>big Smash tournament
>no thread on Yea Forums
Full Bloom 5
Other urls found in this thread:
Was just about to make a thread desu
chat thinks Fox dittos are boring
Yea Forums doesnt actually like or even play melee, they only care about the drama surrounding Melee "Gods"
well there's an Ultimate tournament here too
Melee running late again.
welp they doing Ultimate first I guess
top 8
Cosmos vs. Marss
ESAM vs. Maister
Ned vs. MVD
Seth vs. Yeti
I-I like melee. It's just really hard to bridge that skill gap. More like a chasm... How do I get good faster?
Johnny's got this shit
Did anyone see this literal who JakenShaken going hard over the West Coast boys this tournament? Was hoping he could shake things up in Top 8, he looked like Mew2King for a second
Depends on who is playing who.
playing against people that are better than you in mirror matches is the fastest way to improve
When is top 8 starting
Pikachads where we at?
oh great, 5 hours of fox only final destination no items. you melee faggots are truly the brainlets of the fighting genre
Melee fucking sucks and the tournament scene for it is an abomination.
blow it out your ass ratfags
Ultimate is up next
Smelee fags delaying everyone again
stop responding to trolls
I feel more disrespected by the poor quality of this bait than anything
>mini leffen
this character is going to win the tournament
Can he just retire from smash and become a streamer like all the other melee players already
How long does it take to get a top 8 started
>still hasn't started
Gonna be 2am before melee finishes
did you guys see that girl playing Pac-Man yesterday? she was so cute
If you don't like it, play a different game or git gudder.
Gonna be 2AM before a match starts
Ms. Pac-Man when?
That's a kike face if I've ever seen one
There's a tournament near me soon, but it's teams of 3 in best of 5 matches.
Who though that it was a good idea?
When the fuck is ultimate gonna be back on stream?
why are swedes so goddamn awful?
Its cancelled
I can't believe Leffen shot up the place.
God the melefags bitching about Jigglypuff and trying to make up retarded rules to disqualify her playstyle make me laugh. It's like she's the ultimate proof this game isn't competitively designed and they can't do shit about it.
I can
Jigglypuff did nothing wrong, HBox is the real cancer killing Melee.
Well, they are whining about this Michael guy this tournament, so it's not even Hbox. Character's pure aids, anyone who actually plays her to win will play like Hbox.
calm down leffen, its just melee
He already quit Ultimate, so that could happen sooner rather than later.
Wtf is taking so long
Reminder MVD got embarrassingly 3-0'ed by G&W.
what a fag lmao
Probably something to do with MVD, the shithead.
>nothing happening
>switch to Leffen's stream
>he's stuck trying to find a match on quickplay
It's because he blocks basically everyone he fights
Euros dont actually play smash bros, I live in Central Flordia so I get instant matches at any time of day in elite smash. even 4am
someone get leffen a gf
checking other streams
I found a Canadian tournament with Greninja dittos in losers finals
Isn't he gay?
Does it really take and hour and a half to setup top 8? Like just plug the switch in
everyone go home
Don't they have a spare?
Melee top 8's gonna go till 2 at this rate lmao
is this confirmed? he looks like a bottom
Fucking finally
>stream finally starts
>everyone realizes they don't want to watch Snake
>ded thread
Snake is hype, people only dislike him because they are brainlets that cant appreciate both him creating bullet hells and the opponent trying to navigate it
>stream finally starts
>its smash
Hot damn that grenade snipe how does MVD drop sets
Love MVD now that he is playing Snake.
He kept playing as Ivy but that seemed like a horrible matchup
>Not using GC controller
>btssmash stream
Can share all the memes we made last Ultimate Summit? I have to be sure I didn't miss anything
Thought that was a Zero pic from the thumbnail
>that kid pushing the default dancing sperg away
Where are the Swordies?
how the fuck do you smashers watch this, it's so repetitive, shallow and long. holy shit.
>leaf shield galore
>AC music
>Mega man running away the entire time
why dont you tell us what you watch user?, you sound super interesting, lets all stop watching the stream and hear what this dumbass faggot kid has to say
Some matchups are straight up boring.
Yoshi Megaman seems to be one of those.
