Deep gameplay
Deep gameplay
This. It's no Dark Souls (attack-roll) or DMC (attack), or Nioh (attack-super mash).
yeah it's a bit boring it's like shieldfags got their own game
t. someone who sucks at parrying
cry some more bitchassnigga
parry is just blocking you dont need to time it until red marker appears
It's Just Defend from guilty gear in a nutshell.
Better than
i-frame abuse is not fun gameplay
At least play the game before you attempt to explain it, retardo.
>hold o
deep gameplay.
no point time it retard when you can just hold lt all day long
Cope more, shitter.
This is objectively wrong. Just holding L1 makes your posture deplete faster, and your opponent's deplete slower
Hold up, you can deflect that jump Genichiro does? I thought you just had to dodge. Fuck. That would have helped me out
Why do you retards not read the tutorials? The only perilous attacks that can't be parried are grabs. God damn, read nigger.
If you dodge to the right 2-3 times when he does it you're usually able to get in at least one free hit
Yeah, and break your posture and instantly die, right, retard?
>The first time you deflect a thunder and send it back
I get stressed really easy and can forget stuff like that in a heated moment. Genichiro was that for me
have you brainlets noticed that you can just spam L1 and parry all attacks that way?
I guess I got lucky, because he didn't throw lighting when I fought him. All he did was spam his jump stab.
I never got the chance to because I just dodged it all. Feels like I missed out. How do you do it?
If you forgo using the prosthetic then the game really does reduce down to something like that, yes.
However, you're doing it to yourself at that point.
So why you dying?
not exactly , you do parry some of them but most are just regular blocks .You are safe any way but if you time each of them you notice a huge difference
Someone cannot beat a boss huh.
In the bad/treason/shura end Isshin Ashina mentions you being a cunt in the past.
What's that about?
neutral jump, parry the attack and then attack , you make a huge slash of lightning dealing heavy damage and leaving him vulnerable
Git gud scrub
No, most of them are just bad parries which build up Wolf's posture a bit.
that was basically my lady butterfly fight just with a additional "SHITTY camera got stuck/lock on fucked you over" step a couple of times, after beating the bitch i felt nothing, no joy or WOW i made it! just annoyance at how this bitch should be died a long time ago but the camera would not stop fucking with me.
Are there different levels of parries? I noticed against butterfly that some were brighter than others when deflected.
Normal and Perfect, depends on the timing.
If you were good enough you could perfect every time.
>literally dark souls tier combat
is v basically admitting they hate dark souls
orange sparks means youre heading in the right direction and perfect is no posture loss on your end iirc
There is no such a thing as bad parry. You either deflect or you don't, and even deflections do build up posture but based on the attack deflected.
Wait, am I supposed to fight Genichirou again so early? I've only really fought like, the spear rider guy, the bull, and a bunch of minibosses
There is no "bad parry." You either get the parry or you miss it, which contributes nothing.
I'm on this guy right now, he's pretty fun but it's annoying how it feels like he's only got 2 good attacks, the really fast slash over his right shoulder and the one where he jumps into the air and spams arrows. Everything else he does feels easy to deal with, so it feels like a RNG diceroll to see if he spams his good abilities or the rest.
I'm at Juzou the drunkard now.
Any advice?
Parrying his attacks fills up my bar too fast.
Firecrackers seem to distract him so I can get a few hits in but that's about it.
Fucking retards
You can deflect anything that dont have the DANGER warning
do "the strat"
Alright, I'll work on my timing. Thanks guys.
No you can deflect those too. The only attacks that can't be parried are grabs.
Dumb faggots, there are bad parries. Pay attention next time you play the game.
This is only partially true. You can only not deflect grabs.
You can go back into the past and fight another miniboss and main boss, but yeah you rematch him early
Throw Oil at him and light him up.
Pretty sure the game told me you can't deflect thrust attacks. I just move out of the way when the big red sign appears
Have you beaten spear guy? Fight him first and come back
Are there points of no return I should look out for?
I skipped a samurai, and there's a coupe NPCs who gave vague quests I'd like to do.
>you can't deflect thrust attacks
You Mikleo counter them.
Thank god i pirated this shit or i'd be having deep buyers remorse
its ok with Metal Gear Rising does it
>kill all the adds
>reset boss
>stealth deathblow to remove one of this lifebars
>run to where that samurai dude is standing
>double team like the dishonorabu shinobi you are
Throw oil on him and set him on fire for extra cheese
I don't think there are any really, even when you finish the game it asks if you want to go to NG+ or stay there and carry on playing.
>Dumb faggots, there are bad parries
They are just called block and you don't need timing for it.
You haven't even gotten to the first miniboss outside of the tutorial, haven't you?
Any cheese on Genichiro?
You take waaay more posture damage if you deflects are poorly timed. Hence why so many shitters got btfo by O'Rin and Genchiro.
You can deflect thrust attacks, you just can't "block" them
Mikleo just rises the bar much higher
Why is wolf such a manlet?
Please stop, you're making yourself look like a fool.
Go watch someone good play the game.
ah finally defended that boss time for some rewarding exploration. i wonder what unique items will be at the end of these paths
>oil ceramic shard oil ceramic shard oil ceramic shard oil ceramic shard oil ceramic shard oil ceramic shard oil ceramic shard
whats the best way to fight the boss versions of the guys who throw the fire knives, the one at the temple and the one in the gun fort?
fight him honestly. deflects for most attacks, jumps and step dodges for his perilous ones..
No it was never okay with Metal Gear Rising. At least the game had moves to compensate.
>jump, air combo, style switch, dodge, shoot to keep airborne, knock up, and then like 100 more moves
dark souls is child's play compared to any DMC game.
