Can we get an old gamers thread?
>stopped playing CS in 2010
>feel nostalgic and download it again
>everyone sounds young
>speak on the mic
>mention I'm 35
>everyone makes fun of me for being old
Can we get an old gamers thread?
>stopped playing CS in 2010
>feel nostalgic and download it again
>everyone sounds young
>speak on the mic
>mention I'm 35
>everyone makes fun of me for being old
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck off grandpa
I don't understand why Yea Forums pretends to hate new and popular vidya. I understand my grandparents hating new fashion and music since they're so old, but most of Yea Forums is 15-25 years old and still pretending their some 70 year old grandpa yelling at clouds
Old people don't actually hate new stuff, it's the zoomers trying to pretend they're old who hate new stuff to fit in
>tfw friends having kids and no more time for games
>tfw games dont have the same spirit as everything you're nostalgic for
>tfw some of your favorite styles of games cant even be made anymore because of %currentyear%
Time to gamedev them yourself!
If you have carpal tunnel, rsi, etc, you fucked up at some point. I have played video games and used computers probably 100x more than anyone I know and my hands are perfectly fine
>mfw you all are no longer the target demographic
deal with it gramps.
My dad is really into playing classic tomb raider games and ARPGs (has over 60 years old)
>tfw friends having kids
This is the worst part of getting older to be honest. All your friends are suddenly unavailable because their wives and children hoard 99% of their attention
they have trash genetics
ive played high apm games (rhythm games) for more than 10 years and never had anything to my hands
Most videogames that are worth playing are mature only
this 'fit in', groupthink, "what do my peers think of me when I use their language and phrases" alike have destroyed this place beyond repair. Fucking hell.
We still are though. Only zoomer games are battle royals and lootbox looters, I don't want to be a target demographic for that shit
>all my friends slowly start to get married
>they mostly drop off after getting married
>just me and my one other friend are single and hang out
>he gets married a few months ago
>goes silent
>haven't hung out with anyone since the wedding
>just go to work and come back home
fuck i miss classic rts games but they are kinda rare now (everyone jumping on the holed ship of mobas)
You dont even have to be old for this, many idiots having children at 20s or earlier
having kids is not so bad
the ideal family for a gamer is a gamer wife and kids that you can teach how to play games so they later come here to talk trash about the new stuff
>work a good job, finally able to afford as many video games as I want.
>finally get free time to play
>game starts
>immediately start feeling tired from the drain of work and social life
>put on Hulu instead
>tfw 27 and quickly approaching 30s
>tfw still just a manchild with nothing to do except play video games
If gaming addiction is actually a thing, I probably have it
>Wanting kids
Give me literally one good reason to throw a large portion of my time and money down the drain
stop eating so many burgers and working on the coal mines, you nigger faggot
>tfw 27 year old manchild
My brother
play mario party or call of duty games with them, gets really funny
>never had any friends
>things stay pretty much the same
>just go to work and come home
>compulsively buy about 3-4 games a month
>don't play them because my backlog is so huge and I don't have time to play every game because of my 9-5
>pretty much cut out online multiplayer games completely because none of my friends play games anymore
>can only play for a couple hours a day at most due to my fucked up back
>too tired to play heavily on the weekends because I want to catch up on sleep and anime
>can't even drink while playing anymore because of gout
it is starting to get recognized by the medical world as an addiction yeah
go get help
Just get high and do it with your friends, that doesnt cost hundreds of thousands of dollars.
I have 2 65 year old pals on RDR2 online, old people are eating that game up
Have you considered that they may genuinely hate it because it's actually terrible?
>go back to play TF2
>ready to drop some nerds as sniper
>can't hit headshots anymore
>switch to scout
>can't hit meatshots and doublejump mccrazylegs simultaneously
>switch to soldier
>can't use the direct hit for shit either
>have to use the stocket launcher like a casual
My backlog used to be huge, then I dedicated a whole year and a half to play those games, but then i remembered more games i want to play when i saw a steam sale and now is starting to go back grow again
the ride never ends
>develop sharp stabbing pain in left side of abdomen/stomach that stops me from sleeping sometimes
I always thought looking up random symptoms on the internet and getting cancer as a result was just a meme until now. I sure hope my pancreas is ok.
Why? No one cares if your genes die with you. No one is here to change your mind.
>not having a daughter and watching her grow up to be a turboslut
You're missing out
I never was.
>tfw when there are people who grew watching black and white tv that enjoy today's videogames
how do you cope with knowing you're going to spend the rest of your life at work
>everyone makes fun of me for being old
Things that never happened.
By drawing fat tits. I think its a cool job.
better check that out fast
pancreas cancer is one of the most lethal types of cancer
i noticed i cant track for shit anymore either, so you're not alone
Find something that actually gives you a purpose in life, like a family or something you're really passionate about. Don't let work consume you
there's probably even people who fought the ww2 who play call of duty
Seeing Early Zoomers nostalgic for the Late 00s-Early 10s, saying things like "Back in my day we had Minecraft and icarly, not Jake Paul and Fortnite", "2008-2014 was the golden age of music", "Chowder and Flapjack were the golden age of Cartoon network".
I remember that just a few years ago, that Late 00s-Early 10s stuff was widely considered the downfall into shit era.
>too terrified of the fact that I've accomplished nothing to put more than an hour into a game before alt + f4ing in disgust
I hate myself.
>chatting with another player
>asks how old I am
>lie that I'm 18
>actually 26yo boomer
literally me 2 years ago, now I'm 3 days short of becoming 30.
Even tho I have a job and I managed to get a professional title while working I still feel like a manchild that only enjoys playing games.
>pure genre games are dead
>everything has to have RPG elements, tacked on stealth, 50 hours of cut scenes and some kind of multiplayer bullshit
>tfw lose mouse cursor pretty often when playing RTS or top down games now
By having a job I enjoy so much that it doesn't feel like a job. If you dedicate your entire life to blue collar 9-5 office jobs, of course you'll feel drained and angry with life.
the downfall to the shit era is anything that comes around 20 to 30 years after your birth
and it has been like this since mankinds birth
but the only things that give me joy are watching movies, playing games and making models
Man, iCarly didn't age well at all, right now even your grandma can have a streaming show if she feels like it.
>everyone makes fun of me for being old
I've never had this happen. The closest I've had was an allegedly 20 year old girl saying "Wow, that's oooold!" when I told her I was 28.
I don't care that you're a boomer but I do care that you're a huge faggot.
I'm on track to retire at 32 if I want to. Stay in school, kids. Not that I have anything I enjoy in life to retire to.
It hurts so much, user. I never should have tried to quit vidya. I slipped back and I'll never be good again. This was my thing. It was all I was good at.
Same, I'm a "professional" but I have to lie about what I did every weekend and generally make shit up so I'm not an embarrassing mess to my coworkers. I just work and play games
>most of Yea Forums is 15-25 years old
there are people that actually pay you for reviewing games
just write all the shit you write here in an article and earn money with it
>know lot of married people with kids because of works
>all they ever talk about is their kids and/or money issues
>also most of them are split/divorced or in their second or third marriage
single for life bro
>RPG elements
I fucking hate this, developers just tacking on pseudo-progression because brainlets like seeing shiny numbers go up while actual good gameplay mechanics suffer.
I like what I like and don't like what I don't like. Which means I like and don't like games from various time periods. I think a lot of modern practices are fucking shit and I miss the earlier days when you didn't have DLC cancer and other microtransactions and season passes and political correctness ruining games, but there's some good shit out there nowadays too.
>eye strain
Turn down screen brightness or turn up room brightness
>carpal tunnel
>lumbar support
Go to the gym and get a proper, not shitty setup and posture
>general confusion
What kind of retarded PC gamer doesn't know how to use Google?
I work from home, doesn't bother me in the slightest.
You have to find work that is fulfilling
because i have no friends or GF and videogames are a pretty cheap hobby i got lots of money saved up without even trying so probably early retirement somewhere with good internet
The 90s were peak for most forms of art and entertainment.
Technology improved a lot since then but the quality of the things we consume downgraded fast.
I remember in 2007 we all knew videogames were going to shit, today's Yea Forums is witness that we were right.
I like minor RPG elements. Like leveling up your commander unit across missions in RTS games.
It’s ok, bruh. Plenty of tops will take a 26 yo bottom.
I hate this. I though it was cool years ago when it was a new thing, but it just became forced. I like pure RPGs, I like games with RPG elements, but shit, not everything needs RPG elements.
you can actually get money doing that stuff now, this is the world we live in
>current rig between four and eight years old
>about time for an upgrade so I can fully enjoy the latest titles
>more excited about the idea of building a period accurate 2006 high end computer for playing late 90s to mid 2000s games
I hate getting older. I feel like I'm a 50 year old man, physically, mentally, and socially. Life is honestly a fucking meme. You're supposed to drown it out with a 9-5 and and a shit-eating kid and pretend it's less miserable.
>tfw most smash players were born after Melee released
>tfw twice the age of the average player
its to make games artifically lenghty, what was the last game you played that lasted 6-8 hours
I was born in 1989 and even I find some of the early 2000s nostalgic, they had some good shit too. Though I'm more nostalgic for the 90s, of course.
>Not engaging in some physical activity regularly so nobody gives a shit if you mention you just play games all the time
Not gonna make it
>and political correctness ruining games
You had me until there and then you went full retard
Yes kuds these days love geninuely terrible things for no reason
>DoW wargear
Supreme kinography.
>tfw 40
>been here since 2006
>just wanna talk about video games
>all it is shitposting
I actually like videogames more every year and im a 80s boomer, idk why you guys have to be cynical assholes
>I feel like I'm a 50 year old man, physically, mentally
Work out regularly
I don't mention how old I am any more. I just pwn noobs and tell them it's sad their parents can never be proud of their pro gamers.
