Prove me wrong
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*proves you wrong*
No one cares about nioh it will fade unlike the god games that are from F R O M S O F T
>easily cheesed
>diablo loot
diablo loot autism is a game-ruining feature
Who gives a shit about Nioh? Boring.
You're right but sekiro is a nice distraction until nioh 2
>two games with no character customization
yeah both are shit
>abloo abloo mommy why can't I make my OC donutsteel?
Nioh is alright until you hit divine weapons though (except for having to throw away hundreds of loot every few hours).
I can't
Also shame they made changes after the very first alpha/beta/demo or whatever it was
I enjoyed how challenging and different it was
I would bet that 1/10 of the people who are playing Sekiro right now haven't even played Nioh
pretty sad
different games that play nothing alike, its all preference. Ghost of sushiman will be story heavy if thats your favorite type of game im sure you will prefer it over nioh/2 or sekiro
Sekiro feels like From trying to play catch up after Nioh
I bought Nioh a month ago and am having a blast with it. It has a lot of charm to it.
>Game journos are bad unless they review a game I like well
I thought we were supposed to ignore journos and find out if we like a game ourselves because journos are corrupt?
Which is it?
Okay so I just got the game and got the skill "leaf glide" and I tried parrying purple bar skeleton warriors for like 20 minutes and I couldn't get a single parry off. Can you even parry them? Google gives me different answers
Nigga you know it's much fewer people than that that have played Nioh.
Anyway Nioh is really fun bros, I'm playing the DLC and just beat Maria.
I would say I agree until you hit NG+, then it's actually pretty fun because you have more incentive to keep one weapon and keep upgrading it and the diablo loot really helps that
>gay fromdrone clone game
>tasteful and original, high quality with well thought out mechanics
I can't
only vs humans
i like both
i enjoyed both
not everything need to be picking sides
cant wait for nioh 2
Parry timing in Nioh depends on your weapon.
Google said you can parry skeleton warriors but others are saying you can't parry purple bar enemies. I guess I'll just assume grey bar = parryable from now on
>I would say I agree until you hit NG+
>it gets fun after you beat the game once
lol. anyway im hoping nioh 2 wont have this problem because i liked the game otherwise
Sekiro is not a bad game but I definitely enjoyed playing Nioh more. The combat flows so well with the ki system.
How will ghost of tsushima compare? Is it a western dev?
So is the scale of western interference:
>Nioh: crazy Japanese game made by Team Ninja
>Sekiro: From game with Activision pushing ”le prepare to die” meme
>Ghost: pure western, will have strong female samurai and microtransactions
I like Sekiro more because there's less micromanaging.
I mean yeah it's a drag for all of the first playthrough for sure, I'm not denying that. It's too much to take in and you dont really get much out of everyone dropping shit like skittles. But i feel the game was designed to be replayed because the blacksmithing stuff really only starts to become relevant on NG+ and beyond, to say the way you handle equipment doesn't completely flip on its head after one playthrough is silly.
Different types of games.
Haven't played Nioh, going to look into it
Nioh with Sekiro mobility would be 10/10
Too bad Nioh suffer from Ds tank controls.
you play a specific person from history in Nioh. having purple hair and blue skin as William would be retarded
Sekiro looks like it makes you feel like Spiderman
whatever supports my claim the most of course
>Too bad Nioh suffer from Ds tank controls
I could parry the red dudes but not the purple bar
Nioh is too hard. You die in like 2 hits to everything
he's saying you can't jump you retard
Nioh is definitely a game of bully or get bullied. You can rape most enemies pretty bad too, it just really demands you play the game in a kinda specific way more than souls games
God I wish my laptop wasn't a welfare toaster. Only two years old, too, laptop for gradschool, works well for my clunky matlab code though. It can play the game with some tweaks to my card settings, but it looks like DS1 now. I'm gonna get a desktop when I graduate since I could actually swap out the card when the inevitable obsolescence occurs.
I just started playing and I know what you mean, Dual swords whoop a lot of the mooks, but if you just stand there like a retard or try to i-frame through an attack like a souls game you're gonna have a bad time
Nioh's looting and levelling clashes with the intention of creating challenging gameplay
How is Nioh on mouse+kb?
