Post dead MMOs that you loved

Post dead MMOs that you loved.

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i played this instead of tekken and spent more money on microtransactions
grandchase, s4 league, maplestory, dungeon fighter online, and rumble fighter were my shit

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>tfw having Ronan meant you were a fucking CHAD
Miss those days when it was tough as shit.

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top tier before skill trees and still pretty good before FUCKIN DIO

I still feel a little sad when I remember that PC Pangya is essentially dead (At least in an official sense). I had a lot of fun when I played it frequently in the 2007-2013 range.

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>CoX is kill
>the only superhero MMOs left are CO with about 200 concurrent players and DCUO with maybe 800
>both are shit (CO has a great character creator though)
>no one jumps into this gap even though capeshit has never been more popular
I don't understand

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>tfw grinding Gaikoz's castle 379 times to get your second job

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Didn't even get a dignified death, just one of severe STDs.

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City of Heroes / Villains.
It was fun and the spontaneous Atlas Park flash-raves where players set off AoE skills for lightshows was hilarious.

Rumble Fighter was shit, they never added the free exo/scrolls people were supposed to receive at low levels to give them SOMETHING, but the idea for the game was 99/10, its just the P2W that was so ungodly horrible

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thanks for making me sad op

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what went wrong

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>extreme hate for BR community
>all out wars from one person killing the wrong guy
>consistently on edge due to PKers
>literally had to learn some Portuguese or you’d be hunted anytime you left the depot
>killed for not being BR
>box trapping
>stealing spawns
>reserving hunting areas
>luring giant spiders into cities
>can’t leave depot due to guild wars
>afk training for days

I want to go back

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>MMOs went from game that you could play with a shitload of people to themepark tab-targeting wow simulators
What the fuck happened? What went so wrong? Why? Also Free Realms and Battleforge.

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but its still alive tho

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>dungeon fighter online
Uh that one is still alive Hell it's regularly in the top 5 earnings lists for MMOs.

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in Korea, sure

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I still miss it...

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Play the global version of DFO, its still up, doing its four year anniversary next patch.

I only playing the F2P version but liked it because it was very similar to WoW but free and not p2w

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It was wonderful

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I loved the concept of a classic turn based MMO

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>including cata and mop

end it

I thought I was the only one who played this shit.

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Wait, it's dead?

I miss defending my castle for hours on end, before they fucked it up and put things like exploitable backdoors in. Early PvP in Warhammer online used to really give me that vanilla WoW AV vibe

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Until they started putting paywalls everywhere, sure. Damn amazing lore too.

the fact that masangsoft was too incompetent to do something private servers did within hours of getting the source code, add a simple 10 lines of code to make the game run off your gpu instead of your cpu, boosting the framerate on modern rigs from 10~15 to 120+
that and all of the pay to win and various weapon power creep, armor fixes, and slowly lowered lack of incentive to actually pvp

Shame the private server is pretty dead too

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ryan was the fucking coolest
miss this game

>WTS: NSS 30k

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not literally dead, just soulless
elsword and maplestory fall in the same category

>Play Angel Online
>It had an official bot system that allowed to automatically level the character while afk without consequences (it had a limit, tho)
>Feel like I was playing with nothing but Chinese gold farmers

I still liked the anesthetic....

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The last time I ever no-lifed an online game
I pretty much only played through season 3 though, by the time season 4 rolled around and they made the switch to Elsword type controls for all the new characters I lost interest

Sailing out into the ocean on my sailboat and just chilling while fishing or driving my trading wagon across the entire continent while blasting Spice and Wolf OST were goddamn amazing

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Good taste my friend. I also loved Ryan. He was underrated

Are mmos just cursed to die over time

The pvp was fun af, going after traders on their routes then suddenly you have hunters trying to back them up.

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This game was "Comfy: the MMO".
Such a shame it was hardcore pay-to-win bulshit.

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It's gone though company and company. Enemies changed from goblins to cutesy bullshit.

Runes were a mistake, it has totally destroyed that game. It just started the p2w spiral

If only this had a private server without Jew owners.

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They casualized the fuck out of those quests by the time the game was dying. You barely needed to do any grinding.

I think I'm the only one.

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It was shit, but it was so much fun.

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it hits hard man

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>Played for years
>Got some of the best gear in the game
>Got into the top guild on the server
>Was one of the best dps on the server
>All while never spending a single penny
>Had to quit once game started dying too hard

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But Archeage is still going.

>running from your gpu instead of your cpu

holy shit that explains why it runs like shit, what private servers do this? i kinda want to do some duels with friends

You’ll never get to experience the feeling of playing a shitty rip off Zelda lttp with stolen sprites

When there were literally no Shin Megami Tensei games for a while and this was your only fix.

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I am so butthurt we lost this.

The private server seems too awkward to get to work.

>tfw there are now three Angel Onlines
I don't know how there are new parts. But yeah, it was weird botting.

Drift City, was honestly a pretty mediocre and later on the PVP got completely fucked by some of the parts they added later but I always enjoyed it. The JP version is still up and I know enough moonrunes to get around in the menus and such so I guess I could still play it if I wanted.

NA version closed down like years ago.

>learning to hide your loot bag at different hunting spots
>that tense as fuck time spent trying to get it close enough to town without it being spotted so you can safely sell/deposit it all
>chatting with friends while making bps of uh/sd/hmm runes
>stopping your rune farming to run out to a hunting spot and get revenge on some BR that killed your guildmate
>risking hanging out in front of the Thais depot and getting oneshot by some level 200+ sorc that decided to quit by using UE just outside the entrance
>tricking low health new players on rookgaard into drinking a "health potion" then trapping them in an alleyway while they slowly die of poison so you can take their stuff
I still carry an intense hatred of BRs into every MMO I play these days thanks to Tibia.

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>tfw in the beginning always lose races because everyone else's car is so fast

I believe Trickster has a private server out there, don't know how it is since I've never played it.

everything went wrong after lvl 40

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oh fuck this game. made a group of friends that played this together. when it shut down 2 out of 4 of them turned into trannies, and one guy is dating the tranny. the fourth guy is still cool with me.

Wildstar and Old TERA.

