With this coming out, should I start playing FFXIV ?

With this coming out, should I start playing FFXIV ?

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Other urls found in this thread:


If you start now you might catch up in time.

Melee healer was the number one reason why monks in wow were so enjoyed. You had your standard ranged spells they have now like your mist shit but there used to be a time where a % of damage you dealt was transferred into health that got sent to the lowest HP party member. Min/maxing my DPS as a fistweaver monk in raids and seeing if I could go through a heroic without actually tossing out a single direct heal was the most fun I've ever had playing a healer.

Then they fucking got rid of it and made it a pvp skill, and I'm pretty sure they got rid of THAT skill too.


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When are they going to fix the ridiculous slide animation that happens when you use Caustic Bite while moving

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What exactly is this supposed to prove?

What's up with the new races? How are they cutting so many corners? Even in the depths of its shittiness, WoW gets both a male and female model for the new races they release.
>you can't even use helmets on either
That shit's so incredibly lazy, especially when you put it next to the Au Ri. Ronsos look more like Roes cosplaying as Ronsos than anything else. It's as if they were like
>oh shit we need new races uuuuh lets just import old models from old FF games and reuse animations lol
It's laughably bad. Where'd all that money that they make go?? How is the engine still not fixed? Couldn't they make a complete races instead of two half-assed ones? I feel bad for you still playing, lads. What a disappointing fanfest.

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steam version or square standalone version ?

Do you like older-era MMOs? then this is a great pickup
Do you want a pure loot based RNG grindfest with weekly lockouts where you want to rush to end-game as soon as possible? This game may not be for you
The storytelling quality ramps up really fast after the level 1-50 storyline, but you might get annoyed by the sheer amount of fetch quests.

It's by FAR the best mmo on the market (not really hard considering) and is at least worth playing every few months or so just for the story and the boss fights/dungeons associated with them.'
Play the Trial, if you aren't hooked by 35, then drop it.

Dry your tears and freshen up that lipstick, little twinks. It's time to apologize.

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avoid the steam version at all costs. it never goes on sale and if steam goes down then you can't play the game


standalone unless you're a 3rd worlder

desu they're growing on me, they CAN look pretty dope if they can clean up the models and animations a bit. The running animation looked pretty cool too

your first sentences sound a LOT like World of Warcarft

I can defend the gender locked races because for me personally I think it's a neat concept but the lack of head options absolutely killed my plans to race-change. Now I'll stick with my somewhat short Highlander who looks good in all jobs and can use ANY hat and just enjoy the bunnies visually.

>Where'd all that money that they make go??
please see Final Fantasy XV, 7R, and any of the other massive projects SE has to fund. Not much money is actually put back into XIV.

>they CAN look pretty dope if they can clean up the models and animations a bit.
>if they can clean up the models and animations a bit.

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If you want to be able to do the XV collab and try to grind out the Regalia, yes
Otherwise you can wait until May since ARR+both expacs take two months at the longest and the closer you get to only hitting 70 once it's out means you have less of a grind for i390 gear once they remove genesis tokens

Why really ? I can understand the "steam going down" thing but it's just a minor inconvenience in my book

Game is on Sale, too, for like 50-60% off right now

At first it looks a lot like world of warcraft, but it's grown to be something else entirely

>Do you want a pure loot based RNG grindfest with weekly lockouts where you want to rush to end-game as soon as possible?
This describes FFXIV perfectly, the fuck are you on?

I find it hard to believe XV is getting anything but the most barebones of funding to finish that Arden DLC.

>Lalas are canonically confirmed to be subhuman beasts

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Yes, just remember to play solo and avoid the mentally deranged playerbase and it can be enjoyable.

They should just make miqittens a playable race already !

Every race is just a beast tribe.

Canon pairings for doujins

I'd have loved them if their anatomy looked like actual Ronso
But instead they're just these dopey barrel-chested tard cats

Yeah, now, but we were funding it's development plenty during the 2.x-3.x(?) cycle. It's amazing how it managed to come out despite the decade of development hell because of one deluded auteur's vision.

Because if you ever want to buy physical CE's or whatever you are still stuck with Steam.

Yes, except if you are solely looking for that experience, FFXIV will bore you extremely fast.
A lot of wowfugees came into the game, used the skip potions, got to endgame and skipped all the cutscenes and started complaining that alphascape only exists of 4 bosses. I'm targetting those people with these words right now.

by giving you back HW bard castbars, can't see it if you can't cast it while moving

Why does Yoshi hate twinks?


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ah, i see

Because he's based

it means every tank has a healer
It was on the back of their chairs yesterday

Yeah but that was then. Are you telling me that SE needs to cut corners on their super popular MMO's newest expansion because money is getting funneled into a single shit DLC in a failure of a game?

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>Scholar paired with Warrior
Are they saying Warriors are retards and need a handler?

But then we have 7R, another super early, stupidly budgeted remaster that's reinventing the wheel. I would bet pretty highly on us being the money engine behind it, too. We're basically SE's money battery.

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Reminder that not only will all helmets and masks need a redesign to accomodate the Hrothgars' uniquely shaped heads, they'll also have to account for whether or not players choose to have a horn or not.

Awesome, all headgear will not be visible on Hrothgar player characters, i'm fully expecting this. Of all the times Yoshi-P's version of ffxiv chose to do something different, it had to be on this one fuckong thing, why. They could have saved themselves so much fucking hassle by just making male viera and also would have made the crown favorite choice. Jesus christ, talk about shitting the bed.

>warrior has a literal tard rage button
I mean yeah

That depends, is Summoner still a GAWD? and best DPS mage?

Don't forget that KH3 Final Mix is being funded, as well as building the money pot for FF16.

This or TESO ?

>yuropoors only
Fuck you, I got excited.

What about me?

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You mean the one that happens when literally any class uses an ability while moving? Have you ever even played another class?

The best part is it was the Lalas of Ul'dah who first coined the term beast tribe trying to cut trade with them.

>DRK coverboy expac
>no edgy healers
NEC when?

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This if you like weeb shit and can tolerate extreme autism, i still stand by most people who play aren't fucking crazy like Yea Forums would have you believe.

should have paired whm and drk

dont try to reason with retards.
no matter how you explain it, they will always say
>herp derp, tansk wear plate, and healers wear dresses, and cast healsz!