I thought that one was better than usual. Mega Man is a cheesy character though.
tekken 7, where the matches are exciting, don't waste your fucking times and have depth to them?
what the fuck is this shit. are you seriously sitting there for 5 minutes watching yoshi fling eggs and run around randomly jumping and hitting with an aerial move here and there?
what the fuck you absolute manchild
*leaf shields in your path*
True, Megaman is fun to watch sometimes, his set ups are cool.
Calm down fucking autist.
>Add retro characters to smash
>All retro characters are pussies who spam projectiles
just tell us where your uncle touched you and no one will judge user. You are arguing on a smash thread, a game you obviously dislike, why dont you go be a faggot somewhere else?
>shallow game with incredibly homogenized cast
>complain about 1 (ONE) alternate playstyle existing
fuck swordies
>Perv vs Pedo
Only at Sma5h
faggot ass marss about to throw a tantrum if some rando from the crowd yells
*chimps out and asks to replay the set*
>M E L E E
>Competitive Smash
>that esam face in the crowd
this shit is a 100% made up for (You)s or ebin upvotes and you know it
Where is he, Yea Forums?
Ultimate isn't that good, but I'm glad HBox is killing Melee. I hope he stays at the top turning every GF into a snoozefest and makes people lose interest.
Based Kyle
RIP Marss' booty
reminder it's easier to learn organic chemistry than it is top level smash play
on his way to become a natural satellite
I have a Masters in Chemistry, can confirm.
He is stuck in the summit house.
don't let marss walk away with another one
>file too large as a png
He will win.
Well duh.
Organic is shit chemisty.
Real people go for inorganic, metals are great.
ESAM will perform
avogadro is still alive and destroys everyone in elite smash
>this includes you kyle
>Muh puff boogeyman
Melee needs to die, lets hope puff kills it
>I never went to public school
Get out of here Baron Trump.
Mars breaking out the water bottle. Comeback starts now
How do you guys watch these? It just makes me want to play Ultimate myself.
he took a drink of pure liquid meth, holy shit
cosmos messing up on so much punishes this game
I suck at Smash, but watching it is fun. I just can't fucking do the Nairs.
>implying it's water and not performance enhancing drugs
Cosmos is such a choker man
Woomy can't kill
>that choke
Oh look its soijak
Marss is kind of a bitch but man his gameplay is hype
literally the new leffen
lmao fucking stinkling nigger got bodied
Marss is better because he's basically the only one succeeding with his character
He's not as good a heel as leff either
esam will perform
that dsmash looked very painful
GW low tier by the way
for you
esam will perform
It's tough to see what G&W is doing sometimes because of how his animations are
dat bomb read
Is there a more beta player than esam?
>esam has a gf despite having soiface syndrome
What's your excuse?
>esam couldnt ko G&W until 160%
i thought this guy was good
I hate women
>pichachu has kill throws too
I'm not a pro smash player
if he reverses this I'll certainly be impressed
The most dangerous lead
>Having an instagram thot for a gf
Joke's on Esam
This color G&W blends in with the flying background shit lol
hahaha, that was a great match
esam deserved the win but the 9 was great
i bet zd was fuming
Holy fuck ZD shouldn't be mad about that, that was just funny.
>the virgin soi pokemon autist
>the chad beep boop man
in losers
Whats the melee stream?
"also oops"
>esoy loses to a lower-tier
>Mr. G&W in a Grand Finals
I love early metas
Remember mario's smash 4 up smash?
same stream, it'll start in like 2-3 hours idk
Winner's Finals*
Early? The meta is very much solidified.
Who sent mvd to losers?
NOOOOOOOO, how can this be??? ZeRo said game and watch was the second worst character in the game... how could he be wrong?
>diving helmet
>the key
>credit card F
As owner of some Game and Watches, it hurts me a little. As much as they say "X Monado".
>first ridley at collision
>now this
Who's gonna be next? Kirby at prime saga?
>take out 2 of the rat's broken moves
also maister
Maister (G&W) 3-0d him
Mr. G&W
god i hope so
I hope SNake bodies this stinkling faggot
I get it, but it would be strange to call it octopus when it's also G&W final smash, I dunno
not happening even if cosmos chokes
cosmos has permission to use the spiderman tag
Directed by michael bay
my friend got out of pools and then dq'd because he didn't plan on getting out of pools and into day 2 kek
Why are there so many niggers in ultimate?
he wasn't the only one lel
>being racist
This is an 18+ website.