I remember back when the game was on Ijji and pretty well populated this wasn't really an issue because of the level classes and you could actually win races. Later when the game started dying you were basically stuck racing high level players and if you didn't have a specific part that gave you a boost after driving you were basically fucked.

>tfw couldn't play this game at the time because too shit of a cpu

I played it for at least 14 years as part of the big fantasy rp server before our community moved off it due to the engine's limitations.

I was inexplicably banned from all the servers shortly before that happened.

give me a rundown

There goblins again.
Also at least try saying to past level 20 before saying stupid shit

Legend of mir 2....anyone ?

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Fuck I miss RF online

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Shit, did it finally close down, or is it just too p2w to do anything in?

Just shitty Korean ones that are never advertised so 98% of them.

I'm just glad there are at least 3 pserver projects going.

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Seemed pretty easy

>when based NEXON is going to pull out a World Championship this year

yeah no, elsword still has SOUL

that game was the definition of P2W itself, aswell as the community was so fucking toxic and autistic at the point of making gangsta/hiphop roleplay at the blacktop melee, room chat and forums, the game was also full of backseaters riding the GM's dick while using their connection to proclaim to be superior to other players

also the ammount of drama on the forums back then at OGP was so intense that Aery mocked a player he lost against by exposing his girlfriend's facebook profile and trashtalking on her comments section.

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lol that screen is from EU beta, I knew some of those players since I've also played EU since the beta

damn I loved this game so much, makes me feel like playing it again

You behaved like a nigger as much as them. You are mad just because they out-niggered you.

fuck you poland, brasil strong hueheuhue

Somehow still online but dead as shit.

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damn this was one of the first mmos I got pretty into
I remember selling those cards that dropped for tons of money

I always found it hot the mage teleported without clothing.

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Fuck off, BRs were the only ones who cared.
I even made comics using tibia graphics, that is how much I was into it.

I played from 2008-2011 never minded other players. And just played to have fun. I remember when guilds got introduced and I joined a clan and all the drama that came out of it made me fucking hate the game and the idea of a fighter mmorpg.


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It does but is unironically even more p2w than officials were
Also pretty sure the main dev behind it is holding out on his community as well and just reaping in the jew gold that game produces, but that's just judging from some pics I saw where he was apparently working on a taiwanese or thai pserver or some shit that was more updated.

Used to get voted in as Archon all the time. I'll never obtain that shear amount of power in my life time. I could rally up 200 people and raid places that didn't even have any strategic value.

RF online, Maplestory, and EVE online were my golden years. I'll never obtain those types of MMO memories again. The MMO's of today are just way to fucking themepark heavy.

Accrecian for life.

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>BRs were the only ones who cared
>come across a BR while trying to take a shortcut while walking to Venore
>kinda nervous because he's over a 100 levels higher than me and we're not too close to the main road
>starts speaking huehue at me
>can't respond to it since I don't understand it
>runs up and two shots me
>lose my backpack, armor, shield, a magic level, and nearly a character level as well
So caring

it got stomped by legal FBI demon lolis

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what server is it? I might play a bit now even if just for like 1 hour or so for nostalgia

Closed like 2 weeks ago. shame such an unique concept was ruined by shitty devs.

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>Accrecian for life.
Filthy beep bops but I agree with the rest

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There was a time when I was trying out different MMOs and I remember being really hooked on Legend of Ares. Its on Steam now but it is sooooo fucking dead. Another MMO I kind of miss playing is Last Chaos. I got my dad to try that one, but the only MMO he really got into was Rift which I specifically remember being a retextured WoW.

It closed? I had just thought about it after lurking in the lowpoly threads

What went wrong

nice, thanks. Gonna enjoy some time in that comfy beach killing octopuses and shit

>Closed like 2 weeks ago
oh shit I didn't know that. but then again they were already on life support for so long.

Anyone have success on ripping the models from this and CB2?

>tfw I enjoyed C21 more

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enjoy user, if you stick to PvE the game still isn't that bad and thanks to the website auction house if you farm enough you don't have to pay for cash points, that's if you bother keeping up with it though, I just can't anymore

rent free

>implying it was about making the game hard and not making people buy the real money mission that was way easier


I'm probably not gonna bother for too long playing by myself. I could stick around if I had some folks to play with but I imagine maps are gonna be pretty empty


is that trannytrash Milez killed herself already?

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this one hurt the most

most places are pretty empty yeah, thanks to chaos tower
i think there was a Yea Forums guild at one point but im almost certain that died off within a month
your best bet is probably try grabbing a few buds, worked awhile for me

FUCK I loved this game so much

I remember playing this for like a couple of days back in 2007/2008 and remember thinking it was pretty generic but it was something about the towns that were really comfy to me. Even after all these year and its the only thing I pretty much remember about Neo Steam were how comfy the towns were, I think the bgm also helped. If I could, I'd actually go back to this game.

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This game had so much fucking content and shit loads of great characters.

I still play this goddamn game today. It really went down the shitter, but I have too much fun pissing off all the niggers still playing.

>used to play Grand Chase with gf
>had a lot of friends in it, including this older guy which acted like my mentor and would pvp with me as practice

What a damn good time I had with that game.
We also played Gunz too which was just as fun.

Battle Position

I don't think anyone will remember this one:

Man I'm mad that nobody created a private server for this shit. Or at least started working for a project for it.

pay2win and power creep ruined it

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do you remember players uploading their 1vs1 fights with underground hiphop music and using overrated sony vegas tutorials?

user...that was me...

Remember playing the beta with Yea Forums faggots. Game felt super good and arcadey and the last stage actually required thoughtful play to beat since the boss would absolutely wreck you.
Was disappointed when I came back to the game years later and everything was a walk in the park.

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Wonderland Online, just miss the butts.

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based FusionBranz

It's coming back, user

The original game had fucking tournaments and shit before "esports" was a thing. If elsword had a pvp system like this then it would survive but its just getting Jobs with increasingly bigger effects to kill dumb monsters

It's criminal that nobody has mentioned this baby yet

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Miss it so much. City of Heroes was the best

There's a 1000 players online right now what the fuck would you consider alive for a private server of a niche as fuck game?

