>THIS is your gen 2
Good grief.
>THIS is your gen 2
Good grief.
Other urls found in this thread:
VR is a meme gimmick fad that is already: over.
thank crowbcat for killing this meme faster
Looks good.
VR is fun. It's a niche, but it still has its place .
Anyone here heard about this technically-not-vr headset?
I can't find any locally to demo but the reviews state no fatigue, no screen door effect, clear subtitles near edges. If it's so good why does nobody try to copy their laser projection tech?
This design sucks ass, it puts all the pressure on your forehead just above your eyebrows. The headband should connect to the side of the headset and there should be another headband going over the top.
Because the FoV is tiny. All the issues you stated come with having a large FoV. It isn't even a VR headset. It's for watching movies. Sony had one of these like over 15 years ago, the HMZ-T1. Only difference is it used OLED instead of DLP.
when should I get into vr?
right now doesn't seem like a good time since oculus quest is coming out this year and the htc knuckles looks really cool. also is oculus better or htc vive?
When Valve releases their headset if ever
whats so special about it?
I thought they scrapped it, and that's why they went all in with the Vive.
HTC Vive and Valve split off a while ago. That's why valve is developing their own HMD
No, there was a VR dev that tweeted a blurred out picture with it recently. It's out there in the wild still.
You get the benefits of the best tracking system and you don't have to deal with HTC. All the specs are rumors at this point.
meant for
Even though it's still pretty alright, there are nice updates coming soon.
Most of the big boys are addressing SDEs, comfort tweaks and all that good stuff.
Plus setting up external sensors seems to be on most people's plates.
Oh and eye tracking.
>Odyssey+ weighs 150g more than OG Odyssey
What? How do they fuck that up?
>having it sit on the thickest part of your skull is a bad design
They say they've distributed the weight more evenly and they packed in more pixels and addressed the SDEs
>Oculus killing off their original product so they can sell a sidegrade/inferior version
I know I'm not the target audience for the new model but I was really hoping for more from the S than what they're giving us.
20 years
They added a diffuser for SDE. It's the same panels. That shouldn't weigh 150g though.
The ergonomic differences aren't really any different either. They completely fucked up not putting a hinge on it which requires people to do shit like this to get the best fit.
There is some cheap stuff out now to hold you over, but if I were you I'd see what valves gen 2 plan is before committing
Am I reading this wrong? Why does this say the Vive and Rift don't have microphones? They definitely have ones built in.
Apparently it used to be heavier
Who knows? Maybe the material they used or something
The list isn't finished. I cba going through each one multiple times especially when most sites don't list specs.
That's why there are empty spaces for alot of stuff, type of screens are the worst and fuck Pimax forums
Vive Pro doesn't have eye tracking either. It's a different model called Vive Pro Eye. Will probably cost a lot more.
I play second life in vr and fuck furries, animes, humans and just about anything including cars.
Rift was here, vive is for losers
That's why I wanted to make the list so I can keep updating it because trying to look into which headset to get is a mission on it's own, most sites just copy paste what's on the official website and clearly have never used the things and there's all the different models
Vive has a mic for sure and rift too
Rift S is strategic product designed to fail to make the Quest look better by contrast and provide the excuse to totally abandon PC.
Avegant actually has REALLY cool, totally unique tech (pic related, Digital Micromirror Display, DLP-onto-eye), which they possibly could have turned into something really great. Unfortunately they fell hard for the transparent-screen-AR meme and may be dead now. This was basically exactly what Snowcrash prophesied, has a lot of advantages starting with literally no SDE or stretch/blur between pixels, everything is just as crisp as can be. It also possibly could be 'aimed' easily, for foveated display.
this and quest are the real 'gen 2'. maybe htc will manage to get out something as well but it's doubtful (they're really circling the drain at this point). pimax may also be able to genuinely compete in 2020 and beyond, once they're finally fully up and running with shipment on order.
no, this is all much more recent. they didn't have concrete production-level designs back then. the HTC partnership was born of a need to rush to market to meet Facebook after the Oculus acquisition. if Facebook hadn't jumped in and then rushed things out Valve would have kept plugging away another several years before doing their own HMD to begin with.
from the leaked pics it's speculated to have fairly wide FOV ('anonymous sources' say 135-150 diagonal degrees, which is a pretty big jump from 90-110 of other headsets), and built-in optical hand/finger tracking. maybe some non-invasive BCI 'mind reader'/'nerve reader' gimmick. beyond that we don't really know, and in general we don't really know anything, because anything could change.
Glyph type projection display can also be inherently much smaller than panel-based VR.
I was reading the issue with DLP VR is that in order to get large FoVs you need a lens system that ends up being bulky in the end. It works for what Avegant did for 40 degrees but scaling up for the FoVs needed for VR is far more complex.
Vive might as well not even have a mic with how low quality it is.
possibly, but I feel like it still would have enormous value as the 'focus display' component of foveated display HMDs. but then again I'm not really sure if it can be 'aimed' as easily as I'm imagining (possibly by an automagic holographic effect, without any mechanical operation at all). I've been tempted to order one just to see it for myself several times but can't really justify the expense for pure curiosity.
The mic itself isn't that bad, it just needs a pop filter
>Unfortunately they fell hard for the transparent-screen-AR meme and may be dead now.
Last I heard they were focused on light-field display research, transparent-screen-AR was just one application of it easily marketable to public.
The relevant pimax headsets (ie, not "4K") have dual displays, so the 5K+ is 2x 2560x1440 (5120x1440) and the 8K is 2x 3840x2160 (7680x2160), though that's a misnomer because it only sends 1440p video to the headset, which upscales it, which makes the picture look like ass. You might want to add a column for if it's two seperate displays or a single display, as that has a major effect on how comfortable it is to wear from a eye strain standpoint, especially if you have a really wide or narrow IPD.
Also also there's a Business editions of the Pimax headsets that have their own differences, most importantly the 5K version has OLED panels at the loss of ~8hz of refresh rate.
>Plus setting up external sensors seems to be on most people's plates.
Fuck this shit. I had the DK2, and now I have a Vive and I do NOT want to give up external sensors. It works wonders for quality of tracking and environmental concerns. I don't have to worry about keeping all the lights on in my room with my Lighthouses or DK2. I would with this bullshit inside-out camera tracking system. Nevermind the processing load that is placed on the system having to calculate all those video streams, and what affect it has on the system. Lastly, FUCK having multiple video streams recording the inside of my house. How can people be so comfortable with that idea? Fuck that shit.
To add to this anons frustrations, you can't full body track with inside out, unless you just want to strap cameras to EVERYTHING, which gets a bit absurd from a hardware cost standpoint. Real tracking with lighthouse all the way.
There is alot of stuff I can add to it like adjustable focal distances since alot of them don't allow it or approach it differently
I'm always making notes and will add all of it when i get a chance
Aside from the Vive and Rift both having mics, there have been 2 revisions of the Vive with different weights. I also never heard of the Vive Pro getting an eye tracking module. Pro Eye is separate.
Fuck inside out tracking as someone who has both Rift and WMR.
That's another really good point that I completely forgot; tracking deadzones. I can put my controller over my shoulder and shoot at enemies behind me Dante style. Can't do that with these dumb inside-out camera tracking systems. Such a shitty system designed for one thing: mainstream casuals. It's cheap and simple. As usual, the lowest common denominator fucks it up for the enthusiasts.
Can't wait for Space Channel VR
you retarded, literally everyone who tried it said it's the most comfortable headset ever
Post gosling.
Rift S is releasing within 1-2 months, good time to start
And Vive knuckles is massively overrated. Anyone who own Oculus Touch controllers could not give to shits about them being released. Only vivelets care because they are stuck with second worst controllers on this planet (after PSVR)
yeah, the other genuine meme buzzword in the XR space (alongisde transparent-screen AR HMDs). 'lightfield capture' is a farce that will never be useful for anything but some serious archival (and possibly as an intermediary step to photogrammetry). 'lightfield display' is in practice just another term for varifocal display, something that doesn't actually matter enough to be worth pursuing (yet). avegants 'lightfield display' tech is/was explicitly something completely separate and technically detached from their DMD/DLP display tech.
>Being able to full finger track and let go of the controller instead of having the one button on the side of the controller
Have fun with the tracking system (which you needed to buy multiple exta expensive cameras to get what Lighthouse had out of the box) that has zero future prospects because facebook are pushing the inside out meme hard.
