ITT: Originals that are better than the remake
ITT: Originals that are better than the remake
Post the original one
I did
if the "remake" is the wojak one, it was made solely to trigger people.
ive seen ancient comics from around 2007 be crudely remade with wojak faces, its a disgrace to our vidya gaymer culture, it really is
Why does this make people so angry?
>Why does this make nindrones so angry?
The porn was the ultimate wojak-shitter filter. Drove them to the point of saying "porn is cringe anyway".
No idea, I just like the original better than the edits
Because it's not wojak or pepe.
Mods, please delete all wojaks on sight. For the love of fuck.
How many threads has this one picture created? It's bizarre.
>>Yea Forums455743804
This one's great
Been a while since I seen that type of gif. Reminded me of the late 2000’s. Good on ya.
the tranny snoy edit is the definitive version.
everyone gets shit on equally.
this one's better
Always the gold version too, so you know it's snoyboys
Prefer this one. The original is dumb, insulting everyone but one person just shows a lame bias.
It makes nintendies seethe because apparently the sonyfag rep isn't negative enough, when the artist explicitly used the golden face guy because it's the most recognized caricature. And as you should know, Yea Forums is nintendies central.
>but how do you know it's nintend-
PCfags don't care about the fat fedora character.
Xbots love the skeleton.
>insulting everyone but one person just shows a lame bias.
that’s not how I see it. the orignal uses iconic stereotypes and references snoyguy does not come off as any more or less flattering. this on the other hand is family guy tier “how can we make everyone as shitty, exaggerated, and non-relatable as possible?”
It is a good compromise, but I preffer the original yellow PS4 dude, his grotesque proportions really make it
This one is good.
would you prefer ?
see .
Well, that was quick for a tan design. Im liking this one
I prefer the original
have sex, incel.
Tough shit, everyone's got their flaws. Sonygroes not excluded.
>muh Egalitarianism
How pathetic do you have to be that a yellow gook with disgusting facial features triggers you?
Gotchu senpai
this is honestly better than because it actually attempted to blend in with the original's artstyle
The whole point of the sony character is that it looks like an overly-smug, condescending jock. It's supposed to be someone you hate, not a positive character. And it's always drawn in a grotesque fashion, be it with a face with more folds than a katana, or covered in body hair, sucking something into his asshole.
How do you people miss the point this hard
Real talk here, why did people get so much pissed off at OP's pic, aka the original?
Its like sticking a Family Guy character in Ed, Edd, n Eddy
Just because you are upset was the first doesn't change that fact
Kinda like the PS4 is a vidya box and not for videogames.
Mate, you could literally check fireden to verify that wasn't the original
You could literally use your own damn eyes and notice the outlines don't match
They convey opposing emotions. Wojak is supposed to be disgusting and abstract while console tan drawfags prefer lust and minimalist linework. They're natural enemies.
People for someone reason thinks the artist has a Sony Bias even though the character representing Sony is as disgusting and mocking as the rest of the other companies. For some reason people actually think gold face is something to be proud of
>m-muh nintendo!
It's funny because this definitely proves that people are mad and jealous of Sony and want every depiction of it to be an obviously bad one.
literally me on the right, seems like my shitposting has paid off.
someone post the best version
Enjoy your last minutes of posting :)
Why are you so incredibly upset about it being the original? Are you a snoypony? Does the picture showing you in unflattering yet realistic way trigger you?
>someone pointa out Sony is muscular
>Nintendo "fans" retaliate and edit it
>Sony "fans" retaliate and edit it into a bunch of wojaks
interesting how everything went back to the status quo. Almost as if someone wanted this to happen and falseflagged this OC into wojak cancer.
>that one desperate nintendo defender
the one with ricky bobby - EXTREMELY SOULFUL
>unfunny and doesn't fit in with the others
>the whole purpose of the image was the use the most popular wojacks based for them
Pure autism.
Good, this autismfest has already filled the catalog with crap. Wojak is a useful killswitch to end this cycle of fotm oc and that's a good thing!
it’s a false flag or tasteless anons who are brainwashed by “chad” memes in thinking muscles = inherently flattering. I
I'm ok with Sonybro having the golden face look, but the body should be fucked up and grotesque.
imagine being mad at drawn muscles
sony always wins baby
>insulting everyone but one person
Which one is not being insulted?
Is it Sony? Because being portrayed as a WW2 era propaganda tier Asian stereotype is pretty insulting.
What the fuck? Why is the Sony(Snoy) mascot so much better than the others?
Why are people so obsessed with Sony that they had to make multiple edits?
>imagine being mad at drawn muscles
All the rest of the representations are unflattering, while the Sony one is the opposite. Why is that?
>and that's a good thing!
>cancer is something you need get and here's why
Wojakcancerfags say this about literally anything that isn't wojak. The content really doesn't matter. It's not a killswitch so much as it's a desire to do the same thing over and over again until the day you die.
it could be a false flag. Maybe intelligence agencies are still buttmad over the election and are trying desperately to contain memes as something they can control. keeping everything wojaks would accomplish that, and wojac himself devolved from a relatable “feels guy” self-insert to a unflatteing caricature.
