bros

Retro-Wow if you just want to fuck around and test some things out. It's not authentic at all, it's like a sandbox.

I haven't played here, but it might be what you're looking for.

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Pick off from the end of WC3, retcon Teldrassil out of existence, nelfs now start in Ashenvale and they're their own faction
Same with UD

Give me them broken Draenei lad
I was fucking platinum mad when they unveiled the """Draenei""" in BC

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I'd have Forsaken join the Illidari as a "fuck the Scourge and fuck the Legion" faction. I'm guessing you intentionally left gnomes out?
But I like the idea of wildcard races.
I'd make it so you could betray your faction, but it's a long costly grind. Like, good luck when you can only hang out in neutral towns for a while. I'd also find a way to take battlegrounds and integrate them into the main world like Wintergrasp.

How do you cope with the hype Yea Forums?

>constantly thinking about the races and classes I want to play
>weighing and measuring each one to decide on my main character
>wake up each day and go to bed at night thinking about this

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Engineering ways to quit my job and go neet with a legitimate excuse.

What is the prospective classic player's view on adding later features that are kind of nice to have but not classic and don't really change the experience.

example: the barber shop

Thank God for multiverse theory. That's all I've got.

The barber shop reduces player investment into your character desu

No, any change is a slippery slope, you want your shitty barber? Go play retail.

actually it increases player investment, because you have to pay for it

Slippery slope is a logical fallacy

I'd like barbershop and a few things but if you dont go full nazi NOCHANGES on blizzard they will fuck shit up so it's more of a safety thing than something ppl actually want

I don't want any of it

WotLK but with no RDF and only 25man raids (no 10s).

Hi Audi.

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It's only a fallacy when you can't connect the potential change with the event potentially causing it.
What you're doing is called the fallacy fallacy.

I still don't even know. I initially wrote off classic and didn't even intend to play. Now in the past several weeks I'm 100% playing and hype af.

The only ways I've coped so far are constantly thinking about how I should do things. Every night I fall asleep thinking over what zones i want to do, where I might try a dungeon and what ones are worth running or not. What zones are hard skips where I'd rather just grind for a few levels, and so on.
Want to try it out a bit on a private server but I don't want to burn out or sour the expectations with a bad representation of the final product so I probably shouldn't.

God yeah, I love that troll quest where you need to kill like 200 trolls to get 20 necklaces just to get the next quest where you have to kill as many trolls for as many necklaces but of higher level.
The peak of comfieness

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Imagine if Teldrassil was actually like this ingame
it would be an unnavigable mess

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Fuck you!

Partly because I don't trust Blizzard to have any sense of restraint, but mostly because characters only changing their appearance via gear is a nice constant when you're raiding with a guild.
Seeing the same faces evolve is something that gets lost when they're changing everything every couple of weeks.

One change we can all agree on is removing dishonorable kills right? Nobody actually likes that system, it kills world pvp and it gets removed one patch later in TBC anyways.

Even if there are QoL features I want, I don't want to add them to the game. You give them an inch they'll take a mile. If the community caves and lets them add something like the barber shop, its only a matter of time before we see the group finder and LFR.

personally i wouldn't mind some minor qol changes like aoe looting, mount/tabard tabs, and the barbershop, but it's a very slippery slope when you start adding those things because then it becomes easier to justify more changes with
>well if X why not Y?

way easier to just make as few changes as possible imo. prevents any of those shitstorms from starting in the first place. people wanted vanilla, and people played vanilla on private servers as is, so i see no reason to tamper with it.

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Hell, they removed Ironforge's extra floor because it was too hard to navigate. I would've kept it.

None of you are actually going to play Classic. You're all just blinded by nostalgia goggles and are in for a rough awakening how bad it actually way. Classic is going to be a financial disaster.