>hold right
>jump jump jump
Deep gameplay and deepest lore
As oppose to Soulsborne where you'd get some shit that wouldn't fit your build
This is the best strat for basically every fight I've come across except the bull. The game plays best when done honorably.
My only real complaint with the game is the fact that things cost emblems.
All it does is put "Oh i'd better not use I may need it later" syndrome onto your fucking moves.
You just jump when lightning is going ot hit you, and then attack before you hit the ground. You dont need to parry, thatll get you hit. Works with all lightning, its a nutty good attack if you land it.
No, stabs only can't be blocked. The game never said that Wolf can't parry them. He can parry stabs.
I can spam loaded axe all I want and still have a fuck ton of emblems left. It's not as bad as you may think.
Kill yourself immediately. Keep spamming your "bad parries" and see how quickly your posture dies, faggot.
>dialing combos on sandbags which barely even try to attack is hard
I'm getting to the point that I might just shelf it.
I'm on like try 100 of lady butterfly and can't get past it. One mistake and I'm dead. user last thread told me I needed to have upgrades but where?
I can perfect run phase one, but phase 2 she either darts out of my targeting and I take damage looking for her or I get pillar locked into butterflies.
Also: butterflies are super inconsistent. Sometimes they do damage to me, sometimes they don't, even when not blocking.
they get more expensive and rarer as you progress
but then you know where the cool shit is for your next run that has a build that can use it
Damn this looks like some good fighting.
why wouldn't you just mikiri that
The red marker doesn't indicate when you're supposed to parry, just that a special attack is coming.
Because I dodged backwards by mistake.
I always laugh when I see these pants on head retarded threads describing button presses as "lol deEp gAmEpLaY". Literally every game is button presses.
>jump, air combo, tool switch, dodge, items, more than like 100 moves.
if he wasn't a manlet he would be an onurbu samurai and not a dick ass shinobi
firecracker spam, catch em in a loop. The one at the temple you can get down to 1 healthbar by stealth, the one at the gunfort you cant. They are going to spam attacks so basically treat it like a rhythm and watch out for the sweep attack and be ready to jump. Do that and youll get it done in 1-3 tries.
Waiting for the nips to post a ~30min speedrun
>kill guardian ape
>shinobi execution
>he gets back up 5 seconds later while dragging his own head around and has a giant katana
Does this boss have way too much fucking health or am I just trying to do it too early? I think I only have two damage upgrades, and even popping the ghost confetti and a red candy I was doing fuck-all to her.
You realize that when your posture meter fills your guard gets broken, yes?
Nice no argument faggot. Game has literally no mention of anything but deflecting that either happens or not.
It isn't that the boss has a lot of health. It's that it recovers its posture too fast, even when attacking.
would have been a better twist if every boss before him didn't do the same shit
dont know what to tell you but i beat her on like my 2nd-3rd try, I killed spear-horse guy and had at least one health upgrade. Use defense sugars, throw shuriken at her when shes in the air, specifically when shes jumping itll knock her down.
Did you not notice that it was stuck through his head and the massive wound there?
I do like how the infestation is in full control once you "kill" it though, looks really cool.
Now go fight it again with its wife.
some kind of combo system would have been better even if they only added one more attack button, there's a reason every fun melee oriented action game has them
I like this game but it's kind of shit at the same time
Both can be true.
Which doesn't matter half the time because if you get too many bad parries which breaks the posture, the enemy tends to just sit there because it tends to happen at the end of their attack combo, so they don't follow up with anything. Getting posture broken isn't as bad as people want to think because right after the posture of Wolf is broken, its automatically reset again when he can move around. It doesn't stay filled.
You seriously never wondered why some of them cost nothing? Or have you legitimately never timed it well enough?
if you want to cheese her you can do it easily
just step dodge into her right, slash, then step dodge into her left, slash, repeat. even if you get up against a wall or a pillar and can't do it properly, all she'll be able to do is jump back.
Stay in her face to make her use her melee, which is easy to deflect.
Ninja star if she even thinks of getting on wires. Unlock the follow-up to close distance.
I've discovered that but want to parry beat her so that I can get good at it
Which I feel like I have. Every time I die it's not from a combo, it's from targeting break or pillars or missing a deadly attack prompt
>keep dying to chained ogre even though I can see his patterns easily
>get a rotten item
>turn off the fucking game proclaiming I'm going to start over
fuck it
>sword fighting is about parrying and attacking
I ran out of ninja stars long ago
>o'rin water is impossible
>monk is impossible
>bow fag is impossible
>headless is impossible
it's kind of a bullshit boss honestly, basically artorias but she can use projectiles as well, hits you harder and you have to fight her twice in a row, not really fun imo. if she only had one life but maybe her health is a bit bigger i wouldn't want to cheese her.
theres a cure and you can get it pretty quick
it was so fucking awesome to use on the last boss
Local retard OP parrots what other retards say, more at 11.
Why the fuck is Juzou so hard. Seriously, I killed spear rider guy super fucking easily but JUzuo feels like a truck. I even have like 2 vitality upgrades and his patterns are so hard to get used to
Mikiri counter, then inevitably get fucked by sweeps.
I've gotten to the point where if she hits me once in phase one I just let her kill me
there's literally no room for error
Attacks by their natural properties deal varying amount of posture damage. Try making sure you check it with posture bar empty so it's easy to actually notice even minimal amount of build up, and on the same attack.
jump back
>o'rin water is impossible
lmao what the fuck shes one of the easiest bosses in the game I beat her 1st try.
she only has like 2 combos and a spin that leaves her super open when you jump it
Panic and spam jump. If it's a sweep I get a jump counter, anything else won't hit me anyway.
