I'm embarrassed to admit this guys, but I actually like Fallout 3.
Not nearly as good as NV or the originals obviously but I think it's a fun game with a good setting, and some cool moments like the Tranquility Lane sequence.
I'm embarrassed to admit this guys, but I actually like Fallout 3.
Not nearly as good as NV or the originals obviously but I think it's a fun game with a good setting, and some cool moments like the Tranquility Lane sequence.
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4 was better
I liked it at first but it’s very boring to replay. Haven’t touched it in ages.
On paper yeah, the gunplay is way better and it doesn't look nearly as ugly. But it has no soul
Define soul in the context of Fallout 3
it was a childhood game for me so I enjoy it more than the average person too, its nothing to feel ashamed about op, for its time it was a decent game
Spooky atmosphere
Fallout 3 is basically fine. NV is much better but it was fun to explore in.
I couldn't bear to play Fallout 4, though.
3 has the better world, NV has the better story, 4 has the better gameplay
maybe they'll get it right eventually
I genuinely think f3 is better than NV. I don't care about rpg mechanics or world coherence, i just like f3 atmosphere and world design.
they already did
So, you actually like Fallout 3?
Good for you, but considering that the game won't run anything above windows Vista, you might as well install New Vegas also and get Tales of Two Wastelands mod for it, so you get benefits of NV to 3's game world, which includes iron sights, expanded crafting and ammunition, Damage Treshold system and less shooting against albino scorpions that take five million years to kill.
>4 was better
The only fallout game i ever played that was better on console then on PC the port is a mess and has many issues that been around since launch
It's okay to have shit taste user
i agree in terms of plot moments fallout 3 was almost perfect.
the opening section with the vault and leaving it was amazing.
journey from megaton to rivet city was great.
finding james and tranquility lane was basically genius.
the raven rock section was great.
the liberty prime battle was one of the greatest things of last generation.
and with broken steel the ending was fine.
even though new vegas had more characters with exposition and factions and a better "story" whatever that means. it never reached the highs that fallout 3 did in its narrative. and when bethesda tried to do a multiple faction plot in fallout 4 it just fell apart completely. they should just stick to a good single threaded story and make the moments feel exciting.
Yeah, it was great.
I think New Vegas is better in a lot of ways, but I liked the artstyle, the overworld and the soundtrack both on the radio and the ost. The game had some great set-pieces and levels, like Tranquility Lane, Raven Rock and Adams Air Force Base. DC was great to explore and the game is extremely comfy.
No Bethesda games are better on console, none.
Consoles don't support community patches.
>plot moments fallout 3 was almost perfect.
It all goes down the drain because I couldn't give less of a fuck about James. Fallout 3 is fucking trash.
>1 DLC
the very definition of cope
>a better "story" whatever that means.
It means it had a better story then the trainwreck that was 3's story, it's not that hard to get.
I have all 4 fucking Fallout games-- 2 on OC, 2 on xbox 1-- and I haven't gotten past ~30 mins into any of them, am I just being a nigger with no patince? My ideal game is Witcher 3, where they telllyou a cool fucking stort and then just throw you into the action.
If I'm going to get into Fallout, which one would you fuckers recommend I start with and really get into? I've been hoarding games and peripherals (driving wheel, flying yokes) like a Jew since last summer, but have had no fucking time. Now I want to make o for everything I missed out on,
none of what i said requires you to care about james which is why fallout 3 is so great.
fallout 4 requires you to care about your son and if you don't the plot completely fails.
>it had a better story
what does that mean?
>- 2 on PC
With new monitor and new rig, i think it will be a lot fucking better than just from a console and saved on a fucking external drive.
>none of what i said requires you to care about james which is why fallout 3 is so great.
The whole story about is about JAMES' glorified water filter, retard.
>the liberty prime battle was one of the greatest things of last generation.
fixed in broken steel
yeah and you don't have to care about it
there's nothing got be embarassed about, only the sweatiest of beardfats pretend it is a total shit game
Point Lookout 2.0
>fixed in broken steel
>pay $5 to unfuck the ending stupid
>yeah and you don't have to care about it
By your logic neither do you have to care about your son in 4
>fixed in broken steel
>shilling five bucks for Todd to fix his retard games
Fucking retard.