>liking niggers
Oh yeah, I think ESAM eliminated yeti in Genesis.
go back to your leafshieldman you fraud
Leffen used to think pokemon trainer was top 2. Why did he become such a bitch about the character.
He's a bitch, it's just in his nature
>I think that this kinds of fods is not vƤry gud for your'e weight, chillin
Because he didn't win with PT, so that means she sucks.
Very glad that egg boy got BTFO by a fucking G&W player
he should know better than offstage camping
Wait, switching pokeymans refreshes your jump?
>AC music
end my life
Why would anyone use the gc controller over the infinitely superior switch pro controller?
are these SD's all flubbed inputs or is he actually rage quitting those matches?
I think Leffen has a tendency to get hyped-up about characters so then he gets pretty cold on them after things don't work out
>Falco (though this was like day 1)
>PKMN Trainer
>Young Link
Leffen bitches about everything. Whenever he is right he always does it in a bitch way that nobody really wants to admit hes right because that would enable him.
Do all non onions players use snake?
muscle memory means more than anything else, if you have decades of experience of playing the same game with a controller there is no reason to swap
t. chad that trashes Yea Forums in smash clones with a broken 360pad
>banning specific moves on characters because they can't fucking adapt and learn to punish spammers
This thread sucks. It's not like we need a smash thread for each individual tournament jesus.
Does anyone feel like ultimate is still more boring to watch compared to melee? Not trying to be elitist.
then leave?
Well it's been fun.
Is this fag complaining about Roy now ? who's he sticking to now ? or is he quitting ultimate as a altogether ?
aaaaaaaaaaand muted
no u
Posy yfw
fuck off janitor wannabe
It depends on the matches.
He lost with them, therefore he thinks they're shit.
I'm glad he's finally quitting.
yes, it isn't as smooth as melee
the characters can't schmove
I already did
I don't know the triggers are awful for ultimate. I'm a fan of the 3rd party ones in the GC shape but with pro triggers and a home button and stuff but I haven't seen anyone using them because there's a tiny bit more lag
Hes quitting? Has he even entered a tourney maining Roy yet?
Is Snake based?
This is like an Yea Forums gamethread fuck off
It's a hell of a lot better than Brawl or 4 but Melee just has so much behind it and so many more quirks with how free it is.
absolutely , but retards will tell you otherwise because he's a defensive character and not LE EBIN HYPE RUSHDOWNS
Yes because hes not a shitty nintendie character.
and I'm out
>comparing Yea Forums to Yea Forums
kekikus maximus
Melee has had so much time to develop that of course it's gonna look cleaner and more entertaining, I actually like playing ultimate more though, movement is better in melee but the engine feels faster and less janky in ultimate.
Yeah, he's Solid Snake.
Only scrubs and brainlets think he's cancer.
why are there no top players at this tournament?
>but the engine feels faster and less janky in ultimate
What the fuck
how does a G&W know what apples is
It will always be like that. for the game to be more entertaining to watch sakurai would need to allow to wavedash, add a little more of hitstun, nerf recoveries, and edgehogs
So, yeah, it won't ever change
256 player cap
People that wear PJs to tournaments should be DQ'd
Because food in Smash is also 2D.
>but the engine feels faster and less janky in ultimate.
I really like that picture, made me laugh out loud
Why is a little boy commentating now?
He did and it didn't work out for him.
what does that have to do with anything? barely any top ultimate players and no melee gods.
Any time something like Palutena comes along to fight me in Smash I just get obliterated. No matter what I do, how I react, land a hit, block an attack, nothing I do feels like it matters. Am I that shit or is she just that hard to deal with?
This G&W has been downloaded. Such is the fate of low tiers.
don't get nair'd
Stop playing super heavies against her
Because other players registered and took their spots. Most of the melee gods dont play tourneys anymore anyway. Also nobody wants to travel to the midwest since all the good players live on the coasts
isn't ZSS low/mid tier
Plup and Leffen were supposed to come but they cancelled.
Top Ultimate players didn't come because idk it's mostly a Melee tournament, and they're waiting for Prime Saga.
Low tier ZSS is a meme
Melee was made in 2001 in the span of 2 years, it's a buggy mess
From what I'm seeing so far ZSS looks like a meme. It's like I'm watching Sm4sh again.
