I want to become a game developer, Im already decent at art and music, which skills do I need?
I want to become a game developer, Im already decent at art and music, which skills do I need?
depends which country you are in and which city. you'll need to go indie if it's bumfuck nowhere in kazikistan.
You'll never be successful at anything.
I want to go indie first with just me or a small team
>Im already decent at art and music
When I said "decent" I mean that im not at 0
there are thousands of people out there who could code something decent but have shit art and music skills.
Yeah you'd need ot either become a jack of all trades or have the social skills to setup a team. You sure you want this OP? job conditions, especially as indie, are hell and for every succesful indie game, hundreds fail. If you still want to, despite this, kudos for your resolve.
Game Design
Sound design
Level design
2d art / textures
3d modeling if 3d game
Even if you're not going to work with C++, C++ is all you need to have a solid understanding of coding. Once you're good with it, jumping to other languages is easy.