>young me: plenty of time but not much money for vidya
>old me: plenty of money but not much time for vidya
Life is so unfair
I've always been kinda shit at games so I haven't noticed a drop-off in that respect, but my interest in playing games has really waned to the point where I bought some games brand new, around release, and months later haven't gotten around to even opening them. It isn't even like I have anything better to do.
ITT boomers noticing they are old fucks
>29 years old, approaching 30
>started college for the first time in 2018
>working for the government 8:30am-4:30pm
>class 5:30pm-10:45pm monday-friday
>find time to play games at least 10 hours a week somehow
>listen to younger people complain that they can't play games because muh 9-5
Lol 9-5 would be a vacation for me
20 year old here, youre not particularly young. you just have to accept it.
this. im a zoomer and i dont see the problem with it, it is what it is. No one gets a trophy for when they were born,
My 1989 nigga and bruda.
>By having a job I enjoy so much that it doesn't feel like a job
such as
i can't imagine anyone doing something for 40 hrs a week minimum year after year and not get bored
when people say they'd come back to work even after the lotto I just look at them like pic related, i mean i've given you a free ticket to literally anything and you come back to the cuckshed like an indoctrinated elephant WTF
you don't need to play video games
early 00's had some good shit, but mid 00's is when things got congealed and shitty. Outside of a few funny memes, and fortnite nothings is terribly memorable. Hopefully things get better next decade. Least we got RE2re, mhw and DMCV out of this.
I'm 29
Young: time, energy, but no money
Adult: energy, money, but no time
Old: time, money, but no energy
I feel like games are improving since the 7th gen. Still not as good as it used to be, and there's plenty of bullshit today like DLC and loot boxes and junk, but not everything it casualized to hell and back anymore. I mean, hard games like Fromsoft games are popular, REmake 2 requires some care, at last if you're on normal or hard mode, and I've found some pretty fun games from this gen.
I'm talking about the late 00s, not early
>in late teens in the mid 2000s
>hyped about wanting to go to LAN parties
>pitched the idea to friends
>never gained traction, most guys were content doing small LANs in peoples' garages
>always felt regret about missing the big LAN experience
>learn now that a few of those parties are still being hosted annually
>but don't even begin to know anyone willing to go with me at age 30
Are this condoms in foil?
>tfw 29yo boomer
>tfw biding my time replaying older games until Cyberpunk 2077
VtM:B finished. Next up: Mass Effect 3.
>I feel like games are improving since the 7th gen.
Agreed. The seventh gen was shit and the beginning of the eighth was rough, but since 2017 games have been fucking great consistently
We can't lose what we never had.
Go get some fucking glasses.
>Next up: Mass Effect 3.
>You had me until there and then you went full retard
I guess I worded it badly. I was talking about stuff like guns being censored in the Spyro remakes because kids apparently can't handle them anymore, and certain things not being doable because they might hurt someone's feelings. I don't care for DOAX games, but shit, DOAX 3 didn't even get released outside of Asia because they were afraid of SJWs.
Im not, I just need to wait for what is currently 3 people to die with the youngest already being 60. Then, as the dead end of my family tree, I can blow the inheritance on a few years of neetdom before neatly wrapping up my affairs, selling off all my bullshit and accepting death. Not that I am imagining I will ultimately have it in me to end my life but the fantasy of marching off into the snow keeps me going. Slip in with tourists after that northern lights shit, get drunk enough to make the coroner think it was an accident and blunder off into the ice.
Same but 90s. Need to get a Voodoo 2.
My job is problem solving, more or less. Sometimes it involves doing high level math, sometimes it involves killing people. No matter what sort of problem it is, though, it's something that will keep me entertained for a bit.
>such as
I don't know, ask yourself what do you like to do other than videogames. Even something as mundane as tending a garden can become a flower selling business if you put effort into it.
I watched cartoons later than some, so I watched Chowder and Flapjack
They were actually pretty good, not gonna lie
Chowder's static pattern fills, interstitials, and the cuts to alternative animation or live action were super fresh for that time
Flapjack had a bit of that and also dabbled into the uncomfortable zone
I don't have a megahuge nostalgia boner for it, but many shows didn't really strike me as doing something different like these did
Honestly I still have reasonable amounts of time, but I just don't have any energy or motivation anymore. Not when I'm employed, not when I'm unemployed, life is just tiresome.
dying isn't romantic, shit is painful unless it's instant. I almost drowned once, shit was horrible.
Yeah I hear that. I don't have much of a social life, so I can still play a lot, but I miss being able to play A LOT. I did it even through my 20s since I worked irregularly. I'd work constantly for a month or two and then work would dry up for a few weeks. Now I have a regular job, regular pay, and regular lack of time.
It’s fucking candy, you dolt.
just go and do some friends telling them you are a veteran of their videogames or some shit
What do you do for the government?
Yeah, watching literal zoomers long for "the old days" helps put into context your own longings.
The truth is things go through a bell curve of quality over time. Thing is invented, it sucks at first, its perfected, then its farmed out until the thing sucks. People just look at "TV" "Music" "video games" as a whole as the thing invented instead of genres. Everything naturally declines over time as it gets more and more incestuous with itself and its fans.
I missed out on all the DLC aside from Javik the last time I played back in 2012.
Its my 28th birthday in 2 weeks and I've never had sex or a gf. I have shitty job working in HR/Recruitment. I just go to work and come home. A new girl started a few weeks ago and I like her. I went out drinking with her and her friends for paddys day. When I was drunk I told 2 of her friends that I like her. They said I should tell her. But I don't think she likes me like that. Shes very quiet and introverted and doesnt drink much alcohol. She is also religious and never had sex or bf and doesnt want sex until marriage. Shes too opposite to me. I drank lots when we went out and I can be very loud and outgoing when I want to be. Also I'm not religious at all and would have sex before marriage.
>don't let work consume you
>but do actually spend most of your life at work anyway lmao
What the fuck
>Liked translating
>Liked it a lot
>Translate for 40 hours a week now
>Hate it
Doing fan stuff is still fun, but less than it used ot be because I don't like translating when I'm not working much now.
>I'm on track to retire at 32 if I want to.
About to do it a year from now at 31 myself. I'll be poor for sure, but at least I'll be free. The wagie life is no life at all.
This is a good image to post if people continue to complain about pc gaming becoming a rgb fest, they don't realise it was always about led's.
At there's no young retards on wolfenstein ET everytime i playing on my main server they all were boomers
I'm bad at filling my time up with things to do. Working even just two days a week would keep me in a routine and make planning things actually easier
>having friends
I make people pay their child support
>Suffocation sucks. I've had breathing issues that made me feel like I was going to suffocate to death before, and it was scary as hell
>Still want a woman to suffocate me with her ass
Probably not as good as the fantasy, but it's one I still have.
Got to die somehow and if its going to suck no matter what I would at least like it to be on my own terms.
just kill yourself
I've actually been having similar thoughts about how genres of video games just keep getting worse because they find something that works and refuse to innovate. Instead they just steal things from other genres and try to muddy them together and hope it works. See this thread's complaints about RPG elements in fucking everything now.
Sekiro is an interesting look into this, because I genuinely think the game is an experiment with the "souls game" that everyone expected it to be. Its actually trying to innovate and the consumers hate it, because people hate change, perpetuating the degradation of the things they supposedly love.
I can say that the 2010's were surely the "safe decade". There was almost no risk, everything felt too samey and for the sole purpose to sell. You got Disney jumping on the nostalgia train with their constant live action remakes, high school direct to TV movies and 3D movies that reuse assets, the music industry is plaged with artists trying the genre that's popular at the moment instead of trying something new (so much rap shit it's unbelievable) and in videogames people can't stop jerking about hyper realistic graphics and cinematic experiences. That's why there are only a very few memorable things in media during this decade, everything felt too vapid and corporate.
Myself, I really want to enjoy Craig of the Creek, I find it a very charming cartoon, but I just detest the Steven Universe-like artsyle they also used on it, and I fucking HATE the retarded niggerlips they give to every single character of color.
>tfw you can still buy cold light cathodes like it's 15 years ago
find better ways to kill yourself, also do wild shit before you die so maybe you might find something decent.
ITT lonely loser boomers
Here's your reply.
try smelling your armpit after not showering a week and you get the idea of how that fantasy would feel
The only thing that wasn't safe that worked, truly, was the MCU. starwars and things like it sucked and failed, about the only things memorable about the 2010s is the mcu , fortnite, and the decline of the world at large.
>muh genes
>muh lineage
The people who always use this argument are the kinds of people who have the shittiest genes imaginable and shouldnt breed on the first place.
You join me?
Cool blog post but you're 28 and haven't had sex. You're not an extrovert, just a sperg when drunk. She isn't your opposite at all.
I'm not that lonely, really. Just feel old sometimes, but I don't linger on it because I'm only 30. I can feel old later.
>32 years old
>still sub 200ms reaction time
>top 500 in SC2 on EU ladder
>no health problems at all
>full head of hair
>often get estimated to be around 25
I love my genes.
me but a little younger
Aging is in your head though. Life just doesn't have as many surprises anymore, everything is more or less figured out and everything more or less turned out to be shit *sips*
nah, already have a gamer gf and good life
I actually didn't want to mention the MCU because even nowadays there's already a burnout of the franchise as a whole. I kind of agree with many people that I might stop following it after Endgame, but considering Gunn is returning to direct GotG3 and Spiderman Far From Home looks like a fun movie, I still might give them a view when they're released.
Fuck Disney Star Wars though, fuck it to the ninth circle of hell, you have no idea how much I despise TFA and I'm surprised at how people still gave the eight movie a try.
Not him but this is untrue. If a woman cleans herself and has a healthy lifestyle, she shouldn't smell very much down there.
t. Had my face sat on by multiple women
I stopped buying consoles at the PS2 generation. I never had a PS3/X360 or a PS4/XOne. I only played their games on the PC.