I miss the MMO gold rush days

NCShit can suck 400 dicks for killing CoX. I refuse to ever give them another penny or moment of my time.

anyone daring to play it?

This game got a re-release.

Terra World Online. My first MMO. Was a great fucking time. Objectively a bad game, but I had lots of fun. Remember when it such a mind blowing and novel concept to encounter another player, online, in game, and chatting with them? Killing shit or going fishing? I think we take that for granted now.

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dude I was going to post this, had 5000 hours on it, half the roster on yellow prestige... such a waste

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Priston Tale. I'm the only dude on Yea Forums right now who played this game in its prime (2003-2004) I know this for sure.

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The golden age of MMORPGs were from 2004 to 2010. Specifically, F2P MMORPGs from Asia. Sure, there were some that were Pay 2 Win and some that were garbage but by god those games had fucking SOUL. They had PASSION. They were built by people who LOVED videogames and MMORPGs in particular. God bless each and every F2P Asian MMORPG between 2004 and 2010.

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Whoever the hell this is, I agree with you. - Someone who used to play this game A LOT. It is dead. People need to realize this and jump ship if they haven't yet.

pic unrelated?

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Korean MMOs were always awful though.

After playing so much Ragnarok Online I was in disbelief that ROSE Online was made by the same people. It was so awful and unfocused in comparison

Nexon NA never gave it a chance.

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>The golden age of MMORPGs were from 2004 to 2010. Specifically, F2P MMORPGs from Asia.

I agree but only because back then I was young, poor and couldn't afford videogames so I always googled "top 100 free mmorpgs" and went through them all on the lists.

Nominating Tera. Never going back to that game.

Anyone here played arcanists? Man I loved that game. Too bad funorb went to shit

>Wakfu is a dead husk of a good game
>Ankama is releasing a pvp only game based on Wakfu/Dofus called Waven

I hate this timeline.

Say it with me:


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Man shiiiiit I remember Dofus, that was incredibly refreshing and unique back in the day. What happened to it?

Ironic you would say STO is dead when data actually shows that since ViL, and Age of Discovery, the game has more people playing, and more people joining, then in years

>Sure, there were some that were Pay 2 Win and some that were garbage but by god those games had fucking SOUL.
>They had PASSION. They were built by people who LOVED videogames and MMORPGs in particular
God no, they were pushed out constantly for a quick buck.
Old MMOs just didn't fall into the modern trappings that exist today and it let people interact in ways that mechanics in MMOs today just make pointless.

=[ i miss the days of running my digimon YT channel and being a weeb teenager

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The only thing I really see as genuine attempts for improvement was making Laby have her own dedicated dungeons and hub. It shows they made real moves as to make the early game not just repeat the same old Elder, Bethma, etc. as the other characters. Gives real incentive to actually bother with her.

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>Dragon Nest
>Super Ball with modded runes for INSANE DAMAGE PINBALL BIG DICK
God that was some fun shit. Unfortunately that DFO-esque crafting system with gear breaking. Feels bad.

>mfw the devs shut it down
>based fans recreate it with their own custom servers to keep it alive
Name the MMOs bros..

>Man shiiiiit I remember Dofus, that was incredibly refreshing and unique back in the day. What happened to it?

Dofus is still going strong, it even has single account servers that are highly played to this day. They're fun to play in

Fuck she's so cute, I wish I didn't pick Noblesse.

Oh I made rumble fighter music videos and also won a competition that won me a month of free hacks. I've also wanted to create a series with rumble fighter but that never wound up happening

Wakfu would legit be interesting if the devs cared about it more
Dofus is 10 times the game Wakfu is

And they are doing good work now. They are going to gut Chung into the ground soon as well.

Dofus was kinda dead then Ankama released a monoaccount server and now it's very alive since everyone migrated there

But hold on I'm confused... I did some quick Googling and isn't Wakfu supposed to replace Dofus?

I'm not following the balance patches because I only play to dress up my Eve now, what's wrong with poor chung?

im pretty sure nobody else here touched this game besides me but god damn i miss it so much


I remember playing a MMO where entire game world was a big prison island for a death row inmates. Don’t remember the name

All Chungs are super retarded, specially Comet Crusader. Koreans are starting to complain about Fatal Phantom being stupid as fuck "lmao no CD on skills with low MP cost" so he will get some of the sweet nerf stick soon.

Laby is also overpowered but she is cute.

It was dying off long before it shut down. I do miss it

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Well... It was supposed to but it "never" left beta so it became a disappointment later down the line

guess I'm not gonna play anything

They made it non target

>Well... It was supposed to but it "never" left beta so it became a disappointment later down the line

And it switched to pay to play at a wrong time.

I see. Forgive me but I haven't even bothered to grind through advancing to Code: Sariel with my most pampered Eve, which one is Comet Crusader from (out of his second classes)?
I do genuinely like Laby because her weapon is like Eve's drones (i.e. separate entities), but I can't be fucked to level her up right now.

I literally paid one subscription during early 2018 just so I could beat all of AoG, tried playing arcanists but there were 0 players.
The people in charge of Jagex cannot be considered human by any means

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I did, had even a subscription for a while, it was fun.

>ywn role play in private matches with your friends as Code Geass characters again


Nexon gacha in MMOs makes mobile gacha garbage look like a charity.
>tfw Ice Burner rates are so insanely low that each item from them that isn't a shoe or glove fetches upwards of 500000000 ED, 1000000000 per weapon on less desirable sets
Being an Eve is suffering. Ironically enough the GC mobileshit gives out the SRs without even rolling.

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where my niggas at

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HACKfrost and comp_omega are literal gods among men

Wait, so that was an actual thing?
I remember coming back to the game some time before it closed and just thought I was just misremembering shit

Anyone ever play Valkyrie Sky? It was a f2p scrolling shooter mmo, with quests and gear all bound to Gradius gameplay. It came out when Touhou was becoming huge. Shame it shut down, it was original as fuck and will never be done again. It was a personal dream of mine to play a scrolling shooter mmo and I lived it, guess that's better than most people get.