Ridley isn't a super heavy, sadly.
When's melee
n o i c e
That doesn't even make sense
>no ol*mars in top 8
why not?
Any of the big boddies pretty much have no chance against wining against an equally skilled Palutena.
Not an argument. And if that were true that only makes the current state of nu-Smashes even more embarrassing.
Except for a Stinkling there, it sours it.
It's less janky in the sense that a belt sander was taken to everything interesting sure
Hes a dinosaur
this really became less enjoyable once the novelty of a "new" character wore off
>no Olimans , no Palus , no FE-bungas
blessed tourney
>says ultimate feels less janky
>with that shitty buffer system
So it may not be that I'm just utter shit. Granted I'm not some pro but it's pretty shitty to feel like nothing I do matters against her.
really embarrassing, oh no
???? ? ? ????? ??? ?????
super choke
Game and Watch has sucked shit for almost 20 years it's his fucking time
Fug, Miester had it too.
marss wins this tournament fuck this shit
What are the odds that the buffer system fucked him and he meant to do something else? He looked like he was in complete disharmony with whatever was happening on screen.
Can G&W still come through losers?
Sucks, I really liked his GMW, hope he turns it around somehow.
Cosmos has it in him
>meleefags trying to justify their glitchfest
Just know he's coming to ruin your game.
The life of a big body is a rough one, I can only recommend that you have a fast pocket character like Wario or Fox that can actually deal with her bullshit and punish her for it
He can fly he has hollow bones. That's why he isnt heavy
So does this whore literally just sit there because she has a pussy? Her voice is insanely annoying and she' talking bullshit nonstop. I don't even ever watch Ultimate streams but this literally seems like she is only there because of a slit between her legs.
dunno why he just didn't snap to ledge
ZSS wasn't a risk and it was first-touch so he'd have i-frames
Yes he plays the winner of this set to get into GF
oh, I thought you mean his post doesn't make sense. Yeah, that's true.
And since we are talking about weights not making sense, I wanna point out how stupid it is that Mewtwo is so light. In Ultimate he is lighter than fucking Pikchu, while canonically he would be heavier than Charizard.
yes. Get used to it shitlord
The difference is Puff is one slow floaty boy while in every other Smash every match plays that way.
Why are black people so good at Smash?
Fucking broken ass character
are you ok
she is ok but holy fuck was she annoying at summit
then again most ultimate commentators were garbage at summit, EE carried that shit
Any pics of her ass?
She looks like she has a good brapper
The buffer system doesn't just randomly fuck you over. The player has complete control of their character and it's entirely their fault if they misinput.
Goddam what a recovery from ESAM
His big hurtbox means he needs to be super heavy. That or give him an extra jump and an up b like Fox'.
At any smash after melee*
How many blacks have won a super major either in melee or in 64?
>tfw melee died for this boring ass shit
PPMD is coming back soon to revive it, right?
stop making up rules none these thing need to be.
He said he was going to start playing again and streaming in March so RIP
Based Pikachu laying a smack on that Stinkling fag.
The point is that game might have cached an action he did not intend to cache and it snuck up on him, like holding down tilt down for too long.
holy fuck vikki shut up please
Any news on that? The fucker hasn't posted anything in his twitter since january
Messing around with CPUs with a tournament on the other monitor is peak comfy.
No reddit twitch faggotry on Yea Forums is the way it should be you underaged retard
t. incel
ap won dreamhack melee but yeah that's pretty much it
Seriously, how many cigs did this 20-somethings chainsmoked a day in order to sound like THAT
Posting Smash tournaments in Yea Forums has been a thing for like 6+ years now, nigger.
Mechanically, yes.
Ultimate's saving grace is the large roster of viable characters.
The buttons on the gc controller feel better to push, and I like the texture of the sticks as well.
Then don't hold dtilt for too long. The players should be used to the buffering by now. If something happens because of it then it's their fault.
he posts all the time you just need to log in to see recent tweets because twitter is fucking garbage
gas rollerfags
Is roster variety a meme? What's the point of having 30+ viable characters if the winning strategy is surface level gimmicks? Even then that's not true because the best are already being sorted out and the best of the best are about 12 or less characters.
3.0 Nerf train can't come soon enough.
No, character variety is excellent. How is character balance a meme?
