The greatest speedrunner who ever lived has retired from streaming. Say something nice about her and post your favorite moments!
The greatest speedrunner who ever lived has retired from streaming...
*amazing grace starts playing*
Surely you have heard of god-queen Narcissa
>anime avatar
Friendly reminder this slaaneshi cultist dumpstered all the Smashfag Yea Forumsirgins who thought they were actually good at their bing bong wahoo platform party game
I hope he joins the 40% soon
>retired from streaming
Suicide soon™
It's a tranny, isn't it?
Normie here, can anyone identify this anime character
no more puncayshun streams? oh god oh fuck
>greatest speed runner
>got btfo by some random speed runner
>super hardcore cuck
>lost his mind and turned into a tranny
What is that creature?
>Yea Forums making fun of people for being ugly
pot... meet kettle. baka
He was bad looking before, but his current state is entirely his own fault
I think you misunderstood, friend. This thread is about celebrating her career!
boku no pico
These people are disgusting, oh well at least their suicide rate is close to 50% now.
Im being srs
whats even the point in having weights that tiny
even a child wouldn't build muscle lighting that tiny a weight
isn't he a cam model now?
>Anime avatar
Stop doing this
ITT: incel central
Quite the opposite. He stopped showing his face about 3 weeks before he stopped streaming altogether, and this is the video he signed off with
God damn, his room is fucking filthy.
>Quite the opposite. He stopped showing his face about 3 weeks before he stopped streaming altogether, and this is the video he signed off with
He doesn't have a job, right?
Is this some suicide warning?
The average American white
Honest question,
Was Cosmo ever likeable? Or do people just remember him as such because his alter ego Narcissa was such a fucking cunt of a human being?
Cosmo was the modern day Andy Kauffman and you plebbos will realize it in 10 years once a documentary has been made
you can usually get a bearing on a person's mental well being by looking at the way they manage their home. If you go to a girl's house and it's a fucking disaster, leave without fucking her.
He was okay, genuinely happy and likable until the NWC incident. It fucking broke him.
>Mentally unhinged tranny
>Anime Avatar
I kek every time
Seriously hope you don't have an anime Avatar
best bants coming out at 2hours, 37min ish into the vid lmao
>Yea Forums is legitimately one of the worst boards on Yea Forums. absolute life failures
>so utterly beneath me
Wearing a dress doesn't make you a woman, you mentally ill shitstain.
What are acceptable avatars o wise one
anyone have that unforgivable video of xir farting?
that's another guy he's kissing btw.
The 2nd time a once great runner died
>If you go to a girl's house and it's a fucking disaster,
99% of women are literally incapable of thinking "Hm I should throw my dirty, stinky panties into the bin instead of on the floor by my bed therefore saving me extra time when I go to clean them"
They just aren't cognizant
I remember this stream. Narcissa was high on shrooms and absolutely bodying everyone on Yea Forums who challenged her.
either your own face in an outdoors setting, or vaguely video-game-related avatars.
have hetero sex
That's not Werster.
feels more like about the same as dudes, in my experience. But I grew up in and around budget apartments peopled by fucking idiots.
Reminder that the rise of trannies is due to the pathetix thirst fags that plague this site and the internet.
Those virgins who mass reply to those shitty pictures of a dude in stockings or le shy anime boy pic with spoilered text, asking for kik,info,discord etc. Shower these mentally weak sacks of shit with false compliments.
Eventually this mental masturbation gets to their head and they delude themselves into thinking they can go a step further.
Dont settle for easy pickings anons. Theres nothing more pathetic than having to resort to fucking a badly dressed man cause you couldn't do what even Grug in 10000BC could do and thats bone a girl. Which is much easier now then before, when Grad could club Grug to death for looking at his harem.
Skip to 24:31
>Those virgins who mass reply to those shitty pictures of a dude in stockings or le shy anime boy
Cute boys and trannies are different things you brainlet
It's either a 1% woman who's a neat freak and will screech at you for leaving your worn shirt hanging on your desk chair, or the kind of woman who needs an extra sink just for her toiletries.
