Attached: AOE2.webm (1280x720, 1.69M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: 1553397211389.webm (1280x720, 1.87M)

me on the left

Attached: 30 and 60 fps.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

i don't see any difference

30 looks more realistic if you ask me.

Attached: not just the knights, but the padawans and the younglings too.webm (800x600, 2.87M)

based, fuck kids

Are you serious or just fishing for replies? Just asking.

what is this?

Attached: heavymortarstrikenosound.webm (750x422, 2.63M)

30 fps with motion blur looks more realistic, this is why movies are 24fps with motion blur.

I'm so used to playing games in sub 24fps with my toaster that even the 30 fps looked great

Attached: 1553227417888.png (338x372, 372K)

You are right, the eyes also only works at 24 with heavy motion blur but to make up for it our brain puts in the missing details. It's not like the movie industry went for the lowest amount of frames they could before people found it jarring a hundred years ago which has since then been a standard. Just like the world updates 30 times a second.


Attached: 14229360992152.webm (1440x900, 1.93M)

Oh hey, I was watching T90 earlier

now THIS is podracing!

that's age of empires 2
if you like 2 hour long rts games you'll love it

Attached: now THIS is podracing.jpg (990x658, 255K)

motion blur looks like shit in computer graphics though it's acceptable in real life video footage

Haha, you're so funny, go fuck yourself

Attached: 1516771881426.webm (1280x720, 2.27M)

Abysmal bitrate, should have not even bothered.

Attached: Bordelands mememememe.webm (800x426, 2.27M)

Attached: 1469776035939.webm (960x540, 2.48M)

Still not realistic enough. The human eye can only process 12fps at best.

Attached: FFXII.webm (640x360, 2.77M)

Attached: Tails delivers tofu to the President.webm (640x360, 2.95M)

Attached: Ada BTFO.webm (708x400, 2.93M)

Attached: boots clip.webm (1024x896, 2.81M)

Attached: quatlity mafia 3 webm.webm (500x281, 654K)

Attached: THIS IS IT LEON.webm (708x400, 2.93M)

The human eye actually perceives 260 FPS. Past that we can't see

Vaan sucks so fucking much and almost ruined XII for me

Attached: KNOCK KNOCK OPEN UP THE DOOR.webm (708x400, 2.95M)

I wonder if future stadia shills will start a meme about human eye can only process 20 fps with latency of 500 ms

Attached: ipbj.webm (1024x896, 2.29M)

why is Celes in Link to the Past

Attached: 1550734931665.jpg (234x216, 9K)

Those kids can fuck you up in movie battles 2


Attached: MOTIVATED.webm (708x400, 2.93M)

Attached: White legs must perish.webm (1280x720, 2.7M)

same here

Attached: tsfp horror.webm (1244x934, 935K)

what game?

God damn...

Attached: 1537665073192.gif (300x375, 2.12M)

Attached: COMPLETE ZOOMER SATURATION.webm (708x400, 2.93M)

Attached: arrow minigame.webm (1024x896, 2.26M)

Attached: Neo.webm (960x540, 2.74M)

Wildstar online

It's are ded

what game?


Attached: 1518358540018.webm (640x360, 2.89M)

>Wildstar online
ty just looking for r34

Attached: Ryder.webm (736x428, 863K)

Left 4 dead

Attached: tsfpballs.webm (1238x900, 2.85M)

Attached: 1491988894820.webm (768x448, 754K)

Attached: tsfp.webm (660x820, 803K)

Attached: a good game.webm (1238x920, 1.13M)

>NV reloaded water shader

Attached: Summer Lesson.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

barbies dreamhouse

Attached: sp_crushed.webm (542x472, 2.94M)

old murky water gets boring

>breasts squish against the ground
Its the little details that matter

God bless the nips!

Attached: Dante going full Mike Tysont.webm (540x304, 2.95M)

>censored contra aka probotector
more like

I've never understood 'forced animation' until watching this.

looks like a flash game. You should find it on newgrounds

Attached: greed.webm (498x304, 1.3M)

dude, the version with humans is gay, ugly and a joke. With bots it is much more believeable and fun.

Attached: gore_ultimate_soldier.webm (930x522, 2.26M)

Attached: Trish combo.webm (720x406, 2.96M)

I can't wait for the sequel to completely ruin it

Grey DeLisle's voice is perfection.