I hope we all realise that if the FF7 remaster isn't the second coming of christ we can pretty much just safetly assume SE is just a shit company since the "FFXIV is funneling money to other projects" excuse to these corner cuts has fallen into the next dimension.

but muh lore for male viera so we add a race that has never been aluded to once in 6 years

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TESO has level scaling, do you want a game with an actual endgame

Cultural differences.
In western society small lithe twinks are seen as peak gay mode while buff bara men are normal. Meanwhile in Japan its opposite, so when Yoshi heard they wanted a gay male race he made buff bara lion dudes cause he naively thought that's what they meant by gay race.

They sell physical CE's for the steam version too. You just get a steam code in the box instead of a square enix code

Try the free trial at least and get to level 35, then decide. You will have gotten through the absolute worst part of the MSQ (Titan), so you will be fresh with the worst experience the game has to offer.
If you still want to play then, you at least can be assured that it's mostly uphill from there. And you won't have spent a dime.
Plus, just that will take about a couple weeks if you take your time. Saves on subscription days.

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Yeah man Mhighlander look great, have (had?) one myself. Gotta use fake eyebrows though.
>development hell because of one deluded auteur's vision.
Was he the guy that wanted a ridiculous number of sales? Can't remember how many but it sounded like a joke.

Witch healers soon

For me the only passable looking Hrothgar is pic related. The other ones in the trailer just look weird.

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>Crystal Tower story is part of the MSQ now

Oh shit boys does this mean they'll do more stuff with K'oh Rabntah (Noah possessed cat girl)

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just because it might be shit doesn't mean they didn't try to make it the second coming. SE's always had this bad problem of style-over-substance, spending fucktons of money on graphics and effects, but never really stoppnig to consider what the playerbase would be satisfied with from a VII remake.

If you want to rush to the endgame of XIV as soon as possible, you will be maddeningly disappointed.
Take your time, enjoy the story, enjoy the characters, enjoy Hildibrand, maybe fish a bit.

>worst part of MSQ
>not the hundreds of shitty quests leading into HW content

i think a big problem is the trailer itself. The lighting in it is fucking awful, nothing looks good in this game under harsh lighting. I think the 4K press renders look fine.

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ivalice and ff12 is now linked with ffxiv

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The Viera didn't look great either in the video. A lot of the lighting in this game is pure ass and does a disservice when they try to show off.

Daily reminder that bunny girls are made for based lion men.

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A classic, lalas aren't imposing enough for it to be credible though.

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Meh. I enjoyed Leviathan and Ramuh and Lady Iceheart, and if you didn't enjoy the climax of 2.55, then XIV is not the game for you at all.
And simply put, Titan was worse. God I hated that part. Everyone I know hated that part.

>Want to be a dancer
>Don't wanna wear slut glam
I'm conflicted

i really don't understand what you're trying to accomplish with these shitposts, user, but i appreciate the creativity. 7/10.

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Then don't. Easy fix. RP as a Hingan dancer they wore kimonos.

Remember that retard yesterday who thought that picture of a Roe in the warwolf mask was an actual picture of a hrothgar? What a dummy.

>lalas outed as worthless subhumans
>Immediately try to cope by pretending every other race is a beast tribe as well

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Accept the truth, user.
You'll be happier.

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Wear a nice gown or whatever, you can get around it. Nobody's forcing you to wear the AF gear.

Can't wait for all the hrothgar on fem miqo'te. Male miqo'te twinks can watch and jack off from the corner.

Rock a disco glamour then

Not really. XIV's Ivalice is as related to Tactics and XII as XIV's Crystal Tower is related to III.
Emperor Xande of Allag is not Xande, apprentice of Great Magus Noah. Noah van Gabranth is not Judge Magister Gabranth, formerly Noah fon Ronsenburg.

They are references, multiversal equivalents across the Interdimensional Rift, not the exact same specimens like Omega and Gilgamesh are.

then dont? glamour system exists for a reason

>jobs are actually fun now with meters/more skills
>end game content is still boring as fuck raiding nobody wants to do, annoying loot systems, shitty hardmode dungeons, and eureka

xiv will never flourish like this

Monk used to work like that in WoW? Fuck... what a waste. Melee healers sound so fun to play. I am loving my holy pala just because I can shove a big hammer in the enemy face while dropping lights here and there to heal or cause damage.

It's not a cope, it's the truth.

100% this.
All Hrothgar haters are nasty fujoshits or jealous miqo'twinks.

Try this, user!

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>Japanese asked Matsuno if he’s responsible for the Viera genderlock
>Matsuno said fuck no
Basically it’s all YoshiP’s fault



Classic WoW:

Who's going to win this Summer?

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Sorry user, all the Miqote belong to the futa Miqote rouge

>dwarf houses that only Lalas can enter.
Housing district exclusively for Lalafell when?

??? but i'm gay user.

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>few weeks
I started my trial mid-February and I haven’t even completed Tam-Tara yet. I already love omnicrafting but it’s proving to be a huge timesink. Should I just worry about the MSQ for now?

DRK AF4 looks so much better int he cinematic render than the shitty buttcape in game.

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Yes, get in your aparthied ghetto, potato trash.

I don't want to ERP but the RP servers seem pretty fun with their RP hubs. The other servers seem empty unless you're in an instance.

The fur looks like a plastic mold

>he want that to be a male bunny
Go ship your gay shit elsewhere. Hrothgar only like pussy.

it won't matter next month. RP will spread to all servers with the cross world visit feature. All that matters now is what datacenter you play on.

omg sauce

Boy pussy heyooo

It's been a while but I'm also pretty damn sure they also had a big CD button that increased the % you healed so if you needed a clutch heal you popped that and a damage cooldown and just went ham.

Oh, no, I meant the two weeks would be someone leveling a main class, doing the MSQ, and maybe trying out a second and third class for a bit. Take all the time you please, the more spent in the trial the better.
Do go along the MSQ at least to level 20 whereupon you defeat Ifrit and join a Grand Company and get your own chocobo mount. That's about the most important part to clear. Go all the way to 35 and Titan when you're ready, and decide if you want to sign up from there.

Get out.
Yea Forums is a heterofur board.

>Lalas confirmed beastmen in better worlds
So are other Shards going to have Gria, Guado, or tall Qiqirn (Burmecians/Cleyrans)? Will they backpedal and add female lions/male rabbits with other shards?

I'm just glad they added a Ronso version in, I was so worried they'd just be Bara cats, but once I saw the horn I knew I was race changing.

I hope their customization is better than the baseline races, especially since helmets will be fucked.

