>final area is a desert
Final area is a desert
>final area is the beginning area after it gets destroyed
There is absolutely no game like that in existence you lying attention seeking prick.
Suck my dick
that was smart, dumbass
name 1
>final area is an underground lab
dark souls 3
Icewind Dale
Ooo, Ashen, just played that one. Positive I've seen more, but none off the top of my head
>final area is a dessert
>final area is a volcano
Wario World
>final area is an island that looks like a snake from above
>Final area's weather is raining
>rain in video games
>final area is underwater
>Final Area is not what you expected
Fighters History.
Even better
>final boss is the enemy you killed in the tutorial and fought in the tutorial area
>final area is some retarded dream sequence
literally Suck my Dick
Thanks have a nice day
>final area is deep sea
>you have to dive there