Never thought I'd see a Oculus shill trying to bash the Knuckles, given how non existent of a leg there is to stand on.
inside out works and Rift S has the most advanced version of it
Please explain me how controlling your pinky and ring finger improves your gameplay. Touch tracks your thumb and pointing finger, the rest are used as one for gripping stuff, that's good enough. And I can tape them to my hands also, but what's the point of that? Sure Knuckles is a step forward, but a very small one for anyone who has Touch. Big one for Wands though
>inside out works and Rift S has the most advanced version of it
See , , and The point of Knuckles is immersion. Yes it's buzzwordy, but the difference between just holding a controller that approximates a few key hand motions and something that genuinely tracks what your fingers are doing without worrying about what the controllers are doing brings it leaps and bounds ahead to making you feel like your hands are just interacting with things instead of it being you holding conrollers interacting with things bluntly.
While the way Knuckles 'tracks' your fingers isn't really 1:1, the only way to do that properly would be to go full Powerglove, it's a novel way of getting a reasonable amount of tracking in a way that isn't any more intrusive for the end user than using any other kind of controller.
Fuck off Oculus shill. Touch are overrated as fuck and I own them. The "finger tracking" is barely more than two states and is hardly ever even used. Not even a contest between the two. Not to mention the biggest thing is being able to completely release. Allowing you to naturally throw.
>Anyone who own Oculus Touch controllers could not give to shits about them being released
well of course. thats the prime example of jealous fags.
then when oculus releases an exact copy of the knuckles, they are going to praise the shit out of it.
>Touch are overrated as fuck
lmao name a better VR controller you can buy right now
jealousy has nothing to do with it and you know it
With VR starting to go under once again, this seems like the best option.
Nice try to pivot. Not being released yet doesn't change Touch is overrated. You can order pic related though.
you are literally retarded calling something that is best in it's class overrated.
>Not being released yet doesn't change Touch is overrated
Does that mean I can say Knuckles are overrated too, just becasue Touch 2.0 haven't been released yet? lol. And pimax controllers suck too
>You can buy right now
That's irrelevent and you know it. Literally everyone who has tried the vive wands / touch / whatever comes with WMR / etc. acknowledge touch are the superior controllers, only because no one had come out wit hanything that addresses it's shortcomings (mainly that it's two tracked halfs of a regular console controller instead of being a true VR controller).
It'd be like comparing the NES Dogbone controller and Master System controller, with the Mega Drive controller on the horizon.
You already said they are. Doesn't mean you're right and retarded to say so.
And what says being the best can't be overrated? Not that that would even apply to Touch. Also Pimax wins just based on the fact it uses Lighthouse. You can't even say they suck either because they're basically the bastard child of Touch and Knuckles. They have everything Touch has and more.
I would see this as HTC being incompetent rather than Oculus being great. The main thing that puts the Touch controllers over other controllers is that they have analog stick and more than two buttons per controller. I'm disappointed that a new and innovative technology is being held back because it is lacking something that has been established for well over a decade.
>Anyone who own Oculus Touch controllers could not give to shits about them being released.
I'm planning on buying the Knuckles and shelving my Rift the day they become available.
>That's irrelevent and you know it.
how can something be overrated if its literally the best thing available?
Touch came out over a year later. No shit they'll be better than wands. If HTC spent another year developing a controller it would probably be better too.
Being the best pile of shit is still a pile of shit even if you call it the most amazing thing ever that everyone needs, it's still a pile of shit.
yes but it's the best pile of shit anyone have ever seen, therefore calling it overrated makes no sense
We've seen other things not that it matters because being the best doesn't mean you can't overrate something. I swear this is like I'm talking to my 12 year old nephew.
Analog sticks have been around for over 20 years. They didn't need the Touch for inspiration. They could have instead used every single controller since the N64. The only thing that track pads work reasonably for are camera movement, which will almost always just be done by head tracking in VR. They are bad for movement and they are also bad as buttons.
>gen 2
More of a sidegrade for the CV1 Rift that does away with the infamous sensor setup (and adds the problem of limited tracking range). The old Rift is going to be phased out soon after the release.
Gen 2 is stuff like eye tracking and better finger tracking. Vive Eye Pro and the Knuckle controllers have that and Oculus showed work in it too.
Yes? Do you know what you can do with an extra year? That time gives you the ability to test and work with developers and playtesters to see what works best. It's not about inspiration.
your logic is retarded. You're saying nothing can be called the best in it's category because there's potentially better version of it will be made in the future
it's like talking to my retarded sister who talks herself into a corner then spews even more retardation to justify her retarded statements
It's replacing the current Rift. It's definitely gen 2
That's not what I said at all. You're fucking illiterate. You can be the best and overrated. It's not an either/or. Finish middle school before posting here please.
if you are the best then you are rated exactly where you should be
What works best has been established for a really long time. Anyone who has played a video game in the last decade could have told you that an analog stick is a better option. If twenty plus years was not enough for them, what difference would one more year make?
VR doesn't work like traditional games. I think thumbsticks aren't a good input for VR either. Nothing about it is natural, it's just what people are used to.
That's like calling slim editions of playstations a next gen.
Not him, but analog sticks are the best way to do movement over a area larger than the playspace currently, no way around it. I wouldn't want a VR controller without them until Infinadeck style treadmills are practical.
It does feel unnatural but until walking pads are not-crap, it's the best we have.
>If twenty plus years was not enough for them, what difference would one more year make?
You have months of user input. You can see exactly what would have happened because it's happening right now with Knuckles and why they're taking so long to release. The first versions were touchpads only just like the wands.
The big circular linear-actuated touchpads actually were probably 100% Valve.They really wanted that to be a thing, for the 'precision' they supposedly offered, and it took them five years to finally accept that they weren't actually precise enough to be any more useful than an analog stick, and by that time just enough games had made some kind of use of them that they have to keep a token backwards compatibility form on knuckles.
Back when they were hyping the Steam Controller they also talked about the linear actuators on them being precise enough to give texture sensation, like this similarly timed Disney Research Hub demo youtube.com
Why does Valve have such a hard on for touchpads?
That's not 2nd gen. Hardly an upgrade at all. Rather a change in direction
They're more precise than thumbsticks and if you look at it from a non-gamer perspective it's more natural to use due to the ubiquity of touchscreens.
I've demo'd my Vive and Rift to a bunch of people and people that have never gamed before in their life find touchpads easier I've seen.
Investment, I guess. I liked the concept of contextual haptic feedback making it feel like you're rolling a trackpad or clicking buttons as your thumb rolls and presses it but I've never heard of anything like that with the steam controllers.
you just missed the explanation
No because they continued to manufacture and market PlayStations
Hardware specs isn't what defines a gen
whoa sony gen1
When is this pic from?
>but I've never heard of anything like that with the steam controllers
SteamVR itself does it rarely when using the popup browser on scrollable pages. and it even changes the in-hmd controller model to display a mousewheel in the trackpad. some games have tried to do it but in my experience you barely notice.
If the touchpads work great and the joysticks weren't really needed. People are just used to sticks.
So the solution is to go with a traditional input method that is just as unnatural but also doesn't work as well in traditional games or VR? There will be some aspects of VR that do work the same as traditional games for a long time. Movement is one of them, so it makes sense to use what works best.
I get that Valve was so stubborn that they had to be criticized for two years plus the time the Steam controller was out before finally accepting that they were wrong. That is part of the point I'm trying to make. This should be straight forward and not the hard part of making a VR controller.
I love my vive pro. I wish the vive trackpads didn't break so easily though.
Call it's 2nd gen if that makes you happy.
VR is pretty good for porn games desu.
Koikatsu with VR is great.
Can't remember sure sure. Probably F8 conference couple years ago
>Hardware specs isn't what defines a gen
lol. that's literally what defines a next gen - a massive leap in hardware specs
While I would not use the Steam controller's track pads for movement, they do feel a lot better than the Vive's. The rumble actually does make it somewhat feel like you are moving something under your thumb rather than just sliding it over a track pad. I would actually go so far as to say it would be better than the right analog controller on a traditional controller for camera control, but that is not something necessary for VR.
I just don't want to be able to count the pixels on my lenses anymore...
>if it's half as much (original $699) and half as heavy then i'm interested
it's now $200 on amazon..
You’re a literal bot
Calm down, spaz. You are the ones disagreeing with my statement
To add to the other user, I have a bunch of controllers I could use, but use the Steam Controller exclusively for 3rd and 1st person games, because the trackpad is so much better than using a normal controller for camera control, and the fact I'm stuck to 8 way anyway without a bunch of mods and hacks to get real analog working means using the other trackpad for movment isn't that bad either.
Plus I can use it as a basic MIDI player which is cool too.
The way the Knuckles have it now where it's a tiny vertical trackpad mostly for scrolling I think is a good way of doing that.