Attached: yatagarasu Parry.webm (640x480, 1.59M)

A travesty that that game wasn't more popular desu.

How much shit got fixed by the final patch?

these webms suck...

Attached: This is no longer Pod-racing.webm (900x506, 2.22M)

Kind of reminds me of that helium frame or whatever it was on robocraft. What ever happened to that game, anyway?

it went through several updates that made it worse, like now all methods of movement are similarised and all air units are cars that fly and dont have wheels. also tech trees were changed into an inventory system, which i think is a load of suck.
thankfully, there are better alternatives to both robocraft and crossout

Attached: thomasformer.webm (428x398, 1.8M)

>don't trust anyone, not even yourself

Ready to get memed by Paradox?

please god no

Attached: b4a69b197db3b42628875aec437fa57f4bce4987_hq.gif (540x303, 1.55M)

A few typos and a sound bug on Elaaden.


post ones that don't suck

Attached: all my shootings be drive-by's.webm (1280x720, 2.98M)

Attached: kerbal mech program.webm (1280x720, 2.69M)

Attached: chaos hop.webm (1280x720, 2.88M)

not gonna waste my webms on this sucky thread...

Ok horizon kun

>complain about thing
>make no attempt to make thing better
you have no right to complain

Attached: rootin tootin and pollutin.webm (1406x566, 1.48M)

Attached: 1523137196348.webm (960x540, 2.86M)

>No regular fuel supply for the train.
Enjoy your fucking terrible, baby-sitting-requiring factory you noob.

Attached: 1523137322826.webm (1817x1000, 1.33M)

>literally giving away (you)s

Attached: 1523115639502.webm (960x540, 2.8M)

which one was this from?

is this a mod?

Attached: 1523115415004.webm (960x540, 1.29M)

I can't tell, it's not by me. But there are many babby cups on yotube

Attached: 1552719634886.gif (720x446, 1.33M)

Attached: 1525545518244.webm (640x360, 2.38M)

Attached: headcrab_dominates.webm (720x404, 1.14M)

How does a game with so much simulated rape get made in 2019?

Amazing how simply moving the head more adds so much more realism. If the heads on right were kept still, it would look the same.

>Get off



Attached: 1551041172847.webm (960x540, 2.92M)

Attached: 1553017154887.png (822x802, 680K)

Attached: I love you, daddy.webm (1152x648, 2.88M)



>griffin armor

Haven't been any racing threads in a while

Attached: Bouncing Turn.webm (480x270, 2.84M)

didn't this girl got cut in favor of the chink girl?
i expected to see dozens of webms and threads when this thing released but it seemed to fade away like a fart in the wind

Wait until you try 144/165hz.

Attached: 1525874065678.webm (640x512, 2.99M)

If that flips over I hope the roof sheep take over.

Attached: Drifting IsHard.webm (1280x720, 2.84M)

Attached: Camp.webm (870x638, 2.84M)

what game

Attached: gore ultimate soldier run1.webm (535x301, 2.77M)

Attached: gore ultimate solider run2.webm (684x382, 2.57M)

Attached: gore ultimate soldier run3.webm (535x301, 2.88M)

Attached: vbm.png (1910x1080, 1.41M)



Attached: 1392577763271.jpg (552x464, 40K)

This looks so much like STPeach, wow.

Battle Chasers

any good?

Attached: 1414324343970.webm (640x360, 2.72M)

Attached: 1423493552576.webm (800x450, 2.99M)

Attached: 1414348921488.webm (640x360, 759K)

Attached: 1420471717979.webm (640x360, 2.96M)

Attached: 1420471717980.webm (640x360, 2.6M)

Attached: 1420471717981.webm (640x360, 2.82M)

Attached: 1420471717982.webm (640x360, 2.39M)

Attached: 1420471717983.webm (640x360, 2.84M)

>There goes quadrinero's power coupling!

Attached: 1477918928250.webm (640x360, 1.75M)

Attached: 1487813053151.webm (1280x720, 556K)

bad boy

Is this for real or just a mod? What game?

Attached: flat,800x800,075,f.jpg (400x386, 34K)

>when all the shit tier fetishists thought she pissed herself in this trailer instead of her being embarrassed she got as excited as she did

Can I just watch the anime instead of QTE?

Attached: Horny lonely men.jpg (1140x641, 279K)

Should be Jedi Knight 3 with the "movie battles 2" mod.

