>silent protagonist
Well, Bloolines 2 seems to be shaping up to be promising. Hope in the next few weeks they show some gameplay.
Silent protagonist
okay that's something at least
There are thirteen clans and Mitsoda said the script is way, way larger than the original Bloodlines. Of course it won't be voiced, they wouldn't have the money to do it
here's your senior writer bro
oh no no no no
Voiced protagonists have a time and a place. It works in games like Mass Effect or even Cyberpunk, not so much in something like Vampire. i was expecting this to be the case but it's good to see confirmation, based Brian
Spam your whole fucking folder right now so it doesn't trickle in when real discussions are happening.
>that triggered poltard who desperately whinges in every vtmb thread
fuck off
Oh no you mean the plot is going to have substance? No! I hate it when ideas are challenged!
>being so triggered that you need to spam the same shit everytime
>It works in games like Mass Effect
Except voice acting MC sucked in ME especially after DA:O
Already better than Cyberpunk 2077.
>n-no you're tirggered!
Just ignore the spamming fag
I dunno, I enjoyed Meer's performance, especially in 3
>can't go a day with out going "m-muh trannies"
How's it feel to be both triggered and autistic?
Yep. Imagine being such a gigantic pussy that the existence of people different from you ruins your life. Such a pathetic little bitch that anything not part of his little life safespace causes him to sperg out like this.
>I wish SJWs would just make their own games
>*they do*
Just don't play it if you don't like it, you sperg. The original VtMB will be there whenever you want, unsullied by this perceived slight against you.. But we both know you've never played it, don't know shit about it, and are just raging against DA EBUL LIBS because you're a drooling /pol/tard.
Beeting on a bigger blunder than CP2077
Voiced dialogue is essential when you're meant to connect to the character especially if it's a set character that has a specific personality. V, Shepard, Geralt, Thorton, JC - those are predefined characters with predefined personalities that you get to control. But when you make your own character, and let's face it, most people play themselves, they don't RP someone else, and you still need a voiced character to connect to him or her then that's on you.
you're a tranny
I doubt we'll get much before E3
>m-muh safespace
>y-youre just triggered
can't even come up with original buzzwords without stealing from /pol/. Yikes!
if this was written in 2013 when this sort of thing was just picking up steam and becoming acceptable in the mainstream imagine how much more mentally ill she must be now
What makes you leave your board? Why do you come here when you're obviously not welcome?
t. never actually played VtMB
So Yea Forums, which clan has the best song at Succubus club and why is it Tzimisce?
>I wish SJWs would just make their own games
literally who even says this?
I have been here far longer than you. Kill yourself.
>b-but bush!
>i-it looks like che's hat!
Are you sure?
dumb faggot
It was political but it wasn't full blown WOKE and that is a problem.
2004 was a different time, VTMB had punk culture, leftism etc, but at least they admitted shit like "communism will never work w humans", the left of today and the left of 2004 are not comparable, they're absolutely bonkers drones that can't make something of quality to save their life
>b-b-but WoD was never leftist!
>one of Cyberpunk's biggest problems is voiced protagonist
>VTMB2 doesn't have that problem, but it has a massive one that just invalidates anything that seems positive
Hopefully TOW is good at least. Probably not.
>can't have a single vtmb thread without polfags sperging out
watch one of them reply to me calling me a trannie now
games having explicitly/implicitly political content is not the same thing as a game being political
a piece of media does not exist in a vacuum, its effect on people is what counts. if a director wants a game to communicate a political message and most people come away thinking the game was apolitical then that director has failed to communicate their political message (or said differently, they've done a tremendous job at communicating an apolitical message)
also the statement "everything is political" by definition has no value and adds nothing to a conversation
pretty much this
Doesn't this life of constant outrage get tiring for you people? The amount of effort it takes to gather screenshots and make compilation images and scream and shout and complain that people that disagree with your (flimsy and meme-based) stances are not allowed to create things could be better spent doing literally anything else.
For once in your lives, relax, recognize that it's not the end of the world, and do something else. You're on a one way track to high blood pressure with this constant crusading.
Vampire the masquerade has always had a left wing bias. One of most sympathetic clans (anarchs) are extreme leftists for fuck sake. /pol/tards need to leave this game alone and go fap to hitler speeches on youtube or whatever it is that you do.
>Anarchs are extreme leftists
Not a poltard but this is just wrong
Anarchs only universal political stance is opposition to the hierarchical nature of the blood
There are libertarian, communist, and neo nazi anarchs
can you seethe somewhere else pls we're having a nice thread here
VtMB =/= VtM the RPG
The devs who made the game did what they wanted to, which is why White Wolf was pissed they tried to make Caine the Cabby a canon thing. A few throwaway lines about Bush doesn’t equate to the full quests crying about “Tonald Drump” that we’re going to get in the sequel. Learn how to read context, tranny. It’ll save your life when your fake axe wound starts turning purple and you need to see a (real) doctor.
My main concern is how the portray what it means to be turned. I can imagine visiting an LGBT club where all the patrons were "willingly" made vampires as some self empowerment thing, when the "life" of a vampire is ultimately damnable.
Then why did retards keep posting images of V5 and complained about Rudi? Stop flip flopping and moving the goal posts when it's convenient, fag
>Look at V5, it has a gay black Muslim! Bloodlines 2 is going to be shit!
>But VtM already had a gay black Muslim in previous sourcebooks and Bloodlines was great
Can we all at least agree Bloodlines 2 is a stupid name
Haven't vampires pretty much always been icons of sexual liberalism? Wasn't half of Dracula's schtick his ability to seduce good, well behaved women into sexual madness? Wasn't literally every vampire movie in the 90s about muscular young men dancing to industrial music and biting each other? Find me a single vampire movie where the vampires demand a return to conservative two parent homes raising three christian children.
>PC character
has it occurred to you that /pol/ posters liked the game just as much as you did and don't like the new direction?
did it not occur to you that there's something DEEPLY wrong with an ostensibly politically left leaning game being loved by right wing internet fascists?
isn't it weird how people only started objecting once a bunch of boring sjws got to work on the game and made their boring bandwagon 2010's politics a focus of the game's marketing?
It did occur to me, but then I was able to prove it wrong, as not a single /pol/tard I've talked to in the past week has shown any actual knowledge of Vtmb or the World of Darkness besides regurgitated talking points.
Maybe people like that really do exist. But I haven't encountered any of them in these threads so far.
>as not a single /pol/tard I've talked to in the past week has shown any actual knowledge of Vtmb or the World of Darkness besides regurgitated talking points
Unironically kill yourself.
>just kill yourself lol
>Hitler quote
See? You don't actually know anything about VtM. All you know how to do is meme meme meme. If you were willing to engage in an actual discussion, I'd be down. But all you wanna do is sperg out
Why did nobody complain about this line? Really makes you think what /pol/ are truly after..
I think that's the only reasonable and fair point in this entire thread.
He's right though. None of the /pol/tards yesterday couldn't identify Fatima despite her being a signature character. It just goes to show how little they know about the lore
Player controlled character.
M8, rightards loved fucking Matrix and leftards loves Celine, it's not the works problem if someone makes a new interpretation and appropriates the work as one of its own.
Fucking Barthes talked about all the time.
Jesus Christ, half of these retarded niggers complaining about their new buzzword have barely any knowledge of the PnP and the universe it belongs, most of them barely payed attention to the game they were playing.
Good, all is as it should be.
No, because VtM already shit on Bush and the Republicans regulalry and no one cared, but any game that even makes a vague reference to Trump now everyone spergs over and complains is too political. The original WoD material that Bloodlines was based off of already had shit like gay black Muslims and no one cared, but when V5 does it suddenly everyone spergs out.
It's extremely obvious that most /pol/fags either didn't play VtM, or were too retarded to understand it
>reseterafags can't dispute these
>Only muh /pol/
You know he loves to sink us in shitposting ;_;
most /pol/tards were 7 when VtMB came out.
I'm gonna cherry pick a little bit and be somewhat off-point but
>everyone spergs over...
It's not everyone. Don't give /pol/fags more credit than they deserve. It's a super small, super noisy minority.
I've played and enjoyed VTMB but didn't care enough to dwell into the lore that inspired it, basically as said, the game was great for the freedom, characters, atmosphere, soundtrack, rpg elements etc
Not sure other clans have songs, but I bet brujahs would make great rockers
>i-its just a minority
Ignore off topic posters
Discuss Vtmb 2 (shit name tho)
What are your HOPES
What are your FEARS
Leftists were the edgy ones early 2000s. Vice used to put out articles like how to fuck strippers and stuff. The left today is nothing like it was 10-20 years ago
Imagine how fucking sad a person's life would have to be to scan a shitty forum like Restera for the specific purpose of getting mad at things and convincing others to be mad as well. This is probably the highlight of this man's day.
I legitimately feel bad right now just thinking about it.
I call your bullshit
/pol/fags love to pretend they're a huge, influential army lol
>please ignore the actual interview
Tbh I'm concerned because of VtM going to shit with Onyx Path for some V20 supplements and then nuWW for V5.
So how do you think the updated Disciplines are gonna work? Are they gonna be more in depth? Are we gonna get V5 style disciplines (God please no)
And more importantly, are we gonna be able to play as Sabbat and Independent clans?
reseterafags love to pretend they were always here and are huge, influential army lmao
What's the opinion on it prolly being full first-person and no third-person?
I unironically want Bloodlines 2 to have some throwaway lines shitting on Trump, just so I can see all the newfags expose themselves by whining about how it's #NotMyBloodlines
That's a shame. It will be jarring to go back to 2010 when it comes to voicing when the rest of the game is in 2019.
