What games really nail the burgerpunk aesthetic?
What games really nail the burgerpunk aesthetic?
What threads really nail the obsessedcuck aesthetic? Oh right, this one
is that Minneapolis
It's south central Pennsylvania
highway games
gta iv
Triggered Amerifat detected.
Tengai Makyou 4 the Apocalypse
>making this thread again after getting BTFO
Pretty pathetic, mate.
Watch_Dogs 2
I've only just played the recent free demo, but Splatoon seems to from my limited experience.
How poor does your country have to be to not have service areas?
Am I the only one who thinks this place look awesome? Who's forcing you to buy shit, exactly?
Cars were a mistake.
If I had money to burn I would unironically live in a service area and rent out a small motel while I play vidya and eat terrible fast food all the time.
Honestly looks comfy. I don't give a shit about people or my health so this is paradise to me. Why do Europoors keep posting this image over and over like it's a bad thing?
How could you even tell?
user, just look for a town found off a major expressway and it will look like this eventually.
Perhaps the interstate signs, user?
Yeah, I know, I've lived in rural Pennsylvania before. It's still comfy.
Fuck this country and its car culture.
While I do care about my health, I've also been on many road trips and these places are indeed comfy as fuck to rest at after hours of driving.
It's literally a necessity considering its size.
It’s been posted before
Learn to drive Sperg
To all the confused Euros here, allow me to explain (I'm from a flyover)
plane tickets are expensive to the average American so we mostly drive everywhere, and we have a lot of long highways breaking up the amber waves of grain so driving is a long tedious task. These truck stops are an oasis on the tarmac desert when you're trying to drive a thousand miles to Miami for vacation
Fucking this
Only because mericans are retards that would rather build a hospital on the far end of a town and the grocery store on the opposite end because they have no sense of logical infrastructure.
Also we made it impossible to get a nationwide public train system in this country by privatizing 95% of all train tracks.
It's Breezewood Pennsylvania, the shittiest place in America. Instead of a simple junction from the Pennsylvania Turnpike to I-70 you are force through this shitty town. It's the actual worst
>look mommy now I'm posting the Breezewood picture on every board!
why the fuck are Europeans so obsessed? for people who aren't aware, Breezewood isn't an actual town it's essentially a large truckstop for people driving up and down the East Coast. That's why there are so many ugly signs and shops. Nobody lives in Breezewood, they only work there. It is in no way an "average American town" like the European troglodyte spamming this image on every board claims it is
>blaming Americans because our infrastructure isn't from the Middle Ages
b-but i thought europeans were m-more intelligent than amerilards!!!
I got my liscense when I was 17 because I needed it to get a job, retard.
I lived in the middle of a bumfuck nowhere America and had to DRIVE an hr to the next city over for a fucking job everyday for 6 months because there werent any in my home town.
If I lived in a first world country, if just hop on a train and it would get me there faster while i take a nap.
Fuck you and fuck this countrys car culture.
>shittiest place in America
>ugly signs and shops
I don't get this meme. It looks comfy as hell.
It’s not even a real town, it’s just a place for people to rest, eat, and fill up their gas tanks.
I am American you stupid fuck.
you haven't driven through it
it adds a good 30 minutes to any road trip
I would live in a rest stop if the cost of living was cheap.
Fucking move
>he says posting on a videogame forum
Puny-ass faggot
Just stop replying to me dude.
Youre another retard American who cant read.
It's just some motorists stop, quick food and gas for people passing through, I wonder if Europeans even realize how big the US is.
Seeing them speak it's clear they have no concept of how large the states are and the distinction between them.
The only places you can live without a car in America are the Big Cities were the cost of live is an order of magnitude higher.
I once saw a high school literally in the middle of fucking nowhere. The nearest town was like 10 miles away. Like what the fuck?
No you wouldn't
EVERY town in America is like this.
You can not live in this country or work without owning a car.