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Fucking Zero online was a game i wanted to try but it was dead by the time i heard of it back in 2011-2012, then i heard some fans got a private server running in 2014 but that died right away too so i never fucking played it

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holy fuck this one hurts

there's so little screenshots of Zero Online

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oh fuck I remember this it had a stamina system, and I think i played a archer

I liked the music, though it's kinda all over the place

MMOs are dead
There are too many.

Iron Paladin.

Also Laby is a fucking brawler.

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>well of souls
>0 results

>rusty hearts
>0 results

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rusty hearts was cool af


>>rusty hearts

Btw can someone recommend me some game like Grand Chase? I already played Elsword.

Nah. By the end of the lifecycle, the game was a really solid AoE game and the closest we've got to AoM2.

At least both AoE:O and Battleforge are games that can be sustained with minimal service and fans took up the reigns.
Most people ITT are dealing with MMOs, revival of which on a fan effort is basically impossible.

there is nothing like grand chase except despair

Didn't wanted to browse around 200+ posts.
At last we have some anons with good taste.

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I logged in even in middle school when the ninja card shit came out, Id farm the surfing game to buy everything in each monthly catalog.
Havent seen pic related posted yet, thats why Im allowed to call it dead; that, and sega moved all support to pso2 which is straight up worse.

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I hate themepark leveling with passion. That's the main reason why I gave up on mmos, even when I was a NEET.

Saw an actual ad recently for fucking EverQuest of all things. I might actually go try it out. Any of you fags play that dead shit?

Oh I have an Iron Paladin, I remember him because he's the one I got a Glacial Top for off the board for only 5 million ed

>thread actually makes me install some private server shit just to revive the nostalgia
feels good

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yeah and i remember that one dude who would make music videos for hte game lmao,tony something? idk he hated me. i also remember a lot of the players that had their own circles and were decked out in astros and would get shit on.

Play Vindictus!

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i tried playing in the summer and shit on kids with who the fuck knows what scroll they were using while i was styling with the free boxing scroll. uninstalled right after because the kikes who picked up the game followed after ogplanet and made all the fun scrolls/exos only accessible through microtransactions. why the FUCK has no one picked a private server for this game?

Endgame was the definition of boring.
Runing the same six fucking dungeons but in different difficulties got tiring fucking fast.
Plus only ONE raid, and it was just three encounters.

playing a game where GMs get hacked and their accounts sold in the black market + indonesians selling drugs on the megaphone chat

Attached: lmao_gm_got_hacked.png (394x509, 378K)

anyone else remember this game? it was similar to rumble fighter and i picked it up after getting bored of it. was perfect for me since it was made by nips so a lot of anime costumes and items were here. other weebs were playing so i made quite a lot of friends online and wasted waaay to much money on the gacha in the game. thinking of going back but i hear that it is dead.

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>selling drugs on the chat

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The grind was probably too much for most people at some point.
It's a real shame though. The game was really fun and much more engaging than some boring tab-targeting MMO where you barely interact with other players.
I really miss games that try to have huge map-wide player fights.

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My longest played MMO, really miss it but lost my account when the game went to Valofe.

Guild leader was a real bro and sold his elephant mount just so I could buy the last material I needed for my Elementalist.

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I only believe it once it happens. Considering that the original developer simply just disappeared one day, I don't know if the whoever is in charge now is actually capable of improving the game and adding new content.

why havent they remade this shit yet

I'm STILL mad about the difference between the trailers and her launch model

Same,it's a great thing that people are dedicated enough to keep the servers alive after the official ones go down.
Starting all over again can be a pain though

>start playing it around 4.0, when it was f2p
>loved the sieges, went to most of them
>did all the endgame pve and get invited by koreans because of my dps
>ended up quitting it because the beritra dungeon caused massive butthurt on every guild out there
>mfw I caused drama because I was good at I was supposed to do
I miss the inmense amount of skins you could get. I never spend a penny, but I remember how hackers flooded the auction with cheap skins, making all the people who bought items legally assblasted

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I miss Fantasy Earth Zero.Technically still has chink servers up, but that's far too much hassle.


fuck you, Dong Zhuo faction players! fucking overpopulated and lost the campaign like a whore!

>other people who play fucking elsword on v
I thought i was alone

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Darkeden online, Isometric MMO about vampires and vampire hunters

I had so much fun ganking low level hunters with my shitty vampire

Not that old, still dead though.
Pretended to be a girl to get free items, felt to guilty to accept them.
Ended up being somebody's GF.

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the more Yea Forums plays Elsword the faster you restore Laby's happiness

I mostly just play for the dress up

I haven't played this game since the perkisas raid burnt me out, I quit right when robot heaven came out.
There's so much new shit added to it and the old /vg/ guild is dead, but at least I can play Eve again.

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in some ways the grind was necessary to keep people in maps; but the problem with it was how poorly balanced stats were and how really overpowered shit was locked behind near-cap levels, so you absolutely -had- to grind to those levels just to compete
private servers for this game showed me just what was possible if things were done right, but even the closest server to doing things right didn't totally nail it, i really hope some day someone comes out with someone the rekindles this game

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Everyone posting some shit from the last few years.
How young is Yea Forums now?

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If I wanted to get back into Elsword, what'd be the best way to do it? I was thinking of doing so off the official English release but I'm not sure how bad it is in monetization

>something that rekindles
man i cannot into english today

played papaya version for about 7 months, then guild found out from a fired GM that the head GM is actually also the richest player in the game that runs the tryhard guild and constantly shits on everyone
well this sure is a fun ga->level 60+ and literally 10x more fatigue points consumed per dungeon hits

I'm personally on the NA servers and never tried void because I'm so invested in my Eve.
If you want to know how bad monetization is the ability to hide accessories is 5 dollars per slot. It's why I just use the old halloween succubus costume suit to cover uo my gaudy accessories. At least you don't need to buy a second skill bar anymore

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Isn't she just an item now?

Shut up Tomato

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I went to post this one. Boy, everything went so so wrong.

