I want to become a game developer, Im already decent at art and music, which skills do I need?
I want to become a game developer, Im already decent at art and music, which skills do I need?
depends which country you are in and which city. you'll need to go indie if it's bumfuck nowhere in kazikistan.
You'll never be successful at anything.
I want to go indie first with just me or a small team
>Im already decent at art and music
When I said "decent" I mean that im not at 0
there are thousands of people out there who could code something decent but have shit art and music skills.
Yeah you'd need ot either become a jack of all trades or have the social skills to setup a team. You sure you want this OP? job conditions, especially as indie, are hell and for every succesful indie game, hundreds fail. If you still want to, despite this, kudos for your resolve.
Game Design
Sound design
Level design
2d art / textures
3d modeling if 3d game
Even if you're not going to work with C++, C++ is all you need to have a solid understanding of coding. Once you're good with it, jumping to other languages is easy.
I want to try it, if I can't handle it, I'll took another way, thank you for your responses
Looking to do the same OP. Developing my guitar skills, illustrations, and writing. Just need to hire modelers, code monkeys, and sound designers to fill in the gaps. Both my brother and I are told a lot that we have great voices, so we could VA as well.
But where exactly to start is a heavy choice. Not sure where to go when it comes to Cali or NY
What kind of games are you looking to make OP? I would like to be on an indie team myself
you could try to make a flash game or something, see how you like it. experience won't hurt now does it?
>But where exactly to start is a heavy choice
In your basement, you don't need to move since git exists. It's not the 90's anymore user
The skill to actually stop playing videos and get a real job, nerd.
Entrance money is a good idea if you don't want to hold a job while indie-devving. you'd need 20grand minimum. or can you do with less?
the cat ruins it
Almost no one's at 0, user. Even a one handed spaz with a marker in his teeth can draw a hand turkey.
Do you find yourself at home on Yea Forums or do you find this place depressing and filled with shitty subhumans that should never interact with a person in real life and act like they never anyway?
If you are the former then there’s. Chance for you.
Why not just get good at one thing then collaborate with others? Seriously there are so many others out there trying to do what you're doing, work with people who are good at what they do and just focus on your corner of development.
I am a game developer, and I don't know jack shit about art or music. Suck it, OP.
Post your art or gtfo
…. don't you mean the latter? :^)
Bullterriers look sorta demonic to me. I got a parson russell terrier so I know how spastic terrier group breeds are, but are bullterriers mean-spirited?
aren't programmers rare though?
Be depraved enough to make a fetish porn game. If you can already draw, just make a patreon fetish VN.
If you dont just want to make money, but actually make a game, Unity is easiest to go with. And C# is pretty straightforward and readable for a beginner.
>aren't programmers rare though?
There is a fuckton of programmers, but why would a programmer jump on your shitty fan project when he can work as backend web dev for twice the pay and no risks?
I'm the opposite. starting to get a good grasp of C sharp and unity but now I need to learn art. Any tips for making a Megaman or Castlevania type game with Sprites and 2D art?
I tohught it was a high demand type of employee, okay, rephrase, are freelance/amateur programmers rare?
if you want to make indiegames i suggest making some artist friends rather than trying to do everything yourself
yeah indie dev is not a career it's a hobby you do in the afternoons off from your real job and occasionally strike it big with
if you can save up a huge safety fund you can quit your job and do indie dev full-time but you'll have to live like a poorfag and if your game isn't successful enough you'll have to go back to work
Yeah. You could try an announcment in university groups, CS students have lots of time and an autistic passion. You should grab when he's at least 2 years from graduating since after getting a degree they're swallowed by some company
There, it's a Grindr match! I mean, we got Tinder, and grinding is a thing gamers do. so how abotu a meetup app for gamers and want to be game developers? Grindr. Grinder is a word and can't be trademarked AFAIK.