>going to make a grizzled, old man MCH Ronso

I'm hyped

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you got a bunch of aiming gear to wear

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If you get every single class to 35 before buying the game you are winning

Sorry, we only like Elezen men

>implying hrothgars wont be in the corner with the catboys watching all the futas fuck each other
if you are lucky they might leave a sloppy fiftieth for you
its up to you but doing MSQ will make it easier to get cash to get off the ground if you arent exclusively gathering all your stuff

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This is my plan.

>Official forum is on Fire I
>Reddit is on Fire II
>Twitter is on Fire III
>Half of the community is dissapointed in Shadowbringers with the other half white-knighting Square Enix and telling the dissapointed people to shut the fuck up and stop being dissapointed
>Several threads everywhere with tons of pages of people arguing back and forth
>More bans than ever handed out by SJW mod police
Yeah I’m thinking that this expansion is a trainwreck

>not the exact same specimens like Omega
I'm not sure Omega is the same as FFV.
Didn't he die at the end?
Then again if the FFV GBA dungeon is canon Omega is actually mass-produced

To be fair, it looks a lot like and actual Ronso

I guess but I'm in aether and I'm pretty sure it's just gonna be LGBT degenerates everywhere.
What's the point of houses if nobody goes into them?

I miss my old FC where they had weekly meetings, FC events, constantly felt like a family , even helped me buy a house in the ward. They would always be available to help out and talk about some cool stuff. Actually got in a discord with them and enjoyed the time there. Even made friends on Facebook with some of them.

Fuck man why is it always so lonely during end game?

>not doing fancy moves in full plate or the closest thing you can glam into

>Yoshi literally laughing at fans who will put up with an entire beast tribe just being Lala with hats, the new races not being able to wear 90% of headgear, a race nobody wanted that looks worse than the handful of people who wanted it actually expected, and the zones just being alternate universe zones with some paint swaps and doodads

Stop skipping cutscenes. SCH and WAR are linked by lore.

and all of those classes being fun are balanced around doing those boring as fuck raiding, loot systems and eureka.

God, I only wonder what actions 1-50 and now I guess 51-60 and 61-70 will be loosing now to keep things from being 'over bloated'


You can't simply be cool with what you're getting wihthout whiteknighting for SE

maybe you're lonely because of you or your server/datacenter choice.

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Once they get bored (about two days) people will move on. And I'm sure I'm gonna see 95% of those complainers on the early access.

>implying i wanted bunnies
look dude, i'm just here to play videogames and look at roes and hrothgar.

And the funniest thing about all of this is that every single one of those people, including everyone in this thread, will still be subbed and buying the expansion.

>I'm in aether

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Thats literally a Roegadyn model with a trimmed down waist lmao

You can look, but you can't touch.
Enjoy your roes though, friend.

>Everyone one will be going from au ra to cat girl or bunny girl
Good let my xaela be rare while the others get BARBED

What would you recommend dudes? Even if I join decently sized FCs now they're really clique based and don't respond to anything I say. Even a what's up gets ignored.

I'm looking for a small FC on my current server but nobody put a PF up for one. (Putting a PF up shows their willing to put an effort to communicate with strangers or they're desperate for members)

>Wait for throwing cards item
>Dress like a clown

B-but its just a vocal minority!

I don't play Warrior and I barely remember the Scholar ones. I don't skip cutscenes though.

What is being added on tuesday? Just story quests?

Should I just make a new character in Primal data center or just shell up money to transfer my character back to Excalibur?

at least my expectations are slightly higher than it was with stormblood
>3 desert zones

They actually aren't. Marauders and Warriors are separate, Nym employed Marauders, not warriors.
The actual common link is these two being the strongest in their respective roles

Not even WoW has had this much backlash INSTANTLY after showing off their new expansions it’s fucking hilarious

>Implying faggots and trannies will ever shut up about cosmetic gay shit.

user you know for a fact that isn't true.

It's funny

My FC has 100+ people, i showedal a bunch of them that picture and no one knew it was a roe until i pointed it out

>Didn't he die at the end?
No. He transferred his consciousness to the toy that's following Alpha. But you're right that it's not the same Omega.

Story quests and Hildibrand finale

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>for a week before they remember Viera are tall women that look like adults and switch back to cats and lizards

I don't have high hopes for Classic.
I mean the idea is great, going back and playing the original WoW you fell in love with, but the fact of the matter is times do change and the players have changed.
People who played it all those years ago are older and have jobs and families and shit, you wont have the time you did back then to explore and get lost in the world, not to mention as many people bitch about it, the game has had many good quality of life changes over the years and going back to a time before that will be annoying to some.

Don't worry, they'll be back once the shiny newness of Viera wears off and they want to go back to being a tiny waifu

Story quest and new Feast season. Possibly getting the weekly loot cap lifted from Alphascape savage.

FFXII reveals through its bestiary that Omega is an evolving weapon. It is constantly built and rebuilt and even breeds, rather than being "mass produced", the other models are its children. It is designed to constantly grow stronger. FFV Advance has the Omega MKII in the same room as all the other Omegas, remember.

XIV's Omega is probably of the same production line, though it constantly changes and adapts off screen, so it's become very different.

>half the community
Please. It's 10% crying 10% knight whiting and the rest are moderates/keeping their opinion for themselves

As much as I dislike ugly furry bara cats can we take a moment to talk about how one of the new BEAST TRIBES RE FUCKING LALAFELL. STRAIGHT UP LITTLE JEWS. They didn’t change anything with them it’s the same old model.

The fucking lazyness in this dev team holy shit

This fanfest stopped the hype train to a halt.
I knew the genderlock would cause a shitstorm, but Hrothgar being ugly as fuck, no healer, and a Warlords of Draenor tier premise are just the icing on the cake.

Wait for the free transfer period to start.

And when you play WAR, you're playing MRD.

Nym's army consisted of Marauder units each led by a Scholar.

Also Stormblood allied beast tribe quest.

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just wait for the free server transfers next month and transfer to primal. if you want big population choose leviathan, if you want mid pop and a house choose exodus, everything else is alright too.

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Warriors are not marauders.

Yoshi made sure to wait til he was back in Japan where fans are polite even if they are mad or disappointed just to avoid someone asking if this was an early april fools joke.

What server are you on?

they have the fucking santa beard too
they didn't take the minimum effort to model a new one

Ah I remember some now. Your quest giver was even a lala Marauder if I recall.

Tell me what it says when you gain exp on Warrior, champ.

Oh come on now, they're still gonna be Dwarves. Sayin' Lali-ho and swinging pickaxes and shit.