Lack of vision. They kept adding "whatever the newest fad is" and forgetting it the next patch. So many obsolete content, so many useless currencies.
>Up to lvl 24, dimensional keys and heraldries were the thing you always hunt down
>Forget dimensional keys, now weapon suffixes are the new hot thing (lvl cap 32)
>Hey here are achievements, if you do them all, they unlock very good bonuses later in the game
>Hey, Facebook farm games are famous today, lets add a "farm system" that forces the player to log in at specific moment for optimal farming
>Farming does nothing for the first 120 hours, but then the last farmable item becomes an essential Raid potion (Level cap 40-50)
>Next patch farming means jackshit
>Now you need to farm X event that drops heraldries
>Forget X, now farm Y
>Now achievements mean nothing
>Now Y means nothing

Nisha swaps places with her, so now Laby is stuck in a little dream land and you play as Nisha instead

Attached: Nisha.(Elsword).full.2511655 (1).png (600x700, 514K)

>Play archer
>Doing dual shot + rapid shot at bosses for quad damage
Good times. Shame this RPG/shmup combo is so niche, been trying to find another online game that pulls it with no luck.

anyone remember dragon saga/dragonica
was a pretty fun mmo back when it was popular

It used to have a general in /vg/ and a guild but that was years ago.

>still tracks me after ALL THIS TIME
And yes Elsword has still soul.

the megaphone spam happened when i was on the game but i never saw the GMs get hacked lmao thats funny but i had a lot of fun cause it was my first guild experience and i was making money with my shit YT videos so it was the first time i was "creative" and i was getting rewarded from it

whats the "canon" path though

Yeah, it's a shame because the code was suppsosedly lost when the devs went down. I don't expect a private server nearly 9 years later nor any type ofr successor.

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Fuck I miss the golden age of MMOs. There's literally not a single goddamn good one out on the market

Fuck off, Tomoka.

Shut up Tomato

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I'm playing a private server of eden eternal right now that removes most of the p2w shit from aeria version. I like how this game rewards my autism to grind 60 classes to level 120.

Also didn't all of you leave the game because it was "unfun" after sometime?

Shut the fuck up Tomoka.

also I miss trickster

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Is tera really dead?

The best MMO that ever lived.

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shut the fuck up tomate

And yet it's still not fun, all these years later.

Shut up Tomato

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I know I was in it back then, ah the good old days where all I did was complain about perkisas burning me out
Certaintly not that one because that's her third one, which was added later. Her canon path is either the punchy tomboy or the magicial girl. I'd assume magicial girl

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Fuck off, Homoka. Take the lufags with you.

Im mad how in the jap version (still alive) hasnt changed enemy models, even when they added dw7 models the troops and almost everything is from dw5

fuck off homoka elsword pvp is shit and your shit

HOLY FUCK what a blast from the past

There are really nice private servers

Delete this

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I wanna go back

It's Radiant Soul. The path of RS follows the actual story that takes place.
>tfw saw the very last general before it died off

What's the best character for someone who was lvl 50-ish some years ago but didn't play since, and would like to focus on pve?

But I'm a Labyfag now. Also I stopped playing PvP.

Her canon patch is the magician girl.

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Some season 2 server going on?

CBS/CS, same as it's always been.

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you can't expect me to remember what CBS and CS mean, man
it's been more than 3 years

is this your new flavor of the month main

its dead jim

No idea what CS is but I know CBS is Code: Battle Seraph, which is an Eve class.
I heard that CBS got nerfed into the dirt super hard for PvE and became a PvP class though, what happened?

The last good kid friendly mmo Ive played... WHAT MMO HAS FRICKEN MARIO CART IN IT?

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I have also my overgeared Ain as well but

Have they started selling permanent promotion costumes yet? I hated all the loops we had to go through to get them.

It shut down?
Good,garbage with the excessive ammount of subscription only content
it was nice tho

>480k power
Jeez and i thought i was getting high with only 120k right now
I hope that void weapon spikes me up when I get it

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as far as I remember, no
Your best chance at a permanent promo costume was when they gave out the V2 versions for free years back

NA still has the /vg/ guild
I will go down with the ship

That shutdown like years ago but yeah I remeber how limited it sub modeled made it but alot of shit had sub back then too.

Wasn't it just giga that got hit really hard? She still has noodles, linear and her hyper.

Yeah, both NA and Void have been getting their shit together. Heck I even managed to get a full +10 gear on NA, tons of QoL stuff has refreshed the officials.

As for the private one, without the Yea Forums players, the quality of the entire server has actually dropped a lot. So many BAD players in both PvE and PvP has made the server a shithole. There is a current voting event between Karis, Apple and Ignia.

Ignia is winning.

>tfw used to be top2 in pvp for the minor pvp scene this game had at a pretty early stage

Attached: Rusty-Hearts-logo.jpg (818x542, 135K) that you?
I didn't see nofunallowed when i searched the board last week.

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I don't even remember, it's so vague. I just remember asking if my CBS was still a powerhouse in PvE and being told that it's absolute aids in PvP but total garbage in PvE now, which sucks for me because I hate PvP.

DESU, I only got decent PC in 2010 and internet in 2012 so I never really had a chance to play mmos before that. Before that, I only a laptop from 2004 and satellite internet was the best my area got until then.

the fuck happened with the clusterfuck of a story in this game? I totally just stopped at Atlas Station, I refused to complete the quests so that I could permanently have Yuno there

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>Wonderland Online
wtf this aesthetic is amazing

I quit in 4.0. You have missed so much. But, I guess I did too. The game has never fully realized its potential and now has become a shadow of its former self.

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>Yuno dies
>Solace is an edgelord
>Hernia wakes up
>Elsword is ate by the El
>Elparty saves him and Elrianode appears
>Henir retards are confirmed to be the real bad guys
>everyone travels into the Demon Realm
>shota demon appears and Rosso raid happens
>there was actually nothing in there so they will return to Elrios
>meanwhile Laby finds Gaia and both go into Elrianode

>this game is still alive

No point wasting coins advertising when the general is dead. I've put it back up so you can find it.

Solace did literally nothing wrong
Everyone thought he blew up the El and kidnapped the lady and yadda yadda, but much like shawshank fucking redemption he was planning to do so, but never went through with it. Then shit exploded anyway due to outside influence (the moon guy) and so Solace took the el lady who was also his sister/girlfriend away to keep her safe. And he tried to use diceon energy to fuel the world instead of sacrificing people to the el to keep it maintained.
And also ignia is back as an npc in elrianode

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when the crate falls off the map oof

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Miss that game. But I have always played it alone.