Notice how this post is being ignored.
What V20 supplements didn't you like?
The only one I disliked were Companion (too empty)
I've never played VTMB, but it always mechanically looked like Deus Ex if it leaned harder into being an RPG. Is that true at all?
And you're not smart enough to realize that I'm mocking you using your own buzzwords to prove a point. But then again, your room temperature IQ is why you're a /pol/tard to begin with.
So he lives rent free in the devs heads, probably whine about how Mueller found nothing and that is a big meanie head cheater. So I hope so.
>There are actual posters on this board that unironically enjoy voiced protagonists
Just shut this place down
It's gonna be first person throughout?!
All of these things are positive and make me want to play the game more.
Voiced protagonists are shit and you're retarded
>hey boris i'm broke but i want to open a club
>can you give me a loan?
>sure, but it'll cost you
>boris, i can't make the payment this week...
>that's no problem, as long as you come a little closer...i won't bite
>see you next week
>boris, i can't make the payment again
>well, you know the deal....
how is that ivan not misogynistic? it's pretty obvious and nobody would have a problem with that. the only time, reasonable, people have a problem with that word is when it's applied to liberally in situations where just merely portraying something is automatically seen as endorsing it. just because you show a nigger hanging by his neck in your movie about slavery or racial issues it's not an endorsement, even if it's done by a "not so bad" character. that only shows that this character has a really fucking dark side and SJWs can't handle that tone of grey. they see "sins" related to social issues as unforgivable no matter the context.
>he thinks he's mocking someone by using their words
Imitation is the highest form of flattery, brainlet.
It makes for a better rpg though.
No, not even close.
Bloodlines just uses a modified version of the ruleset from the VtM tabletop game for your characters stats
>Shit combat
>Long, unskippable introduction
>Set background for your character in a Role Playing Game
>Essential NPCs
Why is VtMB so loved when it's literally just Fallout 3 but with vampire tits?
Is it solely because of the vampire tits?
mostly true, but it becomes far more combat focused than anything else in the later sections.
it also features third person melee combat
I don't even browse /pol/ but just reading headlines today I feel like /pol/ is closer to a normal or average person than these journalists.
I went on Kotaku today to read some gaming news, first article is some dude complaining about how Steam doesn't give a moral standpoint and all that bullshit. I go on his twitter profile, full of socialist and commie shit all over.
Are we pretending that these people along with trannies and NEETs are more common and normal than a bunch of STEM virgins on /pol/?
Yep just like that, that's exactly the type of response I want
it leans as hard into being an rpg as deus ex 1
Yes, it is Deus Ex with vampires but a lot more linear.
Indeed, these devs are going for the low hanging fruit so expect just that, reseterafags will call it clever, but then cry bitch tears after because of the year.
>virgins on /pol/
Sure thing buddy
Like V5. They developed V5 along with the video game and lots of things from it got ported into the PnP.
I didn't even read it. Seeing that it was a resetera screenshot is more than enough to identify who is posting it, why they're doing it, and what it is about. It boggles my mind that twitter and resetera screencaps aren't bannable offenses.
Mostly Lore of the Clan for revisionism, I don't remember all the details since it's been some time, but I recall the Toreader chapter being totally retarded, dissing the Courts of Love and going "Torries aren't inhumane monsters, they care about minorities".
The guide to the Tal'Mahe'Ra had some brainfarts too, I recall the introduction of a third Methuselah to the Capuchin which only appeared in one old book and felt like a retarded self insert.
All in all, enough for me to stay with Revised
After this news I preordered it, I don't care about anything else, the fact that they're not trying to forcefully make it a "fully cinematic experience" . So far I like everything I heard about the game, and this was the tipping point.
It suffers heavily later on for being too combat oriented so it punishes you if you don't actually invest into that, so in that way, its lesser than Deus Ex.
There's no real reason why a good voice actor couldnt cover a wide range of moods.
>Long, unskippable introduction
Was the last time that you played it 15 years ago?
>skip intro cutscene
>tell Jack to fuck off
Done, you're into the game already
Resetera trannies always expose themselves with their cartoonish misrepresentations of /pol/
That's how /pol/ is really. People like to make up all sorts of theories about the userbase but its just a bunch of STEM nerds and virgins.
Which is, still leagues above trannies and NEETs the left is filled with
Yes and shitting on Bush wasn't low hanging fruit, but when you do it to Trump suddenly it's going too far
>/pol/fag LARPer who didn't even play the original game
>I didn't read it
Then stop bitching.
what's some good reading material for Vampire: The Masquerade background stuff?
There is literally someone in this very thread posting hitler quotes as proof that he is right about not wanting gay people in his vampire video game.
>Obtenebration and Necromancy combined
>Viccissitude folded into Protean
>Dementaiton folded into Dominate
I have never dropped a game faster than I just did
>actually getting this upset
Oh no they made a quip about Bushie boy!
>muh /pol/ even though they hate him
Reseterafags showing they are retarded indeed and can only repeat themselves.
>Want to throw money at a frivolous endeavor to feed your own hedonistic desires
>Wowie, I'm not making any profit and I borrowed money without thinking ahead like a dipshit
>This person I took thousands of dollars from wants some sort of compensation for that? Fucking misogynist.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
What a fucking retarded character.
Have they said anything about what voice actors they have?
Will the game impulse goth even if the public thinks the imagery is neo-nazi or some shit? I miss the old days when the punks were the anti-fascist example of counter-culture, that is what it means to be a Brujah after all.
2nd or Revised editions books.
I hope they do first person combat right.
I fear that the story will be too linear and not let you play all the way through from either side of whatever the main conflict is.
Depends on what you're interested in.
Personally, I'd recommend V20 and it's supplements as a great place to get started, and from then on read previous edition fluff in regards as to what you're interested in.
You can find all this over at /wod/ in /tg/
i would've preferred if cyberpunk 2077 didn't have a voiced protag. They bragged about it being the closest game to a tabletop yet the voiced protag usually takes away heavily from the role playing aspect
you're literally going to kill yourself before you turn 30
Vampires are literally soulless musicians anachronically stuck on their own zeitgeist. So, technically perfect but flat like a computer midi.
The PnP books. V20 has some pure fluff books that resume lots stuff that were scattered into 20+ books. Try V5 as well as the game is based on it.
I'll stop bitching as soon as you stop filling threads with garbage.
I'm STEM and I'm not /pol/ and I'm convinced that if you're actual STEM and successful (and not a dropout, not an undergrad begging /sci/ to help you with homework) it is highly unlikely that you'll end up regularly browsing /pol/ because you'll either have too little time to give a shit about brown people in video games, you'll be working with so many brown people you won't care, or you'll see through the extremely obvious facade that Trump brings of just BSing through everything without ever providing any actual explanations or evidence for anything because you'll know how hard it is to get actual accurate results for even the most basic shit
Because the people who liked Bush were boomers who did not really play video games. The people who like Trump play video games. its not super complicated
>Stop criticizing the game!
Go back to plebbit or resetera if you want a hug box.
I posted 1 hitler quote in relation to 'you' and yotur behavior, it had fucking nothing to do with any asinine dogshit you were trying to argue.
I repeat, unironically kill yourself.
Both groups you're naming are a fucking cancer. The normal/average people are rolling their fucking eyes at both these groups of retards. The problem is, the normal/average people keep their mouths shut for the most part and buy what they like and ignore what they don't.
That's because it'll probably play its roleplaying elements closer to Mass Effect/Deus Ex than Elder Scrolls or other RPGs. You won't be roleplaying "you", but V. Sure, my V will be different that yours, but it'll always be a 20 something punk new to Night City, know what I mean?
>cant play as a mage and turn vamps into lawn chairs
stay buttblasted vampfags
I hope that there is a lot more Clan to Clan and faction interaction both for the character and generally between characters, As well as just lots of different Clans in general. Since we're a thinblood I'm guessing they're really gonna play up the clueless outsider who gets lectured to by everyone. I hope there is more Kine manipulation. Last game was kinda static so it was easy to feed on anyone in a back alley, so whatever the hub is I hope it's more dynamic with letting you use your powers to get them to go to secluded spots.
I don't really have any fears. It largely seems like it's just going to be the first game but with better gameplay via Dishonored type play and that's all I really expected or wanted. As long as the game works on release, I don't see how they could fuck up my expectations.
First play through I'm gonna roll with the Brujah and punch everything, second I'll get through with my social skills with the Toreador
Nah, my old roommates are 22-23, make 6 figures and last time I checked they spend their free time shitposting on /pol/
/pol/ isnt half as extremely as people make it seem. And plenty of white people hate niggers, they just dont go around talking about it
what im saying though, is that it seems disingenuous to call you're game 'a true role playing experience' when the only thing out of a tabletop that will be in CP2077 is that you can set your backstory at the start.
Well my old roommates are 23-24, graduated and shit on Trump. What now?
Have Sabbat clans even been introduced in V5? Looking through the core book and there's no mention of them.
I'm here to see the trannys get bent over and hate fucked by the /pol/tards. Such passion. They can't live without one another, its cute
>finding seductive perspectives like blaming the Other
That's literally all they fucking do. But since they are on a feedback look telling them their other is the great satan origin of all evil in the world WHITE MALE it's OK.
I always prefer there to be an option so people can choose. However, I will say that a well-made first person game is better than an equally well-made third person game. I just like the feel of it more, and I like having to use my situational awareness to overcome challenges instead of having my hand-held with magic-360-and-around-corners-vision.
