Fuck the algorithms, fuck the search engines, post your youtube vids Directly to Yea Forums. I am so tired of being recommended shit I don't care about. Lets fix that.
Fuck the algorithms, fuck the search engines, post your youtube vids Directly to Yea Forums...
Other urls found in this thread:
You start
>video games
>flood Yea Forums with shitty YouTube videos
sent ;)
people are starting unironically to post on Pornhub.
Make the jump
Matpat said youtubes a video game.
I think you've got the wrong board, you want Yea Forums or /pol/
Youtube is shit
I saw posts in the past about not being able to search by upload date. It still seems that way. What gives, what's that about? I like to search up the newest videos for my favorite game and now I can't. Are they going to fix this or is it really permanent?
Plus it's the only way I can get views because I get only like 100 views a video, so if nobody can search by date, mine will never be seen;_;
Supposedly its temporarily disabled because of the Christchurch video being spread around, but knowing google this is gonna be one of those "permanently temporary" sort of things.
>post your youtube vids directly on Yea Forums
Fuck no, my channel is far too good for you people
>tfw want to make a channel where I talk about video game shit that interests me but I also don't want people to watch my videos
>getting recomendations from mentally ill game "analysts"
it's still possible to use a search engine that isn't google and search "word + youtube" and search recent, they can't stop that.
>Want to make a video talking about YIIK cause I think its failings are worth talking about and contrasting to what it does right
>Don't want to replay the fucking thing and have to edit like 40 hours of footage plus find all the retarded shit the dev said to defend the game
>Can't think of any other video ideas either
would it be autistic to make videos for fun but not post them online
neat, release date?
Nobody makes these anymore
Q4 2020
I kinda hate my content because it's just dumb memes.
The problem is that this content is somehow popular and gets a fuckton of views, i really want to switch to something else though.
.....Did rageaholic just post his own youtube video?
My videos aren't very good, but through some kind of freak accident with the algorithm youtube keeps recommending me to people. I blame the new Kill La Kill Game.
>Try to filter results by date to see if there's anything new going on about a game I love
>Youtube still shows me results from a year ago
Is the search function broken or something?
On the one hand, I think you should power through and try to finish this project of yours, because I’m sure there’s a lot of good examples on why that piece of shit was such a fuckup that could be used to educate future devs on how not to make the same mistakes.
On the other hand, I think YIIK has been pretty unanimously despised by gamers, so you’d just be preaching to the choir at this point.
No, I took liberty to post his vid here.
If you put effort into cutting and making them look well-produced, you're at least gaining skill at video editing.
>Used to post Lets-Plays
it was a dark time but at least people liked them
I torched that shit to the ground though.
At least it's video games.
And one I know Yea Forums will like.
I would post my channel but I only have 2 videos, and neither are vidya related.
I would have been fine either way desu. The guy knows his vidya.
Good stuff
Glad you like it.
I made $1500 a month, ama
>make joke
Lose audience retention
>reference anything that surface level extras don't know about
Lose audience retention
>5 second clip from a game where I'm not talking
Lose audience retention
How in the fuck do you keep peoples attention these days, is it consistency? Do people listen to videos as background noise only or what?
>Make a video that I spend tons of time on
>get over a hundred views
>feelin good
>check analytics
>30 second average view time
I guess THAT video is ok, but I must have really messed up with the newest video I did because not nearly as many people are watching it compared to the previous video. I guess people don't like me shiting on something & just want to hear facts about anime instead of opinions. I really don't know what I did wrong, but I'm trying to improve. It's hard, especially with al the new people. It was easier when it was just a few dozen people.
I can tell you exactly what's wrong with the game with a single quote from one of the devs.
"My mistake was thinking that games were art."
He called in on the Dick Show to talk about the game, and he talked about books that inspired him and how if YIIK was any other format people would immediately understand that Alex wasn't supposed to be a good person. The dev thinks of books as being artistic, and that for video games to be artistic they need to be more like books, and the result is 20 minute cutscenes where characters tell instead of show for almost fucking everything, combat being incredibly basic (not to mention fucking SLOW), and you wanting to put a gun into Alex's mouth and pulling the trigger every time he has an internal monologue (Because surprise surprise, what works in books doesn't work in video games and reading about an asshole character is much different than being that asshole character you don't want to be and listening to his asshole voice for 20 hours straight.)
I'm fucking sick of being recommended your shitty Nora videos.
>not remembering early Youtube
What content would you like to see? I know they suck, I don't know why youtube keeps shoving them down people's throats.
So is using your face like a requirement for making YouTube videos people actually enjoy or is it just something people do because it gets more clicks or some shit?
I've got some video ideas I think would be cool but I have no idea what people like