Who here has beaten the Final Fantasy PS1 trilogy? What are your thoughts about them?
Who here has beaten the Final Fantasy PS1 trilogy? What are your thoughts about them?
I liked them all. IX is best for multiple reasons
I liked them all.
X was cool too
Everything after is trash
Everything past III deserves to be in the trash.
Not saying 7 is bad, just overrated. Have a good day
I have finished 7 and 9, could not stand 8. Quit at the start of disc 2.
The game has no redeeming qualities other than the soundtrack.
Finished 7, one of my favorite games.
Dropped 8 after I fucked myself with the level scaling.
Havent tried 8. Does it have level scaling?
I stopped after V. Soom as they killed jobs I was done.
>Dropped 8 after I fucked myself with the level scaling.
Actually I've never beaten Ultimecia. I fucked up too and the final boss is literally impossible. I just watched the ending on YouTube.
Playing VIII right now and am level 51 w/ Squall, 40 ish for Zell and Rinoa.
How fucked am I for Ultimecia? I got hp, vit, mag, and str fully junctioned with a few stat boosts to lvl up.
7 is great, 8 is garbage and 9 is pretty overrated.
ff7 is still overrated
ff8 is underrated
ff9 has a deserved reputation, it was a return to good form for square
Just don't be shit and you can beat the game. FF8 is a proven brainlet filter.
It's been more than a decade since I beat 8 and 9, don't remember much about them. I remember that I was kinda relieved when I finished them. I just couldn't get into them. Especially 9, it seemed too childish and I didn't like any of the characters.
7, I beat three times.
level means fuck all in FF8
what matters are your junctions and having the strongest magic possible for them
even at this point in the game you can still get out to the Ragnarok and stock up on magic at the islands closest to heaven and hell
you just go back to the chain at the beginning of the castle and you can actually jump to the portals along the sides of the chain
one of them puts you near a chocobo forest, you catch a chocobo and then you can ride it all the way along the coast down to Cetra where the Ragnarok is hanging out in the middle of the desert
They are all good games, but I have never replayed 8 and 9
I've beaten I-XV, including the MMOs.
the PS1 trilogy is the worst of the mainline
Granted IX is still on my backlog so I'm talking out my ass here, but I can't imagine it being any worse than VIII.
Explain yourself
Daily reminder that if you disliked FFVIII then it's because you're too stupid to understand junctioning and time travel plots
It's the only FF where I actually genuinely felt I wasted time after playing.
What was it, 80 hours? I haven't played it in ages so can't remember.
Where's the FF/CT port discs?
Some of the best years of my life
>time travel plots
They are pants on head retarded. I fucking hate that people go for that too deep for you shit.
Also, fuck Irvine and his kek I remember more then you but im a smug asshole and wont mention about it until 10 hours later
Got enough Aura spells for Squall? You're fine
I know how to junction to the point of it being broken and the time travel is not complicated. It's just all fucking stupid.