Roegadyn unironically cater more to the barabear crowd than Hrothgar which are just furries.

Shit when is that? I wanna change servers asap to one that my ex isn’t on.

Why is Shadowbringers literally Reused Assets: The Expansion? It wasn’t this bad before. Both HW and SB had plenty of new, unique stuff but Shadowbringers is so fucking lazy.

I don't think that really solves my problem. But honestly if I can't find anything in 2 months. I'm just going to sell my house and dip.

Way to exaggerate and take it all to the extreme, but i guess that's what Yea Forums does best in a post TOR-tanic world. Give like a month and everything will be back to normal, everyone sane will have calmed down, and the expansion will be good, probably not HW-tier but will blow the fuck out of Stormblood in terms of story. WoD was unfocused and simply not 'grand' enough to carry a multi-year story.


I’m And I’m on Siren

So explain to me right fucking now how Nost had 100,000+ players. There's no way that many people were just pretending

I don't know, user. Official forums seem to have a handful of vocal clowns with a lot more people telling them they're being silly, reddit seems mostly disappointed rather than mad aside from that one multi-paragraph post by the fat whale, twitter is always seething. I haven't seen any bans anywhere yet, even with some posters not even trying to hide their power levels in the OF. I've been looking for drama to giggle at and have been found wanting.

Holy fuck you weren’t even kidding it’s actually the fucking Santa beard


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chink bots, no region lock, no sub fee, 4gb download instead of 40gb

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What's your opinion on Aether vs Primal. I've been hearing Primal is a lot more empty so I'm not too sure if moving data centers will solve my issue

there is literally nothing wrong with Malboro

>plot is "dude what if arr but different "
>hub is a downgraded map from a tech demo
>beast tribe is literally an existing race in armour
>new race is roes with different heads

>Comparing video game UI to in game world building
Marauders are limsa based. Warriors hail from abalthias spine aka hellsguard Homeland.

I'm giving them a pass on that just because both the HW and originally planned SB (qiqirns) crafting tribes were just ARR races.

>mfw Reddit is 50% people mad at Yoshi and 50% people going “STOP HATING ON YOSHI HE DINDU NUFFIN REEEEE FUCK OFF HATERS”

Noctis and cars everywhere in a few weeks.

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This. Vanilla wont be nearly as big as even the biggest pservers because you have to pay monthly again, and you cant include everyone.


Im really upset with shills there. They dismiss constructive criticism that someone wrote an entire page of with shit like "lol stop whining u big baby you have no power here"

Stop skipping cutscenes. When you play Warrior, you're using a Warrior soul crystal in tandem with your learned Marauder skills. You're both. If you need an example, do the Monk questline where the Corpse Brigade can't fucking touch you because you're using a Pugilist fighting style they have no idea how to counter.

Can't wait for the resurgence of "Lucius Caelum" names.

I spent more time on Aether so my opinion is biased but I think it has more queers and ERP on there, Primal has more of the assholes trying to get away from all that.

What is that like 10,000? 20,000 max? 80,000 people is a fuck ton for a private server


Literally every caster does this

I can't wait to be a knight in full plate cruising around in a fucking car.

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>"We're taking the fight to Garlemald!"
>all zones are in an alternate world we fuck off to while a war rages on Hydaelyn

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I’m honestly surprised that Reddit seems to have majority of people upset and dissapointed and then with a small vocal minority of white knights going “LALALA SHUT UP THIS EXPANSION WILL BE PERFECT OUR GOD AND SAVIOR YOSHI AND KOJI CAN DO NO WRONG LALALALA”

And by assholes I mean almost everyone is an asshole but they’re cool assholes

nostalrius peaked at 10k population
about a good half are bots selling gold or accounts

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maybe after a year or something when the content is done
there's going to be millions of people trying classic at launch, no doubt about it

Why should I, the Warrior of Light, care about some fucks on a whole other world shard and have to save them, I have to scrounge up the effort to care about my own fucking planet's losers who need me to fight all their wars and battles for them.

Wasnt Rak'Tika on our world though? The zone leading up to Dalmasca?

But Hrothgar can’t equip helmets so they can’t wear full armor :^)

Good. You Garleanaboos are insufferable

>wtf i headcanon as the grumpy guy in the corner of the bar who's too cool for the adventure, why won't Yoshi-P make a whole extra scenario just for my autism?

I doubt millions, nor will it laste more than 2-3 months after streamers burn out and go back to battle royale games where the real money is at.

The WoD is trying to get Casca's memories back.

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When we go back to the source Garlemald won because no WoL. Or...we found a new WoL we don't need you anymore.

>we found a new WoL we don't need you anymore

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I was never gonna switch from a male Hyur.

That's not the fucking point, you worthless brainlet.
Scholar has no in-lore connection to Warrior because the soldiers employed by Nym and commanded by Scholars weren't warriors, they were regular marauders. Doesn't matter that WAR starts as a marauder, they aren't connected to the SCH lore in the slightest and opposite is true as well.

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I mean to be fair, with all the Scions in comas the only person left you'd go to Garlemald with would be Lyse, no wonder the WoL said NOPE and fucks off to an alternate world to help them instead.

Because once again they have forced our hand. They probably had alt-universe Graha Tia send space bad vibes to us which made everyone unconscious, so if we dont help them soon they'll just sabotage us like they planned all along. The WoD gang are assholes.

>plot is just "we need to rise up against the evil empire"
>gyr abania zones are just reusing textures and models from Thanalan
>snake beast tribe is just model reskin of melusine/medusa enemies
>no new races at all

This race fighting is just the age old twink vs bara war that never fucking dies. It's like I'm in 2009 /y/ again

considering it's included with a normal wow sub and there are still millions of people playing wow right now I don't see how classic won't have millions at launch
the single most popular game of all time is getting relaunched, just think about that

>still millions of people playing wow right now

Maybe in China. Definitely not in the west. Be surprised if they were still over 1m. The last they were reporting 2m back two expansions and dropping.

unbelievably based

does this game have any post processing plugins or sweetfx stuff?
kind of want to fuck around with more modding than just model/texture edits

so is il mhag limsa or coerthas?
we still have 1 more zone missing of our usual 5.

Bitch I know you the WoL learns from both schools of combat/magic when it comes to your leveling. But no marauder in limsa is using their inner beast that warriors do. Do you think every Archer in the Archer guild is singing songs too?

yes. I only recommend it for screenshots though, playing the game with post processing makes you want to puke.