I already said melee had better mechanics, that doesn't take away from ultimate having better balance and more viable characters.
>Even then that's not true because the best are already being sorted out and the best of the best are about 12 or less characters.
Not really, there's at least two dozen viable characters. Three or four dozen if you just mean viable at the local level instead of the national level.
"character viability" has always been a meme and the war cry of a casual scrub. The most important thing has always been the mechanics and what the characters can actually do. It's why a character like melee falcon is 100x more interesting and entertaining than 80% of ultimate's roster combined
wherever I am I must also choke
>Just dodge the roller bro xdddd
Ironically that it would make it even worse. The problem with the top 12 aren't that they're good it's that they're solid characters while everyone else is lacking. Devs shouldn't be asking how to make the top characters as dissatisfying as everyone else but how to make everyone else more satisfying to play. However most patch culture is decided by hysterics so if 3.0 is just a bunch of nerfs I can see Ultimate being brought closer to death.
>melee falcon
>muh knee
Wrong, got bodied by a Mario player on here a few days ago. There are some shockingly good players on Yea Forums.
Go ahead. Post a Netplay code and see who bites. You'll be surprised.
>dude just hit the gordos back
>dude just shield when zelda teleports
>dude you can only spam the roller in online, you cant actually do that in real matches
it's so fun to hate esam
im happy he never wins any tournaments, he honestly doesn't deserve it
just about every kill cosmos got was from it kek
Is Melee over already? Who won? HBox I guess?
And muh footstool
and muh momentum
and muh bair kill confirm
Come on bro. The momentum part alone changes the entire game.
Melee after ultimate
I only play the PC melee clones, my computer cant emulate melee without some nasty frame drops at random
great commentary
Hbox isnt here
No, its after this boring ass shit, and hbox isn't in it so there won't be any puffs which is pretty based
Consider upgrading your computer then. I'm running a budget 600 dollar setup and I run it fine.
tonight, on miami vice
So everyone should be super safe on everything and have no drawbacks?
Based Chad and Watch better humiliate this Stinkling nigger.
Dude i'm glad ultimate is so slow now I get to wait 2 extra hours to watch a real game while this piece of shit slogs on
Ultimate would be better if every character had Fox's melee shine
Micheal's in Top 8 though
nothing says speed like 24-40 minute sets against Puff
this is karma for relying so hard on that roller
Now you know how other games at Evo felt with Melee delaying schedule by 2 hours.
Hmmm no, the other characters have "safe" options because the characters without "safe" options are bad characters without as many options. If the options were made better characters wouldn't feel so helpless. Nerf culture just makes the game equally dissatisfying for all persons playing.
>Game and Watch is low ti-
more like everyone should have good tools and be worth using without being an objectively worse version of somebody else
I have been preaching that his recovery attack is really good for months, it pretty much defines his gameplay too
>Ultimate has a limited pool of viable characters
>G&W in top 8
God I love seeing Meleetists squirm.
What seems more likely though? Buff 58 characters, or Nerf 12?
OK so that makes 5 viable characters
What did you think of that 60% Inkling's jab
the fuck is up with this rapid jab? is maister di-ing in or does sdi not exist or some shit?
irrelevant. If everybody wants the game to be better then there should be more buffs than nerfs. No amount of nerfs will make a character like mac or wft good
All jabs in ultimate lock you in
5 more than Melee
It's a low IQ argument to suggest Ultimate has limited viability when the game hasn't even been out for 6 months and each month so far has had a different character leading the yet infant metagame.
both characters slide away from each other, and the inkling was against the edge, so G&W was the only one sliding, locking him in longer, I think
>Cosmos gets a lot of kills with roller because it's Inkling's best kill option
This is a false dichotomy. Everyone points out how many characters are and so they say it's no use, let's kill the fun of the few good characters there are. A healthier, more realistic approach would be to identify 10-12 characters at a time who could use a boost and are near top tier and make them even better. Piecemeal buffing would allow for productive changes without radically killing the fun.
right on cue
let's go gayman watch
>dat jablock
I've an irrational fear they're going to Nerf characters like Ridley or Kirby or some dumb shit while buffing or only slapping the wrist of Palutena Wolf etc.
>game 5 all top 6
this upsets the game vs game autist
I hope Meister wins over this fucking coon 2bh.