I played it on release with xbox controller, but I dont have a controller anymore and want to finish the game
Yeah the equipment load you're wearing extremely changes the way you play too. You have to kinda train yourself to not mash dodge out of attack strings and just block them or you'll get hit in the back. But I love playing around draining enemy's ki
If Nioh 2 removes the loot shit then I'm down. Already has character creation so I don't have to play as bootleg Geralt for that brief bit before I unlock a skin to use which is an improvement.
Don’t get greedy and stop trying to i-frame through everything. Onryoki was pushing my shit in when I was doing that, then I became more patient and pushed his shit in first try using only a few elixirs.
>boring enemy design
>barely any enemy vareity for a fucking 40-60 hour game
>mediocre bosses besides a small handful
>bland levels both visually and level design-wise
>diablo loot
The only thing good about Nioh was its combat system, everything else was mediocre or just trash
Reminder to block instead of dodge
Soulsfags complaining about Diablo loot never stops being funny in Nioh threads.
You cant cheese bosses in Sekiro scrub
Sekiro's level design is in a whole other level.
Nioh's great, the loot is super fun. I personally prefer sekiro because I think the setting is taken a bit more seriously and I love shit in feudal Japan. Nioh feels like s cartoon. I'd put them about on par in terms of gameplay but I love games about parrying, I have like 120 hours in MGR
Tsushima will be another Assassin's Creed reskin
They're both trash
I too think that Nioh is the better game overall. Sekiro is great for one playthrough but there's pretty much no reason to play it again ever.
how anyone can defend Nioh's terrible loot system is beyond me.
Yeah, it only starts mattering on NG+ and beyond anyway so it's not like that have to get specific rolls on piece of gear to beat the game.
It allows for fun build and only brainlets who can't use filters complain about loot cluttering inventory.
Never mind, I was doing it too late. Thanks for the video
I would agree but Nioh is only slightly better.
>Stealth is cool
>Vertical level design
>Unique characters
>Enemies are pretty bland
>Mechanics are not straight forward
>Can cheese through levels doing deathblows and letting enemies reset
>Dragon rot
>7 Different weapons each with different stances and combos
>Armor set bonuses and limitless combinations
>Deeper skill trees with more interesting abilities
>Yokai designs are top notch
>Yokai get reused a lot
>Story is just good vs evil
>the loot is super fun
Nah. I personaly found that the vast majority of loot is just trash to sell or turn to mat or whatever the mechanics were, don't remember. It became a shore pretty fast going through all my inventory trying to see what's worth shit or not. Same thing happened with Shadow Warrior 2
>bland levels visually
You're kidding, right? Many of Nioh's levels look like absolute kino. Tell me the bath house isn't a 10/10.
takes days of grind and RNG
you need to reach NG++ to even unlock the highest rarity
Sekiro is still a new game and cheese methods are yet to be discovered
with how Sekiro forces you to play, I wouldn't be surprised if specific strings of button inputs that "solve" individual bosses pop up later
Nioh sucked.
>overly complex combat (4 stances)
>uncomfortable button layout. switching items and weapons feels cumbersome
>weird feedback from general movement
>half-assed looter crawler
>Failure has fuck all consequences
>Whiteboi protagonist
>Rhythm based combat
>Controls are easy to understand, but tough to master
>Striking and and being struck by enemies has serious weight
>Actual consequences make the player take caution
>Strong, stoic protagonist
If your combat in Nioh isn't "rhythm based", that's your fault. Nioh is fluid as fuck if you know what you're doing.
fucking kek
Nioh seems to have more replayability to me. Haven't played Sekiro but once you master it's systems wouldn't it get stale? Nioh you can at least change weapons and stances.
I kinda liked nioh before I did the spider boss and realized the items in my inventory could insta kill bosses, realizing I was just playing moster hunter / diablo / wtf ever I quit then and there
im surprised by how aesthetically similar they feel. Obviously they share a mystical Japan setting but Im getting a lot of Nioh vibes with the music, monster design and even the drab, hazy look of the levels
I always meant to get this, but I forgot it came out. Is it any good, and also should I get the ps4 version or pc?
