sophisticated white male criminal protagonist or gangbanger nig/spic?
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white male
I love how Rockstar is the one company that doesn't bowdown to SJW and continues to give us badass white male characters
looking at you Arthur Morgan
so hopefully a white male
the best games in the series revolve non white protagonists tho
It’s going to be a woman.
A completely customizable protagonist.
Female protagonist
Have sex
Today, they'd just make the protagonist's life revolve around identity politics though.
slavs are white though
It should be a cute girl desu.
I want a criminal female protagonist for once.
GTA 4 had Niko though
this, GTA IV had some interesting female characters, so i'm sure Rockstar could make an interesting female protag.
They're the most Turkish people in the Balkans behind the Albanians.
hell no, Rockstar loves their masculine characters
ain't finna happen
Asian female of course!
Someone like Torres could work. As long as it's not a stereotypical hot tough chick.
This, fuck the waifufags.
But also this. Torres was the perfect example of a GTA female criminal.
Next game should be in vice city, mc should be a Cuban whose parents are immigrants
>not latina
You have no idea what you're talking about. There's very little Turkish admixture in any European ethnicities. And Greece would definitely be first anyway.
2 mixed female protagonists and 1 non binary
time for an Asian dude to be protag
A Catalina-esque psycho bitch who moonlights as a hooker. Also, the intro should be one of her Johns trying to murder a refund out of her.
What if you played as a customized android with parameters set by the player but most important characters know you're not human so all the writing centers around you being an AI construct instead of writing several hours of additional dialogue for each skin tone, gender, etc.?
Imagine being such a deluded alt right cuck that you think there are no games with white male characters
>san andreas has first non-white MC
>is the undisputed GOAT and still considered the best GTA
I think we all know the answer
3 different male characters in 3 totally different detailed cities that you can eventually fly in-between. 1 in Vice City, 1 in Liberty City and 1 in a Tokyo type city.
>And Greece would definitely be first anyway.
Nah, Serbs were buttbuddies with the Turks long before the complete conquest of the Balkans. The whitest peep in the Balkans are Croats and Slovenians.
>sophisticated white male criminal protagonist or gangbanger nig/spic?
Don't know, but I can tell you this much:
>Broken context controls
>Character moves as if he/she is knee-deep in mud
>Cars handle like shit
>No fun allowed
I want a protag like GTA IV Ashley Butler.
2-1 pineapple
>3 characters
>White male drug dealer
>Black drug male dealer
>Mexican male drug dealer
>Lots of cameos
>Lots of strippers
>Lots of 80s music
>inb4 zoomer bringing up vice city
GTA V, got it.
vice city was better
>better soundtrack
>better theme
>story didn't get stupid ridiculous
Will they ever leave America? Like for instance. How would the rest of the world and Japan feel if a white developer made a game where you played as a Japanese person and you were going down the street mowing people down in Tokyo that doesn't have that kind of violence doesn't genuinely like to accept it? There's been quite a few Japanese developers that's gotten triggered over the violence in GTA games
he said best games.
please no non-whites
i want 3 white male protags to piss all these people off
Just bring back Tommy Vercetti.
>Character moves as if he/she is knee-deep in
why do their games get progressively worse with this?
GTA IV had it but barely, GTAV had it very noticably, and from what i've seen of RDR2 it's fucking terrible
oh please, vice city was like a mini-game compared to san andreas, and it was just a straight clone of scarface with sprinkles of carlito's way mixed in
It's the FF8 of GTA games, not the trailblazer that 7 was, and not the solid game that 9 was, but that weird inbetween one that nobody really prefers
Vrrrrm vrrmmmmm :)
I'm greek
right because san andreas was literally original i mean it wasn't like it was "boyz in the hood" mixed with "menace 2 south central" etc.