I'd rather imagine Teldrassil didn't exist at all

>not lost ones
it was quite a bummer when Akama and the friendly camp in SoS were changed so the old design will never show up again so we can all forget the retcon and it would've been really cool for thrall to reach outland and try to make peace with Illidan's draenei, who take pleasure in lording over the fel orcs
but for my changes what I can think of now is
>get rid of the titans, keep the earthen/big stone watchers but keep them greco/roman like in uldamen. no loken/odyn/raiden or any other uninspired mythology
>keep voidwalkers demons, old gods are big mysterious squids underground, they don't need higher ups
>double down on scourge bros, gives them more reason than just "a spooky helmet told us" to wipe out life on earth
>get rid of dragonflights

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>never played WoW past tutorial
>was playing runescape in my youth and never experienced old WoW
>I will never be able to properly appreciate the comfy "classic bro" threads

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Big if true

it's quite obvious Blizzard only banned Nostalrius to set the underlying threat of losing your progress at any point and making retail vanilla a significantly more appealing option as a result.

>stonetalon mountains

Reminds me how SHIT the leveling in vanilla is, having to run out of the motherfucking zone every 2-3 levels because the quests up 20 feet ahead are 10 levels out of your range, holy FUCK vanilla sucks dick

Classic wow isn't coming back because people miss it
It's because people are playing vanilla wow on priv servers already and want better scripted servers with no corruption
It's not coming back because of nostalgia goggles, it's coming back because there is a current market right now for it where people are already playing the game but not paying for it

Why are you retards so hype about a game from 2006 with the same content and worse community? nostalgia fags should neck it wont be as fun agian

>loken/odyn/raiden or any other uninspired mythology
They really weren't even trying
Also Humans are titan kids too now, sorry dorfs you're not special

It it be glorious to see when this shit inevitably goes down in flames

Don't get me wrong. I do not wish for that to happen. I only say that perhaps the past is not as bright as anyone remembers. And what has Blizzard done right lately? What chance does this whole endeavor has to be actually good?

I would not cross my fingers, it's what I'm trying to say

Ikr, FUCK IT MAKES ME SO ANGRY, amirite my fellow gamer? Play retail btw

>minor qol changes
>aoe looting
Retail fags baffle me

You need the titans to exist, because Sargeras was already the dark titan prior to WoW.
Just make them a lot less present.

i'll give you a hint shill

oh dude I'm just playing comfy wow vanilla haha this is a good timooohhhnoooooooooo

>play warlock
>summon infernal middle of goldshire
>just laugh at the mayhem

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>worse community

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well I'd keep sargaras, but omit the rest since they didn't do shit as a group, let alone individuals. to the point where in the new lore they were dead and nothing changed. probably keep azeroth a titan which if it was just her and sarg would make the fate of the world deeper than "the PLANET ITSELF is the chosen one :)"

Can any resto shaman bros tell me how important the threat reduction talents are? I'd like to know am I wasting points.

why are people such assholes that they immediately have to kill infernals when they are summoned in public? Am I not allowed to have fun?

allaince is too smug to kill it outside capitals

based chaos poster

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>he non ironically thinks that there aren't passionate fans of wow out there
why the fuck would we be bad mouthing retail if we're shills?

Totally unnecessary in a constructed environment. I would only take that talent if if was a pushable button that negated all of my threat for 6s or something.

You're crazy if you think this is coming out any time before August.

Official 1-10 zone ranking survey results:
Durotar > Dun Morogh > Elwynn > Tirisfal >>> power gap >>> Teldrassil
Voting period has now finished, thanks for partaking in this poll






*a light stomp is heard*

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Durotar is shit.

>thinking it will come out before 2020

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that was my plan on private servers but leveling a paladin is so fucking tedious I gave up at lvl 30.
It also doesn't help that almost any horde can kite you to death fuck this class

BfA doesn't even have unique class tier sets anymore. They've just given up on making you even want to play the game.

Shut the fuck up, idiot

don't do it the class is stale asf

I'm fucking ready to spend the next 20 years playing on my main. Paladin McLovin will rise again!

Used to play on back in the day, I'm there DAY ONE for retail classic.

Human Paladin

>does it even actually continue until desolace level?
Nope. I clearly remember being a complete noob at WoW and felt like life was over after clearing Ashenvale and none of the neighboring zones making sense to move on to. I think I fucked off to Arathi Highlands or something until I hit the right level for Desolace & Feralas.

shaman is a solid choice my dude just don't play enhance

haha, good post my old friend, cheers

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don't you have some artifact power to grind?