Public transportation fucking sucks.
In my car I get to blast my own music, don't have to sit next to smelly fucks, drive at my own pace instead of what the goyim decide for me, and get to actually see the country with my own eyes instead of tuning everything out.
And how are they not...?
>Public transportation fucking sucks
I'm not talking about a shitty bus that only runs for a few hrs and only stops at certain places.
I actually really like this aesthetic. I drove through New York and Pennsylvania one year and had fond memories of stopping by greaser burger joints with the bros.
I live in America and you're exaggerating the inconvenience because you lived in an especially secluded place. Quit bitching.
Us burgers care more about our sensationalised freedoms than functionality.
Get used to it, bitch.
This looks like a common road trip highway town. Where it's all a bunch of shit for travelers and little to nothing else outside of the main road through town. It's actually pretty comfy reminds me of towns we used to pass through on family roadtrips in California going to Oregon.
Dude i do t give a shit about autistic derails like that.
I just want to get to point A to point B without worrying about
-dying in a car crash
-sitting fucking traffic for hours
-car breaking down and literally stranding you out in the middle of nowhere
Cyberpunk 2077
Name one difference between a bus and a train,
If anything, railroads are even more restrictive than car roads.
>blames a country of 300 million people for the fact that he lives in a dumb spot
Because they don't have a concept of "a nice place to stop and eat while you're on the road". If they drive for more than half an hour they're in another country. They don't need travel stops.
And the alternative is...? Everything is a product that profits someone. Every culture is a product of the money that was poured into it and every culture is designed to suck the money out of some populace. Consumer is the default state of a human being.
The appeal of places likes this is that you don't stay there. You pass through. They're generic and anonymous and no one stays longer than they need to.
>-dying in a car crash
drive better and read the road. If someone near you is driving like a monkey, you get away from them.
-car breaking down and literally stranding you out in the middle of nowhere
Take better care of your car.
Hello rabbi
You claimed I didnt have a licence and I bitch slapped your ass so what are you even arguing about at this point??!?¿
Living in the US is objectively inconvient for non car owners because of the fact you have to drive everywhere.
I dont live in some small town anymore, but I still have to take a fucking trip to get to certain places.
The eye clinic for me is like 25 miles from my apt and I cant get to it by walking.
Refute the argument.
Big difference between a 15 minute commute and an hour commute though dumbass.
>-dying in a car crash
>-sitting fucking traffic for hours
>-car breaking down and literally stranding you out in the middle of nowhere
The only logical thing in there is Traffic.
Its ok if your not comfortable with driving a car
> dying in a car crash
If you'd learn how to fucking drive you wouldn't.
> Sitting in fucking traffic for hours
The united states has way better roads than the rest of the world, this rarely happens outside of fucking new york city
> car breaking down and literally stranding you out in the middle of nowhere
Take care of your fucking car.
Australia is almost as big as the US but our rest stops look like this.
I remember I once saw a chick with a kink.com sweatshirt at a gas station in one of these towns. It was strange as shit because the night before I had just spilled some seed to some videographic material from that webspace.
Kentucky Route Zero. Does anyone know if American Truck Sim is any good?
Why would Minneapolis have road signs for Pittsburgh?
Also I can confirm most small towns in PA either look like OP pic with surrounding suburbs or just have a bunch of farms spread out, there's not much to do here unless you're in Pittsburgh or Philly
For starters, a bus moves slower and also is subject to traffic.
>rail roads are more restrictive than cars
Maybe a shitty American train like Amtrak buy in actual first world places trains are the fastest way to get around.
That’s because the road you posted doesn’t get 1/100th of the traffic as the road in OP.
>thinks he doesn't live in a small town
>nearest eye doctor is 25 miles away
Trains are much larger, much faster, and don't take up space on already-clogged roads. The reason why most buses suck is because public transportation in general is underfunded, and rail infrastructure is fucking pathetic compared with 90% of the other developed countries, meaning buses are overworked. Ideally you take buses for shorter distances and trains for longer; effective management of both together as part of a unified system is how you can, for example, go literally anywhere in Tokyo within half an hour.