GTA IV is the second highest rated game of all time on Metacritic.
just please no non-whites
Rockstar's best protagonist is a white male, Arthur Morgan
so hopefully they continue the trend in GTA 6
He's on Chantix now.
you yourself just said SA's story got "stupid ridiculous", sure it was cliche in some aspects, but VC was a literal carbon copy
Not sure, we live in a outrage culture world now. But about a year-and-a-half ago Rockstar did send people to Tokyo to take pictures and survey some of Japan for some reason.
a grand theft auto where the driving part doesnt have a fun factor unlike the rest of the games
get out with your reviews
>GTA IV had it but barely
u wot
This is just not true but alright
also ur gay
GTA V was better than san andreas
>I'm greek
My sincerest apologies.
it is true, Arthur is the most developed character Rockstar has made
and i don't want non whites in Gta 6, i want white male protags
how was your world cup final, pineapple?
i can't wait for GTA 6 to have white male protagonists to piss all you guys off
I think there'll be a male/female protagonist duo.
>you have to be a pineapple to shit on the lesser balkanites
lel, how's the poverty over there buddy?
>ooga booga grove street fo life muffuga
San Andreas is overrated.
Vice City and 4 are superior.
>game set in 2019 vice city
>tommy vercetti is now the boss his own family
>doctor tells him his smoking habit is at risk of causing lung cancer after a check-up
>starts taking Chantix to help him quit the habit
>goes crazy and kills a bunch of his top guys
>the rest of them rat on him out of fear for their lives
>has to keep going to court and loses a bunch of assets
>gets broken out of prison by the cubans because he owes them a favor
>rest of the game is him rebuilding his empire and taking out the rats that cost him everything
either good bait or a cringe post. not sure which
Have they said anything on whether or not they're done with the multiple protagonist thing? It was a cool idea but fucking terrible executed in V.
says the guy that is crying like a baby that GTA 6 might have white male protags
you'd know best, pineapple
>Tommy Vercetti
Don't even get me started on IV.
>Niko Bellic, a badass eastern european ex soldier
>CJ Johnson, a whiney nig
hmm i wonder who is mroe badass
Niko Bellic whined a lot.
you just hate him because he's black, admit it, niko whines incessantly too
he was still an ex special forces badass
CJ was a gangbanger
>Tommy Vercetti
italians are white user
anything involving white criminal organizations....Russian Mafia, Italian Mafia etc. is infinitely more badass than
>grove street niggah, yeah, ballas for life nigga
It's neat but the problem is splitting the story up 3 ways. Maybe it could work with 2?
I'd rather stick with 1 one myself.
>what is SA
is it, is it really though? it's exactly the same thing
>CJ is whiney
At least play the game before shitposting
Is POOPOO white...?
Yeah, no, didn't think so
yes they are more powerful, more sophisticated, more intelligent
>everyone that prefers games without clear virtue signaling and pandering to agenda is alt right
Found the SJW. Please put a trip on so we can easily identify you.
don't associate the Mediterranean master-race with inbred wh*te animals thanks
>the mafia
>more sophisticated and intelligent than gangbangers
I don't know what kind of fantasy world you live in m8
that's not what he said tho you mentally ill monkey
>D R O P P E D
user, GTA V was the first game to have a white male protag since GTA III
Yeah, because calling someone alt right for the exact thing he's responding to isn't what he was saying at all. Say, you didn't put on that trip code yet. @me when you do, I'll filter then, thanks.
the mafia brings in millions, gangbangers arn't shit to them
White Female., Girls are usually written weak in games so seeing a story about a cute girl rising up from poverty & finally reaching the high class of society only to be betrayed & killed at the end would be amazing
But i fear that they would ruin it by making her a bland Mary sue instead of a realistic & flawed character
>Sophisticated criminal protagonist
What GTA had this?
>GTA, GTAL69/91, GTA2, GTA3
Mute thug devoid of all character, not them
>Vice City
Psychotic murderer turned drug lord, can't be him
>San Andreas
Black Gangbanger who wants to leave the hood, but the hood pulls him back. Not this guy
Emotionally down Slav trying to start anew, but finds his way back to the murdering criminal rings he knows best. Can't be him
A jewish biker trying to keep his gang from falling apart and the one sane man in Vice City. Scratch these two
A sociopath trying to live the "American Dream", a gangbanger trying to leave the hood, and a drugged out psycho. Not these three
So Which Protaginist is a "Sophisticated white male criminal"? It can't be any of the protags I listed
>when you are too mentally ill to understand 2 posts
guy A said rockstar are ''the one company not afraid to have white characters''
guy B rightfully mocked him because there are many companies not afraid to do it
He was whiny tho.