Attached: We crush the precure.webm (640x360, 588K)

Attached: SM.webm (384x336, 2.96M)

Attached: SM (J)ver.webm (640x360, 2.02M)

Attached: 1424116106144.webm (481x343, 1.1M)

Attached: Life Is Cuck.webm (852x480, 2.84M)

Attached: 1429761211845.webm (1920x1080, 1.45M)

Attached: 1429760982540.webm (640x480, 2.9M)

Attached: Glass-breaking in Resistance 2.webm (350x350, 2.47M)

Attached: 1415643446117.webm (960x540, 698K)

Fucking hell Broly, chill out.

>asking Yea Forums if a video game is "any good"

Attached: 1514252468239.gif (400x206, 1.76M)

Attached: 1429156286678.webm (853x480, 2.72M)


Yes, it's a dungeon crawling JRPG based on a western comic. Combat is solid.

Yea Forums has pointed me to more good games than any other site

dark messiah of might and magic

Like what?

I'll give it a peek, thanks m8

Well now you can be literally her. You can play with her outfit.

TimeSplitters Future Perfect

*with purchase of the collector's edition




pajeets game never finished, amazing.


factorio my man

>see a guy take a vehicle like this into a match
>dies in under 3 seconds as it flies a beautiful arc into a wall

not enough porn of her stuffed body

Attached: beep beep motherfucker.webm (480x244, 1.09M)


Attached: centella.posting_52634712_384694442343817_4172410047726354432_n.webm (480x464, 2.94M)

holy shit that reaction

Attached: san.jpg (890x960, 37K)

God I fucking miss Shootmania
Had the best battle royale game mode too

why did I watch this whole thing?



It isn't you faggot. It's JA (JK3 for faggots) and Movie DUELS mod.

>Not video games

Attached: comfy.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

Attached: techno wizardry.webm (1250x702, 1.62M)

Jesus, what game just curious

Because you are horny and lonely?

Attached: Draw.webm (408x578, 648K)

Attached: thehunter.webm (1000x562, 2.83M)

Attached: foxhoel.webm (1366x880, 2.85M)

Attached: wallpaper.webm (826x562, 2.18M)

only because it has decent motion blur, and because there's no aiming just moving
if the blur is done wrong then it still looks choppy
the reason why films look so good despite being 24 fps is that the motion blur is natural
30 fps trying to shoot another character that is dodging is almost unplayable

Attached: 1418248702129.webm (1067x600, 2.85M)

Attached: 1420400428779.webm (1000x563, 2.92M)

Attached: 1427968244257.webm (1280x720, 2.7M)

Attached: 1420561171793.webm (1280x720, 2.84M)

Attached: 1416555110920.webm (274x154, 2.88M)

This is cool. Is this an isolated example or is physics overall this good in the game?

>One of the SBF finally does a AW LP
>It's Matt
>constantly bitching and nitpicks about everything
Need to get Woolie on that shit.

thank god for this thread because I never get an excuse to post this

Attached: plane drive by.webm (960x540, 1.56M)

Attached: 1431231209154.webm (800x450, 2.91M)

Y'all ready for disappointment?

Attached: 1547935119925.webm (800x450, 2.89M)

Attached: 1429605924418.webm (1920x1080, 2.82M)

Attached: lots of buttons.webm (1280x720, 2.79M)

What are you playing this on? Resolution looks higher than I remember

Attached: 1447039091677.webm (1280x720, 2.78M)

Attached: Metal Slug 3.webm (450x330, 2.02M)

This still hurts to see
Fucking Konami and kojima threw something great away

Is the switch version of this worth playing?

This game desperately needs a faithful-to-original, purely graphical update.

Attached: 1553112605697.webm (720x406, 763K)

Attached: 1486569900235.webm (960x540, 2.99M)

Attached: tree of savior moth boss.webm (1326x560, 2.54M)

Attached: 1506692441964.webm (854x480, 2.93M)

It's never going to be finished...

Attached: Screenshot_2019-03-24 Rogue System bei Steam.png (623x195, 29K)

>back when she was still a woman

Attached: 1457281742459.webm (1280x720, 2.44M)

is it worth playing just for the demon waifu?

Attached: demon waifu.webm (1280x720, 2.9M)

Attached: 1533639835726.webm (542x900, 2.98M)


sadly no

Attached: get off my head witch.webm (1920x1080, 2.55M)

Thanks, I never knew where the webm came from. I hope Michael gets better.

