Rebecca Chambers will be in Resident Evil
Rebecca Chambers will be in Resident Evil
God, I hope so. She only gets better every time they bring her back.
Claire might be in too
Too old now
Who is that fucking goblina and what have you zoomers done with Claire Redfield?
She won't likely be a combatant. I envision her as something like a Hunnigan character from now on. Besides, since 8 will be a Leon game and Rebecca is pretty much Chris' defacto partner now, I doubt she'll be in 8.
This shit is older and deader than Chrisposting. Just give it up already.
Jill and Claire will be 60 by the time re8 comes out
No shit, I would fucking hope she’d be in the first game
Ever notice how all the RE women except Mary Sue Ada have been infected by viruses now? Sherry confirmed she still looks so young because her G-Virus keeps her that way. It will be the same for Jill, Claire, and even Rebecca now. It's a sneaky little way Capcom will keep the females young looking and attractive despite their ages.
Leon had plagas so maybe him too. Really don't understand why re2re wasn't just set in modern day, barely any of it is 90s.
I watched Vendetta like 3 weeks ago, what the fuck was that "BREAKING BAD IS SO GOOD, AHEAD OF ITS TIME, A MASTERPIECE"?, it came out of fucking nowhere.
Plagas only affect you if you have a living one inside you. There's no residual effect. Leon and Chris are young despite their years because Capcom just wants awesome action guys and people are more willing to accept older male action characters than they are females.
Faggots with shit taste.
Breaking bad is so good it exists in the re universe
Please post pictures of her butt
What does that red thing on her chest do?
It injects Wesker's semen directly into her when he's too busy to saturate her himself.
and i will be in rebecca's chambers
You're wrong, she was downgraded once. The HD remaster of Zero put her in retarded whore makeup
They wanted to have the characters talk about something in popular culture. It's just once so it's not a big deal. If there were multiple instances that would have been bad and weird.
Is that you Rebecca?
What? OH! Oh no!
The underappreciated hero of resident evil
>playing L4D2
>skins of Alpha and Bravo team for the characters
>RE HUD health bars and menu sounds
>enemy skins for hunter, gamma hunter, ivy zombie, etc
>custom maps for RE1, 2 a scenario and B scenario and RE3
I need help bros
Just finished REmake for the first time. I know the dialogue of the older games is known for being cheesy, but jesus christ was the scripting completely nonsensical. Towards the end it felt like Barry, Jill and Wesker were having three entirely different conversations between them while talking to each other. Half of what they said straight up did not make sense.
Otherwise, 8.5/10, solid atmosphere, puzzles were fun.
I feel like all this waifu/husbando circlejerking is part of what killed the series in the first place. Things stop being scary when you have a fucking supergroup of anime-ass mercs who can buttfuck any obstacle.
Don't get me wrong, I love Leon as much as the next person, but I'd prefer they have us play as some new characters, which would both ratchet up the horror tension AND make it extra special when (for example) Leon shows back up, like, "REMEMBER ME?"
How cute, she even tried to help kill tyrant
I agree. What did you think of RE2R?
The conversation in the lab by the tyrant comes to mind. It felt like they were all saying things slightly related to what the last person said, but not exactly logical or expected responses.
RE2R was excellent and actually got me interested in the earlier games (I played 4 and 7 but didn't feel that draw even if I liked both a lot). I'm split on whether fixed camera angles are better or not, but leaning slightly more towards not because of how excellent this game felt to play.
Jill/Claire scenario with Sherry and Becca secondaries, respectively
Shut the fuck up and kill yourself.
How come she's so ugly in the remaster? Her eyes look so off.
Idk, she looks great in remake and remaster. She looks different in re0 and much worse in re0 remaster
Go into the final fight without Jill and Rebecca is a total badass
Something something, they let the rights to use Ayumi Hamasaki's face expire so they made her look bizarre enough that her agency wouldn't sue.
i don't see the difference
>movie has a deal with Ducati
>nobody name drops the bike
>the entire BSAA team gushes about Breaking Bad though
It's kind of weird. I couldn't find any evidence that the movie had a deal with AMC. My theory is that, in a world that constantly deals with illegal bioweapons deals, drug dealers are a much more fascinating and enjoyable subject.
The female BSAA member is a canon lesbian btw
They mostly just added a ton of eyeliner, but it made her look distinctly alien-like.
Based Becca
The actions scenes of Vendetta are really well done but the movie is otherwise a complete mess.