Lootfilters user, use them.
Which game is harder?
nobody has reported a permadeath from Dragonrot in Sekiro and you're given enough cures to progress questlines when you're ready
that is barely a consequence
Nioh if you count new game+.
not playing video games > Nioh + Sekiro
i havent beaten it but sekiro has a lot of different ways to use its systems. certain bosses an enemies you change your fighting style up. some need to focus on parrying, some on breaking down health. certain combat techniques are incredibly powerful against certain enemies and near useless against others, some latent abilities are also incredibly powerful using fights like the ability to attack mid air or block. these make the combat a lot more than just parry and attack and mastering these. also the combat is incredibly satisfying
How could you not like Diablo loot? You get so much variety. Were you all too dumb to lock gear you wanted to keep and then mass sell the rest?
How to make Nioh better
>get rid of Diablo loot
>get rid of reusing missions in a mission select screen with Main and Sub missions
>actual unique weapons within the archetypes
A sword from the start of the game shouldn't feel the same as a sword from a boss 20 hours into the game. They can't have a hundred unique movesets but Dark Souls 1 was able to have different types of movesets albeit slight changes within a single type of weapon. Then you add boss weapons ontop of that, especially in DaS3.
Nioh is awful. I even bought it but I could never finish it. I didn't expect it to be so bad, I bought it blindly fully expecting it to be awesome from all I have seen, what a letdown
>What are equipment set bonuses that specifically gear you towards different playstyles
They don't need different movesets because they encourage you to spec out specific skills for damage bonuses, plus each weapon is deep enough that you can play it however you want. Comparing it to DS on this point is pretty facetious when DS weapons have two moves they can use anyway
What didn't you like?
nioh alpha=sekiro>>>>>nioh
the alpha and sekiro are the chad games of attrition and knowledge while the final build of nioh is an embarrassing looter whacker diablo game with endless confetti loot and the only semblance of difficulty ever comes when you get into the XXX NG cycles and there it just means endless hp bloat AND even THEN you have access to the overpowered onmyo magic if you want to
the only thing nioh has over souls is the combat system but it loses out on that too to all actual hack and slash games so who fucking cares
Okay, Sekiro is better than Nioh. Gotcha faggot.
Majority of the people that complain about the loot dont even know about loot filters, sorting, locking, and sell/breakdown filters at the shop.
>mah Diablo loot
Souls shitters seriously needs to put a bullet into their head asap. The loot is literally the most trivial part of that game and yet they still complain.
Blame it on the nip community whining that nioh alpha was too fucking hard for them.
Except for when literally any game comes out and the whole board uses metacritic to justify either buying or not buying the game. See Sekiro, Anthem, REmake2, DMCV, FO76
I wish I played the Alpha more
too busy with other shit that I only got to play for like 6 hours
I'd say the first like two hours of Nioh are up there with the alpha, because you have no fucking loot. At some point you just get showered with so much garbage your stats get padded and the game gets way fucking easier
Nioh has ~20 hours of content but expect you to play for 200 hours. All difficulties after NG and up to WotN are too fucking easy and pretty much just a filler. If they keep this retarded approach of NG++++++ I won't bother with Nioh 2.
Sekiro surprisingly is much more original game and ironically more distinct from Souls than Nioh.
Its shit, but it doesnt matter 1st playtrough which is the point
Sekiro is far better game than Bloodborne, but will never be able to top Dark Souls 3
>because you have more incentive to keep one weapon and keep upgrading it
You have no incentive to do that until WotN though. Every weapon is a throwaway and upgrading the same one leads to you have to refresh the cost of the thing every once in a while just so you're not spending hundreds of millions per temper to soul match. It's better to just keep rushing through the difficulties until you reach WotN and then make your build because everything prior to it is a waste of time, and even then the Abyss means you're going to have to Soul Match for decades if you want high level weapons and you have to cheese those bosses to get even remotely far into it.