I was thinking this considering Tranquil Air exists. I could just roll in a ranged DPS group in a raid and have someone else be a windfury bitch

>not playing the ultimate meme spec

How is affliction warlock and resto druid, those are my favorite classes.

Enjoy getting raped by casters I guess. Meanwhile I'll be playing this.

>Want to play vanilla shaman because I never got to
>Hate all the horde area's aesthetics which is why I never got to in the first place

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Affliction Warlock CAN NOT be played in raids. Resto is really the only viable raid spec for druids. Occasionally you may have a bear off-tank, but that is not an everyday thing.

I spent about an hour during the free weekend amassing all the gold on my characters to buy a token so I can jump right into it for free.

Never played a warrior in vanilla and I want to tank for raids so should I go prot for leveling? or is arms ok for leveling and tanking dungeons so long as I have a shield?

>Enhance is a meme spec
>Meaning it's just for shits and giggles

Listen autismo, we all know Enhance isn't actually good for anything but meme windfury deletions. We all know Elemental is better for PvP. You can put your dick away for two seconds and have a little fun.

If I love the autistic loot treadmill grind of Diablo II: LoD would I like WoW Classic? I don't really have a desire to do raids and dungeons if they're really tough.

Never go prot for levelling. Level up as Arms.

You only get gear through raids and dungeons pretty much.


>it's been so long since I've played wow that I had to google what you meant by 'hearthstone cooldown' as I only associated the word hearthstone with the card game

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>>best melee dps
for naxx maybe.

So I just need a shield to tank a dungeon though right? till I get to 60 or higher levels?

>Hate all the horde areas

you is huge gay

I wouldn't mind transmog but with some added restrictions

I'd be okay with dyes that some profession could make. It could only change the colors though, but at least you could get a matching armor set. It would require blizzard to make unique models for all items though, no more lazy recolors. For roleplay purposes I think you could have a white set of armor with no stats that can be transmogged.

This. I guarantee 50% of the posters in this thread wont make it past level 20 and only half of the 50% that do will actually make it to 60.

Transmog would be a mistake. I loved being able to look at someone and immediately sum up their skill or experience as a player.

I want to play an MMO that will feel like a multiplayer game and not a singleplayer one. Classic could not possibly do this any worse than retail does.

Why did I have to play the shit out of Nost and Elysium?

I had a great time, but it would have been so much better if I would have waited until classic. Anyone else know this feel?

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That's the primary reason I'm staying/stayed away from them.

I stopped myself at 36 on Chinkdale, but I still wish I hadn't played at all. At least I didn't play the race I want to main in classic.

Just go arms or fury and slap a shield on when the time comes. You can respec prot once you're 60, other specs work fine until then and you're gonna want to kill yourself if you level prot.

Yeah, I played up until MoP and I've still literally never played a priest or druid. I've also never really played horde in vanilla or on a private server, so I might roll a troll priest for a genuinely new experience.

haircuts .. fine

whatr3ever watever whatever they have no sense. equating haircuts is "well x is ok so why not y" with that and flying mounts, you got to be fucking retarded. fuck whoever says that shit like, " hur durr its change and everything about th egame is just that a change" claiming the game is a cosmetic game and removing the world to travel and just having to walk through walls cheatcode to get to everywere is good like is retarded and thats what their developers are

btw enjoy paying 50gold to respec from tank to arms for pvp, then back to fury to dps while between raids when needed. while levelling and attempting to get in raids.

((( NO CHANGES )))

theyre sure to keep the most time wasting shit in the game which theyve already been bragging about in some tips video

>gnomes can't be healers
what the fuck

Fuck gnomes

>gnomes exist as a playable race and stole mage and warlock capabilities away from dwarves
what the FUCK

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I'm for it because it increases player choice. I'd just like to rock the Embrace of the Fang for eternity on my druid. But I can see how it would cause problems for classes that switch armor spec at 40.