Alt f4
>mikiri counter
>he sweeps me and fucks me up
>he thrusts and fucks me up
DMC makes button mashers think they're good at games
She's really not that bad. is butterfly the ultimate pleb filter or something
yeah and? she regen her stamina instantly, cant hit her, cant drain her, last forever
this but only for bosses like Vergil and Credo
You cant parry grabs or sweep attacks but you can parry thrusts
Reminds me of Deathstroke fight from Bam Ham Origin. It's essentially QTE, where you have to repeat the same procession of moves, but since you don't get shown props and all the animations are very cinematic people gushed over it.
>genichiro does a sweep
Patience and precision is much harder than mashing buttons.
DMC is all about patience and precision. That's how you keep up the combo.
Did someone do a edit of the screaming ninja from the sky by replacing him with Todd and a copy of fallout 76 in his hands?
This. It's basically like a fighting game where stuff like anti-airs and DPS are just QTEs.
It's NO masterpiece
You know what I like least about sekiro?
the repetitive music, and you sort of need it to know if you're in combat, + boss fights without music is lame.
Seriously though the music in this game makes me vom
A new Tenchu died for this fucking game. Fuck From.
The DSP playthrough is kino
Apply yourself.
I’d like the game a lot more if you weren’t punished for dying too much. I don’t care about losing my coins and shit but making the npcs get sick and die just makes me not want to play.
you have to stick on her and fight back buddy
she herself is not that bad, just did another perfect run of form 1 and basically perfect against her herself in round 2, shadows didn't touch me or anything, but again she broke my lock which sent me into a pillar, basically instant death.
Thrusts shouldn't be able to hit you if you jump.
Some don't, others can hit you mid-air.
If you are about to die you can just pause the game and go back to the menu.
They get sick but it means not that much. They will die with story progress (some of them), independent of the actual rot. You also get chances to heal them a limited amount of time (probably atround 20 dragon tears in the game or more overall). Doesn't affect ending either.
It's the safest option but also the least rewarding.
I seem to have problems doing the kick>db.
>This boss is not optional
purple ninja is not optional what
>bite down
what is the point of this item?
how can people enjoy this mindless garbage?
This and dynasty warriors are so pathetic, none of the enemies are a threat you just mash buttons and cleave through them all.
Purple Ninja isn't a boss.
Wolf is a fucking manlet
I unironically watch dsp.
He always plays up to date, and he's deliciously salty so i can relate sometimes
Being a retarded asshole also adds to the comedy.
You have clearly never played a DMC game if you really think that.
I played 4, it was really boring
once I take it?
Deflect is so OP that I never bother using prosthetics. Kind of a design oversight imo.
Memeazaki is a hack fraud.
>you still get hit when you guard because bullshit hitboxes
>dodging in this game is basically useless because of 0 i-frames
Tough but fair. I like all Souls games but this is just not fun at all
I can no-hit Emma now, feeling pretty accomplished to be honest.
>super mash
nigga what?
that’s good to know, thanks.
deflect is the core of the game I don't think you're supposed to be using the prosthetic that much unless you want to
Same. Sword Saint 1st phase gets easy too once you know when to attack after parrying. I just run around and spam shadowrush for 2nd phase though.
3 Scythe guys who attack and move slow as fuck and one guy who throws out two whole attacks in a 10 second period?
Ninja Gaiden 2 was the best inbetween of giving the player power and giving the enemies the ability to fuck you up
rest in peace nigga, game was real good
lol default scrub ending
>try 120 of butterfly
>I feel like I've gotten so good, but not
>can parry almost everything she does, but get wrecked by one hit every time
I hate this game
I just beat that guy too, shit was fucking hard. How many deaths? I lost count
>all those moves require pause combos, directional inputs and specific timings and the "mash" one (million stab) has to be setup
There's a trick to that boss that I won't spoil.
nah i got the good ending, unless you meant the hidden owl bossfight one which i can't be fucked replaying for
tell me more
>a core gameplay loop is a series of repetitive actions
Wow no shit user, it's like every other game
>Ninja Gaiden 2 was the best inbetween
Yes that's what makes NG good but not what makes DMC good, when will NG fags learn that not every game has to be like it?
i have just beaten genichiro and im dead sure butterfly granny was meant to be fought after all of this.
Dude on the horse ? a pushover
flaming bull ? a joke
genichiro ? tought but fair
there is a clear difficulty curve and the whole granny level was much more tought than ashina castle
In Soulsborne you wait for situations where you can attack without any danger.
In this game every attack puts you in danger which is great imo.
I just played baba is you
>push-push-push rewind
deep gameplay
Its less about NG and more about the hipocracy of people hamming on Souls not being like Bayo/DMC when those games are about getting good at essentially destroying combo dummies in more intricate ways which Souls isn't. So not every action game needs to be like DMC either of basic enemies not remotely being a threat and even most bosses being a joke.
Thanks for the spoilers dickhead
>roll roll roll attack
>roll roll roll attack
>roll roll roll attack
>roll roll roll attack
Deep gameplay
to an hero like a cool guy
i hate hippocrates
I'm so close. I just got so fucking close but of course she darted behind a pillar, broke my lock-on, then combo'd me from the back while I was looking for her. Boom, dead instantly.
>Everyone complaining about butterfly or fucking chained ogre
>I'm over here getting my asshole reamed five sizes larger by Isshin Ashina phase 2
How can you all be that bad? You will never even see this boss.
>turns out dmc fags are the most cancerous after all
you gotta talk to the rejuvenated waters loli and give her a dried and fresh snake viscera you might also have to feed her persimmons, to unlock the ability to talk with her you gotta use her rice and ask for more like twice or so and all this has to be done before you fight the big dragon. if you mean about the owl fight it involves a lot of eavesdropping after you beat him and i got no clue how you go about it
you should be more careful about admitting you play action games on easy mode
you are supposed to keep attacking until your enemy parries you low iq retard or else enjoy getting guard broken. the animation/effect is different when the enemy parries instead of blocks, so its easy to tell when it happens.