It still hurts

Attached: pew pew.webm (1262x578, 1.39M)

wait what?
the lone dev that was autistically working on this game got taken out by health problems?

>is it worth playing

No. For several reasons.

the models on the left are MDickie tier are you kidding me? look at their lips

Attached: shot_jesus02.jpg (250x161, 8K)

Attached: gottagofast.webm (720x576, 2.56M)

You can try, but the gameplay is great if you like to play around with the envoirment. You more likley will play it for that then to see more of her she doesn't have many apperances to begin with iirc.

Pretty sure I recall none of them particularly liking the game.

Attached: kancollefield.webm (669x384, 2.87M)

Attached: cassardis.webm (960x540, 2.15M)

Forced Animation is nice to the eyes. It's literal eye candy seeing good animation.

Jokes aside, Broteams videos on those series of games had me dying. Somebody actually made that shit.


Attached: 1457811824906.webm (1280x720, 1.68M)

Who are the assholes that keep waking up on the roof?

At least Borderlands is a GOOD looter shooter.

nah, just high res as far as I know

Wouldn't it just be easier to call it
Over-exaggerated Animation?

>she doesn't have many apperances to begin with
Yeah, but it's incredibly hard for the PC to get her out of his head.

Attached: truck of comfy.webm (880x560, 2.91M)

Attached: bigsnek.webm (1280x720, 2.73M)

>spray and pray
>what am I not hitting anything

Attached: cute.gif (320x384, 2.23M)

Literally disgusting to look at

the moment metal slug peaked

Attached: doom keycard.webm (1396x784, 2.38M)

I had to get my older sister to beat that level.
Was scary as fuck man

Attached: Monster Hunter World 2019.02.02 - (1024x576, 2.07M)

>still no release date
>despite sony renewing the trademark just one week ago

Attached: welp.jpg (255x231, 14K)

>crosshairs don't actually show where your gun is pointing

Objectively terrible design.

Attached: kat eats icecream.webm (570x556, 2.97M)


Attached: homerun god.webm (1280x720, 1.73M)

Scripted. There are dozens of those panels in the level and each one causes the light to interact with the level in some way.

Attached: things happen.webm (640x480, 2.95M)

actually the reason movies are 24fps is because hollywood jews wanted to pay less for film

god what's this

Is this the remaster? I don't like it.

is there an alien in there

Attached: betrayal.webm (1920x1080, 2.99M)

What the fuck.

Yes. Evil worm.

Attached: final boss of taekwondo game knocks the referee unconscious and the game victory condition changes f (412x360, 1.17M)

Waxworks, it's fucked.

Actually, that one is from Elvira II: The Jaws of Cerberus.

Never ever in FFXIV.

>instantly had her voice in my head
Shit I got a weakness for texan accents and cute stylized girls. The trailers were outstandingly well animated

A shame the game was so shit

I still haven't killed him and I'm 50+ tries with pugs.

those were a very fun few days

Oh yeah, having every webm thread filled with nothing but every creation a nine year old thought was clever. Good times.

Wat gam?

Attached: 1548197428452.webm (800x572, 2.84M)

We've all suffered from it. I switched to HBG tank just because of how shit I was at hitting it with CB

Attached: Behemoth Knockout.webm (1024x576, 2.9M)

Attached: WTF is this gay right bullshit in front of my quarters.webm (1280x540, 2.9M)

>Humans see in motion blur

wat gam?

based and bdopilled

Attached: roll an uninstall wizard.webm (960x540, 2.85M)

She's a nice bonus to a good game.

Yh i guess that is why it's not the most popular competitive fps on the market, oh wait.

some shitty mobile game

is that honey select
is it really as crazy as they say

Nah that's Koikatsu. Honey Select has a more realistic style.

>focus is on the anime girl's voice instead of loud realistic gun noises during battle
My disappointment is immeasurable

Attached: 1539390708811.png (720x540, 619K)

Attached: Achieved using NVIDIA Geforce Technology.webm (800x300, 2.96M)

that's a pretty strong lanyard


>H-he's just toying with them!

Attached: 1472351558566.jpg (500x500, 135K)


She's the heart of the game.