Sounds comfy desu. An hour to listen to whatever you want.
>road sign says Pittsburgh and mcconnellsburg
> how are trains more restrictive than cars
>make non-stop anti-American threads and posts
>"You are obsessed."
>hur dur you must be triggered lul!!!
Population difference and also most of Australia is an uninhabitable wasteland.
>drive better
Driving "better " isnt going to stop some drunk idiot from running you into a ditch and killing you stupid fuck.
Driving is inherently more dangerous than trains airplanes. It doesnt matter how good you are moron.
>take better care of your car
You have never owned a car your life if you say this. You probably are a butthurt underage who still rides with mom and dad.
Why do Amerilards get so easily baited?
Canadian here. I take a train into work every day. But that involves driving to the train station then taking a bus after I get off the train. It's only faster than driving a car because traffic is literally cancer in southern Ontario and even then I'd still prefer to drive if it wasn't for the awful parking fees in the city.
Absolutely this
The Sims I guess
It's not really the same, there are very few people outside of the coasts and that is just some rinky-dink stop.
You're fucking retarded and don't even realize it
Literally all of those are more likely in public transportation if you aren't a complete fucking retard with your car.
Why does this even trigger euros so much?
It is a rest stop location on a highway. Of course it is going to have fast food joints and gas stations.
This is a big ass country. It is bigger than all of western and central Europe combined
Australia has less population than one city in japan lad
Move, and America isnt the only country that uses cars you fucking dipshit. en.m.wikipedia.org
Please stop being an entitled teenager and grow a pair.
lower average iq than normal human beings
The fuck is burgerpunk?
What the flying fuck does that matter??
Youre literally grasping at straws because you have no arguments.
If your dumbass hopped in a car and I got a bullet train and we both set out for the same destination thats 2 hrs away, I would arrive 45 mins before you even if you broke the speed limit.
>America thread
>Becomes OBSESSED posting and being angry about cars
Yea and 80% of the continent is desert you mongoloid
I went to Japan for a month and their transit system was an absolute marvel to behold. That said Tokyo was built with a rail transit system in mind due to the necessity of space whereas most western cities weren't. It's too difficult to go back and add in train tunnels for most major first world countries. Also Japan is naturally a smaller country and Tokyo smaller than other large cities.
Asking for a burger with no cheese
I have a 18 Chevy and it’s never broken down on the road, learn preventative matientience brainlet.
Maybe later
as opposed to 50% desert?
you can download shit for free.
This is so comfy. Road trips are the best
>barely mentioning the usa
*18 year old
madmaxpunk. I like it
Some kind of weird inferiority complex. I remember taking a trip to Madrid a few years back and there wasn’t a city corner where you couldn’t see a McDonald’s or some other shitty fast food joint. It’s not exclusively a US thing, but Yuropoors like to pretend it is for some reason. Kind of like the little brother who keeps getting his sibling’s hand-me-downs and then cries because he doesn’t have anything of worth (like culture) for himself.
Sounds like your parents were retarded.
>why aren't businesses interested in investing and setting up shop in my bumfuck flyover town!?
You tell me.
what are some maritime canada core games?
Now compare population density and not topography
Looks like Bedford, PA
I like how these types of posts come from idiots who can’t capitalize or use punctuation. Retarded, or too poor to afford a full keyboard?
You know this shit is purely to nickel and dime insurance companies, right? They'd more than likely remove it from the bill if you ask them to
looks jank as fuck, yet is somehow better than the soulless concrete hell that is burgerstan
Most of that brownish area isn't even desert.
top zozzle
>dies on NHS waitinglist
>is given placebos while waiting for foreign cancer meds to be approved in Japan
All "health care" is shit, my friend
If all the signs were illuminated in neon lights and the picture was set during the night, people would be praising this as 10/10 kino.