I'm 30 and shaved my beard last week after having it for 2 years. All the women at work said I look 10 years younger now. Is this good or bad?
literally everyone looks ten years younger without a beard.
Well you see, I'm a smell fetishist. I've had some experience knowing that I like these sorts of smells (at least from attractive women). Heck, I'm planning on trying out a service when I'm in Japan later this year where you meet up with women who haven't bathed in a couple days and they sit on your face or shove your nose into their crotch or whatever you want.
>she shouldn't smell very much down there
>find better ways to kill yourself, also do wild shit
Im open to suggestions on the first one. As for the second, if I thought wild shit was something I would enjoy I would have already done it. Its not as though I will suddenly enjoy cocaine and sex just because some more time has passed.
Beards always make you look older. I'm also closing to 30 and I usually leave my beard for one to two weeks. When I shave it feels like I took 5 years off me. It's a nice feeling.
It helps even more when pretty much every new person I meet thinks I'm actually 24-25, even with beard.
So it was a mistake to shave it? Some of the girls also said I look more "serious" now whatever that means.
>look like 30
>knees hurt
>also manlet and tiny penis
My parents shouldn't have bred.
I don't mind new stuff, I just like to talk shit about it cause it is both entertaining and hilarious. zoomers are awesome
lets face it, vaginas are kind of smelly no manner what, but their smell can be an adquired taste
ITT insecure loner boomers
I figure setting up a contraption to have two double-barrel shotguns blow your head off from two separate angles would be a foolproof way to do yourself in. Would look pretty cool on a coroner's report too.
Only things that keep me going are the promise of VR waifus and the promise of robot waifus. I need to survive long enough to experience that. I want to be a crazy old guy with lots of robots in his house, the kind you see all the time in sci-fi. Could be real if I live long enough
No one that's still a gamer doesn't know what Fortnite is. (You don't have to like it or play it)
The beard was hiding your doomer face
Yes that's the point of the thread. Congrats on your useless observation.
burnout or no, it is the only real memorable thing of the modern era besides capcom's stellar releases, and a few good games. + fortnite. I'll see gotg3 despite pedoman because he makes good shit, if the leaks about MJ being firestar are true they can eat a dick, sick of blackwashing crap, make her an oc love interest or fuck off.
If they do moon knight I'll watch that maybe, but outside of that, I dunno. I'm more worried there's going to be armageddon in my lifetime as far as civil war goes.
Zoomer NPCs with repeating dialogue
>that 'jaded gamer' who pretends like he doesn't know what new games are even though he goes to Yea Forums and is up to date on literally all new games because he loves getting mad about them
Depends if you want to look older or younger. They probably don't think very highly of you if they described you as "more serious".
need a job
unemployed for 2 yr
last month has been alcohol and video games
video games aren't the worst but i wish id never touched alcohol in my life
>33 tomorrow
>took the whole week free from work
>going to play Dragons Dogma
>while eating snacks and candy
the real face of Yea Forums finally revealed
You look more "professional" actually. Long beards are unfortunately still seen as unclean.
>mention I'm 35
Pretending to be out of touch is one of my life's little joys. Only old people can get away with that
Really? Would beard not make me look even more serious though?
>Zoomers on this board actually like the MCU
I am disgusted with you both. The MCU is pure trash. It's the fucking Asscreed of cinema. Not one good title.
At least you hate TFA though. That turd is a stain on Star Wars. It's even worse than TLJ, which was doomed from the start because it was meant to follow up the mystery box turd that was TFA.
85% of new games are hot garbage fluffed up with microtransactions. Same for the popular ones. Being popular doesn’t suddenly make it good
Your only course of action is to start dating your friend
DESU if youre above 24 you are already too old
Tell me what they mean by more serious.
>still hasn't played Dragons Dogma
Hello Rian.
fuckin love limmys
I'm old and people still call me a zoomer when I disagree with them about anything.
You mgiht enjoy it, you might not, lsd, acid, EXCTASY is especially fun, seeing concerts live of bands you like. You never know, you might like it, or it mgiht be like me with rollercoasters.
I dunno man, guns always been my way out, wish I could die fighting for what I believed in but those days are gone. There's a few drugs you could od on that wouldn't be too bad but fuck if I know em.
maybe because many long beard users have yeast on it
Will women find me more attractive with stubble?
I actually lived with one of my friends for 3 years no homo. It was fun
Either they think you're no fun because you can't loosen up and have fun (and so they will rip on you for being "too serious") or the opposite where you're seen as immature and non-threatening.
A girl can negate the bad pussy smell by eating fruits like watermelons and other sweet natural foods. I've had girls pussy in my face that didn't have any bad smell at all. God I love it when they smell good. Despite the brap meme, it really isn't fun when a girl stinks. A girl that has a good smelling pussy, and a good smelling clean ass is just so much fun to lick. Making her give you a BF in the 69 position while you lick her clean sweat pussy and ass is the best. When a girl smells I don't want to put my face down there, it also means she tastes bad. At that point I just put my dick in her and fuck her normally.
MCU was still something that was bold and I never thought I would've lived to see it work. I'm an old comics fan, and despite my medium dying they did some good things. Fuck them for all the racebaiting and other nonsense, but at least we got ironman 1, raimi spidey, deadpool 1,gotg, Venom, doc strange, and the odd dc title. Fuck them for not doing demon in a bottle, fuck Ryan Reynolds for dp2.
Yeah, I only play big ki- I mean MAN games for men. Fun simply isn't enough. My man games have to make others around me think that I am tough and man big boy.
Shut up with your buzzwords, newfag. Nobody here is pretending the MCU is a new high on cinema, they're all just from great to decent action flicks many can find enjoyment in watching.
But hey, at least I don't like Bayformers, so give me a break.
>wish I could die fighting for what I believed in but those days are gone
Not all politicians are surrounded by bodyguards, just food for thought there
Me either. I've played plenty of classic series, but there are others I've managed to not play. I didn't even play Crash Bandicoot until a few years ago when I was in my late 20s.
welcome to Yea Forums
Dayum, what a chad
nice try israel, I'm on to you
TLJ is bad, but TFA is far worse.
TLJ killed Luke's character, and it killed the rebooted RESISTANCE era setting, which sucked anyways.
TFA killed Han, set up Luke's assassination with having his academy fail and he's gone into exile, it killed Leia's character by making her an unlikable cunt, and her marriage with Han failed. And most of all, it killed the universe, it killed the EU. It killed the ending of ROTJ. Fuck TFA. Worst film I've seen in my life.
TLJ, as bad as it was, will never compare to how bad TFA was. I doubt we will ever see a film as bad as TFA ever again.
bad pussy smell doesn't really correlate with bad taste tho
that just happens if she has a yeast infection or some shit like that but then smell would be lethal
Someone who likes Bayformers crap is more respectable than someone who likes MCU turds and keeps giving Disney money over them. MCU is literally the death of cinema.
I played Skyrim instead and then forgot about it untill recently
lmao reminds me of the time i was about to eat out an Ex and smelt something like fish left in a desert cargo container for weeks and this was after she said she showered
>actually gag
>"are you sure you showered?"
>starts shrieking and throwing things
>muffle my laughter walking out
>30 minutes later get a text
>"r u still close by?"
im just glad my mind blocked the memory of the smell all i know is it turned me off eating out for a year and half
As an "old person" I hate mobile gaming and mobile phones in general for ruining much of web design for desktop browsing. I hate also hate Twitch and social media.
I don't think I merely hate those because they are new but because they are cancerous and detrimental.
that's your fault for fucking mentioning it, idiot
hope you learned your lesson
>TFA killed Han, set up Luke's assassination with having his academy fail and he's gone into exile, it killed Leia's character by making her an unlikable cunt, and her marriage with Han failed. And most of all, it killed the universe, it killed the EU. It killed the ending of ROTJ. Fuck TFA. Worst film I've seen in my life.
The thing about the mystery box is, despite how stupid the intro to the last order or their concept is the idea was solid. Make a wild movie with tons of threads to set up things however you want by the next director. And then Rian cut all those threads like a moron.
Sure a lot of shit in it was bad, but TLJ was downright offensive and doubled down on everything wrong with the first.
Sure, I also enjoy a toy's franchise turned serious and gritty as an excuse to sell american military propaganda.
she probably was on her period
vaginas can smell like death fish on those days even if cleaned up
There is kinda a bad taste when she has a bad smell. It's not horrific. But she's a bit tangy. Whereas when a girl smells good, her taste can be sorta like neutral skin.
And yeah, I think I brought a girl home with a yeast infection once. Nastiest shit I ever smelled. Turned me off immediatly, I wanted her out of there. Washed my sheets afterwards because she sat on them.
>friend cant go so he gives me a free ticket
>see movie
>walk out feeling dirty and somehow robbed despite the free ticket
i enjoyed bad movies but holy shit
>I hate also hate Twitch and social media.
Myself, I don't hate them, but I hate what was brought with them: hundreds of thousands of attentionwhores who are easily willing to provide every single detail of their personal life, while using it as a portal to be absolute douchebags to everyone because they know there are hundreds of hugboxes with the same mentality as theirs.
i've tasted pussies with strong smell but neutral skin taste
could be,she wasn't too bright and kept insisting i go down on her to pay her back for a really awkward teeth filled BJ after claiming she was some sort of pro
I hate how we have threads on here about what X youtuber or e-celeb said about a game. Like their opinions matter because they have viewers on twitch or whatever. It's such faggotry and Yea Forums buys into it. I watch some pro players play games but I don't give a shit about their lives or the drama that goes on behind the scenes.
I don't watch Transformers crap. I am just saying, I respect a transformers fan, more than an MCU or any capeshit fan really.