Attached: mordhau_gouched.webm (640x360, 2.52M)

Attached: mordhau_off_bridge.webm (640x360, 2.57M)

Game? Looks spooky

Attached: 1535071508555.webm (654x485, 2.08M)

arx fatalis

lmao thought there was something wrong with my webm player then realised it doesnt work that way

Attached: mordhau_bow.webm (640x360, 2.63M)



robocraft + mad max, made by gaijew

no both are in

What the fuck is this

This some hip new underground VGCW or what. Haven't seen that shit in years.

What am I supposed to be seeing here?

That actually looks good. Simple but good.

the randomizer probably, it lets you pick lots of different characters

>2. draw the rest of the fucking owl

>consoletards consoling themselves

i reached half this game i think
is it worth completing it? it looked really fun but didn't pique my interest

Attached: 1498552638380.webm (852x480, 2.48M)

I thought i couldn't live without 60fps until i played consoles. 30fps with stable frametimes is great but i would never use it for shooters tbqh.
Movie games benefit way more from it.


>people used to 30fps can't tell the difference
Imagine my shock.

>Gore: Ultimate Soldier

There's an obscure as fuck game.

>not "gunning in the 90s.webm"

Thanks for posting these, dude.

Attached: dabko.webm (800x450, 1.51M)

The truck of peace

Goddamn it. It looks like it's from 2006.
And I was looking forward to it too

im just on low settings for the 144 fps
it looks really good at higher settings and with modern specs it runs perfectly fine

I was also referring to the physics and animation, but I guess that's good to know as well.

oh ye the physics is absolutely wonky right now

wew is right

Man If I played this game as a kid it would fuck me up real good.

This will be a sneaking mission, Snake.

I want this game, right now

yeah, like what

Attached: remaster.webm (854x240, 2.97M)

Vampire: The Masquerade

Attached: 1549583738890.webm (640x560, 2.85M)


Attached: 12.webm (1280x720, 1.32M)

Attached: 6.webm (320x180, 2.47M)

man, kirby final bosses are always truly insane

Attached: NJPW Shin Nihon Pro Wrestling - Toukon Retsuden 3 (PS1).webm (480x324, 2.99M)

Attached: AJPW King's Soul.webm (416x308, 2.99M)

Attached: All Japan Women Pro Wrestling - Queen of Queens (PC-FX, 1995) [Akira Hokuto vs. Sarah Tsukigami].web (484x356, 3M)

Attached: timeslow.webm (510x384, 2.39M)

Attached: Boku no Natsuyasumi.webm (1024x768, 2.28M)

Who's looking forward to the remake/sequel?

Attached: Pathologic (01).webm (720x540, 711K)

the fuck is this?
some sort of gobbo rape sim?

Attached: JxJ0k2.webm (720x404, 1.27M)

Attached: Pathologic (02).webm (640x360, 2.45M)

>some sort of gobbo rape sim?
Goblin Walker

Attached: Pathologic (03).webm (640x360, 2.51M)

with mod - exclusive on PC only

Attached: magolor.webm (640x360, 1.22M)

Attached: Pathologic (04).webm (640x360, 2.86M)

Every mobile game ever made.

Attached: 1.webm (720x404, 1.53M)

Attached: Pathologic (05).webm (640x360, 1.85M)

Attached: scam citizen.webm (742x600, 2.99M)

Attached: Pathologic (06).webm (852x480, 2.02M)

Attached: Pathologic (07).webm (852x480, 2.95M)

Attached: roastie screaming.webm (520x292, 2.66M)

Attached: Void.webm (720x404, 2.68M)

it only got like a couple patches before EA declared the game dead and took the team off of it

where can i pirate it?

no it doesn't, it already looks great.

Attached: 1534968527216.png (778x512, 270K)

nyaa propably

Attached: Aqua and Mickey Walk.webm (1920x1080, 1.4M)

to this day I still can't understand what the fuck this game is
Is it walking simulator?

>no it doesn't, it already looks great.
It looks acceptable. The game's three main appeals are amazing combat, Xana and visuals in general. They interlink so improving the third one would somewhat improve the first.

Attached: Twat Rocket.webm (640x480, 2.87M)

>crosshairs pointing at the enemy
>bullets heading towards the enemy

Attached: Meow CHAD establishes dominance.webm (640x360, 2.06M)

Attached: 12654198484518.webm (1280x720, 2.21M)

Attached: lady layton.webm (1280x720, 359K)

Attached: Trish and Dante Quote UMvC3.webm (1280x720, 2.42M)

Attached: Devil May Cry (37).webm (1024x576, 2.97M)

why does 60fps looks so weird and fake? like a television soap opera or something, very weird and makes me uncomfortable.
30fps is perfection.