Oh my christ
Imagine the smell
maybe you're attracted to failures and psychopaths. They're good shit out there user you just gotta dig around.
How would you know? They never post their face retard
How has nobody posted this shit yet
looking forward to when he kills himself and people act like there were no signs lol. People just want to virtue signal about how people "should" have reached out
Fucking this. Same shit with the 'thicc' meme. Every fucking buttergolem and hambeast is 'thicc' by 4chin standards. Bunch of fucking thirsty faggots who'd fuck dudes in drags and fat fucking pigs because there is not enough attractive women to go around.
Search your feelings, you know this to be true.
that's not really fair. Grug was a rapist.
braces are cheaper than ever, even without insurance. Why don't they get on that?
>How would you know
Because trannies always say they're trannies
he's weaker than a child
You can find all the cute Japanese traps you want
retreating into a cave to hunt for fish and live with its precious is in the lore user.
Well, then again, non-"failure and psychopath" girls are probably the ones who aren't actually staying in their homes most of the time.
Wikihow illustrations or a cropped pic of Fred flintstones face from a poorly drawn porn comic.
>i bet if I cut it out with the negativity, hit the gym, and applied myself I could probably date cuter and more interesting women
>or i could just stay the course and get a dude in a skirt to suck me off
Why the fuck do all trannies have these horrible anime profile pics?
The 40% giveth, the 40% taketh away.
this is not a Yea Forums exclusive thing
>that pathetic sobbing after he read "KILL ALL TRANNIES"
When she collectively btfo Yea Forums in smash while high on shrooms. Maybe if you obnoxious children didn't spend so much time parroting whatever the hottest shitpost is, you wouldn't be so bad at video games. Faggots.
what did u just call me
when can he go join the 40% of his kind?
fuck that tranny.
huh? huh? huh? huh?
you heard me shitter. get purified.
wonder which will happen, suicide or last ditch effort at attention by showing dick somewhere
I believe that is George Lucas.
Huh? Are you ok, Cosmo?
Thank fucking God he finally retired now the day of the rope comes closer to him its just matter of time
Sm5sh is trash so it's not like it matters
I think Cosmo is reversing the transition secretly and doesn't want any of his tranny friends to find out
they might see it as an act of betrayal and try to hurt him.
my mom tells me I am very handsome
I first heard of Cosmo the day of the NWC in 2015 because Yea Forums went apeshit over how badly he had lost. I looked him up and he seemed like a genuine, albeit really weird, streamer. He interacted with his viewers and didn't have his current "holier than thou" attitude.
>The greatest speedrunner who ever lived has retired from streaming.
Literally was below average, and the only good streams he ever did were like fucking hexadecimal math working out streams on angles on walls in zelda. He's only known for co-founding a site which is pretty fucking garbo
to be fair nobody expected that NZ guy to randomly kill 50 people too
You can't reverse a transition you retard.
>I think Cosmo is reversing the transition secretly and doesn't want any of his tranny friends to find out
Cosmo has literally zero friends in the speedrunning community and all of the trans runners (besides orcastraw and antifa andrea) refuse to acknowledge him.
>stop taking a pill
>cut your hair
wow that was hard
you absolutely can.
The nigga cut his dick off
*freezes frame*
*record scratch*
And this, right here, is how it all began
Rock, meet bottom
source: ur bum
did he actually go all the way? I thought he still had his weenie
>literal discord tranny
he does
no he didn't. Narcissa is AGP and thus kept his dick. Not like he could afford it anyway
remember when she was about to do it
Deleted her twitter too? What does she do for a living now? Has she actually gotten a job?
>greatest speedrunner who ever lived
That's not siglemic
That's not peaches_
That's not skeletonbill
Are you telling me you don't know who Cosmo Wright is
Literally who? are there lewds?
probably hiding in a discord hugbox full of enablers
If you could even call them that
>Was Cosmo ever likable?