Way to undersell.
Toto Rina, historical boss of Cosa nostra stopped going to school after 5th elementary school.
Matteo messina denaro, another boss that has been hunted down for 25 years, never learned to read. You should stop romanticizing mafia, they're not elegant smartasses but ignorant bullies
>when you resort to ad hominem with no substance to back it up
I still don't see a trip. I'm really wondering why, you people generally love getting attention. I figured you'd have had one in your first post desu.
Hopefully psychotic and rapey female protagonist. I want representation dammit.
Michael was a brilliant bank robber, he was the most wanted person according to the FIB when Davey caught him
>Game starts with female protag doing something illegal
>End of the mission game swaps to a male character
>Shoot her dead
>She's never brought up again
can i play a complicated, thicc cuban female vice detective?
maybe do the same as gta5 with the multiple characters
other character could be her male partner that you can switch to
Being a skilled thief does not mean he's sophisticated. He's as basic a boomer as can be
The Mafia literally controlled all of Vegas gambling and gaming for decades..
get back to me when black gangs show that power or reach
Ali from Syria. The European union will pay for the sad story of his life
black gangs controlled the last 2 generations of young people trough the rap industry, move with the times granpa, get your nostalgia googles off.
it shows a level of sophistication beyond any GTA protagonist
Franklin talked about how in one score he learned more and made more money with Michael then he ever did with Lamar
Again, this doesn't mean sophistication. Donald Trump is a literal multibillionaire, yet "Sophisticated" isn't a word to describe him, whether you like him or not. Michael fits no definition of sophisticated.
the russian mafia is far beyond any black gang
Michael is the most wanted person in the GTA universe
how he got that, he became a master thief, you need to be knowledgeable to do that
hence sophisticated
yet they got BTFO by a busta and a fat guy on a bike
Oh, so you mean:
>pretentious faggot
>not Catalina’s story growing up in mid 80s east LS
>studio is richer that Croesus
>they still insist on keeping the exact same imprecise and unresponsive marionette-like control method that they should've dumped a decade ago
>mfw navigating a massive multi-million dollar sandbox that's spent years in development like a fucking QWOP character.
and black gangsters got owned by a "old white man"
what's more pathetic?
Not being taught to read or making it through primary education doesn't make you unintelligent. You'd be surprised how many successful people throughout history were illiterate.
>you need to be knowledgable
I know more about baseball than most people on this planet. Does that make me sophisticated? The answer, just like with Michael, is no. The only Major GTA Character that comes close to "sophisticated" is Donald Love, and he's not even close.
>Old white guy kills a gangbanger
>Two dope dealers take down the russian mob
I don't know, the russian mob one seems more impressive
Fuck off Italians don’t want to associate themselves with anglos
Fuck off, if being white means being a professional cuck like scandinavians, or an inbred retard like anglos, i'm proud to be not white
GTA: The 6
Takes place in Toronto with a Paki protagonist named Mo
>I'm proud of being the descendants of slimy, backstabbing, side-switching scum
More power to you
Stay butthurt that Italians don’t give a fuck about your “side”
How about both?
>be rightly annoyed by slimy, no-good greaseballs
This except:
>White male narco cop
>Black male narco cop (corrupted)
>Mexican male drug dealer
Stay cucked, my son.
>white cop working in cahoots with 2 corrupted people and in a game all about commiting crimes
>not corrupted
>Italians opinions have worth
Go eat a pizza
>I'm proud my ethnicity will be replaced in 3 generations
Cuban immigrant going the scarface route again hopefully
Enough worth to rile you up, kiddo.
I really want a female NPC, but I'm afraid it's gonna be one of those permanently angry lesbian stereotypes who act tough and try to outdo the male characters. You know, the Michelle Rodriguez type.