>first playthrough of WoW ever
>get to this zone
>fucking hunter pets come out of nowhere

I played a Warlock for 2 expansions and ended up maining a Hunter for the next two just because of the flashbacks from this shit

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>if you are alliance and want to roll priest, you have to play dwarf, otherwise you're useless
Yeah, great design here

>middle aged
I don't blame you, that model makes him look 25 years older than he actually is, which is 23.

I don't know that feel. I don't think classic will feel all that different. Private servers had scummy admins, chinks and Slavs but even if you exclude those, the community and sense of adventure just isn't the same. The min/max autism you've seen on private servers will infect the classic servers and the general tone/way people interact on the internet has changed between 2005 and current times.

these are gross simplifications and narratively dishonest

Arms is amazing in vanilla stop listening to shit posting retards who tell you things aren't "viable".
go 31/5/15 and dps/pvp/tank be useful as fuck.

>call for help
>”go back 2 pve whiny bitch”

Precisely. Hybrids ain't gonna level as healers either. I've done that shit and it was AIDS between being unable to kill other players and being unable to kill mobs quickly. The truth is dungeons aren't all that difficult and you can get away with warriors simply carrying a shield. I'll be doing dungeons as a DPS though niggas can get fucked. I'll heal when I'm 60.

Tauren here. Orgrimmar is a nigger city and I wish Thunderbluff became the hub city instead.

Take your meds, faggot

This is the red pill. People are just different now and chances are you'll see a lot of fags using discord instead of talking in-game.

I don't know this feel. I played the shit out of Nost but that was 3 years ago, man.

>tfw I won't have to put up with windfury deletions because I'll be Horde
thank FUCK

Tauren Shaman reporting in. Gonna go Ele/Resto hybrid and raid heal while melting kids in PvP. We’re almost home bros.

yeah i fucking love spending hours on a game not knowing when it could all get deleted at any second

Thunder Bluff is the second comfiest city behind Ironforge.

Were Shamans taken along as dps/utility/off healers in Battlegrounds (so literally just 30/0/21 ele/resto build) or were they expected to actually bring a resto heavy build to BGs? Please respond.

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I think they will shoot themselves in the foot and install quest addons. Once they can just follow the arrow around they will have railroaded themselves and killed one of the funnest aspects of vanilla. The freedom you have and where you can go.
>oh that area looks cool
>naw fuck that my quest arrow says go the other way
These are the idiots that will complain about not having enough quests because they think quests are the only way to level up.

lol resto in BGs. Nigga go 30/0/21 and melt niggas

literally cannot wait to go shaman and just fucking pile someone with a stacking windfury

my non optimal guild will take priests of all races and theres nothing you can do about it

So it's completely fine for me to just off heal? that's a relief. I really didn't want to have to go heavy resto.

By the way. Does anyone know if BGs are going to have server groups or is each server gonna have their own isolated BGs?

pserv vanilla was amazing according to nostalgia fags.
until classic was announced and information surfaced that 80% of the values are guessed and wrong. Inlcuding insanely noticeable stuff like the behaviour of mobs after cast interruption, among a boatloat of things.
it was amazing before, now pservs are shit, you see.

daily reminder:
*it won't be like you remember
*you have been living in delusion up until now
*old AV, the funniest thing to do casually in the game is gone
*within 2 months you will get bored of what you awaited autistically for 4 years

Imagine being this upset that other people are enjoying something that you don't.

based. people seem to think you need like 8 fear wards and if you don't have it you're not gonna clear. what they don't realise however is that there's other ways of breaking fears. i mean horde get away with no fear ward. it's nice to have but there's strength in spirit racial too.

>he doesn't know about the channel where friendly world pvp'ers are waiting for calls to help

actual poll here. let's see how many of you are cool dudes and how many of you have shit taste.