Because it means you have to spend roughly half an hour sorting through shit you want to keep, and eventually your inventory will be full of locked shit leading to having to spend even more time organizing stuff. It means you have to deal with leveled weapons making your older ones obsolete, it means you have to farm for Soul Match cost reduction or reset just to keep weapons you spent hours refining up to scratch, it means you have to farm for money which doesn't really grow on trees even if you're feeding WotN Divines or Defiled items at the thing, and so on.
It's an unfun system, and knowing the level cap gets risen by higher difficulties instantly makes everything on the lower difficulties a waste of your time to invest into because you'll always find something better in an instant making that weapon pointless. Diablo loot is and always will be shit, it offers no benefits and even with the filters you've got hundreds of items to sift through per level. It singlehandedly ruined the game for me along with how everything past Way of the Strong one-shot you unless you ran a heavy armor build.
Have you played nioh DLCs? Because they get even closer in aesthetics
Can someone elaborate upon the "diablo loot" meme? Haven't played nioh yet.
I'm about 10 hours in and it's not too bad so far. You do find a lot of shit but I like selling and forging stuff after a mission
Ninja Gaiden > both of them
Hasn't Sekiro been out for a few days now? Why the hell is there only 19 critic reviews for it?
>overly complex combat (4 stances)
jesus fucking christ, this is soulsfags trying to do action games holy shit.
Gear is found as drops with differing quality, level and stats. some quests have more special gear ususually with enchantments but for the most part you will be using what you find or forging new gear by breaking down the gear you find.
All weapons just fit separate archetypes with one single special ability it has like native wind enchantment, native back damage enchantment, etc. You will be picking up hundreds of items of various rarity for weapons, armor, and accessories which you have to manually sort through. Because items have levels it means you're going to basically be jumping from weapon to weapon and farming bosses for decent enchantment drops (Hayabusa's sword for example can have 50% back damage but only from the boss and only from a random drop from him) which means you don't really get to finalize your build until the final NG+ or if you decide to start doing it early and take the monetary loss to soul match them. It also makes the crafting system almost entirely pointless outside of very very specific situations where you need certain attributes onto an equip.
It essentially makes you hate picking up items because it means you will have to sort through them eventually even if you have filters in place for certain rarities because you'll need to eventually start looking at attributes you can carry over to other equips and what you just need to dump. It's basically busywork and it kills any feeling of a weapon being special.
>and forging stuff after a mission
Forging should not be done until postgame several NG+ cycles in because you're just pissing away money at that point.
You can at least transmog into cute girls in Nioh
You're probably right but I've got like 60,000 gold and nothing to spend it on right now
I think you can only use Haze against skeletons and Hino-Enma's charge.
Even in Way of the Strong the cost to forge something is in the hundreds of thousands. Divine items cost several hundred thousand just to affix something to it and selling a Divine or Defiled is only somewhere from 10-40k. Don't waste your money.
Okay I see, thanks
finding a stronger renamed weapon to fight a stronger renamed enemy every hour get old.
I used Leaf Glide against a skeleton warrior and it seemed to work. I was just parrying too late
Nioh is on sale on PSN, don't really have time to play it though and don't want to add to backlog. I think I will just wait for the sequel.
wish Nioh 2 would be more like it in speed
I'd cream over a Ninja Gaiden with 3 stances, equipable skills or combo ends, 999 floor dungeon, and diablo loot
Actually maybe I had Haze at the time I don't know
I liked Nioh on release and then it just got progressively worse
Keep in mind that during all of Way of the Samurai and Way of the Strong it's simply picking up items and running with them until you get something better which usually happens every single level. Even into Way of the Demon you're fine just picking up garbage off the ground and rushing to the next difficulty. Once you hit Way of the Wise and Way of the Nioh that's when you start caring about actually forging and making your build, but even in WotW you don't have to have a build or decent weapons at all, you can still just live off of the land. Nioh doesn't expect you to be doing that stuff until way later into the game because it expects you to be throwing equips out like confetti. It's more about the Onmyo and Ninjutsu buffs for a majority of the game.