>How can you all be that bad? You will never even see this boss.
i was getting shit on by butterfly too and I just beat Ishinn like an hour ago.
I have both sneks but apparently didn't eat enough rice to unlock anything more from loli and am before the final fight, am I fucked?
I think jump jump attack.
what game is this?:
>attack attack attack attack
>attack attack attack alternative attack
Sounds like the masterpiece Metal gear rising.
6'1'' vs 5'11''
>not 6'0"
imagine getting memes wrong
my sides i hope this is bait or you are legitimately a retard
if it's when ashina castle is burning and those red guys are invading yeh
Just run around the room until she dispels the illusions and the projectiles are gone. Other than that the second phase is almost identical.
>DMC is all about patience and precision. That's how you keep up the combo.
>urr durr me have to keep smashing those bottons me so good at video games
I enjoyed DS1 and DS3
I enjoyed BB more than I could imagine
And I'm here with Sekiro, a game I want and try to enjoy but I just can't.
Maybe it's because I'm tired and can't be precise on my inputs, but fuck, why are mini-bosses si fucking frustrating ?
Real bosses are actually enjoyable (Cavalryman was really cool) but the spear nigga and the other commanders are a pain.
lol i don't play dmc so i was replying on your comments to see if dmc is actually hard (which it most likely isn't since it doesn't have a reputation has hard unlike even dark souls), but you just completely lost me. dialing combos is one of the easiest things you can do in games.
maybe because it's not a fucking souls game
It gets better when you get used to fast choice rock-paper-scissor. Don't worry at first because choice reaction time depends the most on how used you're to the cues and to practice, unlike simple reaction time which takes long to improve. Also generally always try different approaches like more hit and run, and more offensive depending on the boss.
I'm pretty good at illusions. Again, every death pretty much is her breaking lock-on and comboing before
I can recover. I can't do it.
>try 125
Its because you couldnt get good enough for DS2, what did you expect?
its not rock paper scissors because you aren't guessing. its all testing your reactions and ability to identify/recognize your enemies animations.
>favorite game is easiest game
>most disliked game is hardest game
I'm aware of that, but they're pretty similar anyway.
I still want to enjoy it and I won't stop until I'll finish it, but it's hard.
I'm too passive and get overwhelmed by attacks.
I'll try being more aggressive.
Didn't even start it.
>Didn't even start it.
wew lad
DSP just compared this game to Street fighter 3 third strike... IDK what to think...
>still struggle with chained ogre
Does your posture go up if you successfully deflect?
>one combo away
>jumps out of lock, wrecks me with butterflies I couldn't see her spawn
>try 126
>he guesses in regular rock paper scissor
>he can't analyse opponent's patterns
>he can't react to and counter opponent's moves fast enough he doesn't even notice
Depends on the attack
If its a heavy attack then it goes up a bit, but you will do more posture damage to them
Mash the fucking attack button on her and just learn to parry her deflection attack. With some luck there won't even be any butterflies and she won't do anything but ground combo strings.
>tfw you think he is the final boss because of the tutorial
>game goes full japanese mythology after this fight
Good shit, From.
But also:
Not literally every game, user. Not even every video game.
>move mouse
>left click-left click-left click-left click-left click
"deep" "gameplay"
mashing the attack button will just get me killed
>again one combo away
>left parry finger hurts so much by this point I miss a parry
>it's all over
>try 127
buff yourself with every sugar you have and that stuff that reduces terror build up and make sure you have 2 confettis on you because it goes away pretty fast. Make sure you're wailing on the dude because you want to get through the fight as fast as possible and don't let him get away from you or else he's gonna use that aoe that doesn't let you dodge
She's an old grandma she can't keep up with your relentless offence. Come on, use more oxygen.
for the last time snoy boi movies aren't video games
more like
>mid-air parry
>lightning parry
>wreck boss
I killed that butterfly women and that blazing bull. That bull was easy. But madam buterfly , wtf was that, this just isnt for me. Have fun
come back later , the next boss , the guy on the horse is easy and you get shit to upgrade your damage to stamina and vitality
>being struck by lightning does less damage to you than a normal sword swing
well I'll be damned
I can't figure out the folding screen monkeys, am I a fucking brainlet?
>within one combo
>miss the dodge on the high kick
>survived like 4 fucking shadow rounds
>got her down to like 1/4 health because every time she would summon shadows like 2 hits form a posture break
>try 128
The game tells you if you jump when the lightning hits the ground you won't be hurt badly
the real damage kicks in if you touch the ground without releasing the electricity
We'll he's probably talking about the party
how much does confetti cost in the store?
only if you're struck in the air
I've been here too long, I'm not leaving
she doesn't need to keep up, she needs me to make like 1 mistake and it's all over
Just relax and stop panicking, pay attention to what she does. Her moveset will become like second nature to you. Don't get greedy trying to break posture, be patient and it'll come.
How well did it sell? Do you think it'll get a sequel?
well then , focus dealing as much vitality damage as you can and punish her sweeps with the ninja kick-in-the-face. shuriken her old ass as she jumps from the strings. you can do it
her moveset IS like second nature to me. I can read Yea Forums while parrying a combo at this point. I just can't win in the end. I don't have the endurance. I slip towards the very end every time. Except now, now I'm getting sloppy
>start missing the easy combos and zoning out
>fantasize about how I'm throwing this game in the trash as soon as she's dead
>get comboed to death round one
>try 129
You know you're tilting if you can no longer get past the first stage. Take a break.
Use the mibiki counter vs spear, makes it trivial.
All we know is it did good on Steam but who knows if people actually rage refunded the game desu.
>accidentally get stunlocked by the shades
>killed immediately halfway through stage 2
I can't take a break, I won't be able to relax at all until I beat it
>try 130
I'm talking about the Seven Spear Ashina who's on top of the pagoda where you rescued Kuro during the tutorial.
