What the fuck happened between Enemy Within and this game? EW was fucking fantastic, one of the best games I've ever played, but XCOM 2 just feels like it was designed to be as monotonous as fuck.

>Want to grab some scientists from a region, desperately in need of some to upgrade my research speed
>Just let me grab these scientists first
>Alright fucking fine
>Do mission
>Win by the skin of my teeth because lol constant reinforcements
>Right, let's get back to those scientists

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It was literally designed to fuck Captain Beagle in the ass, a popular streamer who knew how to abuse every single exploit in EU/EW. Turns out making a game that's challenging for the top 1% doesn't make for a fun game for everybody else.

Of course it'd be streamer fuckery that ruins the game.

Yeah I didn't enjoy 2 anywhere near as much as EW. It's just too much.

At least we got snake tits.

Shitty atmosphere and game designed to be frustrating

FiraXCOM is and always was shit. XCOM2 just has an actual justification for your inability to respond to everything, as opposed to your organization being entirely unable to purchase a second transport EVER.

And yeah, they literally nerfed the player because of streamers who got early access and found strategies that worked.

Streamer didn't ruin it, the developers did because they're fucking retarded.

XCOM2 is best XCOM simply because it has the best mods

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Nah, Enemy Within was actually a really good game, even if it was simple in comparison to the classic titles.

nuCom1 is pretty comfy but ultimately just an inferior copy of the orginal in ยด94. nuCom2 is a shinier version of nuCom1. Both are pretty mediocre games, just a bit above average.

>Free weekend for a game
>shitters and retards flood Yea Forums with posts about it
git gud

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This. You just feel so artificially constricted in the nuComs. Why can I just bring 4-6 dudes on a mission? Why can I only have one transport? Why can I only have one base? Why can't I equip soldiers however I want? Why can't I target any square I want?

I have 120+ hours since release, compared to the near 1000 I have in the OG Firaxis game. XCOM 2 is drastically inferior because of its push to try and slurp off the streamer crowd. Every single element has had RNG introduced and dialled up to 11, and it turns out that's not fun.

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>still no snake tits mod
What the FUCK is wrong with people?

XCOM2, especially with WotC is a far better game than EU/EW

it's not just that, but also the fact that you can't really turtle up anymore. Most cover is functionally useless and everything feels like a clusterfuck lottery unless you install a ton of mods.

So what you're left wiht is mad dashing ot the objective with no cover while hoping your limited squad pool doesn't die or get 100+ days of injuries because they scrapped their knee.

At least we know Vipers were so popular that they'll probably be coming back for XCOM 3. Lord knows half the reason people even remember 2 is because of the snake pussy.

cant wait for Phoenix Point or XCOM3 to come out so the general is revived.
Yea Forums and its shit taste in games while also being awful at them is actually triggering me

>ever having a unit not in cover
Does the game let you get away with that on easy mode?

Use an sniper heavy team with upgrades and abilities is hard for they to fail
I use this composition: Ranger(Stealth)/Specialist(medic)/Psy operative/Grenadier(Suport abilities)/2x Sharpshooters(rifle)

The general died because XCOM 2 sucked, my dude.

Goddamn fucking scalyfags GTFO

The general died because we got literally no games

>Captain Beagle
Is he still doing pubg?

That sounds like the opposite of monotonous

I enjoyed a lot of the lore and story on the first game, I don't know whats going on in xcom2. They throw exposition at me and I accidentaly skip it.

is xcom 3 going to follow another bad ending?

If you are talking /xcg/ it was fairly active until atleast Tactical Legacy pack, which was like 6 months ago, Pretty sure it was staying around until the Phoenix Point drama too.

Not that im saying /xcg/ was only XCOM 2 mind you.

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I played on hard, but half the time it was better to just carpet bomb with grenadiers from afar even if you were out of cover. I ebat the game and that shitty alein hunter dlc, everytime I was in cover it didn't matter because teleporting douchebags, gaint fuck off laser bombs, or carpet bombs would just end me. As opossed to xcom EW where cover felt meaningful and covering fire wasn't completely fucking useless.

Man the TLP really was a great free DLC.

nigga without any cover literally every shot against you is a crit, stop bullshitting lmao

What does it matter if you get flanked by teleporting assholes, or retards that can blow you and you cover up in one shot with no survival chance. Xcom2 is shit for that, and those shitty rts bosses from alien hunters.

firaxis went to shit, anyone with real talent or vision is gone, xcom 2 has no identity

Problem with xcom2 is that it turns into a fucking cakewalk (even of hardest difficulty) after you upgrade mag guns. First 3-4 missions are hard after that its just snoozefest.

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>flanked by teleporting assholes
They can't shoot you on the turn they discover you, you can get to cover
>retards that can blow you and you cover up in one shot with no survival chance
Why aren't you doing it to them first?
>those shitty rts bosses from alien hunters
Yeah, those were pretty shit vanilla. Nerf their free turn shit a bit with mods and they're fun to hunt down.

>install SWMT and Shut up Bradford
>play the fucking game

WOOOOOOW that was hard.
OP is a faggot

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>Install mods to make the game tolerable

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>Install 2 mods in literally 10 seconds if you have advanced autism that gets triggered by too many notifications


he just started another XCOM2 campaign, and he still does a load of XCOM in between whatever hot meme multiplayer game is out

Doesn't change the fact that the base game is designed like shit. Don't Waste My Time is pretty damn essential too because of the retard long pauses between actions.

they literally nerfed stealth Overwatch ambushes because Beagle figured out an exploit

that's the real issue, more than anything

You need a space job, and those ethereal niggas or Molluk the Glukkon the only ones hiring. Who you gonna work for?

Fuck that guy.
XCOM went to shit when everyone uses some super good player to measure their shit, instead of actually focusing on making the game fun and letting autists do their thing on their own.

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IMO the biggest shitty thing about 2 is that there's no way to just linger around completing missions over and over with your high end gear. In EU/EW you could sit on the last mission indefinitely and decimate alien scum with your high ranking soldiers. I actually really enjoyed that part.

you can sit around for a long ass time on the last mission in 2, I know I have

>3 years later
>Yea Forums still assblasted because they cant overwatch crawl and win

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Not really. The game just shits fucktons of enemies at you before you can really get a footing like says. Once you have magnetic weapons you win, but that doesn't take away from the tedium of the constantly rotating limited time missions blaring in your face.

>They can't shoot you on the turn they discover you, you can get to cover
I'm more talking about the guys who take two actions, or the teleporting ones who engage while you're still in a fight.
>Why aren't you doing it to them first?
That's what I did, it's just boring and there's little strategy to it so they introduced the zombies to counter grenade strats in the expac
>Yeah, those were pretty shit vanilla. Nerf their free turn shit a bit with mods and they're fun to hunt down.
I beat them all legit, ice snake is aids unless you fight him late game and merc him, bereserker queen is fun because she's cqc only and there's tons of fun strats you can set up to beat her, the archeron is the most retarded bullshit thing in a tb strat game I've ever played and I must've wiped 3 times to that worthless faggot's infinite carpet bombs.

You can still don't install LW if you want, you know.

It's the base features that I really dislike, that and LW2 literally not working for WotC.

I enjoyed playing LW for EW since you could configure the difficulty using a text editor. I did that so my father could have a fair challenge.