As a person? Not really but he was a great speedrunner and people watched him for the gameplay. His streams used to be about the game not himself. After he became a tranny his streams started going in a bizarre direction and were no longer about the games but him being a huge whiny attention whore. I'm pretty sure he blames everything on people being transphobic and other shit but the funny part that he completely fails to ever see is that if he would have became trans but continued speedrunning and kept his stream focused on the game he would still be a really successful streamer. He fails to realize how he alienated his entire viewerbase by acting like a fucking loon and centering his stream around his bizarre behavior and antics leaving him with nothing but a small hugbox who only further encourages his behavior and descent into madness.
>His streams used to be about the game not himself.
This. He killed his own popularity by ruining his image.
why would you ever save an image like that onto your hard drive
i think the takeaway is that you can be cocky if you back it up but otherwise cockiness is just annoying and awful, cosmo still celebrates things he did years ago
I love small hormone tits, its my fetish.
Because this is what 4 years of chinese knockoff HRT does to you
Oh my fuck, imagine being him in this moment. This makes me actually feel sympathy. The voice in his head must be driving him nuts as he tries to to ignore it
what are the chances we get an amatwur porn video of this girl?
Could've been rich, famous. Sort of like Ninja of the Speedrun community.
What the FUCK happened?
why do gays do this?
id honestly be amazed if there isnt something floating around somewhere in some forgotten inner autism circle.
far too attention seeking/needing for there not to be.
Look at how broad shouldered he is. He never stood a chance
You could say John did a Number on him that day
>that guy that writes wtf
Taking bets on how long until it an heros. Who's got 20 bucks it wont make it past three more months?
>why do degenerates act like degenerates?
lol whats he gonna do get a job? hell be back 2 months tops
what the fuck i legit want to set that thing one fire
doesn't his parents pay for his rent and shit
Imagine if Cosmo never did HRT.
No doubt he'd be much happier than he is now.
Do you accept bets in bitcoins?
Narcissa Wright? I'm not sure who that is or what they speedrun. Is Narcissa the sister of Cosmo Wright, the famous speedrunner?
>Playing Smash
>Caring about Smash
It used to be my THICC gainer fetish was fueled by my thinking of the girl as lowering herself to my standard, but then I made peace with that aspect of me and self improved, I now can enjoy girls of varied persuasion but I'm still hard wired to fuck THICC girls with chub going on. It's okay I consider dating a girl who gets heavier a treat for later.
My mind wanders
Well, that's what happens with the mentally weak.
In the ancient times, the mentally weak just died and natural selection worked.
>ugly beta fags who dont exercise or eat healthy go ahead and riddle their body with rapid hormone replacement
huh, i wonder why they always make themselves worse rather than transform into a beautiful woman
soon lads, soon.
it's a pretty aesthetic pic tbf.
I feel a bit sorry for Mr and Mrs Wright.
Whatever happened to John "Tranny Slayer" Numbers?
Reminder that when trannies stop taking estrogen this happens to their bodies
>Massive outburst of hair growth everywhere on the body, even in places you previously didn't get hair, with many previous transsexuals reporting that they got monobrows and "jungles on their arms"
>Even worse moodswings than any woman on her period, you thought transsexuals were bad? You ain't seen a man that's weening off estrogen
>Their dick will never return to a functional state, estrogen has been proven to shrink penises and lower the sperm count, effectively sterilizing people and many experience problems with ever getting erections
>They will forever have man boobs
the question is how.
He ended up placing pretty high in one of the Smash Majors
what group of people have the lowest incident of suicide?
Cosmo is too much of a pussy to do it. I think if he did do it though, it would be pills. He is a notorious druggie
Hispanic males
my money is on the Jews
>Yea Forums is legitimately one of the worst boards on Yea Forums. absolute life failures
>so utterly beneath me
That’s real rich coming from that unemployed welfare queen freak
So if I take hormones and stop would it make my facial hair thicker?
Let him have this one victory. Yea Forums kept on shit talking him saying how bad he was at smash, then he faced like 10 different anons and whooped their asses
dont forget cucked tranny too
I havent even lost a single match in most of the sets I play against anons from here, Yea Forums really isnt very good at Ultimate and neither am I. challenge Yea Forums in melee or one of its clones though and you are probably gonna get decked
I miss him, Yea Forumsros...