>yeah and you don't have to care about it
You do, otherwise the game won't end unless you join the BoS to fix it.
>fixed in broken steel
it was, too bad NV didn't do the same
Fallout 3 is better than NV and is one of the best games of last gen.
Search your feelings, you know it to be true.
broken steel is part of the game now. who would buy a version without it?
and the search for your son is present from the start of the game. the water stuff is only relevant from the very last few quests and even then you can sabotage it.
it's great the first time when you don't know anything about the setting.
t. red chinese communist
>it was, too bad NV didn't do the same
Because then you'd have a completely different game on a nightmare of an engine made of sticks and gum. It just wouldn't work.
>It just wouldn't work.
>the water stuff is only relevant from the very last few quests and even then you can sabotage it.
But James is the still the main focus. You can't even tell him off because the games tries to paint him as this tragic characters.
i like both nv and fallout 3
i think they are miles different but both are fun
>broken steel is part of the game now. who would buy a version without it?
Fuck off retard, what about the people like me who got the game at release and had to pay for DLC in order to have a legitimate ending? This is a scummy practice and no amount of excuses will make it look good.
>and the search for your son is present from the start of the game. the water stuff is only relevant from the very last few quests and even then you can sabotage it.
Holy fuck you're actually retarded, James is the reason you leave the Vault to go after him, and you must """""honor""""" his legacy by turning on a purifier you don't care about.
3 and 4 both suck, they should've stopped after 2.
In a weird way, I liked the fact that there were so many nondescript caves and tunnels. They were just shitholes to spelunk through, like you would in a post-apoc world.
Still not a very good game imo.
In this case Todd would be fucking happy it didn't work.
the reason you leave the vault is because it isn't safe for you anymore. and the ending in the original game was dumb but the game was always going to end. there wasn't going to be a post game even if the ending was perfect. that is another reason why new vegas sucks and why they should have done another dlc instead of the retardation that is dead money that gave players a post game.
Todd isn't Zenimax. I'm sure he and Sawyer like each other as developers. Also if you believe the rumors Zenimax tried to buy Obsidian, but they turned them down. Then that group of brainlets tried to sue for the Fallout IP
>why they should have done another dlc instead of the retardation that is dead money that gave players a post game.
You were being a retarded faggot on purpose this whole time. Got it.
Far Harbor was Point Lookout with actual content, decent writing(for a bethesda game), actual choices, and decent gameplay.
Are you seriously saying you want to play a game in a state where there are no more quests to do or anything else than shoot respawnable enemies?
You're free to enjoy whatever game you like user. I personally hated FO3 but my personal taste doesn't invalidate your fun. Have fun Yea Forumsro, that's the only important thing about vidya.
>he thinks dead money is good
>the reason you leave the vault is because it isn't safe for you anymore.
Yeah, it isn't safe for you anymore because of your dumbass dad
>and the search for your son is present from the start of the game. the water stuff is only relevant from the very last few quests and even then you can sabotage it.
Plenty of games have no postgame and are fine. In the case of Fallout 3 the "DUDE KYS IT'S YOUR DESTINY BRO" is pure garbage no matter if there is postgame or not.
>that is another reason why new vegas sucks and why they should have done another dlc instead of the retardation that is dead money that gave players a post game.
Imagine being such a faggot and spreading your ass cheeks open in front of greedy developers, kys my dude
>Some B-team writer at Bethesda is out shining the A-team with every Fallout DLC since 3
It blows my mind how much better The Pitt, Point Lookout, Far Harbor compared to the main game.
no i want to finish the main quest at my own pace and find the side quests i didn't do in my playthrough. instead of just keeping a save before the hoover dam battle with everyone standing around for in game months on end like retards waiting for my super special character to say the magic words that makes everyone fight.