>Sounds like your parents were retarded
Poor and stupid.
I hate them both and cant wait until they die.
absolute hue
Literally to the town you're commuting to, dumbass.
>That said Tokyo was built with a rail transit system in mind
Not really, Japan just doesn't seem to have a problem with tearing down old development to make way for newer more useful infrastructure which is actually funded by tax money, whereas the US is obsessed with suburbs and driving. Just building the national interstate system was a hell-and-a-half to do and would be impossible today with all the NIMBY and muh-low-taxes bullshit.
A theme that's set in modern day with corporation outlets and corporations ads all over the place.
Or that's how I tried to qualify it.
So that's where you got that from
completely wrong. Currently living in Cambridge Boston.
utter howling
Fact: The best system is a 50/50 split between social funding by the government and citizens paying for the rest when it comes to healthcare.
Ilike how these types of posts come from idiots who have nothing of real value to say so they sperg out over muh big letters and dots.
>Fuck you and fuck this countrys car culture.
you mean freedom and independence from the fucking hellish public transit?
Is it true that americans can't eat healthy food like fresh fruit and vegetables because their bodies are so used to grease and chemicals that they can't handle it and get the shits?
Holy shit you are a miserable cunt
>Japan just doesn't seem to have a problem with tearing down old development to make way for newer more useful infrastructure which is actually funded by tax money
That's because the Parliament absolutely LOVES construction Zaibatsu.
The guy or a family member couldn't just pitch into his own thing for $50?
>Most of that brownish area isn't even desert.
probably just the americans themselves lol
essential kek
Literally buy the old type of insulin, it’s dirt cheap and works just as well.
Perfectly fine since it paves the way for actual useful shit instead of miles and miles of sterile suburbs.
Imagine not being able to step on the gas pedal for more than 3 seconds lol
we can eat vegetables if they're encased in congealed grease or tallow
This one I like
>just ate a pound of steamed broccoli with rice and broiled asparagus with some salmon
Felt good
Nah I got this particular aspect from your mum
One of the first objectives has you holing up in a white castle
>sucking down smog while in a three hour traffic jam
Yeah totally love this freedom and independence, fuck yeah!
>user eats healthy for the first time.txt
It's only a million, CALM THE FUCK DOWN...!
Man, last time we actually had a good thread.
Holy fuck lol
anti shooter mats oh no no no no
>those gas prices
The fact that nobody pointed this out shows I must be the only user with a car because holy fucking shit that is expensive. I would just walk to work.
I have an apple tree in my backyard as well as a vegetable garden? Well the ground temp is still too cold to put anything in the ground but I have a few starts in a tray ready.
>"well mr user, we're gonna need a CT scan and and MRI to see whats going on"
>that's gonna be 50k
>dont worry, we cover 25k
the best system is one where they don't overcharge for these fucking tests and run it like a public service instead of like a cutthroat business
>pretentious twat
dwarf fortress?
Could just be an old picture.
>shooting the badass dinos instead of the redskin right in front of you
Shit game
only if you live in a democrat stronghold will you have this issue
>gonna go make some eggs, cabbage, and bacon
>then some grilled chicken breasts with spinach and baked potatoes
you can't stop me man
>car culture
Gas costs about $1/gallon less now than in the picture
San Andreas
>Not really
Yes really. IIRC it opened in the 20s and has expanded ever since.
>Japan just doesn't seem to have a problem with tearing down old development
But people do. The climate in the US would make it nigh impossible to displace so many people without mass protesting.
>shooting an American Indian witch
she has magic powers
1) this photo is during the great recession. I had to spend 5:00 a gallon at my local town back in 2009.
2)All gas stations near the highway charge more per gallon, due the sheer convenience of being adjacent to the highway.