I played rhythm games for a solid 5 years and now I can't play IIDX for more than about 45 minutes without my wrists screaming in agony
It's weird how time travels linearly, kids are born every day, and that they may too be nostalgic for their childhood, and may even fondly remember the shit parts of it just like 90s kids.
I draw porn for a living.
Im tired of it desu, its so samey.
Im trying to branch out but drawing porn blacklists you from almost all art jobs in the Westerb hemisphere.
One of the reason I hate smartphones is it made internet a part of everyone's everyday life. Having to use PC/laptop was more of a gate than you would think and kept the absolute normalfags out. Or at most they would go online like an hour a day instead of browsing Twitter and Facebook 24/7.
You know what I miss.. the early Fast and Furious movies. Import tuner shit.
>battlefield 2143 never ever
still hurts
>a couple hours a day isn’t enough
How many hours of vidya do you want?1-2 hours a day is more than enough.
But you can branch out. Start making porn games, comic books etc
I've somehow managed to avoid this. I do feel like things have gotten a bit worse but some of my all time favorite games have come out in recent years too.
>unreal tournament thrown into shallow grave
it didnt have to be like this...
>despite how stupid the intro to the last order or their concept is the idea was solid.
If you claim to like them, at least get the name right. It's the First Order. And no, they are shit.
The EU already had the Imperial Remnant, which was present in games like Jedi Outcast/Academy and such. We didn't need them wiped from canon, and some cringey nazy ripoff First Order put in place of what was previously a Remnent with a power vacuum, a struggle for power between tons of Imperial Admirals and politicians in the aftermath of Sheevs death, then lead by Grand Admiral Thrawn. Now we have this literal who, Snoke, and Kylo Ren instead.
>mention I'm 35
thats not old lol 44 here boomer and still love video games, i dont have eye strain, carpal tunnel or anything that chick in the pic has tho
what i do have tho is low interest in most games compared to when i was younger, only play overwatch and wow religously and maybe the occasional battle royale
Still don't have internet on my phone, what the fuck is the point. Read books and listen to music on the phone, you don't need internet on it
the new one that is coming out soon doesnt even relate at all with the franchise except for 2 characters
>friends are glued to screen
>oohh wait
>friends have thotty sisters
>alter ego active
I guess every girls different then. The best is when a girl scents or flavors her genitals beforehand, so that she has a fruit scent and taste. There must be some product they buy and apply to their pussy and asshole to achieve this. But I've had girls that tasted like strawberries and melons and shit.
What were gen 1 and 2 like? Seems like not a lot of people out there who can talk about those times.
There's nothing wrong with being old and enjoying video games.
depends on the game, if you like RPGs you need a minimum of 5 to 6 hours to enjoy it
the fuck is the hair dryer for?
>no movie/vidya about the unified imperial remnants and the republic forming a cautious truce to fight off the threat of the Yuuzhan_Vong
That sucks. Why the fuck do they blacklist people? God the west is so fucking shit. What's wrong with a good artists drawing porn in between other jobs? Why do employers care so much?
Also what type of porn do you draw? Do you have to do shit like furfag requests? Or just you own stuff?
Same thing with social media, I don't hate smartphones, they were pretty much the logical evolution to mobile devices. I mean, to the day I'm still amazed at how fast we came from having PCs at home to pretty much carry the whole knowledge of the world and the ability to communicate with anyone around the globe in the palm of our hands. In my opinion, not having a smartphone nowadays is pretty much crippling yourself.
There's something I can agree: People stopped being social for a long time, but at least everyone is finally learning to not let their phone dominate their lives.
spelling yuuzhan vong is hard
wtf is fortnite
To heat the waffle
>not wanting a crispy gamin waffle
kids these days
>What were gen 1 and 2 like?
hmm i assume your talking about the atari 2600-nes-genesis days
well to be honest i'd say that was the best time but of course im looking through rose colored glasses, no way can i play those games now
i wouldnt mind walking into an old style arcade again, i do miss those days. i live in a small town so no arcades here but i bet they have retro arcades in bigger cities dont have a clue
Why is a game named "two weeks"? I don't get it
>yfw 1999 was 20 years ago
for a board that is full of virgins, this is the best part of this shitty thread so far, keep talking
Yeah I mean pong and atari era. With all the youtube "retro" gamers out there somehow there's barely anyone covering that early era, seems completely forgotten.
>work 50-60 hours most weeks
>too tired to play video games most of the time
>play on easiest difficulty when I do
I just want to relax
I'm 28 though. Yeah Yea Forums was 15-25 four years ago. But things change
fuck off you old fart, no one likes boomers
>tfw had a bootleg copy of this shit that fit on 1 CD
Remember watching Evangelion that had 16 episodes on a single CD, now those were the times *sips*
but some games become kinda boring or plain shit when played on easy
Clearly can't be that old if you spend your time watching MOBA (1) streams (2) on a setup with a RGB keyboard (3).
enjoy nobody remembering you after you die :)
Do you guys think being an older gamer is going to be more normal as time goes by? Or will dropping games as a hobby at around 30-40 years old keep happening despite what people grew up with?
>Keep studying after getting a job
Do you have hopes for a better life or anything? If not, just keep your 9-5 job
I want to suck on her titties.
I think the majority of movie rips on my computer are still 700 MB because I used to download much more movies than I do nowadays.
I'm 25 and I feel completely disconnected from everything new ever since a few years ago. Once you leave college you just don't keep up with shit anymore. If you were a neet at any time it's even worse.
Work can have perks, I went on a two day trip last week and got bank rolled about £300 of meals and shit
Will you remember your dad fondly after he dies? Will he somehow give a shit, considering that he would be dead? After you die, will anyone care about him? What was the point of all this again?
>TLJ worst than TFA
>TFA not being the stain on the franchise
nice bait. im gonna keep watching the MCU movies anway
36 year old boomer here, missus went away for the weekend with the mother in law to a fucking yarn festival. Started up a FFXIV account, ordered a pizza and played until 3am with a dog on my lap.
Fucking maximum comfy weekend. Shame it ends in about an hour
hobbies are just that hobbies, im pretty sure there are poeple who love fishing and hunting their entire life
You think anyone is going to remeber your dumbass after you die just because you're a breeder?
You dont even remeber your great grandparents or your forefathers and after you get old and useless your kids will dump you in an old folks home and forget about you.
lol i was a toddler babby shitting his pants in 1999
>yarn festival
Oh god
Well I'm always joking and messing at work.
triggered retards who are fading into obscurity :)
I think a lot of gamers will keep gaming actually, especially those that have always played on PC. Even guys that have children find time for it, and if you're going to drop gaming what other thing are you even gonna take up? No one who's been a gamer their entire life is gonna get into cars or handiwork all of the sudden, TV is far too non-interactive and mindnumbing, and reading just can't hold your attention. Plus when you're an adult is actually the time you can finally afford the top notch hardware you've always wanted as a teen (unless you're one of those spoiled zoomers where apparently it's normal to get gaming rigs costing several thousand bucks for your 15th birthday).
>can't even come up with an argument
>makeshift lumbar support
This should be the norm for everyone. Besides, it's comfy as hell.
Imagine being this manchild
i got into /k/ but that aint cheap
So you have no arguments?
>yarn festival
And women mock us for playing video games.
>reading just can't hold your attention.
I started reading last year seriously, it's a nice change of pace. I didn't stop playing vidya outright but it's good to have more than one hobby
>25 years old
>Already with a college degree
>Currently doing a master
>Have a good job and a respectable income for my third world country
>Have time and energy for vidyas and hentai
If I only could get rid of my virginity, though
Its original version was gonna be a survival thing where you build forts and get attacked at night. It was supposed to be a pun. But then the BR mode became the thing to do.
Nice reading comprehension retard. I said TFA was worse than TLJ.
And you are a mega pleb for liking MCU trash.
It's also not immediately available to anyone inb4 hurr durr serf europoors rant.
Not even joking. It was apparently at capacity as well. I don't get it, but yeah.
It already is normal. Lots of old folks played that farmville shit and candy crush. It was solitaire. online checkers, and pinball before that.
>Waaah I'm 35, I'm old
yeah im a leaf so im kind of in the middle
Lol, you keep responding, so you can literally feel yourself disappearing because you have no successors?!
like in back 2 da future!?
>tfw remember seeing the early beta of Fortnight when it was a Minecraft/Day Z clone
>it was the first showing off of UE4 and one of the first shows of a next gen game at the time
>tfw thought it looked really cool and planned to play it
>never heard about it again
>forget to get it
>years go by
>suddenly start hearing about Fortnight again
>look it up
>it's PUBG now
Weirdest turn of events. The original version looked fun, the BR mode looks like trash.
alright anons, who 30+ here? be honest
will turn 34 this week, forever alone, pray for me
discs of tron, kung fu, karate champ, elevator action, double dragon, dungeons and dragons shadows over mystara, golden axe were some of my favorite arcade games
It already is normal. In the 30-40 range almost everyone plays games with their spouse or kids. 40+ play them as well but they usually only play
Dad Games you've never heard of like simulators. It's at the point I pretend I don't play games at all just so I don't have to hear Jimmy
Fucko bragging about how good his troll death knight is or have Jermaine Biggums trying to get me to smoke a blunt and play call of duty with him.
ha, liability
>forever alone
Gonna be real, the dating game is too exhausting and leads to disappointment. I ended up getting lucky and hooking up with a girl that was just a great friend. Together for 13 years now, and she's still a bro.
32, grad student finishing this year, still trying to squeeze in some vidja
I was working at Gamestop Warehouse when I first found out about Yea Forums with its desu bombs and whatnots
>40+ play them as well but they usually only play
Dad Games you've never heard of like simulators.
heh im the exception i guess since i like to keep up to date on what i play, even have like 100 hours on fortinte
Games are all bad.
Gaming communities are all cancer.
Everyone is a griefing faggot.
Everyone is an autistic unfun homo that refuses to even say hi.