I'd rather have a gay nig nog instead of that desu
>hurr durr your ethnicity has accomplished so much but will be gone so that's a good for us
Italians are the niggers of Europe
I forgot just how awful V's final mission was. Compare that to Deal/Revenge or storming the prison for Billy Grey.
Jewish white collar criminal turned violent mobster
We already had Vice City, playing an arab would be original
SA was shit
we just had rdr2
wait until 2022 for gta 6 to be released
>female NPC
I'm retarded, I meant a female protagonist
>playing an arab would be original
Playing as a Lebanese or non-arab Assyrian in the early 80s would kino.
Rockstar employee here, AMA
I don't know but if there will be a problem you're part of it
GTA and sophistication don't mix
whatever it is, the writing will still be embarrassing
three characters like gtav
>straigt-edge white conman
>franklin but he's a girl
>cheeky cuban comedic relief
Playing an iranian that flew the country after the 79 revolution would be the best shit
spic would be cool
I'm not american so I relate with white americans as much as blacks or spics
>he writing will still be embarrassing
Rockstar threw the towel once they realized their effort was in vain because all the zoomers wanted SA2 instead of something different.
My dream GTA game always something like this:
Takes place in the 60s, same setting as L.A. Noire.
You have three characters, but each one will have unique gameplay progression and mechanics. The first one is the Godfather of a mafia/crime syndicate. You can manage your mafia group's activities (drug dealing, casinos, etc), recruit allies to help in combat, dominate territory, buy buildings for new activities and such. At some point this character should die and his son (a likable character) should take over business, and you will control the son instead, but that's only by the end of the game.
The second character is a corrupt police officer that will begin fighting all crime syndicates, but at some point he is forced to corrupt himself and go into a "you wash my hand I wash yours" scheme with the first character. This character's unique mechanic is being a police officer. You can patrol with a partner, attend police calls and rank up in the police career thus unlocking more vehicles, weapons and uniforms, including FBI shit, SWAT, etc.
The third character is a female journalist. Her career is a failure and she is in desperate need of money, so she is hunting scoops around the city until she meets the other two characters and becomes entangled in trouble along with them. Her unique mechanic is hunting scoops around the city. She can take pictures of crimes and unique moments and upload it for money and followers. There would be a social media managing mechanic, and the more followers she has the more money and access she will get around the city.
Yeah iranians are not arabs but whatever
Whats your opinion on Brexit?
>all the zoomers wanted SA2 instead of something different.
actually zoomers are the ones who think gta iv is superior because some ukrainian faggot made a video on youtube
>Takes place in the 60s
>same setting as L.A. Noire.
stopped reading there
>wwn get a GTA where we play as the shady smugglers from the Wire
Christ, haven't you alt-right losers killed yourselves yet? You're losing badly and it frankly pathetic seeing you incels screech at every little thing.
It's a good thing
>actually zoomers are the ones who think gta v is superior
ftfy zoomers hate story, which is why v was tailor made for them
I hope for a 2000's Atlanta
bling bling, luxury SUVs, 24's, street racing, etc...
>protags are a married Bonnie and Clyde couple
>wife's a MILFish triggerwoman
>husband's a skinny hacker dweeb
>wife can covertly cheat on her husband with multiple thuggish studs
>pure playthough has the worst possible ending
Would you play it, Yea Forums?
this is bs that lives in your head
movie games started to proliferate as soon as zoomers became the target audience
and GTA V is much more "cinematic" than IV
>Michelle Rodriguez type
>He doesn't get rock hard at feisty little latinas. with chips on their shoulders.
I dont care who the MC is (or are) as long as they are not again some gullible idiots that get used by every two-bit gangster just to end throwing a rage fit at the end. Like in every other GTA game,
Give me someone smart and without ethics or morals. A true sociopath that is self-conscious of his illness and takes advantage of it.
thank god devs don't ever listen to this shitty board
Honestly GTA 3, VC, and SA are unplayable today.