If you weren't a tranny tourist you would know what /pol/ is about
Everyone on Yea Forums makes 6 figures at 23
The Lasombra have joined the Camarilla, and there's no word on the Tzimisce
Yes, it's that bad
Found the /pol/ tranny.
They better know how to show disciplines in first person!
Fuck off you tranny obsessed closet fruit. If criticism or discussion was the intent then you would have linked directly to the articles, quoted the post itself, or provided a pastebin. Instead, you specifically post a screenshot from resetera, title and all along with dumb comments from their fag filled userbase for maximum effect.
All you're trying to do is stir up shit since, like a huge chunk of /pol/, you've drank the kool-aid so hard that pushing your agenda has become a key part of your life.
>What are your HOPES
I hope the game will have an as good atmosphere as the first
>What are your FEARS
They say it's based on the 5th edition of the tabletop, which is shit (2nd Inq, Sabbat vanishing, the Elders all leaving for middle east, Anarch Setites, disciplines fusions).
I'm not sure if Schaffer has it in him anymore to compose/curate an ost like bloodlines again. One of the things I respected the most about him was his unwillingness to make another Bloodlines project -as shown in one interview screencap frequently posted in Vampire threads- but it seems THE MIGHTY OLLAR changed his mind.
This game looks better with every minute. I'll probably end up buying a new computer just for this one.
I don't think this game will be riddled with SJW nonsense, I do however think The Outer Worlds will be.
I fear they'll rely on the crutch of a "chosen one" storyline for your character. I much preferred starting games as a nobody and earning the fear and/or respect of other characters through my actions.
I agree to some extent. Personally I don't mind V being voiced, as I said there's some type of RPGs where the character is established even if you can change their background. Perhaps they meant the RPG aspects where more gameplay wise, they put a lot of emphasis in explaining how you can complete pretty much all quests in a myriad of ways, and how some missions affect others down the line
That was pathetic, user. Please, you're ruining the show
Is there any confirmation the game is based on V5? Because if so, that's a massive disappointment
It's definitely anecdotal just like mine. My point is no matter how the left tries to look down on /pol/ for being neckbeards and all that, the left is filled with the kind of people who get meltdowns over pronouns. Trannies, NEETs, all these bottom of the barrel people tend to be leftist. In my experience humanities students are more likely to be leftists but STEM is filled with right wing people
Yeah a lot of people lie even anonymously, but this is my personal experience and I know they make that much
The manual for the 5th edition of VTM (which this is based off of) has a passage telling right wing people to drop the book and reevaluate their lives.
I just don't know if Hardsuit have it in them to make a game of this scale.
Writing and music and all that, sure, they got it covered but can they actually code the damn thing? Can they actually make all the art and assets without them sucking dick?
let's assume you have both the money and fiscal sensitivities, would you really still try to get a voiced protagonist?
without VA you can still change the dialogue options for the player right before release.
how do you make shit like low-int(arcanum, fallout) and malkavian dialogue with a voiced protagonist?
i guess you could, but then there's always the problem of the VA forcing their personality on the character. there's simply 0 reasons to give voice to the player in a classical RPG like bloodlines.
write dialogue - > oh shit it's garbage -> wait a minute there's still 3 months time I can make fixes no problemo
>The original VtMB will be there whenever you want, unsullied by this perceived slight against you
Tell that to Duke Nukem 3D.
I'm reading through Onyx Path site on it, and it seems like they are opening the Lasombra for a civil war and it even recognizes that is an extremely crippling move for the Lasombra do that.
woof game when?
>he uses anecdotal evidence and extrapolates that to an entire population of people
Yeah you’re not STEM, you’re another LARPer lmao. Most basic mistake in the book
BASED and truthpilled
Next year, apparently
Keep seething obsessed tard.
lmfao who cares about tabletop
at the same time lefists of the late 90s and early 2000s were alright, even if they hamfisted agendas they usually could make fun of themselves.
bloodlines1 being released today would trigger everyone
You mean the one I have a physical copy of because I'm not 11 like you?
I just find some of VTM's storylines to be not copacetic with modern mentalities.
In VTMB, as we discussed early, there's this one quest where this Club owner got a loan from a loan shark, she had no credit, assets. She is missing her payments and the guy allowed her to miss payments by having sex. She wasn't forced into it- she could just give up the club.
Keep in mind the fact: She borrowed money illegally, without collateral, for a business. She failed to pay money back, and is allowed at her discresion to use her body to pay the debt back for month. Alternatively, she could just give up the club.
You basically kill a businessman because he offered a reasonable business proposal involving sex to someone who could just have either collected the club or killed her, or hurt her.
Is the guy a pig? Sure. But he's a criminal. And she knew that.He's not a member of the Great Kids Society.
But does he deserve to die?
Politics aside, can we all agree that the Tremere are worms and must be cleansed of the face of the earth
Is she forcing that wolf to fuck her infront of her ex both of which hate her?
That's kinda hot.
Hate fuck is hot
More like I talk about things I see around myself and experience. Personal experience will be always more important than retarded shit on the internet
You're right. I've seen people tout the fact that Trump won less college educated voters than Hillary, but most of those are minorities and whites with liberal arts degrees. The average Trump voter was higher income than the average Hillary voter by a pretty wide margin.
>tfw conservative w a tranny fetish
but sadly most rosetta trannies into this game look like the AGDQ people, most of them aren't even real trannies, they're into women and try to pass themselves as "lesbians" because they couldn't get a gf as a man
I haven't seen an official statement yet, but multiple anons seem to infer it is.
I bet you also think "the customer is always right" and "there's no such thing as bad press."
Maybe you fags should stop spamming this shitty game on Yea Forums. It's always the same people replying to them, go to fucking /vg/ and stay there.
also it's no surprise that people who like vampires are faggots IRL.
>a businessman
If by businessman you mean a high ranking member of the russian mafia, sure
And noone ever said Venus was a good person
But isnt there ANY lovable Tremere?
its not silent protagonist moron
This is the kind of post I can identify with.
>Player Character Character
lorelet here, why the hate?
Strauss was pretty alright, Tremere PC's played by people over the age of 14 can also qualify depending on how you do it, but I guess that's cheating.
>reeee u-u-underage
How about just admitting that you've been called out, instead of acting like a child?
Why did you assume that /pol/ is filled with STEMfags just because you know some people? You yourself claimed that /pol/ was filled with them. You didn’t conduct a proper survey with a randomly selected sample size. This is a basic mistake that high schoolers make.
Called out about what?
Tremere have made a LOT of enemies
They're genocidally hated by the Assamites and Tzimisce
They're deeply hated but in a detente with the Nosferatu and Gangrel
And there's tons of other clans that just don't like them
>not Player Character Personality
Just think about it tonight when you're laying in bed.
Surely you see how unhealthy this is? You have to do something else eventually man. Hate and ideology is all well and good, but it can't sustain an enjoyable life. There are other, more productive ways to feel like you're a part of something.
Yeah, but that's my point.Are we ever gonna have another story like this where everyone is a piece of shit?VTM is always about shades of gray.
I fear that writers are gonna avoid dirtying up the sides here. Boris was not a good man, but he also was offering Venus an alternative to just taking her club or breaking her legs.Venus responds with getting you to murder him.
That's some cold shit I wonder if we'll see again.
I look forward to playing an inclusive, LGBT+ muslim thin blood that cares a bunch about all the kine (s)he snacks on.
What is the point of making a vampire game without playing a fucking asshole steps away from losing themselves to the Beast? It should release exclusively on Epic store as well, to add some more flavor.
>You didn’t conduct a proper survey with a randomly selected sample size
Imagine actually being THIS retarded.
stfu, slave.
The same people who would see that guy as evil and gladly kill him without a second thought are the same people that say things like "sex work is real work" and want prostitution legalized (which I don't disagree with, btw, but most of these shitters are just socially maladjusted women who want to feel better about selling nudes online). If sex work is real work, then wouldn't the club owner just be providing a legitimate service to the man she borrowed money from? A services rendered repayment instead of cash.
Do you have a source on that?
A source. I need a source.
Sorry, I mean I need a source that explicitly states your argument. This is just tangential to the discussion.
No, you can't make inferences and observations from the sources you've gathered. Any additional comments from you MUST be a subset of the information from the sources you've gathered.
You can't make normative statements from empirical evidence.
Do you have a degree in that field?
A college degree? In that field?
Then your arguments are invalid.
No, it doesn't matter how close those data points are correlated. Correlation does not equal causation.
Correlation does not equal causation.
You still haven't provided me a valid source yet.
Nope, still haven't.
Fuck Gearbox. Why did you have to remind me?
>I've caught my imagined enemy in a logic trap! IDEOLOGY DESTROYED!
I mean you're the one whose life experience is so fucking narrow that you think your personal experience is universal
Why can't fans of the original just not buy the game? Do you hate video games?
t. STEM LARPer mad he got outed
People pursuing STEM seriously do not think this way, if you do everyone would shit on you.
The tremere have literally screwed over EVERYONE in the WoD who matters, and are only kept around by the Camarilla due to being too useful to lose. Off my hand, they've fucked over:
>Clan Tzmisce (This is the big one, as the entire sabbat has a "kill on sight" policy for any Camarilla or indipendant Tremere, and Sabbat tremere are barely trusted and get no respect)
>Clan Gangrel
>Clan Nosferatu
>Clan Assamite
>The entire Order of Hermes and by extention, every single mage, ever. simply by existing.
>and a shit ton of powerful individuals, too.
The clan has way more enemies than friends in the modren nights, and now, in the new canon the Tremere have basically split into 3 "houses" (One Camarilla, one defected to the Sabbat, and one went full anarch) they're pretty much easy pickings.