Unironically want to get a VR headset for my PC. Am I still limited to Oculus and HTC or are the others any good?
it's gen 1.5
WMRs are decent and have a wide selection of models, but tracking is somewhat limited(still serviceable 99% of the time). Controllers are meh. Only buy if you are an extreme poorfag, or exclusively play flight/racing sims (Oddyssey+ in that case)
Oculus and HTC/Valve at the moment are on top of VR tech.
Inside out meme, Rift S has a single panel display, wait for real Gen 2 if you're determined to let Facebook datamine you.
Good headsets are way too expensive, coming out with ones with eye tracking soon, solid otherwise.
>Windows Mixed Reality
Inside out meme, really good resolution for the price point, know what you're getting with tracking if you go down this route.
Actually has a decent FoV and resolution, kinda expensive, pretty much need to buy a original vive (for the controllers and lighthouses) to actually use it.
>Anything else
Either it doesn't come to mind and/or is absolute shit.
Sony is pumping billions into VR as the future. It's not going away. They will keep shitting money at it until normies accept it.
see >Rift S is strategic product designed to fail to make the Quest look better by contrast and provide the excuse to totally abandon PC.
Quest is their Gen 2. Rift S is explicitly a 'mid-cycle iterative upgrade'. And as it turns out, actually an almost across-the-board straight downgrade (SINGLE PANEL FIXED IPD 80HZ SAME RENDER RESOLUTION).
Oculus Connect 3, last year (2018). It's all bullshit marketeering from Facebook, though, they just so happened to 'leak' identical specs on a 'prototype' (Rift 2) not long after. This was before they fired all PC VR staff and announced the Quest, of course. The tech is moving in strange ways, now. HP Reverb is 2kx2k and Valve HMD supposedly has 135-150 FOV, so we're definitely beating their 'predictions'. We're already seeing hints of diminishing returns on just increasing panel resolution, a ton of research is now on foveated rendering and displays, instead.
Wait for the Vive Cosmos
Sure thing, Tinfoil. If they do that, then Vive and other competitors are just going to take more of the PC segment.
Why wouldn't they. PSVR was a success, even if they half-assed it and pushed it onto originally incompatible hardware.
I'm sure they will go balls out with PS5 VR, and I'm curious to see that
shit tracking and controllers, but 2160 x 2160 per eye is amazing. Flying and driving sims communities are creaming all over it
I don't usually see any pixels on vive pro. You'll just need to throw out some extra money.
>PSVR was a success
Citation Needed. 2.1m for what's essentially a console development in terms of cost and marketing is abysmal.
Facebook failed in their goals for PC VR when Vive/SteamVR was successful in preventing them from grasping hegemony over it (as the API of choice, inseparably tied to their store). They're leaving it to try building their own 100% controlled VR-consoles, instead. They literally don't have PC development staff, any more, and Oculus literally doesn't even exist as an independent company, any more. They've fired all the VR enthusiast 'auteurs' they got with the Oculus acquisition. It's just Facebook VR-consoles, going forward.
it surpassed 3 million last august, that's before price drop and christmas sales. Pretty sure it's over 4 million by now. That's a over a billion $ in revenue for hardware alone. Then fuck knows how much it made in software sales
>Rift S is explicitly a 'mid-cycle iterative upgrade'. And as it turns out, actually an almost across-the-board straight downgrade (SINGLE PANEL FIXED IPD 80HZ SAME RENDER RESOLUTION).
wait is this true? I was planning on getting a Rift S because I have a RTX 2080 not doing much atm. Do I wait for the Vive then?
you have no fucking idea what's happening in facebook offices and what they're working on
Gonna save this post for when PS5 completely ignores PSVR.
It won't. Sony has Ready at Dawn and Insomniac's North Carolina studio pumping out VR games. If anything, they're banking big on normies falling for the VR meme. Wouldn't be surprised if the PS5 was a closed platform headset.
>billion $ in revenue
bookings don't mean shit at that scale. net profit is probably a loss just like the early console launches. anything for market adoption rate, and
I fucking love my Odyssey+. Was completely worth it getting it on sale, and seeing as how the Valve HMD is not coming anytime soon.
Wait until there is actually a headset that supports virtual link.
The firings and reabsorption were all very public, user. They literally fired the entire PC VR (Rift 2) team.
Yes the specs are true. Same internal/render resolution is 'insider info' that I personally don't doubt at all (the official per-eye resolution they're listing is just the single panel resolution divided by two, with no accounting for the required gap). I also forgot to say it's an LCD panel with (according to GDC demo reports) remarkably bad black levels. It's really just a Lenovo WMR HMD, probably completely designed and manufactured by Lenovo with Facebook just lending their 'Oculus' branding.
this shit looks so promising i wish i was 12 again so i could have more years in my lifetime in order to see where this will end up...
just looking at how the smartphone changed the society... man. the future is bright and dark. its amazing
don't expect much from Vive. It'll very likely to be similar to Rift S. Already confirmed inside-out tracking and 1440×1600 per eye resolution
however Valve working on their own hmd that might be something special, but it's Valve so don't expect it soon..
If you want to buy something fast, Rift S is good choice.
doesn't matter if you have normal head
you will never notice that and less chance for ASW to kick in
yes, at the moment. software might get upgraded in the future. Also it has double the pixels of original Rift and thanks to RGB layout it looks much better. So screen door is barely noticeable and huge upgrade for resolution
What I don't like about it is lack of headphones, Rifts sound was excellent
>not a success
>ps5 already has vr support announced
no corporation would ignore those numbers. There's obviously and audience and they will capitalize on that. Especially since xBox is sleeping, Sony will use anything to establish their dominance, that includes VR
True. I wish I could go 30 years in the future for one day and see how tech is evolved. Smartphones will become a relic. Once we figure out AR integrated into contact lense, everything will change
>Inside out meme
I'm getting Rift S just for the fact that i all of the sensors are on the headset it's self now.
Now i can fap in bed properly without having to worry about those secondary sensors on the floor.
it's not a meme. Was widely used by WMRs for last couple years and sometimes was unreliable. Now Oculus and HTC is switching to inside-out tracking, with some improvements
this is meant to look like a complete nightmare lmao you want this? at some point technology that is meant to integrate seamlessly with our daily lives will become far too invasive and give us all existential crises. I imagine this will happen long before we are advanced enough to develp AR contact lenses
Uhh there will be no fapping because it's a closed garden peripheral.
>so desperate to catch lightning in a bottle after PS4 sales, they'll resort to a literal meme
the dead cat bounce will be real for PSVR
This image is no way a joke. 100% serious on the absolute state of the VR industry right now.
Hope you have a super textured ceiling that has easily recognized shapes the tracking algorithms can pick up, 'cause your tracking's gonna be shit if it doesn't.
>Welcome back, user, which scent do you wish to experience this session?
You bet your ass sony would care about a below 10% adoption rate. There's no market for VR. Anyone who bought into the fad already has, and those numbers are well below expectancy.
I wonder if I could do something with electrical tape.
well this is obviously exaggerated, but at some point we will have the entire functionality of a smartphone seamlessly blended with the real world. Sure it could be invasive, but also it could be used to greatly benefit our lives. Possibilities are endless.
what the fuck are you talking about. you can run porn on Rift without any problems
>Basically Quake in VR
Anyone else enjoying the Space Junkies Beta?
there's always 13 yo gamers coming online...
lmao this is pure bullshit. Inside-out tracking works in even completely white room without any furniture. The only requirement is low source of lighting
I bet my ass if you bet yours. If PS5 comes with out with VR peripheral I get to fuck you in the ass, deal? I'm at Amsterdam
Nope sorry, you can't because it's a meme gimmick fad.
Fucking hell though, I hope Valve will unfuck this situation.
Don't wait on any new ANYTHING from HTC. They're circling the drain using dirty tricks to try to stay afloat day by day, one of which is regularly announcing new products (they're up to SIX HMDs, now).
'Cosmos' has some interesting rumors/confusion. Supposedly may be 2k per eye, like the reverb, and will be able to connect to phones for wireless-standalone operation. All the rest of them are pretty crap sounding (Vive Pro Eye / Focus Eye should not be separate products, Focus in general is just another shitty VR-console like the Quest).
Vive Pro (or Vive Pro Eye, after it comes out), is the best on the market, if price is no object. Pimax 5K+ WOULD BE, but so far they've only had their headset itself (so you need to already have a Vive setup with controllers and base stations). They will supposedly be getting their own base stations and controllers in the next few months, if you wanted to wait for them (but I wouldn't expect actual ship-on-order until probably next year).
No one is saying PS5 won't have VR. Everyone with a brain is saying it's Kinect 2.0
>Inside-out tracking works in even completely white room without any furniture.