Good idea but bad execution
They don't write the cause of death on the tombstone you retard, forced joke
hope he concentrates on speedrunning his life now
He *is* bad at smash
He lost his own tournament
That's his name you mong.
He still plays the game on a competitive level which is far beyond the abilities of 99% of people in smash threads that think their opinions matter
when is it going to off itself?
what's he going to do now? get a real job?
Think about the kind of people anime will attract.
>cosmo in 3 years, assuming he doesnt' commit sudoku first
he is beyond redemption, i say we all donate pills to him so he will overdose
Untrue, there's a few known Yea Forumstards that actually place top 64 in proper tournaments.
Cosmo has never placed well in a proper tournament.
Watching him was peak comfy
>ywn go back
whats the matter Melee baby? cant handle getting off the ledge without half of million invincibility frames
How long until he kills himself? He's done permanent damage right there's no going back
Who else waiting for him to get into degenerate tranny porn to pay bills? Not because I want to fap to it but because it's the only fitting end for the downwards spiral he's in.
Will he ever go on a redemption arc or is it too late?
so at most 3 dudes out of the thousands of faggots that play here, sounds like 1% to me and probably which leaves the other 99% that cosmo bodied
I'll never understand by your generation is hell bent on being cucks so badly you deprive yourself from playing video games just to watch and pay others to do it.
>tfw he read one of my comments to the chat once and i felt so fucking awkward afterwards
There is no redemption save through death.
Cosmo lost to haberdashA some reddit nobody and former friend who doesn't play the game.
the only fitting end for him is to kill himself by ODing on pills donated by chat
be honest, Yea Forums... you're desperate enough to let >her blow you.
why aren't mods deleting these fucking retarded threads
>autistic NEET tranny is good at smash
Color me surprised
what the fuck was it, did you pledge your undying love to Lord 0nions Nosferatu or what?
Cosmo is 30 so unless you're his age or younger, you should not be criticizing our generation. 30+ year olds on Yea Forums are the ultimate failures
I'm not trying to say that he is good, Im saying that Yea Forums is bad and most of them are playing low tier garbage like DDD and Duck hunt against high tiers
This is a remembrance thread user. A large piece of Yea Forums history is leaving us
How many people in that picture are "women" now?
Yeah most of Yea Forums is underage, retarded or a mixture of both.
But cosmo is pretty trash non the less.
these disgusting retarded trannies aren't part of Yea Forums history, go fuck yourself
because mods are trannies themselves
Any props I would have given him for grooming you roodypoos into giving up money to watch others play games is lost when you factor in him being mentally disabled.
laughing at them is
>Amazing FRAME
What a fucking waste of genetics
>Not 'Goodbye Horses'
>ysg wearing a rs
Who IS the greatest player in speedrunning, and why is it /ourguy/ ZFG?
so is he going to go on neetbux or what
hi narci
spotted the triggered tranny
I'm the one complaining about trannies you retarded autist
How did we go from this
I don't see how cosmo could ever have been one of the greats. He was just at the top in one of two biggest games when speedrunning blew up, not exceptional in any way really unless I missed something.
>The greatest speedrunner who ever lived
Cosmo died a long time ago.
he was a goofy kid who super audists on OOC. watch his speed run in GQD where he dresses up as link, seriously one of the best speed runs ever done at the event,
the link dressup was not him
That's kinda shocking if true considering I have 2 male cousins who killed themselves and my father and I have both attempted suicide
You would think it's reddit, but it's actually smashfags.
>Narcissa has an anime profile pic
Not big surprise
Too fucking many user. Too fucking many...
thanks, Its been awhile. commentary was tiptop though.
Why is Yea Forums so homophobe?. the goverment has to clean this place up.
jesus christ
How the fuck does something like cosmo get shrooms?
It's just generic anime girl nr.138274861
Hey. Don't take their job.
>anime avatar
Didn't read lol
Unless this guy has some actual data, this is all just speculation