No one's my enemy here, or anywhere else. Just making a point.
>You didn’t conduct a proper survey with a randomly selected sample size.
lmao thats a pretty weak try at shutting down an argument.
because it's desecrating the IP
Shut the fuck up Tranny.
>Obtenebration and Necromancy combined
What the fuck? How does this even make sense? The Abyss has fuck all to do with the Shadowlands and Giovanni's brand of Necromancy.
>The dumb tranny's think i'm the STEM guy
Their nickname (Usurpers) relates to how, in the middle ages, they cannibalized a old vampire clan (Salubri,mostly healers and seers) and used magic to become vampire themselves. And then proceed to use Nosferatu, Gangrel and Tzimisce parts to make Gargoyles.
They're new players on the vampire scene, and are lying and backstabbing dicks with a power trip. Thankfully, they're fucked because they were played from the start by Saulot.
best resource to get up to speed on WoD *lore*?
>hurr don’t assume that your anecdotal experiences apply to a larger population size
literally one of the most basic things you’re taught, a high schooler who isn’t a flunky knows this
>Bloolines 2
>The entire Order of Hermes and by extention, every single mage, ever. simply by existing.
This is wrong though. Tons of mages make contact with Tremere, and just don't tell the Hermetics about it
Welcome to V5
>taking "the customer is always right literally"
Let me educate you brainlet, the customer always has to THINK they are right.
you sound like a highschool but "very mature for my age"
So does every other clans just hate tremere cause the others do even if they've never directly done anything to them?
Do they have ANYONE who the can call friend?
They're apparently being fused into one discipline called Oblivion.
The Ventrue see them as useful, and it's really thanks to Ventrue support that they managed to get as far as they did
Even the Ventrue are a little... worried about how powerful they've become though
(All pre V5 ofc)
>But does he deserve to die?
Yes. You get money, blood and xp.
I think we'll be fine. The game is packed of experienced writers. As long as they avoid a repetition of that scene in the Baldur's Gate Expansion, where the transexual character just goes off and on about how special she/he is and her blah blah experience, we'll be fine.
The truth is, even real trannies complained about how badly managed that was, and I think developers listened. I dont think we'll have NPC's going "HEY VAMPIRE BROTHER, I AM GAY, JUST SO YOU KNOW."
no, I’m just not a retard, lmao
it doesn’t take a genius to figure this shit out, assuming a board with hundreds of thousands of unique IPs is filled with STEM just because you known 2 people who browse it is not rational or objective
Aside from those four, I don't think anyone else of the big 13 really "hate" The Tremere, but the line wavers between caution and outright distrust, depending on the clan. So no, they really don't have anyone to call "friends"
>The Giovanni, Samedi, and Cappadocian remnants are all merging back into one unit and now are called the Hecata.
What? Giovannia and Cappadocian merging? Are they just hand-waving aside a thousand years of pure hatred for each other?
God bless. I hope they don’t fuck this up
Day one pirate, that includes the DLC, fucking Paradox cunts.
The Samedi might be too close to the Nosferatu but I hope we get to see them in the game. It'd be neat to see some spooky ass voodoo vampires.
Now you understand why people don't like V5
>game with heavy goth and coastal night life aesthetics set in LA
>about a diverse group of vampires cast from humanity trying to maintain the status quo despite knowing much more than the common man
>many have lived through great tragedies over centuries with a mentality that they are fundamentally different in an oppressor vs oppressed world-view
>the recent 21st century political landscape has become very progressive vs traditional to the common man
No fucking shit. Learn to enjoy a piece of media even if it's political message isn't something you agree with. It's well written and fun for fucks sake. This is literally the shit the people on the far left get made fun of all the time by the internet. Fuck off about what the message is, I just wanna know how it's done and if it can live up to the writing of the first game.
Faggots. The lot of you.
But think about this. What if later on, you got a quest from a small girl about how an evil club owner got a murderer to kill her Father.She tells you the club owner was behind on her debts many times, and her father forgave her debts, until one day she decided to hire an assasin (you) to kill him.Now she wants you to kill Venus.
Would you accept as well?
You'd get money, blood and XP.
oh right i forgot its a fuckin paradox game, they're worse at milking DLC than EA, fuck those pieces of shit
And now I'm mad about V5 again, I knew I shouldn't had come to this thread.
>being this much of a neofag refugee
So whos the opposite of the tremere?
A clan universally liked?
Then Venus's father, heard her daughter was killed. He had heard of how you helped her, and now wants you to find out who (you) killed her, and kill him (you).(Naturally, you'd have to kill Boris's Daughter, who ordered the hit.)
Would you accept this as well?
You'd get money, blood and XP.
Hey at least we got cool things like... hunger dice
Eat the little girl, it's easier.
Sounds like crybabies, hopefully the game allows me to kill them or at least screw their plans up.
It's impossible to be universally liked because of how shitty vampire are
That being said, most vamps really liked the Salubri before the Tremere began their campaign against them
There was one clan who was universally liked. The Salubri.They were healers, teachers, ect. They're all mostly dead.
>It's well written and fun for fucks sake.
The fuck are you talking about? The game isnt out. And the latest fluff is utter shit and if you think its written well, you should jump off the nearest tall building.
The Saliburi are my first guess at that, being healers and all, but. during the dark ages, the Tremere ran a huge propaganda campaign painting them as diablerists and diabolists, and led a massive pogrom against them. These days, the only saliburi left are of the warrior caste, and they're all sabbat.
Thing about vamps, is that they're all paranoid as shit, so there isn't a clan that's universally "liked." The Closest would be the Nosferatu, another clan kept around because they're useful, but unlike the Tremere, they aren't massive dicks about it.
No one. Everyone has gripes against each other. When you're dealing with bloodsucking monsters, distrust and suspicion is the default. At best Brujah and Gangrel are considered more transparent and honest.
I thought it was okay, but fuck me of they are going back to an accelerated gehenna instead of a slow decay and adaptation to the modern world. I get it, the world is changing but when was that false?
Samedi are my favorite of the offshoot clans. They don’t feel as deviantart tier as Trujah and Baali.
>only salubri left are of the warrior cast
Actually, theres several healer salubri still around, the most famous being the Seven
>Learn to enjoy a piece of media even if it's political message isn't something you agree with.
you're on Yea Forums
>These days, the only saliburi left are of the warrior caste, and they're all sabbat.
And some healers (especially in the middle east, in Romania, and the Seven) and the whole asian branch, the Wu Zao
based, keep btfoing the shills pls.
You're greentexting that like it's an absurd concept. Explain yourself.
I imagine you will most likely kill vampires and in fact maybe screw up their plans once or twice.
Why humor them? You’re trying to reason with people who were toddlers when Bloodlines released and just come here to push an agenda.
That was in reference to how people are trying to shit on the first game now because someone dialogue options say "haha fuck bush"
I should've worded that better
Imagine typing up a retarded fucking anonymous concern troll post on a tatar horse acrobatics smoke signal-network.
The whole 'choice' thing comes into play. I'm sure you'll be able to get in the way/'fuck with' whatever faction you hate.
I just hope we arent again some 8th generation badass. That was TOO much power. Cool it down, devs.
>be libertarian
>play law route in SMT
guess it's a shit game then
>Yea Forums whines nonstop about the sun in Cyberpunk
>Yea Forums is now super excited for VtmB2
Wait a minute... guys... do you think there are actual vampires on this board?
Is that why everyone shitposted about the sun for so long???
Fuck you delusional trannies. A throaway comment about bush is NOT the same as the "OMG I HATE DONALD DRUMPF!!!" bullshit this game is going to have.
Literally chop off your dicks and bleed to death
Yup, this is one of the 40%. You just know.
you start as a thin blood, so you're at least 14th gen max.
If I had GOG VtMB, do I still need a MOD? If so, which one?
There's no such thing as vampires and we never even wanted to play Cyberpunk.
Why the hate for the Tremere? Their background is shady but in game, they are loyal and background wise their whole pyramid system of loyalty and honor to each other is pretty tight.
I'm basically playing a real life nosfereatu
You don't, it comes with the UP basic
Why are /pol/fags incapable of expressing a thought without using official /pol/ meme phrases?
>in game, they are loyal
In universe? Because they're complete assholes to everyone, and act like they're better than everyone else (which, they kind of are, but still)
Out of universe? Because Tremere PC's are the first choice for munchkins who would much rather be playing Mage.
bait but hey I'll take it
yes it fucking is. That's letting yourself be sucked into outrage culture. Even if they go full "fuck racists and nazis XD" so long as it's handled well then it's fine.
I don't give a single solitary fuck about a products beliefs since I'm not so retarded to let my entire world view be shaped by one. I'm more than willing to tolerate something I don't agree with if it's presented well, you fucking faggot.
Booo, hoi. 14th gen.
Well, as far as I know, supposedly in the latest version of VTM, you can spend XP to raise your generation. In the old days, a 14th gen was barely a vampire. A 13th was the last of the real vampires.
Which fit, considering it was end times.
>pyramid system of loyalty and honor
user, you can't be serious. The pyramid exists only so the older can bully the younger.
The tremere are a clan of parvenu and dickbags
>wow bush is maybe not the best president of all time
Yes, those two are compeltely the same you resetera faggot
>you can spend XP to raise your generation.
Only at chargen, IIRC.
Atleast as an idea I like the idea of making the Abyss and Oblivion the same thing. The Lasombra abyss was always just sort of going nowhere before.