I'm in my wage cage, but I'll rejoin when I can

wow I barely understand half of that
what Rosso raid?
I can't even enter Varnimyr because it's blocked off despite being L99

this was my first mmo. back when i thought that all video games were perfectly balanced

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>At least you don't need to buy a second skill bar anymore
Not him, but please explain further.

I see her, I'm in Elrianode. I had no idea any of this stuff with Solace happened though, or that he dindu nuffin. I vaguely remember Diceon as the thing Science Dekal was trying to steal?

They're setting up Karis to be the next character to become playable.

QoL recent updates removed the "2nd bar" bullshit. Even the fucking trans slots are open as well for free.

You can also class changes in the 1st-2nd-Transcedent job paths as well for ED.

You had to pay to unlock a slot on your hotbar to put skills on. I can't remember if it was just one slot though.

are you fucking with me? She had delicious pink demon tiddies but I was extremely sure we absolutely ripped her apart in Heart of Behemoth.

Ahh bots my first p2w game

Do I have to spend ED for a b-slot?

>no one jumps into this gap even though capeshit has never been more popular

What is Ship of Heroes

Kart Rider, which is basically korean cocaine.

That's when the setup began.

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Yes, Dekal was working for Solace. He even comes back as a boss in elysium with an altered look

Attached: ElianodeSolace.png (560x768, 308K)

No? Not anymore.

Not surprising, old MMOs were glorified chatrooms with minor grinding sims tacked on so the people running the servers can sell cosmetic bullshit.

I would unrionically play Karis. Please don't toy with me user

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So something as simple as Nexus there cant be much bandwith costs to keep it running.
Pressed enter too fast

isnt kurtz pel or whatever the fuck made by the elsword devs?

>Re-launch game
>Make it a smoother experience overall, but completely neuter the unique skill system

I love and hate Legends at the same time. If Funcom knew what is good for them, they would devote way more resources for the development of Legends, and reintroduce the ability wheel.

>Old MMOs were Telegram chats and Discord servers of yesterday

alright so you're fucking with me got it
damn, you got my hopes up there
So that's what the black and gold chair is from.
That's neat but I can't clear any of these dungeons with my +9 Grendized SD weapon or the welfare Heroic weapon I got
my battle power is just not high enough to even start a single dungeon now so I basically cannot play the game

Oh shit isn’t Atlantica the game where you started in Ancient China and could go all over the world to places like Ancient Egypt and Ancient Scandinavia?

Doesn't Karis overlap a bit too much with VP Aisha? How would they change her?

Just make her less purple.

I want to play Trickster again

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Flopped TREMENDOUSLY hard in Korea for the sole reason of being super PvP focused. In the west is fine.

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Is ragnarok classic worth playing? I miss this fucking game

The only real difference is a decade+ ago the only people online constantly were weirdo autists so everyone you met had more or less the same interests and mindsets.

Now its just normalfags and actual autists.

it's supposed to be related to GC I think
>super PvP focused
I'm with the krs on this one, fuck anything related to Nexon PvP. Skip.

Jade Dynasty was underrated

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Yeah, the game has a really cool world map. Too bad Valofe butchered its dead corpse.

I vaguely remember that game, you could transform into bosses and shit. It was pretty cool

What's the point of this thread? To make us all depressed?

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Nah, the regular mmo threads are way more jaded and full of wow vs ff14 fags

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Yeah like, there is almost little to no content regarding PvE. It's so PvP oriented that is not even funny.

Not exactly sure if it will exist to the expectations given on how badly Closers have been lately. Almost every fucking game that attempts to kill Elsword, never succeds and instead, kills itself.

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we're never going back...

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Sounds just like early grand chase. Think they would learn you need a nice mix of pvp and pve.

I did not know how many obscure MMOs there were.

Obviously. I don't even know what mmos are out these days beyond ff14, eve, wow, and the disappointment that was maple 2

>tfw already tried every class and every viable build and the only things left that can make it interesting is a good guild that will never happen in a private server

Which is just sad considering the state Elsword is in.
I had high hopes for CloSers but it took such a ridiculous amount of time to get released here that I had lost interest long before it did and just didn't bother with it at all.

Theres a fuck ton of dead or obscure mmos. Too many to list and many with a playerbase of like 2k people below.

Aika Online, I miss it so much.

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>2 happy kids and one miserable kid
give me one reason to ever choose Rusty Child

>mmog will forever be dead coz of furry
It's not fair, bros.

Aww fuck yeah, Played that game from season one to closure. Lass was my nigga, and Jin carried me to top 20 on the leader boards in pvp. Good thing the mobile game isn't super cancerous and it picks up where the story left off.

You like goth chicks and want to play as or fuck Nisha

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Did Void allowed the 2nd promo crafting?

I miss star wars galaxies!

Yes. They killed it off with a stupidity that even EA and Blizzard couldn't match.

Attached: star wars galaxies rancor hunting Dathomir.jpg (1600x1200, 298K)

>you like goth
>fuck nisha
still a no from me chief, they both seem pretty unhappy and life sucks overall
punch kid lives to punch shit and magical girl is best friends with nisha and they live a good life together
literally no downsides to magical girl mode

Rusty Farts

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>Is tera really dead?
It's only technically alive.
It's a husk of its former self.

>prepares Star Platinum

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Endless Online
Dofus isn’t dead but it’s dead to me

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rip Swordsman. I really like the wuxia aesthetic.

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>mmog will forever be dead coz of furry

the last thing I heard about Add was that he got so many complaints of being overpowered that Diabolic Esper was nerfed so hard he was basically unusable

>no downsides to magicial girl mode
Theres 1. She isn't punchy

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That fucking character singlehandledly broke PvP

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true horror

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me too, user

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My favorite back in the day

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I want to play that Trickster alpha-version private server again
Man was it clunky and balls to the wall difficult, but the different systems that were in place made it feel like a completely new experience (you had to level skills by using them, any character could learn any skill so you could have power-types casting magic and shit, i forget if there was some limiter in place for that but I never got far enough to find out because the solo grind difficulty was unreal)

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and punchy girl is pleased to punch everything
still happy

feels bad, specially when Diabolic Esper is the light novel's canon path

>people saying DFO is dead
>when the devs literally brought it back for us free from nexon NA

Go to dfoneople and get in on this game lads

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I remember it dying and people being so incensed that they brought it back and it immediately enjoyed a huge surge in popularity, fanart, etc.