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at least real values will be sucked dry when valve i mean blizzard releases it for people to fix the game back to what we really fucking want and they refused to do, like never do flying mounts. make more than 1 spec viable, because its in the fucking game, without making 2 characters ilike for instance warriors so you dont have to respec to dps and tank. then make a 3rd for only pvp. how retarded and time wasting is that. they turned from wasting time like that in that way to wasting y our entire time by making it stupid

daily reminder:
*the internet has changed socially over a period of 15 years, no shit
*people have been actively playing classic for the past decade and still enjoy it
*nothing is final yet
*lootsharing only applies to raids which typically lootmaster anyways. if you pub raids you're a fucking moron.
*classic is an actual MMO as opposed to the queue simulator that nu wow is (nothing massive about hiding in stormwind and waiting for LFR and arena queues to pop) so you will have things to do in between each content pass that comes
deep throat on this fat hairy wolf cock retail cuck

Human are for basic bitches but Elwynn is the best.

>without making 2 characters ilike for instance warriors so you dont have to respec to dps and tank. then make a 3rd for only pvp.
how the fuck is that going to work when you're only reliably gonna be able to gear and raid on one character?

>implying i dont want a nightfall using enhance shaman in my group.

not him and with the caveat that private server experiences won't translate completely to official classic servers, whenever i saw people indicating where gankers were or where pvp was happening, people used it primarily as an opportunity to parrot memes like "git gud", "oh noes pvp on a pvp server lmao", and "so ur saying pvp happened?????"
Granted, the type of dudes that sit in /world for 20 hours straight shooting arguing about two genders or asking why you can see the lich king's horse aren't necessarily indicative of the "General population", but assuming the server is full of friendly anti-gankers is pure reddit tier nostalgia fan-wank.

thats my fucking point. what your not supposd to pvp so you only stay one spec? why didnt they make it viable and gatekeep it behind a shitty fuckign 50g respec and tell me how a warrior can grind 50gold besides 6 hours of bullshit. unless he is forced to take herbalism or something worth value to get money. i

you can tell by that they had in mind ofr only one spec to work. then when it was known that more than one would work, they just decided itd be a good idea to instead of making it viable, so you can respec 3 times or 4 times a week without having to find 200 gold, they just fukcing thought, "make another character". for a respec..

Legitimately pointless due to the lower proc chance. You might as well just have a huntard carry it due to r1 wing clip spam.

>and with the caveat that private server experiences
Ok great, shut the fuck up then nobody cares about your chinese reddit private server anecdotes

I played Nostalrius so my experience may be inaccurate because there was bots fucking everywhere that were literally being unbanned for real life money. But yeah I felt like alchemy didn't bring in much money.

Stepping foot in Ashenvale forest again. My God it's going to be magical.

I saw a hunter doing this on nostalrius. Said he did decent dps and had 100% uptime on nightfall.
I'm sure most people would say this isn't "viable" and cry about not having enough people in the raid.

Hunter or Warlock, which is the most fun and or less annoying to play?

Shamans have to just rely on autoattacks. That's their weakness. And I don't believe nightfall procs off of windfury attacks.

The things I liked most about real vanilla:
>no real emphasis on "gotta go fast!!" when leveling, could spend an entire day ganking people or running horribly inefficient dungeons and make awful progress and not care
>elitism and parseshitters were non-existent, I was probably bottom 50% back then and no one cared, and there were people even worse than me and no one cared
>it was just chill, hanging out with guild members in vent and doing stuff in game was comfiest of times
>no one cared about balance, you didn't get declined group invites because you were playing a dps that did 2% less overall dps at the highest level of play assuming optimal rotations, people just wanted a full group of 40 with some workable comp
>leveling felt like content and not just a means to an end
How much of this will still be around in classic? Will the evolution of the wow community kill off any of these?

The former. There are exceptions but it's uncommon for shamans to be in bgs with a deep resto build. Deep resto is good for one thing and that's pve healing.

Yeah I played a PVE spec in BGs and I felt useless for the most part.

here's the ACTUAL mage tier 2 set

Attached: netherwind.jpg (600x820, 64K)

i played retail vanilla as well and it wasn't full of white knights waiting to defend lowbies either.
You can be mad about that or simply accept that no one is going to give a shit about your corpse run except you.