He does sweeps and normal attacks that build up 90% posture and take 80% life if he hits you.
Even the thrusts, it feels like he's the one winning after you do the mibiki.
got hit early with a kick, which means it's all over, let myself die
>try 131
Sometimes after Mikiri he will immediately do a slash. Deflecting that knocks him over.
>enemy goes on phase 2
>get a ranged attack
>it's almost impossible to see
Where is the gourd seed by the dilapidated temple?
How the fuck do I kill the shicimen warrior
it's sold at the temple after corrupted monk m8
did really well, but got pinned against a pillar by a shade toward the end and combo'd to death
>try 132
More like
>parry-parry-sidestep-attack-mikiri counter-deathblow
Do you need a certain prosthetic to damage the plate armor guy? Nothing I do does damage and I even got a deathblow on him and still nothing.
deathblow him when you're close to the bridge walls
you need confetti
There’s a free gourd sneed?
>perfect round 1
>got hit by a butterfly while takin' a sip round 2
>all over
>got hit early, no point going on
>round 134
>Game actively discourages experimentation
Fuck dragonrot.
>confetti your shit up
>pacify your shit up
>jump in
>sprint towards him and attack
>he jumps back
>sprint towards him and attack
>he jumps back
>does big double orb attack
>sprint sideways until orbs dissipate
>repeat until phase 2
>phase 2 starts
>repeat everything from phase 1
>he does kamehameha after disappearing
>use feathers tool to dodge all its damage
it doesn't do shit other than stopping questlines
When you cure them they'll never get sick again
>got real sloppy, missed a crit prompt
>combo'd down instantly
>round 135
>retarded dipshit doesnt know what he's talking about
dragonrot literally doesnt do anything relevant and you can remove it anytime you want
same as the headless, get confetti and cocaine
if you don't have enough it is optional, same as all headless
killing it gets you an item that I haven't actually tried yet but it sounds like it gives you the bloodborne mechanic of sacrificing health for bullets
>dark souls is child's play compared to any DMC game.
The difference is enemies in DMC literally don't fight back, they're nothing but punching bags there for the purpose of you to do stylish combos on, there's zero challenge or aggression from them.
I'd love a game that has enemies as aggressive and aids as Sekiro, but the depth and style of DMC. I have no idea how you would balance such a game though.
It truly is impossible to compared these games or shit on one while defending another since they are aiming for completely different things.
>Deep gameplay
Yep it ain't but people will tell you it feels that way. Rolling in Dark Souls may not be much better but its fun to watch and lends itself to allowing more than one strategy. This crap is boring to watch and boring to play. This game is overall a travesty.
>>When you cure them they'll never get sick again
Wtf I didn't know this. I was trying to "save" my cures for when more of them get sick.
>you get a unique combat art from the bad ending
>still sitting at computer angle
>didn't see her throw some knives
>round 136
Fucks, where is that tower miniboss in purple within the estate? I found him once and want to slap his shit but can't recall where I found him, and I feel like I can beat his ass in one go now
>they'll never get sick again
I've had the merchant that moves outside the temple get sick twice
I don't think he has a questline so it doesn't matter but it could mean more important ones could get sick
This would all be over if you just took a break to recuperate and rest instead of slamming your head at it over and over.
>I can't experiment without dying so much that the world gets aids
git gud
are you sure it was him?I've cured him very early ingame,he never got sick again
unless you're talking about the guys in the tents,they're different entities
what combat art?
if you had enemies that fought back in dmc at the actual rate that a player can whip out attacks, 80% of the people playing the game would never beat it out of sheer difficulty
but i would still love to see a game like that
Finally felt like I was getting better considering most bosses since butterfly took me maybe 3 tries and genichiro took maybe 5 or so but this fucking ape is destroying me
One Mind
They have 1 (ONE) unblockable melee move, and it's a very obvious sweep.
Nioh has more variety in attacks in one of three stances with one of 5 weapons (base game) than Sekiro has in its entirety
Literally just dialing combos
Sekiro at least requires some brain power to play rofl!
I'm calling BS on this particular round
>does some weird clip kick I've never seen before
>gets me through a block
>puts me down for the count while the butterflies come
This will be over when I beat her. This whole game will be over, I'm done after this, fuck it. I don't want to spend any more evenings like this.
Yeah exactly, that's why I think it's stupid to compare the games and I have no idea how you'd balance that
I've never played Ninja Gaiden but I've heard it's sort of like what you have described, can anyone confirm?
>enemies in DMC literally don't fight back
"I have never played DMD"
fuck for real? I farmed those samurai niggers for hours AAAAAH
Not sure what From intended but you can pop a blue sugar and spam the axe for an easy kill.
Aren't you grateful they didn't soil the franchise?
>B-but the game mechanic was minimized to the point that it doesn't affect the game whatsoever!
Why have it, then?
The bad ending is extremely obvious when you get there
maybe you should play the game instead of talking shit
as far as i can tell the closest thing you have would be blade & soul's pvp
heres some nerds fighting
Playing on one monitor, monitoring thread on another.
Nice comeback, btw.
How many hours can I get out of the game?
I noticed sometimes when I kill enemies a red glow happens instead of a white one. What does this mean?
well then finish it and get your answer
>literally one combo away
>get speared by an off-screen shadow
>all over
>round 138
>tfw having trouble with the combat for the first 10 hours
>finally clicks with butterfly lady
>get to genichirou
>having the most fun I've ever had in a "souls" game
I wish it hadn't taken this long to figure it out but oh god it's glorious
What's that Y thing that appears sometimes over a boss's head? happened during the horse rider faggot boss fight a few times.
As long as it takes to install it
Grapple prompt
It's a bad mechanic, I don't need to beat the game to see that.
