what kind of games do you like to play high?
2D platformers are amazing. I am playimg DoReMi Fantasy right now
What kind of games do you like to play high?
Other urls found in this thread:
>doing drugs
cringe and bluepilled
Old god of war games were perfect with weed
Saints row 4 is unreal stoned
All games, but games that see a bigger boost than see the biggest overall increase in enjoyment would be shit like online multiplayer poker or pool. Specifically Pure Pool and Prominence Poker.
Pretty much anything except for competitive games.
Those can be fun to play too, but it takes me longer to get warmed up and I won't be able to get into the zone as easily as compared to when I'm sober.
Anything singleplayer is great because I can be blasting my own music and pause the game to roll up at my own leisure.
RPGs with lots of customization and stats because I can zone out on that shit easier with some DUDE.
who /edudebles/ here
dude weed
Depends on how much of a high you get an how regular you smoke. Humans fall flat can be hilarious with friends on DUDE, RPGs can be really immersive.
Iv'e moved onto adderall. Currently rushing through darkest dungeon, iv'e put 30 hours into it in 2 days on my bender. Adderall > Weed when it comes to enjoying vidya.
online gming bong toke
the sims
all of them
GTA V was literally GOAT playing for the first time while high.
RDR2 is anti-weed. I wasted so much weed on that game just to be forced to walk slowly and ride a horse slowly for 5 hours
tower defense games
immersive sims
ultima underworld
system shock 1
arx fatalis
gothic 1 and 2
>you will never go back to 2007 where Halo 3 launched and you played up until 5am stoned off your ass
Edibles are all over the place. Have them without enough food and I have a bad time. Have them with too much food and I feel nothing.
I played antichamber on LSD and lost my shit.
Bud > dab carts > dabs > vaping weed >>> POWER GAP >>> edibles
god tier game. i played it about 5 years ago and after i finished it i vowed to not play it again for 5-10 years so that i could forget all the puzzle solutions. cant wait to solve it again in a few years
What's wrong with vaping weed?
T. Arizer air user.
I cant play intense games like league or FPSs when im stoned. But Ill literally play Civ for hours.
Good taste user. Would not have expected to hear about it on this board
just be careful user
from experience
>Breath of the Wild
>Stardew Valley
>Beat Hazard
>Wii Sports with friends (you get higher when you move your body), Wii Sports Resort for even comfier music and visuals
>Tetris Effect
Beat Saber
Resident Evil 7
Donkey Kong Country 2
doing the same with smash. Its a rush but like the other user said, gotta be careful with that shit
never. I'm going full hedonist with this shit until i get bored with it or my tolerance is at ridiculous levels. It's just too much fun.
See you on /r9k/ drugfeels thread soon, user.
It doesn't get you yoinked enough
I used to crush up some addy and mix it into a blunt, playing video games after that is great
What does yoinked mean? I vape indicas, I prefer to be sedated rather than elevated.
At least my astral mudshark tribe is thriving due to my focus and enhanced micro management skills :^)
Not everyone likes to get as fucked up as possible, I like vaping a nice comfy hybrid
Something engaging but not too demanding.
Too demanding and I can't perform and get killed. Unless I am already very familiar with the game/series.
Too relaxing and I just lose interest in it or fall asleep. I thought I'd love high Pokemon but it always makes me fall asleep or I get distracted and go on Yea Forums.
Stuff like GTAV, Superflight, Tearaway, Gravity Rush 2, Mario Odyssey and Breath of the Wild is the sweet spot.
The absolute apex of playing stoned is BOTW and Gravity Rush 2.
oh boy, you're seriously going to destroy your brain
remember that life is long, someday you'll be 30 and tired of it, but you'll still have to live 50 more years with your addled brain. wish i'd never touched the stuff, i can't even read a book anymore.
I just meant high, and that's fair I've just always found Vapes to be pretty underwhelming.
>Smoking the herbal jew
Such good goyim in this thread
RPGs in general are great, but there's something special about handheld Pokemon.
>muh jews
go back
heard that virtual boy is great while high
That would be tobbaco user
>First post wasn't DUDE
>Second post wasn't WEED
You're slipping, Yea Forums.
>can't even read a book
user we're talking about adderall not coke
oy vey, we can't legalization weed because the goyim wont buy my big pharma products anymore
See how easy that is?
Yea Forums is a cannabis enthusiast forum now.
>quit alcohol a few months ago due withdrawals
>start smoking weed as an alternative
>genuinely don't enjoy it
>keep doing it because it's still preferable to being sober
You’re both right, big pharma doesn’t have the means to capitalize on legal weed, and legal weed is an ace up their sleeves to revitalize the bread and circus
Sativa or indica?
Skyrim VR
>Pure Pool
Can attest to this. Me and my friend smoked a joint and did this and it was a good time. The jazz music in the game sounds better too.
Also, I know OP asked for games but watching fighting games while stoned can also be a good time.
What don't you like about it? I kind of had the same thing, I didn't like feeling so dissociated and spacey
Mixing in some CBD stuff helped a lot
Dark souls or some looter shooter bs like destiny and the division.
Only God can judge me
>used to love getting stonned and playing wow
>decide to get a big boy job
>safety critical position and I'm drug tested
>stop smoking
>4 years later
>classic is announced my weed is legalized in canada
>fuck yeah cant wait to smoke weed again
>start smoking
>someone at work got drug tested and they fired him
>immediately stop because I dont want to lose my house
Its not fair
This is an anti-stoner board, seek help
i like to do a dab and then i like to play a shmup
Don't even know the difference.
Makes me paranoid and too lazy\tired to want to do anything by lie down.
>Makes me paranoid
CBD will astronomically help with that
indica and sativa are just bullshit generalizations and dont mean anything because everything you get now is a hybrid anyway. The effects you associate with indica or sativa are caused by the profile of the strain instead.
>weed is legalized in canada
>someone at work got drug tested and they fired him
If its legal why was he fired? Do you get fired because you go out drinking after work sometimes too?
they did though
You can still find pure Sativa/Indica all over the place - most dispensaries around here will sell a combination of all 3 sativa, indica, and hybrid.
Though I've found the differences in strains have more to do with the terpenes than anything else.
your dispensaries are telling you bullshit because a pure indica/sativa is rare. They generalize that way because its easier to sell to old people.
The law is fucky now and will be challenged eventually. Currently if you are tested positive when sobriety is a bona fide occupational requirement, you can be fired. However random tests are not legal, there has to be a suspicion of use. I also think there is a requirement to accomodate before firing is required.
I play this high and the next day i am pissed and how much i fucked everything up.
I think the argument is that no "pure sativa" is actually a pure sativa anymore, same for indica of course
??? It is legal
im playing sekiro
its really good
>no "pure sativa" is actually a pure sativa anymore, same for indica of course
Is that true? They come from completely different parts of the world, don't they? There must be some preservation going on.
>occupational requirement
Okay, this makes sense
They are native to* I mean. I know all kinds of weed can be grown locally.
pure sativa / indica has pretty much died off. One reason everything is so hybridized is to maximize yield and hardiness, which pure strains lacked
Silent Hill games are the best for the task
Good taste
the dead rising series