Why is it ok when Japan adds forced female protagonists to their games but not ok when the west does it?
Why is it ok when Japan adds forced female protagonists to their games but not ok when the west does it?
Its only forced if it doesnt appeal to Yea Forums's dick
Because their female protagonists are great.
because people who buy western games are incels and people who buy japan games are weebs
because Japan doesn't make a big deal about it.
When the West does it, they put their female character on a soapbox just to score SJW brownie points
First of all, she's not the protagonist. She dies within the first chapter of the game. Second, japan isn't afraid of making attractive female characters.
Japan is much better at writing likable women. It's really that simple.
Western women are written more complex and gritty. They're also really annoying and nobody likes them.
>not incels
this, how good the female character is depends on whether i can fap to her or not.
Who’s gonna tell him?
I'm trying to think of an example of a "forced female protagonist" in a game can someone help me out
OP's example goes completely against his argument so that doesn't help
Because the west is fucking terrible at writing them and are often politically motivated.
Female protagonists that are there just to push muh feminism agenda. It's not that hard
How do you define when something is forced?
>Western women are written more complex and gritty. They're also really annoying and nobody likes them.
Sounds like Lightning who treats everybody else like shit.
Kaede is not even the main protagonist.
On Yea Forums it's whatever someone feels like it being. Many people here call everything forced diversity or agenda pushing if a non-white male even exists.
Not him. But stop being a rude piece of shit
>let's add a female protagonist
>we NEED to add a female protagonist because it is important to have more representation. We must make her below average in terms of looks, though, to avoid the optics that she was added for men.
what do you mean user? shes shown as the protagonist in the trailer and all of the marketing. did you even play the game?
>western women
No, 90% of the time they're just plain old angry dykes.
>game dev makes game the way they like
>hurr they forced a grill hurr
she's not the protagonist and also i don't mind playing as a female who i want to put my dick between their tits.