Controller is unbeliably comfy in FFXIV and the funny thing is that when you use a controller you have access to more skills than a keyboard but you don’t have to reach your hand across the entire desk or use CTRL and ALT keybinds

the last confirmed numbers were from a couple months back (after the intro bfa raid but before the latest content patch) where an addon creater was able to find player numbers, it was ~2m na/eu combined and ~4m global
that number could easily have changed by now but even this report was after the initial drop off that always happens during new expansions

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>he doesn't click the right side of his hotbars

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It gets hectic when you’re a healer because you have to tap through the roster to get to someone, though that honestly adds to the fun.

Post salt

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The official forum is literally the biggest internet salt mine right now.

>be pervy old sorcerer
>preserve your soul in a phylactery and possess the first catslut to find you thousands of years later
based and allaganpilled

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Is it better or worse that Noah was also a woman?

Lalachads rise up

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You realize many people use 12 button mice right? Kicks the everloving shit out of a controller so hard it's practically rape

i actually don't know anyone who has gone so far as to need this

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Mouse have mouseover macros which makes healing and ground placement AoE stuff much easier to do. Even better if you have a gaming mouse that let's you map buttons to the side of the device.

Only if you go into it thinking of it as a long, single player RPG. Don't think of the MSQ as something you have to force your way through until you get to the new stuff, just think of it as more game for you to enjoy.

>admits she's a fucking whale who buys tons of shit on the mogstation
Good riddance.

>everyone mad over dumb shit
>just sat waiting to try out dancer and fantasia to viera since I didn't really like any of the races due to either looking ugly or having horrid animations

man this is the best
i hope this shitstorm stays all the way till the release because it's making time fly by

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Attached: Hrothgar.webm (1280x720, 2.78M)

My FC leader in ARR used to play on a controller while simultaneously typing out callouts on a keyboard with his pinkies.

Actually the vast majority of kbm users are mongs who don't know how to use ctrl/alt binds. Those keys are not meant to be used as permanent modifiers making you hit a 2-key combination for three quarters of your skills. This is why this game's playerbase keeps complaining about button bloat, they're just shit.

Instead you just have one(1) hotbar worth of keybinds, and then use ctrl+number to page between hotbars and control which one is currently in focus, same way you switch hotbars on a controller. You've instantly quadrupled the number of things you can bind and all of them are ergonomic 1-button keybinds to boot. You can reuse '1' for multiple skills on different hotbars instead of having to bind them as '1', 'ctrl+1', 'alt+1 like a retard.

>"We implemented Viera so that people would stop asking us to add them every Q&A we got to"
>Genderlock it so now they'll have nothing but "Wheres my male viera" every Q&A

Fucking retards.

Is this your guild or is it general chat?

Get the Steam version so you can join the horde of idiots who buy normal versions of the expansions and are shocked to find out they're not compatible.

That sounds fucking awful

Catboi beast twinks would’ve been a much larger salt mine.

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They also used to let warriros DPS with sword and shield, and it was a simple but engaging rotation, by far the most fun I had with melee DPS in that game.

Then they removed it because other classes were like GEE WARRIOR WHY DOES MOM LET YOU HAVE 3 DPS SPECS in addition to some DPS specs doing less damage. It was actually competitive but in the middle of the pack, dumb bitches had no right to complain.

Yes, I'm still fucking mad.

Why do female elezens always look decent when I see them, but when I try to make one they look terrible.

All Q&A questions are always hand picked. They'll just throw out any questions regarding viera from this point forward.

Controller is comfy for casual play and gathering but if you want to optimize as much as possible in combat then KB+M is the way the go.

Gayfur begone!

An FC mate asked me the other day, with a straight face, "What's wrong with Balmung?" as if it wasn't self-evident.

And yet here I am with absolutely no button bloat issues unlike you people, you could add 2 more expansions' worth of skills with no pruning and I still wouldn't even come close to running out of space. Clearly one of us is doing something right.

They'll just add Male Viera as a NPC to shut them up. They'll be as rare as the Miqo'te children.

Because Elezen women are for dragon dick?

Attached: How can elfbois even compete.jpg (1280x720, 147K)

>2 years of fur fags

Why yoshida.

I don't have button bloat issues though, and I don't have to swap hotbars every GCD

So hrothgar are manly enough to cuck nunhs, right?

Hrothgar aren't interested in women.

It's "shout" chat or zone chat. Same thing. This is where the most RP/ERPers congregate.

They should add male Viera and female Hrothgar as npcs with varying nice looking customization, just to spite them.

Hrothgar are the reason why bunny boys are endangered and male miqo'te rarely adventure. The Chad Predator vs The Virgin Vermin.


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Hrothgar don't fuck women.
They fuck each other.

Hrothgar will be getting ALL the miqo'vag and you know it, tiacuck.

Imagine the entitlement of this lard ass. Fucking hate people.

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I cannot imagine how can they give GNB a Tank Stance without it being a boring -20% incoming damage

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It makes no difference what your experience is, it's a fact that if you bind things this way, if you have N hotbars you will only use 1/N'th the number of keybinds. It will always be better.
'Swapping hotbars' basically amounts to hitting ctrl if I need something on another bar, which you're forced to do anyway because of all the ctrl+something and alt+something double binds on individual skills - which is even worse

Il Mheg = Coerthas
Ahm Araeng = La Noscea
Rak'Tika = Thanalan

>We have to deal with literal furfags from now until the end of the games lifespan
new races were a mistake

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Well, what job are you playing? The current worst offender for bloat is SMN as far as I know.

Just give them shield mitigation and life steal.

This desu. We didn't even need au ra. Default races were fine.

>Class with 36+ buttons
>You only hit 4 of them for a majority of a fight


>English general discussion forums
>nothing but nonstop bitching about the races genders
>Japanese general discussion forums
>only thread about fanfest was how crowded it was
Letting western players in was a mistake.

MCH is saved boys

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AS if furfags weren't already playing lizard or cat.

if you want to buy this two potions to skip the 3 years long boring shit story go for it.

>burgers cry
>japs embrace it

Attached: file.png (800x800, 1.07M)

It'll be an offtank, please look forward to -10% incoming damage.


I think people forget that the forum/site posters are a vocal minority and that SE probably knows internally what certain aspects of the player base want. I honestly expect a lot more Hrothgar players than just the people vocally expressing they're going to play one.

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Nice lie the Japanese are bitching too


Just makes them easier to spot and block.

SMN is the one job I wish they'd implement the pvp style of having DWT/Deathflare and Summon Bahamut/Enkindle Bahamut as single buttons instead of being 4 separate ones in pve.