Attached: Devil May Cry (4).webm (576x432, 2.73M)

Attached: 2.webm (852x480, 2.9M)

Attached: Devil May Cry (20).webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

Attached: Defend the plants, the ningen.webm (1280x720, 2.9M)

Attached: jojo pose.webm (640x360, 2.94M)

Attached: Hexen Bridge.webm (1600x900, 1.08M)

>bullets randomly dancing around crosshair

how the fuck do you play this

Attached: HD Nuts.webm (1920x1080, 2.26M)

Attached: Leon Belmont hunts the night.webm (540x360, 831K)

imagine trying to bait with some shitpost from like 3 years ago

Attached: tposin ghouls.webm (1280x800, 1.98M)

Attached: Wayfinder.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

Attached: edf4.webm (1280x720, 2.79M)

Attached: Devil May Cry (43).webm (640x360, 2.02M)

It will literally do the exact same thing every time you shoot it

Attached: 1550057060669.webm (1280x720, 382K)

God I fucking hate twitch chat

Attached: 1457658251469.png (305x305, 146K)

>hasn't even played the game

Attached: 2.webm (640x360, 806K)

Attached: 1542145830082.webm (638x496, 2.86M)

Attached: LUL.png (112x112, 21K)

Attached: 1525923324723.webm (640x360, 2.91M)

Attached: 1546137090148.webm (960x540, 2.84M)

I never played this game but it's easy to imagine how fucking pumped the player must get the first time this happens.

Attached: superstarglitch.webm (512x470, 2.77M)

Attached: 1533171460995.webm (1280x692, 2.92M)

Goddammit user, I already beat my meat today.

>hasn't even played the game

Attached: zooom zoom.webm (750x420, 2.61M)

Attached: 9.webm (640x480, 2.84M)


This is Just Cause 3 and not 2, right?

>thinks he's hot shit becuase he got lucky with RNG

Attached: Tree cutting simulator 2019.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

It's basically an old school adventure game except in 3D.

>he fell for the rng meme

Attached: RNG controls everything.webm (1280x720, 2.82M)

Attached: mmx airdash hack.webm (683x383, 766K)

You can practically track the talent leaving the company game after game.


>uses the one weapon that doesn't have spread
Getting desperate a

every time I see one of these, I imagine piloting one of those in some kind of medieval setting watching the shocked peasants scream and shit their pants because they can't comprehend the technology

Attached: card saga wars.webm (450x338, 936K)

none of the weapons have spread

Attached: i'm really good at rolling dice.webm (1280x800, 2.82M)

That's a straight up lie but you already knew that mr shitposter

Attached: 4.webm (1280x720, 2.1M)

play games before you comment on them, all I have to say

Attached: high skill competitive shooter.webm (1000x562, 2.38M)

Shit, I need to make a pod racer in Just Cause.

Attached: Ho ho ho!.webm (1244x700, 2.86M)

Attached: Rune.webm (600x400, 400K)

Attached: 10.webm (1280x720, 1.94M)

Stop your weak baits is all l have to say


Anyone remember this?

Attached: Severance - Blade of Darkness (01).webm (800x600, 2.41M)

>L4D melee glitch

Attached: 2.webm (640x360, 1.77M)

Attached: Severance - Blade of Darkness (02).webm (480x360, 644K)

either 1v1 me or stop crying

Attached: why you should buy the SG over the shitty AK.webm (1024x576, 2.55M)

Who would remember an Amazon's second to last weapon's ultimate combo dismembering a 32k+ HP minotaur that's 5 times bigger than her if done right?

Attached: Severance - Blade of Darkness (03).webm (600x480, 2.91M)

duke nukem forever lol

Attached: smile.jpg (480x361, 32K)

Attached: Severance - Blade of Darkness (04).webm (638x480, 2.93M)

Can I just say I really, really fucking hate that black guy in Andromeda? Not because he's black, but because he has that one haircut I can't fucking stand where it looks sort of like a pineapple's growing out of his head. It's popular in college for some reason and I just think it looks so god damned ugly.

Attached: Severance - Blade of Darkness (05).webm (800x600, 2.85M)

No faggot
Consider yourself lucky that you even got so many (You)s out of me

Attached: 1429488169404.jpg (640x570, 78K)

Fuck off, Spenny. Nobody like you.

ok pussy lol

Attached: lol ez.webm (800x450, 2.55M)

Is that a port to a console?

