Now that Evil Dead is being added, what other franchises should they add? Should they start adding more shit from other horror games?
Now that Evil Dead is being added, what other franchises should they add...
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They should stick to original content. The Plague is fucking fun as hell.
whats being added from evil dead?
Ash is being added, his perks got added early on the console versions
Nah they should add Jacket.
Original Content and a fixed ranking system/rank rewards. I have never seen a game like this one, nor one that tries to artificially steer how you play through a completely arbitrary ranking system not based on the goals of the game. It's so fucking bazaar and I have never seen something like in my 30 years of gaming.
Adding to that, New maps/revamped old maps. They fixed the swamp maps, why can't they do that with the other maps?
What maps do you think are in need of fixing? I know they've been messing with some of the earlier maps in the recent updates.
Maybe would work, what map though? There aren't that many creepy maps from HM1. Unless you just had a street like level like MM level and made all the building creepy/abandoned.
Actually, you could make it bombed out Miami from the ending of HM2 now that I think about it.
>It's so fucking bazaar
It could be like Bill and he just doesn't come with a a map.
it will probably never happen, i just like when games add jacket
First off, put some effort in and add new tiles. Shit like the plague in the red forest is unacceptable. It is so fucking lazy that it makes me angry. It's not that hard to add some sand and some rocky walls.
Second, circle maps need to go, they suck for both killers and survivors. By circle maps I am referring to maps that are literally just the tile set with no features except the killer shack.
You mean like Leather face? Are you implying that he would be a survivor? lmao
I prefer original creations. Fuck leatherfuckface and michaelgaymanmyers and oogaboogamanfreddy
I hope Ash is a killer, he was legit creepy when he was faking being mind controlled by the demon in Season 2.
He could be anything, I am just assuming he'd be a survivor because Ash is going to be one.
People were saying that The Plague probably got a Red Forest map because they didn't want to flood the blood web with too many map add ons.
Original content is cool but licensed stuff is way more interesting imo.
The next licensed killers should be Pinhead, Leprechaun and Chucky
There is no way they’re making the most iconic horror movie hero a killer. That would be incredibly stupid
Yea...that's the reason, riiight....
Does anyone else experience lower FPS since 2.6.0 hit? I get 47-48 frames in lobby when I used to have 60. Similar thing during gameplay except it can drop down to 15-20 frames when the killer attempts to hit someone.
gay, gay, and even more gay. queer fucking taste there my lad
He has Survivor perks and there's no Killer stuff, so it's extremely unlikely.
They should fix their fucking game first, have not played it for about 6 months now because they prefer shitting out content instead of keeping it balanced
they should make the rape tree a killer
Anyone who thinks Ash would be a Killer is a moron
He's gotta use the chainsaw somehow, but seems much more likely.
epic my dude. Maybe explain why instead of acting like a retard
I still want Ghostface
Faggot, Chucky is based.
It’s really, really tough to try and balance an asymmetrical multiplayer game with as much variables as Dead by Daylight to try and make it more “competetive”
Evil Ash exists, if they wanted to they could probably have him as a killer and then have good Ash as a survivor.
so how are his perks gonna screw me over as a freddy main?
>It’s really, really tough to try and balance an asymmetrical multiplayer game
It doesn't take a genius to balance killers, or remove the RNG that allows infinites, or pallet heaven, or ebony moris and purple toolboxes every bloodweb etc. etc. etc. I mean they nerfed Freddy a mid tier killer at best in to near unplayable. Yet Nurse and Billy are still OP. Fuck me DS took 2 1/2 years to finally change. And these are all easy competent fixes.
Toxie, Jacket, and Brundlefly would be nice.
>Yet Nurse and Billy are still OP
I find it hilarious they thought Hag needed 110% movement speed due to her map pressure yet skillbilly gets 115% with more map pressure and an instadown. it shows how fucking retarded they are. They change whatever they want and that's their idea of balance.
Should add the 2016 presidential election
Special power is to transport everyone into an alternate timeline where being offended is a viable career choice.
I actually didn’t know that. Never heard of Ash but i googled him and he was a protagonist human
Sure, Behavior Interactive are just incompetent to some degree
>Never heard of Ash
Damn, now I feel old.
You should watch the movies, they're great. You also get to see Raimi and Campbell grow between each film.
They definitely aren't the best at the actual development, but they definitely have good ideas
>Latest Killer sounds cool
>Has some neat/good Perks (Terror Radius transfer to Obsession is situational at best)
>Okay, so let's make her VOMIT on survivors, yeah?
>And everything else too!