Yea Forums loves nintendo
Who ever drew this CANNOT copy a style for shit.
this one is kino
Triggered it is.
>show proof
you just HAVE to be underaged
Other way around, snoynegroes got butthurt they were show as the gross negroids they are.
I mean, it makes sense. Look at the final result, we're back to zero again. It got turned into another dull as dishwater wojak edit. I don't think it's a coincidence that actual, true OC always gets killed and amalgamated into pepe and wojak memery.
Remember, total site traffic is down to 2014/16 levels and still dropping
Now is the time to purge this malignant growth
ok, this one has potential, good job.
Don't trigger yourself into an aneurism, snoyim.
This damage control is horrible.
hmm I don't know, these "snoynegroids" seem based as fuck.
Snoybois are easily rattled. Notice how its only them throwing a shitfit while the rest just laugh it off.
I’m a irl nintendofan and think a cute skinnyfat guy with a special need is perfect. It’s fake outrage.
Good shit
Ah, that explains this
Thanks famm
why is owning multiple platforms a foreign idea to Yea Forums
Keep coping resetera/neofag
This, sonegro is strong and handsome.
The jews have succeeded in instilling the concept of brand loyalty on the ignorant masses of Yea Forums.
There are people on this board that probably think golden XD face is a Wojak variant.
Nintendofag here, if people would stop being salty they'd realize the goldface is the most iconic at any rate. He's always been a grotesquely proportioned, hairy fellow so it's not like it's exactly flattering. The black tranny thing might be more fitting, but it hurts to look at in an unfunny way.
Also he goes well aesthetically with the sunbeam censors. No need to get up in arms about one meme mascot being a bit uglier than another.
This one's the best, faggots
Bro i fell bad for wojakposters.
yeah this one is pretty much kino
Overdesigned trash, keep it simple.
keep the goldenface :^)
Honestly, it's always a dozen or so people shitposting and falseflagging.
Why the fuck is atariman so much better than the rest?
Fix this shit now!
Same, Nintendo fan as well. I mean, I still think it's the least unflattering out of the bunch, but I get the creator's vision. He wanted it to be consistent. I don't really care. All I know is, the so-called outrage from all sides is most likely manufactured. Maybe if retarded wojakposters could contain themselves from making another wojak edit so soon I wouldn't have noticed. But they're making it way too obvious.
Most of us didn't really care until they came by and provoked everyone into getting into another "war". What everyone needs to do is develop a little self-control. Take a step back, calm the fuck down, look at the patterns and realize you're all being played for fools, again.
what is happening here
>says this while crying about Yea Forums having a Nintendo bias because only Nintendo threads get stickied
Shut the fuck up.
bitcoin miners
Nobody cared until the snoy caricature was replaced with a less than pleasant edit, and that made the fanboys upset.
hey i just woke up, can someone link me the last stadia threads ? i dont want to lose any drawings
What are you trying to prove here?
>“how can we make everyone as shitty, exaggerated, and non-relatable as possible?”
Even in the original one the Nintendo and XBox dudes were exactly that while Sony wasn't.
Did I ever say anything about Nintendo retard
Wait til tuesday if you wanna shitpost at least in you ingrates.
Also wojakfags, pepefags, you had your chance to bitch and whine back when console-tans got started and you let it happen. Now all of a sudden you think Stadia-tan is just Bowsette 2.0. A trend. A meme. She isn't.
yeah this one looks right
I think is the current one, I’m not positive though
and . both are relatable to the fandoms. hell xbone looks cool. Who exactly do you speak for? You think a yellow grinning gook face with a muscular body is relatable? it’s based on an old meme.
how many times are you going to post this and your shitty edit that doesn't fit the art style you cock sucker?
how the fuck do porn artist do it? I tried to do stadia porn as a joke and I had a boner all the time. it's hard as shit to concentrate like this.
anyways, here goes nothing, cannot be assed to do more
also there's no decensored version
cringe and soulless
based and soulful
This is the original senpai, your shtposting ass can easily be shut down with a quick trip to fireden.
If there is a god, this year's april fool's day wojack- and pepe-posting is a bannable offense
yes, obviously. But who replaced it? An actual butthurt fan or someone trying to get a rise out of everyone?
permaban and IP range ban. I don't care if it nukes the entire population of Australia and Canada combined. I don't even care if entire states get fucked over.
how about that one
you gotta use your lust and sexual energy as a drive to draw more and better senpai
that's how you do it
or this one
gordon looks like an absolute chad
The creator himself said he's more of a Nintendofag.
what did you use to capture that gif?
Gotta love how how all the recent Ricky Bobby reposts are just complaining about new memes instead of remembering the old Yea Forums. This is why old Yea Forums comics gets remade with wojaks.
It's not
It never has been
It never will be
The truth is that a lot of the people you see on this site talking smack about something are actually fans of said topic. They just want to talk about something they like and being aggressive is a guaranteed way to get replies.
Fuck if I know man. For me It's hard to sketch porn without a hard-on. I'm not a pokefag by the way.
Wojak hate thread?
I'm in!
Ew fuck off retard
Thanks for posting the one with more color theory.