That legit looks really good for FFXIV standards. You can tell they put more effort into the new races.

But thats a good thing

PSO2 still has a sizable western playerbase, they just don't ever have to listen to them

does reprisal take effect if you use it during a casted skill? and does it snapshot if it lingers when a casted skill is running but falls off before the cast ends?

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>life steal
Yeah, never going to happen, they took it from us and gave it to DPS

You're a fool if you don't think there were already furfags infested in this game. Cat boys saw to that since relaunch.

That glam is really nice, what are those boots?

>H-Hrotghar will be a popular race just you w-wait and see t-twinkfags!

Attached: Retard.png (1232x400, 11K)

Who are you quoting?


i expect the population to be low but i still expect it to be more then Roes

Fuck Garlemald, it’s the most generic evil empire I’ve seen.

Dont know why you would post that as if it means anything, all that lets you do is type normally on a controller, it doesnt alter your gameplay or button count in any way

Yeah I prefer Sin Eaters from design alone.

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Reprisal has to be up the moment the cast finishes. If it wears off before the cast is done the it's wasted.


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>people siding with yoship saying stuff like "healerfags btfo, twinks btfo, etc"
>Meanwhile they lap up the drivel that yoshiP has shit out for another expansion
>They will willing keep a sub going and spend 60 dollars to sit there and oogle at their character because the end game content is constantly getting cut
>they are actually cheering for the man who is catering to the casual audience

Its insane how much tribalism will warp peoples opinions. No idea why people aren't up in arms that their game has been going down the shitter for years.

Melee heale works but the concept of healing via damage is not that easy to implement in FFXIV

Shut the fuck up tranny. Cope some more



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>we kill zenolidbus
>get soul sucked into another world
>finally get back to the source in 6.0
>find out elidibus possessed our body in the source because we didnt end him properly
>things basically went to shit while we were gone with our name on it


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A lack of twink bunnies doesn't really bother me and definitely doesn't mean the game is "going in the shitter"

yeah, theres a lot more people liking them than i thought there would
it'll be interesting to see how many people actually are playing as one come 5.1 though as OOOH NEW SHINY will have worn off by then

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i will never understand why they removed gladiator stance, literally what the everloving fuck

Every day i never cease to be amazed at all the consecutive dumb fucking decisions nublizz makes for their game

You're seeing a symptom, not a cause. Most people experience varying degrees of schadenfreude, sure, but it only becomes an obsession when they've lost hope and feel they have nothing else left.

>Yes YoshiP another serving of your finest diarrhea!

For sure, maybe even more than Elezen as well. At least Male wise.

With some Berserk in there.

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Reusing a tech demo city from 2005 as the new main hub and making lalafell the new beast tribe is lazyness

supposedly the japs are voicing their disappointment, but in the lore section instead of general

>Finally about to march onto Garlemald
>Fucked off to another dimension
>Almost all if not all new zones take place in "The First"
>Final dungeon will probably be Imperial Palace after you get back from The First at Lv79

I can't believe we're getting cucked out of an Empire expansion or even worse getting filler with the Empire in 6.0

When are we able to race change into the new races anyways, day one of 5.0? Rather, the 28th?

Anemos Expeditionary's Boots

Attached: 1525876847239.png (1366x768, 1.78M)

literally the best ff14 opening

>but tfw no susan calloway

Is this accurate? Realistically how long would it take to catch up if I go at a relatively leisurely pace(i.e. 1-2 hrs per day)

probably the 28th since that may as well be release but no idea, they could hold off till actual release

no dont

>trash endgame consisting of 4 boss fights every couple of months
>dog shit levelling. one of the most boring in any MMO i've played
>community full of degenerate weeb fags
>SJW ToS where you can get banned for telling someone to use their aoe in a dungeon
>shadowbringers literally stormblood 1.5. same exact shitty ass cycle of content every expac
fuck this trash game

Tanks still have life steal skills. Steel Cyclone and Inner Beast, Souleater and DA+Abyssal Drain. I don't see how Gunbreaker won't have something similar.

This isn't the designated Calloway theme.

Answers is still better because of what it means for the history of the game, but this is a close second just because it's such a fun song.

The lalafell thing seems a bit weird, but I'm not seeing the issue with using a cool concept because it was from an old demo. Watching the dev panel last night, you could see they had to rebuild it all for ffxiv anyway. Looked like a cool place in 2005, should look cool in current year.

Whenever early access starts.

Nobody said popular, autist, just more popular than some of the lower played races.

Not sure how going between worlds works if you have to lose your physical form to do so.

The WoD group that we see, that wasnt their actual temperance. They body snatched people when they came to Hyd.

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>making lalafell the new beast tribe is lazyness
is it really even that lazy compared to the other beast tribes?

They had to remake the assets from the ground up. They didn't literally use the tech demo city bro

rather take yoshi p style over WoW's. I actually enjoy knowing what my BIS is and working toward it instead of praying for RNG titanforge.

>finally tried every femroe combat voice
>don't particularly like any of them

The Chad Thot Destroyer

Crystal Tower has cloning facilities. Scions will just get clone bodies, but we're probably going to use the gate in the tower to go their ourselves.

>Not sure how going between worlds works if you have to lose your physical form to do so.
We're gonna be using Crystal Tower, just like how when we went to the 13th Shard for World of Darkness.

Limsa Lominsa is Eulmore.

Attached: tt.jpg (1594x1080, 358K)

We are obviously getting around that by using the crystal tower

Correct, Answers will never be topped, but god damn Soken is a genius for this game.

thats what i was wondering , thanks

They didn't use the Crystal Tower to go between worlds, they did it Ascian style using their crystals.

You mean the thing that doesn't matter?
The secondary stats that make up less than 10% at absolute WiS to BiS?
Gear doesn't even matter, you're fooling yourself if you think it does while chasing an arbitrary number.


Attached: Wew Lad.jpg (750x601, 55K)

That sounds way less convenient. I just use the top of the metacarpal on my pinky to hold ctrl while pressing skills on 1-6 and I use q,e,r,t,f, and g for my other skills. then for off gcd and buffs i use my numpad with my right hand. Way way easier than having to flip through whole hotbars.

>refuse to be taken advantage of

Why does she act like the game should cater to her autistic needs

>implying furfags weren't already playing potatoes, lizard, and cats
You're deluding yourself if you think they wern't everywhere already.

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It matters for 300 or so extra dps.