>Cool.. cool
>And for the next 30 seconds or so anything she vomits on is Infected (except Survivors)
>Survivors become Infected, which doesn't actually do anything except make them vomit (which is barely louder than moans of pain) at first
>After 2 years or multiple successive vomits, they become Broken and can be instantly downed
>Except on any map that has more than 0 cover, you're never going to hit them with multiple vomits unless you get right on their ass and do a mini vomit at which point it's faster to just slap them
>Also, Survivors cannot be healed of Infection except by drinking from one of the 5 Wells placed randomly around the map, which is also a full heal
>When they drink from it, it becomes unusable by Survivors and you can now drink from it to make your vomit hurt Survivors instead of infecting them.. for like a minute, but it makes the fountain usable again
>So logically, you should be able to have a gridlock of perma-broken Survivors if they use all 5 fountains and you don't use any.. right?
>NOPE, let's just make Fountains a get-out-of-jail free card, if they drink from all 5, all 5 are instantly cleansed and can be drank from again
>So the only way to deal with this is to not vomit on Survivors in later game stages so that they can't get free full heals from fountains
>But hey, 115~
>Also ultra rare add-ons are shit
Vomit girl is overly-complicated for no good reason, honestly. I'd say on par with Legion overall. Enjoyable when you aren't focused down, but utterly miserable when you are.
>Never heard of Ash
How is that even possible?
I wonder if its public domain. It would spare them going with the 85 movie license.
>Never heard of Ash
Something went wrong in your life, user. How do you even like DbD and not know Ash? He's a horror icon character.
some public domain horror killers would be pretty cool
I’m 26 years old but I was never big on movies. Could rarely sit through one
I dont like dbd and how its balamced. Its never any really fun new gimmicks with new characters, its always just tweaking some numbers or revealing this person or that.
IV is a similar game but they manage to make things more fun even if its not balanced.
>Driller killer is public domain
what is iv
I'd probably be more interested in DBD if its original killers were all archetypes and classic monsters, like Dracula,Frankenstein's Monster, a mummy, etc. I can't see myself buying a game just because Ash and Freddy are playable in it, but if it was more like a Monster Mash I'd probably be into it.
>It's so fucking bazaar
killers should not be guaranteed a 4k just by getting put on gideon's meat plant
>It's so fucking bazaar
he should be a killer
Then limit the amount of map items that go into the web generation. It’s simple on paper but I know those dumbasses will fuck it up and make it so you get no perks anymore or something.
the game has actually been running much better for me since the update. i remember when the lighting/engine update (2.0 i think? don't remember) hit, my high-end rig was barely keeping 60 fps, got extremely hot and my fans were getting raped. that kept up til this patch, now i'm running much better this patch. optimization seems to be hit and miss with BHVR.
>I know those dumbasses will fuck it up and make it so you get no perks anymore or something.
something relating to this is why we don't get ultra rare T3 perks anymore.
But then maybe the old maps would become too rare or something I dunno
Hello fellow killerfags, just another few weeks until we get Springtraps announcement.
I unironically think Springtrap would be cool, but I'm nervous about the autism the fanbase would bring.
Adding more maps does decrease the probability but it does not bump out maps from the rotation. This isn't Siege or other games that have that feature. The worst case if you constantly roll the same god damn map every time like with the swamp or that damn farm variation.
My view as well. It would be a genuinely interesting addition, but the autism...
Granted, I think the autism around FNAF has actually died down a bit. Maybe it wouldn't be that bad.
I know the devs actually talked about possibly doing a collab with FNAF before, so maybe it will happen. Just hope the autism isn't overwhelming.
Groovy and based
Dubs guy is next
There should be a balance between original and licensed
Evil dead is a horrible idea. What fucking killer do get? Ash is just an overpowered survivor. Why couldn't they add an actual killer like the hellraiser or the candyman?
no killer perks were leaked, so people think it might just be a paragraph like Bill and Leatherface
how the fuck would a chainsaw arm guy work as a survivor????
By breaking the game and running everything that is fun about it.
the entity magics back Ash's arm in order to nerf him
people think he's gonna have the bionic arm from the tv show
The deadite 'god' could trivially be used to form a textbook example of how a Chaotic Evil deity interacts with it's champion or even how it would find said champion at all. How would any CE entity treat it's favored champion? Not with hugs and kisses. An insane deity would probably not tell it's champion that it is the champion at all. Send things to 'try to kill' the champion purely as a sign of affection. It's not a hit squad of demons! It's playtime with your favorite boy! Wherever the champion goes, destruction follows. Their own involvement looking as if they are fighting Evil yet only making the situation worse at every turn due to how they operate and their fractured sanity. The champion is the villain and no one is even aware. Not even himself.
It's hard to say exactly when, but there's a clear crossing point where Ash became Evil's favorite boy.
>Ash and the Deadites share a moment of mutual understanding
Proceeding this, having cut off his hand, survived against the odds against that which can simply posses and kill him at will, and taken part in a recreation of a Tom and Jerry skit.