I think they're just grouping all Capadocian offshoots into the Clan of Death based on that one BJD chapter.
Don't worry they still hate each other.
Liberals and commies should be the last to throw stones about dividing creator from his content.
>reee everything is political stop hating politics
retards who don't understand the issue.
politics in games are fine as long as they are not some preachy note from dev who wants to virtue signal how fucking progressive he is.
give me an option where i can agree or disagree with his stance, where I can argue with his points, like first game does, but making it so you can only say "yes you are correct and i'm evil for thinking otherwise" is fucking shallow, that being said, we don't even seen anything about this game outside of some trailer, some info and lots of speculations, and some red flags
so people should chill and wait
While I agree with your sentiment, I don't recall many examples of the "fuck white people" sentiment being handled well or having good presentation. The last edition of the tabletop for sure isn't one.
If you've got any, I'm interested.
You're talking to someone whose entire worldview was shaped by an anime meme website's politics board. They're right to be terrified that their opinions can be manipulated by a video game saying things they don't agree with, because their brains are mush.
14th are still thinbloods and barely vampires.
>you can spend XP to raise your generation
Nope you can spend XP to raise Blood Potency which is limited both in minimum and maximum by your generation.
kek enjoy your 60 dolla + tip reading simulator
Who cares? You’re a vampire and do much shittier things. Sure he doesn’t deserve to die, but neither does that reporter you send to get eaten by Pisha. Or that whichever girl you send to be a human blood bank for Vandal. Or that model who kills herself after you release her bestiality tape. You’re by no means a good guy and just do whatever gets the most recognition and compensation.
Is blood potency a thing in v5, because I know requiem ditched generation for blood potency.
how do you not hear yourself? lmao goddamn why is pol so OBSESSED with trannies?
Okay, so canon-wise, Vampires are STILL dying out, then.Unless the young Diablerize the old, and start making stronger new vamps, we're still stuck with shitty low gen guys.
>Would you accept as well?
> You'd get money, blood and XP.
Yes. Why should I care what's right or wrong? Also it's rewarding and hilarious.
14th generation aren't ALL thinbloods though, otherwise we wouldn't have 15th gens
And even then, BJD introduced the existence of 16th gens, implying that there are some 15th genners out there who are not thin blooded
Yes. Fuck Venus.
>on Yea Forums
don't be stupid, we don't exist.
>tfw real life Nosferatu too
Imagine if they'd decided to do the name without the two
>Vampire: The Masquerade: Bloodlines: Subtitle
Mr. Helsing, get the stakes.
Does Blood Strike and Blood Salvo damage ever go up? Finally trying Tremere after hearing people talk about them and it seems paltry compared to even the shotguns output, much less late game guns.
It would have been a better title than Bloodlines 2
When can we expect gameplay footage? When's the next gaming convention or event where Paradox might show up?
You had my interest and now you have my attention
Thinbloods can still embrace they're just super shit at it.
I dont believe so, the real strength of those is, as long as you can hit something you basically get unlimited ammo.
Strauss can reward you with an Amulet that boosts your Thaum damage if you join the pyramid. That being said, it's still underwhelming
Thaum is best for blood shield and the AoE puking spell. Don't use it for damage dealing
I need to do something different if I play this again. Has anyone played The Final Nights or Antitribu mods and can give my their honest opinion? I hear they’re of varying quality but shit, a breath of fresh air is what I need for playthrough 8.
No, they are all thinbloods.
You can take a special thinblood merit that allows you to embrace and form blood bonds.
Yes but it's a system ontop of the generation system.
Basically pic related has the bounds in which BP can fluctuate. There's also a table detailing the mechanical effects if you're interested
Just follow the Rambo naming convention.
>The Masquerade
>Vampire: The Masquerade: Bloodlines
>Vampire 3
>Vampire V
Huh you're right, thanks user
Cool. Pity CDPR is retarded in this regard.
Wow, just....Why even be a Vampire at 14th Gen? You have no blood potency and cant gain potency.What can you do?
half of 14th are thinbloods, and the entire 15th are thin bloods.
>most should also take the thin blood flaw
Implying not all take it, implying not all are thin blooded
Day 1 pirate. No money for trannies and their enablers
Senior writer doesn't mean anything. I'd bet you at least half the writing staff are senior writers.
Good choice. Voiced protagonist doesn't matter - especially if you're going to write out what the response is in full. Voiced protagonist is only necessary when it's a "Yes, Yes (sarcastic), No" type game.
Something happens later and you get to pick an actual clan. I’m guessing you somehow diablerize someone of a lower generation.
Not sure about v5 retardation, but thin blooded vampires are extremely close to human, and take less damage from the sun, and can even actually have real kids, and even return to being human easily in various endings to the game
Thank you
Why even pirate it if you're so certain you're going to hate it? You do understand that pirating a game isn't -1 sale, right?
I thought Diablerie was a NONO, like you get kicked out of vamp society.
We're talking v5 now in which everything above the 13th generation are thinbloods.
See pic related stupid rowbreak after that line
>What can you do?
Diablerize a 13th gen or lower.
Hope you find some miracle to make you human again.
It was, but it was only super hated in the Camarilla, and even then, it was allowed in certain cases
V5 changed that and apparently they're more ok with it now
I'm sure this is going to be a top notch ROLE PLAYING game
It generally is. But as always there are exceptions.
It's the same because it's just words in a fucking game you dumb nigger. If it affects you that much you're just like the people that cried about Doom Eternals goofy "mortally challenged" joke. Get over it, spurg.
I agree, but doing the exact same shit faggots on twitter doesn't make it right just because they do it more
TBF, I can't recall one that has been just that blatant. Most of the actual drama over lefty garbage in games has been relatively tame shit like "wow look I'm a lesbian gurl power XD" or "wow lookie lookie a muslim scientist :)", even if Yea Forums disagrees. Same way there hasn't been any major title that goes full "kill niggers amirite?"
The point is that if any game can actually put a very political tone in, and make it work, it would be a vampire the masquerades bloodlines sequel.
It's one of those things where it's only illegal if you're caught. However, with Auspex, it's really, really easy to find someone who's a diablerist. Although that goes away after a few years.
And what this guy said, it's only a no-no in the Camarilla (and by extention, the anarchs)
Implying it's a game and you can do what you want, but you SHOULD take thinblood because that's correct with the lore. Because taking the flaw prevents you from having any clan features or Status.
Damn, it's so sad to see people so obsessed with what they hate
They're both kinda jank.
Final Nights, as far as I played, is mostly vanilla experience with remade clans, some more known, so literally whos.
Antitribu from what I've seen, adds more content, but it is also goes full retard with combat, with mandatory boss encounters in the places like Ocean House hotel and Grout's Mansion Courtyard.
I did play the Clan Quest mod. It added a new quest for each of the clans in the game, plus a neat quest where you and a Kuei Jin chick go on a date.
I've really come to realize that the ENTIRE purpose of V5 was to set up this video game
Even the goddamn SI was just probably set up to provide enemy mooks in the game
Fuck Paradox and Fuck white wolf
No, it's not correct with the lore (At least with real pre-V5 lore). There are non-thinblood 14th gens.
And thinblood != Caitiff, even if they're often correlated
Wait you didn't realise that when Paradox bought the license?
You can't make enough money with Pen and Paper RPGs to justify buying the rights to WoD and Paradox isn't exactly known as a book publisher.
I'm happy though, good new rules and new books instead of just v20 rehashes and New World of Darknes
Thinblood are inherently Caitiffs, but not all Caitiffs are thinbloods.
>I'm happy though
Fuck off shill
Wrong, not all thinbloods are caitiff (again, pre-V5)
From everything I've read in this thread it feels like Vampires should be taking more active steps into preventing the destruction/dissapearance of the vampire race.
No joke, 14th/16th Gen Vampires arent even Vampires anymore. Why don't they begin coalescing and trying to find ways to strengthen the blood ?
Technically even v5 they aren't necessarily caitiff.
This is one of their special flaws
so looking at the opinions of tabletop fags it seems v5 is hot garbage
only thing most people like is the new hunger system(?) sounds pretty cool and it looks like it'll be in the game
based paradox destroying beloved IPs though
Just because higher gen vamps are weaker doesn't mean vamps are about to dissapear/be destroyed. 15th gens existing doesn't really affect a 7th gen prince
>so looking at the opinions of tabletop fags it seems v5 is hot garbage
I like it.
It does tell you the limit of your progeny's ability to procreate. It also tells you that SHould you decide NOT to spawn kindred and sire more, you're also doing your race a disservice.
No that's always been the case. If you're a thinblood you by definition lack the defining features, disciplines, or flaws of your Clan. Therefore you are a Caitiff. Even non-thinblood 14th gens explicitly have this flaw.
what do you like about it?
Yeah it was awful, awful enough to be thrown in a dumpster, fucking morons.
I'll keep a watch on it. I'm kinda looking forward to it but the big thing for me will be the quality of the writing.
If it's full of stuff like then that would be bad.
tranny or nigger?
What? Whatever you wrote makes no sense.
Wrong, show me where it says that. The mechanics for being thin blooded say nothing of the sort
Old generations still exist because vampires are immortal. It's not like humanity where one generation replaces another.
To be fair, the Anarchs were also portrayed as ignorant and foolhardy. Bloodlines had plenty of political drive in it, but it also did a good job of being an observer rather than a participant. We'll see what B2 does.
Did I need to have grown up in the early 2000s in an incredibly specific sub-culture to "get" VtMB?
Because I don't get the appeal of the game at all and think it's pretty shit, all the characters except like 2 I've met so far are annoying as fuck and the gameplay is worse than Gothics.