Had anybody managed to decipher the lyrics from the trailer yet

>finally got a house
>small goblet plot with no view
Can you transfer to other size plots if they go up? Wanna get to The Mists or Ishgard if it happens.

Oh you're absolutely correct. I'm a dummy.

Attached: XIV_Solus.png (1920x1080, 2.34M)

I'm curious to find out how the exact same architectural designs wound up in the exact same spot when they're supposed to have vastly different histories. Pure coincidence?

>300 dps
>when people are doing 8k+
You're better off just getting lucky with crits or astro RNG for a higher gain than that. But instead you'll spend sub time capping tomestones for an invisible DPS increase.

Man when they showed that video I kept thinking about how the entire zone was using Limsa assets.

The entire expansion is just remodeled 2.0

Desu? Fucking kys.

My FC was the same, lots of chill funny people and light/optional content focus that was mostly getting EX mounts and “hey guys you can help out in the workshop if you want.” Then one of the funniest officers, the one who flagged me down in Ul’Dah invited me, got kicked over a misplaced joke and it all went downhill from there. His friends left, the leader broke up with her boyfriend and got a new one that took over as co-leader and was way more autistic about clearing content and crafting, more super sensitive people joined to fill the gaps, soon enough it all turned super nofunallowed because nobody wanted to be chided for silly bantz or get in the way of super srs Savage minmaxing lectures.
I just want to go back, man. The 2017 Christmas party was the last fun I had, but I’m willing to bet the silly bearded cat dude that made it so fun had his spirit broken pretty quickly. Maybe when I leave Mateus in April and join somewhere else it’ll be better. Sorry for the blog.

Is it that much of a stretch to think that extremely similar people in an extremely similar dimension have extremely similar thought processes?

>300 DPS for each DPS + some more on tanks
It's more than you'd think. Sure it's not mandatory cause the bosses have low DPS checks but you can clear in insane times if the entire team is well equipped

what a newfag reply

for a small you basically pay a smaller fee, like I want to say 1mil gil or so, to transfer to another small plot if you get it and transfers to the new plot.
You can also upgrade transfer to a medium or large for bigger cost.

>it's more than you think
It's absolutely not more than I think. Gear has always done jack shit outside of the top .1% of people who will actually using it. Chasing BiS unless you are that top .1% is arbitrary and you're doing it for the sake of being the hamster on the wheel.

There's a 12,000 year long difference in the history leading up to the founding and construction of Limsa. It would be extremely.

Yoshi P. has always said that the Garlean arc would be wrapped up in 6.0 ant not before. They have been setting up the 1st shard as extremely important ever since Heavensward. We can't let the 1st be devoured and destroyed by light because it will cause another calamity on our world and it is exactly what the Ascians, who are the main bad guys, want. We want to stop the Ascians so it is completely logical that we will not let them succeed in destroying a shard and that would be far more important than a small empire in our world.

male viera wouldnt have been twinks, idiot

Because everyone fucking hates twinks.

Degenerate faggotry isn't the west.

we're being soul sucked into the other world m8

just like the scions before us

>no male bunny and no healer bitching
I would have guessed that content should be the most important thing, but clearly no one cares that they're keeping the same content cycle now for 3 expansions.

>t. doesn't do anything besides expert roulette

Ronso are just going to make Roes even more of an endangered species

i wish hrothgar were the male "viera"

just massive hulking men with bunny heads instead of lion heads

put the final nail in the twink coffin and gave them no hope of recovery

At that pace you'll be well into the new expansion.

MSQ from start to end of Stormblood will take you over 200 hours.

>Reusing a tech demo city from 2005 as the new main hub
I don't understand why this is supposed to be a bad thing

That would have been a good giggle.

There's no point in bitching about what we don't know.

I have multiple server firsts, was top 10 in my class for a tier or two, and have every content cleared. I can tell you gear doesnt matter because I have been in the top .1% scenario for multiple years. You're deluding yourself if you think secondary stats matter unless you're trying for ranking parses.

I want to see a hrothgar in a lionliege helm from pvp.


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I won't show up. Ronso can't wear full helms, it'll just be invisible.

hrothgar niggas where we @

Attached: ronso.jpg (479x391, 46K)

Retards actually think they went and grabbed the tech demo files and ported the city in, rather than just making Crystarium based on that design.

Surely you want to see it too.

Attached: file.png (667x677, 489K)

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Those all have very noticeable differences in the design. Eulmore is literally Limsa Lominsa's main building but with gold caps. It's EXACTLY the same.

That would have been the best way to do this whole thing

this is what peak comfy looks like

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They even went through the entire design process last night.

Prolly gonna roll a MNK Ronso (with a horn of course), if I decide to buy the expansion.

>Give like a month
Some of these people, like healers, have been patient for years. Not having a new healer is a massive disappointment.

user...Ronso can't wear helmets

what's gonna be your first job to level 80 to reach the endgame hub?

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If they revamp the existing healing classes properly, no one will care about no new classes. I mean, PLD existed before SHB, but it was so shit in HW that for a lot of people it didn't exist at all. So in SB PLD felt like a new class. Maybe they can pull that off with WHM.

baka desu senpai


Either BLM or DNC, I haven't decided whether I want to grind out HoH during EA or not

Summoner because my actual favorite job got cucked and locked out of the accessing most of the game

more like soulbringers amirite

DRK, then I’m going pick up DNC

MNK like with the previous expansion. I hope we get some cool new abilities THIS TIME.

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Is there any point in buying just the base game without expansions?


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yes user you're very special and unique for liking the op class of final fantasy

One of the three tanks. I always level up my tanks first. I usually do PLD first but it won't really match the story thematically.

Funny how you fags can't decide if BLU is a joke minigame class or extremely overpowered.

Mahjong unironically

Scholar. I wonder how they'll fuck up my job on release this time.

DRK was my first 70, it will be my first 80.

Attached: 1526669283841.png (709x709, 471K)

Neither can Viera.

Not really, if you have Twitch Prime you can get it for free

traditionally blue magic is game breaking.

I can't tell if you're actually retarded or baiting. It was the base of the design, it wasn't reused. The dev panel literally showed them creating it and the stages of development.

Sure as hell not gonna be MCH, SB made me so sick of playing MCH that I don't want to touch the class ever again. Honestly, probably gonna go with a Ronso MNK.

hopefully DNC if I enjoy it, since I main WHM which I can just level up with dungeons after using MSQ on DNC

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It's gamebreaking on a couple of fights if you have a strategy guide to tell you the specific way to abuse them, yes.

