Make way, make way, worst Nintendo IP coming through!
Make way, make way, worst Nintendo IP coming through!
At least wait a few days to a week before you make the same thread again.
> Labo
> Big Brain Academy
> Dillon's Rolling Western
> Urban Champion
> Ice Climber
All of these are worse than FE
Based worst IP poster
No, it's one of Nintendo's better IPs
It has the absolute worst fanbase out of all the Ninty IPs though.
worse hate base maybe
>No, it's one of Nintendo's better IPs
Just a dumb experiment thing, but at least it inspired some cool shit.
>Big Brain Academy
Legitimately was good for its time.
>Dillon's Rolling Western
Again, actually decent.
>Urban Champion
One game is not an IP.
>Ice Climber
Again, one game is not an IP.
It's just weeb chess that has gotten worse and worse with every single incarnation. Three Houses looks like shit.
make way, make way, seething Smashtard with a cactus stuck in their asshole coming through!
>What are Animal Crossing fans
>What are Pikmin fans
>What are Mother fans
FE fans just want anime tit, the above three never shut the fuck up.
Oh boy here we go again. Have some bunny Loki to make this soon to be shit thread a bit better.
>Three Houses looks like shit.
Imagine having this bad of taste.
Where do you think you are?
IP stands for Intellectual Property, which is the protection of things that you created. All of these are IP's since Nintendo owns them and made them.
The word you are looking for is franchise or series, which in gaming is usually known as a game with more than one game.
TLDR, those two count as IP's.
Does anyone know for sure if Three Houses will suck or not? I don’t know.
Pikmin fans are great, what are you talking about?
>It's just weeb chess that has gotten worse and worse with every single incarnation. Three Houses looks like shit.
Imagine a game that isn't even out yet living rent free in your head.
>Constantly act like Pikmin is the only game of its kind
>Screech endlessly that it isn't out yet, despite wanting quality
>Adamantly refuse to play a real RTS, or even any other game inspired by Pikmin
Fine, the only truly shit game you listed is Urban Champion.
She has to be showing all her ass.
I'm guessing these threads are made by retarded smashfags, huh?
It looks like a Wii game, my dude.
I see even the guest artists are dedicated to maintaining Edelgard's doll eyes.
>it's one of Nintendo's better IPs
>more shit games than good games
>series was never good
>smash autists are still mad.
>OP never once mentioned smash
FEfags are the most delusional pathetic apes
OP here. I like the FE characters in Smash for the most part. The series they come from is shit, though.