>Combat improvement.
>Better chargen
>Removal of Botches or in general the new rolling system
>Hunger System and assorted stuff
>Mechanical benefits of Age
>Predator types as additional customisation
>Second Inquistion
Those are the main things.
>second inquisition
I can't believe someone could be so retarded as to actually admit they liked the SI
>he doesn't like the SI
Humans are the Apex Predator, not kindred
Definitely Antitribu out of those 2. Yes, it does add a good amount of combat situations but none are bullshit hard or anything. You know you’ll need to invest in combat skills in the long run anyways. The problem is that a lot of the fights make 0 sense lore wise. I remember the first one is 2 Gangrel Antitribu in the warehouse. Makes 0 sense because they canonically should’ve been able to rip you to pieces with no effort. Don’t even get me started on the random prostitute you save solely so they could say “hey look we modded titties in!”. Outside of these gripes, the new clans are good and the mod adds a decent amount of new shit
Oh shut the fuck up fag
>Tremere chantry isn't even in a fixed location, and even true mages found their magic unable to damage it
>lol a regular bomb works tho
You HFY posters need to kill yourselves
>doesn’t equate to the full quests crying about “Tonald Drump” that we’re going to get in the sequel
You don't see the problem in coming to such a severe conclusion based on almost nothing? The only writing we've seen from the game is in the trailer, and that doesn't imply any of the shit you're talking
>PC character
>player character character
I hope this guy is not in charge of anything important.
Are you on Yea Forums 24/7? I see this in every single vampire thread. Get a fucking life lmao
Started playing the first game recently, had owned it on steam forever and wanted to play it, not even because of the announcement, forget if it had happened yet. Was enjoying it but recently my PC has taken a big shit and heats the fuck up doing anything more than browsing, it's a craptop and like 5 years old so I'm planing on just building a new desktop and will continue then, but regardless I liked what I played a lot so hopefully this will be good, silent protag is nice, I don't like hamfisted political stuff but a lot of faggots in this thread are over exaggerating. Also, the average Yea Forumsirgin's obsession with trannies is pathetic and they should go fuck one of us already or something. :)
>Tremere chantry isn't even in a fixed location
Am I missremembering? Isn't it a rather famous building/complex in vienna?
Except that it takes time, money and will always be inferior to the way you imagine your guy saying it
It's *in* vienna, but it moves around and is modular. You could enter it through a building, then go out through the same door and end up in a different part of the chantry, and then go through the same door and end up on a random street
>Teehee, let me stir some shit :3c
Hang yourself
Right in the 14th gen flaw you already posted. You're blood is likely too thin to manifest Clan traits. That makes you a Caitiff, it's the fault of the thin blood. Having thinblood makes you a Caitiff.
Is english not your first language?
>Also, the average Yea Forumsirgin's obsession with trannies is pathetic and they should go fuck one of us already or something. :)
>implying we're not trying
please, save us from the tyranny of the vaginal jew!
You anons can fuck right off. Every goddamn thread. Do you have any idea how tremendously comfy VTMB threads were before 2 was announced? You people don't seem all that interested in Bloodlines to me. Always bitching and complaining. Not even the smallest concessions given, such as having both Brian and Rik back. Now give me your pre-programmed meme responses
Not that guy, but historically, SJW politics correlate very strongly with shit writing, story and sense of humour. I want to like this game, but wanting to push an agenda limits the possibilities of the writer to implement meaningful choices in the narrative. We'll see how it goes.
/pol/flakes don't approve of the game? Guess I can't play it then! You know it's extremely important for me to fit in with electionfags.
>as shown in one interview screencap frequently posted in Vampire threads
The very same screencap has him saying that he'd start composing again if 2 was to be made.
Is it yours? That qualifier doesn't change the point. The reason for a 14th gen not having any clan traits and therefore being a caitiff is likely due to having thin blood. Because having thinblood means your clan features don't appear which makes you a Caitiff. There are other reason a 14th gen might be a Caitiff, they may have been abandoned by their sire.
hey user I'm a big fan of bloodlines but I think there's legitimate concerns.
have you read upon brian's comments on mental illness and how paradox and the team is going to address that now compared to bloodlines1, do you think mental illness was an issue in bloodlines1?
i hope brian still has it, and you know avellone's contributing as well so in theory the writing should be top notch but who knows it's been a long time, enough to get cucked.
>Fuck off /pol/!
>Keep wanting them stay around by constantly responding anyway
You reseterafags are like battered wives.
Only gameplay can save us now...
Everyone has an opinion.
Literally show me where it fuck it says that. They are in now way connected in that blurb
I honestly don't remember enough about the Tremere books where it might have been stated to debate that. Never were as interesting as some other clans to me
Nice to see that's the only point of contention though
fact: art vs commerce, technology vs tradition
concerns: brian's comments on mental illness in regards to bloodlines1, pronouns
i think there's still some time left before full out sperging may commence
Also the fact that they somehow magically killed every vampire in london, despite there being some scary motherfuckers who wiped out whole packs of lupines
It's just HFY wank the kind idiots like you adore, and its compeltely nonsensical
>a-actually you just love us too much!
No, /pol/. No one even likes you.
>technology vs tradition
The thing is the devs outright said they are picking "technology" as the correct side
Considering that London literally has Mithras not doing anything agains the Inquisition until the very end and likely even leaking haven locations there's literally nothing wrong with that
>have you read upon brian's comments on mental illness and how paradox and the team is going to address that now compared to bloodlines1, do you think mental illness was an issue in bloodlines1?
Didn't he say that he wanted to make it more serious than how it was in 1?
Thanks for giving me exactly the response I said you would
But why would you think this? The lead writer is back. The main composer is back. Why would you so willingly conclude that all those things will be bust? You should be cautious, not jump to either conclusions. This game can end up being both good or bad
Are the steam and GOG versions of VtMB the same? Does the unofficial patch work on Steam version?
I hope everyone else is voiced though. It broke my heart the first time I saw an NPC's text appear with no accompanying voice.
And that is precisely why I personally am still hopeful for the game. I'm just saying that other debacles started like this, not that this would be one.
>Y-you're /pol/ if you call me out!
Keep coping, people can criticize all they want, and there is nothing you can do to stop it.
Show me
i doubt it, given Seattles history with the art enviroment and the "keep seattle weird" motto. Seattle has become more prosperous with the tech boom in the city, but a lot more has changed for worse and better.
GoG comes with the unofficial patch. Steam doesn't, but you can install it yourself just fine.
Malkavians bring awareness to mental illness, I hope they dont cast them out, it would be a disservice.
viper get a hold of youself
If you're having a problem with being called /pol/ you either are or you're unduly influenced (it happens if you're not careful). Figure out which and help yourself out of this predicament.
I will now buy your game.
M8, protag is a mass embraced faggot, he likely doesn't even know who his sire is. Being Thin Blood is just there to seal the deal.
>Does the unofficial patch work on Steam version?
Yes, but you have to write a line in the launch configurations on Steam. Just look it up. It's very easy
resetera shills just want a hug box, that's why they ban anyone for anything on there.
They said they just have to be "sensitive" about how they portray mental illness, but I think Malks will be in, especially considering how liked they are from the first game.
>Clooney says it’s central to Bloodlines 2 that the writers (who include Brian Mitsoda, narrative designer on the original game) are actively taking a political stance in this sequel, with its themes of art versus commerce and technological advances versus tradition.
>“One of the reasons why that particular conflict attracted us so much was because it’s an inherently political conversation but it’s one of the few ones where it’s hard to… there are valid approaches. The world has to move forward, right?” says Clooney.
>“Technological progress is a big deal and people are going to make money doing it. But what’s the cost? One of the things we really wanted to do was narrow in on a major conflict that can truly, reasonably be seen from both sides. As much as I loved being in Seattle in the 90s, and I’ve lived most of my life in Seattle, but at the same time I make video games for a living. I am not innocent of the tech boom.
Tranny games should not be allowed on Yea Forums
malks can be perfectly tragic figures anyway.
I hope an Antediluvian gives you a visit
>Tremere and Toreador trannies are in this thread right now
Didn't they get turned into fake news, same as gehenna?
One of the themes they want to tackle if mental illness, so prepared for it to be dumb down, never played for laughs as that would be offensive.
You guys know the new Vampire tabletop game makes you play as a gay muslim character?
No, I am not joking, someone actually posted it in a previous thread
seethe harder you fucking nigger.
What? That's your proof? If anything, this implies that it'll be made balanced.
>implying /pol/ doesn't want a nazi safespace
>fuck off /pol/
Keep seething
>You guys know the new Vampire tabletop game makes you play as a gay muslim character?
Do you even know how the tabletop works?
>anything left of Pol Pot is Nazism
>literally talking about a conflict that can reasonably be seen from both sides
>that means they're only going to look at it from one side
Christ, you are retarded.
>technological advances versus tradition.
I'm kind of happy this is going to be in the game, because I wanted to see more "World of Future Darkness" stuff, as I know others have.
>pol finally fucks off
>resetera fags need attention so they start replying to old posts
Why cant you both fuck and get it over with
>makes you
No, it's just a character that exists in the setting, you retard. You can make a campaign all about killing him if you want.
>tfw always living rent free in your head
seems like it will be pretty balanced as both have pros and cons. Seattle in real life may become prosperous, but in turn becomes a shallow hell contra the tradition which keeps the spirit, but wont highten quality of life in the material way.
Completely ignoring it says they will be taking a political stance when it comes to the game?
Completely ignoring them saying they benefited from the tech boom?