You do know how camera tracking without dedicated markers works right? Without anything distinct in its FoV to pick up on and track, it literally can't work, so a completely white room with no furniture would make the tracking 100% useless.
I played beat saber for like 5 hours last night and had a great time.
Literally never heard anyone calling VR a Kinect 2. You must be dumb to even make that connection
From microsoft themselves:
>Consider the following thought experiment - if you were in a completely blank room (white walls, white ceiling, white floor) then the tracking system would find no features to track and would fail. If you were in a room that was covered in art work and decoration, then the tracking system would find many features to track and would work well.
I can play Audiosurf just fine on PC without VR, oh how weird they're made by the same person too! HMMMMMM
Kinect was bundled with Xbone just like people are saying PS5 will be bundled with VR. How old are you?
nobody is saying it will be bundled with PS5. Its a $300-400 peripheral, do you think they will give it away for free?
No one will buy it at that price point alongside a brand new console. That's already proven.
proven how? by selling 4 million headsets?
unless it's a separate sku/bundle, which they'll probably have something at the very least 'free psvr v1.0'
After a massive price drop, separated from the PS4's release cycle by several years? Zero correlation.
>you will never notice that and less chance for ASW to kick in
Or for folks running slightly-above min spec, seeing ASW always engaged for a silky-smooth 40fps instead of 45fps.
price drop came after selling 3 million. And whoever wants to buy it will buy it, your speculation is fucking pointless. I don't even remember what we're arguing about for fuck sake. Go die in a hole
meant for you :*
Oh, I see they fixed the god rays problem with Oculus Quest.
you can't see godrays here, but yea, they are fixed on both Quest and S
I played a half dozen rounds. It's not truly terrible, but also just nothing interesting at all. Four-player matches are just silly and the weapon balance is fucked. Had more fun in the forced tutorial than the actual matches I played.
I have yet to be sold on multiplayer VR ever being good. Personally, I don't think I particularly want that. I like the barrier of the screen, on social interactions in games.
>headset resting on nose
Oculus quest.
400 usd
No cords
Plays games like beat saber at launch
Is it the one?
Judging by the posts on this thread, Yea Forums is full of either salty poorfags or tryhardcore kiddies and you if you're neither, you should do exact opposite of what v says (as usual). I got my Pimax last tuesday and boy I've had more fun playing than I've had in years. You told me that vr is a meme and that Pimax is unusable chinkshit. Well, it worked straight out of the box (you're fucked if you need glasses to see though), the SDE is almost nonexistent and the feeling of presence you get when you're actually IN a game cannot be compared to any flatscreen gaming. Just firing up Skyrim and taking in the height differences you didn't notice before or walking through Tallon Overworld in Metroid Prime is fantastic. I'm getting the childlike wonder again experiencing games both old and new. It's a shame that vr market is so small, but at least I am only looking forward to vr-supported games now.
Ps. Don't buy Subnautica for vr, the port sucks (atleast on Pimax) with occlusion culling going out of the whack on even objects in front of you.
>floating crosshair
That's cheating.
>virtual arcade
It's the one for now. It's the highest end version of mobile phone VR cordless style. It's a start, but until mainline flagship Rift cordless is announced it's a tideover till at least next year.
Subnautica in VR is fucked in general and the devs admitted it, which is why the stand-alone expansion has no support.
Also the majority of Pimax's problems were on the earlier models, and software end of things. Most of that is addressed, but it's still a heavy headset, and the far periphery is a bit warped last time I tried one.
>Time Crisis
>Clearly Point Blank
>Plays games like beat saber at launch
that's hardy a compliment.
Nobody talks about it, but the biggest shortcoming of Quest is software. There's 50 confirmed launch titles, but most of them won't be worth your time, and a few bigger games will have just stripped down versions. Lack of content is very serious, but of course understandable since it's a brand new platform.. It'll get better in the future
Does the quest have a usb-c port?
I can imagine them selling a wireless adapter for it later on down the line if it does. That would be perfect since it would cover the PC side and mobile at the same time, all without any cords.
Got a Lenovo Explorer with controllers for $180, arriving tomorrow morning. I feel sorry for people who spend serious money on this stuff.
Actually the weight isn't bad at all, it's lighter than Vive Pro. If anything, I think that the real complaints should be about the relatively thin plastic housing they used to reduce weight. Apparently people are afraid of it getting damaged if you drop it on the floor. I've noticed periphery warping for 180* vision for the last 10-15 degrees when correctly set, but the warping becomes apparent even in 150* mode if the headset is not tuned correctly. It's a bit of a hassle to set up at first because you pretty much need a calibration image to set proper IPD and to learn the exact location it needs to sit on your head. If it is off the sweetspot by like half a centimeter the warping gets really noticeable. That's one of the biggest issues I have with it to be honest: You can't really let your friends try it without screwing up the settings for you.
USB for charging only. There's no way it'll get PC compatibility unless Riftcat manages to get it running. And even then, it'll be a garbage experience.
So two fish sents
What's a good midtier graphics card for vr?
It can't into wifi. It doesn't have video-In on the SoC
>still thinking VR is a good idea
My god, this is getting ridiculous. Let this stupid fucking shit die like it should have long ago when companies who wanted their shitty hardware to succeed despite all its problems viral marketed the living fuck out of it to nugaming idiots who haven't seen it fail miserably many times before for good fucking reasons, and NOT just because "lol, it looks good now". Nothing to do with it. It's distracting, blocks you off from the world, problematic (causes motion sickness), limiting, laggy, wiimotelike controllers are shit as always, etc, etc, etc.
There's no real "midtier" graphics card for VR imo: The more FPS you get the better. Most people think that 90FPS is what you should be aiming for, and you can't reach that with latest games even with minimum settings. You might want to look into GTX1070 if you're on a budget though, you can find those in sale if you're lucky since the 20XX line launched few months ago. Just don't get used one, especially one that's been used for bitcoin mining and go for a better card if you can. Can't give you any info on AMD's GPUs though, you might want to look into those too.
The entire point of the Quest is to be a closed system. It's a console. It may eventually get jailbroken, but it won't ever be good as a display peripheral. You'd have to go over the wireless which won't be fast enough.
>they're made by the same person
No they're not?
>he's so desperate that VR is not a meme gimmick fad that he checked
>It's distracting
Immersion is the opposite of disctracting
>blocks you off from the world
Who pays attention to the world while playing videogames?
>problematic (causes motion sickness)
Only if you're a weak cunt
>limiting, laggy, wiimotelike controllers are shit as always,
Literally only an issue on PSVR, because they're using actual wiimotes from PS3.
You are weak and you will not survive the winter. Please don't breed so humanity can evolve past you.
What does that even mean?
>>Block you off from the world
Like shutting in your room with curtains closed doesn't
>>Causes motion sickness
Which you get used to in a few days. It cannot be avoided since the experience fools your eyes so much better than flatscreen gaming that your brain gets confused.
Limiting what?
VR has nothing to do with your internet connection.
>>Wiimotelike controllers are shit like always
You know you can use regular controller or m+kb right?
You just sound like you haven't even tried and are being salty. Enjoy cucking yourself out of immersive enjoyment because you can't find fun in new things so you just try dragging everyone else down.
Is PS4VR supposed to be blurry at the edges? I tried it awhile ago and loved it but blurry prompts during games was pretty bad.
1660ti works perfectly for VR. Has all the latest architecture so it will be able to do dynamic foveated rendering when the headsets support it. This card is going to last me 5 years at least
you're thinking of audioshield, the Vive launch title which later became next to meaningless when it lost all streaming support (and got replaced by soundboxing, which still has youtube streaming last I checked). beat saber is the first product from an entirely unrelated studio.
it's really a shame beat saber was the one to randomly get the supermassive hype wave, being the only one that never even tried to do any streaming.
VRfag here, stop tormenting others with your "god" genes or your money, you're ruining our reputation. Shut up.
Now is a pretty strange time, honestly. A year or 2 ago I would've said to buy a Rift, since it has the best controllers, is more affordable than Vive, ran pretty much everything with no fucking around, does room-scale well (with a 3rd sensor) and has good audio built-in.
Right now though, things are weird. Rift is being replaced by Rift S, which is pretty much worse in every way except having a higher res screen and supposedly better lenses. It's really low-end shit though, it doesn't even support adjusting IPD (moving the lenses to physically align with your eyes). I obviously haven't tried a Rift S yet, but based on what I've seen I would not suggest one. Rift S also dropped the good headphones the original Rift had, with some garbage that pipes audio through the headband and will likely sound significantly worse.
Vive is old hardware and wand controllers aren't great. I think it's too outdated screen wise to buy right now, plus the SteamVR ecosystem has things like better controllers in the pipe (Knuckles), but they aren't out yet.