I still need to level my Laby more, but from what I've seen and played of her so far she is absolutely adorable

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God I miss the days when we had FOTM MMOs or multiplayer games. Nowadays if anyone posts a F2P game or something that isn't already popular the thread gets saged with shill accusations, flooded by people playing another game from the same genre talking about their game instead, or just pushed off the board by dozens of shitposting threads before it can gain any traction.

yeah. Even the ERP'ers have left

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I miss the old Gate of Darkness, the new one sucks

I recently wanted to return, but direction game took makes me sad. It felt very nice to have "kids on a journey" stuff, but now majority of the game is centered around adults. And new characters, released after Ara, are really boring design-wise. Except maybe not-Flandre girl, not sure about her yet.
Plus, they ruined my Dimension Witch by making Magical Makeup an hyper ult skill, not even sure how I'm supposed to play her now.

>no one mentions Spiral Knights
You all should just drop dead, this game, it's a fucking tragedy.
>fun casual gameplay, very skill-depended
>unique visual style, very cute but also not going full fanservice
>interesting dungeon system that allowed players to modify roster of enemies to a certain degree
>really fucking cool bosses and boss dungeons
>nice music (and awesome boss theme too)
>interesting and intriguing lore
>story goes nowhere, nothing gets answered
>new content is null, almost non-existent after release of robot factory
>grind grows worse with every patch
>hey knights how about same fucking prize boxes and new skin
Also knowing it's somewhat Sega game makes one wonder if this company is actually cursed.

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what happens to blondie anyway? I can't be fucked to play through all this, especially with the stiff as fuck translations
Why are they pictured with Salvatore Denif?

The gangs been growing up during the course of the journey
Except Raven he was always an adult. I never got why everyone was a teenager except him, he was like fucking 30

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I remember when I got grouped up with a bunch of hackers who power-leveled my ass by obliterating dungeons for me and afterwards let me pick some cool shit from the in-game store before gifting it to me.
Shit was cash for young me. Loved every minute I got to use the NotDarth Vader transformation.

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>Elsword lived while grandchase died
Fuck you

I try to forget Spiral Knights.

I haven't done all of Laby's story yet, but Bellonde is the earth master. Every element has a priestess and master I fucking guess. Denif mentioned all the masters should've woken up with the city, but they're probably all scattered about
So Bellonde wakes up, goes on his journey to get to the city, but runs into Laby who tags along. I'm going to just assume they meet up eith Denif at some point

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>yeah. Even the ERP'ers have left
probably cuz their only agument against playing ESO was that it was B2P + Expansions without realising that they have paid way more in microtransactions at Tera Online

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Blondie is Salvatore Gaia? the fuck
I have a Salvatore Gaia Chung Hair and a Claw for Lu, luckiest I've ever been with free IBs.

who's that goddess? pic related

This, there literally no reason to play Tera when you have ESO around

As much as I love DFO, I just don't feel like playing it anymore. I want to play Swordmaster in 3D now. Give my that Project BBQ.

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is that true that ESO's base game now comes with Morrowind expansion?


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Before thread's gone, gotta mention this and 9Dragons

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Eve code esencia
Every path got a transcendence and then another fucking class. Esencia is essentially super code empress
She doesn't need to charge electron ball anymore, it's fucking great

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Dofus is a neat thing to play
why haven't you tried it yet?

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I liked Dekal's look
Hell Atlas Station as a whole was neat, and Code Maya is one of the sexiest bots I've seen, shame she dies like every other villain but Chloe and bandit man

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Yep, and story grown boring along with them. Now, I don't know how things are now, because last time I played was about year ago, and I basically grinded my Aisha a butt-ler suit, and then dropped out again.
However, story honestly goes to shit after Nasod King and Altera. Before that you have fun blend of fantasy with sci-fi, and after? Demons this, demons that, demons demons demons. Who the fuck cares about them, we have shit fucking ton games about demons, and no games about ancient robot race (representative of which is actually playable) that laid dormant under everyone's nose.
I don't want to say cast growing up is bad idea (it's pretty cool in theory), but kid phase is overshadowed and forgotten right now, because story-wise it ends exactly after Nasod King, and from there it's all adults fighting demons everywhere, with sci-fi stuff completely forgotten.

Was gonna post this. Soul Workers kinda fills the gap so it's alright.

power creep

I enjoyed low rank lobbies in this game

Cute mom

I agree, he's just a random boss, but he really stuck out to me. And judging by a quick search of google images he stuck out to others too
I 100% agree with you that the el shard/nasod king arc is the best arc elsword had. I'm sad the anime focused on hamel over that, but with Hamel I guess you can quickly show everybody.

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remember when updates didn't consist exclusively of new lootboxes with cosmetics?

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it was cute and fun

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At least atlas and elysium were a return to robots...2 entire years ago

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Demons are dropped at the end of Lanox then picked back up in the newest non-Laby area, Varnimyr. Nasods make up the enemies in Atlas and above, and Henir corruptions make up Elrianode's stuff.
Personally I thought that the Alterasia was the neatest enemy, real shame they didn't pick that back up. I'm a sucker for the Nasod stuff as well though because I started playing solely because of Eve, and the robots were what I looked forward to the most. After Feita it just seemed a lot less impactful because of how good the Nasods were. Loved the Atlas ones though.
Yeah, he's stylish.

Too bad ESO is ugly, and not fun to play. Not that Tera's combat is much better.

My nigga
I played the shit out of this when I was a kid

I liked both. Mained Lime in GC.
I started playing the mobileshit sequel just because I missed Lime so much but ended up maxing Ley first.

A shame such wonderful design.