>fag who played with the radios
The reason why I like New Vegas much more than 3 was because most side-quests connect to the main plot of Hoover Dam. Whilst in 3 every side-quest had nothing to do with the main plot. 3 feels like nothing you do matters whilst in NV it actually effects the final battle
The GOG version works great.
still doesn't mean you have to care about him. new vegas starts because of benny shooting you. you don't have to care about him for the game to work.
i agree new vegas should have had post game from the start and not needed a hypothetical dlc. but obsidian is shit at managing development of games so what can you do?
New Vegas doesn't need a post-game, just like how Fallout 1 and 2 don't need it.
So you I take it you also dislike the fact that doing some side quests in NV makes some fail due to your choices?
>everyone standing around for in game months on end like retards waiting for my super special character to say the magic words that makes everyone fight.
This isn't anything new in video games, I don't see the problem with it. You might like Dead Rising 4 then, you have all the time in the world to complete everything.
fallout 1 and 2 aren't worlds like new vegas. and fallout 2 still had a post game.
i honestly enjoyed both but preferred NV for the setting and story which is more down to personal taste.Still dont know how they went from the quality of Fo3 to the low bar of Fo4
>still doesn't mean you have to care about him
My dude you are actually braindead, you are obliged to care about your dumbass dad since your quest revolves around his shitty purifier you don't even care about, if it wasn't for him you wouldn't have to get involved with the BoS and move your ass to the supermutant vault to find the GECK. He is quite literally the main driver of the plot.
>i agree new vegas should have had post game from the start
It doesn't
You still haven't explained why a post-game matters.
If you removed the story from the game you'd have a pretty good post apocalyptic survival-exploration FPS.
In a weird way I actually like some of the simplicity in the game, there is very little crafting for example which means no reason to horde junk, nor is there a hardcore mode so you don't need to worry about pointless gameplay interruptions to open a menu every so often, even the simple way armor works makes it better as fights are more dangerous as weapons just deal more damage, even the simplicity of the AI is for the better, none of that weak hiding behind cover whack a mole of 4, enemies just constantly try to rush you and just attack.
>So you I take it you also dislike the fact that doing some side quests in NV makes some fail due to your choices?
no i want to continue to play after the game ends to do side quests that don't affect the main story at all. and discover new locations. do gambling. stuff like that.
>This isn't anything new in video games
yeah and it always dumb.
because there is stuff to do in new vegas aside from the main quest and i don't want to just completely put it off to keep playing the game. the exact reason why post games exist.
Imagine being so autistic you can't enjoy a video game without completing the final mission beforehand
Well there's nothing to help you, since it's not like it will be changed for anytime soon.
yes but you don't have to actually care about him in the way the character cares about their son in 4. where every line when meeting a new character is HAVE YOU SEEN MY SON. yes plot things need to happen and james is a character in that plot but the player isn't required to have an emotional connection to him.
it's like saying the player is supposed to really care about benny because the main quest tells you to find him.
Fallout 3 has the best exploration and atmosphere in the series.
That alone is enough for me to like it despite it's very flawed writing.
Do you just hate options and looking for other content you may have missed?
That's fine.
You can like whatever you like. Enjoy whatever you enjoy. Long as you're not feeding people's piss and telling them it's lemonade, it's fine.
i never said i couldn't enjoy it. i love new vegas. just wish it had a post game.
i'm not like everyone else on Yea Forums that dislikes a minute aspect of a game then shits on it for years because of autism.
>best exploration
>guns that look the same, level scaled mobs, the same grotto/cave/destroyed office
>the best exploration
yeah bro I love exploring the same metro tunnels over and over again, it's so amazing haha
Every fucking time
>miss content
>return to pre-climax save
>look for the shit I missed
Woah that was hard
>i'm not like everyone else on Yea Forums that dislikes a minute aspect of a game then shits on it for years because of autism.
>criticizing some shitty aspect of the plot and the scummy business practice that Bethesda used in return is autism
shiggy diggy
it's not nearly the same without the thick depressing green filter
>return to pre-climax save
>save scumming
pretty sure there are ENBs that will do that for you
>bro I love exploring the same metro tunnels over and over again
there's many more locations that the metro tunnels
sorry but you can't ignore it just because it's overstated
>muh metro tunnels
literally a tiny corner of the map
>making excuses for Yea Forums's complete autism when it comes to games
find some better things to do
Why is that boring character using a gun form a better game?