Vive Pro and the other variants are very expensive but don't come with amazing screens either, compared to some of the competition.
WMR headsets generally have worse tracking but some upcoming ones have very nice screens (HP Reverb), though most of them also don't support IPD adjustment and as such I also wouldn't suggest them.
Pimax headsets seem pretty nice, but they're very expensive and use Vive wand controllers and also don't have built-in audio. You probably want to wait for Knuckles before buying one of these too, plus I think Pimax is still having issues with actually delivering orders.
Basically, now that the Rift CV1 is going away, I can't think of any headset which ticks all the boxes at the same price you could get a CV1 for. If you're willing to dive in deep at the high end, you can get some pretty nice stuff, but at the more reasonable ~$400 price point you're going to be making significant sacrifices.
>because they're using actual wiimotes from PS3.
Sony may have a habit of copying everything, but they usually do a decent job of it. The Move controllers where really impressive for an accessory that was never put to good use. They actually have some position tracking, which none of the Nintendo controllers have ever had. It isn't on par with PC VR controllers, but it is actually pretty amazing they could recycle a controller at all when it was never designed with VR in mind.
>not being a weak cunt is "god genes"
You are weak and you will not survive the winter.
damn, that sucks. It feels like Oculus has stopped giving a shit about PC VR, or at least stopped putting any real effort towards it.
If you need a shitty 3d game and a fucking TV strapped to your head to be "immersive", you suck at losing yourself in a real game world.
>who pays attention to the world while playing videogames
People who aren't eight years old. People who need to be aware of their surroundings because shit goes on in real life.
>weak cunt
So a majority of the population are "weak cunts"? Dumbfuck.
>only an issue on PSVR
ALL fucking wireless waggle controllers are the same. They're laggy, imprecise, and fucking garbage.
>please don't breed
I wish your parents didn't. Today's Dumbest Generation is lost, stupid, and has no redeeming qualities. You're going to fuck up the future and I'll be glad not to be around to see everything die under your inept leadership.
I have been sticking to teleporting games or things with slow locomotion. Subnautica, Distance, and Jet Island make me feel sick. I hope I get more used to it but obviously my body puts more focus on my vestibular system. I would say that getting motion sickness means that one has good genes desu
People who don't want to put effort into an argument don't deserve to get one in return. What they should have done is just ignore it. Getting called a genetic failure and poor is more than people like that deserve and probably what they are looking for anyway.
VRfag here, stop dissecting complaint posts, you're making us look desperate. Shut up.
>They actually have some position tracking, which none of the Nintendo controllers have ever had.
Wiimote actually did get full positional tracking right at the end of its life, with an addon. Like four games used it, the biggest being Red Katana 2 or whatever the fuck it was called ('Red' Something where you used a katana).
>It isn't on par with PC VR controllers, but it is actually pretty amazing they could recycle a controller at all when it was never designed with VR in mind.
They couldn't, is the thing. They require all games be playable with just the gamepad for a reason. They really just didn't spend all that much actual effort on PSVR, in the beginning.
So right now the Odyssey + is the best bang for your buck?
When I see someone dissect a complaint post word by word, I know for sure that VR is a meme gimmick fad that is already over.
PSVR has a similar headband and it's super comfy
>that does away with the infamous sensor setup
Ironically enough, now that we've reached 2019 you can run 3 Rift sensors and the headset off of a single 10Gbps USB port (with a 10Gbps hub), at full USB 3.0 speed and perfect reliability. The USB fuckery has been solved by USB improving, though Constellation is now dead in favor of garbage outside-in shit.
You can dissect anything word for word. Hell, even Switch for as popular as it is sales-wise, I can completely bash without issue in a logical fashion.
And PS4 for that matter
Absolutely. Get it for $350USD or less.
>you're making us look desperate. Shut up
>If you need a shitty 3d game and a fucking TV strapped to your head
t. has never used VR
>People who need to be aware of their surroundings
Maybe don't play videogames outside in traffic
>So a majority of the population are "weak cunts"?
YOU are a weak cunt.
>ALL fucking wireless waggle controllers are the same.
I agree. VR controllers aren't waggle wands tho.
>Today's Dumbest Generation is lost, stupid, and has no redeeming qualities. You're going to fuck up the future and I'll be glad not to be around to see everything die under your inept leadership.
Godspeed on your early death. Please try to die more quietly, your whinging is annoying.
Oculus' goal is to make it more mainstream and accessible. $400 standalone is way more affordable than $400 + $1000 PC, plus has the added benefit of being wireless. Maybe in the future they'll focus more on people who want really high end stuff but I'm willing to bet they'll let Valve focus on the enthusiasts while Oculus caters more to the lower end.
I just want custom songs in beat saber on Quest
unironically Rift S
most complains about ipd, 80hz, inside-out tracking are completely unreasonable
you are getting baited nigga
Not happening. Enjoy your walled garden 2.0
Not gonna happen, custom songs require mods.
Unless I am missing something, Wiimotion plus just added gyro that give rotation tracking. It still wouldn't be able to tell if you move the controller to the side except though attempting to calculate it from accelerometers. Also, didn't Beat Saber get a port? I can't imagine that being played with a game pad.
This meme requires you to post a smug anime girl with it. I'll cover for you this time, but don't mess it up in the future.
>unironically Rift S
Curious how long before it gets a sale, because that shit is being sold at a premium despite being just a replacement release of the OG Rift.
Wow, kid. It's like you can't even comprehend basic concepts. Look, I can tell you're like twelve, if not physically, then mentally, so how about you close Yea Forums, go talk to mommy and get her to explain how common sense, logic, and intelligence works, and if she can't, go find someone who can. Then grow up about ten years and maybe come back then, so we can see how well you've done.
Probably won't help, but you can try.
That, or you're a viral marketing shitcunt paid to shut down any criticism of your fucking shitty products. You've failed. Enjoy unemployment.
It's true. Rift S screen is a bit better in terms of resolution, but it's not OLED which means worse blacks and worse contrast ratio. Rift S just looks like a product which is cheap to build and aimed at casuals who do not expect any real quality. Even the fucking Quest has IPD adjustment, yet Rift S does not.
You won't regret it
Quest will have sideloading, but modding is way more difficult and would require root access, nobody knows if that will ever happen
347 Midnight Demons - Carpenter Brut
Played this track in Beat Saber today. Really good map, would recommend.
Sorry I don't know, user. I only saved them from a previous thread.
Considering Rift S isn't even out yet you'd probably be waiting until next year before they even consider MAYBE having a sale.
>worse blacks and worse contrast ratio
but also no godrays and hugely improved visible resolution thanks to rgb layout. See pic I'm happy to trade that for 2% darker blacks
No IDP will affect less than 5% of users, mostly women and children, don't make it a problem when it isn't
I suck at best saber. Can only do hard mode. Expert or expert+ is out of the question, which restricts me to only 10% of the modded songs :(
I actually like the touchpads on the vive, i like the haptics on them.
I got one this week. Played some Batman VR and Rush of Blood and some VR 360° porn.
The future is VR on Steam. It sucks to buy a game like Beat Saber, where you get a few unknown songs and then pay for the rest, instead of just modding it with infinite possibilities. Not to mention Steam has apps and other programs that make the whole gimmick feel more worth the money. I'm just waiting for those PS3 cameras to ship here so I can go full out on games.
I'm in the same boat. Hell, I could only do normal songs for a while. Still, there's a lot of good content out there.
>which is pretty much worse in every way
Its almost as if they realized selling $500+ headsets to play tech demos wasn't a sustainable model
2060ti, its cheaper and more powerful than base 1070.
Well, shit, that looks fucking kino as fuck.
>2% darker blacks
The difference is far greater. Do you think underplaying reality will change it, or something? Have you actually used a Rift? Because even the OLED screen doesn't look fully black in all scenes, LCD will be much worse. Having it right in your face makes it really easy to notice in dark scenes since there's no light from anything else in the headset.
>No IDP will affect less than 5% of users, mostly women and children, don't make it a problem when it isn't
I don't know, blurry images, incorrect depth perception and most importantly actual eye strain are pretty major problems when attempting to enjoy VR. My IPD is 70mm, I'm not a woman nor a child. I own a Rift and I've played around with its IPD adjustment, I know exactly how garbage the experience is when IPD is not adjusted correctly.
Will we ever have a Metaverse that isn't completely controlled by a single company?
Thanks for the song. I am going to get more Carpenter Brut while I am here.
Except it was the same price as the S
Try REC ROOM and VR Chat, Elite Dangerous and Skyrim VR are unironically worth trying too.
Keep practicing. It's all practice
>tfw true full mind linked vr will probably not happen in your lifetime
i want to escape from my wageslave life into a fantasy world anons.