Everyone refuses help and loses their fucking minds when you try and help them.
I miss mplayer and playing with Vietnam vets.
What do older people do for music? I just keep listening to shit I liked in my 20s. Is this normal? Is fancy shit like classical music and jazz the only way out of this cycle?
Play better games then. The games I play ussualy have guys on mic helping newfags, and people coordinating tactics and shit to take the enemies territory.
Man, fuck clouds
I moved to Phoenix to get away from them
I'd still argue that there are still the same- if not more- number of quality games per year. The ratio of good:bad is worse, but we still get gems here and there.
I dropped music completely as a hobby. If I find something I like, I will listen to it casually. But only once in a while listening to shit here and there.
hell yea its normal, i still listen to ozzy stuff, soundgarden, foo fighters
i actually hated hip hop when i was younger but man i love the shit now lol, hip hop gets better every in my opinion
I miss mplayer too. Was like an LAN party the whole world was invited to.
>I just keep listening to shit I liked in my 20s. Is this normal?
>But hey, at least I don't like Bayformers, so give me a break.
this is like saying my trash is better than your trash fuck you
I keep up with the times. Moved on from dubstep to retrowave, but I still listen to Dimmu Borgir or Immortal Technique for nostalgia's
sake sometimes. I live in a weird place where underground rap and death metal were the two most popular genres.
I went on spotify initially for a spree of listening to albums that had singles I enjoyed and got curious about the similar artists button. Does well for hitting that "same as the stuff I already like from my youth but still new to me" itch.
I have larger than average wrists for my hand size and it's absolutely fucked the nerves in my right hand. I unironically use an Xbone controller on PC way more than my mouse just because it doesn't flare up the pain in my hand and wrist.
the real question is why am i at age 44 reading and posting on Yea Forums
most gamers at my age prbly dont even know this site exists
hobbies i guess
>I've never had sex or a gf
>She is also religious and never had sex or bf and doesnt want sex until marriage
>Shes too opposite to me
I didn't even have to pitch in any ideas to make you look retarded, good job.
What was the last good era here?
Right? Discord has the mic part down but the community is still lost.
Mplayer people worked together and clans were like families and you learned secrets and tactics and kept them closely guarded like some naruto ninja jutso shit.
Now I make a statement and it gets downvoted by a legion of silvers arguing points that aren't valid or just plainly wrong. It's all casualized egotistical garbage.
>Is fancy shit like classical music and jazz the only way out of this cycle?
Apparently. Source: I'm 30 and I'm currently trying to expand my experience with jazz and classical. It seems like you've simply listened to everything else before, and either you already like it and know it, or you already dislike it and don't wanna know it.
This still exists and is recommended for cowboys with large and strong pimp hands.
27 yo reporting. The older I get the more I play in cycles. It's the same games with something new from time to time. Factorio, underrail, dying light, elex were the new games of this cycle. AAA titles/endless sequels and remakes are not interesting at all. In just glad there are still a lot of people doing good games and not political bullshit.
Core millennial because I am one and we all well know that everything that comes after your own age is shit.
Missing old friends makes someone a man-child? No one mentioned begrudging their friends for starting families--I certainly don't--but I do miss the impromptu hangouts and antics.
Pic mildly related.
9/11 is the cutoff. Every era before 9/11 was golden, every era after was spotty at best.
that's probably more from lack of practice, if it's 'going back' to it
a lot of game stuff is really repetition and remembering nuance
Are you married? Do you have any children? I'm seriously asking since I'm 27 and it seems it's time for me.
>i'm so old and still play game,s woe is me
piss of wanker. i'm 35 and i just play games. who gives a fuck about how old you are.
indie games are leagues ahead than the "main demographic" aaa trash, so i don't give a fuck, unless aaa factorio comes out or some shit like that.
Opposite in terms of personality mate. I drink and party. She hates that sort of thing. I curse a lot. She hates cursing. She goes to mass every Sunday and is super religious. I never go to mass and am Atheist. I'm kinda aloof and jokey but she is very serious.
sorry didnt realize anyone would see my blogpost
>mortal kombat
>Mars Attacks pinball
>area 51
>the simpsons
>cyber troopers
>raiden fighters
>house of the dead
i loved every one,young me was all over them if given a chance,i still would today if they existed,arcades i mean.
Man, why does every controller bar the DOOK have to be designed for a damn child? If mice were twice as big I'd probably enjoy using them way more.
>lol, hip hop gets better every in my opinion
Almost makes me wonder if people are being intentionally socially engineered into narcissistic pieces of shit because its easier to sell useless trash to those kinds of people. Worked for Apple.
>seems like you've simply listened to everything else before, and either you already like it and know it, or you already dislike it and don't wanna know it
Or most often it sounds exactly like the shit you already heard except less relateable, so why bother
>carpal tunnel & the pillow
I've been feeling something like "pressure" on my hands after using the old laptop lately but only after a few hours?
Don't worry boomer bros, there's more and more manchilds every time so we will never be alone no matter how many new kids start playing vidya.
I'm 27 and I haven't noticed any physical drop off, I can still sit and play something for 12+ hours. The thing's that changed is that my work drains me mentally so much that I have no will to do anything. So I generally space out and watch Twitch or something on Youtube and pass out shortly after 10pm.
I honestly have no idea how people have the energy for a wife and kids. Also, I have no intentions of getting married because at least on weekends I want to play games all day every day.
dam that core gen x culture pic brings back so many memories for me
yep i was a hulkamania kid and the old star trek movies were the shit
They are, there are documenaties on it. Modern westerns have been raised and indoctrinated to be good little paypigs for decades now. See docuementaries on Edward Bernays and others for the beginnings of this.
You could also visit a third world country/poor non western country and hang out with the locals for a week or so and you will be amazed at how these people act when not indoctrinated by the modern world.
>makeshift lumbar support
Isn't that epic exclusive satisfactory pretty much aaa factorio? For me it's not enough to download the epic launcher but I might just pirate it eventually.
I'm only 19 but I just find myself enjoying the older stuff a lot more. I'll still pick up a new release every once in a while but most of my time is spent either a) browsing the Chon or playing some classic. I'm starting to see more of a resurgence in the mainstream for these old-style games, stuff like Odyssey and crash bandicoot, so I feel like something's gonna show up sooner or later.
You're just a normalfag looking at all the mainstream stuff. Hip hop want underground before it became popular and most musicians in that genre resented the mainstream.
>tfw started appreciating country/folk more and more as I've gotten older
Most of the underground stuff emulates the mainstream stuff.
I turn 27 in a few months and I am the same way. No idea how people fucking survive working 9-5 only to go home to a wife and kids. There would literally be no time to yourself. I think anyone creative or intelligent would go insane living a life like that. It's for the plebs only.
I used to work full time while having a gf, I had to break up with her eventually, because she'd take up all the time I wasn't working. Then even just full time, I was so tired when I got home, I was too tired to have fun. Everything would be rushed. I hated it. Weekends were the only time I lived. So then I had to quit my job and go part time instead. I fucking need my free time.
This is the hell you chose, perv. The path to repentance is long, but still accessible : forget your wrong deeds, go back To the SFW path & you will be forgiven!
>tfw weekend is almost over
Honestly right now I feel the urge to create more than consume. Working shit jobs crushed that flame but now that I'm jobless and have time suddenly I feel free like a creative kid again. Been writing down ideas and sketching a lot the past couple months. Playing vidya is fun, there are some good recent titles, but it feels like I'm wasting time if I haven't made or worked on anything that day.
same here i also started listening to big band music as well except now i got an urge to move to the american south
meant to say every year but yea dam i just wish i was a young hip hop artist with tons of money that has chicks left and right
now im just an old drunk geezer wage slave trying to pay all my bills
at least im an american tho and not some poor black dude in africa
>top 500 in SC2 on EU ladder
because SC2 has like 1000 players left
>have to fill in for a coworker AND manage a move in the coming weeks
Battle royal games are gay fuck off zoomer
>Can we get a depressed middle aged men complaining thread
You're almost there, wizardhood is just around the corner
>how people fucking survive working 9-5
I work 9-10 or so and honestly it feels better than 9-5. When you remove that glimmer of hope that you get every evening after 9-5, being a slave doesn't feel so bad. Just abandon hope user, give up. This is your life now, you're a slave, the less you struggle, the easier it will be
What should I say when the girls at work ask me what I did at the weekend? I always have to lie.
A couple years back I got a rekindled interest in vocaloid for some reason and ended up youtube-rabbithole into a bunch of weeb anime epic battle music songs that make me feel all tingly inside
not stuff you can show people irl though
>tfw most of my friends are either incels or don't want to have kids
this will probably bite me in the ass later, but rn it's working for me
Keep lying like I do.
The thing is, I'm a teacher and I thank God every day that the absolute longest I spend at work a day is 6 hours (tomorrow for example I work from 8am to 11am). I have no fucking idea how can people spend 8 hours at work. And when I get home, I want absolute peace, no drama, because even though I don't work long hours my work causes me almost constant restlessness and anxiety, I simply couldn't handle any additional problems. And women and families tend to cause a loooot of problems.
Been enjoying watching GTA5 RP streams lately.
I feel exactly the same way. I want to make some shirt films and fuck around with mods and maybe try to make some vidya. I am balls deep in crypto and can't wait for it take off again so I have the funds do bigger stuff. I am writing down all my ideas, and also writing short erotica stories and getting hyped to make something with a budget. Honestly being creative gets me in a kind of a high. You are also right that having a job can kill this, and turn you into a consumer drone again. But if you don't have a career type job, and just have some piss easy brainless part time job, you can instead daydream about all your ideas at work, then write them down when you get home and go through them all, and you don't feel as drained doing shorter shifts, or only working 3 days a week instead of 5.
Do you seriously work 13 hour days? Fucking hell. What industry?
