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That's one sexy dragon.
yes, that's charizard
was there a point to this shit thread, op?
Simply that he is the best starter
based and charizardpilled
The Incel Bulbasaur
The Virgin Squirtle
The Chadrizard
Prove me wrong
>Simply that he is the best starter
still mad!
how can this not be a dragon?
nah bro i will prove you right
here is a (you) for your based post
Can't handle rock types, so it's the fag's choice. Bulbasaur is the patrican's choice.
I like it when Charizard has toes
*Hits you with the stealth rock/rock throw combo on my level 20 geodude
Heh, nothing personnel
>playing pokemon past gen 1
Found the incel.
*Hits you with a double rock throw on my level 20 geodude
Heh, nothing personnel
The series peaked with Gen 4 and 5, faggot, Gen 1 is for the the nostalgia cucks.
huh? I will just fly/wing attack your ass nigga
Venusaur >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> shit(your favorite starter)
always fucks me up in smash god damn it
>fly/wing attack
>attacking a rock type with charizard's mediocre attack stats
>Charizard has shit attack
>Geodude has great defense
>"It's not very effective"
Sure thing
Flying types should be immune to stealth rock. Make it so that they're not described to 'float'. There should not be a move that essentially does 50% damage to all inactivate Pokémon with two types that are weak to rock for the rest of the game unless you waste a turn using rapid spin on a Pokémon known for using rapid spin who the opponent now gets to set up against.
That literally says the opposite you illiterate fuck. Also,
>Having to rely on type charts to know match-ups
So in other words Rock beats Fly. That was my point, retard.
Just sweep with a ""spinner"".
y my peepee hard?
bulbasaur > squirtle > charmander
wartortle > charmeleon > ivysaur
charizard > blastoise >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> venusaur
shit.. nevermind I'm not an incel geocuck nerd like you guys
>gets btfod
>y-you c-cucks
>venusaur > blastoise >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> charizard
ftfy :)
>implying knowing type matchups is nerdy and not basic shit every non-retarded child knows
> Charizard
It's Lizardon you dumb Westernes
Best Pokemon Card forever
>every child knows that Bug does neutral to Rock
>those feet
Boner, no!
Charizard, you degenerate weeb.
keep posting
So it's settled Charizard is the best pokemon and if I hear about rock type all I have to do is Earthquake.. thanks for the thread op!
They might not know literally every combination but they know what types they need to use to win (i.e. what's super effective against common types like flying) and that rocks knock down flying things
Pretty sure this guy draws vore too.
>can't handle the rock types
>learns metal claw early on
it's fairly easy to pass the first gym and while in Cerulean, you can just grab oddish/bellsprout against misty. Later on charizard gets noticably more powerful, I'd say even more than the other two options
Got an erection from this thread
>Charmander so cucked they had to give it Metal Claw to even compete
i wanna blow on his tummy
>>learns metal claw early on
try taking on a Tyrannitar with that shitty attack stat
>if I hear about rock type all I have to do is Earthquake
>can't earthquake them cause Sturdy
never mind the sturdy, Zard's Attack stat is too weak they'll never need it
charizard a shit
ume or plus_alpha
is that....Charizard
....the pokemon?
>Charizard is constantly overrated and overhyped by the fanbase as being super strong fot years
>In actuality it was a lower-mid tier Pokemon until Gen 4 when it was only good in the worst tier in the game
>Gamefreak constantly gives Charizard buffs and perks, and finally 2 Mega Evolutions that are OU
>"See, Charizard was always amazing!!"
Why is Charizard so damn cute?
is this dude on pixiv?
cause you're a faggot
I'll take your fattest Pokemon, please
There's going to be a Mega Charizard Z. Screencap this.
Going by weight that would be Groudon.
He's made of fucking scales or rocks or whatever, I want some soft fat.
If they didn't do it for Lets Go theyre not gonna do it now.
this guy always reminds me of the Ao Oni monster
Isn't Charizard made of scales too?
Where's the slit?
Groudon's a tall fucking boy with scales. I'm a manlet and I'm the same fucking height as Charizard.
Pokemon don't have those.
>shits on this entire thread
>Groudon is only 11 feet high
scat isn't allowed
Where's your 2 Megas?
Why are bellies so fucking good bros?
They're tasty.
Yeah, but his twitter updates more often.
only when filled with cum
Stealth rock has been one of the worst fuckups that GF has done, what the fuck were they thinking?
The most laughable part is that the most underrated pokemon (Venusaur) is the strongest in competitive pokemon
Seethe more stallcuck.
Fire type starters are always the best.
Why is James so based?
He's rich, has superior education and skills that let you triumph at life