You already had Trevor kid, go play Sonic or something
>this is bs that lives in your head
Nah, it's the truth, why do you think Online is so popular? It's cause of zoomers.
Black female character with an afro.
I mean it can't be worse than GTA: Sand Aniggas
lol imagine being this racist, that you cant enjoy SA
Trevor is nothing but a walking joke mate.
fuck you my idea has no flaws and it would be guaranteed money
have sex, all of (you)
Its time to stop pretending there are two equal sides.
There is the intellectually and morally superior side, and then there are the right wingers.
The right hates that we Reddit-browsing and NPR-listening "coastal liberal elites" are the winners in a service-based multicultural globalized society because of our open worldview and high intelligence, and they blame all their failures on minorities and undocumented immigrants. They are seeing how America is increasingly becoming vibrantly diverse, and how non-white people will soon be the majority and losing their privilege terrifies them. Republicans have now become the party of old white people who refuse to give up their white privilege and who wants to make America white.
I've come to realize that much of American history is made up of periods where liberals drag right wingers kicking and screaming into the future.
"No, right wingers, you can't form your own country with blackjack and slaves."
"No, right wingers, you can't keep denying women the right to votes."
"No, right wingers, we're not going back to the way things were before the depression."
"No, right wingers, literacy tests aren't constitutional."
"No, right wingers, you can't deny homosexuals the right to marry."
What middle ground is there between the future Obama represented (diversity, tolerance, class, education, healthcare for all, multiculturalism) vs the horrible future Trump represents (white privilege, racism, sexism, bigotry, discrimination)? There is none, we cannot allow idiotic racists from pulling us back. The demographics have changed, old white men should not control everything, and our country must change as well to reflect the new progressive reality.
Just gimme the Wire but styled after CTW.
That would be worse
Looks terrible boring to play, either as the cop or the journailst. Seems good enough for a Mafia game, tho. No one expects to have fun with those
WHO is this?
>why do you think Online is so popular?
maybe you're too young to remember online games in the past decade
we all know the MC of GTA 6 is gonna be female. what if its catalina just after san andreas and leading up to the events of GTA 3
How would it be boring to play as a cop with in-depth progression system that allows you to rank up and unlock more weapons, uniforms, bases and vehicles? That's the dream police game of most people and Rockstar has the means to make it
This but literally and sincerely unironically
dude you've gonna full ura
Either way, V is the zoomer's GTA.
the 3D era is finished
Playing as the cop is not what GTA is about, even if he is a corrupt one. No one likes cops
And lets not even talk about the journalist part.
nigga every fucking game is the zoomer's game
you can pretend it's not like that but most people who play videogames are zoomers every game will have a majority of zoomer players this fucking website is mostly zoomers
>Playing as the cop is not what GTA is about, even if he is a corrupt one. No one likes cops
What is L.A. Noire?
And of course GTA is about cops. Almost every GTA game features corrupt cops. Even GTA V had a corrupt FBI.
My ideal protag for a GTA game would be a crooked undercover police detective.
That way you can play a portion of them game doing corrupt police detective work.
Steakouts, busts, pocketing confiscated stuff, shaking down informants, etc...
In the end you turn "good" and have to wipe out a group of corrupt cops and their mobster buddies.
>What is L.A. Noire
Not a GTA? Also a kinda mediocre game.
I honestly like to see a female protag. I've been with gta from the very first one and only V was truly disappointing, to the point that I didn't even finish it.
Rdr2 was great, so that gave me hope.
So yeah, why not drastically shift gears? A good female lead who takes no shit in the hands of the player could be good.
They already ditched the segmented map and the progression of cars available.
So this is either bait or a mediocre opinion
>A good female lead who takes no shit in the hands of the player could be good.
I wouldnt mind, but GTAs are like super big blockbuster movies and they play it supersafe. The only way to have a female character is she "shares the bed" with at least other two male MCs
the only well written parts were the ones ripped from movies lmao
moralizing right-wingers were responsible for woman's suffrage
I want a remake of the GTA London expansion
So it's both.
Your idea has social media in the 60's. Wtf?
oh shit
something else then