>save scumming
Why would you not be regularly saving in a Bethesda game?
The only reason I could see someone liking Fallout 3 is if they acknowledge that Fallout 3 takes place in an alternate universe from the original games.
I mean there are massive gaping plotholes and many unanswered questions.
"How did Vault-Tec acquire FEV?"
"Why did ZAX or The Master never mention Vault 87?"
>The only reason I could see someone liking Fallout 3 is if they acknowledge that Fallout 3 takes place in an alternate universe from the original games
This is how I pretty much view 3, 4, and 76.
Tale Two Wastelands
she died
>there's many more locations that the metro tunnels
And barely are most interesting than the ones in NV
>sorry but you can't ignore it just because it's overstated
I can ignore it because it's fucking dumb
>a tiny corner of the map that you MUST go through in order to navigate throughout DC for some reason
OK pal
>>making excuses for Yea Forums's complete autism when it comes to games
>Yea Forums is one person
>arguing vidya is autism
Don't bother, most here and in the Fallout fanbase will never give the game a fair shake on its own merits because of how much it departed from the formula.
>"How did Vault-Tec acquire FEV?"
maybe there was more than on strain of FEV
>"Why did ZAX or The Master never mention Vault 87?"
Why should they?
what really boggles my mind is how the people in Fallout 3 and Fallout 4 are so fucking stupid.
Were there no books lying around? How did people not learn a single thing worth mentioning in 200 years?
Farming? WHAT IS THAT? All they do is raid and scavenge. And everything miraculously is preserved and completely untouched all this time.
Cleaning? Trash is everywhere despite fucking Abraxo Cleaner everywhere. You got those Mr. Handies not making themselves useful.
God nothing fucking makes sense.
And another thing. Vault City was created using a fucking GECK and a fusion generator.
They could have built a whole new city just like it but they chose to waste it on a stupid water filter. A water filter that you could mass produce with copper parts in Fallout 4.
Why does everyone act like Fallout BoS doesn't exists?
Gunplay was very good on fallout standards and the customisation was fun, but they butchered the perk/skill system, especially charisma/speech works.
>Le yes no more money [glass him].
>I can ignore it because it's fucking dumb
I didn't say they weren't. In fact I would agree with you. But fun exploration doesn't intrinsically mean that the world has to make sense.
Despite it's broken world, F3 still has pretty interesting and cool locations. Of course it would've been better if they actually made sense.
This. NV felt like an empty brown desert, which it was.
it's fairly easy to do that. The West/East divide with the semi-canon tactics as the DMZ is a nice divide. The only shit that you have to acknowledge as canon from 3 is vague notions of the Enclave and Brotherhood being active east of the Mojave.
The opening section is cool the first time you play, but it fucking sucks for repeat playthroughs (and repeat playthroughs should be expected in a game like this, with builds)
Raven Rock is ruined by
>kill urself my man
>lol ok
Liberty Prime is boring as shit because you just follow a robot who destroys everything and occassionally loot the bodies. There's almost no gameplay there.
>vague notions of the Enclave
Aren't the Enclave in bases all across the US
>Farming? WHAT IS THAT? All they do is raid and scavenge. And everything miraculously is preserved and completely untouched all this time.
4 tried with this at least
F3 works fine on Win 7 and Win 10
I liked 4's map. I feel like map design is one of the few areas of development that Bethesda has gotten increasingly better at over the years, aside from a few dumb mistepps like Fallout 3.
I haven't spent any time with with 76, though, so I can't say if its map is any good.
With the right mods and fixes it does
The world of DS1 feels more lived-in and realistic and that shit is literally some mythological place that was never supposed to make too much sense.
>so I can't say if its map is any good.
the map is about 4 times the size of Fallout 4, it only makes me wonder how huge TES VI will be
>the map is about 4 times the size of Fallout 4
Yeah, but does it actually feel well designed? Or is it four times as big and feels like its filled with a bunch of empty space?
>Yeah, but does it actually feel well designed?
it does feel more designed than 4, but 4 had like 20% of water that used for nothing