>I.... I played r..r...retail!
ok kid

They all looked awful

Absolutely do not listen to this poster. I leveled and raided enhance and boy was it fun. You get to use the coolest melle spells while still having fun elemental ranged damage and healing abilities. Fuck if you grab some extra gear you can no shit tank dungeons pre-40. Armor sets are awesome to.
Nothing is more important than having fun, and enhancement spec will allow the most fun if you want to be a sweet-ass hybrid dps. I guarantee it.

God, can't it come out sooner?

Lmao. Imagine actually thinking Wrath set for warrior looks bad.
I am so thankful i don't have shit taste.

thats the fucking point in vanilla
you can be 100% efficient for one thing, or make compromises and be good enough in many things.
Theres a reason early pvp gear was pretty fucking shitty and it wasn't just "lol early vanilla." PVP spec and blues/greens > most dedicated raiding specs in epics, look at fucking roguecraft.

I've got a serious boner to smash quest after quest. God damn .

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This pretty much. Just find a guild and become friends with officers. Be friendly and helpful, don't cause drama, and you'll pretty much be able to raid as anything other than non-warrior tank.

I disagree. I think the tier 1 armor sets looks really incredible. My favorites would be the paladin, shaman, and warrior sets. But it's ok, because we can all have our own opinion!

All I want to do is pick flowers. I'm going to be the best herbalist on my server.

I wonder how many servers there's gonna be
Too few and it's gonna be absolutely unplayable at launch
Too many and after a few months when the babies have crawled back to retail, some are gonna be left deserted

What's your experience with FFXIV? I was planning on giving it a try before classic

DM and Mulgore are maximum comfy, but Elywnn really is the best starting zone.


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how do you find this? I've tried to find my account history today and couldn't find it

Real talk; how do we deal with fact that the game is going to be dominate by today's min maxing mmo culture?

you go here and it should show up

d-delet this!

>Simplify it to allow it to be playable on consoles
>Complete graphics overhaul with new modern engine
>allow gangsta fps mode a-la oblivion series
>Re-release every game and expansion on PS4, XBOX, and PC.
That's literally it desu


I played before any expansions and even then the grind to max level fucking sucked, and now you have to go through all of the story of older expansions to get to the current point I believe. Beyond that it's basically a competent post-Cata WoW clone.

>10 months in 3 years

It is my belief that most classic posters started in TBC, and while it felt difficult at times, don't realize how much of a leveling difference there was between Classic and TBC. TBC was best-iteration of WoW fight me.

no me

not worth it. end game is literally full to the brim with braindead trannies who get upset at anyone who plays optimal. you will be a white mage doing 3500 DPS and 60% of the healing with maybe 15-20% over healing and will get bitched out by brain damaged co-healers that are sitting there doing 200 DPS, 40% of the healing and 50% over healing. and if you dare point this out you get reported by them and have your account suspended for 'bullying people with a parsing tool'. meanwhile the shitter who called you out and tried to make out like you weren't doing your job and were 'dpsing too much' will get away scott free with no harrassment allegations and will continue shitting up every raid they enter and they'll get away with it because they're """""""""""FEMALE"""""""""""""

Dorf Rogue reporting in

But the modern WoW aesthetic is hideous

You isolate yourself from the turbo spergs and surround yourself with like minded individuals who want to play the game without hand holding. The sooner Blizzard releases a list of prospective servers the better because then we can start organising Yea Forums guilds that wish to abide by this tradition. You can only hope whoever creates these guilds isn't fucking autistic and has the balls to kick out complete mongoloids.

Yea Forums + mmorpg + discord is going to equal disappointment. I would not advise it.

I'll assume all Yea Forums guilds will be autistic, so I'm avoiding them.

>tfw no big blue booty troll gf

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>inviting console fags into your game
and you think the keyboard turning shitters on lap tops are bad? wew. you should try FFXIV. you'll get tanks that play on PS4 who will run into a pack of 20 mobs, cast zero mitigation in time and will just melt. then they will have the audacity to sit there and complain about you not healing them.

I come to these threads for the nostalgia hit. As much as I want to play classic again, I have no faith in blizzard to not fuck this up. On top of that, the I don't imagine the current (and retail) culture will generate a community comparable to actual vanilla.