Completely ignoring them saying the world needs to move forward?
There is obviously going to be a right and wrong side from reading this.
>reseteratards failing to damage control any issue the game could have so now they just scream /pol/ this, /pol/ that
Is that the guy that makes "Gentlemen's guide to VTM"?
>implying you have
You've never played VtmB you fucking tranny invader
Yes. He's now writing the books.
well its fucking true though, nigger. The world moves on wether you like it or not, you may benefit from something yet not support it.
one can hang onto the past, but its a matter of time before change catches up with you and then what? what do you do? that's probably one of the themes.
Yep, he also worked on some v20, and I imagine v5, books. There's a whole series of him introducing VtM and V5 at white wolf official youtube channel.
>tfw all bloodlines threads from now to 12 months ahead will be all about the same prints and people spamming the thread with: "POST FAVOURITE CLAN FAVOURITE DISCIPLINE"
Don't you know? The Devs will literally come to your table and force you at gunpoint to play a gay muslim
Any proof of this? I honestly would not be surprised but a source is still a source.
>Completely ignoring them saying they benefited from the tech boom?
He says he loved living in Seattle when little tech was involved, but he has clearly gained from technology by association with video game development. This is a pros-vs-cons type scenario. A sort of "I like thing like this BUT reason for why other thing is good"
>Completely ignoring them saying the world needs to move forward?
Did you completely ignore how that was written with a question mark at the end? Do you know why that was?
Seeing good gameplay might help reduce the shitposting a bit. At least I hope so.
I recognize that statue.
me too, brother.
He's credited as writer in all V5 books so far.
And I think he's the lead developer for chicago by night.
Man I wish I made the kind of career progress he did
>they will be taking a political stance
That means the game will include politics. It doesn't mean the game will promote one particular political position above all others. The first game only had incidental politics, but the main thread of the game was not political, it was prophecy. This game will be different, focusing explicitly on the political conflicts within the World of Darkness. How can you possibly need this spelled out for you?
>they benefited from the tech boom?
No, shit. And?
>the world needs to move forward?
It's called a rhetorical question, dipshit. He literally precedes and follows that question by talking about how there are multiple valid and reasonable approaches.
I had no idea the complaints against this game were coming from avowed luddites, terrified this game might be taking the radical extremist position that technology is good sometimes.
>Malkavian player character will probably be gutted and boring unlike VtMB 1
>Either that or they will literally have 0 variation
>MOST LIKELY there will be ton of shameless SJW shit peddling with 0 funny self awareness
I really want to be wrong because I honestly just want a fucking good game to play. I want this to turn out like Human Revolution where everyone expects it to be shit and it turns out pretty decent, but what are the fucking chances?
I'll be assured when I see that I don't have to pick WOKE choices not to be labeled evil or lose humanity
>This game will be different, focusing explicitly on the political conflicts within the World of Darkness
Do you REALLY believe it will be like this, rather than more of "DRUMTPFMTP BAD!" and other amazing thoughts from contemporary real world politics?
First of all: the tabletop, epsecially the V5 kind, has nothing to do with someone having played VTMB.
Second off: I'm pretty sure the gay vampire is a character made for a scenario and world building and is not intended to be played by players, and it most definitely doesn't force you to play anything of the kind. Don't take any of that as me condoning the character, because he's pure hack writing
It won't. It'll make it even worse. You what will reduce shitposting? If some dev did something "based and redpilled" on twitter, like the what the Kingdom Come Deliverance dev did.
Shitposting will only go away after the game is out for a couple of months.
>vtmb videos on youtube got a huge spike in views after vtmb2 was announced
is it happening
is vtmb going to get the recognition it deserves and get more people interested in goth culture again
Have gay sex or get evil points you SHITLORD.
>technology vs tradition
>finally get to become vampire ted kaczynski
People st ill arguing about this? The only fucking reason there's a discussion is because people don't even try and understand the concerns some people have regarding the game and writing. No one is saying that games never has been political or can't be political. The problem comes with how it's implemented and you have to accept that if you go for more overt, political writing you will turn off some buyers.It's perfectly fine to not want to buy something because of overt politics. That also means that the devs and publishers should stop fucking whining when they suddenly find out that their game wont sell as good as expected.
That said, it's perfectly possible to have politics in games and have a large majority of people like the game. The "secret" trick is to either be subtle or explore all sides. That's fucking it. But somehow a lot of modern "writers" can't even fucking do that and instead has to act as if there's only one right side, that everything spouted by one side is truth and are too chickenshit to even question it.
That's the fucking problem. You have devs shitting on conservatives, right politics and anything that doesn't conform to a far-left/intersection agenda but they're too chickenshit to even question left political stances and philosophies. What's more is the difference in reaction too. When right gets bashed, you don't have huge, planned boycotts, just people complaining and then people choosing to not buy. But the fucking moment there's "problematic" anything you see people virtue signalling and movements made to not only boycott but often to attack, fire and blacklist creators.
I'd be fucking fine with trannies being in the game but you can't trust these asshats to write it properly, as in they not just openly sharing personal shit with strangers just like any other person out there. You know, instead of what usually happens with you finding out about a character's sexuality and shit before you even know their name.
>get more people interested in goth culture again
As if lol.
How about reserving judgement for when such a thing is actually revealed to be in the game?
They wanna act like it's gonna be some nuanced discussion of human/vampire morality, all the whilst we already know it's gonna be just
>You need to use your vampiric powers to save these trans kids from the evil (white) elder vampires
>I'm healthy at every size! [Agree (Good karma)|Disagree (Bad karma)]
Well, I'm not a confirmed retard. That might be coloring my expectations.
>misgender a tranny
>-1 humanity
>Dead as trend
>Ever coming back
That is a nice delusion you have there.
it's already happened with people in vtmb threads saying they were never involved with goth culture when it was popular but they like it more than what's currently around
Know this is late. But this exactly.
>get more people interested in goth culture again
God, I fucking hope not
Goth was shit
I could be wrong, but I believe the "sensitive" issue of mental illness they are refering to were the "crazy" people in Grouts mansion
kill yourself
>people don't even try and understand the concerns some people have regarding the game and writing.
You're right. Maybe spamming some more hastily put together infographs will finally convince the public.
some of it was
goth + scifi/cyberpunk might be cool though
Anyone have a twitch timestamp for when the larp stuff started?
More like
>Agree (good karma)
>Sarcastic Agree (neutral karma)
>Disagree but then Agree (neutral karma)
>Agree but Ill charge you (bad karma)
The problem with these threads is that anons heard the term "political" associated with this game and immediately jumped to the conclusion that Trump will be ridiculed and that it will be staunchly left wing. Never mind the fact that politics in this context was referring to tradition vs politics. They don't give a fuck about Bloodlines 2. They're here to discuss their political stance
Sorry gotta grab screenshots and keep pushing the whole, "It was always extremely political, like it was like watching the news for an entire day, look at this one line!".
>tradition vs politics
Meant to say tradition vs technology
>no voiced MC
this is the best news I've heard so far
Well weren't they supposed to basically be in an insane asylum? On top of being ghouled by a Malkavian? Hopefully they don't try to be too "sensitive" to the point of being boring, whatever they meant.
not that Rik Schaffer makes the music again?
cmon, user.
The problem is that it's a cheap attempt at a retort. You're contributing nothing to the conversation nor refuting any points. Everytime someone calls someone else ''/pol/'', it's just a lazy attempt at dodging the question and being a weaseling faggot.
ME2 has the best voice acting in the series
I'm pretty sure the sensitive was about Malkavian PC talking with stop signs and not uttering a straight sentence in the entire game
>Media has left propaganda
>No no no no, we have to explore all sides of the issue, this is just insulting to real discourse in an era on which our side is ridiculed by many.
>Media has right proapaganda
>OH bohoo gimme a break liberal, we have the right to free speech, that's right. We have the right to create any piece of media.
The compromise for this issue is quite simple: Left can make whatever propaganda they want and Right can make whatever propaganda they want. But none of you niggers care about this, you just want an excuse to give red pills so we can soon realize that "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for inbred children."
I kind of liked having to decipher your own responses though. And the stop sign thing was a bit sillier, but the tuna joke was decent since it actually had meaning.
Have you ever even seen /pol/? Why does anyone assume it is a nazi paradise just because it doesn't outright ban / censor those type of posters from the overall discussions there?
that's fine, but music can only do so much when the rest of the game is garbage
this is a really good sign towards not being garbage
What is it about this game that brings out the resetera trannies in droves?
It's fucking ridiculous
>media has right propaganda
I want to play as a malkavian with high functioning autism who only feeds on girls because he thinks it's gay to drink dude blood.
I liked that a lot of the replies are basically references to metaplot stuff or events that the pc has no way of knowing.
But it does get way too fishy at times.
yet the game is set in I'm assuming 2020 Seattle. Not exactly a beacon of right wing prominence
>mfw I can't wait for this game
>mfw I am not an alt-right nazi fag so I get to enjoy the game
>mfw the only negative is I can never talk about it on Yea Forums
Acceptable monkey's paw.
hell yeah user, you and me both.
>Have you ever even seen /pol/?
His only experience of political discussion is hugbox forums where mods pop right in the moment someone says nigger.
Malkavians have a bit of omnipotence because the Malkavian network does what ever the fuck the writers want it to. Crazier ones know more, it's eldritch stuff
/pol/tards forever BTFO.
I expect some characters being leftist dipshits and others commenting on it, just like the first game.
When I read "2020 Seattle" I thought "why the fuck would the game be set so far in the future" but then I realized what year it is, christ I'm old.