Probably, i figure somebody needs to make some kind of toolset that is designed to render envrioments in vr with very little data overhead, similar to a kind of mindcraft/vr chat/2nd life type situation and a kind of VR web could exist with usercreated virtual worlds.
There is a game called .kkrieger that uses a type of procedural generation to generate the assets, think the entire game is something like 96kb. YES 96kb... so with that kind of data overhead and modern connections you could basically jump into user created virtual worlds almost instantly.
>The difference is far greater.
sorry but if you haven't tried it then you have no idea what you're talking about. Rift S has the same screen as Go, and you can watch the comparison with Rift and Vive here.
Also there will be software IPD adjustment, also they mentioned that lenses have much bigger sweet spot. Sure it's won't fit everyone, but the majority of users won't have any problems
Except .kkrieger takes minutes to load since it has to generate everything and Second Life already did "instant jumping to user created worlds" with simple data streaming a decade ago with dialup-tier internet.
The thing I'm looking forward to the most is unironically bigscreen. Being able to lie in bed and put whatever environment I want to shitpost on Yea Forums, or watch TV and movies on just seems comfy as fuck. I've already got daydream, but the lenses are garbage and the whole thing barely lasts 20mins before overheating.
>Except .kkrieger takes minutes to load since it has to generate everything
Exactly, thats where increasing multicore performance comes in. Some of the tech has to catch up like higher resolution displays and such.
>Carpenter Brut
That's some solid taste user.
Looks like New Retro Arcade Neon.
I'm not partial to either one, but changing IPD is crucial if your IPD doesn't happen to be within 0,5cm range of the IPD in headset, Using lenses that aren't centered properly will hurt your eyes. We can argue about how important it is to have dark black instead of dark gray or how noticeable SDE is on headset X or Y, but please lets not argue that damaging your health is acceptable. Unless you happen to have that magical 62-64mm IPD or whatever happens to be hardset into the headset. In that case, lucky for you since less moving parts often means cheaper product.
Quests in Rec Room are incredible and deserve a shoutout
The 2nd life thing was just an example of the experience, my point was that when we have the displays and the horsepower to load into virtual realities instantly the way you can click on an image on Yea Forums, shit will start to change.
I dont know how it would/could work but virtual doorways i guess, a portal gun, im not sure.
Multicore won't automagically fix the gigantic processing requirements of procedurally generating everything on the fly, it's a retarded solution to an inexistent problem, kkrieger is interesting from a programming point of view but it has no practical applications.
There's already a program that does something like that, google janusVR. It visualizes different internet pages as windows/rooms you can walk into. People having a website can create an environment for you to walk into from, say, a hallway that holds all your most visited pages.
Plenty of things like that already exist, no one really cares except the Second Life furry turboautismos with their amateuristic fever dream hellscapes and you not knowing that has been a thing forever tells me you won't actually enjoy it as much as you think you would.
normalfags are going to get BTFO by the future
it absolutely will. singularity is real and we're well past the event horizon. Valve HMD will include some kind of BCI (presumably basic, passive sensors). lots of companies are working on two-way BCI right now.
>Valve HMD will include some kind of BCI
no it wont retard, they didnt say anything of the sort
I too like to jack off my crowbar
Thats why i said somebody needs to create the toolset i guess, as im not aware of it existing yet, i imagine it as a kind of three dimensional html
Minecraft came to mind because of the voxel nature of creation. The issue is everything requires a host server, rather than a web server.
If the browser/toolset for creation itself was in VR and the files were navigated in VR but small in size, procedural and hosted like a regular website,#... and the computing power could create it as fast as it downloads, ie perceptively instantly... im sure it would catch on.
I think we are a way off of that yet though. Janus/vrchat/2nd life is like a crude version of what i imagine it will be like.
You can tell the contrast is shittier from that image alone, on a regular computer screen, with plenty of light coming in from the rest of the monitor and the rest of the room. It's going to look even worse in a closed off headset with no light pollution in dark scenes when there should be almost no light at all. The fact that you can see it this easily only proves my point. I'm surprised how shitty the Vive Pro looks, though.
>software IPD adjustment
That just eats away display area out of the already unimpressive screen, plus it does not solve the issue of aligning the lenses themselves.
>but the majority of users won't have any problems
So then why does the Quest have proper, physical IPD adjust then? Clearly Oculus knows what they need to do in order to provide the best experience they can. Having IPD even slightly off makes an immediately noticeable difference, the "majority" won't have any "problems" in the sense that it'll look kinda blurry and kinda shitty, but it won't be shitty enough to cause actual eye strain, though it will be shitty enough to not provide optimal viewing quality. Rift S is just a product built to a cost which is going to be mediocre at best and it was not designed to be anything more than that.
This game is the only reason I'm waiting on the new Valve headset and Knuckles. I sold my Vive a year ago and almost bought a WMR headset to play shit again. I might be waiting forever though.
the internet is already a hellscape, you could just choose to avoid realities you didnt like.
Yeah what the fuck is valve doing.
>i imagine it as a kind of three dimensional html
Any browser can render 3D stuff nowadays and have VR support to an extent, what exactly is the innovation here?
Do you just want Roblox with faster loading? Get an SSD.
What exactly would you even expect them to say, when they haven't even announced their headset in the first place?
They're playing the long con. They release new games and products at increasingly slower rates until they just stop releasing anything and leave their consumer base waiting forever. Delightfully devilish.
Valve have been dragging their heels since collabing with Oculus pre-FB buyout. The only reason they're still in the VR game is because Oculus had the balls to sell (not saying much given it's Zuck) to get to the step in the platform's evolution. Forced them to shit the pot, but rather stay there in case they want to shit again every now and then which is what they're doing.
>Delightfully devilish.
I'm trying to visualize how i think it might work for something that doesnt exist yet, a kind of VR web basically.
Like this interaction we are having right now, how does this exact interaction go down in VR? what would the infastructure for it look like? what would the environment look like? what would our posts(so to speak) look like? would we be avatars?
I dont know how it works because it doesnt exist yet.
'demo scene' stuff like kkrieger and modern shader toys are neat but it's really the opposite of what would be needed for metaverse. we're making significant progress towards 'the end of history' for CG - raytracing over SVO maps. after that, and presumptive hardware architecture revolution to actual hyper-parrallelization, is when metaverse will start getting more real. assuming some kikes don't win out first with a centrally owned datacenter solution. frankly I just don't see any such attempts actually working, though.
>a kind of VR web basically.
Already exists.
>I dont know how it works because it doesnt exist yet.
It already exists and stuff like Second Life never really caught on because no one wants to waste time around poorly made user playgrounds except other "enthusiasts", simplicity is king because people always prioritize information density with little fluff.
You should differentiate between "unfilled" and "negative", then. Like a red X or something.
Knuckles WILL release this year, if at all. Headset will almost surely release alongside them (if at all), or at least be confirmed as coming eventually, at that time. Fuck knows what Valve was thinking not announcing anything at GDC, but we're in the final stretch to either Shit Happening or actual, final certainty that Shit Will Never Happen.
I like it a lot actually. I'm interested to see what the co-op will be like and the inevitable 3 vs 3. The slingshot is OP, and some of the guns feel too weak in general, but it's a very cool and fun PvP 360° shooter.
My imagination of it is that it eventually becomes hardware (headset) that interfaces with a tool set (vr browser software) that interacts with (a virtual reality) that sits on a server as a set of files.
There may be lots of different hardware and software that all has some cross compatability somewhat, how firefox, safari, chrome, ie can all browse and interact with the web based on a common web language of sorts.
I'm just wondering how it would work. Would this thread be like a white empty matrix like program ( the shit where all the guns on shelves fly in )with anonymous avatars all communicating audio visually? hapticly
Like if you didnt want an anonymoys amorphous blob fondling your crotch you could disable haptics in your vr browser the way some people here might disable images i guess.
I've spent hundreds of hours in VR chat and Rec room and other VR software and i can sort of imagine how it could work, but its like i cant quite grasp how it works because its like a web that doesnt exist as of yet.
Its like trying to describe an altered state of consciousness.
procedural graphics generation sucks because the end result looks pretty bad compared to something an artist would do
Why cant they jam the led display into like swimming goggles? Why the big fat front display
It's fairly apparent on text in the distance.
You are talking about common tech that already exists aka HTML and browser 3D engines, nothing of this is new.
You could do a browser VR Second Life clone in a weekend in any engine with browser exports.