There are tons of towns around the country like that that are built around freeway exits but once you get a few blocks away it's hickville.
Ghost Dance doesn’t stop bullets Shitting Bull
>dying on the NHS waiting list
Gonna have to call bullshit there.
Sure, it may have happened before but the one thing the NHS actually will do is try and help you if you're actively dying. They can't refuse you from A&E if there's something literally wrong with you right then and there.
It's the waiting lists for the stuff that isn't life threatening that makes the NHS so shitty, even if you're in agonizing pain.
OP's picture is really old, it looks like early 2000's. Gas is much cheaper right now. Pic is also pennsylvania, which has a retarded high gas tax. A few months ago, gas was 1.70/gallon.
but who else is going to zap enemies resistant to bullets
Gonna need bigger rifles.
No I assure you it's like that even in Florida.
Get a bigger gun
what are you, poor? that area probably has a lot of traffic so all the gas stations will probably have higher prices. how far would it take you to walk to work?
my work is 10 miles away, and I finish at midnight. I don't really want to walk home at that hour on either the highway or through the ghetto/poor/black part of town. hell one cowoeker did just that, robbed in the first month, then robbed again 2 months later. then he quit because he didn't have a car and nobody would go pick him up
We're talking about America here
The US is the size of the entirety of Europe but only has half the population, so we are super spread out if you don't live in a major city.
>Somehow this is embarrassing
>Yet China,HK and Japan who have tons of blocks filled with nothing but chains and stores is normal.
Some of the responses in this thread are ridiculous. I'm an American and in no way do I find burgerpunk dergatory. I think it's kind of cool.
I really don't understand the point of these fucking things.
Do they think a shooter's not gonna shoot at or near the exposed parts instead? Or just kick the fucking things off?
I don't understand why they don't just hire security guards with actual guns instead of the ones that are armed with a walkie talkie and a bad attitude.
Bro, those American made documentaries/tv shows made to low key make fun of fat people with outlandish health issues are American made shows designed for Americans to laugh and watch in morbid curiosity. It isn't the status quo.
They're orange so he cant miss 'em
They can form a phalanx and overwhelm the shooter
>and rail infrastructure is fucking pathetic compared with 90% of the other developed countries
Because a single state is bigger than a European country and a majority of them have trouble enough to fund things like schools let alone infrastructure. I know in Illinois the CTA just barely functions and constantly has hobos and homeless duking it out on trains and buses, and most of our money goes to repairing the Dan Ryan and several other highways along with the potholes in the roads every single year.
Good luck trying to convince legislators to spend on infrastructure when it's just barely making enough money to stay afloat let alone millions if not billions to expand said modes of transportation.
>Have all charges go towards the brother's name
>brother dies
>Dead man owes money
>Somehow sister's problem to pay
Why the fuck did she agree to it? Is she retarded?
yeah kinda
Because muh gun control
They’ve been sold a bill of goods and can get reimbursed through grants. Administration goes ahead with it because either they are dumb fucks or they have dumb fuck parents lobbying for it.
Holy fuck youre a retard! :^0
Imagine farting in one.
They should give them all 1911's, 3 magazines of ammo and one of these mats and let nature sort out who graduates
>The Absolutely Safe Capsule
Burgerpunk as fuck.
>-sitting fucking traffic for hours
Unless you live in California or New York this will never happen. The worst you get on the highway is an hour of gridlock at best if your job is around 30 minutes away.
thats how it usually always is when family is involved. she probably wouldnt ever be able to check up on him or anything if she didnt sign papers with the side effect of saying she has to pay money. maybe, i dont know
Specifically, Breezewood, PA. I use to live nearby. Such a shit county. Filled with junkies and whores.
Do Europeans really not have security buttons?
The Defend Burgertown level in MW2.