How aobut using that fund to inject yourself in kickstarters? It's just an idea, IDK if it works.
coolio, could making flash games help with experience though? some are made with RPGmaker and MSpaint lel
>How aobut using that fund to inject yourself in kickstarters? It's just an idea, IDK if it works.
yes kickstarter can help if you have good marketing chops and can attract people
at the end of the day, indie game dev is one of those "cool" jobs like rock star or artist. way more people want to do it than the market can support, and many of them continue doing it even when making peanuts or even losing money to expenses
unless you are way more successful than average it will be a real struggle to make a living
>could making flash games help with experience though?
Not when it comes to coding. Try unity, it gives you a grasp of how the engine-gamewrold interactions work.
But not loading assets into a premade map, download some powerpoint slides about C# and try to learn how the code you write affects the outcome
download Unity or Multimedia Fusion or even RenPy, visual novels are easier to make than games and get something done from start to end
once you're past this stage you can get invested into learning programming
I unironically find bull terriers super cute and i want one
>CS students have lots of time and an autistic passion
note that unless you're making a simple story or puzzle game (or a AAA with millions of man-hours worth of HD art), programming is the MAJORITY of work in the game
there are usually way more "idea guys" with things they want programmed than there are programmers. in fact, most of those programmers are idea guys themselves too.
if you want to attract programmers you usually need more than just "hey I have this cool game idea want to build it for me?"
maybe you find a buddy and develop a game idea together with him, with the programmer being a real partner and not just the guy doing the gruntwork.
or maybe you pay someone a real salary so they don't mind doing the gruntwork for somebody else's project that they have no stake in
Unity? isn't that the engine that gets shit on when used on bigger games like KSP? or does the skills from there carry over?
I got a parson russell terrier. Terrier group dogs are super hyper, and intelligent enough to find new ways to shit over your authority. Just so you know. Bullterriers got a bad rep but IDK if that's deserved. Pitbull Terrier and Staffordshire Terrier can be uh, really ''feisty'' if you got an inbred retardo one or/and raise it badly.
Unity gets shit on because it runs like shit, and it's the most popular engine used by asset flippers.
And the reason for this is because it's easy to use, it's a good starting point. If you really put some effort you can learn a thing or two about what is allowed and what not, it will give you a greater picture
You need to be a programmer too if you're going to be a one man band. Which, by the way, is fucking stupid. Just get a team together of 4 or so people instead of trying to do everything yourself.
>Developing my guitar skills, illustrations, and writing.
You NEED to hire an idea guy. CRUCIAL for game dev teams. They're hard to find, too. Also a coder, maybe, but not crucial.
who here going to software development school? after that I'll go in a game design school, where we will learn to build engines, ëD models and many more
you're wasting money and time when you could do that on your own
aren't writers technically idea guys? Ask a high functioning or even savant autist for this, trust me.
>game design
>a skill
game design is literally ideas man
some schools are pretty good shit
i'm going to DigiPen where grads are in such high demand that there are usually more employers looking to hire than there are students at the graduation ceremony
who cares?
do you want to make wage or a videogame?
a wage honestly
one of the questions i asked during the tour before i entered the school was how well the classes transferred to non-videogame shit. the fact that they had a non-game-based CS degree program was one of the reasons that convinced me to accept
>grads are in such high demand that there are usually more employers looking to hire than there are students at the graduation ceremony
this is dangerously false
This, and to be frank, the industry is not one you want to be a part of. It is more highly politicized (in a dangerous, cancerous direction) than any other creative I dustry, even Hollywood. That's saying something.
Make your own games, like indie filmmakers make their own movies, but that takes hard work an entrepreneurial spirit. But stay away from "the industry."
>It is more highly politicized (in a dangerous, cancerous direction) than any other creative I dustry, even Hollywood
are you saying that from experience or because you're a concerned gamer on the internet who thinks everyone's a SJW
isn't social justice/illogicism losing though? my countr,y the Netherlands, had provincial / senate selections and they got crushed by moderate righters. How long until social justice crumbles altogether? I don't want to advocate for death camps but eheh..
>Going to a non-accredited "university" to "study videogames"