>no haptics
Can't wait until vorpx gets full headtracking in Ace Combat 7. Found one profile that can do it, but only when the plane is iced over or after launching a missile.
full dive when
I'm not interested in this tape a monitor to your face shit
not in your lifetime faggot
Skyrim VR is a lot of fun. Everyone says magic is the only way to go, but archery is cool too if you can aim decently. Love the sense of scale, even if it does look like poop sonetimes
Agreed. Rise of the jumbotron was the first one I beat. They're actually pretty tough if you don't cheese them. I'm not a huge fan of the crescendo of blood quest though. The whips feel awkward
Your description of a hypothetical VR stack seems to line up pretty well with what I'm imagining. The way I see it is that a thread like this would be, in a virtual world, a bunch of avatars talking in some world whose appearance is determined by the world creator. But your idea -- that the future VR ecosystem should consist of a variety of browsers connecting to servers all operating under an open protocol -- seems to be my biggest hope for the future. Unfortunately, the way things are going, it looks like the more likely scenario is that we all use proprietary clients to connect to VRChat's servers, where they have control over everything.
I think that his idea (if it's anything like mine) is that there is a unified protocol for retrieving virtual worlds over the internet and interacting inside of them with other people in virtual reality. There are a number of standards and programs that define/implement pieces of such a system, but no one completed decentralized VR system.
Yeah i get that, but my thoughts were more about instantanous reality hopping the way you click a hyperlink to open a new web page.
It just seems to me like the way to do it is a kind of portal to another reality that you just move through and into.
Imagine trying to explain what we are doing right now to somebody in the past for generations ago who only has experience of using a computer that doesnt have a screen, its kind of hard to explain.
> is that there is a unified protocol for retrieving virtual worlds over the internet and interacting inside of them with other people in virtual reality.
That would be a bloated browser plugin, HTML5 already does this kind of crap and all mainstream browsers already support VR.
>Yeah i get that, but my thoughts were more about instantanous reality hopping the way you click a hyperlink to open a new web page.
You can do that already, running VR with browser apps.
>It just seems to me like the way to do it is a kind of portal to another reality that you just move through and into.
I think you're getting a bit overly excited over the idea of a VR browser which there are plenty of already, it's just naturally niche.
VR isn't worth getting into until the screens are at least 4k per eye. It looks so bad right now.
Thank you for explaining what i mean much more eloquently.
Yes, a type of unified system for browsing and interacting with virtual worlds/realities over the internet, everything seems to be a closed proprietary system right now, VR chat is a cool example, but it seems restrictive and inefficient
This is where i was going with my feeble procedural example, i was trying to expain how i could imagine a website(virtual reality) might be explored and interacted with in more than two dimensions by users.
I disagree
>That would be a bloated browser plugin, HTML5 already does this kind of crap and all mainstream browsers already support VR.
Which bloated browser plugin gives you the ability to connect to servers hosting VR worlds where you can interact in real time with other avatars?
It would be interesting if the rift S lets you use external sensors to improve tracking.
you could probably get very good 360 tracking for the controllers.
Supermedium for example is a VR browser designed around 3D experiences and you could do it yourself with some basic game engine experience, it's a lot less exciting than you'd think.
>Which bloated browser plugin gives you the ability to connect to servers hosting VR worlds where you can interact in real time with other avatars?
I'm not aware of any, there are a few programs that are a closed system like VR chat, 2nd life and so forth.
But this is what im getting at, how many dozens if not hundreds of people are lurking this thread right now reading these posts but not interacting.
If this was a three dimensional interaction between us, how would it work with anonymous lurkers absorbing the communication data?
Imagining what a kind of unified virtual reality looks like breaks my freakin brain man.
knuckles should get that rumble HD shit they have in the switch controllers
They should have done this, but there is no constellation on the headset to track with.
fuck VR. AR is the future. or XR.
>people still trying to escape reality by altering it completely.
Can't, it's copyrighted patented by Nintendo for the next decade.
Just go to the VRChat circlejerk on /vg/, jesus dude 3D chatrooms existed since before you were born.
That seems like a really shitty way to make a virtual reality though, it requires 3d engine programming.
With a website you could essentially start with a blank .txt document and add code to it, and then that code is interpreted into a webpage.
I'm wondering what a blank/empty virtual reality is, and could you create from inside it with a basic tool set and scripting.
>pic related
Is that what a default non world(blank world) with two avatars would be like, would we spawn items in we copied or created somehow? would that items have physics/laws/behaviours?
fuck thats gay
>it requires 3d engine programming.
It doesn't, you could easily set up an in-game editor for retards like all 3D chatrooms already do.
>With a website you could essentially start with a blank .txt document and add code to it, and then that code is interpreted into a webpage.
Uh you mean like any website works?
Please for the love of god learn a tiny bit of webdev and gamedev, this is so stupid, you're basically trying to peddle ancient shit like Second Life as the second coming of Jesus Christ.
Yeah, Nintendo patenting shit that existed years prior.
I feel like it'd need more than just that, especially with regards to determining grip.
Facebook is purposely killing Rift line to turn focus wholly on Quest and other all-in-one solutions.
DESU though, I can't blame them, Quest is fantastic, and oculus has pretty much no chance competing with lighthouse and knuckles in the long run. As far as graphically intense simulations go, steam has it in the bag. Where I see them failing is in producing good offerings for the consumer market. Valve is clearly focused on long game here, and doesn't care about putting stuff out that is prohibitively expensive (aka, what all VR was a few years ago). Oculus wants to capitalize on the fact that not everyone wants to spend thousands on a PC VR setup and have a room of their house dedicated to it, and the Quest is excellently positioned to hit exactly that market. It's cheap, it's high quality, and it has software to back it up. I'm buying it, I'm deving for it (using rift since I don't have quest yet), and I'm for sure gonna be playing on it once I can get one.
AI is changing this in a hurry, right now.
I've spend hundreds of hours in there, its a closed system. I'm trying to make a very bad point and explaining it badly.
The unified protocol guy kind of gets where im coming from, this shit is really hard to explain desu. Its very ethereal, it doesnt actually exist yet at least as far as im aware.
Somebody here is suggesting HTML5 is capable of this kind of thing but i guess it requires outside tools such as 3d creation software etc, the point im trying to make is i can communicate and send text and images and video right now using nothing but the browser toolset, so how would this work in a VR browers on a VR web.
>Is that what a default non world(blank world) with two avatars would be like, would we spawn items in we copied or created somehow? would that items have physics/laws/behaviours?
Woah... like some kind of asset loading... with a physics engine...and personal servers so it isn't tied to a central system...wait that's just Garry's Mod.
Is inside out really that bad? Should I just go looking for a Vive if I want to get into VR?
Just fucking make a toy in Unity with a browser and with Lua scripting, congratulations you made another Second Life clone.
>so how would this work in a VR browers on a VR web.
and how/when/if this becomes unified like the web what then?
Weren't there some rumors about Valve having some closed session under NDA where they showed off their headset, but nobody was allowed to talk about it yet? Something about a wider FoV and finger/leg tracking with cameras, in addition to Lighthouse. Was that confirmed to be complete bullshit already?
What are you even talking about?
It was a bunch of "VRtubers" who pulled a hoax to try and get more views.
Not to mention Rift has Carmack, who creams over optimization and doesn't care about pushing the envelope unless it's on limited hardware. Gotta play to your strengths. Quest is the most interested I've been in a VR set. High end is just too cumbersome and expensive to entice me.
It was obviously fake. They couldn't even keep the lie straight through their video.
Yeah, the finger and leg tracking part sounded implausible and also largely useless.
The "web" isn't unified, it's a nightmare clusterfuck of hundreds of different languages and standards that requires serious heavy lifting to work properly, if you want a unified VR environment then it will have to be inherently unified code-wise aka stuck in a particular game engine with higher level scripting for user content, like all these virtual life playgrounds already work.
did they say if the touch controllers for the S will have motion sensors or something for detection when out of the camera's sight?
Pretty sure they do, but that shit only works as a rough approximation for a short period of time, after that tracking stops if the controllers doesn't move back into a position where a camera can see it.
the fuck you mean? they're have full rotational tracking when out sight but not positional, however software can estimate what you're doing in any given motion so the only time it''ll fuck up is when you hide it from the cameras and leave it there
VR porn is a meme gimmick fad that is already over
Sorta noticed then when I had a kit for a while and hardly found shit, but then again I also didn't try too hard
this, it's fun for a while but eventually you get over it and go back to normal porn unless you're REALLY horny
This, I accidentally came all over my expensive Razer mechanical gaming keyboard because of the box (VR) on my head.
I think i have an idea, but i cant code, and i think that idea is some kind of unified vr interpretation language that includes procedurally generated enviroment and avatar modeling and server client communication to produce a 3d internet.