Hell Antenora says hi user, maybe get past human.
not that user and this is weak bait but i'll bite. how do you expect to make a comparison between a game that is about beating stuff up however you want and a game that is about having correct reactions to situations? your video only shows someone using an extremely limited moveset on 1 (out of the 2 available) characters in dmc4.
ill admit the only satisfying thing so far is landing perfect parries and hearing that heavy "BONK" sound
Where will the sequel take place? West was mentioned. Do they mean Europe or China? (Journey to the West with all the monkey imagery)
ok i believe you.
so like an hour
I thought sweeps were unblockables as well? I could parry thrusts easy enough, but sweeps always made me eat shit.
18-25 on a blind run. Depends on how fast the combat clicks with you
>perfect halfway through round 2
>try and sip after taking a poke from a shadow
>all over
>round 139
More like
>having trouble with the combat for the first 10 hours
>finally clicks with butterfly lady
>game becomes REALLY easy
>new skills feel unneeded
>prosthetic tools are unnecessary and only distract
>more gourd seeds and dragon droplets than I could ever need
It's too easy guys.
Well user, if the cotton candy confetti didn't help, it must not be a ghost. If it isn't a ghost, what else could it be, and do you have any items that could help against what-it-might-be?
I'll wait til it goes on sale then
Maybe it just hasn't clicked yet, but I find it kinda hard to see if I parried correctly. Especially when fighting multiple enemies at once and things are getting frantic. I'm only at the beginning of the game yet, so I'm not too worried. Does the game explain those bars that fill up from the middle outwards when fighting? I don't really understand them yet, but maybe I just missed the explenation.
Why does the MC have a little tiny pinhead
goddamit i'm fucked then
how do you get the bad end?
>got hit early in round 2 by a ho
>no point in resurrecting, it's over from there
>round 140
>missed the crit prompt opener
>let her kill me
>try 141
>DMD doesn't exist
owl is so broken lol. i just let him build posture on me, dodge the stomp and then hit him once. bye dad you were a retard.
Sword Saint is coming.
Still waiting for the combat to click with me in this game as I'm dying a lot. I'll give the parry button spam a try to at least get me along. My problem is dying before learning much about how the enemy attacks and trying to look out for the sweep/grab/thrust stuff which I just tend to overthink and end up doing nothing.
I do fine with the tutorial guy, but I wished they made him more extensive because dying just gets frustrating after a while. And when you win, I just don't feel good about it.
>Run into those oogabooga fucks for the first time
>Deal zero damage to them, constant bullshit terror orbs and laser beams everywhere, instantdeath all over the place
>"Whoa this guy must be pretty hard, I'll come back later"
>Come back later with confetti
>The entire fight is just running up to his face and stunlocking him with R1 spam
>just jumped vertically and it broke my lock-on somehow
>made me miss the crit
>try 142
Play bayonetta with dodge offset.
The bar is posture. Fill it up against an enemy to take a life from them, if it fills up against wolf, he will be stunned and completely open to attack.
Perfect parries have an effect that feels like it stops the game for a second, the clang or splash effect is huge and it can cause enemies to fall back, this does a ton of posture damage.
wait, is this supposed to be impressive?
I beat the butterfly lady then she came back so I used the seed thing but then died. Do I have to find another one or something?
This game is shite. it's attracted all of the toxic Dark Souls community
I see. I'll have to git gud at figuring out when to press right click during their attack animations. Thanks.
lol if a community wasnt toxic and everyone was just friendly to eachother you'd call it reddit: the game.
>jumped out of my lock and reset camera
>wrecked from behind
>try 143
That's the best kind of boss. And don't pretend Gwyn wasn't a fucking joke if you knew how to parry.
I love the sword saint, he's the best.
Side with Owl, don't break the Iron Code
You get a unique boss fight I am pretty sure you can't get otherwise which is against Emma and then the normal boss fight against Isshin
Why do people hate the visuals of swords blocking and deflecting so much? Would the game be more enjoyable to watch and realistic if blocking and deflecting was not in the game at all? As in the swords just go phase through each other?
>got hit early
>let her kill me, no point in trying if i get hit in first round
>try 144
yes, but souls and dmc faggots are the worst among all
How is the boss variety? All of these humanoid enemies with weapons look pretty repetitive to be honest.
Can't parry sweeps either.
well fuck me i'm really far from the last bossfight
fucking Master Isshin is assraping me
is it the same bossfight on bad end?
Guild Wars 2 is reddit: the game
>>reset boss
Its a similar boss fight, but against the old man Isshin instead of the Isshin Sword Saint fully revived badass
This game has the best bad end of the FROM catalog
What's the point of grappling chained ogre?
Ghosts, giant zombie straight out if Bloodborne, large alcoholics, headless zombies in slow motion
The best fight in any action game is against equally powerful humans and yes there are a lot of them
You guys are just too retarded and proud to learn from your mistakes. The game is fine.
Run and hide like a pussy and he'll stop caring
>The best fight in any action game is against equally powerful humans and yes there are a lot of them
I tried fire, because that's what works for like 75% of the minibosses, and I tried poison because the loading screen told me women don't like poison but neither did much. All that leaves is axe and spear and neither seem like they'll be worth it. Subweapons honestly seem pretty shit outside of like firecrackers on beasts or shuriken on dogs.
I can think of like a thousand games you could be describing from almost 3 decades. You're gonna have to be a little more specific, I'm afraid.
Not an action game, brainlet.
There was one more enemy type that was vulnerable to a specific item, was there not? Something green and snappy?
>try 144
>make mistakes, get hit by a ho or two
>get wrecked by butterflies early
>that anger kicks in
>wreck her shit
>overwhelm her to the finishing blow figuring she'll pull one hit out and it'll be over like usual
>kill the bitch
>almost miss the killing blow bc I've never seen that final boss finisher before
fuck this game, I'm done now
...The fuck? What is Bloodborne if not an action game?