>The thing's that changed is that my work drains me
This is what baffles me about modern life. I thought the whole point of using robots along with more and more tech was supposed to result in people needing to work fewer hours for the same results, meaning for personal free time for everyone. Where is my standard 3 day week world?
Common sense : do you really want to be associated to someone who draws lewd fetishes all day for money? (Aka the hookers of the art world)
"Yeah I love that shadman artstyle, he definitely could work on our E for everyone project!"
>tfw I'm only 24 but I've already gotten to the point where I'm so cynical that I'm now even cynical of nostalgia, including my own.
I don't know if it's a blessing or a curse.
I'm literal nuclear physicist, shit is bomb af.
Just chilled. They weren't doing anything either.
The great thing you learn if you listen to people is that no one does anything ever. Girls just sit around and get drunk and do nothing just like guys.
Don't be a ridiculous cunt.
>GM Overwatch player
>plenty of health problems from military service
>full head of hair
>confused with younger person all the time
Has nothing to do with my genes and everything to do with still working out despite my fucked up knees.
No lower back problems, though. Dodged that fucking life ruining bullet.
its something that happens to people as their neuroplasticity begins to decline (starting around 22, becoming significant at 25.) i'm not sure if its just the reduction in being able to pick up new habits, or if there's another neurological mechanism at work to spare you discomfort by reinforcing existing pathways, but people start re-watching old television shows they used to love, replaying old games, and creating excuses or criticisms for anything new and not of the type they're used to.
i have a roommate, for example, dude is 40ish, and downloaded Heroes of Might and Magic III and played through that, despite the fact that i offered every 4X game and Might and Magic sequel to him via family sharing. After that he decided that rather than try Path of Exile or Grim Dawn or Torchlight, he'd rather just re-download Diablo 2 and do Uber Tristram runs. Before this he was playing Zelda I & II, and frequently complains about how games have "become boring" or "too short."
he also plays mobile games on his phone so there's no logical consistency to it, its just pure cognitive reinforcement built up over decades of insular behavior. it'll happen to you too if you don't constantly, and actively, pursue new interests.
I feel you. Sometimes I go on a mad touhou sperg-out like it's 2011 again.
Surprisingly easy to get back into that old weeb mindset.
This guy actually makes a good point. Most of these people obsessed with passing on their genes are objectively ugly.
Not that guy. I used to work around 12 daily as NPI for automotive industry (Tier 1 company).
It happens.
>hey user you should get outside some more
What do people even DO outside anyway? Do you have to be some sort of actual boomer to enjoy yarkwork or walking around or visiting tourist attractions?
Who would know, who would care? If I was a dev, and I liked a porn artists style, I'd absolutely hire him. I don't give a fuck is some bible thumber gets made the guy who drew some background art for a game also drew porn. That's fucking bullshit that they blacklist you.
Can't you do your porn under another name? So they don't know who it is?
some of the stuff is strikingly similar to those old Yea Forums radio threads or even further back into the precursor music.
I even ran into Yea Forums music with the OH DESIRE and jibun wo. Music is eternal anyway
>some piss easy brainless part time job
Definitely what I've been thinking about. It'll be feasible for now and give me time to work on my shit.
Im 19 and my very first own game that I played all by myself and managed to figure out on my own volition was bethesdas Oblivion. I had played games before that such as mario world, donkey kong country, halo and a few other retro games but Oblivion was my first true game. oblivion is turning 13 years old now. thats crazy.
Vidya, it's crunch time. I'm not forced to work that much but if I don't they'll replace me. They already tried to, pushed my down the hierarchy and put a new guy in my place, but he was a total fuck up so they put me back. Now I'm realizing that if don't do 9-10 I'll be replaced again. At least I'm paid for overtime, so it's not that bad. Like I said, when you accept that you're a slave and that there is no hope for you, it's not that bad. Just give up and it'll be easier, don't struggle
>millennials in their late 20s and 30s that still think they're hip and trendsetters
>gf and career
>still want to play multiplayer games with a consistent group every night
>The last time I managed to do this was 5+ years ago and it had to be normiecore to get everyone on board for a few hours
The way multiplayer games focus way more on coordination and composition these days just adds to the suffering.
Japan doesn't care.
starting to feel my age in video games lads, feeling slower and less precise, with less patience for making mistakes and challenging content
tried nioh just recently and i just cant do it
You only have problems like that because you practice poor posture, diet, and never exercise.
Man, screw the money, your overall health is more important. Tone it the fuck down or you'll crack real soon
If you don't have money, pretty much the only thing to do is go for walks and try cold approaching interesting people. It takes like 6 months to a year to get decent enough at it that it won't just be 30 minutes of awkward pseudo-conversation, though, so most people never try.
If you have money, club sports, sport arenas (with tennis walls and shit,) bars, sailing, fishing, casual biking, festivals, picnics, stuff you see people doing outside in movies, man. Issue is there's usually dedicated space for this stuff and you're not just gonna see it from the highway or your basement.
Also if you live in some backwater flyover state you're probably just fucked, go to a bar.
Just a reminder than there's no such thing as an "old gamer". We're all young at heart and we all enjoy video games regardless of age.
fuck off zoomer
I rarely go outside, but there are days where I do. I don't know if you just like videogames or if you're a weeb; but there are times where I can go outside and sit in a lawn chair and while I lay and stare at the clouds I can feel a sense of immense relaxation and comfort similar to what I feel in the moments I'm truly happy talking about anime and videogames that I know very deeply. I don't get this kind of outside zen very often but it's really really nice when I get it. lots of people here really aren't the type of people to go out and do 'activities' but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy something alone. Maybe even take a nap. It's healthy and healing, just like the cute slice of life anime or the comfy harvest moon game.
I recommend very early summer or late summer when it's not too cold or hot and the clouds are moving in the blue sky at a nice pace.
Shit that sucks man. I've always been interested in making vidya, but crunch time always worried me. Why do devs do it. Is there a reason that some part of development has this long hours crunch time aspect? Why is the whole dev cycle not like this? How long does it usually last for?
Also why are you on Yea Forums if it's crunch time?
No she doesnt drink. She likes board games and music and dancing and musicals. She tried to get me to dance with her when I went out one night with her and her friends but I can't dance.
I had to switch to splatoon. Precise aiming has it's place but it's far more positional gameplay. I can position myself right and the ink hitboxes are forgiving enough that you win the engagement with correct decision making rather than 'twitchy' ability.
You can still USE that if you have it on certain weapons but it's not the be all end all like with tacticool games
Hi. I tried to figure out POE. That didnt work so well... back to boomerwatch....
I ghosted on everyone years ago when I felt that I was getting too old for online friends shit because it was honestly just annoying the fuck out of me
Not that I have a life to justfity that statement or anything
It's not the bible thumpers you need to worry about anymore. There's something much, much worse out there lurking and waiting to ruin lives for liking the wrong kind of porn.
>people only remember you if you breed
Tesla. Man wanted to fuck a pidgeon. He's more memorable than your granddad.
Is it ok if my wife makes more than me? I work in HR and she's a Pharmacist.
I built a 4k capable machine and the first game I played on it was need for speed II.
26 isnt even that old. Hell, early 30s isn't even that old. It's when you get into your late 40-50s that you should be considered too fucking old.
2006-2009 was fucking incredible for anime at least
I remember Hitler. He didn't have any kids. I don't remember your dad however. I wont remember you either lol, even if you shit out 100 kids. Also your great great grandchildren wont remember you either.
Like you?
Getting away from people. There's a nearby park that's a few thousand acres large. Has paths in areas, large bodies of water but most of the area is varied wilderness with animals and cool plants. Going there on nice days, wandering far out and not being around a single fucking person is great. Sometimes I'll go with a buddy that knows plants and we'll pick things and he teaches me how to identify stuff. I recently sat under a tree for an hour alone just relaxing, eating grapes I brought and watched a group of deer frolic nearby.
Why the fuck are you asking Yea Forums that? The fuck is your problem
I started feeling my age some time ago but then I started doing posture excercises and it all went away.
I'm 28 and flapjack was absolutely kino
Everyone says their kids are funny, your kids aren't fucking funny.
It's like fucking Stockholm Syndrome, or the fucking Sunk Cost Fallacy. You gotta put up with this little cunt, you've spent so much money feeding and clothing your wife's twat twerp, that you have to convince yourself it was worth it.
Who, SJW's? Or you do draw loli and weeb genre's that the west hates?
Can't you just not show all the porn you've drawn when you go apply to a job? How are they gonna know some nude fanart of some anime girl on a booru was drawn by you if you don't tell them?
That has everything to do with memes and nothing (zero) to do with genes.
Doesn't feel right on modern hardware.
Why would she waste her time on video games instead of having sex?
And where did I say I advocated such things....? I know you were trying to be witty, but it just makes you look like a twat when you don't even bother reading the posts you're replying to.
D- for the effort I guess.
The world doesn't need more short, dumb, ugly mexicans so I would rather not cosign my progeny to misery by passing on my shit genes.
>Sour grapes
An artist can change his pseudo / nickname but it's harder to change his style, his lewd habits. Tons of people care, and if they dig in your past & see that you did a furry scat commission for a rich weirdo, they will lose respect for you & are way less likely to recommend you in a positive light to their normal friends & families.
The most popular franchises like Mario, Mickey, Batman,etc... Don't contain much nsfw and that is part of their success!
You won't make kids dream with stories about blackmail,cuckold,prostitution,etc... Not sane for their minds. (And it shouldnt be)
>tfw just turned 24 and feel like my life is over already because I'm too "far behind"
If this were a video game I would've already deleted the save and restarted. How do you legit boomers do it? Deal with the woulda, coulda, shouldas of life that is.
>this spacing
Congrats you have met the new -esports cancer boom
>tfw friends having kids and no more time for games
But this is the best time to get kids because there's no fucking game at all to play.