If only there was a completely obvious and easy solution to government funding issues.
because we're actively told "not to engage the shooter at any level" & to hide as fast as possible,in the event of an actual shooting people tend to panic & throw out any training they may have learned
do people really have to use public transportation to go to a job 1 hour away, or drive to take jobs 30min away? wow that sucks, imagine just walking to them, better wake your ass up early thats for sure
Eurofaggots are pussies; no sense of self-ownership.
They get accused of racism and go to jail if they report Mahmud and Jamal for raping underaged girls
It's common for people to live in the suburbs surrounding a big city and work downtown, this results in nightmare gridlock every day in cities like LA
Yes. We have a lot of guns. We have entwined guns into our lives.
Because of this, we need to take measures to protect our children somehow. Because we refuse to get rid of the guns.
my sides
Keep LARPing, retard. Some states do not have a lot of guns at all.
what is the coolest/comfiest place in America to live?
I live in north Texas currently and the totally flat landscape solely composed of strip-malls and identical neighborhoods is tiring.
>t. motor and oil lobbyist shill
everywhere is like that if you live there long enough.
>I once saw a high school literally in the middle of fucking nowhere
>public schools are modeled after prisons
Checks out
LA people seem like they couldnt afford cars even if they wanted to
maybe but I really want to see a hill or something
Colorado, some parts of Washington like the San Juan islands, or Maine.
Should've just given him the tendies like he wanted.
insufferable cunt
You first have to have the money to make the money and people already don't use the tram systems in general unless you live in a major city, are traveling to said major city, or are transporting freight. You risk getting robbed or having the homeless attack you on said train or bus, the cities have to spend years if not a decade just to get the system up (Just look at how expensive California's plan is and it's been in progress for like five years now), and it would take them years to make that money back. You seem to think public transportation just magically appears when, using Illinois as an example again, we have teachers who are just barely getting paychecks, we have potholes that withstand for years, we have crumbling infrastructure, and even the suburbs of Chicago barely get work done. Let's also not forget all the land they'd have to buy up to lay track and the people they'd have to displace that would be willing to do it.
>autistic boy arrested after shooting
How did Yea Forums get away with it?
>kick away shield
>pull trigger
why are liberals so braindead?
Your entire post amounts to "government doesn't have money to do nice things."
If only the government had a legal and constitutional way to raise as much money as it wanted.
If only.
Alaska is the polar opposite of flat and commercial while still having guns and conservative values
It's a fucking pitstop off the highway. It's about as cherrypicked as you can get.
You are genuinely retarded and likely under the age of 18
Its also a frozen hell for a large chunk of the year
The obvious solution is to ban autism.
Autistic people sperging out are responsible for 99% of school shootings after all.
You must be literally the only person in the world who wants to be taxed more
Saints Row I guess.
Lmao what cucks thinking that backpack won't just break the child's arms and render them helpless anyway
I thought from a distance this pic was real. I mean it could be a real freeway exit somewhere with a bunch of shit and signs clustered together. You see dozens of them driving down the interstate for a thousand miles. But the logos are old on many of them (older than those gas prices) and they look obviously composited with a layout that makes no logical sense.
NHfag here. We literally have the absolute most legally lax gun laws in the country, and are in the top safest states to live in the entire USA (and most of the world). We're also majority white. Mixing culture has far more to do with general violence than access to guns. Consider what states have the highest gun crime rates in the US, how many of them have insane gun laws, and what areas of those states the crime seems to centralize, then put 2+2 together.
Because it was something a company shit out for cheap right after Sandy Hook to cash in on hysteria. I'm fairly certain a strip of kevlar that thin won't even slow the bullet
we're not making a fucking college essay are we?
Wouldn't it be simpler to just take the guns?
>100% money back guarantee
>SWAT gameplay
You're joking, right? Illinois already has taxes on virtually everything, it has a 10.75% sales tax in certain cities (avalara.com
>100% money back guarantee
Just the thing you need when your child gets shot in the head.
Europeans don't usually take out their anger on their classmates