No, that's a tie between New Vegas and Dark Souls.
Why don't you just progress through the rest of the game, brainlet? Butterfly is a mid game boss.
>Mid game
Butterfly is literally the second boss most people fight.
Bloodborne is absolutely an action game you dipshit.
DMC3 Vergil > orphan
>The best fight in any action game is against equally powerful humans and yes there are a lot of them
Brainlet tier, the best fight in any action game is a proper enemy setup that tests players skill to the max. 2vs1 is always objectively better than 1vs1.
this whole affair put a bad taste in my mouth. Being able to parry pretty much everything a boss does but getting wrecked over and over again by them being able to just jump out of camera is not a fun experience.
Plus parrying over and over is boring. I'm over it. I just did it for hours, I'm not particularly looking forward to more of it.
ok what the fuck is the trick to the 2nd monk fight because i hate this bitch
Azel > Vergil
You can get stealth deathblows if you try real hard enough.
it was my first, I hear most people have upgrades going in. Probably would have saved me 2 hours having just one upgrade to any of my stats, but once I was there I didn't feel like leaving.
2vs1 is begging for bullshit that doesn't test skill so much as luck. Just look at most of Dark Souls 2's bosses for examples.
But butterfly is so easy, what the hell dude? Literally just shuriken her when she's jumping for like 1/5ths of her hp bar each time.
Most people will fight her and then instead of throwing themselves at it like a smoothbrain they'll progress past the other 100 easier bosses.
Not him, but that doesn't work so well when her jump takes off your lock.
Yeah but isn't it more fun to die a hundred times and then whine about it instead of coming back in a hour or two and doing it just fine and dandy?
ran out of shurikens long ago, didn't feel like grinding for more
just wanted to see it over with, like a bad chore.
Mating press on this qt of course
there's a way to get a stealth blow if you jump around the branches
Works for me dude.
Got yourself to blame for that, then.
>tfw deflecting shit finally clicks and you kick granny's ass
Defend this.
wait till you get to ukyo
But that's good?
That's pretty standard, honestly, especially in a game where your main defense is supposed to be blocking/deflecting instead of running in circles.
>Plus parrying over and over is boring. I'm over it. I just did it for hours, I'm not particularly looking forward to more of it.
Why? Seeing yourself improve from getting owned by Lady Butterfly is the best part
why do action games always try to shoehorn parry mechanics?
I bet that felt real good.
It was exciting in Dark Souls 1 way back when, Dark Souls 3 had a few bosses with the same sensation
I'm just not getting the satisfaction in Sekiro like I used to. Probably more me being over it than the game, but now I just don't feel like the payoff is worth the grind investment anymore.
>Game is fast to the point where you can get behind in the enemy in a fucking quarter of a second
>durr why do attacks have tracking?
This isn't Dark Souls, stop treating it like Dark Souls
Name three (3) action games that do this.
god damn
pause the game and look through the see-through thingies at his frozen animation and take my time making a decision.
only true patricians play sekiro turn based.
>I have never played any action game in my life
Sorry user but you're retarded and should try witch trails 5 against 3 Jeannes sometime. It beats any dark souls boss hands down. And honestly if dark souls is your high bar for action games I feel sorry for you.
>boss goes in seppuku pose
>"Lone Shadow"
>He has an add
fuck you too guy
Bayonetta, Soulseborne, DMC.
psst... you can mind control it
>Not puppeting the add
Tsk dude.
>Action games
I literally just called Dark Souls 2 a low bar, what the fuck made you think it was my high bar?
Define 'action game', then.
why did they make the shota prince so cute? its distracting
>yfw your third eye opens and you finally understand the combat
A game solely focused on combat with deep combat mechanics (God Hand, DMC, NG, etc.)
Rice loli is cuter
>tfw you walk in on her snoring
Emma is cuter, t b h.
What I'm saying is that souls games aren't action games as they are entry level dungeon crawlers with limiting combat. If you honestly think going against two enemies comes down to luck you have never played a true action game to begin with.
Is every combat art but nightjar a trap option? I've tried whirlwind, ichimonji and the senpo one and they all seem awful compared to nightjar's amazing mobility.
Probably the best feeling I've had in this game besides accidentally stumbling into Genichiro's boss room with 3 gourd and beating him on the first try
I finished the game but i suspect i got a shitty ending. Whats in ng+? I dont want to start shit before knowing that.
Trying to kill Raging Bull then going back to kill Butterfly-dono, just need mo' heals
She's aggressive as fuck, even when your die she aggros your lifeless body
You did beat him, right, Yea Forums?
Vulgar gajin.
Almost beat him first try, but eventually got whittled down by his aoe, ran out of healing items, and died trying to jump over a low slash that I guess doesn't count as a sweep. Taking a break to let my hands rest before trying again.
Do not bully Emma.
My ass you did.
Holy shit, how do I beat that headless fat fuck? I haven't even managed to land a deathblow on his stupid fucking ass once. Is there somewhere I can buy divine confetti?
Except you can still combo enemies to oblivion in the air even when they DT. Its not hard to stagger enemies. Once you memorize some button combinations DMC becomes brain dead easy.
i went the whole game with it and found nothing better, the reversal nightjar is a bit tough to pull off in bossfights though
Is this game as non-linear as the first Dark Souls or was that a lie?
>Dark Souls
I can semi-prove it but shadowplay only went back 5 minutes
FFUUUUUUARRK i'm about to fucking kill myself with this seven spear ashina niggers fucking sweeps and me not being able to tell the difference and get fucked anyways if i try mikiri or jumping, on top of that also playing w/keyboard and mouse with the most fucked keybindings HELP ME FUCK
Then you can't prove it, but I'll believe you anyway because I can't think of a reason you'd lie anonymously.