Friend of mine just had 2 kids and he even have a "man cave" in his house with a lot of shit in it but there's NOTHING to play. You always go back to older games but youve already played them like crazy.
So if you want kids, get them now. It will probably take 10 years for them to get a new genre going.
>Time to gamedev them yourself!
Doing it right now fren. Current project is on mobile, but my next big project for Steam is either a 2d ActionAdventure game (Zelda game) or a 2D horror game. Not sure yet, but I have the necessary resource to make either one next. They maybe wont even be shitty.
I love CotC. I agree though that the artstyle isn't too great. But isn't the lip thing just there to correctly show that black people have bigger lips?
It started out as first-person tower defense, not "survival". I remember because one of my friends was hype for it and told me about it, and I instantly stopped caring after he told me it was tower defense. When PUBG was still big, everyone was waiting for a AAA to step in and make a version of the game that's not stupid, but very few people thought that the developer would be Epic, at the time known for being big like ten years ago, let alone that the AAA version would be a free mode for an existing tower defense game
Art styles are very easy to recognize. I'd regale you with the tragic tale of Dobson but its easier to just wait for a Dobson thread to pop up.
>Deal with the woulda, coulda, shouldas of life that is.
Man, I have no energy to think about that, people take life waaaay to seriously. On a couple of ocassions when I was sure I was gonna die, it didn't matter to me if I had a gf or kids or money, I was busy thinking 'oh shit oh shit oh shit'.
I also have no regrets because I've always listened to myself. In high school I preferred to stay at home playing Morrowind instead of going after thots in a nightclub. College was pretty much the same deal and now that I'm working it's still the same. Listen to yourself and what feels good for you, fuck what other people say and do.
>So many adult still obsessed about trying to fit in with societies norm how to spend your free time.
>Who would know, who would care?
Those things called "credits" at the end of movies and things? Apparently people pay attention to those.
Anybody who watches something you did work on has a chance to do a quick google search because "oh that's nice art, I wonder if they have done anything else?" and then they end up getting a google-search full of deviant-art porn. It's a "risk" for any corporation you work under to be associated with [specific fetish] that might damage their reputation, so they refuse to take it.
>Can't you do your porn under another name? So they don't know who it is?
To my knowledge, this is basically the only option, but that risks adding more problems because you can't give yourself publicity.
The way you draw, people can see that!
Take Da Vinci, Frazetta,Akira Toriyama, Don Rosa.
>Work 9-5
>Get up 6.50 because I find that comfy
>Go to work an hour away
>Finish work
>Arrive back at like 6
>Sleep at 11 or 12
that's 5 to 6 hours a day I have to game. What the fuck are you doing that eats up so much time that even assuming your commute is as long as mine you work the same hours yet only have ''waaah one or two hours waah'' left over
Get better at timekeeping
most of your "styles" of games happened because of hardware restrictions. Nowadays developers (even old veteran developers) embrace new technologies and styles because they are not restricted anymore by hard.
We couldn't get a Dark Souls game before with hardware from the 90s.
I hate the kids on here and I hate their attitude. I'm 32 and I already feel like an old guy who is out of touch who is in his 70s hating on the younger generations.
I never knew this would happen.
I dont get Streamers like fucking play games yourself. Why do you watch people play? Are you too lazy? What's sad: I've used to comment I was playing and I would always do stupid and funny stuff when playing. I would have probably been a great Streamer but as I grew older I've learned to shut the fuck up. I lurk on an anonymous image board because I don't want to boost my own ego and be like
>everyone look at me
When I was younger I was extroverted and loud like all Streamers. I don't roll like that anymore and I'm glad I've managed to mature. I also hate social media and I dont understand Fortnite or that Blizzard game with the cartoon ass.
I like spaces and I've never used reddit before. Kill yourself cuck.
Will they really be able to pick you out from your artstyle? Wouldn't that mean they had to go looking through booru's for anything similar to how you draw? Can't you get work for companies who are doing adults or teenager rated products anyways. I doubt they would care.
well iidx doesnt let u support ur forearms anywhere soo
Early through late millenial are all kino
Your child is not funny.
>turning 26 next month
>tfw 24 year old doomer with no skills or guidance in life, no energy for anything, no parental support or family support, think about suicide almost every day, feels like nobody cares or understands me.
The end is soon, isn't it bros? I guess some don't live as long as others. Natural way of life.
This but unironically. People will always hate other people for stuff they do and they don't like. As long as you don't dress or act like a huge sperg, have whatever hobby you feel like.
You’re me, let’s play
Don't hate them, pity them. They are the way they are because they've only ever had superficial relationships with people and institutions that don't really care about them.
I just turned 30 today and have been here since I was like 14.
>8 hour work day
You're forgetting lunch, you larper.
I introduced my nephew to fighting games and it was absolutely hilarious to see him play. He can now do special inputs, simple combos and supers but before it was funny as hell to see him flip out when getting a single fireball or super mashed out.
you even talk like one,you are fooling sound like a little bitch.
Who the hell draws porn and releases it under their birthname anyways? Do people not make up usernames on the internet anymore?
How the fuck would someone look through the end credits of some game, see art done by John Smith and be able to connect that to 69luStybuStyseMondeMon69's profile on a website.
>work full time
>be 30+
>go to gym after work (sometimes)
>no friends, no significant other
>not interested in most new titles but still like to play some casual games
>saving money to do other things like travel but wind up sending it on food
>like to watch gaming events even though I don't play the games like DotA and Overwatch
Really the only game I'm looking forward to is Cyberpunk 2077, but I don't really have a strong interest in any other games. I don't like fast paced or horror themed games, just casual stuff in a fantasy setting. Anything you could recommend me, Yea Forums?
My work has flexible work hours. I can start at either 8, 9 or 10am and finish at either 4, 5 or 6pm. Any overtime hours I do gives me extra days off. 7 hours overtime = 1 day off.
>turned 26 this week
Being triggered by someones posting style is the most bitch thing you could ever do. Back to twitter with you cuck.
>30-year-old boomer
>not interested in any of these newfangled games
>all of my favorite series are dead or unrecognizable
>2018 rolls around
>SoulCalibur VI
>Resident Evil 2 Remake
>Kingdom Hearts III
>Devil May Cry 5
>goes back to booming in peace
I'm not him, but not everyone stocks shelves at Walmart and has a mandatory 30-minute unpaid lunch break. Some of us can eat lunch at our desks while we work.
>inb4 "lol you can't take a lunch break"
No, I can, but I'd rather not get home that much later.
Burgers don't count lunch in their 8h work day?
Where the fuck are your vegetable, faggot?
Wow, you’re crushed. Kill yourself now so you can be remembered
I use to not take a lunch just because not working in a workplace is more boring than working. Plus its an excuse to have steak and eggs for dinner to make up for it. I'm probably not the only one.
Fuck off gunny
32 year old guy here, the thing that got me out of my funk was realizing that in five years, I'd look back and regret I wasted the time I'm living now, just like how I look back at myself five years from now and wish I would have been doing something with all of that time besides playing video games and masturbating.
Just think about who you want to be, and start working to be that person so that this part of your life is something you can look back on with pride. You're only twenty-four. I would kill to go back in time and take control of my life, but all you can do is do the best with what you have.
Don't ever feel like you're a waste, user. You're capable, you're just letting the past paralyze you. Just work towards being the person you want to be.
Even as a mediocre artfag, I've traced some stuff back to artists simply by recognizing techniques, habits or style. You'd have to really mask or adopt something different while working on your nsfw stuff to remain really anonymous.
I'm mainly interested in established franchises like FF, DQ, Fallout, Elder scrolls (even though they've ruined it), GTA, etc.
>wish I would have been doing something with all of that time besides playing video games and masturbating
What else is there to do?
>parental/family support
Wack I just immigrated and cut all ties with my family, best thing I've ever done.
I had this realization in early 30's as well. Is this supposed to be the dreaded midlife crisis? Because it wasn't anything like a catastrophe everyone portrays it as in the slightest. Just a few insights and adjustments to my goals and activities.
Oh fuck were you playing in silver 1 on dust 2? I was that guy making fun of you
I'm 31.
I can remember:
>Getting Baldur's Gate 2 for Christmas when I was 12 (something like that), I had no idea what the game was but the box and screenshots on the back cover made it look amazing. I ended up just watching my older bro play it though
>Going to a video game/computer store in the 1990s (some independent one) and watching Unreal 1 on a Voodoo 2 3000 GPU and being awestruck by it
>Going to that same video game/computer store to buy Baldur's Gate 1 as a kid and ending up buying FF7 instead because they didn't have the former. I loved it, in spite of the constant crashes on PC
>Playing the LBA 1 demo and finding how it played around with 3d perspectives and things really cool, but never playing the full game. Playing
>Playing The Longest Journey for the first time (when I was around 11) and it being one of the first games that really touched me emotionally
>Playing Dreamfall in the mid 00s and eagerly waiting for a sequel for over a decade. Turned out Dreamfall: Chapters was garbage and ruined everything unfortunately
>Watching my brother play Half Life 1 for the first time back in 1997, I remember being amazed by the opening sequence and how you could talk to the barneys/scientists by pressing E
>Getting Halo 1 for the first time and finding the ambience/architecture/music in the game amazing
>Playing Gears 1 for the first time on its release and being blown away by how good it looked, one of the last times a console's graphics genuinely impressed me
>Likewise for Bioshock 1
>Playing Halo 3 upon release just before I went to university for the first time, last time I spent with an old friend
>When this board unironically used to have Phoenix Wright roleplay threads
>That girl who fucked a dog on Deviant Art and got doxed by Yea Forums in 2007
>Meeting up with a girl from /r9k/ and fucking her in 09
Sorry for blog post, just hoping someone else can perhaps relate.
What do you do when you were the guy you wanted to be at 20 and peaked super early? Feels bad man. Maybe I should go live with buddhist monks for a while.