>Valve STILL playing their little mental torture mystery games instead of being honest for once and telling us how their projects are going
>but i cant code
Yeah I can tell, none of what you said makes sense.
so this youtu.be
what is the point of the blinders if he is wearing vr?
Because the OLED/LCD panels are actually that large. The entire modern revolution in VR is significantly based in this use of much physically larger commodity panels (with only some relatively minor factory customization), than older HMDs which were almost always built entirely around their particular proprietary microdisplay. There is in turn enormous new investment in new microdisplays, because of VRs current success, and some prototype designs looking to use them in clever new ways (ie. Varjo), but in general it does not seem likely the overall form factor will actually change all that much any time soon (eg. the standard single ski-goggle like face gasket, as opposed to swim goggles dual-gasket around each eye).
I will fucking bet money that it will have at least pulse monitor functionality (something they very nearly included in the Steam Controller, way back when), and probably some type of EEG. BCI is not a recent interest for Valve. A lot of the specific experiments Ambinder has recently given his talk about have probably been taking place for the entire time he's worked there.
I think L4D was originally designed with BCI in mind with their whole director system where it adjusts difficulty and pacing based on player activities, Valve always seemed pretty interested in what the player is thinking and doing.
Remember when Yea Forums got so asshurt about vr they made and spread obviously fake pictures of Jeff Gertsmann and dsp with puffy, red eyes?
Good times. Yea Forums sure seems like the place to discuss something you can't pirate.
dolphin itself supports modern VR hardware. you can play a lot of GC/Wii games in VR, and there have been some 'proper port' mod efforts (eg. Metroid Prime Trilogy). interest kind of died out as more and more genuinely great actual made-for-VR games came out, but this was pretty big a couple years ago. Personally I don't think it was ever actually worth playing. but certainly AFAIK you should be able to just use any modern VR controller as wiimote.
yeah ive seen a bunch that do what vorpx does and turns games into VR games, but im thinking something that puts a TV in front of you in a VR space and you just play the WII games like you would IRL, just with your motion controllers instead of wiimotes
like I said I am 90% sure you can do this with dolphin, not in VR but just using your VR controllers as stand-in wiimotes.
Or you could you just play it on your monitor.
ohh so you did, sorry i must have misread your post
does that work with non wiimote controllers by default or do you need to do some tinkering?
Anyone know if rift s still has finger trackers
Eh it's more a case of chicken and egg thing for big industry; they won't invest without a consumer base but the demand isn't going to be there without some one to get it started.
The micro display tech was already in play with vaporware like google glass and now microsoft hololens. We have the tech but the demand isn't quite there yet.
>wanted to get into VR
>either the rift or Odyssey+
>waited for GDC for updates
>rift isn't sold anymore
well I guess that settles it. I understand that WMR doesn't do tracking very well especially when the hands go behind you, my question is: is there any game that needs me to use my hands behind my back?
It does not because it's supposed to be budget friendly.
>dolphin itself supports modern VR hardware
Not on the official build, no it doesn't. Only on a many year old build you can use VR shit sadly.
It's the same fucking price as the original.
and thats a good thing
You're going to mainly run into trouble where you're going to be looking one way but holding your hands another. So archery, scanning an area while aiming a gun, possibly accessing items on your torso, that kind of stuff. It's not insurmountable but there'll be a couple moments here and there where it hits you.
I will tell you for them. Its vaporware they wasted lots of R&D on and know they won't see a return on if released and will be another failed hardware hanging over their head
there are lots of games that have you reach over your back or down by your sides for inventory/holster access. not sure how well they fare but I don't think it can be all that great.
well that's a shame to hear. I guess I figured features wouldn't just drop out like that.
>drop out like that
It wasn't ever officially supported to begin with so there wasn't anything to drop. It always was nothing more but a side build made by some dude / people that aren't related to dolphin directly to my knowledge.
>rift isn't sold anymore
If you really were considering the rift then check cragislist or ebay because people are going to be dumping them with the rift S coming out..... or you could just buy the rift S since it's improved inside out camera tracking any ways.
>improved inside out camera tracking
Improved compared to WMR maybe, but still a downgrade compared to roomscale Constellation and most certainly a downgrade compared to Lighthouse.
Anybody else REALLY hyped for Quest? Being tethered to a cable is my least favorite aspect of VR and my PC isn’t really good enough to handle all the new VR experiences.
>Or you could just play a board game.
>Or you could just read a book.
>Or you could just use your imagination.
No. And you think an outdated mobile SoC is gonna do it?
>And Vive knuckles is massively overrated
Fakebook shills on full damage control. I guess now that the main company is imploding they suddenly care about the only real product they ever put out (or at least bankrolled).
Can't say I am. Getting rid of the cable isn't worth stepping into the walled garden and giving up image quality, performance, superior tracking and shit like mods/engine ports you can get on PC (like how you can play Doom or Quake in VR). Since it's a new platform library is going to be tiny as well.
I found the VR experience 2 years ago to be incredibly immersive with certain games like Call of the starseed. the tech was honestly pretty great it was just lacking in games.
VR will definitely be the future when the tech evolves.
>my PC isn’t really good enough to handle all the new VR experiences.
Neither is a phone
I was until I realized the VR games I own outside the Oculus platform probably won't work on the Quest and I don't wanna buy them a second time.
Tell me one reason to believe companies when they say this shit won't rape your eyes
Literally a screen pressed inches away from your eyes
Why would it? Do you understand what the lenses do?
>Rape your eyes
literally never happened or was the case to begin with
Shit only rapes your eyes because it's an ancient piece of shit with a photon gun blasting your skull at full force, or because you go crosseyed focusing on something right in front of you.
Anything with any sort of depth of field negates the latter.
I just wish the index wasn't on that huge trigger. Hopefully it feels no different but it looks like it sabotages the whole idea of finger tracking.
Yeah okay, mom
waiting for the steam knuckles controller. that shit looks so fucking perfect for vr. hopefully their headset turns out great too.
Because of the lenses, your eyes are focused as if the screen is meters away. There's also not of the strain you get from viewing bright monitors in low-lit rooms because the light in VR headsets fills your entire view.
In a lot of ways, it's healthier than the screen you're reading this on right now. I've had no strain issues with my Rift in the years I've had it.
Literally the tech hasn't been out enough time for good health impact research being done with it.
It's been like 50 years and doctors still can't agree about fucking eggs being bad or not and you think this is safe because "nothing has happened in the last 3 years bro I'm sure the company has done their tests and it's all safe"
I get your idea, but come on dude.
Cellphone will give everyone brain cancer
>It's been like 50 years and doctors still can't agree about fucking eggs being bad or not
That's because of food lobbies paying for bullshit "studies" to push for whatever narrative they're going for in a particular day you utter retard, millennia of people eating eggs without dying tells you if it's bad or not, jesus christ you're naive.
There's no proof that it will be bad in the long term either.
so its been about 5 years since facebook bought oculus and began pouring money into it. has there been any real milestones? with all that facebook money and zuckerberg hellbent on having "one billion headsets" in customer's hands i honestly thought it would have been much bigger by now.
I'm having fun with my PSVR
>has there been any real milestones?
Outside of Phone / Mobile off shoots? None I think. Even Vive made more improvements, starting with the Pro, better sensors, and soon the knuckle controller.
>what are breakthroughs
>merely pretending to be retarded
It's a slow climb but it's not stopping. A lot of the problems are price and having a good enough computer and setting up sensors/lighthouses but PSVR has shown that with those solved, adoption is pretty high.
We're really just waiting for standard computers to get more powerful and headsets to get better before everybody is getting one.
>Do you feel in charge?
More than 50% of steam users have VR-ready PCs, the only real problem now is the lack of must-have games.
And the price of a headset and the room to set up a space to play it in.
Nah people will always find a way when they actually NEED something.
>It's been like 50 years and doctors still can't agree about fucking eggs being bad or not and y
Fake news. Eggs are great food, but the anti-science "nutrionists" that emerged during the 1960s and 1970s went full retard and figured that since somebody had discovered egg yolk was chockfull of cholesterol and that was bad that naturally it must mean that all that cholesterol would make eggs unhealthy, so people started discarding the yolk and only eating the egg whites, which is stupid because the yolk is the most nutritous part of eggs.
Then actual scientists carried out extensive blood tests and as it turns out none of that cholesterol makes it into your bloodstream and so it doesn't raise your cholesterol at all and people had been discarding egg yolk for decades for no reason because "nutritionist" isn't an actual authority on anything and is someone who we would today refer to as "blogger". Funnily enough they're so ashamed of this fuck-up they still cling to this fallacy and keep ruining people's diets to this very fucking day as if they could somehow prove they were right all along if they just wait long enough to admit they were wrong.
>any game
our eyes aren't real