How did you do it, though? Did he just never grab you? And you mentioned '3 gourd', how many should I have at this point?
You can't deflect mace
He is very easy if you are aggressive. His deflect attack is laughable, so stick to him and whack him with a sword.
Damn dude, even DSP just beat him.
>every encounter in DMC is like a combo video where you are attacked by one enemy at a time
>I am a huge retard who doesn't understand why combos are in the game
>I cannot do pic related but surely it requires no skill, just like piano it is just memorizing keys.
Lust on DMD says high, try actually playing games user.
Is he gonna make it?
That webm i posted is literally my gameplay rofl.
>interview from 2014 two whole years before they made the game manual
>no odachi
shit game
Based and Barrypilled.
Currently with 77 at butterfly, I think he'll get her before 80 though.
He might make it, but it's going to take a lot of effort on his part.
the problem with DMC is close to 99% of everything you listed is completely unnecessary
i'm trying fren, gotta git gud and learn his attack patterns and timings first by dying a fucking million times because i'm completely inept at predicting moves that aren't even slightly telegraphed
Lol yeah you convinced me, and knowing how to star rave into jc is just mindless. That's what learning how to do things is...mindless....
For FUCKS sake BARRY you have literally no reason to post in this thread so please don't start shitposting in Sekiro threads as well.
Please, people don't even care about FF here.
barry finally got his wish for an autistic fanbase war
DMC and Sekiro focus on completely different things stop being faggots they're both good
'with 77'?
Any tips for Demon of Hatred?
>completely unnecessary
Not if you want good ranks.
why do you even compare DMC to souls? it's not the same gameplay, you can just keep attacking without any risk in DMC
What's the best way to deal with the crescent staff fuckers in the temple?
in DMC 3 enemies drop too fast for regular star raves. So its star rave,jc, E&I shot, and then rave. Takes like 20 mins to learn so it is brainless compared to sekiro which takes multiple playthroughs to be good.
Sekiro is just a slightly better MGR with more intricate stealth mechanics. Prove me wrong.
77 overall deaths.
Actually he JUST got her.
About time with all those upgrades.
What do I do with Pellets?
enemies in DT'ed state in dmc 3*
But they're completely different types of games.
sekiro plays like ffxv episode gladio but with a stealth mechanic added
play nioh youtube.com
The guys with the straw hats and the double sickle staffs? If you can hit them with a shuriken when they jump up to do a dive attack it hits their posture up by like 50% and their regain is slow as shit.
How do you know how many deaths he has?
>beat genichiro in two tries (not kidding)
>both snake eyes were impossible for me to beat normally, skipped the first, cheesed the second
>guardian ape headless form absolutely kicking my shit in
At least this Hidden Forest area seems interesting.
more like
>parry-parry wait parry-parry wait parry-parry-parry-parry wait mikiri counter
Shut the fuck up retard, why don't you go after this autist spouting lies instead
also I've been playing sekiro on PC and while it's good it's basically wait for red blinky to deathblow majority of the time
He has a death counter on his stream.
I'm literally opposite of you
1-2 tried all of that but genichiro pushed my shit in
Because no one fucking cares about Final fantasy.
There's like 0 crossover here dude, use your brain.
What was your strategy against Snake Ladies? And have you done Guardian Ape yet? Any advice beside firecrackers?
Too bad the game was trash and Sekiro blows it the fuck out.
Cry about it
Yes, after you reach Fountainhead Palace. It's fairly far into the game, so just put all ghost shitters on the backburner until then.
But fucking how, the Snake is literally an easier Dragon God.
...And how did you skip the first?
Resurrecting is your chance to go back to the totem and heal to avoid dragonrot, or your last chance to risk it all for that little damage left on the boss.
>>guardian ape headless form absolutely kicking my shit in
It's one of the few bosses where you just chill and parry what he throws at you
>Takes like 20 mins to learn so it is brainless compared to sekiro which takes multiple playthroughs to be good.
>Sekiro Mechanics
>Hard to master
Top kek good bait.
Nigger you can play the entirety of ds3 just mashing attack with a longsword.
I think I was overleveled for it (7 gourd maximum), I had no idea you could get up there and moved on from the castle to just about every other zone in the game before returning
I did get a lightning parry in though, here's a video of my fight: files.catbox.moe
If you've just started try and bind your stuff like this
>Change item: left and right arrows
>Use prosthetic: X
>Change prosthetic: Z
>Crouch: C
>Lock on: Q
There's a grapple point up and to the left of the platform in the crevasse where you fight her. You can access it immediately and just bypass the fight.
Why falseflagger trying so hard to get Sekiro vs DMC?
Everyone and their mother know dmc is about rekting up style point for fun, other than that it's easy as fuck.
They really aren't, zandatsus and executions work pretty much hand and hand with the posture system and they both have shallow stealth mechanics to trivialize enemy encounters. Sekiro is just slightly better than mgr in that regard and Nioh is still a better game in terms of combat.
Dude you get dragonrot from hard dying, resurrection doesn't affect it.
...Where the fuck else is there to go? The only places I can find all require confetti, and I only have three of that.
Oh so you're a fucking retard
If no one cared then why bring it up just to shitpost to begin with you retarded cunt
No, Centipedes is chilling and parrying what he throws at you. Ape leaps around, tries to grab you, tries to body slam you, and in the second form tries to terrorize you to death. There's way more going on there than just parrying.
should I give a fuck about dragonrot?
just plain deflect and counter for snake eyes
for ape I used the upgraded flame vent for instant burn
...That's what he's talking about, you resurrect then go back and heal to avoid hard dying and dragonrot.
And I didn't believe when they said that Barry is the dumbest motherfucker in the board.
>He can't be that bad
But here he is.