I wish esam had made it instead of cosmos
>call out ESAM blackface
>Get timed out of twitch chat
Esam is stuck in a state of quantum choking. A choke which echoes through all eternity.
when's melee
I don't think it's fair to cite local level when talking about Ultimate's balance. Melee arguably has every character viable at the local level as well, obviously depending on the scene strength.
We need a chillin version of this
holy based
G&W slapping down the roller always feels so good
Nothing good ever happens.
time for a boring finals
>that time he SD'd in last game of GF in the tournament to qualify for a summit spot
Stupid Stinkling nigger
Cosmos can definitely reset but I don't see him closing it out. Hope he proves me wrong
esam was holding up a picture of Cosmos in front of his face
poor flatboi
>NO COACHING BRO vs roller city 2000
yeah I don't think this semen slurping game is for me
I'm 90% sure mango said he's going to smash n splash too
By "local" I meant the big weeklies that are getting 100-200 entrants every week including several top players. At that level the number of viable characters in ultimate is basically twice the size of melee's entire roster.
melee is better
Is he a good swimmer?
Has Inkling won a tournament yet?
This. Have you noobies ever noticed how some of the greatest FGs like Third Strike and MvC2 also have the most fucked up tiers in terms of character balance? I wonder why that is...
Go suck a dick Stinkling nigger.
time to off myself after seeing that ad. a fucking energy drink 4 gamerz, fucking lmao
wizzy lmfao
Go back to playing Mario Kart with your subs Adam
Take a chill pill bro
Don't ever fucking reply to me again.
I like Cosmos but I hope he drops Boringling for a DLC character
Yeah remember that red bull video where he went wakeboarding with the pro wakeboarder or some shit
marswinslol lets get to melee already
marss is playing like ass lol
Esam plays Pikachu though
Who'd esam get knocked out by? Run back against maister?
oh fuck cosmos getting downloaded
>doesnt know what strawman means
that would've been super embarrassing, jesus
dead game
dead thread
and fuck Remedy
he already got downloaded and choked on a massive dick earlier against marss
Cosmos 3-2
Based ARYAN goddess destroying the ugly beast
i guess this just proves white superiority if marss wins ya
>this song begins to fade in along with blips and tohryas increasing in intensity
*when marss wins
Is it always a ko? The amount of times I've seen people survive that red lightning zoom in is too many
melees dead
when does the smash game for high IQ people such as myself start?
fucking hell
ok retard
download complete
>I main Stinkling
hmm kinda tempted to play some Slap City again.
Is there ranked online now?
sasuga marss
Is he a schizo?
wow lol
Marss is fucking good
God bless this marss person..
there are no white people in america
black lolifag btfo
Wasn't he in jail years ago?
>v*deo g*me playing v*rgins blown the fuckout
High IQ battle
Pure fucking kino
time for comfy Melee
>melee in a nutshell
time to wait another 2 hours
s2j will win melee singles, he only has to beat sfatty and zain
nerf rock
>winning a major in 2019
>s2jobber not choking after SD
sausage marss bars
This is THE year for it to happen. S2J has been playing very well recently
>full bloom
>a major in 2019
Marss wins 2 tourneys in a row. Is there any stopping this man?
is michael stil in?
hugs is right
first time i've said that
It's a stinky day
Everything is okay
Put your axe away
It's a stinky day
It's a stinky day
We can love today
And I hope you stay
It's a stinky day
It's a stinky day
It's a perfect day
Time to get away
It's a stinky day
It's a stinky day
Everyone can play
Everybody say
It's a stinky day
I love you I love you I love you..
Why do Cosmos and Nairo choke so hard?
>no armada, hbox, ppmd, leffen, plup, mango, m2k, wizzrobe, amsa, axe, n0ne
From midstage, no. Fox just got really unlucky and was sent the other way.
They are black guys who don't have gayness or furry powers.
go check the bracket yourself faggot
its not that important i can wait
Johnny is fucking based he's got this
>implying its not
>no hbox, mango, or m2k
I'm not seeing a problem with them missing. One ruins the game while the other two are beyond washed at this point.
Cuckmos got outplayed. Even when using a broken character
you have to go back
but Cosmos has weeb powers
Clearly that isn't a power or else he wouldn't choke all the damn time.