>go play some TF2
>only time i can hit shit is bouts of luck or when i haven't slept for 20+ hours and i'm in The Zone, or sometimes whenever i try playing a class i haven't played in a month i just stomp the enemy team and next round, i'm back to sucking
sure is fun being ass at a game. i probably just need a better mouse.
FF was alright. Never got into DQ but maybe I'll give it a go. Thanks.
I'm a fan of the bullets bombs and babes theme. Heavy Metal FAKK2, Drakan, BloodRayne, etc
inb4shittaste, to each their own
>have a gamer wife and two sons
>all vidya all the time
I won life.
To answer your 2nd paragraph : THE WAY THEY DRAW. One dude talks about the similarities between your SFW stuff & a degenerate artist, some others compare it & boom, your cover is blown.
Talking about covers : why do all these artists hide their identity, hmmm?
as it is, me and my friends all have 2 full time jobs and girlfriends. My life is divided between work sleep girlfriend alone time. Soon to start college on top of that. I am 21 so I already am suffering.
I'm an engineer and my company forces us to take a half hour lunch that we can't bill whenever we have group meetings or brown bags (sales/technical people coming in to present about their products) during the typical lunch hour... which is most of the time.
I've never seen it.
>8hr work day
I wish that was true as well. It feels like it's 9hrs/day min.
I feel like I would pass out trying to go all day without eating.
>over 27 already
You got me wrong. It's not my past thats holding me back.
It's the fact that no matter what I do I get stuck in ruts. I can never find a job that isn't backbreaking, I can never save enough money for anything worthwhile, I can barely afford rent with how low wages are in America. I have no college, can't afford any school, parents never could afford for me to go school and they don't give a shit anyways. I got nothing to fall back on if I fuck up financially, I will basically be homeless and probably just kill myself by giving up and not eating. I always have shit to worry about, there never is any peace in my life.
The grind has broken me, changed me into a worse person. A less passionate, less fun, less optimistic person. I really don't see the point in life anymore or living at all.
It depends on what you like, or what your dreams are (or were).
For me, I gave up on writing music and coding in high school, so I've been practicing in my spare time to get it back. Even if it's not something that's going to result in a career change or anything, it feels good to not just be stuck in a rut every day. I've also been reading more, which has made my mind feel less foggy and slow than it has been for the past ten years.
Beyond that, I've also come to appreciate not doing things, in the sense of just taking pleasure in the small things, like sitting on a park bench feeling gentle breezes and seeing kids playing with their pets. Time goes on no matter what, and sometimes it feels better to just go with it rather than spend so much energy trying to mentally beat it back.
>tfw because of work you don't really have time to dedicate to games anymore because a 60 hour game could last months
>you inevitably lose motivation to play it anymore because after months of playin it loses its charm
>have a backlog of half complete games I'll "get to later" that become increasingly more difficult to pick up again because I'd have to pretty much re-learn the games
>gravitate more towards smaller experiences like Smash where games last 5 minutes on average and you feel like you're actually getting stuff done even if it's just playing against shitters who think their phone hotspot in an underground subway station is a suitable enough connection
>gf sleeping next to me and I'm shitposting on Yea Forums instead of playing games
>because she's 8 years younger than me, most of the games I get inevitably end up being for her to play since she has more free time
Growing up was a mistake. I should have offed myself at 25 like I said I would, but she came into my life around then and while I enjoy the times I've had with her I really feel like I'm past my expiration date. I should be happy to have a qt asian gamer girlfriend who's into anime and lolita fashion - she's my high school self's dream girl; but life just gets more and more pathetic as you grow older. I'm hoping my new meds help me because it sucks feeling like I'd rather lay in bed refreshing Yea Forums or watch her play vidya than actually play vidya and watch animu myself.
I work 7 to 5 Mon-Thur and 7 to 12 on Fridays
I didn't say I liked them I said TFA was alright, I forgot the first order because their entire concept was stupid.
I understand now. Fuck that sucks. I wish the west wasn't so fucking sex allergic. Wouldn't you still be able to get work in Europe, they have a much healthier attitude to sex over there. I am sure they would not care as much as Americans.
What would your life have to look like to feel worth living? Just the basics.
You sure do seem to have enough free time to larp
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its almost time for us to collect free neetbux
Tbh I've never wanted anything other than being able to play games all day every day. Used to read a lot, but then I realized I'm just unnecessarily burdening my brain with political topics and reading fantasy is no different than playing vidya. I have all this knowledge about a lot of shit and I have nothing to show for it since all that matters in the world is being a loudmouth with a God complex.
i dont know anymore.
Just a reminder:
The world belongs to the 16-24 year olds.
You might as well be dead already.
>moved out of apartment i rented during grad school to live with wife on her campus grad apartment
>no more desktop
>only shitty laptopt
>can only play shadowrun and puzzle quest
>cant find job just watch twitch all day
>would kill to have my old desktop again
life keeps getting worse
I know I know,but mobile is perfect for turning little demos and side projects into a bit of money. I do not make shitty pay2win stuff or anything. Just arcade stuff or puzzle games.
The good stuff is on Steam or (was) on browser game sites.
>turned 31 last month
>still look younger than most my coworkers, friends
>have thick, nice looking hair people compliment
I'm just waiting for something really bad to happen to my health to offset these things.
>Meeting up with a girl from /r9k/ and fucking her in 09
Can relate to this. I'm 33, I've been on here since 2006 and most of the girls I've fucked have been from Yea Forums in some round or about way (Skype groups, Steam chat groups years ago etc). The thing is, those were all when I was 23-29. One of the biggest memes about getting older is that you get more appealing to (younger) women. It's true if the age gap is like 6-7 years and you're still in your 20s, but 30 is a big watershed. It's much harder to find e-thots to fuck after you hit 30, and I suspect it's partly because you stop being a "cool older guy" and wander into "creepy older guy" territory instead. I also suspect the other side of it is that back in the 2006-2012 era, the market wasn't as saturated with thirsty guys chasing e-girls as it is today, so it wasn't as hard to exchange contact details and meet up and fuck.
Pic related.
Why wouldn't you bring your desktop with you when moving?
>currently 29
You fucked a downs girl? Nice
>>tfw friends having kids and no more time for games
just end it bros
the radio sucks nowadays, the best new thing I heard recently is vapor wave and the retro 80s wave stuff from pertubator and the like.
because cant fit it into airplane and i moved from a 1br to a shared apartment with a tiny ass bedroom
It bothers me that all the protagonists are slowly becoming younger than me. It's so weird playing the newest pokemon and having to be a 12-year old again.
>Used to read a lot, but then I realized I'm just unnecessarily burdening my brain with political topics
Damn. Same here. I am 26 now. I wasted so much time from 18-24 reading political bullshit, browsing /pol/, reading lots of books and essays. It's all interesting, but a complete waste of time, and it absolutely is a burdon of knowledge that does not help you, but hinders you. It just makes you sad, angry and depressed most of the time. And I am just a poorfag nobody, I can't change anything, so what does it benefit me to know all this crap.
So I stopped. Though I still read fiction books and sci fi/fantasy and genre stuff every now and then. I feel much better and happier. Maybe if I as an actual politician, or born to a high class family who has power, those books would be useful, but they aren't.
Yeah, okay kid.
>tfw 26 y/o doomer
This is why the white race deserves to die.
I didn't actually fuck that one, she wanted to meet up and fuck but she was too crazy even for a loser like me who loves BPD changirls.
If I could give any advice to the young ones on here, it's not to chase after girls who play video games, watch anime and that kind of thing. They are far, far crazier, sluttier and so on than your average chick is. Even your average club-going girl is less promiscuous. That said the sex is worse.
everything up until early gen z was great, but gen z was when the quality halved.
Jokes on you I'm gonna masturbate to that.
I too am looking forward to Cyberpunk 2077.
Hope it doesn't suck.
I want to be able to make a model similiar to my waif Motoko in the game.
i dont even play games anymore, i just watch speed runs of diablo2, baldurs gate and other boomer games
Pathetic. I take my desktop with me when I go on holidays. Just get 2 big suitcases, one for the tower, one for your screen. Put tons of padding in there, pillows, sheets, bubble wrap etc, then tell them to put it in fragile when you go to the airport.
I don't bother going overseas on a holiday for any less than 1 month. So yeah, I set my desktop up in my hotel room. Holidays are for fun, and if I feel like playing vidya at night after a long day out exploring a new locale, I fucking will.
>When this board unironically used to have Phoenix Wright roleplay threads
>That girl who fucked a dog on Deviant Art and got doxed by Yea Forums in 2007
I legitimately miss tripfags like Quentin. It seems like tripfags in general have just disappeared.
I just watch ZFG nowadays, no more playing games.
Same, except I'd like to model something after Leeloo.
You lost your muscle memory, but you still have know how. Its frustrating but if you keep playing for a few weeks you'll be back on top.
I can relate fren. I turned 30 recently.
The Longest Journey helped me cure my depression a while ago. Played Dreamfall first when it came out. Bought Chapters but too scared to even play it.
FF7 blew my mind as a kid. Bought 8 and 9 on release day. Was pretty hard to play as a kid but I bought the strategy guides too. Was relatively disappointed with FF10, because it felt like a beta version of a game. Way to slow and confined.
Confirming all of this. Even a decent job and being in shape doesn't really change it. The sort of girls who are into 30-something guys are all either women your own age or late 20s neurotics looking to settle down.
Shit fucking sucks. I should have married that Estonian girl years ago.
Nah, When i was a younger i enjoyed playing with older people they weren't as fucking annoying as other kids. Just don't be retarded and it doesn't matter how fucking old you are. Assuming you can still actually play.
>It seems like tripfags in general have just disappeared.
That's a good thing. People are finally realizing the benefits of this place is being anonymous. You can go be a namefag on literally any other website.