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Eve got an evil tracer based off maya and Add got one for dekal, but eve's doesn't keep the hat which makes me upset

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Down to C rank I go, goodbye

but you can just buy the Maya Commander Crown itself for cheaper

I'm still mourning.
Wasnt there a private server in the making?

The official art is the best one

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Pay 2 win grindfest bullshit all around, but i played the shit out of it everyday for maybe 5 years.
Never even got close to the level cap since i always got bored grinding 2-3% of my level per hour. Only stopped playing once i got banned for 2 weeks with no reason.

Still the most raw fun i've had out of an mmo, Dragon's Nest comes close.

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Well that's not so bad then
Both evil tracers came and went while I was inactive, but i have my miracle alch so I'll live

Damn what the hell happened to Lu while I was gone
She looks like THAT now?

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Press F

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Looks like perfect world but at the same time it doesnt, is it super old pwi?

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yeah I didn't even bother rolling any IBs, the rates are just so brutal I'd be better off trying to actually win the lotto

Funny it's still somehow alive in Brazil with those private servers

Alright. Maybe I should try forcing myself through Lanox. It's probably going to be really fucking painful with all DW changes, and my CBS was barely out of Feita.
Is second skillbar still retarded "it's free but you need to do monthly quest because we can't unlock it permanetly because reasons"?

>Too bad ESO is ugly
>plays Black Desert Online just for the looks
dude, at least try saying PSO2, it's the only game to beat ESO in both graphics and gameplay

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To the elfags still in here
Whatever happened to Rose? Since I've been back I haven't seen one anywhere, is she just trash or am I just unlucky?

Did you customize your own radio?

you already did my work op

Forgot my fucking picture

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My new Laby started out with it unlocked, so I assume it's not pay to unlock now.

is that RYL?

Nothing mentioned ESO or Black Desert, get the fuck outta here.

you tell em user
punchy autist is best autist
> names her skills like sound effects
> spins her arm in circles to increase damage
> spirit bomb
how can other paths even compete

actually no, ESO still kicks ass graphically due to its lighting and particle effects and bump mapping on the textures, these aspects on the graphics make ESO so good that already fooled people to have realtime raytracing

Atlas and Elysium are pretty fun visually. Going through them solo (because nobody does this shit anymore I guess) made me feel bad for quitting when Elysium came out, but not doing the dungeons. I feel like I missed out on something
Also Solace did nothing wrong

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>Tera was killed by ESO
>Nothing mentioned ESO

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Todd, please
You could've just posted FO76 because at least it's on topic

user, tera is dead cuz of eso

Yes RYL 2

Best job passing through

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76 has sunrays coming from the ground, your argument is invalid

She's a cute little dumb tomboy

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I meant on topic as in "dead MMO"

>fatigue system
no thanks
>in b4 that cuck argument "b-but this game is designed to play 40 characters, you will never hit your fatigue limit if you play that many!


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Can someone explain to me why it's so difficult to make private servers for an MMORPG? Say the game shuts down, so you can no longer access it, but you still have all of those files on your HDD. Why can't that stuff be reverse engineered so easily?

Well damn, I don't think many people actually play that, though

because a lot of the calculation actually happens on the server side, and you no longer have access to this
private servers usually just emulate whatever the real server would send

Elsword grew up to become fujo bait

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it is very easy. the problem is more that usually literally nobody wants to play, so the person ends up just hosting it for themselves and a few friends and never advertise it publicly, both in case someone picks the game up again in the future and because they don't really want outsiders playing with them anyway.

No im not brazilian.

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Yes the one true MMO, up until NCsoft stole it from Garriott and promptly fucking destroyed it. NCsoft was doing the evil corporation thing long before anyone else.

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what's the best Laby class? I have an old 1st and 2nd job change ticket

Didn't it failed because the economy in all words went full Zimbawe and no new players could afford to play or something?
Also weren't there more games like it that only were released in China?

Is IGG still dead and slowly turning in a mobile company (which they already are)?

ESO has the same garbage combat that most other MMOs has, and the actually art direction for the game is hot garbage. But I don't think that there's one that really does both of these things right. it's one of the concessions of the genre as a whole. I really wanted to like ESO, but the fact that nothing is nice to look at, and the combat is ass, means that I don't want to play it.

Fucking Dransik. I don't know anyone who played this, but I played it for a while as a kid. Shit was brutal I remember raging hard when I got killed and looted. Fun game though. I remember this one poopsocker who was max level and he was the only one. He'd run naked through towns wiping out the guards and anyone stupid enough to touch him.

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tfw Add was raping every Ara and Elesis to the ground

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Tell me more about it.

I think I remember seeing this as a kid at a Best Buy and always wanting to try it out.

Uh, I'm pretty sure I saw an ad for this on my phone.

I was one of the top 50 in sofiel, till guild drama happened and got kicked because i made one of the main guild women go mad accidentally.
It wasn't even that pay to win, i only spent like $70 per month, still i remember never turning my PC off for it.

A random Laby player told me it was punchy, but I've certaintly seen more magicial and Nishas.

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I would still play it but now the game is pay way more than win instead just a subscription based game like before.

I believe so, yeah. With eurobeat as I assume many did. Damn, what a good game.

>Get to cap.

Fuck DFO. I can take slot machines to the head all day, but raid being -that- strict? Nah. Killed all interest I had for the game, even with the events for free, full ebins.
>Still had to fucking raid to get them to full level

This track is the one that gives me the most nostalgic feelings.

How did all these Korean MMOs have such good (or at least decent) music?

Its tumblr lite right now.

>still going

lmao, it's dead as fuck my guy. They've made it as new player friendly as it's ever been but there're barely enough players to do world content. Not to mention MAYBE 200 people tops who actually do pvp between pn, pirates, east and west, and everyone knows everyone and it's constant drama.

now that you talk about it.... you're right

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Will the MMORPG era ever return?

Nop, Brazilian. Game was awesome though..

Silk Road

by hiring small guys who actually like to make videogame music instead of spending millions on a shitty orchestral borefest

and Elesis grew up pretty good too
fucking love her

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They hired people with skills instead the most popular around.

MM got released and people were confused cuz he was anti-meta, dunno much but MM it's still a class for tricksters tho