>unironically using yikes

Attached: bbc.jpg (303x343, 24K)

black desert

I have no idea. I just reposted something I found on Yea Forums.

I don't think that's even the same game.

I love how the slowdown in that minecart section is a software limitation but it makes the scene much more memorable, AND it's perfectly preserved in emulation to recreate that accidental kino.

Wow, this is actually great info

Yeah, it's definitely not the same game, but it could be a clone attempt maybe.

Fuck I love the 4CC.

I never played the game either but it's admirable how much the developers tried to deliver a thrilling experience despite the limited technology. I also noticed the boss has regenerating health/stamina while the player does not, which adds to the impression that he's exploding with violence and needs to be knocked down like a wild beast.

Pretty sure it's Enclave.

Attached: 90.webm (256x224, 1.77M)

Because there's a LttP randomizer race rom that let you choose your character's sprite

Undead mexican elvis was a good fight

how the fuck do you zoom out in Age 2 HD?

That was wonderful user, thanks

Attached: 1553240428173.webm (640x460, 1.07M)

Attached: RPG sidequests.webm (624x352, 2.95M)

>Not making Artificial Academy 3 with a Koikatsu tier character builder
What the fuck are you doing, Illusion?

You might have defective brain or eyes, check your optician.

HO-LEE SHIT! That actually works?!

Attached: Fallout New Vegas.webm (800x600, 2.89M)

Attached: Penguin Wars - Nintendo Game Boy.webm (800x720, 214K)

>When you hit the double halfy just right

Attached: 1550168690590.jpg (443x455, 40K)

Attached: Umihara Kawase.webm (814x720, 2.56M)

Not only it works but it's infamous for causing a major glitch, the Blue Suit.
Long story shot, that boss fight has a special line of code which forces Samus to become immobile but for some reason it doesn't remove her speed boost. After performing this maneuver Samus is permanently in "speed boost mode", or at least until she couches and turns it into a super jump, hence she appears blue at the end of the webm.

Attached: 7th Generation Armored Core Mech.webm (640x360, 2.89M)

Why was this made?

Attached: Darksiders II.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

Still better than Polygon.

is a mod to spectate games, you cant play like that

Attached: Alien Resurrection (PS1).webm (480x352, 3M)

Attached: Elexis Sinclaire (SiN Episodes - Emergence).webm (1280x720, 2.88M)

Attached: P.N.03 (01).webm (600x450, 597K)

Attached: P.N.03 (02).webm (1920x1080, 231K)

Attached: WildStar ass.webm (1200x675, 2.75M)

Attached: 1552995663021.webm (480x270, 2.91M)

Attached: Blade and Soul.webm (482x418, 2.92M)

Attached: 1553316260340.webm (1920x1080, 1.43M)

Attached: 1725170361.webm (800x450, 2.86M)

>and he's already talking about drive-bys!

Attached: 9256f11792487af6659db3248e9024a9957e817f5c7a04a0f211f3900ac39b67.webm (564x720, 2.91M)

Attached: Wishes.webm (640x272, 459K)

sauce me


good riddance smash 4 jesus christ never take me back never ever

Is this from an actual game?

i used to play combat arms so much damn

I can hear the AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHhhhhh

I can tell you're a man of taste.

Looks like she is under some form of ecstasy drug.

I should make webms from the last cup.


You can bitch about anything source engine, but the facial animations are fucking incredible. HL2 still has the best facial animations ever.

Do people actually play this or is it AI vs AI?

Attached: Vivisector - Beast Within.webm (480x360, 1.12M)

Attached: Hit by a plane on san andreas LOL !! (no audio).webm (320x240, 1.46M)

Attached: F.E.A.R. 2 Alma cutscene.webm (854x480, 1.79M)

Attached: F.E.A.R. 2 Alma ending.webm (1264x720, 2.11M)

They're certainly the most expressive. VTMB's "acting" in the animations is unrivaled.

Attached: rs2v.webm (1000x562, 2.9M)

this is my favorite meme, because everyone who regurgitates it is just as bad as what they're making fun of.

the only thing that could have made this move better if you could go full hippo dempsey roll with the punch

How do you download from that site?

Attached: Plesioth Hitboxes.webm (960x540, 2.86M)