DRK, then Summoner/Scholar and Gunbreaker.

I'm looking forward to the MCH rework they got planned. Since they made Dancer a ranged DPS with support skills, it sounds like they're going to revamp MCH into a high personal damage dealer job like BLM.

Ninja probably

>1-2 hrs per day

you'll get literally nowhere by the time the expansion releases, some queues for older content that you need to do to progress are that long. I also do not recommended playing the game, the patch and progression cycle has been the same exact thing since release, recycled, and you shouldn't reward a company for being lazy.

Actually scratch that, Shadowbringers comes with all the expansions, right? But if I preorder that do I have to wait until it releases to get access to Heavensward and Stormblood?


I am a black mage to my core and I will remain a black mage to the end. BLM was my first level 30, BLM will be my first level 99.

Scholar chads where we at

>instant queues so all the story dungeons and trials will be over in 5 minutes
>all the raid groups for the new 8 man raid will literally suck my fucking healer privilege dick so that they can even get a group to do them

the warrior of darkness

That's right


Eh, it's all speculation. Honestly, I'm sick of playing ranged, you just stand there and go pow pow. MNK seems very fast paced, you have to get positionals, you have to keep GL up, you have a decent amount of buttons and TK optimization is challenging. Honestly, MCH in SB is the most braindead class I've ever played in an mmo. On top of that, the glam for MCH is absolute garbage.

So you like getting sucked by dudes?

SMN probably, it’s my only 70 even though I’m garbage at it since I started ACN. All my others are around 30 besides the ones that start higher. I only throw levels into alt classes when I’m truly out of shit to do.

reusing assets so they don't have to make new ones from scratch you absolute idiot

R4WU 6EZB 6S52 ZM89 6ER6

have a free twitch prime copy of the game on me Yea Forums

Attached: beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.png (641x631, 683K)

>dancer was casting in the trailer

NIN if I can get my desktop by July, otherwise DRK

I hope you at least play SCH for fast queues.

See you at The Crystarium

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S-surely they'll fix us so it's fun again right? Guys?

Attached: WhiteMage.png (141x159, 30K)

We're never getting Greased Lightning 4

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Dragoon, it's my main and usually it's shit to level up. With msq exp it might be less of a pain.

Yeah I'm talking about the lore explanation you fucking retard.


How can people possibly defend a fucking corporate? Seriously?


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It was fun when hope still existed.


is this really the kind of shit these people play the game for

horny sexless freaks are the worst type of contradicting freak

At the same time the faggots screaming about no male viera/no healer are obnoxious fucks. So what do we do?

I got it, thank you

Not the same person but I have SMN at 70 and still have never bothered to unlock Scholar. I hate healing and would rather have the spot be blank on my character tab.

What is it people want from white mage exactly? What is unfun about it? I use it as my healer, I don't main healer though. Seems alright.

They're right but they're not aware why they're right. The dev team is severely undermanned and money is constantly being funneled into other projects. They're doing the best they can with what they have.

I'm not sure what they expected from the fanfest in the first place.
I found it hilarious that the same people who unironically call themselves the best/nicest community call Yoshi sexist, homophobe and some other buzzwords.

enjoy your emote
RGFT - WMAP - S225 - EXZC - 2XEW

By "fun" they mean "meta"

post yfw Shadowbringers endgame is 1 raid, 2 dungeons, cap tomes for the week, and get your weekly drop from the alliance raid.

Attached: 1523276454445.jpg (235x300, 24K)

They are right though.
If you don't like something, don't continue to give it your money.

I'd prefer the angry WoWtards over this fucking shit.

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You mean just like every expansion so far? Sure sounds appealing.

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It has zero distinguishing features that set it apart from 2 other healers and everything a WHM does, AST as good and SCH does better.

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please understand gaijin.

Attached: xiv_ll.jpg (630x1087, 174K)

That's not true, they're also adding another Eureka.

Basically it's an overkill healer with no utility and no enough dps to compensate their no utility. Though from the planned dev rework they might mostly look at the lily mechanics which is essentially useless.


Please protect your Sprouts.

when will graphics be good enough to do this in real time in FFXIV?

Attached: dark knight.jpg (3840x2160, 738K)

Thank you based YoshiP for creating a new furfag expansion that's worse than SB and HW. Going to unsub and spend some time playing DMC5 and Sekiro

Chemist would be great, but why not Geomancers since those have been established already?


No room for ingenuity in ffxiv raids. They're already heavily calculated and a melee healer would just ensure those fights require that melee healer. This will fuck over the other healers until they get an xpansion that revolves around them.

What if for the new lilies they make it so that for each lily WHM has, they get 5% more damage on their spells but their heals are also 5% weaker, for a maximum of 15% on both? It rewards skill.

In a mmo environment, probably never.


Geomancer is just ast.

We're getting 2 more extra dungeons in the MSQ, a tank class, and two races. If anything, it's already shaping up to be better than SB

Just downloaded the game again. Are Bards still the most stylish class? I want to look cute.

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6 years when final fantasy 17 releases and we're done with the last 3 expansions (including shadowbringers)

Dang, already entered. What emote was that?

>but why not Geomancers since those have been established already?
Because Geomancers that were established already are essencially easter conjurers with a hint of AST sprinkled in. It would just be a rehash of WHM which, in comparison with other options, isn't ideal.

Dancer >= Bards > RDM = BLU > Rest

15% damage isn't that goodand nerfing healing would just be counter intuitive.

WHM's niche is big giant ungabunga healing. the issue is is that its not ungabunga enough that you can drop a healer and bring a 5th dps instead. thats the only time giant numbers can be counted as utility.

Also, the flowers are a completely worthless mechanic.

I'm hoping for Tornado to replace Aero 3, Holy II for a giant single target nuke on cooldown, Reraise and some unique utility, like Plenary Indulgence granting Brave/Faith

>they will never cancel FFXIV
>they will never release a new mmo using unreal engine 4
>we will never have modern optimized graphics on an engine that lets them implement cool features without using spaghetti code from an engine that's from 2003

New dungeons don't really make my skin tingle, it'll be interesting for the first 2 runs and then who cares. I'd rather they started adding more fights into each raid tier or institute some kind of a hard mode dungeon system.

>hurugurpppfpfplpfffftffpfpfpfpfp unreal 4
>hrughurkgfpfpfppffpfpf unreal engine
>pfjhurhufffffp[ptpppt i like unreal pfoffffftttt

What's the best way to obtain VI crafter/gatherer materia? Looking at these MB prices is hurting my wallet