Ummm no sweetie. This game is our property now. You will either bend to our will or we destroy it.
cool it with the anti-semitic remarks, libtard
>criticizing media for their bias shouldn't exist
Fucking WUT?!
Hoping histories come back too and that Friggin Chicken Junior Executive is one for Ventrue
Because it might be good despite the forced agenda
The whistling sound you're hearing is the joke soaring high above your head, dipshit.
how old are you?
trannies can't argue against this besides
>MUH /POL/!!!
I don't believe /pol/tards play games much. Just like SJWs, they see games as a method to push their own propaganda and view games as a means to an end, nothing more.
It's like with MTG when Teferi was given new cards recently and /pol/tards began spamming "WE WUZ" about it, even though the character had existed in Magic the Gathering for over 2 decades
>The problem with these threads is that anons heard the term "political"
No, it has more to do with the current political climate and a good number of games going off the deep end the past few years, which, again, is why I said people aren't even trying to understand why there's others who are having concerns and complaints.
And that's still ignoring the simple fact that Bloodlines has a canonical queer muslim Vampire that fights against sexism and fights for equality for minorities and women. As well as the "controversy" about nazis in stuff that references real events against homosexuals, because of course you can't have any references to nazism because it "caters to neo-nazis" but you can have a queer gay muslim. Which is fucking insane, because most actually gay muslims doesn't stay muslim since it's just not possible. Not until Islam goes through an enlightenment period and progressive evolution like Christianity did. No one wants to admit it but that's the simple, hard fact of reality and *any* gay ex-muslim will tell you the same.
I do hope Bloodlines 2 will be good but I aint holding my breath, not with how the industry and Bloodlines current state is.
yeah, this is the part that the screechers don't seem to understand
vtmb didn't really pick a side, the anarchs were made fun of plenty
meanwhile everything we heard about the new game screams far-left liberal ideology
>Do you have any idea how tremendously comfy VTMB threads were before 2 was announced?
Maybe because no one knew how bad of a trainwreck we were heading into.
They've been saying it was developed side by side with V5. So, lore wise, stuff from V5 is what it's pulling from.
They've also stated Mitsoda and his team have been given their own little corner of the WoD to do with what they want.
My biggest concern here is that it takes place in 2019 and from what I am told, there isn't even a masquerade anymore. Just full on Humans vs Vampire war shit and that sounds utterly boring
>It was /pol/tards who spammed we wuz
>Can't take a joke now that it has become a meme well outside of /pol/
22 That's old, I'm about to hit my prime and then it'll never get any better, only worse.
i fucking hate this weimar clown world
they didn't say anywhere that Malks aren't in, they just low key trashed the original game for being insensitive in its portrayal of the mentally ill
read: no Therese and Jeanette, no Grout
I'm just comparing it to the Gold Standard which for me is the Clanbook Revised.
Here's an excerpt of talking to an antitribu
>Okay, so it might have been a mistake to turn the conversation around to politics. But I needed to open the door, to get her started. Once we’d shared a few stories and I’d agreed with her enough to relax her (but not so much that she’d get suspicious), then I could ask the questions I really wanted to ask. It turned out all right, though.
>I listened between the lines, focusing on the things she’d never form into words. Her tongue bent around in such away that it became pretty obvious that whatever she’s doing, it hasn’t been cleared with most of the ranking princes and such of the Sabbat. Something covert, something unspoken between cousins…I leaned in, and listened more closely.
>She talked about the silliness of vampire sects making war on one another, and behind her words was hiding a scene of fire and earth, of the ritual mass Embrace of 10, maybe 20 newcomers all at once, all of our family. She laughed and talked about the trip to Amsterdam she wanted to take someday, and in her laughter was a tale of entire packs, all of the clan, all bound to their superiors second and the antitribu’s purpose first. She mentioned that sometimes she missed Chinese food, and something…huge was looming behind that little anecdote.
>And then she seemed to guess that I was seeing what she was leaving unspoken, and the conversation stopped there.
>Before we split up again, though, I bit the bullet and outright asked if she’d seen any sort of signs of madness in the blood…stuff that couldn’t be explained away by particularly harsh Embrace rites.
>She laughed in my face.
>What a bitch.
>“I’m sorry,” she said, “but that just sounded so fucking funny coming from you.” Then she left a nice tip on the counter and she got up and walked out.
>What the hell is that supposed to mean?
no, the masquerade is still in place.
>And that's still ignoring the simple fact that Bloodlines has a canonical queer muslim Vampire that fights against sexism and fights for equality for minorities and women. As well as the "controversy" about nazis in stuff that references real events against homosexuals, because of course you can't have any references to nazism because it "caters to neo-nazis" but you can have a queer gay muslim. Which is fucking insane, because most actually gay muslims doesn't stay muslim since it's just not possible. Not until Islam goes through an enlightenment period and progressive evolution like Christianity did. No one wants to admit it but that's the simple, hard fact of reality and *any* gay ex-muslim will tell you the same.
But WHY is that relevant to the development of VTMB 2? What makes you think that a character like that will even come close to being featured? Because they'll apparently use the game rules from the edition where his character also happened to be written?
oh no
oh please no
Let's fill this clown world with laughter!
>they just low key trashed the original game for being insensitive in its portrayal of the mentally ill
Was it the devs? The only thing I've read about someone commenting on the original game's portrayal of mental illness was a "journalist" on Kotaku, the devs themselves haven't actually trashed the Malk.
You're completely disingenuous if you've come to such a fullstop conclusion based on current information
Yet their going to reference them by having her outfit being a preorder bonus along with the stop sign.
Where did you hear that?
>mfw not an alt-right nazi fag
>mfw not a liberal trannie dick rider
>mfw this game is going to die hard and I'll be too busy S ranking Dante Must Die in DMC5 to even see the corpse rot because the developers couldn't take a single writing lesson in subtly and subtext, but instead decided to alienate an entire demograpbic of people due to their own bias prejudices of conservatives as a whole
Its true user, they even confirmed it on twitter. This is fucked up.
VtMB was shit
I'm glad all the threads are going to devolve into political shit-flinging
>I feel like /pol/ is closer to a normal or average person than these journalists.
Far be it from me to call you delusional.
If you're speeding in a car and see a wall in your path and try to brake, but the brakes don't work, you pull the handbrake and it does nothing then it's not indicative you will die, but it's a damn good fucking prediction. Having a gigantic leftist SJW as your senior writer can't be a good sign.
>because the developers couldn't take a single writing lesson in subtly and subtext, but instead decided to alienate an entire demograpbic of people due to their own bias prejudices of conservatives as a whole
Where the fuck have you gotten this from? You don't even know what the fuck you're talking about. The only mention of politics has been tradition vs technology. Stop getting your information relayed from anons
You have to be fucking insane if you think inviting violent, low IQ rapists that want to destroy the west is normal and everyone who doesn't like that idea is a racist fascist nazi homophobe bigot.
YOU are the one delusional.
>the poltard glosses over the post in confusion
Reminder STEM is a fucking joke and shoving every person into a narrow field is a horrid idea because jobs in fields are finite. Most STEM jobs have an F rating from the US Department of Labor when it comes to job growth over the next decade. WAY more people entering the fields than retiring, and the job options are not growing with the amount of people being forced into STEM.
ok. if you feel old at this age, you are most liekly suffering from loneliness and feel detached. sort out your life.
50 muslims laughs day!
in minecraft of course
But having the main writer back certainly is. Why does one overpower the other?
>that bottom post with the gunbuster pic
Grout is dead. Shitty fan theories can't save him.
>letting the /pol/ discorders get to you.
>reseterafag ignores posts and interviews that he doesn't like
>>mfw not an alt-right nazi fag
>>mfw not a liberal trannie dick rider
lmao, this denial, only an alt-rightard could be this obsessed with trannies
Because PC culture. It ruins everything and turns gold to shit.
I'm sorry, user. I know I help bring the general post quality down
>darth vergil cuts off nero skywalker's hand
>"nero he is ur father >:O"
great writing, original, fresh
Dispute the post please
>this hurts the resetera shill.
We'll see
I fucking HOPE I'm wrong. I'm tired of SJWs shitting up games.
One of the writers:
>“It was very of its time,” Ellison said of the first game. “It approached certain topics differently. How we look at stuff has matured since then. It’s fifteen years later and things have changed,” Mitsoda said. “We have to be very sensitive about how we handle things like mental illness and that was a concern for us and for Paradox, in how we can make a mature story but if we do anything, we do our homework and make sure that we are punching up and not punching down. We talk about these issues constantly,” Ellison added. Because we care about including people, we want them to feel powerful and sexy, and we don’t want them to feel like it’s not for them.”
Keep in mind, I'm not saying that the game is guaranteed to be too overt and in your face with the politics but given the recent years and various factors such as the tabletop game and some of the writers have said about this game I'm not holding my breath. Rudi is more than likely going to be in the game, I don't see them missing an opportunity to create potential controversy that might net them some publicity that way. And I highly doubt that they'll add nuance and grey areas that might portray left political talking points as either negative or not as clear-cut as some make it out to be. No transexuals being a complex issue regarding transition or exploration of those for and against it in a manner that doesn't portray either side as outright devils or just ignorant. But who knows, they do mention technology vs tradition and other such conflicts so maybe we'll get nuance.
Again, the problem isn't politics being included, it's all about how it's done and written. Not much political stuff in any media is very nuanced, subtle or even well-written nowadays.
Noooo my culture war. I must win my culture war! My children will be told the valiant story of the battles I fought for them such as against this game, or MK 11.
You and me both, buddy